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Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te work or other commitments you are most welcome to enrol Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and the in our Before School Supervision Programme. The family of Nelson Central School. programme operates in the library between 7:30 am and Thank you to everyone who attended parent interviews last 8:30 am. For details please contact the office or see Jody in the library 7:30 – 8:30 am. week. We appreciate the time and effort you made to negotiate the on-line booking system and get yourselves Nelson Central Achie vers along to school. If the system didn’t work for you please 1. Ruby & Tom (R13) for a super sample folder let us know and we will see what can be done to make 2. R13 for What happens to our waste when it is dumped? things better for you. Booklet 3. Grace, Luke, Logan, Charlotte, Baimon (R3) for really The next time we report formally on your child’s progress super questions and achievement will be through a written report in 4. Sam, Josephine (R6) for excellent e-learning projects December. However, if there is anything you would like to 5. Lochie, Bianca, Ruby (R3) know before then please don’t hesitate to contact the 6. Michael (R1) for improved handwriting. classroom teacher. 7. Baimon (R3) Jenne (R11) for fantastic progress with Play Fighting English Play fighting has been a feature of children’s play for as Dr Paul Potaka long as any of us can remember. T he virtues of play PRINCIPAL fighting have been described in many books, magazines and web sites. One source described play fighting as “ risk Ter m Events taking” and said it was “ a powerful way of learning”. When we take a risk, we face success or failure. Success Board of Trustees meets raises our self-esteem. Failure may hurt, but it teaches us to 19 August – 19 August – ICAS Mathematics do things differently next time. Children need to learn to Board of Trustees meets make sensible choices as they get older and sometimes this 16 Sept – 21–25 Sept – Education Review Office visit “takes a few mistakes” and that “ So long as no one gets 25 Se pt – Te rm 3 ends hurt, it doesn't need to be stopped”. The last part is 12 Octobe r – Te rm 4 be gins important – “ as long as no-one gets hurt”. Unfortunately so 19–23 October – Room 1 camp at Marahau many “ play fights” start out as fun but so many end up 20–21 October – Rooms 3 and 6 camp at T eapot Valley with some-one in tears and accusations of assault and 20–21 October – Rooms 5 and 14 camp at Teapot Vly bullying flow freely. T he line between fun and hurt is so 16 Dec – School closes thin and the fall out can be so traumatic that we do not allow play fighting at all. School Te rms and holidays for 2010 Feb 3 – T erm 1 starts Fee s April 1 – T erm 1 ends We are just over half way through the year and have April 19 – T erm 2 starts received 86% of the fees/voluntary donations we had July 2 – T erm 2 ends planned to receive. We have also received 76% of the July 19 – T erm 3 starts photocopying fees. If you haven’t paid your fees yet there T erm 3 ends is still time to do so. We have EFTPOS at the office to help Sept 24 – Oct 11 – T erm 4 starts make things easier for you. Dec 16 – T erm 4 ends Be fore School Official Holidays in 2010 Children are allowed to enter the school grounds when the New Years Day – 1 January bell rings at 8:30 am. Prior to that time there is no supervision because teachers are either attending meetings, Day after New Years Day – 2 January Waitangi Day – 6 February (Saturday) undergoing professional development or preparing for the Good Friday – 2 April day. Having children in the grounds before 8:30 am would Easter Monday – 5 April provide an unwanted distraction. Day after Easter Monday – 6 April (T uesday) Be fore School Supe rvision Anzac Day – 25 April (Sunday) If your children need to be at school because you have Queen's Birthday – 7 June (Monday) Our weekly newslett er is kindly Labour Day – 25 October (Monday) sponsored by – Christmas Day – 25 December T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y Boxing Day – 26 December 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Social Skills

No Put Downs

• Be positive • Think about others feelings. • Smile at people. • Listen to people. • Play and have fun with your friends. • Say nice things. • Don’t use put downs. • Be responsible for your own behaviour.

Conflict Resolution Skills Work on conflict resolution skills will be ongoing as part of our Human Rights and Social skills learning. The children are beginning to use the ter ms, turtle etc... when and if they are faced with conflict. Not all problems are easily solved but the children are slowly gaining the appropriate skills they need. Thanks for supporting this at home.

This week the NCS Blog of the Week Award goes to Te Pouahi 15! Last w eek w as Te Wi ki o te Reo Māori (Māori Language Week). Check out T e Pouahi 15's blog to vi ew some great Māori w aiata vi deos from You Tube and some excellent i deas for usi ng Te Reo around your w hare. It cer tai nly is cool to kōrero! Congratulati ons to Te Pouahi 15 for thei r i nformati ve blog!

Congratulations !

You can vi ew the Te Pouahi 15 blog by goi ng to the school w ebsi te and cli cki ng on "Classrooms" then on "Room 15". http://www .nelsoncentral.school.nz

HOUSE SWAP WANTED Are you keen for a skiing/snowboarding holiday in Canada, January 2010? My bro ther is looking for a family to house-swap for the mon th of January. He lives in Canmore, (15 minutes drive from Banff A.B) in the Canadian Rockies. His home is 4 bedroom, 2 ba throom and sleeps 7 people. The swap would also include vehicles. His home is very child friendly! If you are interested please ring Steph: 545 7269 Congratulations to Laura Joy of room 11 for graduating from a pony to a full size horse during her riding lessons. Laura Joy confidently rides in the arena and participates in the ga mes. She is particularly skilled at collecting a ball, riding the length of the arena and placing the ball in a bucket. Laura Joy has been riding for 2 years and looks forward to her riding lessons each week. Well done.

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2009

These photos show some of the fun we had dressing up being different characters during Maori language Week. Here are some quotes from students of Te Pouahi 15. They were asked why it is cool to korero Maori and this is what they had to say: He kakano ahau- I am a seed, born of greatness - Lucy He pai ki te mohio ko wai koe- It helps you to understand who you are - Tanisha He tama e au ki roto, he rangatira e au ki roto- On the outside I am seen to be a boy, but on the inside I am like a chief - David Ko te mana o te tangata ko te reo- the strongest thing for people is their language - Heidi

CHILDREN'S BEGINNERS BALLROOM DANCING CLASSES Tuesday 15 September 2009 from 3.45PM - 4.45PM This 8 week module will be run over 10 Weeks (to take account of 2 week break for school holidays) a t TRINITY CHURCH HALL, NILE STREE T, NELSON Contact Paul, Associate IDTA (England) Associate NZFATD Professional Ballroom Dance Teacher For details Tel: 548 7369 or e-mail quickstep todance@ho tmail.com STOP - PRESS ! Help Wante d We are looking for volunteers who have overlockers and who can assist with the repair of hems on our school sports shirts. Please see Sheryll in the school office if you are able to offer your assistance.

Parent information Session - Totara Syndicate Parents Next Wednesday 12 th August 3.15 - 4.15 in the Library

Topic is Pubertal Change

WEEKLY SPO RTS RESULTS Week ende d 2 nd August


7 AUGUST 2009 Netball Central Sting v Appleby A. Appleby won 16-13. Time COURT 2 – RICHMO ND END Player of the day: Brittany Room 1. 4.15 VICT ORY – CENT RAL SPURS Central Magics v Victory Flames. Magics won 3-2. Player of the day: Mai Room 7. FULL CO URT Central Stars v Wakefield Primary Sting. Wakefield won 6.15 CENT RAL SLAM – EG SHORT BLACKS 3-1. 14 AUGUST 2009 Miniball Central Slam v Stoke Shooters. Slam won 30-20. Time COURT 2 – RICHMO ND END Player of the day: Hamish M. 4.15 CENT RAL SPURS – CLIFT ON They currently lead the Friday night competition by four points, having won all but one game. FULL CO URT Central Spurs v Nayland Devils. Spurs won 54-12. 6.45 CENT RAL SLAM – HAMPDEN ST Player of the day: Ben Room 7, Quinn Room 7. The Spurs currently lie second in their Nelson Ne tball – Saturday, Year 6 competition. After a slow start, they have won Section Three DRAW FOR 08/08/09 seven games in a row. Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 Socce r Nelson City Stars v Wakefield. Wakefield Ct11 8:30am Nelson Central Sting v St Jose ph's Golden Fe rns won 3-2. Section Three DRAW FOR 15/08/09 City Cobras v City Tigers. T igers won 2-1. Goal scored by: Max Room 7. Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 Player of the day: Trevor Room 7. Ct9 9:25am Brightwater Emeraldz v Nelson Central Sting City Geckos v Mapua Geckos. Mapua won 24. Nelson Ne tball - We dnesday , Ye ar 4/5 Draw Goals scored by: Lachlan Room 7 Player of the day: Davey Clifton Section T wo & Four DRAWS FOR 12/08/09 T ce. Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 Nelson City Green v City Orange. Ct2 3:45pm Nelson Central School Magics v St Paul's Supe r Stars Green lost Ct3 4:25pm Nelson Central School Stars v St Paul's Cool Dudes Player of the day: Hayley B. City Knights v Wakefield Section T wo & Four DRAWS FOR 19/08/09 Wildboys. City won 1-0. Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 Goals scored by: Dexter Hampdon St Ct3 4:25pm Nelson Central School Magics v Apple by Apple by B Player of the day: Zac Hampden Ct2 3:45pm Brightwater Future Fe rns v Nelson Central School Stars St City Blades v Suburbs Strikers. Blades won 2-0. Gre at ne ws – we will be holding a six week series of cycling Goals scored by: Sam Room 6, Joe P Room 8. skills and racing at Trafalgar Park commencing this Sunday Player of the day: Albie Room 5. 9th August 2009. City Blades v Brightwater. Blades won 5-3. Time : Sundays August 9, 23, 30, and September 6, 13, 20 Goals scored by: Sam Room 6 (4), Leo Room 3. 2.:30 pm – 4:00pm 5 - 10 yr olds Player of the day: Nic Room 1. 4:00pm – 5:30pm 11 - 17 yr olds City Blues v City Whites. Blues won 4-0. Children race in their age group, according to their birthday Goals scored by: Jamie 3, Vincent 1. on 1 January 2010. Player of the day: Jamie. A parent/care give r/guardian is re quire d to remain at the track for the duration of the session. The y may be Reminder re quire d for timing, holding etc. Also in the unfortunate e vent of an accide nt your input may be re quire d for the The Cycling Nelson 2 Up Time Trial is this Sunday tre atment of your child. 9th August. Junior riders 10 years and older are able to race. Please see the flyer and registration form on the Sports noticeboard for more details. 10 year old Riders m ust have an adult accompany We would appreciate registrations to be them. Registration is at the Moutere Village 9:15 – 9:45 emailed through by Friday 7 August where For more information see www.cyclingnelson.co.nz possible, to speed up number allocation.

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