2008 November Qela Student Newsletter

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Page 1

QELA’s Student Newsletter

The Informer Volume 2, Issue 3

November INSIDE THIS World News


National News


Quebec News


Hot Cocoa Recipe


Tips to Save Cash






World News Obama Wins U.S. Election

Meeting about Economic Crisis



World leaders met to discuss

Obama as their 44th Presi-

ways to fight the world’s eco-

dent. Obama has said, “We

nomic crisis. They say they

will change this country and

will work together to deal

change the world”. Many have

with the problems.


great hopes for the new

Lack of Sleep Linked to Heart Disease


Do You Have News to Share?





study affects

showed heart

health. Less than 7.5 hours a night was linked to a higher

Send it to Vicki Hugli

Newsletter Editor at [email protected]

rate of heart disease. The

Britons Want Troops Out

study also showed that poor

Britain has over 8,000 troops

like obesity and diabetes.

sleep adds to health problems

in Afghanistan. More than 120




been killed. A new poll shows This project made possible through funding from a joint IFPCA funding initiative of the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills and the Direction de l’éducation des

adultes et de l’action communautaire.

that 68% of Britons want their troops to come home.

National News CBC Reporter Set Free

Canadian Kids Growing Up Poor

Melissa Fung was kidnapped last

About one in nine Canadian kids are

month in Afghanistan. The CBC re-

growing up poor. A new report has

porter was held for 28 days by ter-

called on the Harper government to

rorists. She was set free in early

take action. Activists say we must

November. Fung is doing well after

raise the Canada Child Tax Benefit.

her difficult time.

World’s Oldest Polar Bear Dies The world’s oldest polar bear died at the age of 42 at a Winnipeg zoo. Debby the polar bear had thrilled many visitors over the years. Zoo coordinator Gordon Glover says, “She will be missed by millions of zoo visitors”.

Canadians Plan to Spend Less this Season ‘Tis the season for shopping, but Canadians plan to spend less. A survey showed





around 14% less this shopping season. Many people say they will look for big deals and pay cash instead of using credit cards.

Polar bears usually don’t live past 20 years in the wild. . Page 2


Page 3

Quebec News Snap Election for Quebeckers

Quebec Called Puppy Mill Capital

Quebeckers will head to the polls on

Quebec has been called the puppy mill

December 8th. Party leaders have

capital of North America. Animal

been debating hydro, health care,

rights groups say Quebeckers need to

and the economy. Voters have not

do more to protect animals. Dogs have

shown much interest in this election.

been found living in very poor condi-

Before it was called, 70% were

tions. There could be as many as

against having an election now.

2,000 puppy mills in the province.

To find out more about the election, go to: www.nodice.ca/elections/quebec OR www.monvote.qc.ca/en

Montreal Roof Collapse The roof of a Montreal parking garage collapsed on November 26th. One person died in the disaster. Witnesses say it is lucky more people were not harmed.

Quebec City Police Reject Contract Quebec City police have not had a contract since 2006. Despite this, 99% of officers have rejected the city’s last offer. Officers are asking for better pay and benefits. Police cannot strike. Instead, they use tactics like breaking their dress code by wearing army pants and jeans to work.

Page 4

A Winter Treat! Hot Cocoa Ingredients: 1/2 cup white sugar 1/3 cup hot water 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 4 cups milk 1/8 teaspoon salt 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


Tips to Save Cash 1. Make a shopping list before you shop. People save when they stick to a list. 2. Buy only what you need. 3. Keep a sweater on at home to keep your heat bill down. 4. Don’t eat out. Prepare meals at home instead.

1. Mix cocoa, sugar, water and salt in a saucepan. 2. Over medium heat, stir until mixture boils. 3. Stir in the milk and heat, but do not boil. 4. Add vanilla. 5. Serve

Games and Trivia Sudoku


Fill in the missing numbers so every row,

I’m where yesterday follows today, and tomor-

column, and quadrant has the numbers 1

row’s in the middle. What am I?

through 9.

Trivia 1. Complete the expression: A picture is worth a _____ _____ (2 words). 2. What is the most common word in the English language? 3. Find the link: and - or – but.

Check answers below. Riddle: a dictionary Trivia: 1. thousand words

2. the

3. conjunctions

To find out more about QELA, go to www.qela.qc.ca

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