765th Trsb Newsletter 2007 December 2007

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[email protected] President: Joe,Astle 18022Dog Bar Road,GrassValley,Ca.95949Ph. 916-346-7543 Ph.716-668-1095 V.P.: Dick Kwiatkowski 9 GrandprixDr. CheeklowagaN.Y.14227 Sec.-Treasurer:Bill Hill l0l GrahamRd. Jasper,Tn.37347 Ph.423-942-2644 Salt Lake City, Utah Reunion coordinator: Joe& JeanAstle (Addressabove) e-mail Assistantcoordinators: SueHamilton,2024Windng CreekLane,Mason,Oh.45040,ph 513-398-0713 ph Perry l0560McKelvey Rd. Cincinnati,Oh.45240 513-648-0351 Schneider [email protected]& Nv. 89012 Ph.702-260-4224, e-mail NewsLetter: Bob & Dan Kalan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, [email protected] Video Photographer:FrankRowe755 RacineAve. Columbus,Oh. 43204ph614-274-5270 ph423-265-5147 Chaplain: Ben Smith 1929HixsonPike Chattanooga,Tn.37405 [email protected] Web Site: NancyCunningham , 5634Richard,Dallas,Tx. 7 5206,Ph. 214-823-9366, 765 History site,http://griffincunningham.net/Griffin/IvlAlN/765th.htn 765 Reuniongroup site, http:/griffincunningham.neVT65reunionorg/main.hun


Dear765Friends, HappyHolidaysto all! We wish you andyoursa very Merry Christmasanda most Happy andHealthyNew Year. Our prayersgo to Dick Kwiatkowskiwho hasbeenon the sick list for quite sometime. It was hard on him but he and Cindy cameto our Ohio reunionin October;he spentmost of his time in a wheelchair. We were very happyto seethem but after they had returned home,he wound up in the hospitalagain,in the ICU. Crurentupdateson him is that he is out of ICU andholdinghis own. They'retrying to figureout how to hook up the other Cindyhasbeenat his sidemostof the time. wire on his pacemaker. Also in our prayers,rememberElaineHarris. After returninghomefrom the reunion, shehasbeenreceivingradiationtreatmentsfor her bonecancer. Somehow or another,it her shoulder.Right now sheis just affectedher hip joint andshefell andseparated startingto eatbetterand in a few weekswill be receivingChemo. Also we rememberSueHamilton who had a Gall bladderattackthe otherday andhad surgeryon the 8ft. Hopefully,sheis recoveredby now. Our prayersandbestwishesgo out to all of you! Sueandher daughterSherylandPerry all worked very hard on arrangingand carrying reunionfor all of us in Octoberin Ohio. It really took a lot of work out a mostsuccessful to plan and carry out every detail aswell asthey did. We can't thankthem enough, everyoneappreciatedeverythingthat they did. Their hospitalityroom food and drink was beyondgreat. Our bingo gameshandledby Billie Hill andFrankConawaywerea daily sourceof fun. Everyoneenjoyedthem andthe participationbroughtmonetaryrewardsto otx 765 treasuryasdid our auctionand silent auction. The only cloud in everythingwaswhen our Dan suffered4 GrandMal seizuresone night andhadto be rushedto the hospital. After x-rays,cat-scansandekg, etcand? nightsin the hospitalthey fotrndno reasonfor him to haveseizures.It's been15 years sincehe hashad seizures,While in the hospital,Billie, SueandSherylcameto visit him andofflertheir support,thatmeanta lot to us andDan. He wasreleasedSaturday aftemoonin time to meetthe groupfor lunch at the HofbrauHouse. EveryonegaveDan a warm welcomeback,this meanta lot to him aswell asus, you are a gteat groupof friends.In fact, beforeleaving for home,we had all kinds of offers for help including driving us home. What agreatbunchof peopleyou are! Again,manythanksto Sue,SherylandPerry,you did a marvelousjob with the2007 reunion! Audrev.Bob andDan P.S.. Yes,Ben,you areright! Whendriving throughOklahomaCity, the Cowboy HeritageMuseumis a very niceplaceto visit. Wish we couldhavehadmoretime to spendthere.Thanksfor telling us aboutit.

qrN.crNuaTr--qgToBBR2007 octoberarrived and we were all set We'll makeit to Cinn. by 2 p.m.was Bill's bet.

About 1l:30 P.M.we got a call. Dan Kalan had beenarnbulanced to the hospital,which upsetus all.

When we arrived therewere severalalreadythere Sayingwe're readyfor bingo lets go upstairs.

Friday morningwas the Business Meeting for this year. Thenoffto the hospitalto checkon Dan and seeif we could help here.

The eveningwas great, no one was in a rush. The only pmblem was,no onewantedto hush.

The banquetand auctionwas on the agendafor tonight. The banquetsettingwas a beautiful sight.

Thrnsdaymorning andthe City Towwas inthe plan. Man, this wasn'tjust nice,it was absolutelygrard.

The auctionwent well and greatgrfts got oa theirway To makeothershappyfor anotherday.

The greattorn guide crossed every'?o anddottedeach*I" On eachand every street aswe passedby.

Saturday\ rewere up and out beforeeight. We had Wright PattersonMuseumin DaytonandHofbrauhausfor dinner andwe couldn't be late.

'We saw so much and I learneda lot, If I had ever known what shetold us, then I had forgot. The tour endedat the B&B Riverboat site, whereour hmchon the river Was awesome,fulfilling our nigbt. This was Bill's first real obstacle afterhis hip surgery And the uphill climb to the bus took him, his walker and help from 2 or 3, Back to the hotel and stuffedheel to toe Everyonewas readyto relax andplay bingo. Sueand Sherylfilled the hospitality room with homemadeitems galore And asusualwe all stuffedourselves just a little more.

No one could seeWright Patersonin just one day, But we tried to put it all in anyway. Hofbrauhauswasa dining treat I'm sureglad I didn't miss. It's not ev€ry day you havean Experiencelike this. WhenDan Kalan arrivedat dinner at Hofbrauhauswith a smile from earto ear, This wascertainlyahighlight for all this year. Only a few knew Dan had been released, andhis anival for dinner pul our minds at peace.

Sue,Sheryland Perry are due an extra Pat on the back. For all the had work and effort they Put forth to keepus on track. Salt Lake City, Utah is our destination for next year. Don't forget we promisedJoeandJeanwe would be there,so SEEYOU NEXT YEAR. START PLANNING NOW

Hi Bob. Audrey andDan, I was glad to hearthat you had arrived,and everythingwent okay for you going home. I know it hadto be a harddrive, andyou areprobablyexhausted. Thankyou for all the itemsyou broughtfor the si-lentauction.I think everyonehada good time. Both the silent auction and the regularauctionwent well. We were sorry for Dan, but glad he was able to rejoin us as soonashe did I didn't know if you had gottena copyof the newspaperthatwe wereinterviewedin or not, so I copiedit off for you. We alsohada letterfrom ErnieFletcher,the governorof Ky. that I am sendingalongalso. I appreciateeveryonewho camethis year,and look forward already,to next yearSomeof our groupwereableto attendthis year,by it beingwithin driving distance,that haven'tbeenableto travel for the last coupleof years,andI am so gladto havehadthem. Thanksto all who brought things, and to all for their help. Sheryland Perrydid a great job, and I couldn't havedoneit without them. Tell Dan I wish him the bestof health,andI will keephim in thoughtand prayers.It wasgoodto talk to him lastnight also. Till next time, Sue

Dear Bob, Audrey & Dan Thanksfor the nice note.I really loved Dan's cardandphonemessage. Everythingturned out greatin spiteof Dan's inconvenienceto him, and we thank the Lord for his quick recovery.I haveto tell you this. I thoughtit waspriceless.Only a few of us knew you were being releasedfrom the hospitalandwould meetus at the restaurant.So,whenyou camein andElaineHarris sawyou shereplied'ol,ordI knew you would answerour prayerswith so many going up from all the Catholics,Protestants andtwo Jews."I replied" he knowsus all." Takecareand let us hearfrom you. Bill is doinggreat. Bill&Billie

He didn't like the casserole. .....Andhe didn't like my cake, He saidmy biscuitsweretoo hard....Notlike his motherusedto make. I didn't perkthecoffeeright.... .. .....Hedidn't like my stew, I didn't rnendhis socks.. ........Thewayhismotherused to do. I ponderedfor an answer. ......I waslookingfor a clue. Then I tumed aroundand smackedthe shit out of him Like his motherusedto do.

It was late. I wastired. All the motelswerefirll. So I calleda motel chain. '1'm just outsideLouisville," I said.Is thereanyplacewith a vacancyon I-64?" 'T.loton 64,'othewomansaid,checkingher map, "but I've got onejust offit." "How far off[?" I said."About an inch."


Dec.8,2007 Dear Kalan crew, Seasonsgreetingsand a Merry X-mas. Hope alt is fine at your housewe all are ok and being veryproductive and enjoying life and our families. We are very fortunatebecausethe famities lG on$ I hour away and closer. Margetook up retirementin July. But after being there 17 years,the Churchandthe good Fatherhasher back aboutone a week. So, shedoesn'tget bored. I havehad a very busy year upgradinga few things on the rentals. But with the high rents, you haveto give back too, We are a little below market. But don't haveany vacancies. Amie and Swen's daughterwastwo in November. Shesurelovesher grandma Marge getsto baby sit every Tuesday,they live a half hour away,sheis a little gem. I get to seeher as often as I can also. Got a new van last week. The old one did not passthe Smogtest. Wasin Vegasin OctoberStevenhad a booth at the conventionaboutdrug testingequipmentat the Orleans; kept us both busy. The regularpersoncould not attendbecausehis houseburneddown in SanDiego. Enclosedis a checkfor $60.00forthe newsletter. I sureenjoy it, if more is owed,let me know. Thank you for all your service, Art (Stahovich)

Subject: Reunion From : "JeanAstle" <[email protected]>

-0800 Date:Wed,14Nov 200711:58:09 To: "Bob Kalan"

DearBob, Justa noteto let youand everyoneknowwhata greattimewe had in Octoberat the reunionin Ohio. We werereallyhappyto seeso manyof ourfriendsthathadbeenlaidup lastyearwereback. We havebeenworkingon nextyearin SaltLakeCity. lt will haveto be towardthe first partof $eptember,as thereis a Woman's Conference the lastweekof Sept. And GeneralConference of the Churchis alwaysthe firstweek-endof October.There won'tbe any roomsavailable.We don'twantto gettoo latein the year,as Salt Lakegetssnow. (Thatprobablywouldn'tbothersomeof our more heartiermembers,butit is hardto getaroundin a wheelchair or scooterin the snow.)Anyway,it dependson a lot of differentthings. Hopeeverythingis ok withyou. Loveto all, JoeandJeanAstle


The 765 TRSB ReunionGroupmet in Cincinnati,Ohio, October3-7, ZA07. The meetingwasopenedby the PresidentRon Torii who led the group in the Pledgeof Allcgianceto the flag. Bob Kalan's son,Dan, becamequite ill last night andhad to be takento the hospital. Ron asked that all remain standingfor a minute of silent prayer for Dan andhis family. The minutesof the previousreunionwere readby the secretary,Bill Hill, and approvedasread. The treasurer'sreport wasgiven by Bill Hill. All bookswere pres€ntfor audit and declared colrect and in order. The treasurer'sreport was acceptedandapprovedasreadby all. All correspondence was read. OLD BUSINESS: Any addresschanges,phonenumbers,ar€acodes,etc. shouldbe reportedto the Sec./Trea., Bill Hill assoonaspossible,andto the newseditor,Bob Kalan. NEW BUSINESS: We had an sxcellentReunion. Therewere 58 present,andthis was a happy, fun reunion- Many thankswere extendedto SueAllen Hamilton andher daughterSheryland Son-In-Law Perry Schneider. They went aboveandbeyondon everything. The Reunionsitesare drasticallychangingthe way they handlethe Reunionsnow. Due to this, we havefound it necessaryto makesomechangesin how we ac,cess our membersfor the Reunions. The following recommendations were madeandapprovedby all present. A depositor full paymentmustbe madeby eachmemberattending90 day beforekickoff date. 2. Full paymentmustbe made30 daysbeforereuniondate. 3. In caseof a cancellation,no moneywill be refundeduntil after the reunion. andthen only if fundsare available. Our group doesnot want to put any reunioncoordinatorsin any awkwardpositionswithout moneyto cover all expenses. L

All officen andmembersvoted unanimouslyon this. We haveto be able to coverourselvessincewe haveto guaranteethe numberto be presentfor all events. A site for 2008 wasnext on our agenda. Salt Lake City, Utah had beensuggestedlast year. Joe and JeanAstle did someinquiring on this and said if enoughwould saythat they would come,they would do a reuniontherein 2008. SueAllen Hamilton and her daughterSheryland Son-in-lawPerry Schneider werevoted assistantcoordinatorsto assistJoeandJeanAstle. Look out Salt Lake City, herewe come. A motion was madeby Bill Hill and 2d by Dick Kwiatkowski that 4! our funre meetingsbe held eitherthe 3d or 4s week in September,or early Oct6ber. Thereis so much*ti"tty taking placeearly in Septemberthat severalwere having a hardtime comingthen. Motion passed.

Billie Hill thankedall who broughtgifts for the bingo. This was sucha successlastyear and everyoneseemedto haveenjoyedit again. Billie alsothankedthe ladiesfor their extra donationof $5.00 each which will go into our treasury. A discussionwas held regardingraising our duesin 2008 from $20.00to $25.00,startingin 2009. Let us hear from you on this. It will be voted on at our Reunionin Ohio. Severalladiessuggestedchargingthe ladics35.00 a year. No motion was madcbut severalgave donationsfrom $5.00to $20.00just to build our treasuy this year. Ron Torii suggestedthat the duesbe $20.00for all the singlemenand $25.00for the married ones,$20.00for him and $5.00 for his wife. No actionwastaken. The electionof officers for 20078rras held and the following were elected: President: Vice Pres.; Sec./Trea.: Chaplain News Editor: Photographer: Video: Coordinator&2"dVP

JoeAstle Dick Kwiatkowski Bill Hill Bcn Smith Bob Kalan & Dan Kalan Frank Rowe SueAllen Hamilton--Perryand SherylSchneider

With no further businessBill Hill askedeveryonepresentto rememberDan Kalan and his family in ourprayen. PresidentRon Torii adjournedour meeting. Sincerely,

Bill Hill Secretary/Treasurer



crNcrNNAlr, oHro oqTgEEg3-7. 2007



Secretary/Treasurer, from the reunion in


Bill Hill, after Atlanta, Georgia

auditing submits

Summary from date of 2OA6 audit until return 2007 Reunj-on October 3-?, 2OO1,is as foLlows: DEBITS Beginning



Deposits for 2A01 Reunion return deposit Checks written for 2007

BALANCE: 10-10*07




newsletters, City, Utah. please feel





2,Q95.27 1,'t84.95 3, 530. 50 7, 6 2 5 . 4 8



Donations--Bingo Auction RaffIe Money colected for CREDITS:

the books upon my the fol-rowing:

Reunion expenses

Checks written incl-uded: N"-slett"r e"fns. Postage Bereavement expenses Reunion costs Hotef expense Programs Decorating expense Reunion Banners Hospitality room expense, etc UPS for flags bei-ng shipped to



go toward the upcoming The balance on hand will and to help defray costs of the 2008 reunion in Sal-t Lake questi-ons regarding If you have any further this report free to call us. Sincerely, 765 TRSB KOREANREUNION GROUP

Bill Hitl Secretary,/Treasurer



OF F IC E OF THE GOVEHNOFI Emb Fletcfier Govemor


sutTE100 FHANKFORT. KY 40601 (wzl 56,-2611 F$(: (502)w25r7

Dear Honored Guests: On behalf of the Commonwealth, Glenna and I are pleasedto welcome you to Northern Keotucky for the 765thTRSB Annual Reunion. I commend you for taking time away from busy schedulesin order to participate in this unique reunion. I am confident that your experiencesthis week will be enioyable and enriching. Kentucky enioys a long, rich tradition of service to our county and we are extrernely proud of our miliary heritage. Without the bmve men and women who have devoted their lives to serving this country, our great nadon's history would be quite differenu All Americans should be humbled by the realization of what your commitment, courage and sacrifices have contributed to the causeof freedom, This extraordinary region boasts some of the most beautifrrl landmarks and sceneryimaginable. From the magnificence of famous suspension bridges that span the Ohio to historic pioneer villages and Civil War sites, Northern Kentucky offers ?n aftaryof breathtaking oppornrnities. \Uileare honored that you have chosen to meet here and hope that you will take advanage of the ar:ea'snumerous attractions. As a proud veteran, Kentuckian and American,I welcome you to the Commonwealth, and thank you for your service. Sincerely,


An E$ral OeportunityErplryerl#FlD

December14.2007 Hello 765th, Justa coupleof lines from beautifulCincinnati.Ohio! Wejust want everyoneto know h9w muchwe enjoyedhavingthe reunionherethis year. It is alwaysa goodtime seeingall the familiar facesandcatchingirpon the newsof thepurt y"*. The weatherfinally turnedcoolerandaftera summerof no iain, now it wonotstopraining...or worsesnowing! As far asmy ami]v goes,Perryhadshouldersurgeryat the endof Octoberandis healing nicely althoughhe is still goesto physicaltherapythreetimesa week. It hasn'tmadehim slow down a bit andhe wasbackto work in lessthana week. I havefounda job (finally) working for the HousingAuthority of Covington,Kentucky. It is a bit of a drive backand forth everyday but thework is provingto be interesting. On the down side,Mother went into the hospitalon December5thandhad surgeryto remove her gallbladderon December8'h. Theyhadto do an openincisionbecauseher gallbladder wasso bad' Shewasreleasedfrom the hospitalyesterdayandis goingto spenda cbupleof daysin a nursinghomeuntil shecanget her strengthbackenought; be;ble io climb stairs,etc. The doctorsaysthat sheis doing well as far,asthe surgerywent,but it will takea little time get to that springbackin her step. I am surethat if we a1ljust keepher in our prayers,shewill be back to her old self in no time. We hopeall of you enjoy the holidays. We will be spendinga quiet Christmaswith family and friends. GodBlessYou All! SherylSchneider ThanksSherylfor your letter. Sorv to hearaboutPerry's shoulder,we're happyto hearthat he,sdoing well' And thankyou for the updateon your mother'srlrg"ry. This letterczunein after I hadmy newsletter out to be printedso I could not correctthe item that I had-puiin aboutyou mother. But you haveus up ro speednow. Again, thankyou andperry for helpingyour motherwith the greatreunion. Merry Christmas! lI/-1/inalUgot thefollrs ashesburied in the little cemeteryin oklahoma in october. Life is still an adjustment* we missthemterribly. was sorry to hear of Dan's troubles in sept. Hopeall ofyou are well now. We'reof travelingfor 6 wks thru the holidayshoping weatherwill cooperate as we go to NM, oK, TX. Wishingyou the best. Victorla Farris (King,s daughter)

IIE War lcb

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KOREANIWAR VETERAI{SIN TOWI{ TO REMII{ISCT 8ylhdn l(dly [email protected]

COVINcIOht - Robert Iklan and severalotherKo reanWar veteransreturned to Southlbrea in 2005and. from the skyscrapersto the doubledeckerhighways, found it to be a much different country lhan what thev -l .*l left deades earlier, j flre visit washostedbv a successfu I Koreanbusiness manwho duringthe war servedas an interprererfor the Anny's 765tlrTransporra- Robert_l(alan of Las Vegas(from right);Jim palsgroveot tion llailroad ShopBattahon. troy,Uhio:and Bill Hillof Jasper.Tenn.,talk Th;ursday and it included the dedic-a- abouttheirexperiences duringthe KoreanWar. tion of a granite rrnnunrent erectcdto honorthe urdt. BurgessAllen, servr:dwith saidRichardBlastick,a conr "lt has all tle nanmsof u_s the 7ti5th.organized this piulyconmtan(k'r. "\lt' prc. that went to Koreaand is ser yea''s reunirn. Shehasatparedthehoop tlidustu in font of the oficcs of the temiedirll but oneof the transportthoseprisoners. 765thhouse,"said ltalan. gafheringssinceher husWhatwe had to do, of who servedwith rhe unit banddied in 1990. course,wasprotectthe rlut'"These ['om l95l-53andnorvlivesin guys areaddicsidewindowsso the litrur-h Hendcrson,l.lev. 'Tirat wiii tive," she saidwirh a laush. Krrreans couldn'tthnrw staythere forever." caughtup in tlreir- rocksor bornbsinto the 'Ihe ,j S-e1so effofis of the 7ti5flr lles. train." were relved, retold and rellte 765threbuilt dc. l}re reunionkickcclolI nrcmberedthat riayjust as stroyedrailroadsystems, Thursdaywith a tour of Cirrthey were inside a l6th-floor and built arrdmaintained rail- cinnatiand a riverboatcnrisc meeling room Thursdavar carsand serviceddieseland on the Ohio River.It crintilrthe RadissonHotel.Veierans steamenginesfrom a shcp trestodayandconr:ludes Sarof the unit and t}e'ir fanrifies, in Busan. trday uith a visitto lVrislrtalmost60 peoplein all. will "lrVesuppoftedthe Kor* Pattersou Air lirrce Basi, spendthe nexl tw() davsr* ati.nationalr:ailroadby proemddinnerat the }{olblautelling old storiesand iourudmg h'ansportationsup hausin Newptirt. ing as part oftheir 23rd anpott" saidRonTorii. a "!Ve rnakelight oIa krt of nual retrnion.the reunion veteran'ofthe unit fonr things,"tslastit*said."flur I visits a differentcity each Homewtrod,Ill. "They were think the'rezue a lot of nct> -vear. so happytc haveus or,er pleherethatknow sonie. "l\h re just like brothers thc're." bodythat'suot a srurivorof 'Ilrc and sisters."saidtsill Hill of 765thprcparedtrrxrp tlrc war. *r wc werevqv fix. Jaspet,Ienn. "Our wivesger [aius and hospitaltrainslor Lurate.We got honreand rvt: alongjust like'sisters.ycu;d the cxchangeof pdsouers. canlaugiraboutit and tcast; be surprisedhow our wives "lVhen they stadedexaboutit. But \ryehy to rrt hit it off." chmging prisoners.thev had nre.rnberthere u'erea lot rf MasonresidentSueHar:r- what they called'Uttle themthatdidn'tcrrrne iltrrn,whoselate husband. Switclr'zrnd'BigSwirch."' Irrlne."



Member$ of theArmy's?6bthgather for reunionof 'brothers andsisters'

f he Enquirer/f"4eqiga:Ilookr:r

lohn andJackievanderfrook of Hawthorne,f'J.J.,look throughan album of deceased battalion members Thursdayat the reunionof the z6sti'Trapspo,tation Raiiroad shop Battalion.whichrebuijtclestrcyedrailroadsystemsdiirinlllre Korea;: !tar

From the county where drunk driving is considereda sport,comesthis true story. Recentlya routine police paftol parkedoutsidea bar in Clearfield PA after last call the officer noticeda man leavingthe bar so apparentlyintoxicatedthat he could barely walk. The man stumbledaroundthe parking lot for a few minuteswith the officer quietly observing. After what seemedan eternity in which he tried his keys on five different vehicles,the managedto find his car and fall into it. He sattherefor a few minutesas a numberof otherpatronsleft the bar and drove off. Finally he startedthe car, switchedthe wipers on and off-it was f fine,dry srunmernight--, flicked the blinkers on and off a coupleof times honkedthe horn andthen switchedon the lights. He movedthe vehicle forward a few inches,reverseda little andthen remainedstill for a few more minutesas some more of the other patrons' vehiclesleft. At last, when his wasthe only car left in the parking lot, he pulled out and drove slowly down the road. The police offrcer, having waited patiently all this time, now startedup his patrol car, put on the flashing lights, promptly pulled the man over and administereda breathalyzertest. To his amazement, the breathalyzerindicatedno evidencethat the man had consumedany alcohol at all! Dumbfounded,the officer said,'oI'll haveto askyou to accompanyme to the police station This breathalyzerequipmentmust be broken." decoy." "I doubtit," saidthe truly proudRedneck."Tonight I'm the designated

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