2009 January Qela Student Newsletter

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QELA’s St ud e nt N ews l et t er

The Informer Volume 2, Issue 5

January 2009 INSIDE THIS World News


National News


Quebec News


Tips o Boost Energy


History of Valentine






World News The Obama Era Barack Obama has sworn in as

Coffee Drinkers Hallucinate More

the 44th U.S. president. Peo-

A British study found that

ple around the world watched

people who drink more than

the historic moment. Obama

seven cups of coffee a day

is the first black U.S. presi-

hear voices and see things

dent. His speech called for a

more than others. We do not

new era of responsibility.

know if this is because of the caffeine or the kind of people who drink lots of coffee.

Do You Have News to Share?

Octuplets Born in California Octuplets




weeks early in Southern Cali-

Send it to Vicki Hugli

Newsletter Editor at [email protected]

Better Days in the Year of the Ox? The Chinese New Year, the Year of the Ox, began on January 26th. The festival is about hope and wishes for

This project made possible through funding from a joint IFPCA funding initiative of the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills and the Direction de l’éducation des

success. Many hope that the

adultes et de l’action communautaire.

nomic times.

new year will see better eco-

fornia. The six boys and two girls are doing well. This is the second set of live octuplets in U.S. history.

National News New Budget Announced The Conservatives presented their new budget on January 27th. The $40 billion package to help the economy has had mixed reviews. The NDP and the Bloc have rejected the plan. The Liberals accept the plan if certain conditions are met.

Snow-Shoveling Heart Attacks Four Ottawa men had heart attacks while shovelling snow on the same day. 15 cm had fallen on the city the day before. Shovelling and the cold can be hard on the heart. People with heart problems are advised to take it easy while clearing snow

Budget Highlights: •

• •

• •

Tax breaks for lower and middle class Tax breaks for seniors Help for people who are out of work Money for infrastructure Loans to auto makers

Canadians Approve of Obama Liberal Leader Ahead in the Polls

A poll showed that over 80% of Ca-

In a new poll, Prime Minister Harper

Many think he can get the economy

had 35% approval. New Liberal leader,

back on track. They also feel that he

Michael Ignatieff, had 44% approval.

will see to global warming. Some be-

Many think Ignatieff would have a

lieve he can improve peace in the

better rapport with the new U.S.


president. Page 2

nadians approve of Barack Obama.


Page 3

Quebec News Protesters Want French Name for Ski Event

Missing Hunter Found

“Crashed Ice” is the name of a ski

the northern tip of Quebec. The

event put on by Red Bull. A small

hunter went missing after the ice floe

group in Montreal protested the use

he was on broke away from shore. His

of the English name for the event in

friend called for help and a search

Quebec City. The group has sug-

started. He was later found.

A missing hunter was found alive at

gested French names. Red Bull does not want to change the name because it is used around the world.

Jos. Louis Fined for Advertising to Kids Jos. Louis are popular Quebec-made snack cakes. Despite their popularity, the cakes cannot be advertised to children. The cake company was fined $44,000 for breaking Quebec’s law that bans advertising to kids under 13 years old.

22% of Quebec kids are overweight or obese.

Man Dead after Train Crash A man died after a Via Rail train collided with a vehicle in Quebec City. The train dragged the vehicle for several hundred metres. Witnesses say the security barrier and flashing lights were working, but the vehicle didn’t stop. Police are looking into the crash.

Page 4

The History of Valentine's Day Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Do you know the history behind the day of romance? One legend says that Valentine was a priest in ancient Rome. At this time, single men were thought to be better soldiers. Marriage was not allowed. Valentine did not agree, so he married young lovers in secret. When the emperor found out, Valentine was put to death.

Tips to Boost Energy Less sun and cold weather can make people tired. Here are a few tips to help you boost your energy. 1.

Drink lots of water. Low energy is often caused by not drinking enough water.


Eat less sugar. Too much sugar can make energy levels go up and down too quickly.


Eat more protein. Lack of protein causes fatigue. Pack some nuts for a quick and easy protein snack.

Find out more at: www.history.com/minisit es/valentine

Games and Trivia Sudoku


Fill in the missing numbers so every row,

I can be cracked. I can be made. I can be told.

column, and quadrant has the numbers 1

I can be played. What am I?

through 9.

Trivia 1. What is the term used for a charged atom? 2. What is the capital of Greece? 3. Find the link: bed-story-magazine. 4. Complete the expression: Hit the nail on ________. (2 words)

Check answers below. Trivia: 1. an ion

2. Athens

3. time

4. the head

Riddle: a joke

To find out more about QELA, go to www.qela.qc.ca

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