20091114 Community Notice Board

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COMMUN TY NOT CEBOARD Keeping Canberra in the know.


Invitations to comment

A presentation of the outcomes of this study will be held.

ACTION Buses, every 15 minutes

When: Where:

The ACT Government’s trial of a new, high frequency weekday bus service, REDEX, commences

Wednesday 18 November 2009 (6.30pm – 8.00pm) Gold Creek School - The Library, Kelleway Avenue, Nicholls ACT.

Community input sought for ACT Supermarket Competition Policy Implementation Plan

For more information or to provide comments please contact Kerry Browning (LDA Direct Sales) on 6207 1699, email to [email protected] or visit www.lda.act.gov.au

The ACT Government has released the review of supermarket competition policy in the ACT (the Martin Review). An implementation plan is currently being developed. The ACT community is invited to submit their comments on the recommendations of the review and suggested actions.

2009-2010 Innovation Grants

A copy of the Martin Review can be downloaded at www.business.act.gov.au and a presentation by Mr John Martin on his findings can also be viewed at this address. Submissions should be directed to [email protected] by 20 November 2009. For further information contact Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.

The Canberra Social Plan update The ACT Government is seeking community views to assist with the update of the Canberra Social Plan. If you would like to join the conversation and help shape the next stage of the Plan you are invited to participate in an online forum at www.bangthetable.com/actsocialplan There will be two online forums. The first will run until 18 December 2009. A follow-up forum will start in mid January 2010 and conclude at the end of February 2010.

Applications for grant funding are invited from individuals and organisations to support one-off strategic or specific projects or initiatives that aim to do things differently for vulnerable people, including those with disabilities. Innovation Grants will be offered for projects or initiatives that will make a real difference to the wellbeing, quality of life and/or community participation including by way of services or supports provided to carers and families. Each application may apply for funding up to a maximum of $50,000 (GST exclusive) and must be committed in the 2009-2010 financial year (although projects may be timetabled for completion beyond 30 June 2010). These funds are non-recurrent (one-off) for the specific project or initiative. The total amount of funding available for all applicants is $200,000 (GST exclusive). A Panel including Government, community and carer/family representatives will review all applications and determine eligibility and priority within available funds. Information session

You can also arrange a meeting to discuss your ideas via email at [email protected] or by contacting Melanie on 62054711.

When: Where:

For further information visit www.cmd.act.gov.au/policystrategic/socialplan/developing_an_update

To register for this session contact [email protected] or 6207 1086.

Temporary Road Closures Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 4 of the Roads and Public Places Act 1937, of the intention to close the following roads in the ACT.

Wednesday 18 November 2009 (1.00pm – 2.00pm) Level 1, Doonkuna Room, Nature Conservation House Belconnen

Applications and information can be obtained from www.grants.act.gov.au or the Disability ACT Information Service on 6207 1086 or www.dhcs.act.gov.au/disability_act Closing date for applications is Wednesday 16 December 2009.


CITY KNOWLES PLACE: will be closed between the entry / exit to the north eastern carpark and London Circuit (southern end). Please note access to the carpark and emergency vehicle access to the City Police station will be maintained at all times

Corporate groups and Panvax®H1N1 Influenza ’09 vaccine

Time: Reason:

ACT Health is encouraging corporate groups to consider receiving the Panvax® H1N1 vaccine now. Work places are a common source of transmission of this highly infectious flu. While this pandemic influenza is mild in most cases it has been severe in some people and has caused a number of deaths. The impact on a work place can be significant with staff absenteeism due to illness causing a strain on the organisation and the entire team.

Saturday 21 November (6.00am – 6.00pm) building construction works

CITY RUDD STREET: will be closed between Marcus Clarke Street and Moore Street. Rudd Street community path (southern side) will be closed between Marcus Clarke Street and Moore Street MULWALA LANE: will be closed between Moore Street and Rudd Street Time: Reason:

6.00am Saturday 28 November to 6.00pm Sunday 29 November 2009 removal of static crane

PIERCES CREEK SETTLEMENT ROAD: will be closed between Paddys River Road and Kiosk Road Time: Reason:

7.00am on Saturday 21 November 2009 to 5.00pm Saturday 29 May 2010 road widening and improvements

CAMPBELL / PIALLIGO FAIRBAIRN AVENUE: will be closed between Northcott Drive and Majura Road MORSHEAD DRIVE: will be closed between Fairbairn Avenue and Pialligo Avenue Time: Reason:

Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 November 2009, Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November 2009, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 December 2009 (7.00am – 6.00pm daily) Monday 23 November to Friday 27 November 2009 (7.00pm – 6.00am nightly) Fairbairn Avenue pavement rehabilitation works

The vaccine is free and there is enough for everyone. Work places should consider obtaining this vaccine through a corporate medical service or allowing staff time off to attend their GP or a Community Health clinic. To make an appointment at a Community Health clinic phone 6207 9977. If your work place has a satisfactory system for administering the vaccine ‘in house’ the supply of vaccine may be arranged through the Health Protection Service of ACT Health by calling 6205 2300. The H1N1 influenza ’09 strain has been the predominant influenza in circulation in the ACT and other parts of Australia since June this year. Anyone wanting protection should receive the vaccine now, particularly those in the high risk groups who are more susceptible to complications from the disease. This may also be a consideration if your work place brings you into contact with anyone in the priority groups. The nationally agreed priority groups are pregnant women, those with chronic medical conditions (initially those aged 10 years and over), individuals with moderate to severe obesity, health care workers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, children (aged 10 years and over) in special schools and parents and guardians of children aged 0 to 6 months. Panvax® H1N1 is a one dose vaccine for people aged 10 and over. Further information regarding vaccination for those aged 9 years and under will be available following the conclusion of clinical trials in children. For more information on the Panvax® H1N1 vaccine visit www.health.act.gov.au

Monday 16 November. REDEX buses run every 15 minutes from 7.00am and 7.00pm between the Gungahlin Market Place and Canberra Railway Station in Kingston, via Mitchell, Northbourne Avenue, the City, Russell and Barton. All REDEX buses are low-emission, wheelchair accessible and provide bike racks and on-bus information screens. Travel on REDEX buses is free for the first week between 9.00am and 4.30pm to encourage commuters to use the service in off-peak periods. A bus timetable and guide to specially marked REDEX stops is available from www.action.act.gov.au or by calling 13 17 10. REDEX will be trialled until 30 June 2010 - including the school holidays, but not the Christmas and New Year period.

Portable Long Service Leave Schemes The Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Act 2009 (the Act) commences on 1 January 2010. Under Schedule 5 of the Act, all instruments under the current Long Service Leave (Building and Construction) Act 1981 and the Long Service Leave (Contract Cleaning) Act 1999 are repealed as of that date. These include instruments appointing current members to the boards of both the ACT Construction and the ACT Cleaning Industry Long Service Leave Authorities. As a consequence, the ACT Office of (Industrial) Public Relations is seeking nominations from suitably qualified people to construct a new board for the Authority. In order to be considered for these positions, nominees must not currently be employed as public servants. Nominees must not have any conflicts of interests and must be willing to serve to benefit the outcomes of the Authority, and maintain confidentiality. Potential candidates will be sent out information packs with information regarding the position and its legislative responsibilities. For your information, members of the boards are currently remunerated at $15,490 per annum for the Chair and $340 per diem as a member. Nominations are due no later than Friday 20 November 2009 and should be forwarded to the Office of Industrial Relations, Chief Minister’s Department, GPO Box 158, CANBERRA, ACT, 2601. For further information phone Mr Robert Gotts on 6207 003 or email [email protected]

Update your Medicare address Have you moved to the ACT and not updated your address with Medicare? Update your address to go into the draw to win a $5,000 Service One Members Banking account. If your address is already up to date, tell your friends to change theirs and you could win $100 thanks to Service One Members Banking. Having the right Medicare address makes a big difference. Medicare addresses keep track of the population in your area, and that affects the amount of Commonwealth funding that goes to your community. For further information visit www.changeandwin.com.au or call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.

Do you need financial assistance to support your children at high school? The Secondary Bursary Scheme can provide some financial assistance to low income earners in the ACT with dependent full time students in years 7 to 10. Applicants must be holders of a Pensioner Concession Card or Health Care Card with a means tested payment code. APPLY NOW for 2010 to: ACT Department of Education and Training GPO Box 158 CANBERRA CITY 2601 Attention: Student Services Or phone 6205 9300. Applications forms are also available from High Schools, and Centrelink Regional Offices

PIALLIGO FAIRBAIRN AVENUE SOUTHBOUD DIRECTION ONLY: will be closed between Majura Road and Pialligo Avenue Time: Reason:

Temporary car parking arrangements at Canberra Hospital

9.30am to 4.00pm between Monday 23 November and Thursday 26 November 2009 placement of asphalt wearing course

Any person wishing to comment on this notice may contact Colin Evans on 6207 6821. Barriers, warning and diversion signs to be erected on site. Rifaat Shoukrallah Delegated Officer Roads ACT Locked Bag 2000 Civic Square ACT 2608

Temporary car parking arrangements at Canberra Hospital From late November 2009 the existing three-storey car park at Canberra Hospital will be closed to allow construction of a new multi-storey car park which is expected to be completed by the end of 2010. Public parking spaces • •

The main public parking will be available in the Hindmarsh Drive car park. Smaller car parks remain near to the main hospital buildings.

Disability parking spaces

Nicholls proposed direct sale of Block 17 Section 73 for a Place of Worship and Community Centre to Canberra Muslim Community Inc (CMC) The ACT Government has given in-principle agreement to progress the direct sale of Block 17 Section 73 Nicholls to CMC. Consultation with the community regarding the proposal identified the need for an independent Traffic and Parking Study to be commissioned by the Land Development Agency (LDA).

The main disability parking will be available beneath the Diagnostics and Treatment building (Building 12) which is close to the hospital and accessed via Yamba Drive. Disability spaces are also available near the entrance to most buildings.

Closure of bus stop • •

The bus stop located on Bateson Road adjacent to the new car park construction site will be closed until the end of 2010. This closure affects Action bus routes 5, 6, 76, 77, 934 and 938. Bus passengers are advised to use the previous or next stop on the route.

For further information on parking at Canberra Hospital please visit www.health.act.gov.au phone TCH Parking Operations on 6244 2669 or 6244 2479 or email [email protected]

Phone Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 I www.communityengagement.act.gov.au

GREY 18760

Forums and workshops

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