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Human Resource Management Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing people in any organisation. People are considered the key resource in this approach. it is concerned with the people dimension in management of an organisation. Since an organisation is a body of people, their acquisition, development of skills, motivation for higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance of their level of commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the domain of HRM. Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of four main activities, namely, acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance of human resources.

Scott, Clothier and Spriegel have defined Human Resource Management as that branch of management which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on those aspects of operations which are primarily concerned with the relationship of management to employees and employees to employees and with the development of the individual and the group.

French Wendell, defines Human resource management as the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and motivation of human resources by the organisation.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, ―Human resource management is the planning, organising, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, resources to the end that individual and societal objectives are accomplished‖. This definition reveals that human resource (HR) management is that aspect of management, which


deals with the planning, organising, directing and controlling the personnel functions of the enterprise. ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON HRM : Since 1930s, certain developments took place, which greatly contributed to the evaluation and growth of human resource management. These developments are given below : 

Scientific management

Labour management

Government regulations.

SCOPE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT The scope of HRM is indeed fast. All major activities in the working life of the worker from time of his entry in an organisation until he/ she leaves, come under the preview of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are human resource planning. Job analysis and design, recruitment, selection, orientation and placement, training and development, performance appraisal, job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration and communication, employee welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like. HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to another number of specialized areas like: 


Welfare and safety

Wages and Salary Administration

Training and Development

Labour Relations


RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment ad selection are two of the most important functions of personnel management. Recruitment precedes selection and helps in selecting a right candidate. Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the recruitment of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of efficient personnel. Staffing is one basic function of management. All mangers have responsibility of staffing function by selecting the chief executive and even the foremen and supervisors have a staffing responsibility when they select the rank and file workers. However, the personnel manager and his personnel department is mainly concerned with the staffing functions. Every organisation needs to look after recruitment and selection in the initial period and thereafter as when additional manpower is require due to expansion and development of business activities. ‘Right person for the job’ is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Ever organisation should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers. The operative manpower is equally important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise. Every business organisation needs manpower for carrying different business activities smoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates are essential. Human resource management in an organisation will not be possible if unsuitable persons are selected and employment in a business unit.


RECRUITMENT MEANING: Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicant for the employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected”. In this, the available vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific selection. In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such as newspaper, advertisements, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used. In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact makes with potential employees.

Definition: According to EDWIN FLIPPO. “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organisation.”

NEED FOR RECRUITMENT: The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons: a) Vacancies due to promotions, transfers, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and labour turnover.


b) Creation of new vacancies due to growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.


Determine the present and future requirements of the organisation on conjunction with its personnel- planning and job analysis activities.

Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organisation only after a short period of time.

Meet the organization’s legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its work force.

Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to jobs available in the organisation and interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for the purpose of selection.


Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees it is through recruitment that may individuals will come to know a company, and eventually decided whether they wish to work for it. A well-planned and well-managed recruiting effort will result in high quality applicants, whereas, a haphazard and piecemeal efforts will result in mediocre ones. Unscientific Recruitment and Selection: Previously, the selection of candidates was influenced by superstitions, beliefs, personal prejudices of managers looking after the recruitment and selection of the staff. The net result of such unscientific recruitment and selection are: a) Low productivity of labour b) High turnover c) Excessive wastage of raw materials d) More accidents and corresponding loss to the organisation e) Inefficient working of the whole organization and finally f) Ineffective executive of training and management development programs.

Scientific recruitment and selection: The importance of selection recruitment and selection of staff is now accepted in the business world. Selection is important as it has its impact on work performance and employee cost. As result scientific methods of recruitment and selection are extensively for the selection of managers and the supervisory staff. The assistance of experts such as industrial psychologist and management consultants are also taken for the purpose of scientific selection. As a result, the objective of “right man for the right 8|Page

job” is achieved in many organizations. Moreover, “right job” is the basic principle in manpower procurement.

RECRUITMENT PROCESS Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, 1. Planning 2. Strategy development 3. Searching 4. Screening 5. Evaluation and control. The ideal recruitment programme is the one that attracts a relatively larger number of qualified applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organization, when offered. Recruitment programmes can miss the ideal in many ways i.e. by failing to attract an adequate applicant pool, by under/over selling the organization or by inadequate screening applicants before they enter the selection process. Thus, the approach the ideal individuals responsible for the recruitment process must know how many and what types of employees are needed, where and how to looks for the individuals with the appropriate qualifications and interest what inducement to use for various types of qualified from those who have a reasonable chance of success and how to evaluate their work.







STAGE 1: RECRUITMENT PLANNING: The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Planning involves the translation of likely job vacancies and information about the nature of these jobs into set of objectives or targets that specify the (i)

Numbers and


Types of applicants to be contacted.

Numbers of contact: Organization, nearly always plan to attract more applicants than they will hire. Some of those contacted will be uninterested, unqualified or both. Each time a recruitment programme is contemplate; one task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with the qualified people. STAGE 2: STRATERGY DEVELOPMENT:

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When it is estimated that what types of recruitment and how many are required then one has concentrate in. (1). Make or buy employees. (2). Technological ce labour markets comprising job seekers. (4). Sources of recruitment. (5). Sequencing the activities in the recruitment process. STAGE 3: SEARCHING: Once a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can begin. Search involves two steps A). SOURCE ACTIVATION: Typically, sources and search methods are activated by the issuance of an employee requisition. This means that no actual recruiting takes place until lone managers have verified that vacancy does exist or will exist. If the organization has planned well and done a good job of developing its sources and search methods, activation soon results in flood of applications or resumes. The application received must be screened. Those who pass have to be contacted and invited for interview. Unsuccessful applicants must be sent letter of regret. B). SELLING: A second issue to be addressed in the searching process concern communications. Here, organizations walks tightrope. On one hand, they want to do whatever they can to attract desirable applicants. On one hand, they must resist the temptation of overselling their virtues. STAGE 4: SCREENING: Screening of applicants can be regarded as an integral part of the recruitment process, though many view it as the first step in the selection process. Even the definition of recruitment, we quoted in the beginning of this chapter, excludes screening from its scope. However, we have included screening in recruitment for valid reasons. This selection process will begin after the applications have been 11 | P a g e

scrutinized and short-listed. Hiring of professors in a university is typical situation. Applicants received in response to advertisements is screened and only eligible applicants are called chancellor, registrar and subject experts conducts interview. STAGE 5: EVALUATION AND CONTROL: Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are incurred in the recruitment process. The costs generally incurred are: 1. Salaries for recruiters. 2. Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job specifications, advertisements, agency liaison and so forth. 3. The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees. 4. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses. 5. Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled.

SELECTION Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill vacant positions. The process begins when a hiring department identifies the need to fill a position, and ends when a person is hired to meet that need. What happens in the middle of the process includes job analysis, position description development, recruitment, testing, and screening, corresponding with applicants, credentials verification, background investigations, interviewing, reference checking, physical examination, and the offer. Discriminatory hiring practices could result in significant costs for the company. Individuals acting on behalf of the organization who fail to follow nondiscrimination policies may face personal liability. Poorly designed or executed selection processes 12 | P a g e

will generally fail to identify the right person for the job, result in missed opportunities or delays in accomplishing the mission of the organization, and lead to discrimination claims. Impolite or incompetent interviewers, unnecessarily long waits, and lack of follow-up may cause unfavorable impressions of the company. Selection is defined as “The process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.” The difference between recruitment and selection is: Recruitment is identifying n encouraging prospective employees to apply for a job. & Selection is selecting the right candidate from the pool of applicants.

THE COST OF SELECTION: The cost of selection performers who are inadequate performers or who leave the organization before contributing to profits is a major cost of doing business. The cost incurred in hiring and training any new employee is expensive sometimes in the thousands of dollars. In 1983, the average cost per hire for exempt employees was more than $4600; nearly $4700 if there was relocation. These cost incurred by the organization suggest that hiring is very expensive activity and that any effort the organization can make towards minimizing turnover and hiring costs can pay dividends. Thus proper selection of personal is obviously an area where effectiveness (choosing competent workers who perform well in their position) can result in larger savings.

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SELECTION PROCESS: Selection is along process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with the contract of employement. The following chart gives an idea selection process:

External Environment

Internal Environment

Preliminary Interview

Rejected Applications

Selection Test

Employment Interview

Reference and Background Analysis

Selection Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer Employment Contract


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GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR SELECTION The selection process exposes the organization or company to liability. Seeking training from HR for anyone who participates in the process before beginning. Providing reasonable accommodation in the application process to persons with disabilities. Use a nondiscriminatory, valid and consistency applied selection criteria. Use a rating guide is recommended. This is a form used to rate applications for a position based on the required and preferred qualification as defined in the position description. Rating guides simplify the paper screening process, ensure that applications are being evaluated against the same criteria, and provide documentation which will be used to defend any challenged outcome. Once it is determined that an individual does not meet the established minimum qualifications, she must be eliminated from further consideration. If you are unclear whether or not an applicant possesses the minimum qualifications, it is appropriate to conduct a verification phone interview. You may also ask applicants to include a cover letter detailing how they meet the established qualifications as part of the application process. Be able to justify every selection/nonselection decision with appropriate documentation (e.g., the position description, applications/resumes, rating guides, selection criteria, interview questions, reference checks). This documentation should be forwarded to HR Generalist after the search is completed.

PROHIBITED PRE-EMPLOYMENT INQUIRIES Laws governing interviewing and selection are not intended to restrict an employers ability to choose the most qualified person. They are intended to ensure that employers use criteria that are job related and nondiscriminatory. Hiring departments and search committees should use the appropriate guidelines to identify appropriate pre-employment inquires. Any questions regarding the appropriateness to specific inquiries should be directed to the Compliance Specialist.

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Hire the right person.

Conduct a wide and extension search of the potential positive candidates.

Recruit staff members who are compatible with the organization’s environment or culture.

Hire individuals by using a model that focuses on learning and education of the whole person,.

Place individuals in positions with responsibilities that will enhanced their personal development.

RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION POLICY STATEMENT Every position vacancy will be filled based upon a through position analysis regardless of the level of the position or the extent of the search. The diversity goals of the institution, division of affairs, and the unit will be addressed in all recruitment and selection processes. Units may use different processes for recruitment depending upon the circumstances surrounding the need to fill the position, but must take steps to ensure that the values of the profession are applied in all procedures that are used. IT recruitment and selection committee members should be properly trained to assume the important responsibilities of recruitment and selection. Supervisors should adhere to any institution-wide recruitment and selection programs. This cannot, however, substitute for an understanding of procedures and processes from a student affairs perspective. Recruitment and selection should be planned, implemented, and evaluated to ensure that each potential employee is provided equal opportunities to compete for the position.

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COMPANY PROFILE Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of family. Where Big Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian customers. At Big Bazaar, one can get the best products at the best prices – that is what they guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors into the world of fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that ill surprise you. And this is just the beginning. Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete the shopping experience. Food is the main shopped for category in this store. Mr. Kishore Biyani CEO, Future Group Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited in India’s leading retailer that operates multiple retail formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer market. Headquartered in Mumbai, the company operates over 12 million square feet of retail space, has over 1000 stores across 71 cities in India and employs over 35,0000 people. The company’s leading formats includes pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets, Big Bazaar, a uniquely Indian hypermarket chain, food bazaar, a supermarket chain, blends the look touch and feel of Indian bazaars with aspects of modern retail like choice, convenience and quality and central, a chain of seamless destination malls. Some of its formats include Depot, Shoe factory, Brand factory, Blue Sky, Fashion Station, Mobile Bazaar and Star Sitara (Beauty clinic). The company also operates an online portal Futurebazaar.com. A subsidiary company, Home Solution Retail (India) Limited, operates Home Town, a large-format home solutions store, selling home furniture products and E-Zone focused on catering to the consumer electronics segment. Pantaloon Retail was awarded the ‘International Retailer’ of the year 2007, by the US based National Retail Federation, the largest retail trade association and the ‘Emerging Market Retailer’ of the year 2007 at the World Retail Congress in Barcelona. Pantaloon Retail is the flagship company of Future Group, a business group catering to the entire Indian consumption space. The group’s subsidiary

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companies include, Home Solutions Retail Indian Ltd, Pantaloon Industries Ltd, Galaxy Entertainment and Indus League Clothing.

BOARD OF DIRECTOR 1. Managing Director 

Mr. Kishore Biyani

2. Wholetime Director 

Mr. Gopikishan Biyani

Mr. Rakesh Biyani

3. Director 

Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti

Mr S.Doreswamy

Mr. Darlie Koshy

Mr. Anil Harish

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INDUSTRY PROFILE Retail is Indian’s largest industry, accounting for over 10 percent of the country’s GDP and around 8 percent of the employment. Retail industry in India is at the crossroads. It has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with several players entering the market. But because of the heavy initial investments required, break even is difficult to Achieve and many of these players have not tasted success so far. However the future is promising; the market is growing, government policies are becoming more favorable and emerging technologies are facilitating operations. Retailing in India is gradually inching its way towards becoming the next boom industry. The whole concept of shopping has altered in terms of format and consumer buying behavior, ushering in revolution in shopping in India. Modern retail has entered India as seen in sprawling shopping centers, multi-stored malls and huge complexes offer shopping, entertainment and food all under one roof. The Indian retailing sector is at an inflexion point where the growth of organized retailing and growth in the consumption by the Indian population is witnessing a significant change in its demographics. A large young working population with average age of 24 years, nuclear families in urban areas, along with increasing working-women population and emerging opportunities in the services sector are going to be the key growth drivers of the organized retail sector in India. Some Key Facts: Retail is Indian’s largest industry accounting for over 10 percent of the country’s GDP and around 8 percent of the employment.

ORGANIZATION PROFILE “Nobody Sells Cheaper and Better” Big Bazaar is a chain of department stores in India currently with 100 outlets. It is owned by Pantaloon Retail India Ltd, Future Group. It works on the same economy model as Wal-Mart and has been successful in many Indian cities and small towns. The idea was pioneered by entrepreneur Mr. Kishore Biyani, the CEO of Future Group. Currently Big Bazaar stores are located only in Indian. It is the fastest growing chain of department stores and aims at having 19 | P a g e

350 stores by 2010. Big Bazaar has democratized shopping in India and is so much more than a hypermarket. Here you will find over 170,000 products under one roof that carter to every need of a family, making Big Bazaar India’s favourite shopping destination. At Big Bazaar, you will get the best products at the best prices- this is our guarantee. From apparel to general merchandise like plastics, home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods, car accessories, books and music, computer accessories and many more. Big Bazaar is the destination where you get products available at prices lower than the MRP, setting a new level of standards in prices, convenience and quality. If you are a fashion conscious buyer who wants great clothes at great prices, Big Bazaar is the place to be. Leveraging on the company’s inherent strength of fashion, Big Bazaar has created a strong value for money proposition for its customers. This highlights the uniqueness of Big Bazaar as compared to traditional supermarkets, which principally revolve around food, groceries and general merchandise. Big Bazaar has clearly emerged as the favourite shopping destination for millions of its customers, across the country, its success is a true testament to emotional bonding it has established with the Indian customer, on account of its value offerings, inspirational appeal and service levels. We believe Big Bazaar is a true pan indian model that can enter into most towns in India and democratize shopping everywhere. 25, 26 and 27 January, 2009 … India’s Sabse Sasta Din the acceptance and loyalty that Big Bazaar has garnered over the years was evident on 26 January 2009. On the day India celebrates its Republic Day; the company honoured the consumer by calling it the ‘Maha Savings Day’. Shoppers at Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar outlets across th4e country were offered products at prices never heard before in the history of shopping. The offers were spread across categories from electronics to utensils, from apparel to furniture and food. This event received tremendous response from the regular and an entirely new set of shoppers, which resulted in nearly 2 million people visiting the stores on the day. And most stores were able to post record sales for a single day.

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COMPANY HISTORY 1987 company incorporated as ‘Manz Wear Private Limited’. Launch of Pantaloons Trouser, India’s first formal trouser brand. 1991 Launch of BARE, the Indian jeans brand, 1992 Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the month of May. 1994 The Pantaloon Shoppe – exclusive menswear store in franchisee format launched across the nation. The company starts the distribution of branded garments through multi-brand retail outlet across the nation. 1995 John Miller – Formal shirt brand launched 1997 Company enters modern retail with the launch of the first 8000 square feet store, Pantaloons in Kolkata. 2001 Three Big Bazaar stores launched within a span of 22 days in Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad. 2002 Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched. 2004 Central – India’s first seamless mall is launched in Bangalore. 2005 Group moves beyond retail, acquires stakes in Galaxy Entertainment, League Clothing and Planet Retail. Setup India’s first real estate investment fund Kshitij to build a chain of shopping malls. 2006 Future Capital holdings, the company’s financial is formed to manage over $1.5billion in real estate, private equity and retail infrastructure funds. Plan forays into retailing of consumer finance products. Home Town, a home building and improvement products retail chain is launched along with consumer durables format, Ezone and furniture chain, Furniture Bazaar. Future Group enters into joint venture agreements to launch insurance products with Italian insurance major, Generali. Forms joint ventures with US office stationery retailer, Staples.

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2007 Future Group crosses $1 billion turn over mark. Specialized companies in retail media, logistics, IPR and brand development and retail-led technology services become operational. Pantaloon Retail wins the ‘International Retailer of the year” at US Based National Retail Federation convention in New York and ‘Emerging Retailer’ of the Year award at the World Retail Congress held in Barcelona. Futurebazaar.com becomes India’s most popular shopping portal. 2008 Future Capital Holding becomes the second group company to make a successful Initial Public Offering in the Indian capital Markets. Big Bazaar crosses the 100-store mark, marketing one of the fastest ever expansion of a hypermarket format anywhere in the world. Total operational retail space crosses 10 million square feet mark. Future group acquire rural retail chain, ‘Aadhar’ present in 65 rural locations. Future Group’s Vision “To Deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time, to Every Indian Customer in the most profitable manner.” One of the core values at Future Group is, ‘India ness’ and its corporate credo is – “Rewrite rules, Retain values

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CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research in common refer to a search for knowledge, one can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a scientific topic. According to Clifford woody research comprises defining and redefining problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solution, collecting, organizing and evaluation data, marketing deductions and reaching and conclusion, and at last carefully testing the conclusion of determine whether they fit formulating hypothesis.


RESEARCH APPROACH: The approach used for the purpose of this study is quantitative approach where quantitative analysis was carried out in a formal manner using various statistical tools like spss-statistical analysis for social scientists excel, etc…

DATA SOURCE: Primary and secondary data are used in the study.

PRIMARY: Primary information gathered directly from the respondents through questionnaire i.e. survey method.


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https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bigbazaar.in. Recruitment and selection through books and library,etc…

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: The required data were collected by using questionnaires. All question were close ended type i.e. to reply in the given options.

RESEARCH DESIGN For this research study a descriptive research design will be used. The factors that are affecting the employees in work environment will be identified and the findings shall be described in detail.

DATA COLLECTION METHOD QUESTIONAIRE METHOD The research will use a questionnaire, which will be self-developed so as to measure the job satisfaction of the employees in the organisation. Questionnaire to be used must be prepared very carefully so that it may prove to be effective in collecting the relevant information.

SAMPLE UNIT: The executives of big bazaar are taken as sample unit.

SAMPLE SIZE: 50 respondents are taken as the sample size in consulting with the guide at both the ends taking into consideration the time factor. These include only the questionnaire which are filled completely there by providing the research all necessary details for evaluation. The incomplete questionnaire were rejected and are not taken into calculation purpose.

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Non-probability sampling is that sampling procedure which does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population has of being including in the sample. Non-probability sampling is also known by different names such as deliberate sampling, purposive sampling and judgments sampling. 


In judgments sampling the researcher’s judgments is used for selecting items, which he considers in representative of the population. Judgment-sampling is used quite frequently in qualitative research where the desire happens to be, to develop hypothesis rather than to generalize to larger population.

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Effective research cannot be accomplished without studying critically what already exists in the form of general literature and specific studies. Therefore, it is considered as an important perquisite for actual planning and execution of research projects. The review of existing literature helps to formulate hypothesis, identify research gaps and formulate a framework for further investigation.

Concept of Recruitment Barber (1998) defines Employee recruitment as “practices and activities carried on by an organization for the purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees”. Many large corporations have employee recruitment plans that are designed to attract potential employees that are not only capable of filling vacant positions but also add to the organization’s culture. According to Costello (2006) recruitment is described as the set of activities and processes used to legally obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests.

According to Montgomery (1996) is on matching the capabilities and inclinations of prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a given job.

Jovanovic (2004) said recruitment is a process of attracting a pool of high quality applicants so as to select the best among them. For this reason, top performing 26 | P a g e

companies devoted considerable resources and energy to creating high quality selection systems. Due to the fact that organizations are always fortified by information technology to be more competitive, it is natural to also consider utilizing this technology to re-organize the traditional recruitment and selection process through proper decision techniques, with that both the effectiveness and the efficiency of the processes can be increased and the quality of the recruitment and selection decision improved.

Need of the Recruitment and Selection Process Dessler, (2000) found in his study that the Recruitment and selection forms a core part of the central activities underlying human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development and reward of the workers. It frequently forms an important part of the work of human resource managers – or designated specialists within work organizations. However, and importantly, recruitment and selection decisions are often for good reason taken by non-specialists, by the line managers. Recruitment and selection also have an important role to play in ensuring worker performance and positive organizational outcomes. Recruitment and selection had the capacity to form a key part of the process of managing and leading people as a routine part of organizational life, it is suggested here that recruitment and selection has become ever more important as organizations increasingly regard their workforce as a source of competitive advantage. Of course, not all employers engage with this proposition even at the rhetorical level. However, there is evidence of increased interest in the utilization of employee selection methods which are valid, reliable and fair. Dessler listing the essence of these in the following; build a pool of candidates for the job, have the applicants fill out application forms, utilize various selection techniques to identify viable job candidates, send one or more viable job candidates to their supervisor, have47 the candidate(s) go through selection interviews, and determine to which candidate(s) an offer should be made.

Mullins (1999) indicated that to be a high performing organization, human resource management must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job. The human resource management practices include recruitment, selection, 27 | P a g e

placement, evaluation, training and development, compensation and benefits, and retention of the employees of an organization. Businesses have developed human resource information systems that support: (i) recruitment, selection, and hiring, (ii) job placement, (iii) performance appraisals, (iv) employee benefits analysis, (v) training and development, and (vi) health, safety, and security.

Process of Recruitment Odiorne (1984) indicated that the quality of new recruits depends upon an organization's recruitment practice, and that the relative effectiveness of the selection phase is inherently dependent upon the caliber of candidates attracted.

Smith et al. (1989) argue that the more effectively the recruitment stage is carried out, the less important the actual selection process becomes. When an organization makes the decision to fill an existing vacancy through recruitment, the first stage in the process involves conducting a comprehensive job analysis. This may already have been conducted through the human resource planning process, particularly where recruitment is a relatively frequent occurrence. Once a job analysis has been conducted, the organization has a clear indication of the particular requirements of the job, where that job fits into the overall organization structure, and can then begin the process of recruitment to attract suitable candidates for the particular vacancy.

The Selection Decision Gould, (1984) argues that most mistakes are caused by the fact that managers generally give little thought to the critical nature of the decisions. Employers are surprised and disappointed when an appointment fails, and often the person appointed is blamed rather than recognizing the weaknesses in the process and methodology, even the soundest of techniques and best practice (in selection) contain scope for error. Some of this is due to the methods themselves, but the main source is the frailty of the human decision makers. Selection tools available to organizations can be 28 | P a g e

characterized along a continuum that ranges from the more traditional methods of interviews, application forms and references, through to the more sophisticated techniques that encapsulate biographical data, aptitude tests, assessment centres, work samples, psychological and so forth. Each method of selection has its advantages and disadvantages and comparing their rival claims involves comparing each method's merit and psychometric properties. The degree to which a selection technique is perceived as effective and perhaps sophisticated is determined by its reliability and validity.

Miyake, (2002) In a comparison of personnel selection practices in seven European countries explored the utilization of a range of established selection methods. They reported a general trend towards structured interviews in all countries and, while the general validity and acceptability of methods such as work samples, group exercises and assessment centers were widely recognized, reported usage of these methods was infrequent.

Burton (2001) in his study of recruitment and selection practices in the USA, found that approximately 25 percent of respondent organizations conducted validation studies on their selection methods. Furthermore, in a rating of various selection methods, those perceived to be above average in their ability to predict employees' job performance included work samples, references/recommendations, unstructured interviews, structured interviews and assessment centres

Challenges of Recruitment and Selection According to Kaplan and Norton, (2004) a common problem in recruitment and selection is poor HR planning. Rigorous HR planning translates business strategies into specific HRM policies and practices. This is particularly so with recruitment and selection policies and practices. The key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. Past research shows that the competency level of HR 29 | P a g e

managers has a major influence on recruitment and selection and experienced HR experts within the HR department will not only shorten vacancy duration, but also improve the quality of the applicants. Moreover, effective recruitment and selection is possible only if there is a dedicated and competent HR team.

Whitmell Associates, (2004) observed that the extent of recruitment and selection strategy integration can be gauged through four distinctive indicators. These indicators are: the timely supply of an adequately qualified workforce, effective job analysis and descriptions, effective selection, and the involvement of line managers in the recruitment and selection practices. A key source of uncertainty in the business strategy implementation is whether there is a timely supply of adequately qualified people, and to a great extent this uncertainty involves the quality of employees. An organization can successfully eliminate this uncertainty if its recruitment and selection policies and practices are strategically integrated with the business.

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RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION GUIDELINE OF BIG BAZAAR These guidelines are also called BIG BAZAAR RECRUITMENT RULES. OBJECTIVE The main objective of detailing is that the right type of personnel’s are recruited, who fulfills the requisite job specifications for recruitment including the desirable level of qualification, skills/ experiences and competence which is essential for the sustained vitality and growth of the organization APPLICABLITY AND SCOPE: The guidelines shall apply to the Managerial/ Executive/ Supervisors category of employees in the pay scale/ level, as announced separately in the classification of employees order. Detailed job specifications, required to recruit the person at various Levels/ Grades. RECRUITMENT Recruitment shall be restored for induction of talent from outside, when suitable. Candidates are not available from with the organization or upon a specific demand of the post is such that it has to be filled up from the open market.

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SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT From within organisation through Transfers; 

Through Employment Exchange

Through Placement agencies/ Consultants

Through Open Market Advertisements

From Engineering / Management / Educational Institutes.

Through E-mail sources viz Naukri.com etc.

Through Contractors/ Suppliers etc.

Through referred cases, relatives/ friends etc

GENERAL All recruitment shall be done exclusively on merit basis only Except experienced personnel maximum age for recruitment shall be 28 years of age & minimum 18 years.

JOB SPECIFICATIONS/ AGE AT ENTRY LEVEL: Each person is expected to fulfill the requisite job specifications/ as required for the position before his candidature is considered for the post. Age requirement at entry point with 10+2 qualification shall be around 20 years and for Graduate / Post Graduate / Professional Qualification shall be between 21 years to 25 years for a fresher. The upper age limit for recruitment of experienced personnel shall normally be not more than 45 years. AGE OF SUPERANNUATION: Normally the age of superannuation shall be 60 years for all classes of employees. In order to streamline the recruitment age and to ensure that no person is retiring on his birthday, all employee shall be retiring only on first day of next month in which he attains the age of superannuation.

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EXTENSIONS IN SERVICE: In case any employee requests for extension of services on attaining the age of superannuation, i.e., 60 years, or management wishes to retain his service in the interest of the organization, subject to medically fitness, the management at its sole discretions, may grant such extension of services for one year at a time. However, a management may also consider reappointment of a retired employee on a contract basis. However such a person shall be entitled to a consolidated amount and contracted facilities/ perquisites only. He shall not be entitled to any other facility/ perquisites as applicable to other regular Executives/ Employees of the company of his cadre

REQUISITION FOR RECRUITMENT OF PERSONNEL: All HOD’s / Sectional Head’s shall raise a requisition in the prescribed format, as per sanctioned manpower and duly approved by competent authority.

STANDARD APPLICATION FORM: Candidates application screened/ short listed are required to fill in the prescribed application form in their own handwriting and submit the same to HR Department along with a passport size photograph, photocopies of certificate and testimonials etc, in support of their Age, Qualification, Experience conduct etc.

LETTER OF APPOINTMENT: Every candidate selected and appointed in Executive Cadre shall be issued a letter of appointment as per the Standard Format placed.

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SERVICE AGREEMENT: Experienced personnel recruited in Executive Cadre may be required to execute a service agreement to serve the organization at least for a period of two years, after joining the service of the company.

ANTECEDENT VERIFICATION: Each Candidate should state names along with the contact address telephone number etc of at least 2 persons (not in relation), who can be referred by the employer to verify candidate antecedents etc, in the application form itself, out of which one should be preferably of immediate past employer.

SCRUITINY OF APPLICATION: All application received from the candidates, shall initially be screened by HR Department Recruitment section to ensure that candidates fulfills the job satisfactions and there after send the screened applications to respective HOD/ Requisition authority for detailed screening and ensuring that the candidate meet their requirement and return such screened application back to HR Department for future action to request and fill the vacancy.

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SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES: Keeping in the view the existing and expansion needs as well as to meet the competition BIG BAZAAR needs well qualified and talented personnel in various discipline of retail business viz, Merchandizing, Sales, Supply chain, Warehousing, HR and Finance & A/C’s, General Management etc. in view of that it has been considered desirable to induct fresh entrants at ET’s/ MT’s so as to mould and develop them as per organization need and to frame guidelines to recruit, select and provide effective Training to new entrants, so as to ensure that each one of them shoulders appropriate responsibility and producer desired results.

TITLE & APPLICABILITY: This scheme shall be called as ET/ MT scheme which interlaid including CA’s, MBA’s. ICWA, Engineers. IT Professionals and Commerce discipline candidates and shall come into force, w.e. from 1st april 2007. All such Trainee recruited shall be placed in Executive Cadre (E- Cadre)

TRAINING AND STIPEND: Candidate recruitment as Trainee shall undergo six month training. Their job specifications and level shall be as stated here under:Management Trainee: Minimum qualifications MBA’s from ‘A’ & ‘B’ class Management Institutes

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IT Engineers Training Duration: Total 6 months unless extended by another 3 months, in no case training period shall exceed for 9 months Training Schedule: First Fortnight- General overview and theoretical training/ visits etc including organizational setup, orientation and exposures to organizational rules and regulations Next 2 ½ months- On the job training in various department on rational basis so as to know all the functions of the organization Next 3 months- On the job/ under study/ Training in the parent department where the trainee has to be placed finally. To be trained in detailed working and in depth studies & working of that department.

EXECUTIVE TRAINEE: Training Period: 6 months extended by another 3 months not beyond that ICWA’s / Bright Commerce Graduate with min 50% pass marks MBA’s from ‘C’ class and below level Diploma holder of minimum 1 year duration of respective vocation/ Profession after Graduation Training Schedule: First Fortnight - General Overview and theoretical training/ visits etc including organizational Rules and Regulations Next 2 and ½ months - On the job training in various department on rotational basis so as to know the all the functions of the organization

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Next 3 months – On the job/ under study/ Training in the parent Department, to be trained in detailed working and in dept studies & working of that Department, where he has to be placed initially . Age: The age limit of trainee shall not be above 25 years of age at the time of selection. However, this can be relaxed by 3 years in the case of CA’s / ICWA’s/ Professional Trained personnel. Review: Progress of each trainee shall be reviewed by a committee consisting of Guru/ Supervisor/ HOD/ Trainee and HR representative every quarter. Recruitment: Recruitment of MT’s/ ET’s shall be done on a continuous basis. However , campus recruitment shall be encouraged for this level of personnel. To impart effective training recruitment of MT’s and ET’s shall be done twice a year, keeping into view the manpower requirement of the organization. During recruitment specific emphaisi shall b laid on the overall personality, IQ, EQ and performance in the exam starting from Broad School Exams onwards and his potential to meet organizational needs & challenges and to fit in the organization culture. Candidates to be recruited shall be evaluated through written tests, Group Discussions and Interviews by the expert committee, candidates selected for recruitment shall be physically fit and mentally alert and each trainee shall have to qualify in medical standards as laid down by the company Service Agreement As company incurs a substantial costs on training the personnel, all Trainees, shall have to execute a service agreement with the company for a minimum period of two years after the completion of scheduled training period.

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Progress Report: Each trainee shall submit a Monthly Report to Training Manager about his training work, difficulties and suggestions made. As stated in para 4 and in order to keep a watch on the progress of each trainee there shall be a Quarterly Assessment by the concerned Guru/ Supervisor and Training officer about the learning and progress of the trainee. Every quarter each trainee shall undergo Performance Review so as to assess his learning and get feedback about his adjustment in the organisation and if needed counseling session shall be held with the trainee. Each trainee shall undergo a written test upon completion of training and only trainees who have got constantly a ‘Good’ rating shall be withdrawn from the training scheme and be placed in appropriate level/ Grade. Training Module Training modules for each trade shall be announced and circulated by the training department from time to time. Placement of Trainee Upon withdrawal from Training Each person upon successful completion of training shall be placed in the company’s executive cadre and in regular pay scale as per the service agreement/ company pay structure. Service Conditions All trainees engaged in executive cadre shall be governed by the service rules of the company and the terms and conditions laid down in their letter of appointment and service agreement which they shall be required to be executed at time of joining the company.

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Recruitment Generation (Allotted vs Actual Basis)

Internal Fitment (Job Rotation)

Recruitment (CV’s screened by HR Department along with Business Head)

Selection Procedures (Initial Interview by HR Department/ Finalization by Business Head/ Executive Committee/ CMD)

Joining and Induction




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Do not discard applicants who “stopped out” to provide care for a child, or for maternity leave.

Consider the dynamics of the interview - is the candidate being interviewed in an environment that is representative of the office environment.

Understand questions that cannot be asked regarding family, children, pregnancy, etc.

Provide medical insurance that cover the full range of medical needs of women employees, including reproductive health care.

Provide paid sick-leave policies for employees illness and illness of spouses, lifetime partners, dependent children, and elderly parents.










nondiscriminatory on the basis of gender. 

Have a clear and vigorously enforced sex, race and sexual orientation discrimination and sexual harassment policies and include a statement about these policies in the advertisement of the position.

Before attempting to diversify a staff and make it more gender equitable, one must tackle issues such as, “gender stereotyping; discrimination in hiring, pay, and promotions; family issues; and sexual orientation discrimination.” There are five areas critical to this process: 1. Open communication 2. A commitment to creating an inclusive environment 3. Clear preconceived expectations based on gender 4. A neutral supervisor who can observe different styles and facilities communication when a conflict arises. 5. Training – sexual harassment as well as gender issues training (It is though that 75-80% of sexual harassment complaints could be prevented by understanding gender differences”

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CERTAIN DO’S AND DON’T IN RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION DO’S: Be fair at time of decision making for the final selections as well as salary. Always cross check the references and the information provided by the candidate Place a person according to his qualification and experience Lessen the grievance of each employee and take decision according to natural law of justice. DON’T: Don’t get influence by outsiders at time of outsiders at time of requirement. Don’t be judgmental on personal basis. Don’t promise anything which will go against the ethos of the organization

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Administr ation





Visual Merchandising

Asst. DM


Maintenances Team Leader

Asst. DM

House Keeping

Team Member




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Crockery cutlery

Travel bags

Take materials/ Napkins


Dinner sets

School & college bags

Wine, Juice glasses

Suitcase Apparels Department




Dress Materials


Under garments



Jugs and sippers

Bottle and mugs



Process Dept

Soft drinks

Health drinks

Mineral water

Ready to eat items

Health drinks

Corn flakes, Chips

Frozen items

Soups, Bread item & Pickles

Instant Mix


Staples Dept 

Dal, Rice, Wheat, Ragi etc

Atta, Rava items, Sugar, Salt etc

Cooking oils, Masala

Ready to cook foods & mixes

Fruits & Vegetables 

All kind of vegetables and fruits item with lower price.

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FAMOUS BRAND OF BIG BAZAAR Big Bazaar has gradually introduced private lables in fashion over last few years. Every year, new, private labels are introduced to increase their share over other brands. These are known as ‘In House Brands’ which are exclusively promoted by Big Bazaar in its store. It is very important to promote and sell these brands aggressively, since they contribute to higher margins thereby contributing heavily to the bottom line.

KNIGHTHOOD It is the men’s formalwear brand with arrange that includes formal shirts, trousers, suits blazers and basic men’s accessories like ties and handkerchiefs.

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