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The Possibility Issue Bro'.rdcr Pcrspectives is publishcd by School ofThought I


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VES thepossrbrlry rssue


ff.""-"n,peoprenndGP a


terribly pessimistic subject.

we study world problens like poverty, r'ar, teforism, en

"imnm'nrJl dcarrJrli"n. ri;lFd 'rir$..rime.

ing h ends, we see the rlor'ld at its \rorst and lcarn io iakc tha t


the wo rld is



'lnaturc" view in uDderstandiDg

r from perfect and probably going to renajn that $'ay, or get

Yet, at School of Thougll, ' 'Tt\ we see GP as a study in possibilities and consider knowledge as the power to feel and act to irake a ciange.

dis, rimina

tion...Throush ou lenses ofsritb reaiism and dishearten-



hold,s dccpcr


tike a paradox (an apparen contra.iction that

truth), but hrowins ille prcblems and seeins

the world, watu and all, is r eally thc kcy io siDultaneously

ing all the possibilities for making things better: all the :::'l';:*:::: j"j::J:ffi::ijil:il:fril:jfi

ftom pcoplc having an opiDion and taking a stand that is infbrmed by reality. In this sense. freei.g your mind to the n)aiad opportunitics for naking a difference cones from grounding it in understanding and facts that mayappearcorn pletely hostile to even a sliver of hope. This is why we have choseD to erplorc possibility

h this


and hope, ofproblens and sohrtions, ofobstacles and change. issue to be




ihe acadenic year ibaws to



fact, $€ do not want this

perspective on lite, )'our lile in par close. We hope you'll take the words of Emily Dick

abort GP, we watn it to offer yotr

insoD who said "I dwcll

through the lenses of rcalitr

a new

in Possibilities" to heaft and

see the

possibilities of every sinsle day

to challenge yourself, understand more, win small vicioics, rn.kc


brcaLthroush, nove

ahead, encourage soneone else, give your parents and teachers sonething to cheer about, and nake yourself prcud to be you. Here's to gnnd possibilities nl eve.r ordinary dnyl

,i$ oa"o"oouoooor*orororalu,




F\ '!f,

Get th€ low-dornon thc ways Holl),-

sood hrs slraped our cxp€.trtions ol hos lile ought ro nork (dsopposed to ho$ it re,lqturns ou0






Anyon€.rn printa placdrd orblame the I]A! but it takes a spccial breed ofpeople to actuallv mlk€ r



06 ,g

FIVE REASONS WHY THINGS DON'T CHANGE V'hat mainr.ins the status quo?


COMPREHENSION MAI(]NG BUSINESS MORAL Can ethicalbusinesscs help save the rvorld?





Heaven is (Not) a Place on Eartl

ARE WT CLOSER TO SOLVING OUR ENVIRONMEN'IAL PROBLEMS TODAY? A cynical industrialist atrd an optinistic NGO a.tilist flc€ oftl


NiNana, 34

Call it Paradise, Zion, Marxk Classless Society, Utopia orjust plain old vanilla Heaven. Everybody wants to build a perfect world right here right

Whdt are the paths Singapore must take for the door ofpo$ibility ind progress to remrin open to us?


"fi;:Jil:i::t;ff;?i:-" 38

three simple ways to us. contert to build brc!d cohesive ar8ument.


SPO'I'LIGHT THE RISING SUN 'lhe LDP's lo$ may bc lapin!sain


MILLENNIAL GENERAIION Arc yc ndking mountrins out ofmole hills whetr it.omer to today'syo(ths?


${rHAT'S'T'HE POINT? TAI(ING RESPONSIBILI]'Y lts tim€ lorvictims to bite thc bullet.

[T ';+ :', -





FiveR 'Whv'

Dorft The French have a saying, "The more

things change, the more things remain the same." Sorry, true believers - they have a point. Despite headlines filled

with thrilling technological discoveries and major political summits, the status quo largely remains as is.

Things still fall apart and the centre stili wiil not hold. Bummer, huh? lcxl




BROADERPERSPECTVES thepossibihtyissue

it to us, Lord, but yet.' not St ArlgLrstine-s



Enough Courage

most fanious plea to Cod



for cliastity coukl be tak cn equally as atr iDdict mcnt ofourgenemi corr-

h the r:ce oftindamcnial chaDse- Manyof s in theory would give ou| whole |carcd suflolt io d.astic refo.m but our actions speal volun.s loDd.r thaD ourNords. When it conies to the crunci ofmak nrs the life-alterins decisjols necessa.] lor change to Iaplcn, rnaDl ofus cave iD to insecudties and.e teat lo oDr patisaD corn.N. Psychologists blame it on tle so called "cDdo$Drcnt cffect" - r!.here tlie lict tlaL you os,n or arc. paft ofsomethingleadsyou to oveNalue it. lbis neaDsthat cvcn if)ru don't like ardice

tlie {.a) the status quo ivorl$ presentll, the nronr.ni

ore.harl it, }'ou ntay perversely dcfcDd the status quo because you have becorne Loo someoDe proposes to


lrith it over time. Study afte. studl bl


status quo bias": nheth er it isgivnrg Dp flasticbagsor adjustingone's insu.p-d1. .,.otrc 4r ' , r l, r"d '" Jdnt'. *lu -\' r b "nc, tlie default option. BehalioLrral cconomisis bcli.vc otr. irertia is caused b1 ou. lendency to tocus on thc economists also rcveal

pain ofloss more than the pleasure oi itaii.

EXAI'IPLE: The rewiling of the Obama health carc plan. 2oo8 polls shoNed tliat oDly 29% ol loters thoughi thc American healtlica.e system was good or etcellent. Yet. aftcr obania annouDced plJn ."urJ.:. I . u'" ha,rl rl ' l'. l l,.J-"s\\r, n, | |

2ooo.puI :n i.rrrdl|'r ',,o-el!.'1 ooo^lAn rr' caDs now claim they are satislied witi llcir cuncnt


PromheDt jounu Andrcw Gilligan once s.id, P.otlc di'iDg in Affica is nor nc$', but

Not Enough


people bcnrg



to s.., killed tu five minutes frorD a big irale t|at carnc up thc bcach, that is Dew." Cute sells. l ne diacy sclls too. But $'hat does Dot go do$rl well with


doDor public arc long-tem, coDplex emergen tolitical or listorical re!

cies with too manydifficult

erenc€s. And even thosc who bccom. ihe flarour of the moDth, their time in thc linrcligbt is sooD over aDd tuDding dies up. UDfortu alely, most aid agcn cies or chansemrke.s on the g.ourd of hor{ to hishiisht their issnes and need ol nroncy eiTcctivcly to ovcNhelned journalists wiLh lilnited nelvs stacc. Big oryaDisatioDs like




deci s sans Frontiircs \icld media pEsence because they have accunrulatcd a war ch.st large enougli to lire a professionalcr, r L, n icalions tcaDr. $'iih such expertise, corning up with cnlchy sLU. .tivcs or cn'

I JLs .h" r , l! ,l , l ir:F' o l"r l r'' r- Dirn:r cffcct" to the cause, tugging aL hea.L (and tursc) st lss are Do problen. ltisjuslloobad illouarc a slrLrggling, unlnorm NGo or a hapless civil seN ant worldng in an cqurllyhafl.ss developins Dation TIEALTI I CARE RETORM

E)i,\ltPLll: The plight of Uganda. Consid.r.d b) Odam


worsl lbrgotten humaDitar ian c sis, the childreD of Northern Uganda borc i|. brrnt ofi|cir country's cifil $'rr $'ithout ant notice 1lom the world forl8 y.ars. Thatis, urltil Oxfan llew i! r"mor , br iti'\ d 1,c,. u' l.r vir '", lur .'.u rr i1 2c)05. Mirrer eventuallygoi an audiencewith British as the


Foreign Secretary Jack Straw $'ho agrccd to make a public statemenl ol tbe issue. IIFMANDABROADFR PFRSPF''I VF



Ai thc 2oo9



Enough Technology

rum lor tbc Ameiqs, forner

U.S. Presidcnt


clinton u.ged Microsot aDd other



Colcmmcnt tf,aders Fo-

prominent tech

companie.s to apply thcir innolative thinkiDg lo i{orkl

problems outsidc thcir immcdiate scope like climate chnnge, AIDS,

iunger andhcaithcare. TechDophiles b€ arc one tantastical iNention

fiat globJl prublenr awa,v fiom behs solved


cheap rew enerst sources to

.lcvate Puefto Rico's standard of living? Anaznrg naDo

Not Enough

Integrity SURFTHIS

L'he po$,cr clitc oftbc norld have given us no short ageolsunmits iD cxotic locations, glamourous rd cam

pai8Ds and


they care about


Prcpaid calins cdds, sohr panels, free mobile rcarn ins and mobile

ba*ins hrre draniatically tnnsforned

urlpl-r- 1rr" nrlrtrJnF il I F t;c4 ol pa rng global needs. They do care but they sinply do not carc cnoDgh. Few leaders hare shown they arc willhg

to get hold of thcm thanks io innovative social eDter preneurs and NCOS. StiI, thc tcchDolosical sap is fornidable: ln Japan, 861 patents arc graDted per million p-upl' hlr rF- in Je'F otir- c"urFn l,rr ILbFr b o In 2oo2 86% {)l lhe lro d-s total nrvcshncnt iD Rescarch aDd Developnienttookplaceonly in rocounhics.


to go thc tull djstance and mke the toughest sacrifices reccssary to scc the stahs quo clianged once and for was laden

with accusations of lwo$isy: envircnment.il e\perts estinated tliat the iarge cnrbon tbotlnnrt'and sumftuous 18{ish banquets olthe extralagant surnnit mn contmr] to the ligh Dinded discussiols about reduc ins carbon emissions and dealins with spinllirg food piccs and famine nl the deleloping wo.ld. No amount of technology or money throwr at a problem can Iill the moral blaclhole dus by comfronised intesri$. '1o


naDy developnrg countdes h rcaliry rcalise drat their prcblens do not need an nr$ediblc tuturisdc nrventioD, just grcater acce$ibility aDd mastery of existiDg ones.

sohing problenN. It would be too haNh to accnse then

all. l'ie recent 2oo8 c8 Hoktaido sunmit


stil mean such technolosies will ol be appearing wil]rin t|c ncrl fcw decades. Tlia*nrly, gnreerins banicN

villages in india, Argertim and Uganda who nlaoaged




to prcr

bols that can eai tluough the olerJlowing landnlls irr ID dia or patch up thc lrcle iD the ozone la)er? tsut real en

and hall a t.illio. dollars in wcstcrn forcisn aid later, the co tinent oi Atiica is still pooro than ever. Accordirg to World Ba keconomists, $c ironyisthat ,i'1.rcder 'l F tualin t^\ higl r' inrlu{. Jr " "r ign crDance nr A{rica by encouragjDg grali andbribery.


ljXAMPl.l,l: The wastage of 2oo4 tsunuri aid money. l'ie Indian OccaD tsunami that affected 13 count.ies gererated a rccot.d US$12bilion nr aid. Yet,

: r-.'r. J""n th r' ad ,, or llr^,.ards ^f.\uranr lictitns are still living h tents.In ]Ddoncsia,31) to 40% of aid tur1ds $€re tainted by g.ali. NCOS Save thc Childrcn and Ofam had to Mite off about €soo,Lroo wo(h ofbuilding coDtracts thaDk to unscrupulouslo cal building coniractors that they lircd who took the aid mone!- aDd built ridiculoDsly flimsy stnctues for


lity issue

lons as drat sap is not closed and prcblems of acces sibilirt_ dcpcnd on the largesse of iDattentive developed


natiol]s, nrany problcrns


continue as they are.

l.\ \IlPl l: tick .rf tsmtmi

rlclection equip in Er?cnsive tsuDami detection technoio mcnt -dsia. Lia l r " LJFpr' 4 low tr inr \ ln-gnvprnrlprLur,uln tries such as re rJrc in


dia, I'Ialalsia and Thailand, ?s the

$c rndiin O!eln corntar.diotlcir


in the Pacilic. Such a seis'no graph $as iDstalled on the lndone siaD island of Jam h 1996, but the data collcctcd wd not sent to the centfal governmcnt iD Jakafta because tle telephoDc linc had bccn

discoDDected in 2o0o. Olicials in J:*arta aere aled€d to lhe ealth quake that caused the giant \a!es by rcadings film the country's

othcr 6(l or so seismoglaplis, a lack ofdaia iion the


specialised Java statioD preveDted then tron issui.g a tsunani war irB that lrould ha!€ srved thousands .,l]ives.

"r,5;,ll .f:








lhe man behind thc largest UFO religious group iD ihe xorld is Claode Vorilhon aka "Ra€I" x former Frcnch sports-cd journaljsl aDd tcst diver. Irithfxl Raijlians




pusue complete sexual liber!|, mnrd transfer, GM tbods, nanotechnolosr and human cloDiDs io achifle a Dei! and diseas. fi cc body just ni time for the return ofihe Elolim,

Not Enough (Risht) Incentives

The use ol irceDtivcs is coDtrove.si:ti because it stee6 us areay fron the question of "Ulhat is mI responsibili\ ?" to "what do I get out ofthis?". No

$onder id.alists \ould mther stick io thc loftier strateg) ofappealbgto pcople's Inoral conscicnce. The probleni is that real lifc elidence abounds to frolc that people respond to in centives: wo.kers' perfomancc inproves reheD their fay is tied to itj we stop driling aDd take public truns poft when ERP ganties and COE prices go up; we re

cl, l,

sf rs"nr.,n.;r,"'J..lorc.rd..


lncenlivcs appcal to people's instinctive prioriiisation ofpeNonal intcrcsts over public interests. Of coursc, incentives are not the final answer.lfwe reb on thenr excessively as the way to crcatc a better reorld, we be


biiterly disappointed. All nrceniive slstens can be

subvefted and exploited. lf a bankcr's pay nicentive is bascd on his lirm's ea.nntgs p€r )car, he nay make risLy dccisioDs to mise the banLs earninss in a year even at the cxpense of the

r nujor

linn's long tenn prospccts

reason wby Wall Strcet







l HFl DO[{INT()N



lfyou 6nd )ourseff at Melchizedek,com, you

are not on a website

vou are in a Dseudo-relijaious so\ereign statc that exists pimaril) irr cybersp:ce. Tlis rybcHratioD is .ecognised by sc\cral major soverD

nents and ofteN bank licenses, ambAsadorslips aDd dcD a stock exdaDse. Or sc, I4ark and David Pedlel, the criminally mindcd fathersonduo$nofound€dMelcbizedck,clain. Dotiotbeloo)ed maryharc alrcadylost huDdreds of lhousands of dollars fi .ousli swnrdli.g scnms bascd on passports aDd bank licenses issued ftom this "staie".

3. l H l.l PIiINCIPAUTI_ OI NIl\{



Alier nakiDg a fortDne from his cont.olersial altcrDative medical clin ic in Menco. Oklahorna bLsin$smn ltoward Tunrey bccane HSH Pirce "tdarus rtrrng' (the namc of a Robet tleinlein sci 6 character) aDd cEated the island

couDtrf of New Utopia in the CaribbeaD ncar thc

Cnlnan Istands. supposed\'based on the libertarian philosophr of nov elist ,jin tund, it rvould have a Dubai likc citlscape, otre. scholaNhips to studenLs


all over the world, have no

ln .erlit!. Ne\{ UtoDia





and Do


give up on edu

rg pcople about their ethical obligatioDs.


4. THE SCIENIOI.OGIS I S Scientolos/s founder L. Ron Hubbard had oD seveml occnsions told his fcllow scifi rfiiteA that the tlay to gct ich vns to start a rcligion. Sohe did - preachins that we arc all othenort(uy imrno(als and that ps)chiat-"y was a fbrm of diabolical

l-rruri.n, A,'u\'a rnr'Htho.rl.n.uib .\rl"uLcamr

r.rxA[{PI-E: Nigeda's war against spread of HIV. Pol"vg.ny and ihe loneli ess of HIV paticnts is a potent soDrce of the spread of HIV in Nigeria. Alo, Jl gor"i ncnt .rngr_r ,T. in Nrts.rir i. encouraB rs

;; ;ill ;;;.;;"ffi ffiff'' 'llEi,u ;,'t


;* i#""


..rrr. r.,,F. prJ,nid rmn*u"

', "r-*.,.',', nmrercs

Hlv-positive couplcs to marry by p.r,ving fc,r the dow ry, proliding 1.ee couDsclnrs and even employnert

bitant chargesfor "spiriiual sen ilres and

withiD the agency. lhe LDJ is disappro\ing, believiDg thai thc aNwer lies in education and iDcrcasiry gen eral access to "preveDtion, treatlnent and care" wlile sone eransclicai chnstian aid agencies bclicve up-

article descnb€d it as 'a husely prolitable global

hold ine abstincnce is the key.


cent.e lor ofshorc baDkins scans.

plunged idto the

credit crisis. hceDtivcs arc highly etrective and suc cessflrl in the short term but not iD the long term. We nccd then but also eed to sct doM the most strin gcnt per{ormance measures and

the alien racc who crcated u. Thn ( tlafs ouiraseou? You have not c\cn head of Ra6l's orde. ol ADscls, a pi\zte haren ol women to provide hin i'ith sexual pleasurc, defend hn life f ilh their bodi.s and help donate eggs for elTorts towards hunan cloning. tslrrr.

Lawsuits against its citics.

A r99r ?rnc

racket that sun'i\€s by intirnidating







Malia likcmanner."




thepossb itylssue

topia" is not aword that intrudes regularly upon everyday conversation. Derived from the title of a book written in 1516 by Sir Thomas More about a fictitious perfect state, it is usually used in a dismissive sense to mean an unrealistic ideal. 1r oeated words {6tros the word liorn two Greel C'place") dd ou ("nor") possibly inter More would have asred:

pretcd as su ("sood") ate


we[. His delibe.

wordplay undcrhed his belidtliat the

state of perfection while sood, wodd be impGsible to achieve on carth.

Un(,n\ inc€d? The neil tinc ]ou walk p6t a ndgu ine stand, lake a good look. All ou


rflerl io N a plelhora of sub clnscious ideas or how to get to utopia:


publications Caze at

fler Wo





Morocl€,live in a PeD.IoLse,





}"Iy;'.-"".*:1 often

sltd their skin


be in vogu€ and then, you can baly start

to reveal dlEtopian practice, rmging

(Martho Steuart) Li|)in!1. On thc surface,

the simply silly to the deeply repellent, all defended reith the most upsethng canest-

nay thinl all thjs talk

Platot 38o BC Republic and our 21st ",1e Pldyboy may ditrer de€ply in c€ntury their subjecL! of discusioD but suely, at

about antiquted Greeksounding worcls about im-

the hean, borb are prcscnbins solutions to mitigate our profound disconteDtrnent

with the dcbns of \rcLrld-be uiopian com nunities of aI solis: osltd ad bumt at wo.st :nd diminished in obscuiB at best.

posible places has nothing to do with your lifc. But wodd b€ ibsolutely mistaken. "vo! We all, unconsciously or clnsciouslx sub scribe to sone kind ofuiopian oncept od orient our most sjgnificant choices in life

wiih the status quo. \\4)ether the path to socievs perfection and drus happiDcss

Some utopirs -



mDd this beliei: Utopjas will alwa)ar be hotl rel(Mni and .onlmversial becausc they speak of wlut we ptrt our laith in, w|ar we will wrk towd.ils. what we wil

paper aDd

edge the cunent wortd is not sarchronised to myone's idea ofParadise.




body, change your products,

The ditrerence is realv all in the naming. You rnay have czlled it Pamdise, Heaven,



siDk or save

wil dti-

$e human Ecc.

Eden, Niwana, Zior!


less Sociery, Democracy or

@dr daMofhu n philosophy.


Happy l,ife.

killiqq of

now but he actually proposed that clotb€s had to be madc in elastic to ensue equality

dlong p€ople of all sizas. Unfoftmatelx some utopian theories gained ercugh of followin€ to be turned into rcaliit (pdticrnrry in the trtopian happy 16th to 19th a

caved iDto bickeins,

behaviou and belligerence.

Every enceivable pathway has been hied




or unwanted infrnts. Tomndo Ca panela s Cifto del Sole fousht for se{rd couplirys io be licensed by astrolosers. Etienne Cabefs J.dno seems laushable


and not one sinslc utopian communilv has Danaged lo last the racc or prove its point.

the hope of a better day. ) But morc tikclx iD our nELgios dd apathetic times, most a

b€loved Repullic advocaied

muities eventually

his canpaign ihat Anieica is a union that .can be peffccted" as lons as Aniericans are wiling to 'pui thejr hmds on the arc

of us mayjust simply kDow it as My ldea

ihanklirliy ensted only on nfler nade it on enrrh. Plato's

if noi aI, ended with tragically sinilar Eults: after an initii set-up period fiIed with triunph, the com-

ket. You might even think it is Amcica (aftcr aI, obeu did reiterate throushout

of history and bend it oncc more

records are linered

centuics). Most,

ism, A Class

the Frce

Ou listoricd

will be Davtrl by Plaio's philosopher kings or Hefnert busty Bunnies, both ackrcwl-

change your habits, chmse you politi(x, change your momls, chanse you soals, chege your govemnents. This eDdlesly josthlg and contradictory collcctioD of patls to perfection has not changed much

stand against and what wc belise


Thnrl the answer is relisious tundanenIIqAGECREDITS (fa.ins pase) custarc Dorc's I ower of Babel {abo1r) custale Dorc's Heaven

talisD or relisious abstinence? The rabidly athcisi comnrue of Libelai. Missouri did no betcr than the hamh theocracy of h"n: DFMANNABROADFRPFRSPECTIVE



bo$ encouraged an embarrasling surge of bad behaviour through &eir respective fom as of total noral libertdieisn or

Tahiti was rendered moot by the groan ings of his ships crews rvho retumed wacked with serrlly trdsmitted diseases. And way too much irl{ hs been spiled on Hidcr's idjculous notioN of utopia via


nent or t€cbnolosical rej€ction? Our nost tech sawr, digital globil village genera

Aryan suprenacy and racial puriw.

progress is ineliiable. What is most e\-

tion has yielded a se.ies of tech oriented problens, ftoni the lawhable (Crackberry

so if all ou attempts to create a perfect reorld have been failins so consistendy,

withdlawal) to tlrc teniiins (Craisslist tuwling for potertial muder or rape vic-

why do we

traordinary is how resilient the idea that tomonow will be a better day (however it cones) has been when you consider the disnal report cald of hmd achievemeDt

total moral rcpresion- Perhaps rou belie\€ that it is all about technological advance-

tinrs). But the tech.ologically leery Amish and Qualrcr mmmunities dont rie last laugh either: by giving up electric lighting, get

motorised trmspor! modem nedicine md aI thiDgs modem ienagers lo\r, they also save up the possibiliv of srowins dreir

stil belise it is possible?


cannot seeni to live in the



DNA lvirqs us to wondcr about what camc an

endles+ spinning wheel, without

about a hteral retmr to Eden via dre ide-

.n endins - which forcs civilisatioN to nNe aDd repeat history? Or is time a snrgle, urepeatable

olos/ of environmeDtal consemtion and

h ajectory wherc

retum to Nature? Trace bow the rccreation

repeated but, as

of a semnd Eanh via the Biosphere 2 in

unique hiltory? r'lunks to the doninanc€

tu;ona led to mutiny or how

of Cnistian and



sexualised rrorld either. The Shit<ers who

a besinning or



$c may scc similar cvents

a whole, producing

lslm civilsation.




betifle in the linear @ncept that time


the secuhr ha\€ put into Man or

a uniquc act of crcation and like anow loosed, budes us all jn a single direction towards a specilic comnon des tiny.'Ihere wi be no repeat performance

Conlionted with everyday evidenc€ of decay and decline, it se€rns foolhardy to believe "thiDgs wil alMF get betier with time". The Alrananic faiths wangled thcmsclves out ofthis problem with the be' lief that God's will is ulhnately sovereign over suffering and He wil mysteriously

Ne what Ms meet for evil to good. Simply put, tlings will



up good

not because the $erld or even man hnnser

is sood but blxau.se cod is sood and make things better.


The sculurists of the EDlightement


jected such notions that nan ms neither a




They popuhnsed the idea that a religion

md the plalMight

oDce the curtain drcps

mdemtandably d{irdled doM. But tlr f48 onejda conmunii- of Ncw York which practised a nonous idca of conplex maniage er€ry inan being mar ried to every rloman also colapsed in less than so ye,ls. Botrgainville's

walks oD stage. Tine begirs with



b€ it

besan with

were against nianiage and prccrcation

crcrdng about the

fai$ that




And no. ihe answer is noi a

into the rcaln of ilogicll



not even have to rehash how badly com mand econonie! panned out under Soviei


famines, the

failures, the holocausts, the conlrption.

the faith that the religiou have put into

before and wbat lies in the hereafter. Is

loved Kibbutzims smdualy primtised stopped the practice of commmal living.


believe that

we keep doing do? I.llrce questions about time, progress and perfetion rfleal key dswers to the dnw

and unblidled Capitalism now- And rre do

Israel's be-


seerns to go beyond logical reason and


here and nnw ,s ,nnnils do. sonething deep within hono sapien

ideals. Horv

does not necessarily

mean you

well inio the 21st @ntury:

Perfecti.rn th.ough econonic conse.'atism or ecoDomic liberahatioD? TeI tlr post-I€hmaD Brothers world whai they ihilk of thc wondFrs nf ihe FIFF M2r+et



What ompels us to conshuct utopias in our mind and our reality and should


Sino adoption of


believing that time is lin




and end-s with a Revctation of what is

io become of ev€ryone and everlthing.

nor the master ofhis fate.

less, sod less Heaven could be made on Eaft}l as long as people used the; lieedom

to recalibrate the baldce, inch by inch, in

favou of everydr s sood. Even till today, the Enlightennentt idea of progress via human works has proven to be a hardy mntender against the beliel in progress via

The reason why &e linearity of time has endud s a powernn idea is beeue of


its abiliv to nrspire ihe mdses. The verdict

cral utopia hc had discovcred in

that the rlorld will end,like it or not, and

the inplication that it therefbre maners what side you are fighting on will move

andfrighten even the most callous hearts into action. The n6t powertul seclild


the 18th to 21st centuries fiom tbe Marxists to Dawkns' nm Atheists rejected beliefin cod but stil re tained the cornpelling nanative that a[ of hrmaDkild was involv€d in histort:s ruh towads a final slorioN clind.






So wo

d get



we have always lived with

imperfect circumstanc€s, and even if rre accepted that things better, wherc did we even get the

idea ihat thinss codd be pefect or loow

what pedection looked like? Wired to thin! logicaly, we hurnans are conleled tr nake meaning out of nadness. this conf,Bing world with its long entuis'


of hjstory is the



RLlbil< s Cubc:

lvc poccir. pattens under

dre chaos thai bcg to bc made iglit ard rle rrill hlist and lunr oul institutio.s to


to .each diat pe.lecl aliSnmcDt sc in stincti\cly kroi{ ni our head and t€arn tbr

advocacy 1or o\crt statc actioni Cha es Iouri€.s proposal of cootcr.tion aDroDg

peopier and rs, l.la cis CaltoD l.),iDS dor$ flre grcuDdi\o* tirr tlie NaTis $ilh his thcoll oD cugcnics.,\al so, i{e created lhe grcatcst modcm parador: pedectioD


y allanrabie by Cod s sr".c). Th. Grcck

philosopher Aristotle wrute.


Tlat is f.r

$iich is coDiplete $hich contains

all thc rcquisite parts;


r,thing of lhc kiDd could bc has allained

is so good


b.tter $'hich

itspur?osc. Cornparc that to

s ledect $ifi the t'rdthrCod. (r8:r3)and th. (lospel of Xlat$er! lhnt enjon\ "Be

Thou shrlt bc

die Dook of Deule.orronry

]'c thcrcforc Nrfect, even as )our lather

{ lich

is nr

hcavcn is l]cdcct. ' G:48J. Those

who worshipled God descibc pcrfcction as benrs 'undeiiLed, without lc.bukc',

"ridrout blemish

, 'bhmeless'o. riilht

coN" \'hcreas fiose who $oNhipped hu lr]an capacii! would not


pedectiorl so

uslo $,il]ilritl) Nird ouNchcs to

['hat aI ofus Dee.l is a hedthy dose of .rcdiblc LtopirDisn or

upor an iDipertect ivorld.

gruunded idcalism if )ou $'i11, aDd Dot one based on itlib om tory or vague plalitudes. And that


cones onll with genuire h!mili,!". Thc .bili! to constantly loo$.how nitper


Allourideas abod pctiction caD bc tuced back to two disLhcL nncturt p|ilosophics: The creek coDcept ot lerle.ction. rnc.D g "hannoDl" (soned rg abstrad nr nr hrc and attairuble by man hnnsell)j alld Lhe Je$ish con.cpi of pcfcctioD, mexDing ''holilress {soDeri|hg divinc in natur. and



ded by impcrfcct rncn and


What tor,r' is


ll ne think i|rt his ore rn:sochistic ertdless crrlc

aft.r aDofier, there seems litlleloinl toln iDg. But if$c think time is DoviDg toilards an inelitablc dcstiDy, th.n we should 1ig ure out {hal the end ftncs lootlikc.If'\c belieie that dle L.aiectorv is nx^ing dosrr hill into r pit of deshLction, rgai , therc s.cDN to bc little poiDt iD tn iDg. BUL it you thnrk ci\ilis.tion is moviDg upliill and pro Eressilely, thcn $. should make sure we rre o the side oi t]]o angc.ls. ftc qucstiorl of perfectioD prcsents a toL,g|et


c}oi.. on

to do as we r$'ajt the liDal pruiar essile

day in |istoN: $'ill utolia conr

lion las

sivcl! bclic\ing that God $'ill take crre of us



closely to tleethical rnd nroral.

lcct ) ou arc, to not drink of l ou.self no.e highly thar ]ou ousht, to drus loie our neishbours as we ll)!e oLrschcs is r'hat makes i.leJlism tender, Lruthtul and ulti matcb, actutib wo.kable.




hunriliB, is the ans\e. to rnali

g utopias hatFn, ho$' do $e remjnd oursehes to consLant\' stat ihat wa!? It is second naturc fo. us lo thinl higllly of

ouNch.s aDd dinnr of ou. own reeds and oDr osrr goodness 1iNt. though secularists may c ngc, that is lrreciselj $'herc dle Ab ]hnic lailhs- conccpt of p.rfection irUS most lme. We caD oDly sta! bunnnc rlheD


ha!€ before ou. nnrds and hearts. all thc tim., a standa nrlinitel) lar hip,her. lar noblo and far nore poilefirl tha our selves. Bl .stablishiDg ihis standa in die lon ol an impossibly holv aDd portrf,n Liod. the laithlirl belie\ c i{. i{ould bc aircd nrto DukiDs nucli less olou. punl hLrnran

It $rs the lUth cetrtul,a e.a that tilted our modcm f.ctireDces toila.ds the GreelG Lalfti or ltr{ccnoD mdrcr thrD the Je$ish tal,e. As rcligioDs ordcrs


before an uxJ€asinr,ly .Fic.l audicnce, 1l3th ceDturt secul.r Uri l,eN unilrls.ll! fidiculcd di. idea that cod exisleci giver t}c nnpcdcct f.rfomance of his lollow els. Fail| nr God s tollo$rrs i{xs lost and bv associatio.. iaith in a good and per&ct Ciod wa! lost as w€ll. Wc ro loDg.r thought of pcdectioD


nnpossible state


hurnan hohress but a Drore achievable sLite of i{orldly improlcmeDt. Pamdise had nothing to do


momlit! or adher-

ence to divine ruleis but !v.s somcthiDg

could create or .ec.ente

il trc ilst



ouNches smdner, llalthier, heaLthier, happi.r, rnorc politjcall) stable and more conlortablc. Thc lgth ccDturt sr$'r llouishiru of greal $ nrleN and t|.ir fropos.d solutiorB: Drvnl Hune s tbcus oD natural delelopnent and p.ogrcssi John Ir.I. s push for cduc.rtioni Jercnl tserthani's

A lriddl. gr.und has to he stnLck belween thc rcligioDs tanahcs aDd dre nbid sec! larists we s|ould diligcndl i{ork at per LctiDs lhe wo.ld. bui irc must Dot lisk dre pitfall of belieling thaL inDefc.r hulun

hunan iNtitutio$ can corn t|c i{oIL UtopiaD conmunes gener Dlctc lallcd allr' bc.aDsc thcv fllt too tnuch trusl or Lhe posfl of sociclv aDd colle.tire ilis

bciDgs and

dorn to nrake thinas dr,|r. Such misplaced

Ior if it is br g.ace that w. arc sa\rd, thrNgli faith aDd Dot b) ou. wo s, nonc of $ rrould be able to sc.llcs and our etrirts.

borsl. Hoiveler. snrc. not all of us prcfe$ to su.hlaith, tne stnlggle lo rn.kc scnsc of our utopian anbitions iliLl cor) lnn'e. So

t|e im]frfcci.annot crcaie


Enl thq can .clt.iDl] pedect something rhrt..n. Bc


put their frith in a

absl d

ii di\ine t.si

frith iDalilDaDs)steln bc ilnr gu.rdirD dictators, impmcticrl acadenics. out ot:

being or

lou..| burcaucuts. iDpeNonal cornpule.s.

sc]l intcndcdbut

tlc pdt.nns Nord a po$erfd enough lo e able thc inltr{cct to be prt of drat ryorli. l he! a.d onli thcD, r\ontd i{e besiD to be a.turlly rcadl in icat .nd in hand -

oyer the lnes of thc

to do rl.hat6 er it talGs to help urh$ iD that

ide.rlistic aclivi(s or sclfiight.ous theocrats !s!allr leads to ovcr .cgulatioD ard dle implementition ol crushing



p.otlc. Sadl!. such 'utopi can l.st for d.odes before followe.s ad nil the) i{e'e wrcng to bclic\c in fie fiNt pke. 'I-hr.ij)np.,o/s,\rcru Clorl6 is a child


sorncdringbexutifd rDdsupeddcaus


prcves both go.Jd elough to do

onc ultimate utopia all other uctcndcN

thrt $.j11put to ilanrc for6tnno.e. f(tt

A .z .t

tale with an adulL lesson: soDrctim.s

our d.speratioD to beliele thaL wecan crc atc

$'hctkr it

Iorce. thc ulinDaic


"a* '"llTI


it' ,{,





Rethink the Millennial Generation I

is a term used to deThe Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Next or scribe the demographic age group lbllowing Generation X, the generation associated

with alienated slackerdom and angst-filled rebellion against authority. Vill the Millennials be the generation to overturn the common assumption that young people have no real purpose in life and are generally useless and violer.rt?

"The Millennials are best suited . .. tO SaVe the WOfldl' PROBABLY OUR BEST IIOPIJ.




tena to assooate the proccss of srowins up as one lhat is accompaDied by seff-absorytioD, selfishness and self destluctivc behaviour. Youths and sex and sub stance abuse tend to be tleated as s}rlonrns in modern culture. The Millennials may suryrise us yet. Suryels of this generation show thai they are suryrisingly not as iaded oras sclr-consuned as we presume. rn ract, their idcas abour ihe worrd and in Daftcular, the role that thev can and should play in it - arc rolliDg back the years on the negative stcreot!?ds that we adonatically attach to young pcople. Teen pregDanc)', drug use and sc|ool drop out rates are actually going dowr; t€st scorcs are

at ar all-tnne high; more are soins onto hjsher education. lnstead ofseeing t|em as prcblems to be solved, the Millennial scncmtion nay be the innovative solution for our prcblems instead. Yc, rhs tend to bn underestimated and we forget that his toricaly, revolutiorN of aDy so.t are started by young people and students. Already,





ES thepossb ty

ssue I


the Millennials arc at the foreli ont of political and socio economic de velopments more thxn at any other tnne of listory aDd have the besi chance aDd abilitl to be positive

of thc protcsicrs who stood

The I'Iillennial Gcncration. borD in the 198os and 9os, are the richest,

crc\ins up nr a slobalised and technologically irtcrconnected

the best educated ard the }ealthi est in histor,v. Born during one of history's most siable periods, they

world has also madcthcm rnorcsocial creatures and naturals at fom ing relationships ivith peopie. These are not the alienated ) ouths of Cen


ihe lranian government ear'lie. this )€ar to dispute the flawed elections, and are able to best speak the lingo of environmeDtal consenation.

These are not the alienated vouths of Generation X ivho orided themselves on th'eir individualistic and rebellious ways.

Movins awav from the Gefi X 'Me' creed, the Gen Y 'We' are instinctive networkers and collaborators.

arc the first geneution to nosdy grow up wiih no firsthand knowlcdsc of war, fanine, disease and poverB. Sinc€ they havc rnorc dis tance lrom the wodds traumatic

emtion X who prided rlienselves on tlieir nldividralistic and rebel lious ways. Moving away ftom the Gcn X Mc'crced, ihe Gcn Y'We'

events and conllicts, they tend to be

are instnrctive n€twolkcrs and col-

morethan how fast these coryorate

more optimistic and less govemed by fear. They are more wiilins than

laborators. They have a profound

entities catr fast-track their ca.eers.

historical pattenN of thinkjng and doins and arc morc ancndablc to nenideas and altemativcsolutions-

have aiscn


SccoDdlv, they xrc shiljrg out rnorc on their orm. The expansion of thc ccoDorny, cr.dit aDd technoloS |ave enablcd morc -vouths to be nore enlreprencurial. to start

Also, they tend to be more open aDd

to come togcth$ to coDtributc to

their own ve rurcs to fulfil ihen'

iDcluive an.l easily push pftt gen der stereotJ"es and mcial preiu

something bigger tban thenrselves. When Presidenl Obana was reach ing out to the Muslim i'orld in his Cairo speech, it is an east, guess which senentioD he ilas direcling this appeal to rvhen lie saidj "...you nrust rnanrtain your power through

proious generations to overturn

dices d drey srea up in a more hetercgeneous eNiroDneDt. lhe pcNasilcDess of the nedia in th--ir lives has silen thcm a rnorc slobal pe.spect € and less indhation to play partisan politics.

This slobal pempective h.ts also gi\eD the Miltemiai geneMtion a sense of responsibility frlm an ear'ly agc. Thc natuml idealism of youth is married to a realisn of how the world wo.ks, without any self-indulgent jadedness. They are actrtely aware that they will inherit and raise cn dJen in an increasing ly chaleDsins world and are determincd aDd conmitted to Doi adding to the mess oftbe cun cnt situation.

belief in the power of consensos and hence tend to organise then selves iD groups. Many )outh ve. sions of NGOS or advocact grotrps





forc tl1ey gradrate liom schooL. The nunber of youthflrl entrepreneurs is so significant that a Dew tern

''cnfantrcprcncurs" was coired to

enbodyihis phcnorncnoD. This is


spect the ghts of nrinoritics, and participate with a spirjt of tolerance

generation that does Dot nccd to bc tauglt to thinli outside the box be cause they x.e not awa.e that the!' are even coDstrained iD one. This can oDly bode xell for the wo.ld as their abititr to geDerate fresh

A highly conpetitive knowledge

aDd innovativc idcas may keep

based econony aDd the disnartling of tbe traditional rclationslip between enrploycr and cmployce means that this geDeration is morc suited at coping with and wclcom

world progressins and offcr a $'ay

conseDtj not coercion; yoD rnustre-

ing unprediclable lrnd rapid change.


dreams, sonetimes even be



out of the wc,rld's entrencn€d con IMAGE


nised in an era of stas CREDITS eenre xrd unDreLcdulteJ JLt llsnd tr. Bom




- O. rp.....

Firstly, they no longer see their ca reers as a linear line of advance-

'U c,..i'. "'"' rt,.^. llray have thc knowlcd8e, skills and comnors

Making a diference is theit new

mcnt nor vie$ the conveDtional

values to save us

catchphrase and social cr]nscious ness a nntural pan oi thet makeup. As they are a big percentage of the

route ofeducation as al$als Decessary to success. They arc asscrting nore o{nership over their om tu ture and deler less to theh parents


expectations of money and secu.ity. Being more interested in personal

scis together Nith their particular shengths will nn truc as ihis world

oppoftunities for dflelopment a social causes, they tend to choose the companics thcy want to wor-k

reeds tansfonnativc pcoflc aDd ideas nore thaD cvcr. Hoe's to

cuneDi world popnlation, they knor! ihat their behaviou and habits will cornc to doninate slobal trends lbr a lons wbile.It is no surprise then that tbeymadcup a signilicant demographic in President obana s election 1br change and

for based

o. rrhat tbey staDd for



cranled, they will Deed cxpoi eDce, judgement and maturit] ioo as they grow up.

we can only hope

these charactedstics and


wishnrg that their acconplisbmerts erceett our wildest dreans. lll! DEMANDAEROADERPERSPECTIVE



"The Millennials are best placed to use technology in startling waysi' COTJN'I ON



ccDturl technolosies are .nablhs the enpo'femrcnt of nldividuals morc than ever. Ho$'c\cr, this sliifi h po$tr is putting nore tools and opportunitl in lhe hatrdsof rorc louDg peopie.rther than ad lts, the traditional rcscn e of authority. This mJ<es seNe idrcn Iou consider how thc Millennials are t|c first Senerdtion to gro$ up tahDg the pcrrrsiveDess ofconpLrtcF and the intemet as a givcn, technologi.s that niost adLilts still only inte.act with on a supe iciaL nan.er' Thc NIillennials speDd most oftheir timc on the interltel for cntctaiDnent, stLrdl'' ard $ot* a d are cDgagingrith it in sa!'s that arc active a d unc9ccted. Such technological precociousD.ss aDd nasier! (suryassing eten Generation X's technological sawt

arehelpnrgthcMillennialsthriveinawotldxlierethepaceoflifcismp,chargeis a giveD, tnd the abiliB to adrpt seen as a prcmium. As such, they havc tlie best pos sibilitt to etr€ct changc through dleir adept us. of these tools. ln ibis technologicai and nrcdia revolution, the I'IillcDDials are comiDg into their own rnorcthan xr) other genmationbecause parents bavc less to ofler tlen c|ildrcn i{hen it cnrncs to this field.'lhc tcchnologicrl lalotledgc ofparertstoday $'ill notr exceed that ofthcir child.en ard t|c wcaltli of inlo.mation out there in the \{o d Wide Web means that parents cannot clanD tobe the sole repository ofanswers rnv mo.e. Tlis genemtional and disital dilide is cvcn nore inlpo{ant coDsideing how thcse Dewtechnologies arc becoming essential comnNnicatjon, business and politi cal tools, central to how socieh is evolving aDd dcfiDit18 hon the luhnc of the workl will playout. Flence, it k littlc sttt"ise how the Millcnnialsareal.eadyplaying anore

IMAGECREDITS tIe and tnlt ipa.l T.uch Fli.kr Creative Connnons Skdtcr dirl dirn i 'od

ni&r cre.tn€



5 thepossb ty



promnlert rcle

iD the

public arena.

The intcrD.i,s 24 hour, ahQls on ]nre Nay of life is also facilitating tLe Nliliennials abilitj of invoh'ins themselves in cunent slobal issues x.herever they are and copnrs


with chaDge that can happen at any time. The as),rchronous ature of IDtcrnet time meaDs thnt thel cn worl and comnNnicate in reays that pri\ilcgcs th.ir opinioDs fi oni a pung age. Theabilib io pafiicipate iD andcontirue convercations (th.y donot have to come together atthc

sane time) across time 7ones, in bet$€en scliool, ilorli, neals, and sl.cp meaDs that thel have nore timc ibr rncaningft I ref le.lioD. Non time specific con nunicatioD tools thal mai ain threads of convcNation has immersed the I'Iillcnnials iD certain habits: the capaciw io samer knowledge l.on1 anywlere, the abiliB to filier responses that camc bcfore in morc tuclusive \eays and the tinrc to craft atpropdate

The vast range and dcpth of data out there also mea s that thc NIil leDnials are learning to use inlbr matioD in nore sophisticated ivays.

lhey are uscd to siftiDg, ratiDg, checl
tbings at the sane tinie while on line, their abiliiy to maDage infor mation stcrns


a sharing ethos

as they are on social nedia sites rnore thar an]'thing clsc thcsc dals. Ideas, neivs a d mcmcs gct reposted on bloss, linked or peNonal profile sites, re-tweeted and com mented on, aI rithin hours. TheI are leannrg all thc time on ho$ to better filter inibnnatioD and .each people at tle sanc timc. Such a vast array of techDological tools [the Internet, mobile delices, chai prosrannnes) has accorded the MillcnDials the unprecedenled capacity to communicate with one

rrrLr,\ ara:i!L

The asvnchronous nature of Intern6t time means that they can work and communicate in ways that privileges their

opinions from a young age. anoihcr. I'Iorc potentb, they are hahesshg it to organise, mobilise

can becom,r uncxpcctcd srmbols of possibilit-v and chansc-

.tnd recNit largc nurnbcrs ofpeople

nore ef:lectivelf. T\a€ets can mpidly offerup to date inlbrmntion oftthat is happeDins ni rcal



d sm,w

ball nrto huD.treds of thousands


rcsNnscs that ganer rttention that is impossiblc to disniss. Facebook and Myspaccpascscan become


j\rid look at what the }lillcnDials hale created so far. Their mas tcry and cnbmce of technokgical ch.Dgcs have enabled them 1o crc ale iDno!.tioDs that liai€ beneiited Man, Uotn social media sites to data transrtlission protocols to bette. IF

promptu meethg halls $'hcr! issues are debated and petitioncd. Th. abilitl io liDd like njnded peoDle and bpass state authority o. even tr.ditional nedia s control ofinlbr mation mcans that the X1illenDirLs 6nd it casicr to traDslate concenr outrage and angcr into adlocac).

ternet broivse.s. ]lalk 7-uclicrbet g, boD 1984, likes to renird us t|at thc huDdreds of nillioDs ol peoplc

Thei. oDline connections h.\c rcal aorld resonances, connecihg dis


pamte peoples togetber nr person. Elrn wher they fail, their elforts

who arc actilely using lracebook elery day, couDted as a counto, would bc t|c Sth largest population in lhe $or'ld. It is littlc Mrlder thai

die rnosi crucial tec]uolosical deand desig. lositions arc

occupied by Millennials these days. With them at the hehn, our firiurc





Horv Holln\ioo

B"X'frF"t"tu',.. If Life was run by the moguls ofTinseltown, all problems can be resolved within a two hour frame-work, leaving enough time for credits to roll. NADJA MAHgivesyouthe low-down on the ways Hollywood has shaped our expectations of how Life ought to work (as opposed to how it really turns out). Have you gotten into conversations where lines lile "Some people are 4eant to be tosether", "When God closes a door, hc open" U"ao-" o. "r *r" lr"( " born like that" were thrown around? Believe it or not, you have particiRated in that classic Dhilosophical debate about l.ree Will vs. Prcdestinatio\ and , "' chances are you leamt those lines fron the novies- Romantic conedies or feel good movies popularised rhe/.| notion of our iives being governed by an impersoDal, omnipotent force in t}te universe. Except jn the movies, that force conveniently only wants to propel you towards a happy eDdins. Movies like Slur?dog , I Millionaire and Forrest G,rmp throw an uncomlortable spanner in the works thoush. The happy end ' ings bestolded upon the novies' heroes arc jL\taposed against the sad lives oftbe other chamcters and the real life fates ofthe actors (Slundos's child acto$ are still stuck in the slums ofMunbai)- Whatever you call it, Destiny, Chancc, Fatc or Scrcndipity in that seDse seems cruel: human beings arc compeled to live tlieir lives according to a pre witteD script and no fonn of human agency can change the couNe offate. Judeo-Chdstian tradition upholds a different perspechve of life though: predestination is not in the haDds of an amoral nnpersonal force but a personal omnipotent God. The paradox is as sor we have the liberty to chanse our lives because of God's pernissive will but ultimately, all tlings reill be bent and nanipulated to meet the pcffect wili of God. PRTME DLAMPLES For.esa Gump, slJtndoq Millionaire,SLi.lins Doars,Serendipita

Leave it up

to Destinv.

Technology Saves



complete opposition to the idea of Predestimtion stands the man of science who bclieves in his Free will to create the perfect technology to find tie perfect franchise presents solution. The Stdr

that Captain Kirk and the nost uiopian vision of technology: the Earth"r€t Spock know is a completely esalitarian, enlightened tcchnocracy that has turned away ftom the barbarisn of mr. 4rd century Earthlings are be' nign, curious creatures who use their time and talent to er?lore the universe's secrets, carry out peace-keepins missions and "boldly go where Do man has sone before". Though St{Ir lr?ft may have featued occasional scuffles among their human characte$, major conflicts in the series have centred mosdy around barba c alien species found elsewhere in the universe. White nosi ofioday's sci-fi films are nore likely to feed on audience's fears on how technolog,, creat€s dlstopian societies (e.8. The Island, WALL q Surl'ogat€s), they also advocate technoloa/ in the hands oi resourceiul hunan heroes rs t}le ultimate solution. Even 1 om legend's apocallptic vision of the hunan race being turned to vampiic monste$ by a senetically re-ensineered measles virus gone wild is resolved only by the genius of the virologist played by Will Srnith. The slew of science-oriented criminal investisative dumas on television also promote the view that everythins can be undeEtood, answered and resolved by science- Only on television, do the nerds, hack ers and squints" rule the world and put tne bad guys where they belonS. PRIME E)a MPLtrS Stdr n ek, I om Legend,I dependence Da!, C.S t., Ctiminal Minds, -8ones, aringe, Nurnbe.s BROADER PERSPECTIVES the

possibility issue

"Drcarn it. Earn it. Live it. The tagline for the 2oo9 movie remake ofihe 1980 musical I.d?ne sums up the ideology olllnding success throush sheer hunan peNeverance and detenniDation. No natter whal personal tribllations came their way - abortion,loss offaith, illitcmcy Fdne! ambitious teenagers coulct overcone thrush sheertenacill. old-fashjoncd idcals aboDi bowhard work will naturally leadto success are most obvious nr the scnrc of'undcrdos nade sood" Be movies coinc entally, nainly urbrn daDce orsports movies. Though somc ofus mayresistthe idea ofmeritocracy, most of us believe that it ultimately wor-ks - that thc bcst kind of society and the best kind of li& can only be built throush hunar effoft aDd coDmitmcDt to betugbetter today than you wele yesterday. This maybe the nost appealingt]"e ofhapty cDding ideolos, especialll to an Asian audience. hierestinglythough, Fdne f2oo9) has bccD cnticiscd for being out oftouch with realit): fane is a far nore likely fate for fie exhibitionists on YouTube or Big Brolher rather than the hardworking these days. It's oblious that the world is unfair. Just ask,,lnina/I'drrls trasic hard'worknrg horsc Boxcr whose mantra $'as "I will work harderl": soDetimcs ihosc who worl< had are not rerlarded aDd even end up wolking for ihose $'ho merely l<now how to work the slstem or work the crc$d. PRIMtr tr)(- MPLES Ale.lah a1]d |he Bee, tsan1e, Rocftg, 'lie Pursuit of HapDuness, The Cinderclla Man




MyTeachea MvSaviour.

a post-Enlightenment world. cducaiion has cmersed as perhaps the Inost o!€msed and nost fetishised soluiion to c!cr']' world problem. We believe that elerybodr even the Dost worthlcss aDd dastardly of creatures has the potential for g.rod aDd is iust


onc pcdcct lcsson plan away fiom breakrhrough. 'Ihere is an eDtire gen.e ofmovies

dedicated to pairtins thc tcacher as a superhuman figure olsacrifice, whose dedicated toil iDspires satrssteE and dns addicts to cmbrcce bope aDd a futurc once more. we walk out from those movies feelins if every teacher could

belike the one on screen, the world would be a nuch better place because everyone scts a chancc tobe t.usht |ow to be a rnuch better pe$on.lnspiring as the movies are, they pin too much rcsponsibility on education as the best wayto save the world- Also, tliese mo\ies tend to indulgc in cookie-cutter racial stercotpiDg tlhere the cru sading teacher is always white and the oDestobc savcd" are always black or Latino. I-ittle screen tinre isgiven to x bigger and nore realistic narmtive. Oftcn, thc siruggles ofthe students parents and how enlire neighbourhoods are held doMr bystruciural racism and classism go untold. The niovies also retuse to ftrlly examire the complex sto{ ofhowihe happy endings" of the sludents are built trpon the unhappy expectations laid upon the Chistlike teacherfigure: work ontwo otherjobs, neslect )rur spoNe (ifyou havc thc tnncto find onc),lookdumpy, be nommy nanny probation ofiicer to your strdents, isolate yoursclf frorn )our fcllow teachels. and rely on your white privilege to ensure you will not be fired. And someday you rrill cbange one classroom not the systen. But reall, who waDts to sit ihrough a movic that long or depressing? PRIME EXAMPLES Dead PoeL.' SocietA, Leon on Me, Freedotn Writers. Mono ,rsa S,nile

\4olence Rules. a

It works fabdosly


Holbvood leaves little doubt about its stancc on liolcncc. A


to plant

bottoms on cinena seats? Most action flicks ained at thc $€Icts ofalcEgc hot bloodcd males re solve tlie $orld's prcblems by copious amounls ofuood shcd, hcroicbattles and a tull on embnc€ ofvengeance as both rishi and rcsDonsibiliry. In the sorkl ofaction heroisn. there is no.oom tor Mourr like pincirncs of"Blcssed are the Peacenal<ers orCaDdhi s ideolos, ofpacifism.lhe

utopia built on Sermon on the

Matr*'s messianic figure Nco's strategy for his first

rescue mission was not diplomacy but 'We need guns- Lots of gutrs." Er€n in blood soaked genre of action movies, two movies - joo and,(ill aill - maDasedto statrd out asbe s exceptionary indulgent in its use ol hack and slash. While Joo was a lolins ode to violeme as the ultinate proof of true nanhood Spafta s1ltc, (iil Br'll presented a more brical (aDd satirical ) look at the way of the wanior. r l Billls nasicr swordmakd Hatioro Hanzo put it this way "For those rcgarded as warriors, when engagcdin combat, thc vanquishing ofdrinc enenycan be the wanior's oDly concem. Suppress all human cmotion andcompassioD. Kill \rhoever stands ir tly rvar, elcn if ihat be lnrd God. or Buddha himselt Swords beaten into plolvshares? Ptrft thafs sjssytaLkl PRIME EXAMPI-ES3oo, Tie Motr;, -alill BiLI, Wotchinei\ Ronlbo, any movie with Chuck Norris or JeaD



Claude van Damme





7'(Really) Change the World An,vone can

pdnt a placard, slart a flameu'al rnd blamc lhc l)AI) but it talies a specialbrccd

olpeople b do the actud worl< ol chaneing the rvorlci. So,vou rcally lvanna to make cncc right here right norv? SHIAO-YIN I(UII( gives you 6 poinls lo considerl

l. Passion

lir ort a.lr.a do,.rbld,P !.Lr larP,rs.r rh.g.u.rn Dat. ta


Srqrfnrg out to lnc o!t drean is not c.sl.nd






(bnscquentlt, nrost oltrs

find nr.re..nPricnr

rdljusr r/o!r "tdssi"n


erlironnent iiir "lorcnrs'






lill berou


Darticdarlv p$s jo.aLc" inthc lac.0lclallcnges P!i !.se is




har€ I b€€D l,nt


lllou hnonthis,

crD decidc $hich your Drant pnssions





rerl hadblocls llong


to vour



i.s bef.F l.u

pu.pos.ln lili, Fu\ill 10.11h.lL t. elohe t'our



anre lorrour lLrLr.. su.c.ss as r.lDngcmaker



lisl 10 g lile ol

Yor can bcronrr so [!.1d on one singdar pNsion i. )our lile rhatyou lail to s!! posslbililts, otlornrni tr.s and.ltcnrate trths ro rchiere rourgoal Keep up $irh derclopmcnts tom other nelds and indbtnos .s u ell

,s .egional aDd Slobal neNs. R..d up.ut.-

r" ll 1 "l P"r." h rl ':"C, 'f i" " . . alrernativclr likc vn Arn\ Richord llranson or Lonely Pla.ct s Tonr.dd N aureen wleeler.lJy broadcnrns

. , 't \

}lu nant

ard allthlt it stdnds tor.



ihe lat€st 4ents



{8.,h"l r"m,


can get therc

ftomlou. watrt lo mrle

. rlili...n.c

$.bsitcs Ural.ggregate nrLnation on Lmd





o|u.l.6xon nn!.an. uur,.,rond.LoD, urrur rrt?.i...,r uau.tctl.en


nr the nrru.e?


CraNl! cH)tt


- t""..

sion you.rc o. rnd hoNy.u



tth.aorld n.t

hold.s a.b.ngenraterin tlie nrrlietplao€ or politi


sirnple bur

$.ire do\r


livou knowvou.

vrnhysctyouB.llup f.. lailurc by iNiginnrgnl LJ.i,

nrbgri\ !s a pe.son

be thc

.31 sphere is

lclilfrl b€ Do lnck



and $]rich shoukl be left


pn.posc ind D.ssi.n is pointlcss ialnur lile is nr



ud (.spc.i.lly nr Snrg.!io..) t1F go\tn rrrnl!c..nic.nrfx\ r




espeoallrrLheD rou atu not lecling h1,€


nrt./lsrr]ou pdssio,l

to sit back rDd bhDrc our ns


Lean, tn.r. oho



3. Puritv

2. Purpose


1t) Bt

I! r Orrn,\rrs r/riT |^LAt lr\'!t.ADofBlG:)\ia\


11. t tu]nt to he kn1.nrb.tc.l lthcn


rcsp.cte.l clargemakers ]ik. disgr.ced NKr head

5. People poplc tr,ith kle nt an.l chan tet 'dr.l Fper qlalii.dhons. fusl


ttr!t !,cl \o! r.rlit er.ir .d, nrspned.r moinrred. Don r censor

ldu cloir.s

and be N rmthiul !s you


dt shaull I thetP lbtt liue &.h .la! /







Jnnnry Slrag


Changir! lh. $orld donc is difiicnlr rnd


nrtcrcstins peopl. witli

inLcrcstnrgpcrqre.rives I

6, Perscvcrance

ttrtt lail


ro\ !. tnnlit!1

longcst. Slick il out and


:l :.' .:O| ,OAf I r,$!u * -.--;,-jA i ,ni! ',






t].ttrt l"rt r\).1,+ ri r !r

shaFd nrt.rsr,


i xL .,1,!!, !,o,







Making Business Moral Business is a callinq, even a vocation. lt is, to be sure, a way of making a living, sometimes a very good living indeed, but it is also a way of serving. Conventionally, any healthy society, any decent society will rest on three pillals, to which I would like to add a fourth -- business. The first of these is respect for individual human beings and their dignity. A society that does not respect the person will generally treat human beings as cogs in a larger social wheel-their dignity and well-being may legitimately be sacrificed for the sake of the collectivity. Thus, a healthy liberal ethos would support the dignity of the human person, by giving witness to fundamental human ights, and where a healthy religious life flourishes, faith provides a grounding for the dignity and inviolability of the human person. The second pillar of any decent society is the institution ofthe family: the original and best department of health, education, and welfare. No institution surpasses the healthy family in its capacity to transmit to each new generation, the underctandings and traits of character, on which the success of every other institution of society depends. Where families fail to form, or too many break down, the effective transmission of the virtues of honesty, civility, self-restraint, concern for the welfare of others, justice, compassion, and personal responsibility is imperiled. Without these virtues, respect for the dignity of the human person, the first pillar of a decent society, will be undermined and sooner or Iater lost, for even the most laudable formal institutions cannot !phold respect for human dignity where people do not have the virtues that make that respect a reality and give it vitality in actual social practices



The third pillar of any decent society is a fair and effective system of law and government. This is necessary because none of us is virtuous all the time, and some people will be deterred from wrongdoing only by the threat of punishment- contemporary philosophers of law tell us that the law coordinates human behavior for the sake of achieving common goals-the common good-especially in dealing with the complexities of modem life. Would it not be a utopian state of existence if we were all virtuous? Even then, we would still need a system of laws to accomplish many of our common ends safely crossing the streets, for example.


It is all too easy to take these pillars for granted. And thus it is important to remember that each of them has been threatened. Often operating from within the universities, writers and movements hostile to one or another of these pillars, usually preaching or acting in the name of high ideals, have gone on the offensive. Attacks on business-and on the ideas of the market economy and economic freedom-are well known. Students are sometimes taught contempt for those involved in business: heartless exploitels driven by greed. ln my own days as a student, this was often done in the name of Marxism. One notices less of that after the collapse of the Soviet empire, but the attacks themselves have abated little. Similarly, attacks on the family, and particularly on the institution of marriage on which the family is built, are common in the academy. The line here is that the family, at least as traditionally constituted and understood, is a patriarchal and exploitative institution that oppresses women and imposes on people forms of sexual restraint that are psychologically damaging and inhibiting of the free expression of their personality. Some will counsel that business has no horse in this race. They will say that it is a moral, cultural, and religious question about which business people as such need not concern themselves. The reality is that the rise of ideologies hostile to marriage and the family has had a measurable social impact, and its costs are counted in ruined relationships, damaged lives, and all that follows from these personal catastrophes included delinquency, despair, drug abuse, and crime and incarceration ln many West-


b lty ssue



ern nations, families are failing to form and mariage is coming to be regarded as a "lifestyle choice": one among various optional ways of conducting relationships and rearing children. Out-of-wedlock birthrates are high, with the negative consequences of this particular phenomenon being borne by those in the poorest and most vulnerable sectors of society.


The consequences for business of these developrnents are significant. Consider the need of busi ness to have available a responsible and capable workforce. Business cannot manufacture honest, hard-working people to employ. Nor can government create them by law. Businesses depend on there being many such people, but they must rely on the family to produce them- So business has a stake in the health ofthe family. lt should avoid doing anything to undermine the family, and it should instead do whatever it takes to strengthen the institution. While it is true that some business firms have exploited workers, many firms have enhanced the dignity of individuals by offering challenging and decently paid jobs, providing opportunities for further education, either on the job or in training programs, and encouraging workerc to think creatively about how to improve the quality of products and services and the efficiency of production and delivery. Moreover, business has certainly made upward economic and social mobility possible for countless persons. The free-enterprise system has given many people the freedom to pursue fulfilling and remunerative careers and provided opportunities for them to become entrepreneurs and investors. Whole societies have benefited from economic growth produced by market economies. Businesses and successful business leaders and investors have helped to relieve poverty and have advanced many good causes through their charitable giving. Even when government rather than business supplies the money, it is business that generates the wealth thai government distributes. While some buslness firms have been involved in corruption and have even siimulated it, business has in many places been in the forefront of demanding reform of corrupt courts and governmental agencies. Business leaders have helped shape laws and policies that are suitable for modern systems of production and exchange, and that will enable us to meet the challenges of the globalized economy. Notwithstanding the hostility to business in some sectors of academia and the elite intellectual culture, businesses and business leaders have been instrumental in supporting education at every level, especiaily higher educaiion. This is particularly true in the United States, where the tradition of alumni giving is strong and where colleges and universities depend on it. Even where the ovelwhelming bulk of financial support is provided by governments, we must remember that governments obtain most of the money they spend through taxation, and taxation at the levels necessary to support modern universities is possible only as a result of the successful efforts of businesses. '10

So business is a pillar of decent and dynamic societies. lt can and must support the other pillars, since it depends on them for its own flourishing. I hope that business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors will turn their minds to the question of what they can contribute to the cause of upholding marriage and the family in the face of great threats. What business leaders have done in other dornains let them now do in defense of this distinciively human and uniquely humanizing institution. Just as the family has a stake in business, which, after all, provides employment and compensation, and which generates economic prosperity and with it social mobility, business has a stake in the family. This will be clear, I believe, if we adopt the panoramic, long{erm view, and follow out the logic of stewardship.



onl "Mokitls Dusiness ,ruordl ' bv lioberl P. Ceor





Comprehension Questions 1




From Paragraph 2 How can respect for 'individual human beings and their dignity' (line 4) be upheld? Use your own words as far as possible. [3]

From Paragraph 3 Why does the author regard the institution ofthe family as one of unparalleled importance? use your own words as far as possible. [3]

From paragraph 4 "...virtuo!s all the time..." (line 20). ldentify another phrase in the paragraph that confirms this view and show how the author's language works to suggest the impossjbility of human viriuousness. [2]

From Paragraph 6 Whal do you understand by "business has no horce in this race'(llne 38)? [1]


Why does the author put quotation marks round "lifestyle choice" (line 43)? [1]


From Paragraph 7 Sugqest hr'r'o ways in which business can undermine the family. f1l



Comprehension Questions 7

From Paragraph 10 Explain what the author means by "this distinctively human and uniquery humanizing institution" (line 79). [2]


which word in the first paragraph echoes the author's sentiments on the "rogic of srewardship" (rine 82)? I1l


Given the meaning ofthe following words as they are used in the passage. use one word or a short phrase


conventionalJy (line 2) laudable (line 17) contempt (line 30) abated (line 33) panoramic (line 82)


lJsing rnaterialfrom paragraphs 8 and g, summarise the ways in which business has benefited the individual and society. Write your summary in no more than .120 words. Use your own words as far as possible. Jgl


The writer argues for business to be undertaken as a vocation, and believes business to be vitally important io the success of the individual and the family. To what extent do you agree or disagree with his views?


oa"o"o o r*oooa,

,rrrrralua ]r,

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Zuosed pnp!^lpu eLfi )ol luewioldue tuouo.e lnq s 'lep eql la pua a!-4le1ego uec ssausnq leqw uaqM ,,^luel eql lo uo\nllsut eql ueql6ue4s,, 01 ssoutsnq lcedxa al JaqJne etll tal ctlstleap! olut paqtedcua sie/o snoue^ u a^eLl Ilnlue. pLz ua^up Ale.l5otouqcal aql oal pu osP lt sl zelt/aau ut (6upnput sseusnq pue)^lwel 4ra$ ueqM',Alae! aql ou!u)epun ol lou,, ssautsnq l.edxa ol cllslleapt eq lt plno A zsosseusnq Iq patnba los s//Ys aql eAeq ol aldaad ta])o'ssautsnq u poeaans ol eldoad )oJ aaeld ut eq alspaau \JaMewul ctwauaae pue aJqctuls pclttpd e lo pul\ leqtM ZI er.os pue ilpxtwouoca pJeMdn e^ou eldoed dpq siefip ol ssausnq lo] e/q/ssod,l/ s/ 'e.uJVJo E)ed lu,relltp u! atdoacl )at illllqeutelsns ctuouooe a)el6uoldleq ol s/o]le ssou/srq r/aql :lelq.ry pue spooA 6u\tl se qans sassawsnq llo.lduou 63 ,!o|eco^ e se ssausnq,. jo eept sJaqlne aql ol yoddns puel sEai ruaoa u sesseutsnq lsbuowe iluqguadsd ptsos Jo spe pue asuas 6utseaaut 'pueq Jaqla etll uA ZPaoJD

insor, lau aJe aldaed lt elqeleqap st lt os '.,oa|l etlJ Ie snonytA s! sn ]o euou,, 'pes

leuasacl)aJ ssoutsnq u!

seLl loLllne aLll se


pauld!.slp 'alqtsuodsa 'snonln^ e ]o) .sunlaJ, eLfi Iq pele^tlow lp talJe st 4lweJ aql uj ayeJs s,sseu/snq acurs ? aJeNJow A ec\snrlP s! iltuel aql5utdpq u! sseusnq J! alqeuo\senb sljJ'ase3 !-|jlqr'A ul asllJa.td pue qlpat L tM peuJeauoc I euawepunl st leql llelcos a4slplldea e ut uotlecoA e aq ssautsnq ueJ '(e.JoJ4ro'1

:pese) eq ue1 Jeql sluaan6)e alqtssod [8] 4Si er^ srq Ll]r,a aejoesrp ro oar6e no^ op luelxa lellM o-t

'I r!!el aql pue lenpl^lp!r

ol lueuodLUr

Illeln €q o] sseursnq se^erlaq pue 'uolleoo^

eq] 10 ssaccns aql e se ueleuapun oq ol ss€ulsnq roJ sen6re r€luM aql

sreMSUV uorsueqard [uoJ


bi ty ssle


's\reu Inj p'preMe aq


slulacl 0L 4uv4

'uoaecnpa Jaqltnl 6ur6eJnocue ut ep) Ia\ e ield sessawsnq '4rcu! 'peae4 uaaq eslr'r''etlll aAeq 4wouaxa s,Iepal ut sset5oJd qlt0 6udea\ u aJe leql seltltod pue s/ e1 'erNas cllqnd u] uo4dnJJoc weJs ol sl_toge oql u pal aAeL! sesseusnq 'Ilpuotllppv :6 LldeJoued 'stce .tdolqluelLld

laql qbndrlt


peuotdweLp sasnec lqyoM pue 'pale!^elte uaaq seq


'qlleet\ c uouoce ul esealSut aL sl lsaaetol :sltpueq pa^uap osle seLl apqM eLll ua {leoos


'so//asluaqrl sesseursnq 5uaels oulpnput 'sqol patsap )rcql \eas ol iUaqtt le arc etdoad sueaw iloDas allstleltdet e ecus 5upuels plcos pue ctuouoca stq Jelrcq ol elqe aou st lenp^Qu aLlJ 's€ssejo/dpue slorpoJd tllo,,A aleAouut ol pe64nacue aJe setuoM pue 'peueda uaaq osp e\ert 6wuet leuoaeca\,saua )aqln| ol slooo 'euocu ualculns 5uunsua pue sqof ]nJbwueaw elqerc^e 6ut>leu Iq tenpt^iput aqt pa!]aueq seq ssaa/sr6r :8 qder5ered


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peptsqns / pesea / dn let : (ge €utt) peleqe ]snbsrp / ecuexoqqe / 6urqleol : (O€ aut) lduleluoc elqerLupe / esteld / elqepueuuoc ; (11 au l) elqepnel I ensn /^quo,4 / Illeuottpe4 : (Z eutD ^luouluroc ^lleuolue^Lroc [9] aseJqd uoqs e ro pJoa auo €sn 'e6essed aq] ut posn ale se spJol outMollo] eql ro 6utueaur eq] ue^te 6


',6uAJes, si ptoA aqJ


Z(Zg eurD ,,dirlspreMals jo cr60l,, aql uo slueurltuas s,loqlne eqt s€oqca qdelbered ]slU irqt ur pro^ qcrqM



slt ut (a/L) elqeredaocu/aNsnl.xe st pue (Z/D puryueu ot

[Z] (61 seurl) ,,uo[nirlsur 6uEtueunq

pue ueulnq ^lenbrun




e/D 4tueanL! )na 5utdola^ep la uatl s'uopq (Z/D I eoUstral.aeq. eql leqf ^tueJ stqL Iq sueau ]oq]ne eq] teq/\ uteldx3


0L qder6eled



SJoMSUV uOrsuaqeJdtuoJ




alqesuadstpu aql Jo! loddns


MoLls ol 6uuea

' IL]

itue! eLll ut ietd iaLlt apJ lnoqlm'ge\JaM aleaeJ uo spueaap etleu ue, ss€u/sngr 'IlueJ eql Luo4 IeMe aar o\el uec sseutsng 6 a )oJ eu aql ue\t6 eq uec sa1uanbasuoc e^4e6ou lext'ot z iuv

,(lrLLrel eq] eu

urepun ueo ss€ursnq qcrqM








'al)euew Jo ldesuor e Llxns Lllt/J' lueweaJ5estp stq apclpu! / tq6!tq6!q ol

It] z(gt

'(Z/L) Ilatcos

ourD ,,eclorp ol^]sajr,, punor



s)reu uor]elonb tnd roqtne aqi seop IqM


IltLue! aql ol 5wulelJad suassn'sip ut olels ou seq ./cns se pue uatlcunJ gtwouaaa ifiueuLuapeld e 5utNes se paAtauad q ssau/srEr

IL] Z(80 €urD .acer srqt ur esroll ou seq sseursnq,,Iq puelsrepun no^ op leqM


(D snanl^ eq sieMp louue. ueu leql turcd eqt a4eu ot uausanb pouolaqJ




esn eql

urorl t


(D ,,aauolstxe Jo ei€ls uetdoln,,

lzl ssousnon!r^ ueurnq 10 Illrqrssodlur aqt lsa66ns ot s)iro,u ebenOuet s,roqlne eq] Moq ,{oqs pue 'Mar^ srllt surl}uoc leq} qder6ered eql u eserqd leq}oue &rluapl (02 aur) ,, aur} orlt le snonll^ ,, t qdeioered uroll 0 Q/D sltu uo sobulq e/L) e^uqt IIM Itaoos lo uotln sut reqlo fuo^o )etlpt! pue uea e dn aleu leqt (Z/D saa enb lenuasse eql e/L) lo uotsueqddLuoc e 6uno( aql ol (a/r) uo ssed ol (Z/D i tqe s.Eiwel eql lo esneceq st st1.4J :paserqdued spuedep ilet.os lo uottntttsu rarlto fua^a la (Z/D ssaccns otll L!x!tL^ uo (Z/D relxueq. psltut pue (Zn) :paull sbupuelsepun aql uaileJeuo5 M€u Lpea ot (Z/l,)!wsue4 a\(Z/r) ottede. Et ut tltutel tqlleeq



sproM un o

rnol esn z€cueuodur p€lal eredun

Jo auo se



[€] olqrssod se rej se aqlJo uolln]llsur eq] pre6er roqlne eqt saop t qderbered ^LlM



An) quo^ s,uosad eLfi jo o^eL! ea pteber eql e/L) pensrnd tp^uce de sJotaq snatouar uarlM 'astv e/D suopee4 ueanq xtseq Q/D suoddns leql (Z/D ryoMea l pctqla 5uuatlxunl pue uedo ue qbnorrll plaqdn aq uec JI :peserqdued



stseq e sep!^otd


iltrqept^ut pueIlMDtp eLu)o] (z/t ) Lutpunub e sept^ard qttel '(rrr) ".r"rnou "r, ",1(,H,::i;tii:;!21:r':^ pue'(z/L) stt!6u ueunq ptuaLuepun! oj e/L) sseult/ 6ui^tb iq' sotla luaqu {qlleeq e'snqf :p6lJ!1 e/L)



reJ se spro,r u^ o

atqrssod se

rnol asn zplaqdn aq (t eull) ,IIu6rp rr€ql pue s6ureq ueunq lenpr^rpur, roj tcadser uec MoH Z Llderoered

sroMsuv uorsuaqardtuoS


VES thepossibihtJ, Es!e




Are we closer to solving our environmental problems today?



How would A CYNTCAL INDUSTRIALIST and AN OPTINIISIIC NGO ACTIVIST respondto this question, considering their differences in agenda and sense ofhope? Ourwriters get under their skins to find out.

The wortd is soins sreen - or so we like to believe. Thanks to the advocacy work of celebrities and Al


An I nconuenictu Trulh- wc hr\e seen -he enuronmenial movement go more mainstream than ever. Sustainability has even become the new word in fash ion, judsins by the populari\, of the "l'm Not a Plastic

and "green global events:



1. The rise

in "grccn"awareDess amonsst individuals 4COMMON

Ea(h Hour, Live Eafth concerts 2. T]1e viabili\. of alternative green" technolosies: solar panels, artificial trees, Compressed Natual

lxAMPt!S Gas

Bag" toie bag and the standard organic cotton tee

shids sold in trendsetting shops like Zara and Mango. Energy savins bulbs, electric cars and recycling have become part of everyday rcality. Even architects are talhng about using more sustainable naterials like banboo in tleir designs. But is ail this buzz about the environmert just surface chatter or a reflection of how far we have come in savins our one habitable ervironment in space?


Thc'grccning" of corporate practices:

Shell's commitment to using sustainable, clean energy;

Honda's search for a tuei-eflicient car. 4. The etrectiveness of green" political surnnits and DeetiDgs betrveeD naiional leaders:

china and U5A q trearment ol rhc h)oro Prolocol: global commitment ro dealing with climate chanse and



Are we closer to solving our nvi ron mental problems today?

A Cynical

It is honestly sickening to constantly hear how humanity can apparently "save the


conceivcd by


worid from destruction". Trying to detach ourselves from reality, and put on rosetinted glasses exposes a huge want for escapism. This is not helping. wll" eNiroDnental sustahabilitr is aimost universally championed, be they public, conmercial or civil socie$, this ])oirli should Dot be over stated as thcse are nrrely small beachheads on a problen of biblical propotions The faci rcmains that therc aremanyglobal issucs that eNure the continuatioD ofgradual envircnnental degradation. HeDcc,lookinS ai the cu.rent staLe oftbe environneni, things loolt set to get sorsc beforc tl1ey get belter, and thc



ircurcd ."n,"hri"s


{urlh rl'" rroul-..

The effort to creatc cducatioD aDd social awrreness on cnviroDneDtal problenls is nradequaic and fla$ed No doubt, with the dse of ne$' nrcdia, envircnmental issues have takcr on an nrcreased profile. Therc havc bcen global evcnts such as Edin IIou nnd Livc Earth conccrts which puToft to nise coDsciolrsness and action f.r .nvironment,l {,,nses. A.rivities such as these ho$rve. miss the root causc Nhich is the destructivencss of slobal consunption. These educatioD and.warcness etrofts are limited by supolicial or mloPic focus upon sinslc issLres. Our dcsn€ to corlsmle in excess is not limiied to a single product such as thc Blue-fiD tuna; an hour of

dimiled lighl's

caDDot effectually educate us about




hourls ai a conced does Dot motilate

us in any long tenn way to salins the eN,imnment. Thc nrain rroblen rcmains u solved, with a consrnt. and rroN-away culture growing voraciously beyond.rur errlircnmcntal means. Thus, $njle education and a$zreness have taken ceftain steps, their intcnscly short-sighted f.rcus ultimatelyleavcs the iDdividutL still ignorant and culpable for ecolosical degndation today.

Nerl, rbc c.sc for glccn tcchnolos) benrs thc mah driviDs force for enlironmcntal chanse is also largely over stated. No doubt, greenbusinesses are grosing at about 5% anDuallyand thegreenbuildhg indust.y is now wort| US$r2 biuion, s'berc it Nas urquantiliable a decade aso. However, a close exalninatioD of thc real state ofsreen technolos reveals qLrestion nurks about its viability. The problcn can be brcken down into two nuin prfts: affor dabili$ and efliciencJ. This issDe is appareDt in hvo technolosies dccmed rcrolutionarvr solar paDcls and attifici.l trces (to soak up ca.bon enissions). A sinsle r2-foot squa.e solar paDcl costs Us$s,ooo, and a sinsle anificial trec costs Us$2o,ooo. The cost is enough io disco nge potential bu]€rs, rnost of whon are more interestcd iD cost elTcciivcness. otr top .rf beinB e\pensivc, thc nlda.t of eco friendly products are also highly inellicieDt BROADERPERSPECTIVES

thepossibilily issue


Conp.essed Natural Gas (CNO) car ensines arc laudcd for the cleanliness oI their exhaust aDd the casc


stallment in existing cars. However, it has ftrel qnalilv

fluctMtioDs, aDd hisher-grade petr.rl is still cheaper. Thc size of its ftiel tank also nakes it urfeasible for small cars. Thus, this infant indushy still has many dinks to snootheD out before technolos/ can become a vinble solution to envircnneDtal problemsThe actile position that coryorations today talrc on the

development of green teclinology is merely to capital ise on the

popularity of the green movemert now. CoF

porations are simply rcpackagnrg thcir old prlducts with green labels to promote revenue sencration, .s environnenial awareness has become tbe crrnent it" caue to Llke up. To quote Shakespeare, a rose by any

lias almost become a no.m 1br political leaders to dis cuss the issue of climate change without laying


rcal or tansible plans. Many countnes have promised to lcducc carboD eDissions by 2o2o, brt have left out serious discussion as to how to achieve this goal. With-

out actual planDhg, negotiahon and financial inceDtives, there is little that words can do to sway pcople

inru r?du.inr -n\itunmFnrJl 'ldmrBe .arbor Fnis sions are still proje.led to nse at steady rates. Until therc is legislatioD passed with concrete steps to con trol eNircnmental damage, be they passing polluti.Jn ta{es or incentives for ca$on cmissioD reduction. our environmedal problems wjll continue to persisi with a vengeance in this day and age.

Additionally, on a narional ievel, economic develop

other Dame would smell as sreeet",

meDt wjll alwals tal<e precedence

so too has going "green" become

over envircnnental protection.

Energy companies srrc-h as Shell still base their main revenue on oil, despite its publicised

Environrnental proteciion js a developed nations game. Socieiics then products on lo. There are no will only think about their eDvi large-scale "geen" conpanies; ronnentrl inpact after they have the closest we have arc nerely to past the point of sustenance. 'the kcn divisions in najor conslonerio d we live in is how4er largely Energy companics such as ates. undevclopcd. By sittiig at your shell still base their mai. rcvcnuc computer, )'ou lie within thc a% on oil, despite itspr$licised com ofpeople with ac.ess to tbe Intcr mitne " to findingand using sus and net. Much olthe world stiU bas a taiDable, cleaD energr'. tlonda, al long N.ry to go to reach modernity, though recently awarded the most and the desirc to do so is inmense. lirel cflicient auto-compary iD tlr China today is the largest air polUnited States by Forrune magapushes its luter. of its rivers arc unsafc for any human actirzine, still the sales of tuel suzz.lins sports 7s% ity. Many developing countries will experiencc thcse utility vehicles (SWs). I:uel efncient cars with 3 li tEsic brt unavoidable efi€cts as they develop and he engines still pollute massively. The fact that green indusdalise. The ideals of envirornenial sustainabil technology is largely cost-ineffective means that man) iV will be difficult to catch on for the main fact that companies arc not willing to en$race them whole these countics arc sirnply uDable to atrord doing so. heartedly. Thus, thc real "trailblazeN" of tlis cause 'I here is little doubt that as morc natioDs prosress, this ire nostly well meaning individuals with ihc time and e\"edise, snall firms, NGOS or students and stalT of cycle will repeat on a larger scale, pepetuainrs more environmental probiems today. Socio econonic prag uDilersities. Dorlopments are thus snall and spo matisn will thus trump environmental awarcness and radic, with connercial suppod lacking. Hence, ir will protcction in ou conpetitive world today. tal<e a long tine before ary sigDificant progress in the


a cool




"commitment" to finding using

sustainable, clean energy.

markeths and dcvcloDrneni of tnly sreen products is nade, much less solvins our cnvironmental woes toduv.


,vrnnn,e1lal d"rnrgF . d highly cornptex one. There are many obi'ious cr prits, LJlrimal"lv. thF probl, rr


aDd solutions, btrt the process by which they caD bc

Futhcmore, when eMminins politicdl will, there a

so btcn


r Lrg" cc'" o'*JgSpml-J -ff-"li\-n-s.


creating solutions for thc environment. llings may at lirst appear rosy aooss the globe. Most nember na-

tions of the United Nations are slated to meet at thc end of fiis year n1 Copenhagen to cone up with a glo bal tinciable on clinate chanse- However, the pmblem a-i.F q}" I h..'.n,rrF thp_8pnd .Jnd mulirJl:on" of all parties involvcd- Thc success ofthese meetirss rests not on rhe lerbal agleements but solid action- It

canied out aDd executed remains highly complicated. It is ncar impossible to siop this trendj it will take a massive, bolistic cffoft {ron aI aspects ofsocieq. the individnal, corporations and the soverDne working in tanden. Even then, it hill be a whilc beforc any real progress canbe documented, and tu(her damasc will occur before the slightest improvements can be sccn. It may seeD that only when we have hit rock bot tom then can wc staft to pull ourselves up, and we still have quite a bit offalhrs to do. IItt DE-MAND A BROADER PERSPECTIVE




Are we closer to solving our environmental problems today?

ABOUI Ar Optimistic NG]O ActivistAnswers


The world we live in now is one that is increasingly concerled with the enviconceived bv MICHAEL YEO ronment: products sport "organic" labels, celebrities make advertisements on eners/ conserwation and scientists give warnings of disastrous climate change. Yet exactly how close are we to solving them in this more enlightened environment?

roNed md continues to gain momentun. I believe ihat we are ctoser to solvins our environmental problems today. The paDacea for ou most salient problens nay still be d€cad€s more away but if w prcsressively continue the actions wc ar€ staftins, we wil be able to preserve the world for the nert generation - our childEn. The solution to the environmentat concems we face today requires a four-Fonsed approach: the individual. the hameqsiDs of science, the corporate world and the sovemneDt must Since th€ 197os, public interest in environmental issues has been

cats :ljl::: ::l' : :iil]":: .-r',.i,',,,,""-" I.di,v.


The first step (peftaps the mGt important) in saving our environment is nisins more awareness and educating the public Asl anvone on the street and you wil lind rhat they possess a rudimentarf understandins of our envi rcnmental prcbiens pollution, etiDction, dinate chanse and the works. Yet these problem pe$ist and threaten

maidnftdned our existence because people simply do not know enolgh to care or to translate their conc€ms into actioff. The L"n :"1;.":;":i d,j" inromation drat tlepublfu receives Fom the media and scientific connunity is laden with statistics and plds for hnvc aGo tcxrnt hor.!J big and drastic nedures, and tends to leave linle incentive and an even snaller chance for the average person to set sus



r' onnnnbL


H'",:i:;l il" *,un ns-* '"-tr,".

d'cn v/lLle som.

volved To get the pubhc to genuinely care for environmental issues, they mNt be able to relaie lo them so as to osnersbip ot the problen on their oM individual levels. AI thjs is chansins in a pGitive nannerthough. on 28th March soog, 88 countries totalingto milions ofpmple tookpart in Eaflh Hour 2oo9, wherc lights dimmed in


hou infamous sites, cities and households arcund the world. Cntics disniss the impact a sinsle hour malres but they m iss tle point en b rely: such panicipation is the aflimation of our slobal sociev beins informcd and con;;,iil;;i.,-, ,i dleil bir 6 Nlotkr cened about the problens ou environrnent face. W\!T proctaimed it 'the world s lirst-ever global vote about the Er mde{t'tl\ b,t tuture ofour planef. The people ofthe world are aware ofthe destnction rhat they have caused and are ready to lor one

drrnge th€ way they ljve. BROADERPERSPECTIvES thepossibility issue

'l he

shining "green torch" of the ftrture lies nith scrcncc

bot| cortorations and t|c cnvir onrnent.

or green-techDolo$c, to be exrct. r\ll our Sovcmmcnt

coryorate folicics ioDld bc quitc unworkablc $iti Grccn rcchnologv allolvs us to delelop prrd ucts and hdusidcs thar reduce ene,gy wastige, pollu dDd

Polilics is, as thel say,

out it.

cer s the enriromnent, it is doxuight filthy. lDtema-


tioDrl rclations play an importaDt role because it affects global en\ircnmcntal cfforts in c\cry way. in 2oo7. th. U.S., thc larycst cnitter ofgreenhouse gases jn the

and ajd sustainabililr. lt is a fallacy to still believe todal that tliese technologies are too costly or are oDly fourd ni the dercloped couDtrics. ID Chnu, thc m.n lf.cturing hub of thc wo d, scvcul conrpanics stro ha!. bcncfitcd frorn modcD sre$r tec.|noloiir ofer


c^ lri.r'd-\

rrolu.l\ Brc'J \ir(onJil:,n:n

lrcm Hunan, sells chjlLe.s th:rt run on Datural sas rnd '\aste' heat from otlie. nachines nrstead of clcctric i1t dieir products deliver thrc. timcs morc coolnrg tcr unit of cncrg, than convcntioDal units. BYI), lronr Shcnzh.n, is Chin.'s lc.d.r in sreeD cars: it prodrces ''phrs nf itas elect c hybdds n d

pure el€ctricitl ca.s, wlich re dtrce s.eenliorse sas emissidrs retails fi.m Us$22.ooo, half thc ficc of thcir Amcric.n couD t$p.lt. Thc Beijnrg 'Iai)anil ilong po$,f. planr recrcles waste heat liorn the combustjon p.ocess. rcsrltiDg ir1 rlughly 8(]% efiiciencv, m.F thnn tai.. th. rnt. .f nr.st aDd

standa.d po$cr plants in the U.S. Hcncc, elcr nr a counlD lhat is in tull swing .]1 nrdustrialisatjon,

gree technolo&yis taHDg root an.l


dirty busjness and when it con

$orld. rcilsed to sig the Kyoto p.olocol because China and IDdia, the laqest emitlers after the U.S., xere exempted l.om reducing eDissions. Staiistic shorv that Clina aDd the U.S. account for nore thaD 40% of ihc world's greenhouse gas cmissions. Mr. Todd Stcm, the Obama adminishation s top c]nnate negotiator stated

t1'.'t. You ir'!'1. ,,.r)ol b. dn)sl,Fr" n..,r as weLl


s.i Lr it )u, , un rh. \. r'h.n: :1as other najor developilJa countries." In

F, Frell. F s- n-p (,h,ed,


I ru

order for our en\ironmcntal cffots

The Beijing Taiyanggong power plant recycles "waste" heat from the combustion process, resulting in roughly 8o% elficiency, more than twice the rate of most standard power plants in the U.S.

to havc anyinfact,


nccd a .ol

lective rcsponse frcnr the irterna

tio al connunjry. Therc is


Prcsident Obana has calle.t for





in8 the reduction of carbon crnis sioDs nNohing t|c i7 nations t|at cnit nrore than 8()% ofthe irodd s greenhouse gases. xnvironmentalists beliere tliat


cur.eDt politi-

Friends of the Earth

cal leade$hip, puslied by a morc enlightened elcctoratc, is sct oD thc

right path to look tbr consh ucti\r

flourishins. GreeD-tecirnolosr is readily a\rilablc at


Drorc so than clcr be


,Dd it will only beco,ne ln.,re advanced and more constantlr applied to our eryironmenlal problenrs as

Sohnis the eDlironmentrl problens boils doro to a sinple eqMtioD of econonics. Reports tell us that revolutionising thc cconomy with sustairublc tcchnol

lrill incrcascihc GDP of a counhf h thclong run. Thc ghfi)g huth isthatwith our culrent industrial in oS,

. r."- r.u8. t.-.y, r ''l affaiN: th. ItINCs. Thc problcnr $it| NINCS is

ul- .jtur\ II'r. Jl.nri. riorld




nrost of thein solel!_ erist to crcite profit, not to

save the earth.


in p.oductjlit. GolcrnncDt speDding on ovc$aulins

tlie ctrrrent

pollutjng iDdustdcs aDd sctiing up rcgulations iould nrcu a high start up cost. But if we arc serious about saving thc eDvironDent, our governments and MNCS nusl accept rlte lkt tlnt it will rcquj.e serious politicaL efiort nnd a lot of nioDel. MaDy arc strftiDg to come ,'ro, rd ln I - I .l I ur thr\'s - ,n,r- hur snrl\I tr', to pay nr thc sbof run for a iirturc that sc cnn actually bcqucadr \ithoLrt shame to our li{Lrre generations.

the t.ick thus, is to align their

with that o{ eNironmentaiism.

Ii$tl) , {ith

eDdiNiasm ibout eNironmentalism in consumcr aDd

tolilr'' Tl"\lr.\Jj r g.th' \l\'.,i\'lin-..1o.., but to go grccD as



.'r ,l

$rll. En\ironncntallt-anar€ indi .\ill ,ul b, r prcd'.,l rr 'n.

so'pa , F, .

corloritioDs knoi{n to


eco-uDiiierd} if sreener


te.Ddtives exist. SecoDdly, NINCS are also rcalisiDg that going g.een


be more cost-eflcctivc aDd cflicicnt

rr rr.ln18.ar.g r.r' i,8\, t.r . vi,,g. rl

strnrgent green standai(ls lionr its ChiDese supply aDd

eneu', efiiciency rnd M$'naterial connunptidr. Cutting $'ast. and rcducing sFnding on eDerg, in tlrrn lo$.rs cosis .nd th. nnprovcd cffi.icncy rcsults in gr.atcr prolits and rnartcl conrpctitilene-ss. gives them advice on

suct measuresprov eawin





ncss rcpDration at thc same tnne. Wal Mart dernands

As suctr,


l ,r l, "F .l\F oll) urF,hr.a,Jr'onrm..:,n. .tnd pollutiorl wolrld result ni rD nnnKtiate .tecrcase

situation for


th. :n,':vi" rJl. p ,liti .. b Fr lnve brcusht us closer to realisins our drcams of an cNironmcntaly iiicndly \orld. Thc srccn rcvolution to solvc our cnvi|onmental problems nas ne\er beeD so $ithin our gftsp in recoded hislo.y before. Huna ittor t has lo .exch oul to touch jt. o.nL:nF | , fl ,n" ur

ness rDd scieDce





possibility issue

Growittg Possibilities The recent Nat'onal Day Rally speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

outlined several strategic paths that Singapore mrlst take for the door ofpos

ribility and progress to remain open to

us. What are they, and how do they

point the way forward? by BAEY SHI CHEN

Minister lf,e Hsien Loong set ihe tone for this year's National Day Rally speech in his introduction, statingl "once in a lons while in the history of a people there comes a moment of srcat change. And tonisht is s ch a moment in our lives." Clearly refening to recent events that have becone focat points of discussion, Prine Minister Lee brought up the point that crjses brced possibility and a ne'! way to be. Citing our enornous progress since our first days of self sovemance, the Prime Minister noted that the qualities of adapi ability and persistence are the way forvard in present circunstances ln pafticrnar, he in


voked a recurrent theme in our evolution as a country - that while we have had our share of challenses, we have always putlcd tnrorsh, and we can do it asain to create a climate of

possibility for ouselves.

with ihis in nind, three salient iopic! he addressed this year resonatcd with the need to call upoD this resitience to help us tide over existins difficulties These included issues regarding the state ofthe ecoDomy, the inevitability of adapting to thedigital age, and the need for rclisious harmony in civil societJ. With regards to the upheaval wlousht by the recent global economic recession,the Prime Minister advocated a double-prong approach

to staying ahead ofthe cure by capitalising on new and unusual opportunities outside of Singapore while atso striving to preserve our competitive advantage as a destination of chojce to multi-national investors by moving towards hish-value work and upsradiDs the existins skills of the labour force. The last point is especially apt, given that people, coupled with a keen awareness of the shifts in the global winds of change, remajn pimary assets that will ensure our economic viability in the long run. Morcover, taking the initiatileto improve our resources enables us

to tspond compr€hensively and decisively to the doMturn'rather than

be beaten

do\dn by nesative situalions. Thereforc, the Prime Minister's call for local conpanies and

woflrcrs to remain relevant by upgradins their operations and actively participating in re-




skilling not oriy lielps to create an atmosphcrc of rcsilience aDd flexibilit)' but also reinforces the fact that we are on the bink of a new era ofgrowth where our kcy exports will centre on

lisher level industries focuscd

oD rcsearch and

development as well as information technolosr'.

Lrdeed,the message $'as clea.in the PrimeMin ister's specch thai embracirg information tech nology will be essential in takins Sinsaporeans turther into a new world of possibility, a point that was corroborated by his substantial use of multimedia presentations to illustrate progress in various secto$, such as the upcoming Mass Rapid Transii Circle Line atrd the Integrated Resorts amorgst othcrs. The Prime Minister also highlighted that iDfornation technolosy plays a huse and increasing role in helpnrs us to continuously nodernise and compete on the world stase, aDd these can be achieved by equipping schools nith state of the art informatior techrology facili ties and equipment for the next generation to becorne sa\a]'citizens of thc world- Thus, we arc certainiy developing jD the risht direction to match new slobal demaDds aDd trends, a move that is uDdoubicdiy reinfbrced by the gro'ttb ofourtalcntfool in interactive digitalInedilr and leading niulti national corporations such as LucasFilms and nlectronic Ans setting up their operations h ere. Howcvcr, what remains to be seen is whether we can do so ctuickly and strategicau, enoush to sair a foothold in ihc slobal ma*etplace, given the swift rise of countrics in ihe Asia Pacific resion, such as India aDd Chin.t.

Fufthermore, a crucial poinl that Prine Ministcr Lee raised with regards to staying at the forefront olchange is tbai o\cr aDd abole the establishneni of a good reputation md the execution ofsouDd stratcgies, the spidt of irDovaiion Dust be preseDt io keep possibilily aliv€. Citing the example of local conpaDy H).flux, $ lich is iD the process of building the world's largest sear{ater desahration plant in a remote Algerian vil lage, the Pdme Minisier emphasised the importance of haviDg "spunk" - a vilingness to "rough it otrt", as well ns baving thc couragc and connitmcntto iraverse unkDown paths and stay the coLrrse. Hencc,just as we have to put oDr noses to the grindstone to safeguard our econony, ne also need to arm oursclves with a spiit of daring lo create fuhue and unseen opportunities. This, nrore than the implementation of short

tern measures, is what will help us lbrge ahcad and become


force to

be rcckonedwith, ardthepresent chalienge thus b€comes a qucstion


howto activ€ly inculcate this qualiryin Singaporeans.

ln addressinS the impo{aDce of rclisious hamony, Prine Minister Lee emphasised that 'critical to our success as a nation" is the strengthening of social safety nets, .tnd thar

it is incunbent upon citizens to prevent

sensitivc issuessuch as mceandreligion frorn dividingthe couniry. Cii' ing new threats to social cohesjon, in pafticular the dse o{reljgious ex

tremism and tensions tbroush assressive prosebtisins and intolerance, the Pdme Minister asserted that whilc the peace andharnonywe enjoy today arc due to our cautious and tactful tnanagcmcnt of racial ard re-


lity issue

While we should always keep our for new ways to improve and progress, we should understand that eye out

possibility essentially flourishes on an enduring compass of principles that

await only receptivity and the right circumstances to be put into action. ligious seDsitivities thus hr, il is not sorncthing to bc taken for gMnted, ald he reiierated that tolerance and understanding bctrccn diffcrcnt groups must be preseNed at ali costs. Mo.eover, he also strcssed thai while r€ligion has a significant and afirmatile influence on the lives of individLrals and connunities. public intercst is paramount atrd relision nNst stay separate tronl politics, aDd connnlDal sph.rcssuch as schools aDdworkplaces nrst be kept neutral. In ihis. tbc Prime Minister appears to be drawing on lhe lundameDtal and collectivc principlcs that have shaped our identity as Singaporeans over the last 44 years, and in this pariicular situatioD, is issu g a real challeDge to ourpeople to live trulyby the lencts sct out in our DatioDal rrledse to live as one united people regardl€ss of |ace. lansuasc or relision." His exampleofthe Mush! studenl, Salinar Nlohamad Khair,who studicdandthrivedinalocalcatholicschooldespiteinilial rcseNations, encapsulates his nessagc that toleraDce is the t.ue bedrock ofour soci ety, and that it only e\ists w|en wc car rcspcct and celebrate ou. differ cDces wlile lindnis commoD ground on l'hich to novc foNard iosether. Closnrs thc subjcct $'ith an allusior to tlie Ga.den ol Eden, the Pdnc N'lirister crnphasiscd that the idyllic life we eDjoy today can very easily

beshattered iiwedo Dottakc aciiv. steps io protect it, and that a country divided by dillerences in beliefhas no prospccts to speak ot The Prime MiDister's message also cones as a timely remnrdcr, giveD thatthis will becornc an issue of sreater pertiDeDce ilith the increasing numb$s of migrants cntcriDS Singaporc, and a coDlnitrneDt to incorporating tbem into our sociery .nd maintainnrg healthy relationships with the ttill be essential to paviDg Singaporc\ tuiure. Tlis nutual .espect given to day's conilict .jdden world may be t|c bcst i{ay to contirue to suNive and thrive as a Dation.

All in all, the stlatcsics proposed by the Pine MiDister to keep possibiljB for Singapore aDd Silsaporcans alive, to 'contiDue to upgratle and build this ci\, and nalte this place our homc, our tuture aDd o r Sirsapore", a.e not new. IDdeed, they dra{ on ard reiteratc thc tuDdameDtal values that Singafore has alilals relied oD to achiele her success srcai pcrsever nn ce, inscDuiry, initiaiive, adapiabilit) as well as social harmoDy. Perhaps the .eal lesson herc is that whilc rlc should alr!.ays keep our eye oul lbr new ways lo improve and progrcss, wc should understatrd that possibil jty essentially flou.ish€s on an endu ng compass of principles that aNait only recepti\ity an.ithe.iglit circunstances to be putinto action. IM


hd \D. :Doc ir s!!qd.i/. st4




Usinq Context to Creafe Argument Threc simple ways to use context to build a cohesive argur,rent by


WAY #1 the




rxi*su! &41r&.



As an edension of what we discussed in the last issue, I wanied to use this issre to address the

much neglected ski base ofb ilding an exrended argument. By this I meaD h context to create an ertcndcd argument that nns cohesively through our whole ess.y and not

;J.r wrllin



one of the most salient wealoesses that we obscNe in the essays sent to ou school is the hap hazard or rushed conclrsions that seem to characteristically plasue essays Mitten under time consuaints and even those composed uder no such duress. Except for ihc few select essays that rrould probably bc rcwarded with a fistinciion resardless, nost candidates simply do not execute their conclusionsrvith confidcncc or conviction. often they rehash poinis previously madc ,r',sr,.ol.ie.,,l,Fr_F.olIi^n.rl..lcnuldw"l \j\ebeel\lod lin.uJn]ulhFr gpnFrice.sav.

F':Jpn.e ol d weak cncrd.d Jtsurn"n' bmJU. ,n Jb+ne ol r "a) rhr. r a-dl ' unrlus:on i: thcsis easily leads to ar irability to conciude as there is no broad argunent to put foMard, oDly I



WAY #3

toagrnented but scncrzlly relevant points. A se es of dise'nbodied points, could very rell lend itself to creating the illusion of scope, aDd in ihe best of cases can even do wel as an essay. But pos"e* lhe dbihlv lo b-inB _eve Jtio ,. dh,h l rn!Bhl ild 4pn ;nspirF ha\ P Io dPlib "ssl)s .hrr erately construct their arguments for tbat pu{osc. Thcsc essays have to i) grasp bold concepts oftime and space, ii) appreciate diverse human jnt€rests or iii) undeNtand rcsioDal differences

that crcate the complexity of aiy issue we face todAy. ing





ln this article, I am going to suggesi and alemonstrate these three ways in lthich we can use corle\i luouilJa broad.oha.iv. argumpnt lMl L,rprye\t,lJrn\os"d.h"n.i.L5FJ.howrr t"ad. to " con.t rrun dnd lh, n demon"t,at" how to do rhN u.irB J sanrplF qu"jiun trum la5t

ycar's'A'level paper.

thepossb ry


@ The broad evaluation of an issue over the context of tin're and space


While the past is r-ital in setting a


Xlan] ol the jssues rah€d


ir th.

.ontcxt of tinrc aDd p}lsical spacc to b.irig \ aiatjon o1j,rsight into a. issue. this allo$'s a shrdcnlro n ot orly .rcatc lonrts but gcDd ale r b.oad evrhration oI llie issue b) r iewj.ii iL as pnrt ,l1 a broader hunran exp$idcc. cP can bc dis.lss.d

\{h.thcr it is gcndcr rolcs, nrdustrialisation, punishrneDt or niedia developnrert, rllissues hare |istoric^l b.ckgrounds tlrat wc can dras'poiDts fiom. Tmcingthe evolution ofthe issue alions !s io.rguc that t|. opiDions ivc ha\c on an! issu. dc|.Dd grcatll oD th. culturc of our particu lar linjc Iranr. and l|...rditions, oftofunitics rnd limit.tions this histoicrl pcli.J.l.Dtails. While the lasl is

\ilul h selling

a hislorjcal background ibr our discossior, ir is

rot somci|nrg

i{c'shoul.l dnell on for the wliole essay. fhis is because lhe curient tuodern conlcxr is $'|at makcs thc issue a salient poiri of controlersI and discussion, the.eby quali[illg it as a topic

th. cxamnraiiotr. Todav's xukt is rast in tlie raDge ofcoDtexls e car use for c'alutioD, and for lm.tical expcdiency$'e rill sc'ncralise ouNorld as conlishg the mod drr DctrolFlis.Dd dFanrjc citics oft|c$'orld - thc contcxtfor discrssing Diost issues, rnd the e\cc io.s olcor.ties tlat choose isol.tion, stagD.tion or simply thcir o$D trrDs ofgro$'tli.

r{ort|} oldcbatc


the rrodem lar r{r,Jld asdri\en byinlbrm.tion andtcchDologl i{cll xsbenislibeml andglobalised. We use these chaftclerislics as r cotrrprehensne nreans ot anal]snrgth. Diodcmnorld. The rcstofthen'orld caD tlien be desc.ibed rs rnytliiDE lio.r llril to tr'.ditioDall] bo nd to opprcssed or simpll ilhrt $'e can term as r liiled state. thanlJillt, l.cnds ar. showing l|ai this dic|otorn] $ill not last fi)r longi xt lc'asi not iD the propoftions we wiLncss 1od.t. T|c lirhn. Iolds mrnr- unccrtailtics for aDygi!.D issue but i{e cd be sure that

background for our discussion, it is not sometlling we should drvell on for the whole essay. This is because thc current modern context is r'r'hat makes

the issue a salient point ofcontroversy and tliscussion...

ln addition, I onre characterjsed as

g'rtrrt| in ih(. .r.eas of rflhcn.., cmNrcnDcDt and cquitl olrr the celtuies. CertliLlh, the Iea$ will reveal tbeir liir share ol dis!ppoinlmcnts and c!.n.trocitics b tthis does Dot underDiiDe tlre predi(tabilily of tlie hunaD condition.


the generul Lre.d has seeJr


Wjth this sr{eep over space, wc can create a

tj e and li e of ar

gument that adds scope and continuity to thc issue thtt we trish

to discuss. Lct us demonstrarc

this witt' a discussion of thc folowing qucstiol firom last !err's A'rc\cr rraperr


The more science advances, [he more religion will decline. To what extenl do you agree?

established th. .dr41 .lerlopme tol l/I. Jield .rt scid" ce ulrs ncDer Perceiled 10 be capa' from tlre context ble of thrcdtct1il1lt reli!1io1rs irsrth ri.r6 $nplv ,ec(1rs? oJ lbL' tnuctl pou.t tfu ck -\1!t (idded i1 thal eto. of tlre p{st:

Point One


Point l\lo cstablished Lel, lodd! \ L'orld 6 on. r tlrc t. erct1 tlle rcli?iaut h c !e coDt. to d. celi r.i.n.€ dr o t.q ncdns nr re..irt rctiandl atul rclitllne ntirtrDntiot so ti.'v co, ,rdkr d from thc conted of norL'edncatctl tnttl infort ntt] choice the modcm world:

Point Ihrcc established fi'onr thc conten of the modern world:

'tlk,b(lcm lMrkIhas alsa ba'onl.fut norftliott an thc pou,ers aI tethnol Lo nt.L cul tddlt nceds o/Jurl{rnn.e, lcdltn orul t:ontlbft ta o Lerel al elr .ficienat a d rdJnrntDte Jar
Point Four established from rhc conten of the modem world:

Inircr. rcie,c.ls .on.trr.d tloi i ntr. in th nloder uatl.l atld its tlelibetQLe d,r,?lsrercc dr{i disdoillill diskr1.itt.l ft o9l dtluthil! that.an otbe enlPi-i cnllv reslr.l /ros .r).n led to peopk t:onr.nicntly rdknrg s"nil(' s.tenfiJic ond a,nordl stdn.es o, iss!.s ./ D1ot1osn,lt, lidclitu, lloDlosennlily and ctitne

Point Five establishcd frorn the conterl

ofrural communities:

Point Six csrablished from tbe conreat of theocratic states:


Seven €stablished

firon the conten ofthe ftrturc:




N)rdllparls it

i/rir frorld dre /toi.'euer

cultrt aJnadt

at Nti.tlali4l. l{dnv i) iPoli, tsitcd

tiis seentntgU oterLthelntinll o t toal I\tt1s.Jthe uorkl, t/rnt idue as Vd re(, denietl tle bel1.liLs ol t..11t1olo9y, siill corlhre ro uitness r/rrn,trg rehgious ,touclt"trs, u'#fi reliqiols lPli./ dnd ildl ilui i.tr.s rdttdin;rg th. nbst rcliable u\ t b Dueteucrvdcv needs. Trho p

dre ,y'corrue


urr.rc sr.rtes,


re.r.r, dl.ss aJ

QJllenc., bas. rhcn

"rsi(rr.cs iiorsrirltiondi groudirq on reltqidrs p?Itip1.s o, hdre .ieeP relii/iors roots t lllt.cd b! ttu.linai1t e,s/rrtred ;t tneir bdsic beli.Ji. In ifi.se cds(s. sct.nce o,ld lrs rerlfhng trogrers tok. a back seaL Ia rcli.tiors Prtr.iles dnd i.1cd1s.


irds /toL,erer shoi.rr !s l/rdr no Dkriter fiot! ddt'a .cd tlB teLh obllg ot tlrotnaLi. th.. .ulturol ch( 19. ltorght dbort blt Lhe ig1et!1dLlt of science the need lat Dtu1t. sedrch Jor ii.: ./iritrr, or.onne.t 1.) sorlr.iitg eterndl hds ol ualts bt:.tn thete. Our etetnal litt rc atld tlt rol.et taittttt it hrilgs rLilL r.t ain ilreUriuol,ln,u r.dson uiyhuDdnt.l/ urilll.,lcortt; Irc to..lig 11

theposslb ity ssue

Interest-driven evaluation of an issue through the perspectives (context) of kev actors


Technological, political, economic and cultural developments

will cefiainly see things in idms of key playeN that drive the world's issues. The surpdsins thing n1ost people do not rccosDise is that all the world agendas and ihe vorld's direction are more or less defined, not by whai we perceive io be a inyriad of octors, but just 6 key groups that represent the primary motivatioDs ofhtrman endeavour. If we softthese players according to scale and recognitioD, s'e would have Intermtional Govern mental OrsanisaiioDs (lcos), Governnents, Corporations, Non'GoverDnental oryanisations (NGOS), Criminal Slndicates, aDd ofcotrrse the entity that make thcse all possible, the Individ ual. These play$s hclp create the ar$nents for most ofthe issues tbat we face today, itlcltrding

Anothd way to crcate broad argument is to

theones$€ deal with

ir cP.

1l is needtul io recosnise that the voice and inlLuence of each ofthe playeN has differed over the course ofhistory. More recently, eveD tlie huible individual has gained immense hflueDce

through technology's endoment of empowerment and the ability to nobilisc and iDiesmte interests. Technological, politicat, ecoDonic and cultural developments will cc(ainly alter the ertent of each player's reach but ultimately these people groups rill always be represenied in a


alter the extent of each player's reach but ultimately these people groups will always be represented in a manner worth considering in an issue.

manner worth considerins in an issuc.

It is therefore important to rank thc points one makes as certain players would featurc more citically in the discussion of a pafticular issue. In this case, the discussion of tbreisn prcsence in a country would first and foremost bc doDhated by penpectives lrc,m governments and IGos, followed by individuals, NGOS, corporations, and of course m interesting perspectivc cininal slndicates.l}le o.der ofimportance ofthcse players, with respect to the influence oftheir contributioD to the debate, woold vart'tuon onc issue io the tre\t.



The resolution of this line ofthoughl cones fioln tbis rankins, by coDcludins that the posiiiv ity, nesatjviv or continuation of any given issue or effcct is larsely defiDed and deternined by the kcy player in control. lt is useful to recognise tlat contcntion may result {iom other players invollement and with the d.amatic shifts in power we have secn in receDt years, it is possible for tbe issue to bc redefined. Thus, dtimately, ive need ro agr€€ or disagree with the status quo determinedbyihc player in power, sivins an assessmentbased on cvidcnce ofwhatishappening in reality-



Does the presence of a foreign power ever help a country with problems? nt

Point Onc cstablished firom thc pcrspective of Aovcrnmerts:

pou.r, ltst dnd Jote,.,sr, is qf issle snr !, ttsxlr il istd c,rir.d os rt.halk,ttl. tu tlt saurlilt,rl,r, dnd di iincs"lq ta the tamp.knr!/, .)J'the t1lli1g qatiotunent. h'elL l eatDlq tts it tni
Point Two esrablished from the pcrspective

/r is nor rnconr)r,1 /r.lo.rer tor nri.r'rdrtondl bodies lo tr.?rren! and .ilh./ mtite or oert\. a.u,tDnen ts l, o(('/ rit. dri? dnd Prcs.tlc oJfarciqn Poo .rs, b.cduse ni eru.tu drd uryor? .sihra.iDs. .rlerr.l ,Pdtuhon prouid.s

ofIGos: Point I hrcc cstablished from the Derspeetive


Point Four establishcd from the perspective ofNGOs:

presen . ol nnu Joreisn



sl dlc n r. Lsldlltr lhe best jLLtIge oJ tlk titul rronsirnplUbecdusi,r/r.r/n).o.'Ver(,.crit.inPdtLa|Lhtl\lsttlctof.larei1

N.. s ur'trTir9lv. i,(/i,,i.lLrals in t/t!

rit. rrosi ro,r4ll)1. r'dys. l)unlrc,'vlr'i.t1ctoIb..li.idlqrorLtllbt nl(nrsr, t.s to tne su//irtr.r cl cd.r.i by /lr driio's oJ seifirir,?slc.l ihiYiParlirJ. ciLi..s.:an dttcst k,lh.li.r thdtf.r'eig Pr.slrl.t is tleur e hlru llelPftn


crlrchtu, prf.ssior(l ddri.e at .xptr! opit)iotlsJt!m NGOS .,.1d ??dson ond stal)ilil! to papukrr se titneni, uith braadtr ittl?rcst'driuen drbot berer reP rcsdriirg t/rc best i,r leresis .t d r! giu.n s/oi.. flr. .strlblnn nre, rl ol.trrilsociety dnd irs tofr, ro d.i ne h t rc.. and pctinleten o f brci.r n dssdid rc. ts liidlr. ./orerg,i pr.s.n.c n, /relp so?rt l/r...unty sprorl{"B. I

Poilt [ive established fi om the pclspcctive of corporations:

Point Six estal'tished from ihe rontext of pcrspecrive of

rdfrinal sndie{tes:



lhapo-srbrlrtr r,sL

hlletesli alu enaugh, co?Z,(rlnr6 r.ddy fioi! qrotrn tu sr.fi d, crrcnr altdi tlev cor l. r..o.rnded ds /orcigt toru.rs lh.rr.sdl\)s. ,fitl1 Ll1.it .l.or ptoJit nolin. onl dhilitll to Lrcrlt( a ttrnlly btlltlk:kll t\rati.rlsl1iP, thcy t1t|l otL oJ the-teraJbft.i.t Pouers tllor rosl..rnti.su(tuor,. tith oPen atnLs H01t.t.r, .d'lr,?riors ,rrs. bc sL6itct k,.thi.al suideli es ltklat ttr.lr, ldboi' /.1L's Llnd cnth-a n.tttil trctection kr t, ltb.neJitthe (\! ItlJ

ttu Pant oJ titb olot.ttitl ,rind../ Pu"os. of .arnilg nart) pn)lits, suttii.a/rs drc f.r/rdps tfid ,rost .fen to i.r,roliondl .ooptdtianatd it!.antion, d slarl.orrr.lsr to nolia tktttstodoLJ 7helucltal ii..lJc. . inler atiotnl ksistott b thritirllt .rltal1ist\l .ritne highligllts th. ki.t rhd counhits .ontitl!. ro b! sbPiriors ./on" onoLht a .l ldck the uttilLJ ., !1 str.rl.ness .,/ pulros. tllttt trill D tt lor.tttnpt s.n.,( rftll l"'qfcnil and scL. tlL rDorI(l nukitlq qrcdrdrprogress. ydhrdlrlc tisidrr cdn dlso




guoletl l;DD1tt ].Plnry

. nino1!/,di.dks. Ironi.lll! l..aus. r)l tnen st,ol.

@ Evaluation of current issues through diflering conl.e\ts of region or cultural psyches around the world

li We might thus use a

particular country from that region as an example to illustrate the perspective, but the feaThelasi suggestioD for creatinga brcid a.alysis of aD), given issue is to considerthe is e l.om the perspectjvcs ofthe $'orLd s regio s aDd cultural lsyches. Tlis undoubtedly is the most clial lengins as a \"ical studeDt, rvitli limited rcadins or exposure, ivoulil hare n)sufficicnt insisht or nrastery in this area of kDoi{ledge to attempt this apprcach. Admittedly, evcn I understand cultural psychcs rnosth vicariously, ihroush books, movies aDdtalk.ln thjs sensc, rny analysis is based on cxpcricncing the \orld through eitbcr gross caricatures ofwbat is dcsigtred io be entertalnmenl or cvcn ifmore objectively, onlyrhroush the lens ofa tlird party. w€ canDot dcnr_ that the.e are unique cultural (socjalorpolitical) to address aD issuewhicb pro distinctions resulLinsin diffcrcnt approaches vide a fascinating diversitv of opinioN ard a.guneDts- The Arneican psyche, ScaDdnravian cultue, Middle Easten pslrhc or eveD the ittitude oflhe nc$'ly rich r\iaD econonies all hclp crcate distinct arsuDenis for ihe issues Ne face in GP. Thus, I would dare say that t|csc ap_ proaches mighl ignite tbat 6cry edge ree need to distinguish ou essays from the rest, using Yet, despite a

linitcd undcrstandiDg ofthings,

turing ofthis country must not dominate the point so as to avoid the accusation of our approach hijacking the question or derailing our argument.

insight that is .xre in people so young-


t| is light $ ould requirc candidates io considcr peNpectives that are thc nost salieDt in public debare fiFt. Thus, tlie ,{nerica , liloropcaD aDd perhaps even the ncw A,sian superpowers rrould har. thc honou of deiining this debaic 6rst. They would ther be follolrcd by interesting emphases or balancins of these poi ts rron othcr blocs of regional thought. We Deedto nole however, as hill be denonstrated later, dratthc poiDis are not about the counirics orregions per se, brl are ncrclv dcived from the triditional lincs ofihoughtthat these connnunitics take- We might thus use a prrticular couDtry liorn that region asanexanrple to illustrate the pcrsfective, but the featuring ofl|is couDtry must not doninate thc poilt so as A discussion ofthe question

to nvoid


tle accusation of ou approach hijackiDg the questioD orde.ailing oo.argumcnt




T'hqr$r ror r!,a! ir

To what extent does the migration ofpeople have a positive effect? Point On€ dedved from the American/Imigranr perspective: Point Two derived fi:om the Newly Rich Asid Pelspectiwe:

Poini Thlee deriwed fi:om the Euop€u perspectiwe: Point Four derived from the Middle Eastern perspective:


can be uitnessed i',r the uoT ldb nost the diLJersit!! of people hos resulted in

nost apparcnt beneiits of migration

tnrriqronr .so.ienes ulkre tfiri,ing inrouoiion ir irdtlsh]g atld the euol tion oJ er.inns neu habri.l cul


Eten neufu in.lustrialising states hau ca ght on to the cleat benelits ofnligrc non, encouragi g Ioreigners ta staa fot the qlaLita of lrJi! or D6nress op"orturl i nes. brinsing uilh them inuestment, spendins and raluabLe trcb skilk.


a.pd ta h tugaisp thot nat atl FoF"t6 b' n' ht trotn tnnrotian.e. rP.ntt! those that hate found ecanonic strcngtll in their lbnlogeno s culnl"!s dtd people ond haDe ddopte.l policies that seek to protect themsellles.lront the ctlturallu ditunnlt e|fects ofmisteno . Yd.

f onl culrrtol rlilufton does noUusi afec t the economic rcalm as ni. gtdtion can aL'o lead to the lndernininq of atlcietlt trodi.ions, prdctices dnd beliels that orc coisidered sacred it &\1ain rcqiots, ensetldeting chonge tlllt Protection

nckes natiue dbellers uncotnfortdble and tesistatlt.

Point Five deriwed ftom the Failed State perspectiwe:

Sa.ll!, misranon also conles in the fortn of illesal nntnisrttion uith citizens .ftom fuiled states detetmine.l to chcnge their enlitonnle,lt to.fin(l a better liJe far thenselxes ond then Jotnilies, brt ultimaLellr canryronisDrs tfre secrri/U dnd sustdinabiliay dl ot/ier sldies.

All these f.aneworks forbrcad-basedthinking are extensivc and I have merely shown you a few ways to derive pojnts li orn then. Precisely because oftbis broad ranse ofavailable per speciives in aDy given context, thc fi amework become a good vay to orya se and present othcMise seeninsly random and disjonried tlioushts. CertaiDly sorne fianework work bettcr than othe6 for a particular question depending on the nature of ihc ongoirg debate on the issue. For Dow, try these out and dcvclop them through practicc andyou would have found an cnsasinJa way to both create and prcsent your points. Iill n€xt tnne, hapPy miting-




The Rising Sun The LDPk biggest loss n.ray lead to Japanls greatest gain. by


What does this mean lbr fapnrrese society ald the lirturc?

EVENT The landslide victorf claimed by the Denocratic Parry of Japm (DPJ) in the recent gencral elections, where thev


To many vote$, the most important fact

3o8 out of48o seats in the powerfil Lwer House ofthe Japanese legislature. This

of this election

w6 that tlry finally

had a

choice. Their vote meant that they could

is significant becnuse it broke tbe stran

tal<e action againsi enant politicias, guard against govemneDt mrnplacency,

glehold of the Liberal Democratic Party of

Japan (LDP), which has governed Japan

and tmakel a qlrtem wher€ paties thai

for almGt its entirc post-Mr history. Dis-

satislicd with LDP'S ineptitude aDd the

faii set kicked out'. About 70% ofeligible voters cast ballots, according to NHK, the

nation's stagnation, the people voted for the DPJ to chat a new course for JapaD.

highest tumout in nearly two decades. DPJ'S

plms rlso bode great change, both

doDestically and intemationally. A more socialistic bent would so far in chdgiDg people's pdccpiion that Japanese poli-

Whvfhe LDP lost and hou,tlrcy arc tlking it:

Why DPf rvon,

Fallins approval raiings, aggravated by recent @rruption scandals, have made the LDP demise evident for some tnne.

The DPJ is a lelileaning party in contrast

Although the pafty led ,IapaD to its econonic succ,5s and world prcminence after WwIi, it has appeared increasinsly exlausted and directionless in dealins with the rc.ent challenges Japan faces. This did n.t sit we.ll wit| the ele.rorare. which led to their rcmoval from power.

its plorniscs and policies: to the more market oriented LDP and this sussests that Japan will be governed

in a mdic2lly difierent my iD the tuture. carnpaigD pledging to imrease protect donestic vorkers welfare. social and reduce ineliciency, it is not difliculi

With its



why this palty appealed to a coun

iry stuck in



nonic reforns prwiously chanpioned by fomer Pdme Minisier Junichiro Koi-

use payouLs

which have been d€emed inetrec also feel

that Japan's close tinls with America, reinforced by LDP, have oused Japan to

sutrer quite severety


effects of the

global financial crisis.

Th€ LDP has re{onded with sloom Dd resisnation. Wtile it has clearly acc€pted its fate, the g€neral consensus is that the party is unsure of what to do when it is not in control ofthe gov€mment.

cnnnot aford such cuts. Despite loiiDg for a chaDsc in power,

In addition, LDP'S economic plans have been heavily criticised by busiDsses, lobby $ouLN md think taDk. lts defeat comes anidst a bacldash asainst eco-

^nitual, and even damasins. Many

long slump and desperately

ticians are venal and corrupt. The new leadership s approach may also finaly lift Japan oul of its long rec€ssion. On the world stage, Japan loolG poised to be ..nre i leader in envi..nnental effons. with the DPJ pledging to ctrt emissions by 25%. However, this might artagonise done$ic industry playcrs and rapidly industrialising neighbouins nations that

regards to economic matlers, the

DPJ has a clee, bold a€enda.



pledsed to shift away ftom markeLled and d?oft-driven growth. Instead, it



centives to revive its

domestic crnsun€r economy- It will also

tighten and olersee regulatory proc€sses to ensure increased productivity and en trepreneuship. The DPJ will also seek an "equal pdtDership" with the United States, though Prime Minister YuLjo Hatoyama has er"ressed a belief in a m ti-polar rcrld md the need to engage


Japanese have a more matured and rcal

istic view on politics. The prevalent view

is that sinsle parll rule will no longer benefit the whole of society. Sone ana l)sis say fiat the Fblic is nerely giving thc DPJ




aDd is

not completely

convinced of th€ir policicsAs such, althoush DPJ'.S victory usheN


a new era of possibiliry for Japan, it also carde! an €lement of uncetanrty. Llltimately, the party's strategies and ideolos/


td<e a backseat to its resutts.


Japan's Asian neishboum.

raronss @nan r@!s


oteiedo,lr m'didares,




Tinl.itrg Re sp onsibility

At a time like this, it felt appropriate for me to write aboutgivingup and of coursethe myriad otherthoughts and considerations that come with it. What amazes me is how much time some of the brightest people in our country spend thinking about giving up. an sure this is tlue of adulis, I am trot reaLly talkirgab.rut then.I am talking aboutthe 18,ooo str dents that.ead this magazinc andthe thousaDd little thoughts that occupyyour mind and nrinc. Thoughts that lee claim dist.act us {ron donrg wbat \c $'ant d, n, "l,pn,Jr ,-- {-.un.i ar qhp|l'. Bn ns WhiLe t b.v




\ r4"l\ r.urh. | \,1.n s.


.l.- nl{ b.l:FI. s"

ati du ngihatpcriod of tinie. I .emembe. thc nr.iad lies thrt s$'amfed my nird daily; inlthing thrt would distract mc fion $'hxt I knen I needed also rcmcnrbcr the contemptuous behaviourand

tude I had

to do. Today, halins lcarnt ihc thinss I have lerrnt aboui ljfe and living, I am sonfbDi I do noi e'ant to sFrpathise. Because synpathisiDg docs not scNe

fonn abou t oLrrsclvcs in ordcr Dot to face the rexlity ol $ho we tru\'are. ADd although I kDoa tliat adults do this too, in olher slapes and fonns abort their nar iages, rvo.k, and i{hateler othc. things they woq' about, this time I am really rot tallinrg aboutthen. I

Thc bottom liDe is that resrllLs do not lic. Thcrc mal

.m talking about you.

say that

s rr llrorr. r lr,. q too and do not have pleasant ne o.ies. But ii

I s.uld levcls


u \)rnPlrn.s-. I

is preciscly bccause the menories a.e so


b ty


livid t|at I

bc slight variatiorls iD judgement here aDd ir gcn&al, rcsults arenotfar ae,ay iiom thc

t|crc but


T lovc my wifc, butthe remlt is that she does not feel li)ved. lhen r|. hrth is that I hale trot loved her. If I sar, I hrye lauglt a wondcdul class aDd dore m,v dub rs a tutor, but nrJ studcnts havc not leaDt, thcnthe tNthis I have not taught wcll.lfyousavvou


Beins ir victim irllows us to avoid taki ug rcsponsibility. It allows uslo Ieel sorrv lbr ourselves. It allows us to s{uner svmDathv fronr otficrs...uri u,ill firid thrt lre.rnle r(,h.r $'iurt to ivofo r'ealitr arrcl ayoid qetti nq rcirl'results kn'e iach others' ctrmparr)'.

we pl.iy the victir in so Inany t{ays aDd nobody ca dcDythat it feels good being a vi.tim- Being a victim allo\s N to avo trknrg lesponsibiliry. Ii {llovs us

have lried your bcst to gct the best grades possiblc. and you received rcsults $'rv belorv exrrectation. L|en I crll your blufi and say that Iou are lying, thal tou did not trytou. besl. Results sinplydo not lie.I know that as I nake this cLainr there will bc athousaDd aDd

Bul what rcalll is the bottoDl line? $'lat crn i{c rcally sal :ibout people who do not p(f duce.esulls'/ Pleis. do not Distake me by thinking that I

.e{sons, qualillcations, and rcbrttals

mcan grades...No. I rnean liaL

rhat will ll,v my rvay



I rJlr|

to tccl sorry for ou$elves. l t allo$'s us to garDersympaLhy fforn othcNi to suck olherc inlo our $'otld so

the! can buy and parlake of orr version ofthc tNih rnd perhaps comnriscratc with us. People are otien coDlplicit iri suppo.ting cach others lies. Bids ol r feather llocli together and you aill fiDd that people who rvaDt to avoid reilily and aloid gc'ttjrg rerL re .,1 ln\' ' , u.1.-\ o,1,.',\. n ', ". lrn, ing ihat

with thcDr validates

aD attenrpt to help you avoid

lrr rlur)ur.lrorn."


certajn things about youNelfthat you.just do not want to see. Bui I asl< Lhrt Dra)bcyou take a second loo[

't\e point is to take rcsfonsibility for th€ choices yoD hrve made so lar and thc rcsults you have creat€d. lt d ". r'ul , r\-.u, ^l'i,rr.l ,.r1' .. Ju". in.rb:r'p how coDtenptibie 1$,ould be ifI claimcdth{t I loved my $'ife but she does not leelloved and nrstead oftak ing resfoDsibility, I tell lou (hat I am . lcfi brained , an ,nd I cannoi show enotioD- or thar I canrc fiom a brd lamiU, or that I am very busy, or lhal il is too difficult to denonstratc lovc, or th^t tliis is not what I cxpected ot rilTiag€...IrnagiDe that. Iniagine so re onc flrll of sto.j€s but no results. Nothing to sp€ak of but stories aboul why lhings rrc not tlie \ray tliey shonld bc. Ho$'patlietic and loal|soinc rvould I be? And lbrhowloDg rvould )'ou hale.espect for mc?

I am not saling thrt sittiDg to. exrrniDatioDs is


tsut I am sayiDg that you made a choice to do so. You

]ouj and I knot{ it is i|at you di.l not make this c.hoice, that societv, your parents or fiiends compelled you to Diade a cnoi.e. No onr forced ersy to claim

makcthis choice... intbodv and cy.tl'body butyour self. But the tNth is rou did, and all I ask is tliat you lake reslonsibility, for playing t|e victin i{ill onlJ mean


another day



"r th.y {re a victim and having anothcr victin



wc cnd up doiDs what we say wP willdo T nrc.n th.t we xre

peorle r{bo hoDour our \rord, people of actioD who takc responsibiljty Ior thcil rcsnlis. .^l.i iffnilure strikes ($'|ich it lvill fi-.m tinre ti) Iinel we see it for what it is...iDformalion that hc\N trs nove tu.rvird. So thc bottom line is to rec ognise that $c can iDdeedfeel

tjred- slressed, discotrr{ged

The tirne is alwavs now to take tr good hard look at ourselves ancl acl<nowlcdge r'r'hat rve have bl h:rvc not clone, whtrt we still need to do. To

cl isrn iss thoughts of giling up and ilecide -

to act and live with inteqrity. Tir bite the bullet, lrrv holcl of our life irnd do rvhrrt onl,v rvc can do.

rD.l rnmolivaled, but $'c caD spend tirne coming up with stories to justili us slay ing in tliat contenptible flacc, orwe can evalLlite ou. situatjon rnd move on lo.rcatiDg sonething bette.. The time is always now. to take a good hard lool it ouNclvc's rr.l acknr,wledr,e $'hat we liave or hav€ noL donc, lrhat sr still Deed to do. To dismiss thouglits of ili!ing np aDd dcci.le to rct and live witb intcgitl. To bi(e Lhe bullct, lay hold of orr lile and do what oDty

we can do. This mcssage is for everybody, bccause 'I :r d. no i,8 -ui ir )uL p/\und l, :r h l rts hre for someone yon know. I pray that th€ claril) of wliat I saybriDgsyou oryonriicnd somegood, h d and lofing tNth to your lile. I \tish,vou tlie vety best 1br your coming exarnntatio.s. Co crcaie sonethitlg




THE \)(/AY


NO\)(/ #13

HowGoodareW'eat Predictingthe Future? The horse is here to stav but the arrtoniobile is onlv a noYelty, a fad. Hi,".xi?:xtiili;li:si'"i



ComDuters in th6 future mav weish no more

thah t.sfons.

Airolanes are intelestins tor5

butofno " ' militarylalue.

The bomb will never go off. I sneak as an exiert in explosives.

Whothehell wants tohear actors talk?

There is no reason anvone would want a cbmputer in their home.

began School of Thought be.ausc we were troubled by thc indifference many young generrl. Sincc 2002, we have been con people showed towardr th. world and life sranlly refinins our core A' lelel and O level'ntriiion programmes !o helP rndetE ihink more critically and broadly abou! bodr national rnd global affairs withotrt sacrifcng good g.ad€s in the ctihlnalions part of our profits go irlo pporting an in housc Fi nan.ral Aid schenc rhat sludenls may apply for if iheir families are exPdicncing se vere fifar.ill dincullies and cannot affo.d cla$es. Joli our nrovemeni ro charge lhe world ore mind, one heaft, one stcp at a !ime. Drop by for a vlsit ar n2 Middle Road ilosor, Midland House, srfsapo.e 133970, or call 6:Jl4 377'r wwwschoolofthougbt.com-sg


school of

THOUGHT demon.l o broo.ler Pe^Peclive

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