2009 April Qela Student Newsletter

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QELA’s Student Newsletter

The Informer Volume 2, Issue 8

April 2009 INSIDE THIS World News


National News


Quebec News

World News


World Fears Swine Flu

U.S. $1 Trillion in the Red

Must See Movies


Swine flu is caused by a virus

The U.S. budget has hit a $1

that mutates in pigs and

trillion deficit. The govern-

Spring Fun


passes to humans. An out-

ment has used a lot of this



break of the flu in Mexico

money to help out banks and



has killed over 100 people.

businesses. The U.S. has been

Cases have also been re-

in a recession since December

ported in Canada, the U.S.,


Do You Have News to Share? Send it to Vicki Hugli

Newsletter Editor at [email protected]

Europe, and Asia. Countries are trying to stop the flu from spreading.

A Swiss canton has banned nude

Earthquake Strikes Italy killing 294 people. Some 26 cities and towns were damaged by the quake. Thousands been



Many historic buildings were This project made possible through funding from a joint IFPCA funding initiative of the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills and the Direction de l’éducation des

adultes et de l’action communautaire.





quiet beauty has attracted

An earthquake struck Italy


Nude Hiking Banned

hikers who like to roam in the buff.




voted to ban the practice.

National News Canada Prepares for Swine Flu

Canadians: Excess Drinkers?

A number of cases of swine flu have

A study says that Canadi-

been reported across Canada. Many

ans often drink too much.

worry about the spread of the virus.


Officials are taking steps to keep

drinks are downed after

the flu under control. People are

safe drinking limits have

warned to wash hands often if they

already been met. The

go in public.








much alcohol use is linked to health

Funding for Arts and Festivals The federal government is giving money to arts and culture. $100 million will go to large festivals and events across the country. The money

risks like cancer and liver disease. Limits for Safe Drinking: For women, 3 drinks a day or a total of 10 drinks a week. For men, 4 drinks a day or a total of 20 drinks a week.

cannot go directly to artists. It must be used on marketing and publicity. Supporters are happy the government has recognized the value of such events.

Canada’s Main Seal Hunt Begins Canada’s main seal hunt began this April. Seals are hunted mainly for their pelts, but also for meat and fat, which are used in beauty products. Fewer sealers are taking part this year because of a smaller market for seal fur.

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Quebec News Grieving Godfather Says It’s Time to Leave the War

Baby Survives Night in the Woods

The godfather of a female soldier

night alone in a forest in the Eastern

killed in Afghanistan is speaking out

Townships. The one-year-old was only

against the war. Mario Blais’ 21-year-

wearing a t-shirt and a diaper in

old goddaughter had only been in Af-


ghanistan for two weeks. Like many

found the baby in good health, say

Quebecers, Blais fears her sacrifice

it’s a miracle. The baby’s father will

was in vain. He says it’s time to pull

be charged for the incident.

Police found a baby after he spent a





Canadian troops out.

Happy Birthday Cirque du Soleil! Quebec’s Cirque de soleil is a world famous circus. To honour its 25th birthday, the Cirque will have a special bug-themed show. The show is based (Photo courtesy Canada Press)

on life cycles. After its Montreal debut in May, the show will travel to

Crackdown on Hells Angels Over a thousand police officers took part in raids against the Hells Angels. Police arrested 156 people. The raids targeted suspects in crimes between 1992 and 2009. The police hope to put the gang “out of business” in Quebec.

Quebec City.

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Spring Fun on a Dime


Here are some fun ways to enjoy this

These classic movies have been rated some of the best ever made. •

The Great Dictator (1940), Comedy

1. Play Frisbee with friends.

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962),

2. Take a nature walk in the park or woods.

Drama •

My Fair Lady (1964), Musical

Young Frankenstein (1974), Comedy

beautiful season on a budget.

Amadeus (1984), Biography

3. Bird Watch. Find a bird book at the li-

brary, take a walk through a local park or forest, and see which birds you can find.

4. Host a movie night on a rainy evening.

“For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake.” -Alfred Hitchcock

All you need is popcorn, a good movie, and friends.

Games and Trivia Sudoku


Fill in the missing numbers so every row,

The more you take the more you leave behind.

column, and quadrant has the numbers 1 through 9.

Trivia 1. Toronto is located on the shores of what lake? 2. Find the link: bell - knob - stop. 3. Complete the expression: “Bad news travels _______”. (one word) 4. What is the capital of South Korea?

Check answers below. Trivia: 1. Lake Ontario

2. door

3. fast

4. Seoul

Riddle: footsteps

To find out more about QELA, go to www.qela.qc.ca

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