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TE RM 3 12th Augus t 200 9

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te 12 Octobe r – Te rm 4 be gins Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and 19–23 Oct - Room 1 camp at Marahau family of Nelson Central School. 20-21 Oct - Rooms 3 and 6 camp at Teapot Valley Congratulations to children who completed an entry for the 20-21 Oct - Rooms 5 and 14 camp at T eapot Valley School Science Fair. T his was an excellent opportunity for 12 Nov – NIS Powhiri for 2010 enrolments children to learn about the process involved in preparing 18 Nov – NIS testing for extension class 16 Dec – School closes an entry for a science fair. I think most children learned there was a lot more to it than first thought! Judges will be Dr Paul Potaka busy this week deciding which entries will go forward to PRINCIPAL the regional Science Fair. Ski Trip Thanks to all parents and supporters who helped with the Room 1 and Room 8 ski trip last week. Thanks also for making this event a priority for the family budget – especially if you had to prioritise other items in the household. We are keeping our fingers crossed and hope that the other rooms will get in their ski trip also. Le arning in Kahikatea Syndicate SOCIAL SKILLS It is exciting to see electronic records of children’s learning as featured on class blog sites. I have referenced DOING OUR BEST three blog sites that give you an insight into what is happening in some classes in Kahikatea Syndicate – please AIM HIGH KI RUNGA RAWA take a look and do leave a comment for the class. People with disabilities –from R13 Note** FOR PARENTS http://room13ncs2009.blogspot.com/ Haven Counselling Services will be presenting an A visit to the museum – by R14 evening discussing the development of strategies and http://room14nelsoncentralschool.blogspot.com/ skills when dealing with children’s anger. This will be Monday 7th Septe mber, The new T ug of War Rope – by Room 5 7pm – 8.30. in our school library. http://room5ncs2009.blogspot.com/ Look out for further details in next week’s newsletter. T e reo Maori – By Room 15 http://room15nelsoncentralschool.blogspot.com/ School Te rms and Holidays for 2010 Feb 3 – Term 1 starts Wheels in the school grounds April 1 – T erm 1 ends We have had a long standing ask of children – “Please April 19 – T erm 2 starts walk your wheels in the grounds” - we ask this for safety July 2 – Term 2 ends reasons. Parents, you can help by reminding your children July 19 – T erm 3 starts when you are walking with them. It will also be useful if Sept 24 - T erm 3 ends your pre-schoolers could start getting used to the habit as Oct 11 – Term 4 starts well please. Dec 16 – T erm 4 ends Te rm Eve nts Official Holidays in 2010 19 August – Board of Trustees meets New Years Day - 1 January 19 August - ICAS Mathematics Day after New Years Day - 2 January 3 Sept – NIS management re: 2010 enrolments Waitangi Day - 6 February (Saturday) 9 Sept – NIS open to prospective parents Good Friday - 2 April 16 Sept – Board of Trustees meets Easter Monday - 5 April 21-25 Sept – Education Review Office visit Day after Easter Monday - 6 April (T uesday) 25 Se pt – Te rm 3 ends Anzac Day - 25 April (Sunday) Our weekly newslett er is kindly Queen's Birthday - 7 June (Monday) sponsored by – Labour Day - 25 October (Monday) T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y Christmas Day - 25 December 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

HOUSE SWAP WANTED Are you keen for a skiing/snowboarding holiday in Canada, January 2010? My bro ther is looking for a family to house-swap for the mon th of January. He lives in Canmore, (15 minutes drive from Banff A.B) in the Canadian Rockies. His home is 4 bedroom, 2 ba throom and sleeps 7 people. The swap would also include vehicles. His home is very child friendly! If you are interested please ring Steph: 545 7269 or come and see me in Renwick 3 after school.

Soccer Representatives

Thi s w eek the NCS Blog of the Week Aw ard goes to Room 5! Check out Room 5's class blog to li sten to thei r great Voi ceThread that detai ls thei r refl ecti ons on thei r learni ng from term 2. A Voi ceThread i s a collaborati ve multi medi a sli deshow that allow s the s tudents to recor d thei r thoughts and r eflecti ons thr ough speaki ng. Li sten to w hat each student has to say by cli cki ng on thei r photo. Well done Room 5. It i s great to see you usi ng such a neat tool to shar e w hat you've learned wi th others! You can vi ew Room 5's blog and li sten to thei r aw esome Voi ceThread by goi ng to the school w ebsi te and cli cki ng on "Classrooms" then on "Room 5". http://w ww.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Congratulations to the follow ing players who have been selected for Nelson Representative Soccer teams: 10th grade: Sean room 2, Devon room 8. 11th grade: Tayla room 1, Hayley G room 1. On the 2nd August the third NCS Push Play Walk took place and with perfect weather and over 50 people meeting at the Botanics, it was another successful walk. Despite the speedy front runners taking a wrong turn and them needing Todd Halsey on his bike to carry out search and rescue, we all agree fun was had by all. Watch this space for the next adventure!!! Thanks, Kathryn, SCG

Well done everyone who took part in the 40 hour famine our school raised over $2000 which placed us amongst the top 10 schools in the South Island. Pictured with the school award are Jamie (Rm 1) and Sarah (Rm 7) who both earned over $100.

Walking Wednesday At Nelson Central every Wednesday is ‘Walking Wednesday’. Our teachers record how many children walk, bike or scooter to school. This information is collected and entered on to the Feet first websi te (www.feetfirst.govt.nz). We are then able to monitor our progress over the year. As a reward for en tering our da ta on time for Term 2 we won a $500 sports voucher. A big thank you to Feet First N.Z. and Sports Distributors and well done to all the fabulous children who are walking, biking or scootering to school! Kahikatea children were the first to try out the new Tug of War rope during Syndicate time this week. The School Community Group would like to thank Martin Byrne, of Port Nelson for donating the rope to the SCG.

The Nelson White team, including four Central School players, Sam ( Rm 1), Ben ( Rm 7), Nic ( Rm 7) and Lachlan (Rm 7) w ent unbeaten through day one of the Seddon Shields miniball tournament, played at the Jack Robins stadium in Stoke on Sunday. Nelson White started their day w ith a 31-8 victory over Waimea Breakers, took out the Marlborough boys 40-10, then held off a strong Waimea Devils side 32-22. The final game of the night w as a clash against the other Nelson rep team, the White side beating Nelson Black, 3722. All four Central boys made outstanding contribution in a team also featuring players from Enner Glynn, Stoke and Victory schools. Day tw o of the tournament w ill be in Blenheim on August 23.

WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTS Week ended 9th August


Netball Central Sting v St Josephs Golden Ferns. St Josephs won 14-7 Player of the day: Oonagh room1.






Central Magics v Richmond Silver Ferns. Magics won 6-3.


Central Stars v Upper Moutere Magic. Upper Moutere won 7-1 Player of the day: Pearl room 1.







5.15 CENT RAL SLAM – BIRCHWOOD Central Sla m v Enner Glynn Short Blacks. Sla m won GIANT S 22-20. Central Spurs v Victory. 34 all. Nelson Ne tball – Saturday, Year 6 Player of the day: Ronan room 6 Section Three DRAW FOR 15/08/09 Soccer Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 City Cobras v Wakefield United. Cobras Ct9 9:25am Brightwater Emeraldz v Nelson Central Sting lost 2-3 Goal scored by: Thomas Nelson Ne tball - We dnesday , Ye ar 4/5 Draw room 1, Isaiah (Ha mpden Section T wo & Four DRAWS FOR 19/08/09 St) Player of the day: Matthew. Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 City Geckos v City Tigers. Ct3 4:25pm Nelson Central School Magics v Apple by Apple by B Geckos lost 2-4. Goals scored by: Lachlan Ct2 3:45pm Brightwater Future Fe rns v Nelson Central School Stars room 7, Arlo (Clifton Tce) Player of the day: Devon Venue/T ime T eam 1 T eam 2 room 7. Nelson City Green v City Blue. Green lost 1-2. Player of the day: Ella room 17.

Ct10 4:25pm

Nelson Central School Magics v Wakefield Primary Force

Ct7 4:25pm

He nley Magics

City Rockets v Tahuna Panthers. Tahuna won 5-0. Player of the day: Eden (Clifton Tce)

v Nelson Central School Stars

Extreme Cross Can I bring your attention to an event on Saturday which

City Knights v Waimea Dragons. Waimea won 3-2. might be of interest to your athletes preparing for cross Goals scored by: Felix room 1, Dexter (Ha mpden St) country this term. Called EXTREME CROSS it is Player of the day: Jordan room 7 essentially an obstacle course set around a cross City Blades v City Zeniths. Nil all draw. Player of the day: Albie room 5. City Stars v Mapua Lions. Stars won 2-1. Goals by Willia m and Callum.

country track. It is nonnon - competitive and involves lots of mud and water which the kids love! The course takes just 33- 4 minutes to run and most people choose to go around a second time. Everyone is welcome to take part, including sports team looking for a challenge and parents looking to become kids again! There is no registration and no entry fee - just turn up in time for a 3pm start. Venue: Saxton Field circus oval For more information please email or phone Dave Dixon on 021 238 9518 / [email protected]

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