Sharia Law And Armageddon

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 763
  • Pages: 2
March 20, 2009

Sharia Law and Armageddon It seems as if this country’s propensity to embrace political correctness has gone a bit far these days. We urge that the true Muslim religion be respected by other religions and all secularists since many bleeding hearts believe it to be compatible with the democratic process, while we condemn Muslim extremists. Don’t we realize that Islam period, as we politically correctly espouse it, embraces and wishes that Sharia be the operating law of every nation worldwide. This type of religious law dictates employing harsh penalties that are not compatible with the secular laws of most other countries. Examples of a few are being stoned to death for adultery (Nigeria), or having your head cut off for converting from Islam to another faith (Afghanistan). Should we not shudder at the prospect of helping create such monster democracies? I just got around to watching a DVD, which I long ago received with my newspaper (Palm Beach Post). I’ve had Obsession for around 6 months, but I hadn’t looked at it before. Shortly after its specious delivery, there had been an outcry against the paper for foisting such drivel on its readers. Also, it had been vilified then by many politically correct entities as portraying exaggerations, Muslim bashing and essentially was touted as anti-Islamic and pro-Israeli propaganda. I must have been mentally derailed by this outcry to initially let it rest on my shelf. Even such a stalwart (Michael Moore) of exposing dysfunctional U.S. policies, endeavors and industries claimed terrorism was not a real threat—just a figment of Bush’s imagination. No matter what your opinion of our ex-Pres is now, if you haven’t already, watch this documentary, and judge its merits or lack therof for yourself. One of the dictates of the film is that it’s easy for evil to proliferate, if people of good will do nothing, are apathetic or leave the heavy lifting to others. All of that said, I had to seek my own solution to present my reawakened view and renewed reminder that terrorism is as real as ever. I’m not sure what our government is doing about it, but so far we have not been attacked again. Are we extra vigilant or just lucky? I’m not smart or informed enough on what our best course is to combat this continuing threat. Yet, I have conjured up a few ideas. I’ll leave it up to you, the proactive citizens, to determine if they’ll fly. I’m sure you readers can present others, which might trump mine. So be it for the better of all, if that’s the case. We might make a greater effort to teach more westerners—not just Americans—to speak and write Arabic so there would be more divergent voices to attempt to blunt radical Islam’s deadly message. It could be sort of like the old Radio Free Europe or Radio Marti to Cuba. Although this might invite retaliation by radicals, we could still attempt to recruit so called moderate Muslims to organize themselves to refute terrorism and spread the moderate Islamic message—that is, if there really is one. We should quit funding all the currently financially ailing—most of which brought their problems on themselves through their gluttony for the gold—companies, who more than likely will continue to dupe congress and Obama. Instead, we should tack toward a different course to avoid this pecuniary gale on the verge of becoming a fiscal tsunami. Many outfits might still sink financially or declare bankruptcy despite the


continuing bailouts. You can be sure most have contingency plans to pay off their executives (good-old-boy or retainment bonuses, golden parachutes or guaranteed lump sum pensions) before they get pounded by the waves of greed onto the rocky shore of oblivion. Instead of blowing these wasted billions, we’d be better off trying to fund and find a way to avert the looming tragedy of an all out World War III—The U.S., Israel, Europe and possibly Russia against radical Islam or, if by then they succeed in the campaign of brainwashing all Muslims, just plain Islam. Ever heard of Armageddon? Things are shaping up for its reality. I don’t want to sound like I’m advocating anyone or any entity to beat a dead horse, as the cliché goes, but I believe this horse needs to be resurrected so all people of vision will become aware again of, and can plan to combat its perils—its name: Islam versus all the infidels—us, other unbelievers and the rest of the world’s democracies. Axel Shillers 311 Wellington-C West Palm Beach, Fl 33417 (561) 684-7721


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