5 THI|'|GS TO l(l,{OW
FIVE SINGAPORE I(ONS ond whol they reveol obout our cuhure Over 43 years, we have accumulated a few outstanding local icons. FIom the Merlion, the Singaporc Girl and I€e Kuan Yew (the kgend): find out what each icon reveals about th€ way Singapore think.
Countries are finally paying attention to branding themselues just as much os corporations are. Has the Singapore brand euolued to meet the competition? Are ue still desirable?
RITHINK SINGAPORI ARTS Be it the Grcat Singapore Novel or Film, we
look at whether we have come close to oeating unique cultural goods of our oran.
30 (UtTURtWA](H
p iI ffi $'Wr
It's about time to shed light on that dreaded puzzle known as the application question.
PRIMP MY PRIDI Hairstvlists.
fashioi pbotograDhers. mal€-up_attists. Saphrc desrgners llrrd fashion desicners -
IHI DUI(H URBANIST Our writers squarc offon whether Singapore is a place we can call Horn€,
Lo(At vs. Gt0BAt.
PRIDI & PREJUDIG An anabsis ofwhy local creatives stmgqle to find acneptance and success in Singapore and vennrre overseas instead
local creatives
turningprimping into a sorrr.P.f nrtion.l nride
t0|]tststM0t{s0N5 8tRD5 0F PR[Y
*83 {2005)
touise SimomM! popu m
rrn on $c 8'rds orPrel tom( book sov o
r(jrvord rhose
hc exork vhen
moks Sinsopore rhe
spoi ighr
lorlhree iiaes ol
supl]rhero hi- rnkJ wilh rhe heip
ofo Slnsoporcon fon,
5imonron nronoqo{l b indude
CULTUR,A.L ARTIFICIAI-ITY'I'HROUGII ECONOMIC PRAGMA I ISM/ Unaslianiedly invented in 196.+ by lhe Singapore Touism Board,
slnrbols, Phna Chu Kang (PCKJ rvas
the Merlion oives its "iion" head to the lescnd of how lndonesian prince SangNilaUtarna spotted a singo
uncou th Chinese coDtractor charactcr played by actor Crrrmircirbh. Di.rpsardri8 lorls i nd .ppald nS
(lion) on routeto Malacca.Its fish body and tail are a gesture io th€ island's close ties to d1e sea. It has since ihe. been nass produced as STB-approved
HLqRTLqNDER HERI'I'ACI]. GLOBAIISED ASPIR-ATIO\S. One ol lhF nil.o , s mu\ pu.arisiig a
^4J sinslish slaDs unapologetically, PCK was
Mfliolosised in Edwnr Thurnboo's r979 poen t{ysses by fhe M€rlion, this m}thic creatu.e h:l! siDce
Crystal Jade. Urhen PCKwas l€atured as a clue-giver
been deconshucted and criticised by tlie local literati
' I r\, sirgdpo-FlFSol U.s. r-JiD Jruh 77r ,,\rnl,rt l?dce, some Singaporeans ftrmed about thc
keychahs, chocolate!, stutred toys
in va ous poenrs, artworks and plays. It has evcn r dCF rli qd) :nlo lo' d p. r.ir. p: ll, rlnr cd euphemism for "I vomited". $hilc thc Merlion will never possess the same culiural and historical :genuine, national resonance thai symbols lil(e the Siatue of Liberty have, by virtue
ofits ubiquitous
presence and aftible counten.tnce, the Merlion has a
developed an odd charn of its ver-\'orm.
inapprop.iateness of luliDs snch a buffoon be the ambassador of SnigaporcaD idcntity on iniernational television. Elrntuaily r\ith pressure 1i om state censo.s a in the iisht oftheSleok Coodl)iglrsA canpaisn,
l,,ho\hddroLonFdoqn:" br ursi ,sl:.h.lns
rnuc| of ils originality and wit that nade PCK such a
fevr slrpris ng y
ilmnqlAirpo lookso ill dre(lpskor".
oid troishr
of q developing nolior.
affectionate bui sonenhal bacldanded ode to the blue collared heartlanders ofSingapore. His macho cNdeness, thejarring aesthetics of lijs wife's drcss sense and the btrniblins ineptitrde ofhis Dnderlinss were often contrasted Nith his more refined but eflete architect brother and pretentious sister in larv for conic effect- PCK embodies Singapore society's struggle beFleen ils native, earthier lieitage aDd its more Westernised aspirations- He is a caricaturc of ihe best and worst elenients ofthe headlandcr identitr seen throug! the eyes ofcosmopolitan Snrgaporeans - afterall. he namcd his children Romeo Ferrari and
becoming the island's nost politically ncutmi a.d souvenir-jiiendl)' niascot. Becausc of its unabashed\' artifical birth, the }le ion is and will aiways be the nost convenient symbol of Singapore s percejved cr tuml inadequacies: her lack of historical romance, he-. oi plFr"h pnSmdl; apprc!. n lu I rp|g enn ,g of her identity and the often amusiDg rcsults of sLtch twinned efforts. Multiethnic drcss anyone?
R0A0 T0 5ll,t6AP0R[ (r940)
se o{Sinqopore! nome in nNielitu, iroIi$lyneirher
ol the chorocters ployed by Birq (rosby snd 8l)b 11ope od!o ly hoke
ir lo 5rigopore
if rhefilm d'emrinooiho imosinory i! ord ol (oisoon
ERltf lil0llltl,fi S
sA[{r ia(K
SINGAPORE GIRL debur: 1968
LEE KUAN rr'EW debut: 1965*
WORLD/ Perhaps global air h avel s best loved aDd most suc@sstu] icon, the sinsaporc Girl has been the
first and most reno'ured Pnme x{inister of Singapore is also the mosi titanic in terms o{ m)thology. To past genemtions grown into present critics. LKY is at once Sinsapore's most favoured Founding Father as well as ber most feared Bogeymani her most revercd reason for success and yet her most favourite
bced on o l9/3 noveloi
vilhoul lhe
beins pruduted
5olirlodi5theon y
niost promincnt element in Singaporc Aidines'years ofadvertising- She has achieved so nuch cultuml promineDce and cult follo\eing thai
figure of
her was created and shown at the faned Madane Tussad's wd Museum in London in 1994 Created by faned English adaefising creative Ian Batey, she presents an alluring image ofAsiaD femininii"v, all gentle hospitality ard trnquestioning subservience
Unsurprisingly, herbissest critics have been local Sirsopore
womeD $'ho feel ihis icotl is 2006 o5 on
Ml8 filnr. Toddy,
Sugis Slreet
st and panders to a
colonial stermbpe about Asian subsen'iency to $'hite n1en. Unlike the business likc suits wom by male SLA. cabin crew, SIA ste\eardesses wear a sensual and mther unforsivins sarcns kebaya paired with sandals
hishly regiment€d bea ty standard: dark black hair without hishlights, SIA apprcved blue
and adhe.e to siigopors llke lhe
Fre\hrdnh,brighl lFd rrtsli.k rdnd'ls.To.riri.s. the SinsaDore Girl is just a ivell-disguised Sarong Party Cirl (a ]oung SingaporeaD $'oman who dates only whire men, believing tbey are more appealins and successtul). wlile it is true thai she is very much an aftificial and evcn archaic creaiion to satis& skewed male Westem appetites, practically, the Singaporc Girl works too $'e11 to ever be sotten nd ot
whippjns boy for any ne$'srouse under the sun. This may all change bythe next geDe.ation ihorgh. The irnpressions of local youths of LKY are mostly fotmed
by a loose coilection of nemory fragments: neit hisro, i. dl a.-ount, i! rocidl srud'ps ,en oool.s. icon . video clips like the one of l,ee learins up at the advent of sepaEtion fiom Malaysia, ard most of a]l cor tless
throwaway lines said by adults in jest about hidden camems ihai at onc€ rnlthologise and denigr ate I€e's ability to hcar all and see aI in our little island state.
sone believe LKY is
complex man to be respected
and dghtfully feared, ciring Sinsapore's sbilit)' to evolve from dirw shat1tl-towns to fabulous \eealth and suNile nthiess resional politickins at the same
rime. Bu' lo CFr Y, the I'a\l ir loo di'tanr Fnm t}c r present rcality for LKY (and by association, the Governnent ard PA") to be a figure that iNokes aDy rFd lFir or reJ .T' '1ion. LKY . ,he,r inrimidarrrs
srandfather writ large, an irnmuiabie and unquesiioned authoritJ fi8ure, yet
$eature ftom a
past they feet little connection to and thus, have baggage to coDtend with.
LlllClillN i.t[(
olr The \Mestern Press Hates IIs!
The srd cnticisms
remain provorativer the restrictions
we place on civil societ"v or sanisations,
linited politic,l PAI
e\:prcssion and the notorious legal battles bebreen
politicians and opposition pa.ty menbers. Fal Eastem Rerieu (I,EER) , Woll Sneet,Iournal Asio, the Internanonil llerald n i6une aDd the Findncial
POLIIIC11.1,\'Nlilltl.{1i,. l ) li [.i i'] { } L_5 n-1 IIL'LUt 1.,I FINI{ .1\t) ,!.!'.!n}MtLIi/ 1\'lrr r.L)ld Ch t 1,,.,r lti.. lF \,)lfrl r ru in. r, rr .nl r\ si.!,r1,,),f \ l!\,)!iitr ru!licr di'h (l.t)it. r,,,1lj\ , i),rt,e jtors llli. Cbilli O.rb or l.rl\r: lLr.lrrLrL,L)1. I
?irres were rI seneEly citical about how Singapore's govemmert rcvoked FEllRs perrnit to be sold and circuiated here after it retused to adhereto Section 24 of thc Ne$'spaper and Printing Presses Act. Unsurprisingly, l'r'i? takes an unslarpathetic view of Sinsapore s policies, challensins the validiiy of merjtoc.acy ( "'flie chrmde of Medtocrad'), th€ tig! tly
nlrnr r1..1( .1s 1)l s rrtrLl)1rr. \ rir.sL lLiricsnul nrn.rNl triil\ i. r\L rl r L rLlLlrrNg| :L o|c\ ils rt |ts 1r Chi.iL s lliLl,r, i lrL r(1. sin!r1, )r.rn s1\1.
conboll€d local press ( SiDgaporc's fbunding m),ths vs freedorn") and even her econornic fut re ("Financial centre pipedrcams").
i (L,t,1ell
l. {iil irtrljjrn.n. South(,,\l \\ii n L, i1{ r L.rlilnrrnrur frtulrrtlishs.f r rl,.i Lti,..i rlLrlles nNltil,L dniths ol fl,i:. s r:L s. ,1.f. brrlc ird tligr... ll is lLir ,).t ,Ll,, fl(.!\ tlirh lhrt iin b. nnrn(lid.'.,\ iiLrl,. I r rli r. lo,!l co!a lnLl hot.l Nn.l!r fr i.i L L{q\rL\lrhrihcrlrnrrtr,ibhLi 11)L f,r,l s,,r\c rl,!fcldiitr, Jr{nl,lt,,1 Ur, ()lhrr.Lr\..nnrr\hl)ri r\trilc i r\1,, r,il r)ltlrl) l, 3 ir itinChrtt. n)\ r)rn1li,l A LLrfLslLrr,.,riril\ l)hnd. rith !lllb( rL!nr ,,, i(li ir.,tr \!l)|lird. rou .rnnrrlil!rlliliL ll .\,,!, 1,,, iDaltltr Dishr( thit hr\,.(1,,,i1s rlrfr,! Lri lstiri iI th.rNh.s {1. rIL 1..(l Ll!r,rs,l\$ lo,) r,,ll iD thrr r!,.(1 rr(l LL.i(l Lrl rLil,,iL t ,r,L\irlrb. (hiflicD ri.. r! nrLLLr : ,,Lj,rlL Irl rt,lmlilg lo rnr l(lmltrr lt!).i !! r j rLti\ 11,, I ,l rrlirbl.. t)rN.ti{l N.,l r(l,Lt,lrIli ()r!l.t ti)1!li th,.
to.th.! rliltirLilLr. Lrlrr)rltLln':uli..j 6l
o , I i".Dl.. Sirsdpre hds bFFn CerrinC rr\ e FfiFh.. Acid-tonsued chef Anlhony Bourdaii declared in t]le Ntlt! Totk Times Magazine that Ne were "Foodie Heaven . Respected food critic R.w' Apple Jr. rnotea Ne.J] yotk Tintes article eDtitled 'Singaporc: A Reprcssed CitA-State? Nat in its firch€ns ' Even the usually critical Sudncv Morn t19 Held/d admitted that the 2oo6 Singapore Biennale showed there was a .darker, funnier side to this city of shopaholics."d t
regard ro lhe le\€l of public sector er?eftise, rnost internationd nedia rcgdd Singapore in a more positive light. duf"i,res carried aD intewiew lrith then SM If,e abour ho\r Singapore wanied to share its expertise in architecture. landscaping, iffigation, waste treat ent and human resoxrces rnanagement with the worid. I4'RED magazine expounded on how sinsapore was at the cuttinja edge of biomedicine because of her liberal approach to controveNial secto$ ofres€arch.
ll lllrriR t'l|\f:l ll rr, .,',,,,,r,r'r..rI
CrazySexyCool: Will the real Singapore Brand please stand up? The Singapore brtmd is challengiDg to market - or so we
By Shiao-Yin
efore the r98os, corporations
q c!!>] -'1
ilifferentiated ihemselves bY
produced whiter, brighter,
emphasising how they
fasler. stronger results lhan their
competitors. But today, with the onsoing slobilisation of labou and rnaNfacturing, lhe world's consumers are nole offercd a diversity of goods and seNices ofalnost e+r.l quality. Product ditrerentiation is no longer just about tansible differences
Differ€ntiation is now achieved by emphasisins values and qualities thar invoke consumers' orm aspirations. This is a huth that advertising asencies, brand constrltants and corpomtions have knoM for the loDgest time about modem coDsuner behaviour. Billions of dollars have been poured nito nedia onslaughts to seduce hearts aDd rninds nrto choosing one brand over another' Nike your all Ancncm go getter: atlletic and constandy pushing physical lnlits. Its rival Adidrs is the urbane is
fu-n!pi1: morp edgl JnJ ) F cors.ou.ullradrl'on. Today, you don tjusi choose a shoe').ou choose a tribal id€ntitj and appropriate their proiecied heniage and aspilaiions as )'our
TIIE COUNTRY lN OUR MINDS/ And now \dhether a country believes in braniling as a stratesy or not, it cannor escape the fact that it is already a brand - and this brand needs to be manased as conscienriously as McDonalds manages its countries are fast catching on.
A couDtry's brand is tlie sum total of beliefs we have
aLoul | ,' Inj lhF
ul lhF.ounrrl ,hrl
ou r jmasiDations. Somc countries are livins synbols to us ofvalues we admire or detest and thus, they n n.onsciouslv orient our life's clioices.
Pt[SPttTlVtS i/re liroa,?ore
4 0tstN6aP0Rfs
\\re want to strd)'in thc UI( to bcr pin t ol flxll Blitanllia s inLeli-.ctua] helitage; rvc
1\illrl to !vor]( ancl pla1.in Aructica bccausc it is thc Lancl of the Flee ancl thc Amelican Drearn; wr: r'earn tLr relocate to Australin bccarise le beliere c\,'cr'l'dal Do\\'n I.Inclel is liiiclltacl<: lvcr
r.' ir'\-i, ir >' r' .1''1' ,rt., il ' so cicpcnclablc, cflicienL antl r:learr. \\
r{tional borders more permeable and individuals more Globalisarion has made our
decision-makers. Hence, capiral, ideas and resources de more mobile than cvc!. Count es Jr, l-'Jmb-i18 n h^. rrar .r r'io-al.orlordlion: rnd I iB\ I qu.-iIi, d nsrar.Ifi.ornrr. l "s in thc holy trnriF of Investments, l ourists and Talent, her firture in a competitive xorld is wel-secured. Bui
l!rii llm!!i
wilh all competing suitors danslins thc samc delectable
icN re!lne rhoi !ir!!pore j
lowirem6nsetur,ode rurey deiiqred
tri bljr 05lM
by o
s ,q,tirnon lrdni, rhe rermo osy 5 futry rqvdl ol rhe lomou5 hodo
omFri i
kEi, mikm!lihevmd! n5r
odwi(ei mn{@
ulp:'1,.1.qrclJ,o .it". rl'(al. "as'rF':Ll-n.- p' flni \ Jnd gr'. I Jrds .o r a.our tri" bon oon
have turDed to profcssional malketing stmtegists and
Today, you don'tjust choose a country - you choos€ a tr;bal idenlity and appr(,priilc l]rcir
projected heritase and aspirations as your own. Tlie b.and - or reputaiion ofa country is not simply di.tated by dre mgarics of history or geognphy. PerceptioDs ofa country c|ange along with twists and
hrns in cucnt politics. Iloreover, in a nedia-rich world, popular culture has developed a disproportionate amourt of influencc over hos a country is perceived. ADy counhy that loses touch
sirh $l.Jr .1. (uld rhr ,l. . n l.- -i,k. lo.
everything iD the great Darwinian race among civjlisations. ,I$t ast Arneicn the steady descent of hcrbrand in ihe Middle East and Iurope $'as partly because ofher curious.etusal to believe thai so rnaiv people could possible hate the Land ofLibertr. Or ask Neiv Zealand lio$' m:Dt billions nr ioudst dollars and interDational attentioD to its digital animation indust.y
it gamered by appcaring
so prominently iD the celebratcd Lord ofthe Rnrgs trilogy.
Many countries car no longer rest on the laurels of beiDs "whiter, brishtcr, faster"
because this is no loneer as key a differenti{tion as ii uscd to be. Wihess ho\. Dubai and Shanshai have successlolly recreated themsclvcs as the nesest plalgrounds fo.the global clite, closing tl e gap between them atrd stalwarls like
London and Geneva. TeD yeaN aso, fc$'would have
brand consultanisio find that extra edge thatreould make
nr. Yet, fr.rn its a\€inspiring gokt medal srveep to its sturnnrg Herrog & de Nletrron
'' ,l,rm Jld rL.1'".r' .ula oI'Fr'nB FrFn'on) 8, rjints has Drade the 2oo8 Olympics Cliina's greatcsi adve isenenl for its positioD as Sufcrpower of
rhr r]tr
I'm rr imFrirl tiino trd hoi ord
o.hei oigin6rd 'o
w|ere does
Singapore's braDd staDd iD all this? Do we have (he
emotive aspccts ihat help a brand Bo beyond merely appealing to convincing and inspiring cult
krolm chdacteristics ftlfill the tunctioral but essential componcnts that
wi?li olmrdflr yllrndr. t!e' 0o m 5m mgeriltr{o! ir p lJloi o o vld€
molrore bdr,
Nklrer iliom md ipmlj
fs j\r
heor ond
Certainly, our best
make a world-class brand. A country s brand is
iisell what it actuaLly does, Nhat it produces, $'hat it looks like, the conpaDy it keeps as well as what people say of it - and on all counts, Sjngapo.e peffomrs extremely well. We arc shaped by what it says of
rJrl-Jb\ r dFn.,d",
t.rps in all-rouDded dcv.loprnent, economic success
'rJBUUdsn\, in\' sl^N,hl ^r
work"N dn,l ni.hr ro r r". nir'irts caNed out a respectable Dame as a politically and
economically stable anct secue hub for resional headquarters, biomedical rcscarch, rnedical care, educatioD and ftuDcial seNiccs. Politically neutral aDd diplomatic, r{c have no overt enemies and are frierds with a slir?Iisinsly di\€rse crowd China and Taiwan; Anrerica.Israel and the Muslini bloq India .nd Parr-lan ln ln" inl rniriun! pr-ss. SilBJt'nn i.. still mostly well-received."
Singapore is ir Piace vou go to gct things dorte - a poNclful statcment llot nran\ nations can make rviLlrout aclding caveats.
Anyone who has Mesi:led with br taucratic
red tape, co.ruptioD or ld labour laas can atprcciate this great SingaporeaD cliaractcristic.
I l93l l!e,ij m.
ft hprllr! b.sj
we r [jio ori (insdon. 1!er 0er liirrlhul!! 1o 60 msrrier perfurmin! U
ube0 mr*lrintuod!
mrhr i r. | [,{
Ans on
dre dlflnulr
iork liinm, irn l'onriro hror fld i pnli{rl 0ermir h@!of fD polllorrrolrDr
i(s5,irionr borl!lh!n
believed that snosgy Beijins could rcbrand itselfas
ahipcityto work
Itra urodloii! o ondeC
then stand oot amongst the rest.
fie $rsdtrore issrf
tufineolrh!{ud!msrw€ lordsd asi w'rilrq holld,'l gehvoF 8rrryon Tre i' ! ! moliisommelo,itelinmm.
.ior vo}l I r iptml oEEirl m ord 5bMl irtor {ii{oki m.loll kmrr
onr ol hores
f. ror r0 *olriEi{liy nftv0dlyr'N'
All rhesc rractical characteristics sumnred up in the afor€nentioned statemert is clert a najor eleneDt of our brddiru that i{e should not and cannot divorcc ouNeh€s
lJrit thc conurrdl tlnt here is
thal Lhose
\:Lrr'\J srme
chiuactcristics Lhat have rnadc lLs so succcsstilj untorturrillely lacl errolive iospilation. Bcing eff iciert, plagnatic, rlep-.ndable
and slrble docs not - in
:rch'crtising parlance rnake ibr lhe se\iest blalld.
suessins ou abili8 to be orisinal. We know that peopl€ who cover themselves froni head to toe wrlh a plethoE of
brdds hale
mixed reviews fron Singuporeans: siigapore Touist Board's "Utliqtel) Sinsapore , Urban Redevelopmenl Authoitl's "City in the Garden", I'Iinistry of Forcisn ,\trairs' Global Cir]*, World of Opportu ties". The taglineis i.e attractilcl)' worded but they still lack distinctileness and {aside
fron thc
UR-A'S tasLine) are
rena.lebly applicablc to nany other cities by substituting the word "Singapore". Just
nnastue: "Uniquely Dubai" or "Dubai:
clobal city, World of Opportunities". A counrry cannot brand itselfwith
such neutral terms for it risks sounding just likc ever'] ole else.
selves. singapor€ is not thai diffcrcnt
Despite our meteonc risc, Singapore
in this nspcct. This is aD especial\, grievious
srill f€els like a self-conscious Cinderella, a cultural country
who |a!€
thom in ihc sides ofsins.tporeans begun tobelieve in the NoIth aDdtaLent of thei. o{n narion and abhor the slalish cop)-
enoush, two highly acclairned local fashion brands Raoul ard woods &Woods chose
hd oM i{ofih have not conc.etised as yet compared to co Dtries with stmnger (and more stident) Dotions of selhood like china. Britain or America. in the 2oo5Anholt Nation tsrands Index, Sjngaporc scored amoDs the lowest in self image than almost all couDtries rvith top
Eurotean in
Despire our sense of acsthctics, critical valid{tion and ou. bcst practices, we de not convinced ofrhe viability or stpedority of developins our own brand our own \vay. Many Sfigaporeans still nreasurc thenselves by dr stddards of nore establishcd' counties and seck their brands, thejr colhnal so ahead and their political seal ot approval to
status. !\Ie
SiDsrpore has also been industdously promotins its more colourtul characteistics
imported a ParisiaD burlesque show, promoted Bangkok stle bar-top dancing
(Cr0z.! Horsel Bar-top dancing! Sinsaporc
aDd recreated London's siant fenis $'heel
Eyel F1l Ministry of Soundl) to the international nredia over the pst few rears.
to prove we are a sex], trendy to$'n. We talked of benls Asia's Zurich in the 198os and now wiih the Int€grated Resods and
sensible nerd dressjng up in sltu},a clothes a liitle paintul, sonewhat laughable and
to dcliberately lraiiil
themsel"es os Dame, aesthetic and
advertising. By disassociatirg themselves
as far as possjble
fron the
"N1ade in
Snuaporc" label, lhey could charse as much
fo. Lheir Droducts as wel as gain populaity fast $ithout suflering frorn thc prej dice of brand and status as foreisn bmnds
conscious Singaporeans. Despite
it is akin to walchins ihc scliool's
bumpkin who is afi:ltid rhat she will lose hcr borrowed firery and return to the rags ofher former developing world status at midnight. Interestingly
othr nations, Singapore is young and ihus prone to e\hibiting considerable anxieq! orcr her identiq'. singapore's values Rclativc to
a irm our dcvcloped workl
But to some critics (especially local ones),
Westem fairy-dnst to coDnore eleganc€ and
set insecuri0 and resortcd to borowing a glamou. that they think is not intrilsic to
and perception of
far, ihe marketing tagliDes we have created to sell Singapore hare net with So
ea, Dui had ant thing lo do \ith Francc? It is as if s.e stili need that spfinkle of
expensive ScDtosa homes, we paint ourselves as Asia's Nlonaco - as if, being
Singaporc's stroDg repuiation politicallJ_ and economically, culturally she believes she is losing the battle: it's.jusi not irendy, classy, elegant nor magical to be SiDsaporcan. IroDically, this seif affliction couldbcthe sinsle biggest obstacle to the
creaiion of truly nnique culture in this in{ormation age wherc thebest way to go
slobal is to renllt' think local. Loc distinction is what will scr onc apart ftom the slobal herd. \VHERE DO \^'IE GO I'ROM HERE?/ ]jlery brandins as.ncvknom a brand rvil
ifit attempts to be all thirgs to Jll men. Sinsapore cannot be known as primarily efficient, pragmaric, ncutral and dependable and fail
simultaneously be crazy, se4', cool,
Asia's Singapore was not enoush. wl1en we
creatiwe, intellectually urbane,
snellins ofa despemte need for approval.
want to build a nationalarchitcctural icon like the Esplanade or the new Supreme
Worse, Sinsapore is wearing
Court. ive borrow the brand of aD international architeci as opposed to
stimulatina and colourtul witl equal weightage. Something has to give. Every country slroggles to find ihat one message that can service tleir requilemcnts a.ross ihe differ€nt sectorsr Ireland. Scotland and Italy retain strong lourisl appeal because ofinases ofquainl, rustic countryEide livins whcre tine has stopped but this is at odds with their tudusties' struggle for credibilitt' when coDvtuchg
borrowed plummase rather than coming up with a style of her orm. It is a uDique\' singaporean sna&s/ $at has boih bencfited md injured
us bybonowiDs
ideas, best practices and concepts from foreign lands and aptb ins it reholeheftedly
io our country, we halc ocated a successfirL Sinsapore brand while underminins our confidence
our orvn
and sccond-
supporting one ofour oi{n proven talents - a KenzoTange and NormaD Foster.r!e. a Tay Kreng Soon or Mok Wei l4rci. AId what are we to make ofour propensity to adopi Eumpear-sounding names lbr our local condominiuns and conpanies? Why call a condoninium Cosfo del S.rl. as if Bedok $'as in Spain? Or adnnsunshop dBrn as
siryapore isue
,Iapanese aDd American IT compani€s they are efficient places io relocate to.
Not uDlilie peopie thernseh
counlries are ofteI] lonr bct\\'(:'crl brancling thcrusch,rs accolcling ir) who Llle\'rerll\ rre. rvlro the\ \\,ant to l)c ancl nho thcl thinli l)eopl-. \\anl lhenr Lo L)e. singapore needs ro develop deseFed
ronfidence ald pdde ir her existing srrengths, discern and play up ne$' str€ngths that a.e emerging and stay far away from pretending she is somebody else. It is key ihat ordinary Singaporeans themselves - rotjust the Aovernment or foreigrers - buy into rhis. The cittens ofa cornha arc not
in the nrlernaLioral nedia is our lach ol political and nedia lreedom buL the tougliest fact for critics to deal $'ith is the parado\ ofhow tliose ver,r'hnits hale so flr brought pr2cti@l rcsults. $'c are bdldnrg a reputation for environmental friendliness because 1re are wiliing to jmpose lerl
untrjend\' Dl€ctronic Road Pricins schernes and Certifi.ates of Etrtitlenent for car oMerslip- lve remair economically f iable because we have bccn resistaDt to aD idcalistic cradle to grave social tr'elfare nrodel. Our high level ofpublic security is based on the compromise of private
ies. our multi-relisious, stable and tolerant socieb is fo nded on ficrcc intoleraDcc of anyone rlho se.ks io instigatc
just the nosi natrral andbest ernbodnnents
ofa countdsbrand, Lheyare also theones i{tio day by da) ensu.e that the brand
rctually works as it promises. If SiDgaporeaDs aDd the state arenotaligned
ir iheir
ideals about what ihc Singaporc
bnnd means, ih€n all marketins addpublic relations strategising will eventuaLly iail.
Singaporeans must see rhat we have
not only achieved world-class srandardr in many aspecls, we havc acrually set the slobal standard in certain fields. At a time when water scrrcity is
real challenge to the x.orld, Singapore has Dearly
achieved self-sufficiency
A 2006 UNDP Human Dselopmeni Repoit
cited Singapore as one of the best if not thebest - at watersupply and $,aste-water nunagenent in the world. Our success here has not only been because of developrnent of our oim cuttinS-edgc tcchDology, but also because of good public policies. The lvorld recognised this at the 2()()6 Clobai Water Awards \rher€ Singapore s Public Utilities Board nas Damed WaterAgency ofthe Year and bcal comtan]' H]'f]Dx took the pize of Water Conpany ofthc Year. Secondlr, in the long mn,
for a brand to
be success{ul, performance still outweighs imrge. Our derotjon to pragnatism, political neutrality, nrcritocracy and discipline may be questionable on nrany lev€ls (and worth repeated critical examination) but it norks. lhe biggest critique that is held against trs
ol policies. l he globil audieDce is quick to
serse dissonance and no amount of brandins exercises and public relatiorls campaisns caD colcr up ihc basic lack of follo$'through i. tcnns ofdonestic and foreign policy. It was i lesson llrand America learnl the hard way as it sax.its nane plunn1et turther aniong Mtrslims in the rrorld despite a slicldy prcduced proMuslim media campaisn.
\!'ITI{ A SIIALI, TO\I'N MINI)/ rarit) and all tlis makes us al.eady 'se\y" and trlly "cool" bv aDy account. This s rpasses the temporal and CITY
We are qujle a
qnestidrablc "cool" quotieDt that wc bought thlough bxHof prancing, Fl racilg or senri nn.le Frcn.h den.eN.In the end. these
short-term gimn cks will neither To manynew
s, Singaporeans
hwe lived so long in this countrydrat they calnot perceive clearly how respectable it acrrally is. What has becone tcrtbook clichdroiocals is actually appreciated by the nany Chinese, lndians, tturopears, Anericans and all who have decided to nake singapore their hone. sonethirg in the Singapore brand has
make nor break dre Singapole Some ofthe most succcssful
honc groMr
bmnds we have ar€ ihose that never saw themselves as having less to ofier
to bigger n1t€rnatic,nal brands. BmLlds like ,{shley Isliam, H).flu, Crcative and Razer all took a uniqnely Sirgaporean look at things and saw no rcason why a Singaporcan
touched them enoDgh to uploot thcrnseh€s-
could not equal and even surpass
To Kofi Annan, we are one olthe !€ry tew countrjes who managed to go fron thjrd
international standards be it about in water desahlation, conputer ha.dwa.e or creating
world to first iD one remarkable geDeratioD. We have the lowest infant
nortality ratc nr
the $'orld. Our liicracy ratcs and ferformance in Maths and Science are .rnons ihe highest intemationalb,. Povertv exisls in all countriesbut lre aremanlrging the situatioD ofthe poor such that sluns
ID ihc Dlay Hone.sict bylocal plaFrisht Alfian bin Sa'at, a character remarks thaL, ''Singapore is a snall to$n lhat thinks it's
are Dotr-c\istcnt and home oi{Dcrshjp reDaiN at 9o.9% dcspitc cscalating costs
ofreal .state. We remain one ofthe fei! siates in theworld nordjrectb involved in
Tlre Lrolll)le iies irr loo ulnrr Singaporlrilns f ot Ic iising thilt she illrea(il is l cill lirill keeps thirliing shc is a snriLll torm. Ancl \\'hal a trenlei(la)0s ciL\ 01 rrligirral nrrlis slre colrld bc ()r{re sirc LcaIns ro -(hr.1 lhal stll
any rrar or conlict an oasis ol political and econonic calm that is increasingly nre iD a conflicied $'orld.
Most imDortanrly, the SinsaDore brand still possesses that elusive lrail that once lost can never be earned back -
is that
it renaiDs an iDternatiorally tmsted
Sirsapore's greatest {sset
name. It has oedibilill, buili up throush 43 ycars that whatever she says she she js.
No pretense and noholdsban€d, even when
it comes
10 the
most potentially ollensive
caD bcg
rh1 a,
to differ-
Rethink Singapore Arts Will Singapore ever produce great art? Or are we doomed to be a cultural wasteland? By Joselire Rau
/'x rsxriEi
HPfl flfl
.sQ fnk* HEr&l SEr&l
I= tt lg1' tI EI
"Singapore English
nelerbe agreat Singapore novel. There willne\eropi ddl:n8 orig:ndl.Lrars,e, JenLalpiF." of liieratu.e that will finally mark and cement Sirgapore's place in the literaryxorkl. u'e will never havc a Sinsaporean nol€l rp for the Booker Dor have
international bookshops. Never saynever? Or are we just facing the cold hard f:cts and doomed to reference
So there wiLl
Singaporean texts promincnily displayed in
C2iherine Tim's aiftl" /rdrrt.s for ihe resr of.n.lives?
has no real
literary merit!" l0
Thoush Enslish has been Sinsapore's doninant languase of eduction and public discourse for decades, English Literature has not flourisbed the way one might expect norgarnered as nuch unqualified local or slobal respect as one wodd hope.
r/)€strodpore issle
l,Ia1'be the most salient lealut e of
!3,',J" BOOK5
w0rth reading,
Paladorically, the role that l')nglish plays as the linguisLic tnediun of rvork and cornrnelce rnay lrave strippcd arvay its abilitl'to be the prit-lnrncnt nleollllT) oT cl cl|\'t' ano l]itgtnlll\ c ('xpt'essron. r'l,i'
ufi1, Singapore Litelatulc is not punching above its u'eight in ihe literary alena is that $'e don t sccn Lo sa] anything impoltant or nl lglnill ( llotlllll. [1on lo dl lirerlture "iLl r r deals $ith the same tite sentinents ofdisillusionwith the Singapore expenencc ihat tends to neld into an anorphous mass ol bomosencitJ. will webe able to move past our ubiqLrilous HDB landscapc or our oveuated aDd tircd nomentsofyrppie ennui? While sonreiimesdidactic, post-colonidSingaporeLiterahn€ bad notable poets who \ere able to epress themselves and appropriate a colonia] lansuase in Dew aDd startling rvays that expressed ihcir conccrDs about the nascent state of Singapore and her rcuic towards nodenity,joinnis orisinality with social relevance at the sametime. CoDtemporaD- litemture bJ contrast seemsto have tumed ini{ard, ci.crlar aDdnNulated, and we dorr't meaD h agood Romantic-poet-search-
f0RflGN 80Dtt5
Worsc still is how proponents and teacheN oflocal literahrrc sometimcs pmctice a blind sort of reverse
Ji, rimindlionwr"r",.omp. r4a' -I.bn8,,r'lpi"Urts
only on measules ol a Singapore scene and \rice (rcad:
the most difficult subjecis tosuarantcegood
aDd hence dropped as a subjecl,
wonder l.iteEturf is
English Literature, in a pragmatic culture $'here secn io be of litde economjc aalue, is mrcly
as an acsthetic and creative erpression ir itself. Iersion aises frorn the fact that Erglish Literature
is onl)' seen as having purpose when goverDment urF' i-lr Jnr "4"cdlors \.rry a\nur rl, ,r'n\i rss ui ofN.iinnrl Ldu.!lion and moral lalucs. and more r€@Dtly, see!
niears to build criLical and anal]'tical
sln D,{t0t{t
foFthe-]'nrth sort of s'ay.
solepreserve ola srnall enclavc ofthe educated elite.
as one of
it is little the doldmms or seen as the
examination slsten $nere English Litcraturc is f ierred
flogs thc dcad horse ofsnigapore s inmigrant past or
local canon is ofcourse an inportatrt prrt ofliterary growth but to insist that Sirgapore terts are goodjust because they extmss some soft ofSinsaporeaD voiceor sensibililyadds lo the challense oftrliDsto raise literary standards and appreciation. Praise for such tc\ts tcnd to be focused
trtilita.ian lunctjon coDlled with a high stakes
local texts. To proinote
nwtN PA G5 t]TY Of RIIN
SinslishJ. since when is a plethora of local places rncntioDed any measrre ofultimate literary mcrit? Surcly it does not have to be a trajtorous notion or some colonial hangovcr when we point out that local literature, even the approvcd sct texts for the local exaniinations, is sometimes just not vcrr' good.
P'oo{lhol Sinsoporeom do love rheir
lihrcl!re, Bookslduolly
i1 o (oJy lllrlo indeFndenl lo(ol booknorelhol hed lor shei
rypeu,rilsrs, (hormins relro
postords ond
(omeror sil rlde by side wilh
vel retonmended literory
Ai ihc end ofthe day, the \rhole point of whcther Singaporc Literature is goiDg to be truly distinctne
tbinking iD Sirgapore s youDg for success in loda!'s
and make its
knos'leds€ ecoDon)'. Tliis ovefi subsuming of LilFrdlurp n'o a:rhp- i _.rinr h.rld nB'--,urun'i"
neet the sinndard ofwhat makes a good to great
on the global scene iswhetherlhey
Singdpor@n boakstotc
agerda does no lavours for its long t€rm apueciation
(o\ e, ler
oosi-.9boosi$ (dr Uiis pxgd)
the sitlsapore issue
Dare we say that real literar,ri merit should trump anrthing else? It s not a doom and gloom though. Mornents of luciditt, genius and quiet i t€lligence cD be lound in the poeDs of L€ Tzu Pheng, Arlhur Yap
Kin chens. And the some short stoics of Cath€rine Lin, Simon Tay and Clairc Thdr have some and tsoey
lor€ly nomcnts ofrriting. Check out thc first halfo{ Ta! Hwee Hlvee's l.breign Bodtes and one, two
t?nsnalional poems liom the third generation poets. I-oca1 press houses' - in particular ntnos Books
buildiDg up
u' a
d l.'-t
,ev,, i. al\o :n\Jl.rJ
tocal canon, as t.ro local oDline sites
That bejng said, lhe success of Singapores literary sccne needs Sood and involved readers as rvell. We need to cultivate noi just qood writeN bui an edLrcnted, noteljtist, readership. lheresho dbenorc inclusive and mcaninsfut discussions, not arbitrary starldn.ds, of { hat nakes good literatue. Terls shonld be choscD on quality not locality alonc. Tben maybe
oncday. s€ wilL have a Shsafore literary canon that rnany will voluntanlyadmit marked an excitins and
vibrdt wateNhcd in ijterarf historyi
"A Singapore film will win at Cannes one day." HoPEFULI.Y/ CoDsiderins Singapore s heaq handed anrl censor-happy attitude towa s film (watch RoystoD Tan's satirc oitocal censo.ship, Cld,
thatsome considerthebest thinghe has creatcd), ii seens alnost inconceivable tliat we caD evcr cultivate a maturc and sophisticated filmmaknrs indusrry.Is it even possible for filmnakins to flourish in su..h a socially consen'atne country r$ere nlnis have been banned or resularly c€nsored, much less ask if Singaporean films are capable of such clevaied honorrs? Aftd all, such constraints in Sjngapore s socio-I]olitical climate are quite rcal. Singapore's intolerance and overly cautious neatment of aDy
subiect flatter deened politically or relisiousl]' sensitive may kill epcnrnental and creatjve thinki.g.
bcing jn lhe r95os and 6os). Hard to watch or Dot, it spurred real aDd bogus talent to come out of thc woodwork ard starled a whole trend of independent and commercial filmmaking activity ir Singatore. Dric Kloo's M€€ Pofr Man followed aDd in 1997 his other fcature, 12 ,gtoreys, debuted at Cannes to generau] positive reviews. However, it was the rclease ofJack Neo s Mone! No iD 1998 that sar! jnc.easiDg local acccptance
of Sinsaporc made filns. The amalsamatjon of heartland concerns with a deceptively light social commeniary' was a comnercial success. l'€w local films natchedthe box office receiprs of Jac.k Neo's films but the populariB' a.d \isibility of such films
for more local awarencss that
Eut such tensions and conflicts have brousht out the best in creativc nnrds belbre - look atthc critically
paved the way
ardanned fitns cominja out of haD and Afshanistan ofallDlaces and Rotrton Tan did nanage to make 15 after all. So cm S sapor€ film then succeed too?
to Holhvood blockbusters or HoDs Kong and
considcnd, we ha\€ definitely comc some wals ftom,l,'?diLn Rdre, Singaporc's fi$t tuil lengih Enslish featDre in r99r. The film received mixed rMews and did terribly atthe box office. But what was more important was how it nas the catalyst that sparked .L spate of filmmahing after decades of dormaDct' [sinsapore s golden ase of filmnakhg AU things
BR0l0lR PtRSPlolvts
Snisapore filnN did not always have to be subordinate
Taii{anese filns. Regioml collaboraiions formed and mo-e cin8dpor. p'"duc"d ar nadp fiim' rourL t}c. way to an overseas market (Forerer |euer being one of the fi6t to be inter.ationally distributed), turrher
s thc brand o{Singapore
Bnt let's not get ahead ofonrsclvesi the filnmaldDg
industry is still iD its irfancy, making sone constructive if occasionally stuttering steps.
ti?singdpor. iss!e
lrom ditrerent lcvcls. ID addltion, lhere are plentvof
o ift
fiIn citi.ism siles and lorums which help or.n uf lubljc discourse and awr.eness. Thc Singaporc IntcmaLionnl |iln festiyalis al$ oDe oft|e longesl rnnirgand besl regard€d filn fcsti\rk nr Soulleist
,.Jnrr. J r,.,l\
,r, u . , ..if r^ r. world, hrs eDablcd filn to i ,1
IRtt (H00't l2troREYs
soins pofnlatjons in lhe rc.ch orl lo a latgeraudieDceedharc social Fleianc€ at i|e sanre LiDie. Technologjcal advanccs Ieve also made lilm ar1d norie naknrs .n rccessible go to nednun for ShgaporcaDs i{ilh sonrethiDg to sa}.
Ilt. )\tI]gitl)Ultalrdience may r,eer tol alds casy, t
ne tnlllOt'tIJ
escapist falc but this group is also lnr)l e e\pc,se.t i to lIitIll]a lltatl
YtN 5
lltr'r rto.onrelinres'li\cn ( t, LliI thc Cannes ol the l}st bv a loDg ftoer:s xtiD and i1s equivalents still rbound.
SiDgaporc is not
i)ornestic fiuc is sLill plaguecl bv a lilr I' Ul sUl'\ljllr(,'. Irlrl \C|'|l)1..
copl,caL plots and clubious starclrrcis of acling. Aird even' tilne 't l){rn-tr\ o.' (la)()c ltIl l)itii il mustcl in Lhe bo:r office. cr.nical attitudes and l-told vorL sos tencl Lo ntal,e the louncls. these'eralcons.nsus is that i{c still need higher and mor. consistent . .,r d.r .1. , ' "rir: ,; i..ir! . ,. ..r tr '\,, , g
Produclio. !alues could be tightcr.nd an all enconrpassing local filnnnakiDg nrf.nstrucirre is yet 10 be
full) est{blish.d.
€ lrc.ds lorthe ftrturc. Tlic SingaDore govonmenl s push to make Singaporc a vibrant slobal city of Lhe uts has opcncd up funds ard , , o I br b.r.ll.nr flrn n l"r . c 'r, F. ,a hir.; Thcrc arc
lecliDicd and pmductioD skills are increasnUb otrered
in schools and irlaccs s.apped up just as qrickl]. Expcrjncnt.tion \!ith filDinaking is alrcadt .ncouaged i{i1h the S(hools fideo A$'ads in ils 9lh y..r ofcompetjlion rnd iDvolvins orm roo scbools
fbr'. It is e:rsicr to lelerage o1T such :rn increasinely fiJnr litcratc socieLl' alcl eler,:rtc the discoulse of u,hat lltilKec lr qo()(I T lf) rit Ditat. 5r,l p, .nvironIr)ent caD only encouragc nroRr |otential lilnnak€rs. filn citics and thc like lo lake the less tutelled paih. Dcsfite Singapo.e s reput{tion for arbitraN and rampanl censo.ship, there arc still eDongh fitrns, s|orl lllnN and docuneDt{dcs of citical and.rcative ne'i( beiDg nude.
{e lvill alwrvs havc ch.af. ul'' n' r' r 1 rl_r,lu. FI I F,..lri,,q. r'd r t",. scene.
Ol all the arts nediuns in silgapore, nlm mar liave ilLe hisliest chancc ofnrahing a spl.tsli iD the rturld
lit. t|ai. BLit {e:rlso have Tan Pin Pin. Ekac|ai U.kronglha.r, Brian GothoDg Tan, Colin coh, Ilaniel arc
Yun, and soon. Scrcenirg SiDgal)orelllms at Cannes is alreadr ! realit!, so is s|o$ing ard placing rt
countlcss inicrDalional
filin listivals. lf Dot this
Seneration, tlren maybe when the rforcmcDtion.d nanes |a\€ becolr€ lhe ekler st{tesmen offilm. son,e independert youDs p nk rlill nakc a filnr that ilill
filn as atrulyunique cul!ulal good torthe whole wo dto consume.
cerient SnrgtLpore
l\Iatch t|is space, a Singapore braDd to bc froud of is enreryinij fion the wings.It
5irudro r. 6sxc
SlNIMi,on indcpmded
Getting Out of the AQ Maze why stude[ts fluctuate so much in their AQ grades. By Tong Yee
Ithough the application question is not an essay per se, we have however been receiving emails and requests from both teachers as well as students to
skills article for the Application Question. Probably the bane of thousands of 'A' level students across \^,-rite a
Singapore, the emails we have been receiving generally expressed distress that peoplejust did not seem to be improving in their AQ scores. Despite trying all ways and means to do better, students AEl]UTTHI\VRITIR
explained that they had yet to truly grasp the flindamentals of how
to tackle this exercise. One email summed up the general doubt.rer Lhat
exasperation by saying
an.l tlachet
14 0R0AD[R
lle singdporc i!su.
We can
derstand thc frustratior. ln the earlyvcars afier irs inceptioD, mostreachers
the Dccl1aintt olhontheyshould go about teacliing aDd assessinq theAO. To put things iD conte\t, students should know thar prior to theAe question, fo. DuDy years $,c as teachers ilere used to hchins stLrd€nts niaster the skiil of banal sentencc stntggled with
makins. Thanldully that eram cornponent was deemcd increasingly irrelevant for rhe dcmands oftodity's far morc conrplicated wor-ld aDd \Es suitably replaced with the AQ. Thankfully,6 ),ears into thc development ofthjs questionb?e. some very clear trcnds hale eneBed that ive caD follo$'.
slill, theAQ is meant to assess a st ent's abiliryto.ead anl given ter't aDd deterniine the value ofthe opinion eapressed. ciearb this is an inlahrableskill for an,vmodern cjtizeD of the world reho is inundated nith infoNation e\'eryday. Ourpcdagogical trnining slionld sho$'studcDts holr to breakdo$D the ilibrmation they recci\€, be jt frc,rD a newspapcr, blos or cven academic jouDal. They should theD be ablc to evaluate the streDstb ofthe ofinionsthet had but nostimpo{antly be able to asccrain rhe vahe ofrhesc opilions in apDlication to their orm ln'es.
'lhjs helps us to unders(and why it is called the application question in
first placc.
Students need t.r first rccogDise lhat
audieDce js rareb,ours. What we arc rcqun ed Lo do is to appli that infbrmation to our livcs or neasurc the lalidlt), c,f an arg1lncnt or opinion agaiDst our orm rcaliry. i ake for iDstance a passagc argLring that the demand for indnidual frcedom has gone overboard aDd that lve
sliould relinquish.ru fteedonrs in hvou. ofstate conrrol. A Singaporean strdent $,ho apflies lhis tohis owr conte{ may find tlie otinion fan iliar but nay nor nccessarily agree, especinlly corsidering the strongpeNoDal distaste he mightliave forpatemalism. He niav then read ftrther and notice that the author takes his DotioD of state control to an enreme. pictrring almost a Lotalitarian statc. This would certainly noi go down lrell with a}tung
Singaporcan who is erperiencnrg increasirg, not dccrcasinit, liberties as a cirizen. Diffcrins questiol t]"es mayhale ernerged over thc years frotn ditrereDtjunior colleges that seek to stretch thcir studen ts and nat rallydernand mo.e thaDnharis requi.ed. But
l\Ie arc soing lo therefore ernphasise the l(eyskills nccessart to do $,ell for thc Ae in ihe 'A lerels, discussnig simple steps to masterthatlrake it possibleforeach student tow.ite a
sitong evaluatioD leit|in an average tinc liame of 25 minutes.
lh.sirgr?ore issrc
I )
So,ne i mV,orl6vl I /1; rys lcr n
2 is diffe.ert from the cssay iD paper 1 Please rerncmbcr
that the AQ is very mLrch assessed upon the strength of)our evaluaLion oft|c .uthor's arguDlents. no( the strcDgtli ofy.ru. pe.sonal argrunent. The Canbddge e{arnincrs rcport lns expliciLly statcd this 3 }€ars running. rcspoDdiDg to a cornnol) mistaken pmctice ofwritiDg the AQ ans$cr like a free respons€ arsunent, similar io that iourd in drc cssar- paper. The AQ will therefore never ask you to inrroduce new contenr to rest your LrowledAe. It will however require you to uderstand the althor's argument enough to test your evaluation ofwhat he is saying.
A less known facr among students is that the Short Quesrion and Summary sections often lead you into answering the AQ. This has been nertioned by Cambridsc sclelil tinies, with lvamiDss that the AQ should nevcr be iackledfirst snnpl) becausc the short q(estions and summan'r.e olten designcd to hclp r-'ou find the key argurncnts ofthe author. The short questiotis (primadlr-' those that
ask'\hy") and the sunimary would
have aheadyrnade you highlight the
kel a4umcnts of the pssage. A thnrking shdent would asthe ke!, poilts io clahate ir the AQ.
th en
usc those argunents
Students should aroid using the author's exanrples or inconsequentjal sent€nccs tbr points of evaluation. If$c arc to shorv comprchension of the passage by elaluatnrg lhe kcy arguments ofthe passagc, not aDy sertence can be dragged outforevalualion.
l-argelyvou will need to refer to topic sentences of each
out for where rhe author may switch arguments within a paragraph, and at times, even islore paragraphs/sentences where the alrhor is hishlighting altematiwe opinions, Whatever skills you choose to apply in the exams, rhe end result has to be succcsstuIy achieved in 20-25 minutes. the challengc that maDy tutors as weil as studcDts face is to litd shaicgics that are indeed Dseflil in exantuttion conditions. Xlulii stcp evalLrations ,nal bc thorongh but ilyou arc not able to
gcnerate eDough palagraphsto address all requirements of the question wirhin the timc linit then you will certainly need to lnd nrorc tirre efficient rviys Lo do so
.ie sir9.?ore
i I
/1 v'ta/ reve/a(t on
; -t
Peftaps the most startling re\€latioD that wc can gain from the past 5 r eds ofcomprchcnsion papers is tha( Lhe passages are actuallv desigDed to invite evaluatioD as we can often
ffnd deliberate instances of controversy within the arauments presented, Students \.ho are awarc ofthis and therelbre acttrally looking out for conbovercr- will be pieasedto find that th€y are far more appa.ent in the A lclel pape.s than oorlocal school
papers. Citing instances from tlie past few years for erample, we can almost ahra!
find points veeing to Dear crtrernes or at iimes eyen foolishness-
ne.jt for the points raiscd in the linal lew paragraplis of the 2(106 paper for instance. Coblel"s 6Dal views $'er€ far loo idealistic or remiDisccnt offailed ideologies." In the 2(r()5 paper oD aggression, 1ve were invited to asscss ho$' convincing $e fouDd
We find little
Woolgar's rcasons for reduced aggressioD; paragmphs that irere already poiDted out to be .contror€rsial - in the sh.rrt questions, tofped olT with an overly simplistic suggestion that violence and contlict could be alleviatcd/elininated via spo.ts. soo4 had the camb dse
e\aminers connnentins on howfcwcaDdidales could find'\nedt in Park's lifc ofrestricted choice and less paniflrl resfonsibilitv , exposing the passase as a weak j ustification fo. takirg less peNonal rc onsibilily. 2oo3 gave s t$'o passagcs on anirnal rights, an issue that a modcrn, animaltesting, food-loviDg, aDimal sacdficing. conservatjve Asian societl likc ours would lind cedaiDly contentious.
urfortuately lackins in our local sefting of papers. One ofthe greatest limirations we face as teache$ is in linding suitable passages that align themselves wcu wirh .A, level requirements. Scarching newspapers, cunert atrairsjounals and lhe Internet lias beeD the modus operandi fo. the lonsest time, but has also resulted in us using professionai, well lvdtten ard often balanced articlcs for comprehension. This xrrld do $'cll for our settinit ofSho.t QuestioDs and Summar:v, but is howeve.linited in crcating the sane These kinds of controweEial points are however
our'A lelel conprehensions passascs dueto the article s balanced views. Short of $riting the passages ouselves, it bccornes theretbre diiicult to simtrlate passagcs that aliow lo. greater accessibility in inviting student eyaluation. Resardlcss, we should all still bear tlis jn mind. Findins enoLrgh cont.oversy iD the atrthor's arguments is not as challetrgiDg as $'c rnake it ouL to be, and is a revelatioD that conld prove vitaL in doins better for the AQ. deliberate cont.oveNy found in
PtRSPtfllV[S rltc
Secti<'n A7 s.clion lr.a(Joru, Hon $'c attetnpted the 2oo7 -{' level AQ questioD on Tlrc
TIP 1/The points $c intended to
endt Retolutiatl
evaluate were actualb; alrea(v chosen
while attcmpting the SQ and Sumrnary sections. Be reminded that
they can lead into an accurate AQ
TIP 2/wriiins an nriroduction or conclusion is not a necessary requircment, but if writing thesc paragraphs does indeed nnprove your coherence then by all neans do
so. Just understand that an introduction or conclusion is nore for the sake ofcoherence but is not Decessarily evaluation. Too mucb time should not be spent on doing
Wc stalred b"" planniDs our AQ so as Lo nLake surc r\c addressed all lhe requircmcnrs l]1 the qoeslioD. h this casc, ihere $as onlvoDe rcquncDreDt ro address: Nhcthcr N. gene.ally agreed or disagrecd nit| the views (arg ments) raised. lhe secoDd 'rcqtrn..nrenr" {as
actuallyjust a reDrilder that rre should usc eiamples lron our socictv/expedeDce to elahate/Nlxtantiate ourownpoints ofvicl. JLtsL p.oceeding with thc AQ as p€r nonnal wonld havc alrcadt add.essed this sccond cornporeDt.
This is probably thc most stlaighLlbsva ofall thc AQ variarions we harc sccn so la.. tJsuallt ive $'ould snnfly ide.Lil.' the nost conifo\crsial olhis poirlts (casicst ro eraluate) buL thjs tinie wc wcnt h'ilh theparag.aphs that lvere rnost alrplicibl.io Sing.pore. $hile doins this $'c kcpt in nririd hoi{ our ctroscn points should trltimatctv have sorne ljtnt to
a nrore cohereDt responsc.
This lvas dot necessarl bnt w. tlied lo do so anlvar.
W. c|ose parag.aplr 3,7 and 6 ior evaliktior as thcsc argxrn erLs io natch agailsto rBlical Snrgaporea! paradigm.
4rdr6iri lltrk.t/.?IIOTOCRhrxr/rcxdnord,rh.bar
t/rrst'aoto,? iss!.
ro us. provcd Drosr eas)
SUCGESTED PARAGR-A.PHI I oould rtnd it hard to totalL! ostee uith cftan's ueus on rhe gender re:lolution. I do tlot
lbrccd us to encolnalge uotnen to enter the uarl.farce, not because the! noo c.'uld, but rathet becallse lhey had ta. The techtlologi.al dn.] lnalloseriaL changet ua duide in fact alLo1Lled botl1 otLr lnen en l aorrcn to nlore etrsilu entet the globol uorkforce, nanukctu itlo, R&D andrtrurte sec.or'.s, help;rg us 6ron.1 ouiselres as peot,le ulb uerc ellectiue uorkers. The <Jetldet reuohtnon
We pnrnarily identified ihe key arsument of paragraph 3 by
TIP 3/
attempting SQ 6 md the summary. we started by directly addressing the questipn with a dear stsnd tal€n against the author as it did not apply to Sinsapore. We briefly summdised his argument to establish a point of discussion (helped by sQ6) and tben pronptly evaluated why his line of arsument did not apply to Singapore. We asreed that the gender revolution
was indeed real but
it did not
disadvantase singapore in the way
ma]/ hdDe braug h1 blnnftuols change ta tlp uorld bri I feel tl&t the chanqes otlined in par(rgraph 3 brcught instead great adrantages to SingaPorc .tnd uds defnilel! noi as tot(lslroP/rtc"a.s /t suggerts.
SUC,{}ESTED PAIL{GRAPH / Infact, Sing.iparc recasn6es tfidt it Is necessd|v bolt genderc cotltinue Io u.lotk and connibute ta n r talent paol to keep s etunonticall! @tnpetitire as a cauntrA. Chan stggesb itt paragrapll T that "sendet educdtion tleetls to supplement tnete ser educdtio' 'ns neFeb tne uorld is nol doinq etlaugll to mot!rc av npidla clnngnu natians ol oetlder' Sinsapot! (laes not ueetfat ftan1 his conchlsion. InJdct, ue toke this dewlapment rcru seriauslu . We haoe itldeed prcgressiDellt us.d education to highLiqht the
iniroduced the idea that education was a viial tool iD debating rvith ihe effects of the sender revolution.
Starting with a link from to ihe previorls paragraph to impro1,e coherence, we then proceeded to
again sumrnarise Chan's key
Dercatilil]l aJ ouru1i(Ue gendets, plalins q the aduattq e that eoch ge der ndr in s,:rectf. indlsh ies and encauraged eacl1gel(Ler ta learn to "iaditional skills'o/ dle otn€r on { ttenpt lo brcak gender stereotvPes As sitgoPorel econalnA .antinues to tn.ll.lte, )e harlefautld uonlell DitaL itt speattuaditls olr seruice tldu.shies, rie craotire orrs se.tor dnd the groLoth af saciaL
argument h pamgraph 7 and then simitarly evaluated it in the lisht of Singaporet prosressive tertiary as
enterprises, beilt',ftins Jrctn hou their cureers bfib the ecanolnu , and lindnn uat/.s.o suppofi tftern in rheir roles ds uiues on.l notherc. ALsa to encoufage out prc Janil! policies, ue buiLd up tlle male's role n1 co tt'ibunns tu hirfoniL!, belieuinq that the ftaditiotlal pah iarch..l rcle oJ nlen only seeks ro hrtr uoTnen
with what he said
shll prcserDins the lroditianal Dalue ofplacnlg the nnlc ashead afthe hausehold. Chdn snssesis tfi.rt the nin.lset of our srondp1rents' is pftninre and haftllt releNalt far our moder uo d yet, ul1ile acknauLedg ing that an odrance h g.rlder ed!.d hon is necessd I r/, &re olso /mfe io rndersi{,r d tidt betlg Asr'on, ue shll need to Jind cotnPranlise iritir trdditiondl rdh€s rfi .rt ae ca not and sho1kl tror so easil! discdrd
of.fron u1ntins to stott olirTnily,
i/t! ii,r!dpul.6src
well as vocational education system. ]lis time e did not wholy disagree as we
fornd some
validity in his argumeni. we therefore explored botl sides ofthe argument in orr rcsponse.
THI] L\,ST 6 NIINUTES: OUR FINAI, POI]fT OI' tr\,'AIUA I'ION ANI) CONCI,USIYE COM XII'NTS SUGGES'IED PARAGRAPH/ 1he pont is thereforc not.for Ls to ttttica u shift doau f,.am the nles plaue.l fot oDer o tnillian aears",l)uL rether ta litlrt e hatan.a, behoecn benerttinq the adDontuse of
lDotnen in the
fan.tu .ncourcsnn men to haue sreater intaluenlent in theirfanriliol drries, urtite sri not ercdn1q th.. essentiats af our cuttttat dnd rrodiftbndl roois. Cfron d/ready adtnitt in parcGroph 6 th..t m(o1!t pa."idrchat std tes slil rc?noirr so prtnd.rtu ,ecause t/res ttlsulate themsellles l;.tn the fo\.e of L.lnnae,. Sinsaporc benllt rank..d the nlnst globalise.l countru in the uarld fot ttk tt1i..l trcar nolning sitlplu ca nat dfJin.l ta lnsulole " ous?lues i,? fi? s ane uelt. pr.)babtu to the rctief oJ Chan , u)e hdrc been tiuitlo th. rcQtit! ol the gendet rcuatunon strce otr Dlcep|ion as a natian and lnL. [o1o1.t etfectiu. udls ro hdrness t|1e stretlgths ol botl1 gen.].rs. It is iue, uie do foce probten, uith o loa birth rate and isinu dixorce rates, but these ptotleins cdnnoi 6e str?i r5hi r ty . 9 tn it1eL1 uuau I,u trtrrceiint t 1te tc Dc;t ba|:k to, at obdu I onl 1r.e hr'nan histotu" uh.n lhijllts tt.tt .joins lnrc. \{e can apprcd(te Ctn ,
goo.l ilt.ntions
exprers;rq irs uieus tut .9in9aporc though prooressi)e r.q also Dor caretess i n discet.tiw het identinJ.
its openness ro
underctanding culturuL chdrqc
RemeDrber that it is importaDt to 1i d logicat tinlts ber\€er the poinrs you choose you erahale. Noticc how $'e oDce agaiD cxtended thc cohereDce of ou. own .vatuatioD br-' starting our final pamgraph $'ith a link to thc frevjotrs ideas discusscd. Atrer exptaining the gisr ofhis aryunrerL an.t ourllnal evaluaiion \efound itjmpoftanr tos nnnariseo rcntire respons. ro rhe q cstioninoDc iinalsentence at the end. You sholrld also noticc how ile kcpr tryjng to qDole trom the passageto dlawetrcctileln*s in ou I respoDs€ to rvhat was discussed iI ttrepassagc. Up ro 6 of th ese .eferences "ESSAY MAKI.',O\''ER"
Hopeful\'tliis brealdoro ofskills aDd cxplanarioD ofthe liev rationale beliinil theAe qucsiion wiu shed iight oD t|e nhny qucstio s yon have been askilg us about rheAe. ID cssence,,€ tDt),believc that the AQ is a deepll meaningful skill ro mastcr as it \ilt bc of yourlife. Till nexttimc, stayirthclighr and trappi. writins.
ti?str9./pore 6sre
use to you
probablyforthe rest of
,r. ilill\iii,l['
/ F.ver since Silsapore made theiunrt) l.irst [Jorld lo lhi.d'. the island sLite hns
lighl cr)nlrol ofsocial moresr'lhebid
AILO\\-ED Lo.epeal
attracted both pr.rise as $.ell as de.ision fiorn the
Sectjon 377A ofS!igapore law (that crnninalises
regional as well rs irtenatioral comnuDitl.
hoDiosexualitv by maltinij sodonr ar illegal actl
friie.l .tespjte a hish profile canpajgn by NNIP sic\.Kum HoDg and local ccl.bitics.
is no doubt
thai Singaforc has hcr supfor-icrs:
. st.adilr-growing nrflo$' of nrigrants. iDvestrnenls, fbreigr tale t and capital oler the reaN despite fierce conipetiiion fron neighbourhil count es. But iDternally, sone locals have been l|erc |as
' r sdrnr\. t i' I ; 'lr
I li.,'a'r ..r
National decisions made lbr utililarian or ecoromic ends: ailo$,ing the lDteg.ated Resorts to be built despite parlirneDtaN aDd grassroots debates over the social issues that ilill crop up with th. cncoumgemcnt ofsanblins.
with thcir orm hoNcland. Thongh SiDgaporc off.N relatilelygolden lirtxr. on a sihcr plattcr. somchow th€yarc stillursureabort ivheLher lher can ever leel trull rt liome nitheirowD mtiveland. a
Some forcisD critjcs aDd acadenics hare their ox.n
c) rhe decision to demolish key architectural laDdmarks ljlte the NatioDal Lib.ary in lieu of sca.city of land ard road space instead of presenins theni for menoriei srke.
thcorics aboutivlr!ihis is so. Th.y \ill bc quick to bNsh aside an) talk ofsnrgaporc s cconomic rniraclc
d) A local edrcation s)lstcm that is intcrnationalli
r\ 1",.\F*'r\ oJ h44'Jl,p.a sinsapore's political xrd social fabric.
competitire, successlul and q!ick to adjusl to economic clirnges. Bul c.itics teel 0rat the move to p.omote crertivib and inroratioD is sorlless
tisDlono.ie: 7l,re Nera,
sr,rrs PIIoro cRrrrIT/ strqdr.r'.3. /.li.tr 2T
entirely ecoromicrlll ddleD.
(r'.dt!. rn,,n.,s
sirrr!pore 6Ju.
Is Singapore a Good Place to Call Home? he Chinese have a saying, "When planning for a
year, piant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees." When planning for life, train and educate people.
Sinsapore\ achielenents
arc t.uly unsu{assed. Under the astute and intrepid
leadership oflhe PAP,I hale no doubt that thet, will be able to sleer Singapore strccessfully throush
technological an.l slobalised e.a.
$'liile manr uncnlightened Westerners
mar.' scoll at "nne Sinsaporc's reputalion olbeing a city", I see its
melhods ofemploJ i"t pu iti\ c beasures to controL its population reassuring.Itis truly in lhe rvith ny belief that if $'e "sparc the rod,
slri.l la\'\and
I accompanied
mt-' child to Singapore wjth the sole purpose of providing her with the educational opportLrnities that the Motherland $'ould rever be able to provide- It has been a coDstant aDd uphill
strrsgle in this forcisD land offasi cars and even faster see my daughter throush school. My relatives hale spoken glowingly about the rigoroosly conpetitive educatioD system
lifcstvlcs but I am deternined to
provided in Singap.rre that lias propelled to developed xo.ld status in the short sfan of 43 )caN. Moreove., mr sirl Nill be taught in Enslish the busincss languase and transaction !ernncular ofthe \orld. The proposal olSinBapore's loudh univeNilt'
also thrills me to no
PtRSPttllvtS rlte
{itl spoil tlie child". Look at the dccadcnt West and their hish school massaoes and wanton drug raline\.rrarour. \ Bnl,orp'. slanr on drg lruhl.t.jr; you
aDd elen gralTiti have proveD effectile. Movirs to
Singapore has beeD
ideal tlie
consenative vahes
aDd strict discipline enfo.ced here
aE confortins.
Coming from tlie chaotic, pollutcd citl of Beijins, rrhere srowth has bccn haphaza.d, this Carden Ciry isave table Pandise.
RIL-AT[D 55Ut5
Mr child is nor! happily scttled inio a secondary school where Mathenatics and Phvsics arc abreeze for her. Provisions havebeen nade forherto attcDd EDslish reme.lial cLasses afler school right before
or rl-L.b.d
ofthe pei du mama" as benrg
synoDlnous with prostitution. I an conlinced ihat the IRs will onlyherald good things fo. the nation.
L'hL to - rrric(.ldr acri{ir ie,
Sone ol my lbreign conrpatliots adliscd me agaiDst settlirg down in Singapore, sogBesting thai Aust alia and Mrlarsia would be less stresslul than Singaporc.
TheI even ciain that Sirgapore: relentless pursuit
S.r"r .' \ "r,d v.'rr1' mi. s \. lF :nno\dr:on and creativity, and rcpress the opportrDities for erpression and independent thought. TheI are of the mindset that Singapore, a nation that resorts io frods and lunishnients, deveLops stronSly confomi.r
tRtM[ &
I\Jalft xlS
O,ly , i. ", lbtlil'SnJ.pur-$' rl')lh1Fmph i.F lhF in'po.a'r." of.\\ .r. I i d rlFn Jl rJ,r".' iu1
led to the stereotype
Whil€ rnan)' Wcstemers have citicised Singaporc for
b.'rsa u'l ld-dr
' nd . r.-ile..Jl,, I b s lu 'liff-r Only with pragnatism and foresisht caD frosr€ss be seen. Ior instanc€, they have draM parallels betNc.n SiDsapore's decisioD to demolish key architectural landnarks in lieu ofscarcjty of Land rrith Bei.jirgs
r, l,
snn nd.n,nli{ th, lJl.rlu|r. ur lh"Ol)nrp: . 'd.r. rl"y.onst.' tli llrd.ro ra-nl .is.l
Beijing oflhe halted demolitioD of Donsxi Batiao, an mcieDt alley ofshop houses tlatserebuilt 7oo yeaN Jgn dL r'J Lr l\lirr D) nJ r) lor 'ha rpcFnr O-r, lr. Gamcs. But therc nust be ceftain sacrilices nade by
inright inlo lhe Shgoporem
the peollc ifprogress is to occur. Despite the fact
I am constantly rcassrred by tlie goveDimert s plforlr ro rF efaluiLp ,hpn c-\, .. Whl. p'pl .r1' ir SeDio. Minist€r Goh Chok Tong has acknol'ledsed thai "s.e (Sinsapore) must get away liom the idea rL. .nntl ppopt-.r tr t,pstr .troutd ,F.r'1l.in" BLrt
and thc job of e\eyone else is to do as they are told. ' a sign ofsclfirflcction and enlightennent? r:nrdpora. p'IorL. lo ir rprrr.. h' rr.grc ir\-
ls this not
methodologies is evident in its nenest univercity SiDgapore ManagemeDt Universitl where lectures hale bccn dispensed with iD favour of facililated
leanins, soft skills developneni and emotional Literaq,. Is this noi cnough proof that the hcal education system is dynarnic and rcsponsiye? I
halc also enrolled ni
croupier course in anticipation
ofthe opcning of the Integrated Reso.ts which are slated to bc built in SeDtosa aDd MariDa Bay. 'tl\e government made ihc wisc dccisjon ofendoNirg a huge enterlainment district ihat will be built like a Universal Studio Theme Parlil Tbis sill ilcludc a Dreanaorks Studio, areco breaking aquarium and a massive waicr thene park.I read that this lRwiLl create 1o,.1oo jobs ald gcnemte as nrch as s3..1 bilLion a year in relenuc. This is such a land of opportunity lbr meannrgful employnent. In the past, we only had the limited oplions ofworking in foot rcflexolosy atrd "tui-na shops, a d some of m!-".na"d .u n.b.JEr p!rlo,.F :., ^Tt,. rn . , \, n order to suppleme.t their mcagrc incomes. Tliis has
that histo ans claim it impcratiye to presene x.hat thet ass€rt lo be lhe soul of Bejjins", thcy do rot see that theie r.eies, Jerelicr houses ldcl evcn b.si. ,J|r.irin| Jnd $Jr or rhe m sitp ' nrfi astruchrc necessary to support fie Ol)'npic!. lb cling tenaciouslyto quaiDtll obsolete notions ofthe past will only aci as a hiDdrance to Beijins s mc,dernisation. The Birdi Nest StadiDm aDd the Water Cube aretestimonies ol China s might, ])o$o and raw potential. Likewise, Singapore laced a similar
criticisrn for
ng dos n parts of Chin{towD
ilsoriain.l N.lion l Lil,rrD. L ir.pld'- i,
agiganLjctunnel leadingto a Dc$' cxfrcssi{al'. While this has evoked the lancoul of architcciural histoiaN ald cultuml presenationisls, I see this tuDnel as an apt metaphorfor Singapore s:rrival.ln 1act, a larger, neweraDd ultra rnodeD librarv has been built inits place elserlhere and thc fcople have adapted to it happily. Clearly, se do not nccd to be sluckled by sentimental notions olthe past.
I see my daushter happily wear her school looknrg forwad to the day ahead, I know shoes I r\F don.l ,, r I . ll,i ,gbr nJinr ir) ','r',p-r'L\11 her here. She is in r,ood, nururing, sirict hands that willlead herwell into the future.
This is a sood place to call hone il yoo disagree, please lcalc SiDsapore in the liands ofthose of us irho trust in the Singapore Drcan and will do wliat it takes to help make it happen. (t
i/rr sir4apor€ iss,c
qroidlorher'5 grove io
Sl GlPoRt CAGi.orddr o symphony olSinsopo'e
ofd lill
burking rnd our o{
ooks or the
./rikl h Sldnt/'o i PIroTo cRrDIr/ P.agr., Flich cutivc comnons 23
lU0Vl C H0LlSt
we bascd our Dutch
Is Singapore a Good Place to Call Home?
the archetypal "city of contrasts", Singapore apparently embraces s
modernity with comfortable poise, paying due attention to both its national heritage and its direction
for the future.
Howeler, the breezy
jurtaposition ofthe msticall]' quaint and ihe slickly rlodprn hel .s J irr mn-. d'.,1'lr\' sral, nlaffairs. A.s Singaporc inchcs iowards the hau century mark, her transition to relative matunLv far from her modest
beginnings, s€ems curiously reniniscent ofthe sawlq' pubescent belle: donning attractive timniDgs, but ungaiDly as she grcws.
In a 2oo7 stud)'by
.ha-d W .Fnar.5ir
beforc, and it c€rtainly is an achievement to be glateful
A pity then that the same vibe hasn't t.anslated to the
l.ld..ir. Siig.|nr". t"l"rdJ lor ndnrnC
any disiinctive societal chamcter bas been ruthlessly
dilirted into the blithely generic. Mind you: the emblematic presence ol the hyaline Singaporean skyline might be taken as a soaring representation of the country's reach, btrt it is also bland and stenle. SingapoE is a iobula rdsd -
blank slatc ' that thrcw
away iis hisiorl', memoies and soul forthe sake
Singapore has attained and strstained an admirable
tish psychologist Professor
lnl of.iripi in 32 countries ranked according to thespeed at wlich thei pedestrians walked. Tlis might be taken as a R
ambition has propelled Snrgaporcans fomard. We've heard the spiel aboutthe Sinsapore economic miracle
Bar,orF toppFd d
reliable indicator of the pace of life in thc counhf, a i8n nI hns ,Jlinr'"1 d.\.lntri, it .rd ,o . .
degree of acadenic
ihe fom of ar iDtensiv+
content-based education svstem. at thc foundatioDal trc icrtiary stages ai least. The unwave ns focus on examinations and the quick acquisition of knowledge has been the hallnark ofa ) nem lnoq tor ir' fle*ibilib ir' rdj,rsiinh .u 'l jsu"
tie s;r,roporc issre
economic reeds. Butthe strdents
arebli*e.ed by
hat is not entirely surprising in light of the decision
to btrild two massive Intcgratcd Resorts $ith casinos, despite parliamentary and grassroorq coDcerns over the social issues that could crof up
(Rll\,lE & PUllISl]I\ttltT
dsidiryfor a more intesrated, inte.disciplinary node ofleaming but I am suspicious $'heneve. c.ealivitl is not being prornoied as a nean gful end iD itself btrt for pragmatic rneans. Nolrhcrc is this more evident than h Project Work. Uhat misht ha\c bcen
wiih ihc encouragement ol gamblinil.
lerrning process has been cripfled at cvcry stage $'itli aD inundation ol mandatory papcNork r{hich tries to dictate an erperience
dcgeneratioD irlto a spiritual wasleland.
larochial noLions of
ie\€rnent and thc attendart
rcliance onthe textbook as nn instruction manual to lif. Tnre somes.lh.dls hA€ es.hewed contenrbased
aD orsanic
nrtended to bc
fruiifully chaotic- Wlile practicallt,
preparatory. Silgatore's cducatjon system has not been outstandirgly efective in nurturing thc dtative, citical arct curious r nds the 21st century nccds. Thc parched collective coDsciousness has fbund iic
iJ,urc. n,Jn) h1r. pragnatisn
co.. ln lhinl .r " n,"rli.
tlie ciuse olSingapore's prccititous
Univcrsity of \ rarsick
chose not to set up
conceD of an instihLtion from lhe libe.al British intcllcctual tradition of open enquiry. A prcgressive classroom or country is one wh€.e candid but
olynpics and frture noderDisation, and litcrally, washed aside culturally distinctive lillages ro makc
National Library, sinsapore's babt-boc,n1ers are lefl
ILpr I I ^l'
,Llr'p- ul,
ullF 1.re is no longcr a developing nation memory-'. Singapore and has the econonic neans o{srdking a balance between economic advancement and prctecting its d
about Lheir rrejudiccs, resentneDts and misconceptions. In a setting oftruc openness, any misgrided notions can be confronted and concctcd and jdeas appropriatelt, reilned. Singapore Decds a aDd mature sphere
olpublic discussion-
listerinit lron the slate will noi apfcase ihe evolving cultural temperame.t ofdrc global village that SiDgapore wants to be. Juilicious and braver harncssnrs ofa rJ|Jr ul prrpr' . \F\ .o, lil l il, .li s nsrt.^r' attainneDt ofthis elusive and delicate tbrmnla of idcas- It could stdt by easing its tight control orcr social rnor€s like Sedion S7/A of the Singaporc PcDal codc. Surcly nobody in this civilised day and
PTRIH (?004)
Ioriniiqhr inrorheseomierlde of
nsopre ond lhe lf€ of
one frunrored, lone y roxl driver
age should have an issue
with t$'o adnlt men lovins
fonlosiss oboul
remrke of
Ameril0n hlr
||0rsr|lPrD (2004
frsrrorions ol lho Sinsoporc edutotlon sysrern ond the dms
Shackled by aftifi cialib and pragmatism, Sinsapore
Perth os hrs errope from
A laguc aDd patrcnjsiDg "Ure are
remindcrs ofthc corntry's iistorical begjnnings. nFra 5'i8ipor. '' d. a d'rh nJ. L-Jlrl uh L B-i,inu $'ho razed jts old plraongs in prcparation for tlie
mommt ol oto lootboll$ory.
academic circles in Singapore an undcNtandable
an undersraduai. campus in singapore because of rFiFrIl:or\'LoIl fr"dnr ,'!?\':ur ir.
original National Library or thc touisty roamp of Chiratown instead o{preseningtbem
KATLANG R0,{R {2008J
for d dke o{ hi5tory ond
rcsponsible debatc can take place. Let people be bold
ln tlie
Underctandably, rdrile the prcspective revenue and job opportunities fron this ente.prjse are ha to
rniserable rcflcction in the country\ physical landscape, ravagcd as it by the onslaught of d€hurnanised arcnitecture. \{hat is an acceptable threshold of collateral sacritice on th. altar of prosress? considerthe dccision ro demolish dre
way for the Tluee Gorges Dam.
6 b!l{mf
lpeokinq ond tfslish rpeoklnq
attcmpts to corstruct tenuors scallolds of It
ma,v not bc
thc urbaD planneN alone who a.e to
be held accountablc, ho$'ever, fo. socially acquiescent citizcns nray wcll havc bccn conplicit. Paul Fitzpat ck recounls in ar article tbr thc Ccntrc for IDtemational lligher x(lucation al Boston Collcgc, a sociai
crycnmert whereiD
bjllboard was displat€d
outside onc of SjDsapore's ancient buildings, inlbrning peoplc that it was to be .eplaced wjth a
nationalistic rncaning while rrhittling away at her bedrock of hedtase and frcedom. Horv can one possibly contrive a national idcDtitywhich shorld (aDd will, if thel let it) energe orsanically from thc n d and mess? Singaporeans ooght to be gratctul for thc sccrrjty of the lives they lead. Still it seerns Singaporc is scton ost.acjsjng the aerv kind ofpeople
it professes to want to attract.
high rise glass and steel structnrc. onlyforr people
bothered to inquire why, dernonstrating that srlgh!'or !rs s.rnplr 'lid ,oL 'Fe- r\. i \4. lr,' l place to qtrestion th€ iudgement ol city planncrs.
Horv caD anyone cultiva te any rrotundiB of Dational feeling - let rlone a honrel) allachmeni for such a
cold rnothcrland? ( t
td0L]lllll r,lRtlllt
weijiesouldlikea dinL witl rh-" hliter henDds his passionate inte$ir-''
iftesirqdpore riruil
i,llll ti lll
?6 ER0ADlRPtR5PttllvtS
KIiOl/J TflIS:
lfs a cruel truth thai leaves a bitter taste in the mouths of Sinaaporcan crearive ralents:
why is approval or acclaim from rheir own hometown so hard to find? Morc ofrcn than nor. our best talents have had ro leave our shores, find sreat success in a foreign land beforc they {'ere welcomed back with fanfare and beraldcd as national irons worthy of
The local fine art, fihn and litcrar]'sccne is alsostill finding its way. Many works still lack matuilv and
Ntxl l0P r\10Dtt?
fiDesse in execution especiallr when compared $'ith
similar works on the iDternational scene.
But this is made worse by the tenuous relationship manymainstrcam Sinsapbrems already have witn creativity. Ct catjve
md Sonjo Rykie.
is not as highlr respected as othcr \r,hitc Thetriedand tested route to successin Cbincsefof ]'ields an niteresting case study ofthis phenonenon: Sl"-.n , Srr. JJ Lr. l .n) ' { \ r.. Kil Ch:n Xld'i. Hee a.d A Do were local taleDts who based themselves in Taiwan first, sained considerable
.,,c.a.. n/
',er. h.rnrn a, ., or
tliemselaes in the Sjnilaporean markct. what is disturbhg is nobody loows how the careers ofthese creative Sinsaporeans wouLd have ivorl(ed our ifthey
thcir careers oD siDgapore shores firststubbonly assumiDg thcir own cotrnht woukl see based
thei. talent for what it was. Fa
a t Ll
ililv sl)e:lli ill!,,
\\'ouldn't it bc casicl to find lppro\,al and adoraLion ilmolig ]oul o1\.D peoplc of4 nillion first rathcr than irt a sea ol a1mos1 2:l million sLrangers? Apparently
collilr \roali in Silgapor'e ancl conseLlLlenth', Singaporr:ans assign a lorver clollitr \'alrre tr) creaLire proaLucts. Locally, the creative lields are itenelallystill \ic$rd ,viLn.u.p ' iu I b) plrpnl' . i trrn'l r " "un'-rdl:rF
srourd for academic neve.-do-wells. While lhe state iNcstcd rnillions into brdldiDg nNsern1s and concert halls, itwasless convinccd about the need to iDvest in arts education or arts apprcciation. O y rcceDttl Lr. Lr rlare dnd rhF etu.a('or .l r",1,,'nhaqr.8 the baDner of creativjtt e,ith enLhusiasm aDd elen
rvas mostly in terms ol oblious noney spinniDs artistic ventures lilte conpute. gmphics or
adlcrtising rather thaD the fine arts or the literary alls. Only iD 2oo8 will we fhally see our fi.st independenl pre tertiary arts school for youtlis Scliool of the
\ 2. Tl]ARMAII{I HARll
1996 rord Supermode ol
gtpcd fublicly about
not, for in.::oo5, Tanya Chua horv the Taiwanese press regarded her as a clcar
$'inner fo. the Best l.emale Vocalisl arlard at the
2oo5 Taiwan Golden Nlelody Awnrds while Singaporcans and the local press were far less confident h their asscssment ofhe. chancesOf course, you can araue that there is the
harsh reality that local crearive work may pedorm poorly in Singapore's hishly open and slobaliscd markel because they pale in quality nert to internationd works. And t.ult, thanks to a snral and rclativcl,v uncompetitive nu.ket,
manl local oeatives
seem hustratingly cortent to
be average, satisfied with not rccking thc boat and rchashins clichad thenes or copi ng trends instead. Tal{e the local tlieatre scene 1br one where all itrakes to bc labelled
"daring" and "cutting-edge" is to throw
in a bit of sex. a honosexual theme and some ubiquitous nudse wink" jabs
at drc PAP
This plolongecL nonchalancc to\\,alds thcrllhrc irnd cost olcreali\it\ rtirLLLlall_\: leacLs to :r deuuth olgcnlriDr ilppl cciation for- imagirrllire al]d aesLheLicalll t'le, 'i rtl',,:r s',rl',. tti i .le"rl .Fe1 'l thc case of otrr iocal culinary talents. Few
Silgaforcans appreciate the fact that many of our local chefs harc bccD takiDg top nedals at prestigious
international compeiiiions. \Mren chef Berton Toh represented Singapore in the Bocuse d'Or culinary conpetitioD in L)on and when ChefE cTeoledthe SirgaporeaD team iD the Int€rnationnl Culirary O1]mpi6 to take the position oftop Asian country o!€rall sith drcir two solds, one snver aDd one b.onze,
-^.Jl .uuro b' \un'l ll. ir ll ") lad ', . r^ nn innediate local comnrunity. Compare that to the rul.un.'l lFnoursrrrc,ndingl\"o"e il\prO-\nfl med,l rson hr'.nrtrble tennis leam.
PtRSPtml/tS r/ie
stngapore Lssre
oTl]tR tAMoU5t100tts: trhel fons, Pot ftool
l-0tAL vs. GL0BAL
ll bio ooiomly
lm Y'tu l(IT(HAN
ile-+rsaporr drne
In a 2005 Blsitess Ti?nes article, Andre$'Tjioe of ihe Tung Lok group opined that whilc Singaforchad I tind.\ ral"r I (\, qLra-ir\ of t\F l^.rl .iip d r''rt scene lras beirg undermined by Singaporeans
xouklMtherspe tlieirha -eameddollarsont.ied
we are a cauriously
corrinne May sold more albuns when she was lLbli,; FL r' lh- si|SdporF n Nho n Cp r bio i. Anerica as opposed to Corrinne xtay, ordinary siDsaporeaD sinser. The same case happ;ned for alant gardc SiDgaporcan pianist Margaret Leng Tan
"discount meDtaljty'-.
consurnerist nation with a penchant for freebies ard "cheap-and-sood" deals that betray orr t
the well heeled Silgaporean consumcr. Thoughhcr sinsing talent was always DrcseDt, local songstrcss
ra\€ revie$'in ?he Neu i/o* did "tnes timc she pcffomrcd Philip Glass s infamous piece 433" in Sinsapore, audieDc€ menbers walked ouL of her concert, she 6nd loc,al acceptance. The first
..rl'url /,'l ll,-ip-rptu'lJ r' ir urJ-r lu fillup thc place. I an differeDt because I respect ny 'nsr4dr.nrq. Il.ul nt,, \^ r..r'.rd .ns rT\, ^nll r\.
.lirnrn n;
best deal whereas TaiNanese. French and ltalians would mther p.iy for the best meal. 'l he article quotes Tjioe as
sayins, SingaDoreans should learn to appreciate creatiliit becaLNeyou can n€ver put a prjce on
it" lo him, grumbLings from
locJls over horv exhorbitant the 2oo5 WorldGou.met
ir sinsapore rras sened as evidence of a markct rhat was still immature in its Srmmit heid
understanding ofthe nccd to pay for qcativity,
a.tistry and originatiry.
As loDg as
cannot even see why lhey should pay $588 a head tur a dinner by tluee Michelin-star cliefAlain Passa.d,
then local restrumntetr$ wili always be hnited ni tcmN of ho$' nuch iDterDational excelence they caD establish. It will iake a whilc bcfore wc can achirve the equivalenL ofNe$'York's culinary scene where New Yorkers areiust as avid about supporting USD $2 Nathan s liot dogs as niuch as a daring, a.tistic USD $3oo molecular gastronornic meal at Wylie
only after
wmk in Sinsopore ln 2005.
AR{llllt(IUfi t & L]tgAll
r\- ,.. ,1""r l" r.l\ 'o -\prF.
Bishon Communily tibrory Look Edoi ceo {ond
The.e is much Singapore can do ro clcl-atc pride for and alleviaring the prejudice local a'rd global audiences hate for -\'lade in Sinsapore" crertive aoods md seFics. [lan]
ltTtRt0[ &
toJey Gon & tinr Swo Ting
factors work a!!ainst Lhe !,ro1\:iDg Singaporc crcativc sccner A safe ard comlortable socio political enrilonrncnt that does not provide ready fodcler'lbr iDspiration; a small rati\'c rnarlict that does not pror,ide nrucb reirl conlpeLiLionr
a local audicncc that is mostll' still conLenL \\:iLl] pedesLrian. rnass lnalket acsthctics; thc tbsencre ofa local orlture
ol cleative fire and constlucti!e criticism; and tle preser)ce of lrlisLes lr'ho do little to inspile any dificrcnt. But luckily for us, true creativity and imagtuation has arways found
way to endule
even when pressured by rhe
constraints and boundaries. clir Han pror€d ji, as did all our local Chinese fop staN, Marsaret
0501 ol V llorlo fhmlre
tim Wei Ufs (ord hom) Philipr leorning Conlre
Toi l(oy llqee Arrhiiedr
8on Yinh lheow, SI KflS
Ulrith Srhruudolph, PSBTedroloqie5
Del 966
ili(hoe tlLhSmilh
v 5!at t0t1 uN &tasul0[Dt5tcll
(ai 0lt!
I€ng Tan and countless otheroeaiives (that wc fay
like fine dining, good music and beautiful (lo$es. ultimdleh thq lale mbrage al being
homage to elsewhere in dris issue). The nen fewyeaN
charsed'international prices' for locnl-based crcarive work which Singaporeans srill perceive as beins of comparativety lower class. Consistently, rhen gilen achoicebel\€en aD artiste
we least expect.1Ve can
that is locaLl) successful versus an artiste who has
The besl ofSingapore s creative class is yet io
onb .e\€al more
make surc
seeds of local lalent
tim 5ou Hoons,
bloom where
nait with baled breath and there to give them their due .eilard
lo(kson Ion, Ahin Ion, eivir (hss, llvili{]n Clmr,
:phunkn!dio Eng Siok toy,
fouDd inteDational or r€gional success, Singaporcans
al^,aRD 200/?
Ri!hord tlossel (ond ieom)
Even among the Singaporeans who claim to pay for and appreciate the good things in life
formulas. Pahiotisn liolds little s$.ry o1€r
aDd tested
us tr,lose a honeitrcrln culina.r_superstarlike Chef Justjn Quek lo lajrlan. ln lhe sa e article. Quek revealed candidll "In Singapore, reslau.ants trt to
ir Singapore. In Taipei, I invest sl and I cam $.+.In Singapore I invesl $3 and I earn {ir. So ofcourse I choose Taiwan.' Shgaporeans want to pay lbr the
be.It Andre,,\, Cn 0origns, Po r
i/r?si,rgdro?€ 6sue
Primp My Pride The Singapore brand is becoming more fabulous, thanks to the growing intemational
repute of local creative gurrrs, fashion hounds and hot designers. Who says creativity oesn't pay in Singapore? ByNadja Mah
rD 1ee6,
M.raysimboy Jiru,y
Choo set up $'hat would becorne ihe rnost coveied shoe
brand in the rrorld ner1 to Manolo Blahnik. The v€ry fact that high heels made by a Malaysian could be deemed just as desimble as those nade by the hottest EuropeaD designeN have doDe much to pave the way
Sri8"I'.r..i dpsrgn.^ Bu,liigl Ls\rnl \
terribly imase conscious thins and whilc our local
desjgners are not ashanred ofthejr heritage, nost of
them only fbund breakthrough success when they showed and met approval in the fashion capital cities
of the world - Ashley
Isham is based in Bitani, in Pais. Jonarhon seow's
Andrew cn is based wooils & woods soi noticcd whcn hc won awads in Iialy and even Jo Soh ofHansel is contemplaiing noving to Melbourne. In the rarefied world of fashionistas, the Singapore nane by itsel{still does not have eno shje ne sa6 quoi to fight llilan or New York just yei. MeaDwhile, if youns British rcy.lv like
Zara Phillips thtuk that -dshlcy Isham is good cnough to wearto ihe Royal Ascoi, then Singaporeans !on'i have to wait long for our o$'n Jimnry Choo to come iDto
GRAPHI( DESIGN abotrt how mtrch rhe sinsapore """"",,alk graphic design scene has gained iDternational renown without bringing up the name:phunk studio lvhom UK design magazire o?ai?ueReupu caled "Tlie Chanpjon of Singaporc's craphic Scerc" and Icon magzine naned "singapore's nost important design collective". Conpurer Arts Mdgdzine went as far as to declare that The rise of :phunk has been so meteoric that the entire singaporean design scene has grown exponentially with it.' By daring to publish their own work outside ofcoryomte projects aDd directly, they revolutionised Singapore's apprcach to gmphic design. Indeed, their sense of aesthetics that ineverendy drew fron aDd rcmixed high and "low" culturc ftom thc East and West was quintessentially Singaporeatr and rjght on the money of what ihe tines were looknrs for. Since then, morc local sraphic desisn hoNes have beeD emerging with a boldness that has been recognised either through viciorjes ai iniernational oeative award shoss, invitations to inte.nationai d€sign shorvs, rave reviews in famous design magazines or big proiects rewarded by blue-chip clietrts. With leadins firms like H5s, kinetic, Kwodrent, Sumajin and epiglam, Sinsaporean sraphic desisn has come into a desimue and profitablc sllte of its oer. It
Pt[SPtOlVtS thertrgupore
Docnmrnrinsotrr firl.lt $orkl
& MAKEUP*"n-u--*u
e!.r.h:Dsnrg Dcr.cDtions
ru or-shar" schmoozins skills of top hair-
business acurncn aDd
strlists like Passion Salon
owner David Gan
Monsoon Haircroup oMer Addy Lee and lc,cal tnke up atists like Andy Lee, Yun Sng, Clarence Lee and Gan have elevat.d thc SiDgaporc brand in
locdllr . "" li. rFs or r-lt. c rnaT B r. r'... Tines article "P np and Prosper" rcvcalcd ihat
Chiam See Tong
IUjRO / lhough cheeky Hokkicn speakeN wotrld pruruln - ni . njrm" o o rnJ lil" T"mFo-.nl' Hir g:r I
SiDsapore's make-up andhairpeople are known to bc
h Asja Leading many internaiional AsiaD siars like ZhaDg Zi Yi and ileLl heeied socialiie wives ofrcsional milliouires to pick the most fashion-foMard
OD", yet 16 yeaN later, Chian See Tong remains the
island's mostadmired aDd successful opposjtion
rFnl,pr. H . r..
,c' J ,.1BFr.l-Trr'll ,l-mFdnoLr n the tace of setbacks cspccially the unsmcious ousting
themtoe,orkwith.Withtheirbladcsandbrushes,this Diche
smrp ofSingaporean creatives havc found
to make up to four figure suns a day.
from his original politicnl party SDP for trying to censure
Dr. Chee Soon Joan bas been recosniscd by both opposition padysupporters and rilal poliiicians ftom PAP. ID the 2(l.J6 election, though PAP won 82 out of 8:lseatsin parliamcnt, Cliian hekl otr to the same seat he held through 4 elcctioDs, based on his mtrnicipal n1anagenent skills. frank sfccch in Parliament, his unp.etentioLrs airs on t|e g.ound aDd the stalwart support ofhis beLoved Potorit Pasil consiitueDcy- But as Chiam is now 6o-plusJears old, the main worry for
fiom srateftl celeb.ities and still have days left over to
PHOTOGRAPHY In 2oo8, when Ame can
pop star Janel Jaclson
handpicked two local fashion photog.aphers, Chuando and Frey ow !o shoot the cover ofher Latest albunr, Dtsctttte,
political obseNcrs is whetlier sonieoDe else
charjsmatic can stcl) into Clian's enduing shoes.
Chee Soon Juan
Singaporeans sat up and Local
t.n)k nori.e of how lrr phoLographers have comc in the interDational
\.ILLqIN /
Aheady other lamous SingaprcaD phoioguphe.s like Leslie Kee, JohD Clans and Kirby Koh have beeD nal{iDs a splash among irlernalional fashioD and
i{as Dot
alsays so rcvilcd. In his
1992 political debut, Chee was young and passionaic,
himself as the nrost singapore today'. But since his oustnrg ofChiam, Chee and the sDP under him have lost much of its public supfort nritial apped ed political c.{tibilitv partb because ofthe no holds bancd strates/ ofthe PA" nl pinning down the SDP ai evcry shoa of crosned by chiam
cclcbLit{ nagaznies as rvell as corporate clients frorn L'Oreal to Nokia. FronceoffAngs edgyand arlistic
courascous peNon
Khim's Dcrsonabte ard beautiful shots, ,lF.r,) .hp ri nJ ,d of'ri ,srn^n r', t\n nsr. p\\ Lur
ere to Wee
par with the best in lhe global scene. On thc grouDd,
manyu! d1d coming nodels from Easiern Eurofc and Bnzil also cone specifically to Singapore to beefup their portfolios because ofSingapore's reputation tbr strong quality photogEphic shois, the f$hion for$'ard 1uf.\1,,-.,rdlaird-..,-.h'". rd. r ' ur.\ ,i-n,F of an Enslish speaking environment. at
See Tong
lreakness - btrt nostiy because many Singaporeans feel alicnaicd by Chee s seenhgly self aggrandjsing tactics.
Comparcd to chee's school-boy heclding ol then PNI Goh Chock Tong, canvassins for foreisn support and hunger strikes, opposition politiciaDs Sylvia Lim, Low Thia Kians, J.B. Jetaretnam or Chiarn just look far more
cilil - thus. rnore effective in lhen disobediencc". I
tie silgdpore 6sui:
IiEljfiilTY(]UR ffiIl.lN
Flpng Saucers! Durians! Oh My! (and other local architectural controversies) Singapore's urb;urscape may look serele
ald cool on thc outside but some key architcctural
icons hare made local architects :tnd urbanisls hot uDder the
collar. By Nadia Matr
SHOUI,I) WI.] AI\'I/AYS SACRIFICE MEMORY FOR I HII SAI{]I OF PROGRESS/ Sonrewhere, sornetjne in Singafore, 365 days a rveek, you can
bet a road is beins dug, a parement is bcins snoothcncd and a building is beins denolishcd ail iD
thc nanre ofecoloDlic progress. hiding tbe wear
and tcar ol lhe past and keepjrg up
$ith the Li res.
Urhat js heart-breaking to sone architects rDd coDserlatioDists is thaL r)ranl places vestcd with conmlual memories are behs bllldozcd and varnishcd jlto a hornogereons laDdscapc ofslass. and stcel airconditioned boxes.
Hc arcb
gh thc Sirgapore
tage Boa.d has preseNed kcv clcrnenis of our itectual heitase likc th. Uac]< and white colorid
ald Pc.cnakarr shophouses, it is settiDg nio.e difficDlt to find ),our okl prinury school, the bungalows
old markctvou used
eat jn or tlie Dcishbouhood
)ou grcwup in as it ilas before.
Nowhere u'as tliis nmre conholersial than the denolitioD of th. old lnick Natio al Librart, on
an Strcct to nrake
$nt lbr
a new
tuDDcl. Though the dernolition aas met nith rD ouifouring ol public dismav lcd by archiLecL
Tav (heng Soon, argumcnts aboui
thc ronei{al ol
eed to
to$n was contrcvcrsial
bccause conseNatjonists felt it had bccD
andthal it had becone
Disnq ned
cxicaturc of its lb.mersell
dilI! parts of .h:ndlos,..1- i ',.all\l^.. ,r.l.orhFr r,.1. t. charm. Common conrplaints cjted are: kcy rrcliitectural clements had been exaggeratcd, historical aut}erticitr" had bc'eD isnored and By cleaning up all thc old and
Drisnranagem€nt of sliop tenaDts had turned a c,nce colourful and appealing district into an u autlieDtic
lourist t.ap ofchcaD bric a brac. at
t_ 32
prioritise ecoDomic !rogress o!er cultural !resenrtion rvon oui h the end.
tle $r./dpore issl,l
tike Kenzo Tange,s UOB
Plaza aDd Sjnsapore tn(loor Sradium. LDr. pei.s Gatelvn] 'lbwcrs and phitip .Iohfton,s Nr illeDj. Watk has not been coDsidcrcd aoirical success.
Of course, iocit arc|itects are jnsr as capabtc ol
nrediocreno.i( as a ti,reigr archirect. Bnr rliebetief is ihat a local arc}irectnoutd atleist atlenpr ro be mo.e conlextual
THE ESPLANADE I{'HY FAVOUR lloRI]IGN 'I'ALFJNT OV]JR I-OCAL ONES?/ \\,hcn tti. F.srtaDade m.de its debut. it lvrs the lrutt ol Dany untiD{t oamcs ,. r. duri{n and bl8 elcs bc,jDg rhc nrost topular. A
Bc.g Lakcs L,Dirr.ge with. Not ontv does he foirit iorvards the Esplnnadc s acsrhetica|). coDfused'. molrsc\idencc,healsocirestiredistn.biDgfacl rhat
c\erySi.gapoFr,r bnildirgd.signedb)
abig anc
@i:1iE lEryl-'l*'
honoseneous wliit. clad buil.tiDss se.Dr cut and prsted tunn Weston laDds or arc so modeoist.nd ncDl.al in its rcsrhetics drat ttrc buitdi.f could be
UN 5UMil
flanted a.ywircre iD tire wortd. r\,ithour refoeure to local coutext, our Drost imfo l1anr bn il.tiDgs trta}
nf as ncre cai.aru.es rithcr lhrD vibraDt nati(rr.l slmbols. In local architc.lual techucr cnd
forcig,r archiLects r.lher than locat ones..Just as the
r ric$, thrt a ward i! iuniDg locrt arctiitect t.aD Hoclr
his desisn ar.t work nr more clerneDts ofSingaporc's pecutia.iti.s into the Urat \ or\. l\lJ.r. ni Lr,. I u lu rt, .l^n. or "o , i; r
architects in parLicutar Richard X,1eier,s
orrid buij-bcrr oflocal rrctrilects is ttie fropensiry to ri{. impo.tant local.rchitcch,ral projects ro lstlanadc wrs gjler ro B.itistr archir.cr Michaei l{illb to design, tu i{rs ttrc ne!, Srp.enc Cour hau.led o\er to his co!DtrvnraD. rIe esreemcd NoDna. l.ostcr. fhc u.official obscNatidr is that '.r.,r.. r-. t. t "r. . t,- r, \- t'..,t ^.rt..ir,r-8r arclritcct crn producc work ot intoDatnD.l crtii,re
Robcf Powclls words, we cnd up\iLh.,good rathcr than il.eat buildi.g{ . UltA has
SiDce thcD, the
nrore ofao
'nadc encourag. lhe iocal archjlectural scen.. lt hctd a! iDienatiolt.rl coDrpetition to h.ndte a public hoosn,B f roiect nr Sjngapore. ft ougliitartracrcd aniritectLuzl superstaN like t ansc and Zrh:r H.did. tirciudsn,s prn.l ofrcno$ned a.chitccts finall] rea..ded rtre proj€ct to local arclitcclLrre firm ]\RC Studio. It
|ow thc couftwas
such aD iDportdt civic bniklirg, ha!€ beeD alloncd to silc fee.lback .tt thc onset ol th. desigD as opposed t{r ont! afrer I
he public
so ahead had bcen giv.n ltrconsrrtrction. W]rjte pr esi.lcnl ofthc Singatorc INtil ute of A.chit.cls (SI-{) coDceded that even if rhere was r muLe the
conprehensivc cons liatioD trocess berwecD rhe SIA aDd the public, thc iDat desigD rniglit not have beeD so diffcrcn I
the facl
IHE NEW iDadc rhe
rere songht $,outd hav.
fioDr the trcseDt fl]i og saucer, but
thrt t| eir otin
fafers asriri stre,r
co,riptailed pubticb. thc desigD olrh. De$,Sutreme he
Conrt lras. ilis m.i,r SriA.anc. s,as ttrat coDside.ilr
Pe raps onc quesdor tliat rh€ prbtic $,iU.erertrrve ansr.r to is rv L.osto saddtcd Singapo.e with not just oDc lyhs saucer blr t$,o lhe other bcnrg aD
Jnu'l 'o.. ,lp.ir,.rrLrt ,.pn\lFf .taiur
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