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TE RM 3 26th Augus t 200 9

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Kia ora

Much of what happens in Inquiry Learning in the classrooms is reflected on classroom blogs and in classroom displays. T his informs the school community and supports and encourages learners.

The Board of Trustees is ple ase d to share with you the results of the parent survey that was carrie d out in June-July. You will find this printe d elsewhe re in the ne wsle tte r. I am also pleased to present a summary of our first self review report for 2009. The review sought and answered the evaluative question: How effectively is transdisciplinary learning being implemented in NCS and with what effects for student achievement? Notes: T ransdisciplinary Learning is a learning model which incorporates ideas from different curriculum areas in one unit of study. At Nelson Central we use Trevor Bond’s SAUCE model of Inquiry Learning as our vehicle for transdisciplinary study. (Each letter of the acronym refers to a specific stage of the process. S – setting the scene, A- acquiring the information, U- using the information to construct new knowledge and understanding, C- communicate the understanding, Eevaluate the process.)

Different learning styles and individual student needs are successfully accommodated through use of a range of activities (visual, auditory and hands on tasks) and resources (hard copy/computer/human). Most teachers use a mixture of whole class, individual and small group learning depending on what is seen as appropriate for the task and class level thus guiding, facilitating and scaffolding students in their learning. The ability to use effective questioning is fostered throughout the school from New Entrant classes to Senior School with much success.

To answer this question we looked at levels of student achievement and engagement, at how consistently Inquiry Learning is being implemented throughout the school and how effectively it meets the needs of our students. We collected information from a range of sources. T eacher planning and assessment data were viewed, classroom blogs and displays were examined and classroom observations and interviews were carried out. Many areas of good performance were found during the review. • Planning throughout the school is specific to each Syndicate and is followed by all teachers with some individual variance in activities. • All planning provides for sequenced learning tasks within contexts that maximise student engagement. • Student engagement is seen through high levels of on task behaviour in classrooms, positive interactions and student interest and enthusiasm for Inquiry tasks. • Inquiry planning incorporates a range of cross curricular activities that reflect the transdisciplinary model and allow for development of depth of understanding. • T eachers assess student achievement in Inquiry Learning using a range of tools and techniques.


Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Conclusion: The teaching of Inquiry Learning at NCS has had a positive impact on levels of student engagement within the school and helps foster positive attitudes to future learning. Improvement work will be derived from the substantive report and will be carried out over the next twelve months. I would like to thank senior staff members for the effort they put into the review. Noho ora mai Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL Nelson Central Achie vers 1. Thomas M (R1), Ella M (R17) – choir achievers 2. Hosu R (R2) for a fantastic elearning presentation of his science topic 3. Lydia G (Ren 2) fantastic maths 4. Maddy C (Ren 3) fantastic story writing 5. Hyeonbeom (R3) fabulous maths 6. Rohan T , Thomas Z, Sam M, Hayden W, Joe R (R5) fantastic success with maths 7. Phoenix M (R5) great work on questioning 8. Luke M, Grace M, Ruby B, Logan Clarke, Aiden T, Charlotte M, Baimon K, (R3) for inquiry work on the Kroo Bay project Spe cial congratulations to Ella M (R17) for being awarded the Shuseki Shihan Andy Barber cup for outstanding leadership and dedication in karate.

Our weekly newslett er is kindly sponsored by –

7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n

Some areas where improvement is necessary were also evident and these areas will provide the basis for on going professional development amongst staff. They included inconsistency of assessment types within syndicates making it difficult to assess achievement levels across the school and the extent of familiarity with the SAUCE model of Inquiry Learning amongst children.

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Summary of Parent’s Questionnaire 2009 70 responses received (up from 55 last year). Question 1 – how likely is it that you w ould recommend Nelson Central to your family and friends? • Ratings ranged from 5 to 10. • Average rating w as 9.2 (Same as last year) • Overall good feedback regarding school culture, quality of teachers and environment. • Appear to have strong advocacy from parent/ caregivers. Recom m end Ne ls on School 2009 40 35 No: of parents

Ella M )R2) ICAS Results The first of our ICAS Joshua P (R8) results are in and the High Hannah P (R2) Distinction, Distinction Pearl P and credit passes have Zoe R (R8) been printed below. Isaac S (R8) Congratulations to everyone who took part in ICAS Computer Skills the tests. Further results Distinction will be published when Kyle C (R7) they come to hand. Georgia M (R2) Lachlan M (R7) ICAS Science Ben R (R7) High Distinction Jacob S (R1) Nic P (R1) Isaac S (R8) Ben R (R7) Cre dit Cre dit Stella C (R2) Toby B (R7) Isabelle E (R2) Hannah P (R2) Max H (R7) Mai P (R7) Grace L (R2) Ella T (R1) Georgia M (R2) Ben W (R7) Lachlan M (R7) Justin R (R7)












5 0 1 Advocacy

Lear ning Needs Met 2009 25 No: of parents

This week the NCS Blog of the Week Award goes to ROOM 3! Room 3 have been learning about our school values. Do you know what they are? Check out Room 3's blog to read about our school values of doing our best, getting along with others, making good choices and looking after the world. Room 3 students have written some excellent ideas about how we can display these values when we are at school. Well done Room 3. You have some excellent ideas that all students from NCS can benefit from. Thanks for sharing your learning! You can view Room 3's blog and read all about their ideas for displaying our school values and more by going to the school website and clicking on "Classrooms" then on "Room 3".

Question 2 – how well do you think your child’s learning needs are being met? • Ratings ranged from 2 to 10 • Average rating w as 8.3 (slightly dow n from last year 8.5) • Lots of positive feedback regarding teachers & curriculum. • Human Rights theme positive. • Some specific direct feedback where needs not met in verbatim comments.








7 6

0 1


Leanring needs Met Learni ng nee ds Met

Social Skills Term 3: 2009 Weeks 6 and 7 For the next two weeks we will focus on will focus on:

“Being in the Right Place”

New Zealand Army Band On Fri day 21 August s ome mem bers of the s eni or choi r w ere lucky enough to attend a school concert by the New Zealand Army Band. Seat allocati ons w ere limi ted so w e w ere unfortunately not abl e to take all members. Year fi ves and si xes attended along wi th some year fours. I am sure the year 3 m embers of the choi r wi ll have an oppor tuni ty to attend i n the next couple of years. The concer t w as fantasti c. st

Parent’s Questionnaire 2009 cont….

Last year my poppa died on Daffodil Day from cancer. My Question 3 – how do you rate the level of communication poppa was important to me and we from the school to you? loved hanging out together and • Ratings ranged from 3 to10 reading stories. The Cancer • Average was 8.6 (Improved on last year 8.2). Society supported us so I want to • A number of people requested more help them by fundraising. My communications by email. brother Theo and I are having a • The w eekly Newsletter is a popular form of stall selling tattoo transfers, stickers & flowers before communication. and after school on Daffodil day, Friday 28 th August, outside the office. Please bring a coin and come see us! Level School Communication By Zoe, Room 5 30 10

No: of Parents


9 20





6 5



0 1 Communication Rating

Summ ary of other comments • Many, many positive comments re staff and school culture. • A number of comments regarding bike cage. • Drama has been very popular and parents keen for this to keep going. • Some comments around amount of homew ork. The Big Five

SUPPORT THE CANCER FOUNDAT ION DAFFODIL DAY Friday 28th August To fundrai se w e will be havi ng a our annual “Whacky Hair Day” and a coi n trai l to make money for the Cancer Soci ety We are hopi ng some of the Tasman Markos wi ll come along to our school on Daffodi l day to support us The Cancer Soci ety i s offeri ng a pri ze for the pri mary class i n Nelson that bri ngs i n the mos t money i n the Nelson area. That class will recei ve an i nvi tati on to Mc Donald’ s for breakfas t. Remem ber to bri ng a gold coi n for the coi n trai l so w e can raise money for the cancer soci ety.

The follow ing are 5 priorities the board w ill review this So gel up your hair and year based on our parent survey feedback. bring some money. We w ill provide regular updates via the school new sletter on progress made on these over the next 12 months: Support staff Supporting 1. Review of bicycle cage facility. Whacky Hair Day 2009 2. Trial email communication of our w eekly Thank you new sletter. Nelson Central Student Counci l 3. Continue support of Drama programme. 4. Review number, content and mar keting of Parent We also ask that you support Zoe and Information Evenings. Theo in their fundraising efforts (see Zoe’s 5. Confir m location of and build new playground ball separate article) wall. Kia ora! Nelson Central School Board of Trustees The follow i ng are some w ords the chi ldren used to descri be thei r experi ence. “Aw esome” “100% bri lli ant” “Amazi ng” “Inspi ri ng“ “Fun” “Fantas ti c“ “Thri lli ng” “Super” “Great” “Terri fi c“

Future Ferns Netball 2009 The Futur e Ferns fi nals will be held on Satur day 12th Septem ber, there w ill be no play on Wednes day 9th September for our Wednes day players. All our Future Ferns wi ll joi n i n together on 12th Satur day.

Nelson Ne tball – Saturday, Year 6 Section Three DRAW FOR 29/08/09 Venue/T ime

T eam 1

T eam 2

Ct8 9:25am.

Mahana Hotrods v Nelson Central S ting


28 AUGUST 2009











Nelson Ne tball - We dnesday , Ye ar 4/5 Draw Section T wo & Four DRAWS FOR 02/09/09 Venue/T ime

T eam 1

Ct7 3:45pm

Nelson Central S chool Magics v Birchwood S tars

Ct6 4:25pm

Nayland S tar S hooters

WEEKLY SPO RTS RESULTS Week ende d 23rd August Netball Central Sting v Henley Steams. Henley w on. Player of the day: Isabelle room 8. Central Magics v Hope. Magics w on 4-2. Central Stars v Brightw ater. Player of the day: Isabella, room 1 Miniball Central Slam v Birchw ood Giants. Slam w on 34-16 Player of the day: Ben R, room 7. Central Spurs v Birchw ood. Spurs lost 46-30. Player of the day: Kyle C, room 7. Soccer Mapua Tigers 5 v City Cobras 0. Player of the day: Justin R, room 7. City Green v City Red. Green lost. Player of the day: Jack (St Josephs) City Geckos 4 v Moutere Rangers 4 Player of the day: Arlo (Clifton Tce) Winte r Sports Tournament – Year 5/6 This Thursday 27 th August The annual winter sports tournament is being held this Thursday. Children were issued with information sheets last week. Please ensure permission slip and bus fare is returned asap. We are short of parent helpe rs for the tournament. We are required to provide a parent supervisor with every team. If you could spare some time to assist with supervision we would be most grateful. Please let me know on 5484972 x 819/[email protected] BBQ lunch Friday 28th August Sausage and bread (onions optional) $2.-00 Fish burgers $3.00 Room 1 camp fundraiser

T eam 2

v Nelson Central S chool S tars Lost Property - Last Chance On Friday 28th August lost property will be put out next to the Dental Clinic for you to look through. Please encourage your children to have a final look as any items left over will be donated to the Burmese refugee fund the following Monday. Please remember to label all clothing as this makes it easier to return lost property. Re presentative Miniball The Central boys, along with teammates from Enner Glynn, Stoke and Victory, continued their great run and went unbeaten in round two of the Seddon Shields miniball exchange in Blenheim today (Sunday). Lachlan M, Ben R, Nic C and Sam C each played major roles as the Nelson White team continued on from its 4-0 start to the season to beat Marlborough Black by 14 and Waimea Breakers by eight in pool play. That put Nelson White through to a final against a very physical and determined Waimea Devils team, a game won by Nelson by two points. The attitude and effort of the Central kids -- as part of the whole team -- were outstanding and a credit to their school. Three of the boys, Lachie, Ben and Nic will still be available for the rep team next season and will be keen to build on their seven-game winning streak. Maitahi Majors Marching We are a local marchi ng team, currently w i th 7 gi rls aged betw een 5 and 7 and are on the look out for some new marchers. Our marchi ng team i s all about l earni ng, dressi ng up, travelli ng, maki ng fri ends, di scoveri ng and enjoyi ng musi c i n a fun, low cost envi ronment. If you w ould li ke to come along and see w hat marchi ng i s all about w e w ould love to s ee you! Please contact Wendi (Manager) on 5466974 for more detai ls.

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