Apostasy And Sharia Law

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 420
  • Pages: 2
Please take a look at the document provided below then read the translation provided. This document comes from Oda Dridi-Dörffel who is an advisor to the German Parliament (Bundestag), Ministry of the Interior, the Army (Bundeswehr), Ministry of Integration and the Police Organizations. This is proof that death "is a very normal part of Islamic law for apostasy and for every muslim its an honor to CLEAN the umma of these people”. This Fatwa comes from Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Al-Azhar is the foremost Islamic School of Jurisprudence (Sharia Law) in the Islamic world. To put it in American vernacular…’what they say goes’, so when you hear or see some Muzzie telling you that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” know that it is a bunch of Islamic Taqiyya (Islamic Lying). The last statement regarding the children is interesting. Since BHO was born Muslim I think I would be a bit worried, if I were in his shoes, about telling the world I had converted to Christianity but then again if he were lying about converting to Christianity… Humm, no problem! Hat tip to Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs for this: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/

Regards KAFIR The Unbeliever LAN ASTASLEM ‫لن استسلم‬

I will not submit: “To Islam!”

In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficient the Most Merciful. Al-Azhr Council of Fatawa. This question was presented by Mr. Ahmed Darwish and brought forward by [name obscured] who is of German nationality. A man whose religion was Islam and his nationality is Egyptian married a German Christian and the couple agreed that the husband would join the Christian faith and doctrine. 1) What is the Islamic ruling in relation to this man? What are the punishments prescribed for this act? 2) Are his children considered Muslim or Christian?

The Answer: All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Universe and salutations on the leader of the righteous, our master Muhammed, his family and all of his companions. Thereafter: This man has committed apostasy; he must be given a chance to repent and if he does not then he must be killed according to Shariah. As far as his children are concerned, as long as they are children they are considered Muslim, but after they reach the age of puberty, then if they remain with Islam they are Muslim, but if they leave Islam and they do not repent they must be killed and Allah knows best. Seal of Al-Azhr Head of the Fatawa Council of Al-Azhr. Abdullah al-Mishadd 23rd September 1978.

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