5 6 05 To

  • May 2020
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11:27 AM 5/6/05 GOT my meds at the phsrmscy in osage beach . $35.85 they said it was too earley for medicare to pay for them ! ! ! !???? 12:26 PM 5/6/05 Home I am going to "EATE 1:27 PM 5/6/05 I am almost ready to go ove to Ruthann's to see "ALL" things she has for me to do..! or ? ? ? ? 1:58 PM 5/6/05 Changeing clothes & shoes I will most likely get dirty. . 2:18 PM 5/6/05 I went over to /Ruthann's "OH " GOD for once she wasent mad ,I guess she realizes I am not going to do anything ,IF she wants to make me feel like nothing !!!! because I just wont do anything

11:03 PM 5/6/05 ------------------------- GOODNIGHT ---------------------+++++++++++++++++++++ SATURDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------- GOODMORNING-----------------6:15 AM 5/7/05 Up and ? ? ready for the day. 7:452 AM 5/7/05continplating the way to attack the day. 8:03 AM 5/7/05 8:53 AM 5/7/05 Arranged picture files in computor 10:10 AM 5/7/05 11:07 AM 5/7/05 12:15 PM 5/7/05 Ruthann called to ask if I could get her tractor out for her . I got it out 1:08 PM 5/7/05I started working the flower bed "BORDER" ****** **** I workd so fuckin hard.************ "I" WISH (FOR ONCE) that I could got told, that it looks nice ,that was thoughtful,"HEY" WOW

I tried asking Ruthann about "SEVERAL" different subjects and several diferent topics, in several fields! She is an artist at deception! She kept "CHANGING" the subject, or asking me a question ,When in fact, I had just ask her one .She knows that if she does not acknoledge "ANYTHING" pro,or ,con! She cant bee held responsable for it. I ask her earlier if there was anything that I could do ,She thpught for A moment then said "OH" YEA you take my jars in SOMEWHERE FOR ME ,AlONG WITH A FEW OTHER THINGS . *** The wind started to blow ,"U" could tell that there was A storm brewing . 'ah' "YEA""?" it would be A good time to blow off the porch and around the flower beds. When the wind is blowing like that,if "U" take the leaf blower and blow things off the wind helps A lot, because it blows everythig away, when I came inside to take my clothes out of the drier . "I" said TO Ruthann ,I "SHOULD" go blow 0ff the porch.! ! --- OH HELL !! -IT was more than odvivus that, That TICKED her OFF. SHE imediutly responded by saying ! "WELL" hell the meat is almost done .."U" would want to go and do something else sonewhere else, when it is time to eate.**** "I" -"I"-"I"- thought it would bee'"'beeee'''?nice to eate together? !!-. ******* with the wind blowing it was the righ time to blow the deck off******* It was so aparent that she was madder than hell. So I stopped what I was doing.I thought that I better or ? .ONLY THE MOST EVIL of MINDS COULD IMAGINE what she would do to me. We ate & then I went back to whit I was doing. *********It started to rain !!!******************** I had been working on the flower bed's !!! WHEN Ruthann proceded to tell me what ,"SHE was GOING to DOO"( OH-YEA )---what she ACTUALLY ment was,What I was going to do for her.! ______________________________________________________________ ****(INSERT) Well we were eating , when I dropped ,A piece of lettuce on the floor ,"OH" shit it was as if I had through A hole bucket of!!!! ???? SHIT",--"AH"YEAH-SHIT<poop--- excrement---(or something else DISCUSTING) !--onor-at her. I bent over & picked it up ---and she took ,a napkin, and held it out & said '"HERE WE GO, GIVEE IT TOOO MEEE"! ! ! --? In A real shitty way, as if I were 4-5 or 6, well not even that old, either way ,IT WAS INAPPROITE,to treat me as if I were A "FUCKIN" child ! ! ! ________________________________________________________________ Well, after we ate ,I went back outside ,to return to the task,that I had been "REMINDED" was not done yet. 3:45 PM 5/8/05i STARTED working on the front flower beds .!I worked on this for 2-1/2hours on the mulch and the brick. 5:47 PM 5/8/05 I had gotten back from taking bobbie home . Then I went to work on digging more on the project . ::: I took and dug out & placed the moisture berier ,then I placed A smal amount of rock LONAG the edge, for a place for the water to run ,packed down the bottom of the hole ,then I placed the "MULCH" in & manicured the edges of the grass. I dethatched about 4 feet along the edge of the hole thing .!I really made it look good ,just like A profinal. 6:25 PM 5/8/05 I had ask Ruthann to look at the work I had done so far .IT took A little talking to convince her to look at it. she finally looked . She thought it looked "OK" ! Well "HELL" ,it looks just"OK" ,I worked hard .To get it finished for her .( IT SHOULD BEE, "NOTED" THAT WHAT, I HAVE DONE SO FAR, SHOULD OF TAKEN 2 or 3 DAYS ) I had gotten this done in just one day.AND I am still not done. *****Back to the point.! ************* I had worked hard all day , it was bad enough that she thought it was only just "OK" ,BUT she started telling me to pull weeds( It should bee known that it was

raining) in her flower bed .( noted all the weeds were 6" taller than everything else.) She proceded to tell me which weeds to pull .(I.E.) I would pull one weed then she would tell me to move my hand to the right ,left, or straight ahead ,,"WELL",-,"HELL",, AFTER 5 or 6 minuets I could tell ,weeds from flowers,but she insisted which weeds to pull .WHEN I said "I" "can"- tell them apart ."OH" SHIT you would have thought I had set off an explision she "DASHED" back in the house ,mad as a wet hen . The only reason she got mad at me ,was that she could not get "ME" mad! "GOD" knows she was tryeing.SHE purposley gets me mad becaus ,(IN THE PAST) all she had to do was -PISS me off & get me mad Then I would get out of there . But I knew if I did not leave I would do something that I surely would regret later & she could count on that working! In the past, to ge me to leave instead of talking about anything-I would LEAVE" because, if I Did not leave, we would get in to AN argument that (I KNOW) It would escolate into A fight,--YES I SAID a frekin fight. she keeps on stabbing at my patience on & on & ON. She did this to get me to hit her. For she told everyone that I had A violent temper ! ! ! and if she could get me to hit, her it would "PROVE" her wright. If you wer not mad at first you wolud bee know . when I went in to ask her why she was mad ,SHE said she was not mad !"WO" -OH SHIT ,she said "I AM MAD KNOW ! ! ! ! She told me -or -led me to believe that it was "MY" foult for everything that has gone wrong . Even the chickens that the cat or dog had gotten.She blames me for that. When in fact I had everything ready to essemble the chicken house. When I ask her if the holes in the wire were too big 1"x2". She started to tell me that she wanted A HIP ROOF, GLASS TOP & PLACES FOR THEM TO LAY EGGS ,(on & on & on),about these things that she would like to have on this HENHOUSE. SHE HAD SO MANY CHANGES, that I had to start all over!! So it was hard ,I had just spent a couple of hours, looking through all of the items that I have stored ,Just to have her change her mind .********I GET SO TIRED OF IT ! !*** she kept hollering ,& PROGRESSIVELY TURNING ,what was progressivly turning into A deep dark "RED". If I did not know better I would think she would "EXPLOAD". She got horse started shakeing ,breathing hard & looking real "CONFUSED". I was real worried about her. 11:40 PM 5/8/05 ----------------------------GOODNIGHT------------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++MONDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------GOODMORNING--------------------5;00 AM 5/9/05 *********** Took the day off *********** I took it upon myself to CALL Dr. Mosley I am tired of my sis tryimg to make look as if "I" was at faylt for ? I have payed the ,light bill, Insurance 11:45 PM 5/9/05 -------------------------- GOODNIGHT------------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++TUESDAY++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------GOODMORNING--------------------5:46 AM 5/10/05 I must fix my exhaust , camper shell and if I have time ,the carburator. 6:37 AM 5/10/05 well it is going to be A ,what look's to bee,nice day. 6:41 AM 5/10/05 I am up & drinking my first cup of coffee. 7:15 AM 5/10/05 cleaned up 7:36 AM 5/10/05 I got the drill ,bolts & clamps . then I put the camper on my truck ,!!!******** I found A camper shell ,over by Bobbies ,in the trash .*** ---------------------GOODNIGHT-----------------------------------------------------------GOODMORNING----------------

6:30 AM 5/11/05 woke up tired as hell It feels as if I ate something "SPOILED" (OR) I had beeb poisemed!! ! ! ! 7:38 AM 5/11/05 I thine I wwill stay in bed ---- I feel real shitty "OH"hell I feel oful. 10:00 AM 5/11/05 well I finaly got out of bed and got going ,BUT I still do not feel right .??? 10:42 AM 5/11/05 I will drink "1" cup of coffee then I will start working on the deck on the back of the log cabin. 10:43 AM 5/11/05 12:07 PM 5/11/05 I takked to Ruthann ! she informed me that the man was to come today to look at the bee's 12:24 PM 5/11/05 I had started to fix the deck on the log cabin **when Ruthann told me that the ORCIN man would bee here about 1:00 1:43 PM 5/11/05The man from orkin finally came .(WHAT AN IDIOT) The man from ORKIN tried to convince me that the bumble bees were in fact "HONEYBEES". He`also told me that bumblebees were on the federal endangererd species list ,he sugested that they could not bee killed, I told him that "IF" I knew where the nest was I "WOULD" pour gasoline on it. I think they would have one hell of a time charging, letalone convicting me with killing them. I am deathley alergic to them. If they sting me I could "DIE"! ! ! ! ! ! 2:15 PM 5/11/05 dug under log house then ,it started to rain .I had to put things on hold, 4:10 PM 5/11/05 Ruthann had cooked some fish,and she offered me some coolaid. "U" know that I took it. 6:05 PM 5/11/05 I took A break and ATE then I went to wal-mart. I bought another "TOY CAMERA" I had been woriking earlier, I was swetting Alot and it must of gotten wet ?or at least I thought so. When I got home with the new one. It did not work, it had the same problem .ALL I had to do was restart my computor! ! 7:22 PM 5/11/05 I picked up the tools ,ladder, tarps over at the cabin. 7:31 PM 5/11/05 8:10 PM 5/11/05 10:10 PM 5/11/05 ******** I have been thinking on what to do about BRENDA HOFFMAN .!!! ??? **** 10:17 PM 5/11/05 ****IF WE WERE,TO GO TO COURT RIGHT KNOW! ! *** MRS HOFFMAN WOULH BEE FOUND GUILTY ,OF CONSPIRESY ,CONSPIRESY TO EXPLOIT , EXOLOITATON ---CONSPIRESY TO EMBEZEL ,EMBEZELMONT ,AND ALSO CONSPIRESY TO BRIBE AND BRIBARY.!!!! 10:39 PM 5/11/05 -------------------------GOODNIGHT---------------------------+++++++++++++++THURSDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -----------------------GOODMORNING---------------------------------------------------6:45 AM 5/12/05 Up but sick 7:20 AM 5/12/05 Got the SH - - S ! ! ! 8:15 AM 5/12/05 MOVIN slow 9:35 AM 5/12/05 Casnt seem too get going 10:20 AM 5/12/05 well I am starting to feel better --11:03 AM 5/12/05 I am outside starting to work on the log house 12;13 PM 5/12/05 The plumber was there to fix her toirlet ---------1:03 PM 5/12/05 Been over to Ruthann's , she told me that the man ,about the windows was comming at 3:00 1:45 pm 5/12/05 i HAVE BEEN DOING ,RAKEING LOG HOUSE dUG OUT IN FRONT OF T E FLOWER BED'S I put the dirt ON a piece of pladtic ,down first ! I watered down t he dirt ,so it would bee soft 2:31 PM 5/12/05

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2:31 PM 2:31 PM harmicy 3:41 PM

5/12/05 5/12/05 ----5/12/05

9:36 PM 5/12/05 9:36 PM 5/12/05 9:36 PM 5/12/05

I got a phone call from mike

W . he needed a ride to th ep



11:27 AM 5/6/05 GOT my meds at the phsrmscy in osage beach . $35.85 they said it was too earley for medicare to pay for them ! ! ! !???? 12:26 PM 5/6/05 Home I am going to "EATE 1:27 PM 5/6/05 I am almost ready to go ove to Ruthann's to see "ALL" things she has for me to do..! or ? ? ? ? 1:58 PM 5/6/05 Changeing clothes & shoes I will most likely get dirty. . 2:18 PM 5/6/05 I went over to /Ruthann's "OH " GOD for once she wasent mad ,I guess she realizes I am not going to do anything ,IF she wants to make me feel like nothing !!!! because I just wont do anything

11:03 PM 5/6/05 ------------------------- GOODNIGHT ---------------------+++++++++++++++++++++ SATURDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------- GOODMORNING------------------

6:15 AM 5/7/05 Up and ? ? ready for the day. 7:452 AM 5/7/05continplating the way to attack the day. 8:03 AM 5/7/05 8:53 AM 5/7/05 Arranged picture files in computor 10:10 AM 5/7/05 11:07 AM 5/7/05 12:15 PM 5/7/05 Ruthann called to ask if I could get her tractor out for her . I got it out 1:08 PM 5/7/05I started working the flower bed "BORDER" ****** **** I workd so fuckin hard.************ "I" WISH (FOR ONCE) that I could got told, that it looks nice ,that was thoughtful,"HEY" WOW I tried asking Ruthann about "SEVERAL" different subjects and several diferent topics, in several fields! She is an artist at deception! She kept "CHANGING" the subject, or asking me a question ,When in fact, I had just ask her one .She knows that if she does not acknoledge "ANYTHING" pro,or ,con! She cant bee held responsable for it. I ask her earlier if there was anything that I could do ,She thpught for A moment then said "OH" YEA you take my jars in SOMEWHERE FOR ME ,AlONG WITH A FEW OTHER THINGS . *** The wind started to blow ,"U" could tell that there was A storm brewing . 'ah' "YEA""?" it would be A good time to blow off the porch and around the flower beds. When the wind is blowing like that,if "U" take the leaf blower and blow things off the wind helps A lot, because it blows everythig away, when I came inside to take my clothes out of the drier . "I" said TO Ruthann ,I "SHOULD" go blow 0ff the porch.! ! --- OH HELL !! -IT was more than odvivus that, That TICKED her OFF. SHE imediutly responded by saying ! "WELL" hell the meat is almost done .."U" would want to go and do something else sonewhere else, when it is time to eate.**** "I" -"I"-"I"- thought it would bee'"'beeee'''?nice to eate together? !!-. ******* with the wind blowing it was the righ time to blow the deck off******* It was so aparent that she was madder than hell. So I stopped what I was doing.I

thought that I better or ? .ONLY THE MOST EVIL of MINDS COULD IMAGINE what she would do to me. We ate & then I went back to whit I was doing. *********It started to rain !!!******************** I had been working on the flower bed's !!! WHEN Ruthann proceded to tell me what ,"SHE was GOING to DOO"( OH-YEA )---what she ACTUALLY ment was,What I was going to do for her.! ______________________________________________________________ ****(INSERT) Well we were eating , when I dropped ,A piece of lettuce on the floor ,"OH" shit it was as if I had through A hole bucket of!!!! ???? SHIT",--"AH"YEAH-SHIT<poop--- excrement---(or something else DISCUSTING) !--onor-at her. I bent over & picked it up ---and she took ,a napkin, and held it out & said '"HERE WE GO, GIVEE IT TOOO MEEE"! ! ! --? In A real shitty way, as if I were 4-5 or 6, well not even that old, either way ,IT WAS INAPPROITE,to treat me as if I were A "FUCKIN" child ! ! ! ________________________________________________________________ Well, after we ate ,I went back outside ,to return to the task,that I had been "REMINDED" was not done yet. 3:45 PM 5/8/05i STARTED working on the front flower beds .!I worked on this for 2-1/2hours on the mulch and the brick. 5:47 PM 5/8/05 I had gotten back from taking bobbie home . Then I went to work on digging more on the project . ::: I took and dug out & placed the moisture berier ,then I placed A smal amount of rock LONAG the edge, for a place for the water to run ,packed down the bottom of the hole ,then I placed the "MULCH" in & manicured the edges of the grass. I dethatched about 4 feet along the edge of the hole thing .!I really made it look good ,just like A profinal. 6:25 PM 5/8/05 I had ask Ruthann to look at the work I had done so far .IT took A little talking to convince her to look at it. she finally looked . She thought it looked "OK" ! Well "HELL" ,it looks just"OK" ,I worked hard .To get it finished for her .( IT SHOULD BEE, "NOTED" THAT WHAT, I HAVE DONE SO FAR, SHOULD OF TAKEN 2 or 3 DAYS ) I had gotten this done in just one day.AND I am still not done. *****Back to the point.! ************* I had worked hard all day , it was bad enough that she thought it was only just "OK" ,BUT she started telling me to pull weeds( It should bee known that it was raining) in her flower bed .( noted all the weeds were 6" taller than everything else.) She proceded to tell me which weeds to pull .(I.E.) I would pull one weed then she would tell me to move my hand to the right ,left, or straight ahead ,,"WELL",-,"HELL",, AFTER 5 or 6 minuets I could tell ,weeds from flowers,but she insisted which weeds to pull .WHEN I said "I" "can"- tell them apart ."OH" SHIT you would have thought I had set off an explision she "DASHED" back in the house ,mad as a wet hen . The only reason she got mad at me ,was that she could not get "ME" mad! "GOD" knows she was tryeing.SHE purposley gets me mad becaus ,(IN THE PAST) all she had to do was -PISS me off & get me mad Then I would get out of there . But I knew if I did not leave I would do something that I surely would regret later & she could count on that working! In the past, to ge me to leave instead of talking about anything-I would LEAVE" because, if I Did not leave, we would get in to AN argument that (I KNOW) It would escolate into A fight,--YES I SAID a frekin fight. she keeps on stabbing at my patience on & on & ON. She did this to get me to hit her. For she told everyone that I had Aviolent temper ! ! ! and if she could get me to hit,her it would "PROVE" her wright. If you wer not mad at first you wolud bee know . when I went in to ask her why she was mad ,SHE said she was not mad !"WO" -OH SHIT ,she said "I AM MAD KNOW ! ! ! ! She told me -or -led me to believe that it

was "MY" foult for everything that has gone wrong . Even the chickens that the cat or dog had gotten.She blames me for that. When in fact I had everything ready to essemble the chicken house. When I ask her if the holes in the wire were too big 1"x2". She started to tell me that she wanted A HIP ROOF, GLASS TOP & PLACES FOR THEM TO LAY EGGS ,(on & on & on),about these things that she would like to have on this HENHOUSE. SHE HAD SO MANY CHANGES, that I had to start all over!! So it was hard ,I had just spent a couple of hours, looking through all of the items that I have stored ,Just to have her change her mind .********I GET SO TIRED OF IT ! !*** she kept hollering ,& PROGRESSIVELY TURNING ,what was progressivly turning into A deep dark "RED". If I did not know better I would think she would "EXPLOAD". She got horse started shakeing ,breathing hard & looking real "CONFUSED". I was real worried about her. 11:40 PM 5/8/05 ----------------------------GOODNIGHT------------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++MONDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------GOODMORNING--------------------5;00 AM 5/9/05 *********** Took the day off *********** I took it upon myself to CALL Dr. Mosley I am tired of my sis tryimg to make look as if "I" was at faylt for ? I have payed the ,light bill, Insurance 11:45 PM 5/9/05 -------------------------- GOODNIGHT------------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++TUESDAY++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------GOODMORNING--------------------5:46 AM 5/10/05 I must fix my exhaust , camper shell and if I have time ,the carburator. 6:37 AM 5/10/05 well it is going to be A ,what look's to bee,nice day. 6:41 AM 5/10/05 I am up & drinking my first cup of coffee. 7:15 AM 5/10/05 cleaned up 7:36 AM 5/10/05 I got the drill ,bolts & clamps . then I put the camper on my truck ,!!!******** I found A camper shell ,over by Bobbies ,in the trash .*** *** It is "RED" and looks real good ! *** I found this camper schell last night ,right before I came home . 8:20 AM 5/10/05 I am going to wash my hands ,eate ,& drink as much coffee as I can ,"GO"-"GO"-"GO". ''"IT IS!" ---GOING TO BEE A verry nice day " 8:33 AM 5/10/05 I am going to Dr. brayfield office ,for my schript & to have my back minopulated . I took it as A verry nice conpliment that the Dr. would ask me for advice on the car his son & him are restoring .I gave him some tips thst the only way you would know is experiance. ***********I stopped by Dr.Mosleys office ,he was at a meeting. 11:38 AM 5/10/05 I am back and I am going to think about the things I half to do this afternoon. 12:04 PM 5/10/05 EATE--EATE--EATE--Rick FUC___ eate Rick eate. 12:49 PM 5/10/05 AOL JUST MESSAGEED me . 1:15 PM 5/10/05 I want to make my sister's yard look good.Regardless of how she tries to make me look,bad,OUT of CONTROLL,-- or, any way but truthful & honest!!! 2:35 pm 5/10/05 go get them 4:02 PM 5/10/05 5:02 PM 5/10/05I weedea 7:03 PM 5/10/05I weedeated Ruthann's back yard ,my front yard and across the street 7:06 PM 5/10/05 Ruthann told me that the person was to come and spray for bugs

.-------- /she also ask if I would take the cover off the air conditioner over at the log cabin. 9:31 PM 5/10/05. ----------------------------GOODNIGHT------------------------------------------------GOODMORNING---------------6:30 AM 5/11/05 woke up tired as hell It feels as if I ate something "SPOILED" (OR) I had beeb poisemed!! ! ! ! 7:38 AM 5/11/05 I thine I wwill stay in bed ---- I feel real shitty "OH"hell I feel oful. 10:00 AM 5/11/05 well I finaly got out of bed and got going ,BUT I still do not feel right .??? 10:42 AM 5/11/05 I will drink "1" cup of coffee then I will start working on the deck on the back of the log cabin. 10:43 AM 5/11/05 12:07 PM 5/11/05 I takked to Ruthann ! she informed me that the man was to come today to look at the bee's 12:24 PM 5/11/05 I had started to fix the deck on the log cabin **when Ruthann told me that the ORCIN man would bee here about 1:00 1:43 PM 5/11/05The man from orkin finally came .(WHAT AN IDIOT) The man from ORKIN tried to convince me that the bumble bees were in fact "HONEYBEES". He`also told me that bumblebees were on the federal endangererd species list ,he sugested that they could not bee killed, I told him that "IF" I knew where the nest was I "WOULD" pour gasoline on it. I think they would have one hell of a time charging, letalone convicting me with killing them. I am deathley alergic to them. If they sting me I could "DIE"! ! ! ! ! ! 2:15 PM 5/11/05 dug under log house then ,it started to rain .I had to put things on hold, 4:10 PM 5/11/05 Ruthann had cooked some fish,and she offered me some coolaid. "U" know that I took it. 6:05 PM 5/11/05 I took A break and ATE then I went to wal-mart. I bought another "TOY CAMERA" I had been woriking earlier, I was swetting Alot and it must of gotten wet ?or at least I thought so. When I got home with the new one. It did not work, it had the same problem .ALL I had to do was restart my computor! ! 7:22 PM 5/11/05 I picked up the tools ,ladder, tarps over at the cabin. 7:31 PM 5/11/05 8:10 PM 5/11/05 10:10 PM 5/11/05 ******** I have been thinking on what to do about BRENDA HOFFMAN .!!! ??? **** 10:17 PM 5/11/05 ****IF WE WERE,TO GO TO COURT RIGHT KNOW! ! *** MRS HOFFMAN WOULH BEE FOUND GUILTY ,OF CONSPIRESY ,CONSPIRESY TO EXPLOIT , EXOLOITATON ---CONSPIRESY TO EMBEZEL ,EMBEZELMONT ,AND ALSO CONSPIRESY TO BRIBE AND BRIBARY.!!!! 10:39 PM 5/11/05 -------------------------GOODNIGHT---------------------------+++++++++++++++THURSDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------GOODMORNING-------------------------------------------++++++++++++++++++++++++++++WEDNSDAY++++++++++++++++++++++++++---4:56 PM 5/12/05 5:21 PM 5/12/05 5:43 PM 5/12/05--------

5:49 PM 5/12/05

---------------------GOODNIGHT-------------------------------+++++++++++ FRIDAY+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------------------GOODMORNING------------------------------6:50 AM 5/13/05

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