Urban Development Operations People’s Republic of China and Mongolia Presented by: Sergei Popov Principal Environment Specialist Urban and Social Sectors Division East Asia Department
Support for Urban Development in PRC Strategic Objectives and Operational Focuses • Support sustainable urban development and urban environmental improvement • Promote balanced development by allocating more support for the cities in the less-developed Central and Western Region, and Northeast • Place greater emphasis on support for smaller cities and towns development • Provide support for integrated urban-rural development projects as well as the focused multi-sector integrated interventions for urban water supply, sanitation, roads, flood control, river improvement, heating, and waste management (wastewater and solid waste)
Support for Urban Development in Mongolia Strategic Objective • Support sustainable and regionally integrated growth Operational Priorities • Provide support to address the urban transportation and municipal services gap in Ulaanbaator caused by the massive rural-urban migration • Provide support for urban development in the other cities in the context of development of economic corridors
Loan Projects Approved in 2009 PRC • Loan 2526-PRC: Xinjiang Urban Transport and Environmental Improvement for $100 million • Loan 2550-PRC: Liaoning Small Cities and Towns Development Demonstration Sector for $100 million • Loan 2574-PRC: Hebei Small Cities and Towns Development Demonstration Sector for $100 million
Loan Projects in 2010 Pipeline PRC • Shanxi Small Cities and Towns Development Demonstration Sector for $100 million (PPTA completed) • Chongqing Urban-Rural Infrastructure Development for $100 million (PPTA for $900,000 approved July 2008 and ongoing) • Guangxi Southwestern Cities Development for $150 million (PPTA for $800,000 approved November 2008 and ongoing) • Wuhan Urban Environment Improvement for $100 million (PPTA for $700,000 approved November 2008 and ongoing)
Loan Projects in 2011 Pipeline PRC • Guangxi Beibu Gulf Cities Development for $200 million (PPTA approved in Oct 2009; shortlist approved and RFP due for issuance) • Xinjiang Altay Urban Infrastructure and Environment Improvement for $100 million (PPTA for $800,000 approved in Aug 2009 and ongoing) • Gansu Tianshui Urban Infrastructure Development for $100 million (PPTA for $700,000 approved in Sep 2009; shortlist approved and RFP due for issuance)
Loan Projects in 2011–2012 Pipeline Mongolia • Ulaanbaatar Urban Transport Project for $27 million (2011); PPTA for $1.2 million approved in 2008 and completed • Ulaanbaatar Urban Development Project for $19 million (2012); PPTA TBD