765th Trsb Newsletter 2008 June 2008

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Download & View 765th Trsb Newsletter 2008 June 2008 as PDF for free.

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President: Joe,Astle 18022Dog BarRoad,GrassValley,Ca.95949Ph.916-346-7503 [email protected] Sec.-Treesurer:Bill Hill l0l GrahamRd.J*p"r, Tn.37347 ph.423-942-2644 Salt Lake City, Utah Reurion coordinator:Jbe& JeanAstle(Addressabove) Assistrnt coordinators:SueHmrilton,2024WindingCreekLane,MasoqOh:45040, ph 513-39g-0713 e_mail Sheryl & Perr .ahglX&!i#&!ers! Schneider l0560McKelvey Rd.Cincinnati,Oh.lSUO pn5l3-648-0351 NewsLetter: Bob& DanKalan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, Nv. 89012 ph.702-260-4224. e-mail ho-brrlalq!.r:c1 VideoPhotographer:FrankRowe755RacineAve. Cohmrbw,Ah'.432(4 ph il4274-5270 Chaplain:BenSmith1929HixsonPikeChattranoog4 Tn.j74OSph4Z3-Z6S-5147 WebSite:NancyCunninghaq5634RichardDallas,Tx.75206,Ph.2t,t-823-9366, e-mailslu!1ircb'rr.)ilash.net 765Historysite,http://griffincwningham.ner/CriffinilvlAlN/765th.htn

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SaltLake Skyline Downtorryn SaltLakeCity

Dear 765 frierrds, We're looking forward to seeingevery one of you at our 765 reunionin Septemberin Salt Lake City. SueHamilton and daughterSheryl andher husbandPerry, all from Ohio set everythingup with the hetp also of Joeand JeanAstle from California Thankyou from all of us for your hard work! We're going to have somesadmemoriesthis year with the passingof someof our dear members.Dick, (1/6) and wife Cindy Kwiatkowski (4/27,after Dick's passingCindy found out that shehad cancerthroughouther whole body).Theironly child is a daughter Christine,who *grew up'with oru 765 group.Shenow ownsandoperatesa dance studio. Shewas closeto her parentsandthey werevery proud of her. Our heartsgo out to her. I got a phonecall from RoseMary Fuentesthe lafier part of March telling me that JoehadpassedawayFeb 14.They wsre all goodfriendsandwill be missed! Joe couldn't cometo the reunionsfor healthreasonsbut was a faithful member. Bob and I when we still lived in Illinois weregoodfriendswith JoeandRosemary.We havesome happymemoriesof times spentwith themsocially. Rosemarysaidtherewere some350 peopleat Joeosfuneral. He was involved in quite a few military organizationsin Chicago andhada lot of friends. We missall of orn ?65 friendswho haveleft us andwe give our syrnpathiesto their families,ffiaYGod blessyou all! Let's atl look forward to having a goodtirne at our reunionin Salt Lake City and fieasureour memoriesof thosememberswho haveleft us. Love to you all! Audrey, Bob & Dan


Joseph A. Fuentes, beloved husband of Rosefirory, nee Schamberger; loving fa$ter of lames (Christine), Phitip (Mary Ann), Rtchard ( Patricla) and Cathleen Fuentes; cherlshed grandfather of Elizabeth, Eric, Thomas, Joseph, Kathryn, Davld, Eleanor, Jacgueline, Matthew (Gina) and great-grandfather of Jasonl fond brother of Teresa and Ester in Mexico; dear uncle of many. Funeral Saturday, 9:15 a.m. from Smlth-CorcDran Funcral Home, 6150 N. Clcero Ave., Chicago, to St. Mary of the Woods Church. l'lass 10 a,rn. Interment St. loseph Cemetery. Vlsitation Friday 3 to 9 p.m. Mernber of the K of C Fr. Ryan Council 50e5 wth a rank of 4th Degree., Korean War Veteran's Association Greater Chicago Chapter, General Chairman of IAM&AW, President of LCI-AA, LUCI3, and former District Commissioner of Boy $couts of America. In lleu of flowers, memorials may be made to Ronald McDonald House Charities, 1900 Spring Rd., Suite 310, Oak Brook, IL 60523. 773-736-3833 or

Hi Bob,AudrcyondDqn qnd Yes,f receivcd the newslefter you sent me.printed cnd Stoppledit, then sot dosn reod it cover to cover,enjoyirg eochondevery bit ! f thonk you veIY muchfor your fime ondtrouble. It is olwoyssodto readoboutthe oneswe hoveloSt,but the rest of the newsletterwoslike reodingletters from fomily'hoppy to heortheir news.As for the losses,o coupleof years ogof bsf nrylrtom.my lqst Aunt, five cousinsondo sister-in-low,oll withino yearstime span.I decidedthen thot I hcd proboblyreached lhe point in ny tife wherescddly.this wosgoingto hoppanmoreoften ondI wouldhqve to ernbroceit f,rith ny foith ondthqnk The 6ood Lord for givirg meoll the years of knowirgondlovingecchof them. f charisholl of the friendshipsI hova,knowirgeach doy is so vet? pnecious. for this y€orsreunion-I'tn ft sourdslike theryhovaeverythingpretty well-in-hand 'to boot'. 6ood ogoinondhovingo wonderfulfime lookirgforword to SeeingevErYone fraenis,happytirnes,lots of storiesondleornitgnewthirgs oboutour wonderful countr1sid"! ft don't get muchSETTERTHAN THAT l! io r omso hoppyto hear fhot youoll ore doitg well. Nothinglike getting bockhonre 'booboo' helpthe heolirgprocessmoveolorqo little foster. Likekissirgo snrcllchilds 'befter'. i o -- ' the comfort foctor' workswonders' to mokeit ) Thonksogoinfor sendirg methe newglEtterqndolsofor scndingttv e-noil oddressto Lonnyfor future lefters. I will be lookirgforwqrd to them' 6ive my loveio the fomily ondI will be lookingforword to seeingyouqll in SLC. Hovec wonderful sunmer !! FrankRowe'scousin) Donna ( Johnson,

Hi Joe and Jean, of I was saddenedto leamof Dpk K's paeeing..I hare so manyfondme6odes Fioiot going are Irii" Jti "U,*r tipu. He waEloteof tun to be ariunOana I knou,all the membe6 him and his smilingface. !o mise"ii most.of Life continueson h€rees usualin $an Mabo. Havebeendoinga lot of trawlllr€-1Utego' San illa;rlg ileueieca" UtlOg€i*mamentE in Honolulu,PalmDeseft,9F "ndpbvaffge' !'lv H;; #tttEfun inttwril nowtorauoutavearandure€ni9y lFryIns.to ' ;;6t d;, aneananOLisaare ftne. Susanlivesin Rocklin,Calif 20 mi no. of Sacramento anOtnr tamitya;,gEtillin Shrc\Fport Le. Denwill rstirefronrthe Air Forcein a "nO-f*" ouple of yeare,thcn maymo,a backto thelr hqne in Tucson' I think of you all so oftsn andwishyou all rrvell.Ptaasegivemy verybestto everyone' Fondly,Gretchen(schm€€ckle)

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765thT,R.S.B,- KoreanWar Veterans 2AFennual Reunion 2008Salt Lake City, Utah $eptember17n'- 21"t2009 ITINERARY

Yll?dneedav.$egt. ,|7. 2Q08

Checkin/Registration HospitalityRoom

ThFrsd,av. Sqpt.18. 200$

CityBusTour LunchIncluded Dinneron yourown MormonTabernacle ChoirRehearsal(NoCharge)

. Ffidav.Sept. 1.9.2008

FreeTimeTo TourThe City BanqueVAuction

Sat$rdav.$ept. 20. 2008

BusinessMeeting FreeTime Hospitality Room

Sgndav.Sept.2!. ?00Q

Forthosethatwantto stay,you mayattendthe Mormon TabernacleChoirBroadcast.

First you forget names,then you forget faces.Thenyou forget to pull up your zipper. It's worsewhenyou forgetto pull it down. Long agowhenmen cursedandbeatthe groundwith sticks,it wascalledwitchcraft... Today,it's calledgolf, Oneof the manythingsno onetells you aboutagingis that it is sucha nice changefrom beingyoung.

Activities Resenation Form ?65thTRSB Reunion September17-21,2008 Salt Lake PlazaHotel 122West SouthTemple Salt Lake Cify, Utah 84101 1-800-366-3684 Ext. 3007 Ask for Rich Willinms

I Salt Lake Bus Tour (We musthave30 passenger minimum) Lunch andTour are includedin price




Price Per Percon






Total remitted for all activities:




Address: City:





Pleasecompletethis form andmail alongwith a checkto coveryour choices. Make check payable to:


Bill Hill, Treasurer 101 Graham Road Jasper,TN ?3747

PhoneNo. (423) 942-2644

Check-inand registrationis on Wednesday, September17,2008. If you have flny questions,ple*secall Suellamilton home: (513)398-07t3 or Sheryl Schneiderhome:(5f3) 648-0351.


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