765th Trsb Newsletter 2008 March 2008

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Presidenfi Joe,Astle 18022DogBarRoad GrassValley,[email protected] Plt716-668-1095 V.P.:DickKwiatkowskigGrandprixDr.CheektowagaN.Y.l422T Ph.423-942'2644 Bill Hill 101GrahanRd. Jasper,Tn37347 Sec.-Trearurer: Sdt L*e City, Utrh ReunioncoordlnatonJoe& Jeaq{stle (Addressabovo) e-mail Assistrnt coordlnatorg:Suellamiltorl' 2024WindingCreekLane,Mason,Oh-45@0,ph 513-398.0713 ph 513-648-0351 45240 Rd. Cincinnati,Oh. l0560McKelvey Sheryl& PerrySchneider sahamilto{[email protected] 4224, e-nail Nv. 89012 Ph.7O2-260NewsLottor: Bob & DanKatan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, [email protected] VideoPhotographer:FrankRowe755RacineAve,Columbus,Oh.43204ph614'2755270 Tn.37405ph423A65-5147 Chaphin: BenSmith199 HixsonPikeChattanooga, [email protected] 5634Richard,Dallas,Tx. 75206,Ph.214-823-9366, WebSite:NancyCunningharn" 765Historysite,http://gritrneunninghan.nevcriffin/IrdAlNtr65th:hh 765Rermiongroupsits,http:/griffncunningham.net/765rcunionorg/main.hm

Easter Greetings 765 friends, oowinter'o here. We really feel for all Spring has sprung here in Nevada! We had a great of you elsewherethat to bear the snowostorms etc. May the coming of spring bring you clear skies and sunshine. We three are well here and hope you and yours are too. Dan has been fine since our last reunion. Thank you all for your concern. Jean and Joe Astle with some help from Sue Hamilton and her daughter Sheryl and Perry have been working on our up-coming reunion. We'll have a report on that elsewherein this newsletter. Hope we'll have a good turnout and that all will be able to attend. We really will miss Dick Kwiatkowski. He had always been not only a big help in our reunions but a lot of fun too! Our hearts go out to his wife Cindy ald daughter Christine. Also deeply missed are King and Gretchen Davenport, our originators. What a special bunch of people our 765 group has become of them. Their daughtersValerie and Victoria keep in touch. They hope to make it to our reunion in Salt Lake City, $/e look forward to seeing them agwn as well as all of you. Stay well and take sare;our love to all of you. Audrey, Bob & Dan

I received a note from Denver Draughn's daughter saying that Denver's wife Alice has also passedaway. Ron Torii also received a note from Warren Chappell's daughter saying that Warren has passed away. He was a regular member from the "othet'' 765 group that meets in Branson every year. He came to one or two of our reunions. He is the guy that brought the small bales of cotton with him for the auction. (He was a Cotton Farmer.) He also went to our re-visit to Korea.

If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarchea.. . . . .doesthat me&none out of five enjoys it? If people from Poland are called Poles, then why aren't people from Holland called holes? I thought about how mothers feed their babies with tiny little spoonsand forks, so I wondered what do Chinese mothers u'se.Toothpicks

v7t08 Hello Audrey, Bob and Dan: As gs6alyou put out a greatnewsletter. I look forrmrd to gettinga new "dues" listing. Thanksfor this. We just got the news from Frank + Evelyn last night (Sundayl -6-08) ttmr Dick Kwiatkowski had passedaway. This was certainly sadnewsfor us. We liked Dick very much. We alwaysknew he and Cindy would be at the reunionsand do all they could to help out. He will be missed. I thhk Frank and Evelyn Roweare going to go to the funeral. I understandfrom SharonWheelerthat Bob is better. So much so, that they are making a trip to Florida. Shepromisedthey would stopby our houseon their way home. Sui Rilen Hamilton is homeand doing much btter. Sheryl is now working in Kentuckn just acrossthe river ftom Cinn. Near wherewe stayed. Bill and I are doing real well. Bad colds havegiven both of us a fit, but we can cope with those. SueAllen was telling me Elaine Hanis is having Chemoagain. I haven't had any late info. on her. I talked with An Stahovich he said he and his boys would seeus in Salt Lake City in Sept,2008. o'arenot We tried numeroustimes to checkon Ron Torii but I only geta me$sagethey at home". I guessthis meansthey are doing o-kTake careof yorrselves and keepus informed. Bill + Billie P.S. Next newsletterpleaseask for everyonecell phonenumbers-

BOB. Ken had Just sent him a card Thantc you so much for I'nfornl'ng - us about Dlck. seelng then the last tro years missed tse and re sere eo hoplng he *ould improve' conflicts. business nY due to reunions the to attend as se *ere unable DICK IIAS ALNAYS SUCTIA FT,N PERSONAI*ID SO SPIRITED. TIE flTI.L TfiSS HIM. tte are hoplng to nake thls year's reunl"on as I witl Mareh and 1riff agal.n have tine to do all' t'he things last few 1rcars. Ptg.ASE LgT US T${Oil IF DI CK ' S IIEIiORY . HELT,O to




the business .ln be selling se have missed doing for the FLOflERS OR A DONATION TN

Subjcc& ?65th TF-SBReunion Fronr: oJcanAstlc" <[email protected] Ilrtc: Fri,29 Fe.b2008 16:44:39-08fl) To: "Bob Kalan' Bob, t will b. .Jdng you "ddf for ths nmion, and !o will Su. |nd Shery4.For now I wentyol, b includein fio t{€wslclltoc Pl€a$! lf you nccd a Sco&r/Potcr Chah io gpt {ound. s h.v€ madetn trgsrlsltr si[t'Aldnc Hornc Me
SubJcct Rcunion Fmm: "JconAstlc" $ocjcan@c-zorc-nc> 4tfi) Drtc: Fri,7 Marz0m 14:47:38 *Bob Kalan" Tol M hi,l rtdv.d intuttndionftotnSM Soutrq-lli:ill},o|I 8ob. Bynfl. youthouNd 'Famlly Tat]pc fr'fit !ftGt tt.gtt tP1-fie HtslotyCenler.'ng [noi: ]iir dgirirst d6'' to fF Souns. wtr€retta brodc|stB ior thc ftiormonTrtcmade Ghoirenrheilcftom. Wc willba.bb to rchcsmd* 11eChokon Thund.y nlght,.td ior6166 th.t r1gltrying ov€rSund.y'tlo il;; Eroadcast.lt b fico lf;tthsiottSowa$I|tetryotF-r'houidr6to TL-iiit'Hi.il".yCocfirCt.uoddctalgcaeeretogyUbrgySudr as *ry t'ltno. d Pa'!ntr' Gr'nd *Ur-thcnr. ifurm*on trca.ry ttF b bting mo.|, n*r Scrrctr you frfr, it Atd, ol cou're' Itrfi own ;,€ril3, 6i". pfaccot Ur6, if yor,lstil ft, artddab d Utth,f ilrtonndon.ii|{ri{c d.o!s andple€ i! .ko bdr.ficbl. by Lebr-elrSdntB hda ;61of the titrfi Hi.ioryilrfomEdon.Slnoeubh w E€rU€d i*tpr. SC,r"rG (tlomonr). theCt€q0 Wi*lU,iOoirUahn(dontkFwtlJ.fidayFt.)Weuifgoqtlo.Btowttitts.9:. ry|ry' fi [i*c. ,r-6,td" C,irperl;.rp, e H€.t{i FdL n wil be. tulldat. WQwil ttfr! hm.fi .t ihscof er;i"td,tg'itulann. Ue"rusnfrOfrc ancoCorcof trrcenns,yollrry iftuf€$frtd to ca['y'l-Thc and hdudc M6hatd adnrbclonb aNlthcdac€t6 wi[ bcgoang. b iCo:06p* p*"",t](rqfioor.r). I willfy to r€;d youa schrdub aa oon r it b fiCieod..-.-Jsn Asilo

A lady was picking throughthe fozenturkeysat the grocerystorebut shecouldn't find uo onebig enoughfor her family. Sheasksa stockboy, Do theseturkeysget any bigger?" The stockboy replied," No ma'amothey'redead."

ith e-verything to seeanddo, you areboundto work up an appetite.We haveevery rc of rg$!au{&nJ to satis$reventhe mostchooseyof appetites.Go for Internationai ir with oneof our Asian,Italian,Mexican'orEuropeanrestaurants. Takeit causal ith oneof our brewpubs.Or, for the seriousdiner,experienceoneof our world, S-Starrestaurants!

Historical and Cultural Sites Utah is proudof its historyand diverseculturalheritage.Fromthe historicalandmoderninhabitationof Native Americantribesoto the settlementof the pioneers,to the moderndevelopmentof ethnicdistricts,the statehassites andactivitiesgaloreto educateandinspire! Takea trip down southto discoverthe landof the ancientNative Americanswho first lived in Utah.Edgeof the CedarsStatePark andFremontIndian StateParkandMuseumwill educatethe entirefamily aboutthJAnasazi andFreemontIndiansthat oncethrived in the area. l To learnmoreaboutthe pioneertraditionsthat helpedshapethe state,headon over to IhisJq The lil{ce r{er Park.It is herethat BrighamYoung famouslydeclared,"This is the right place,"settlinghis fvformonpio*.rr in the SaltLake Valley. Afterward,takea tour of someofUtah's oldestandmosttreasuredbulldings.ThelJi*_He*Iegg Fottndgdauoffers a guidedtour, or if you feel adventurous, takeon a self-guidedwalking tour. Going;"rt in time in Utahis nevera wasteof time!

Subiec* REUNION Frou: JackAcosta<[email protected] I).tq We4 19Dec2007l7:(H:5t '0t00 (PST) To: RobertKalan



Sublec$ Reunlon From: 'NEIL K DR FARRIS' Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 12:O7;37-O60O To: "BobKalann Vaterlc & I are hoping tO make reunion this year in Salt Lak€ City. What are the dates 30 w€ can request tlme off from our jobs?

Hopeall is well with you & the famlly' I had some surgprya weekago, E9 lY.!!v.Tid A blopsy earller showed ime susplclouscells for cancer, an aggresslveionn, but ;;;ved, path report aftei strrgery said it rvas benign. I was relieved & thankful. I'm now recuperathg & doing well. Give everyoneIn S|e group a blg Hellountll we can sae them at reunlon' Loveto all, Victoria


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March18,2008 Hello 7 65th, More from beautifulCincinnati,Ohio! Asfastasour15inchesofsnowcameinablizzardaweekorso &Eo,itwasgoneagain. Weare finally seeingsignsof SpringandI, for one,am thankful for it. All is well here. Mother hasmendednicely andwe areall healthyandhappy. I hopeit is going the samewith all of you. We havebeenworking with Joeand JeanAstel andthe Salt Lake PlazaHotel and havefinally landeda contractfor the hotel with pricesandconditionswe canlive with. The datefor the reunionis Wednesdayo September17thdepartingon Sunday,September21't. The room ratewill be $80per night for singleor doubleroomsand$89 for triple andquad. Reservationscanbe madenow, actuallyothe soonerthe better. To makeyour raservationyou needto call Rich Williams direct- not the hotel reservationnumber. He is handlingour group accountpersonally.His toll-freenumberis 1-800-366-3684 andhis extensionis 3007. He is holdingregularroomsanda coupleof full handicaprooms. If morethantwo handicaprooms will be needed,he hasto know very soon. They alsohavean airport shuttleandmanyother featuresthat you may seeby goingto wwlv.plaza-hotel.gom but pleasedo not reserre your roorn over the internet. We get our pricing by calling hk. Williams andhopefullyhaving enoughguestsfor 30 roomsper night. If you go to the web site you cantake a virtual tour of the hotel. We will be usingthe Salt Lake Roomfor our hospitalityroom andAspen 1 & 2 for our banquetso you can actually tour the roomsfrom your computer. Joeand Jeanarebusily working on a tour andother fun things for us to do andwe will be getting somefirm pricesanda sign up sheetto you soon. I am alsoattachingsomefun, interestingthingsaboutSaltLake City I thoughtyou may enjoy. We havealreadypurchasedour planeticketsandmadereservationsat the hotel. We hopeto be seeingeveryoneagainin September! Blessingsto All! SherylSchneider

1 . TheGreatSaltLake,whichis about7smileslongand35 miles,wide,

coversmorethana millionacres. 2. The name"Utah"comesfromthe NativeAmerican"Ute"tribeand meanspeopleof the mountains. 3. Utahcovers84,900squaremilesof landandis ranked11thlargest statein the UnitedStates 4 . Utahwas acquiredby the UnitedStatesin 1848in thetreatyendingthe

MexicanWar 5 . ThetownBeaveris the birthplace of twoveryfamousindividuals of the

past,PhiloT. Farnsworth, the inventorof television and ButchCassidy, the notoriouswesternoutlaw

6 . Kanabis knownas Utah'sLittleHollywood becauseof the large

numberof motionpicturesthatarefilmedin the area.

7 . The MormonTemplein SaltLakeCitytook40 yearsto complete. The

MormonTemplesin St. George,Mantiand Logan,Utahwerecompleted beforethe SaftLakeTemple. 8 . Utahis the siteof the nationsfirstdepartment store.ZionsCo-operative

Mercantile Institution wasestablished in the late1800's.lt was referred to as ZCMI. 9 . Completion of theworld'sfirsttranscontinental railroadwascelebrated

at Promontory, wherethe CentralPacificandUnionPacificRailroads meton May 14, 1869.lt is nowknownas GoldenSpikeNationalHistoric Site.

10.TheGreatSaltLakecovers2,100square miles,withan averagedepthof 13feet.The deepestpointis 34 feet. peaks,on average, 11.Utahmountain arethe tallestin the country.Theaverageelevationof the taflestpeaksin eachof Utah'scountiesis 11,222 ft.,whichis higherthanthe sameaveragein anyotherstate. 12.Becau$e of thestate'sinlandlocationUtah'ssnowis usuallydry. Earningits reputation for havingthe "Greatest Snowon Earth"for skiing.Thereare 13alpineski resortsthatoperatein Utah. WmHffiffitr.ftru# &mfu$trmh$ Utah is a diamond in the ruff with its ability to offer a little somethingfor everyone,Whether it is the outdoor enthusiastor the culturalexplorerin you, Utah truly is one of a kind. With glorious natural attractions,a booming urban sceneand a proud history all sorts of adventureswait for you , here!

utdoor Adventure to o'theGreatest Snow on Earth," it's no wonder

It LakeCity hostedthe 2AA2Winter Olympic Games has13 world-classski resqrts!Whetheryou prefer untry,alpineor snowboarding, Utah is a eccafor the ski enthusiast! f you arelookingfor something a little

ifferent,try visiting one of our pristine al or state parks. Hike through the waters of the Virgin River Narrowsat Zion NationalPark.Let your child'simaginationsoar among the mysteriousrock formationsat GoblinValley State Park. Have a wild white water rafting journey through CataractCanyon.The possibilities are endless!

Salt Lake City Utah's capitol is truly the heartof the state.ExploredowntownMain Street,tlfe_Getplyaland.|1ollgy$gga(g.There aretonsof shopsandboutiques,so feel freeto "shop 'til you drop!" SaltLakeCity alsohasa little sornethingfor the,entirefamily. Takethe kids overto UIAb_S_Hgele Zoq to see animalsfrom all aroundthe world andlearnaboutthe importanceof conservation. How abouta little space exploration?Cla* tLanqtariuruoffersan asffonomicalexperience.Catchan IMAX Film or seean exhibit. For a historicalandspiritualeducation,jet on over to Temple.Squ4fgandtour the grounds.As oneof SaltLake's and Utah's mostrecognizablelandmarks,TempleSquareoffersinslghtandhistoryof the Mormon experience.




LakeClubHouselastweekend, dlnn€rdanceat the UpperGre.enwood annualinstallment At WestMiltordFireDepartment's plaque-s depa*mentaswellasa tromthe of service length Sr. and Jr. rec€ived Ollearo, duo Ed fighiinq iattteianUion fire years 30 years. hasserved His son asa flrefiqhten 37 haar+v .nndr.irrtaftoisfnrmMavorEettinlBlerl.Ed,Sf.hasserved

KWIATKOWSKI*frichard J. Of Cheektowaga,NY, January6, 2008,belavedhusbandof Cynthia T. Drescher Kwiatkowski;dearest fatherof ChristineM. Kwiatkowski;brother of Florence{$tanley}Chmielewski and the lateJosephE" Kwiatkowski. Friendsmay caflWednesday2-9 PM at the PAULA. KLOCBLOSSCIM CHAPELSlNC.,4690ClintonSt.,{eorner BordenRd.),WestSeneca, (668-5666i, wherefuneralwill be held Thursdaymorningat 8:45 AM and fromSt. Gabriel'sChurchat 9:30 o'clock.Friendsare invited.Richard wa$ a Democratic for Committeeman pastcomthe Townof Cheektowaga, manderoi Pvt.teonard PostJr. No. 6251VFW and a memberof $t. Gabriel'sHolyNameSociety.

As manyof you may koorymy husbandDick Kwiatkowski, passedawayon January6m.I haveenclosedq.copyof his deathnotice. I would like to thankall the 765* members who, duringDick's hospitalstay,calledinquiringhow he wasdoingandsentgetwell cards. Thankyou alsofor all the sympathycardsandkind words. They meanta g1.eat dealto both ChristineandI. Dick truly lovedhis 765* family andwe arethankful for the comfort they have broughtus.

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