9. Pakistan And Sharia Law.docx

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2 Pakistan and Sharia Law

It has been a common belief to a lot of people that the church and the state should be separated. I think that is the case of Sharia Law in the U.S. The U.S. has its own state and federal laws, so there is no reason to abide in a foreign law like Sharia Law. Sharia, in Arab, literally means a way to follow, which had a lot of different interpretations worldwide, even among the Muslims themselves. From the term itself, I believe that a religious-based legal system is beneficial to civilians because it recognizes the existence of a God. This same God is the Supreme Ruler of all, to which even the government should abide with (Sacirbey, 2013). Aside from recognizing the presence of a God, another reason why a religious legal system such as Sharia is beneficial to civilians is that it does not tolerate further crimes. It is true that Sharia involves harsh punishments like death penalty. However, there is a due process for it, evidenced by four witnesses to the crime. Furthermore, if the criminal has repented for the crime/s he/she committed, then there would be no need for a harsh punishment (Sacirbey, 2013). The last reason why I think religious-based legal systems are beneficial to civilians is that it relates to the people’s character and actions necessary to achieve peace and harmony. Sharia emphasizes the need to act with humility and kindness towards other people. Additionally, it teaches people the need for prayer and fasting in order to have a strong connection with the Lord. With these two teachings, peace will undoubtedly be achieved individually (Sacirbey, 2013). The separation of the church and state signifies their own respective functions in the community. However, these functions should be deeply rooted in their love and care towards their people.


3 Reference

Sacirbey, O. (2013). Sharia Law in the USA 101: A Guide to What it is and why States Want to ban it. Religion News Science. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sharia-law-usa-states-ban_n_3660813.

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