2008 December Qela Student Newsletter

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Page 1

QELA’s St ud e nt N ews l et t er

The Informer Volume 2, Issue 4

December 2008 INSIDE THIS World News


National News


Quebec News


Top 10 Goals for the


New Year Tips to Reach Goals






World News Feeding the World The world population is expected to reach 9 billion by

The U.S. economy has been in

2040. Such a number would

trouble since last summer.

greatly increase humanity’s

Things did not improve in De-

need for food. Climate change

cember. Analysts say it has

may make it tough for farm-

not been this bad since the

ers to meet the world’s grow-

Great Depression. The U.S.

ing needs.

government hopes to fuel the economy

Do You Have News to Share?


by to

loaning companies

more and


Smoking Ban Leads to Less Heart Attacks

Send it to Vicki Hugli

U.S. Economy Still in Trouble

A new study shows that ban-

Season of Giving

ning smoking leads to fewer

A Belgian man gave half of his

heart attacks. After a smok-


lottery win of 7.5 million euro

ing ban in a Colorado city, the

[email protected]

to the poor. The man does not

rate of heart attacks dropped

want to be publicly named.

by 41%. Cities without a ban

Newspapers have called him

did not have such a drop. Sec-

“Father Christmas”.

ond-hand smoke could play a

Newsletter Editor

This project made possible through funding from a joint IFPCA funding initiative of the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills and the Direction de l’éducation des

adultes et de l’action communautaire.

major role.

National News Tougher Viruses Viruses seem to be tougher this flu

Trouble Passing on French Language

season. Some viruses are resisting

Francophone parents outside of Que-

treatment. Doctors have been find-

bec are finding it hard to pass on

ing it harder to help patients. Health

their language. Less Francophones in

Canada recommends that people get

other parts of Canada means fewer

a flu shot.

opportunities to speak French. Most agree that parents should speak French at home if they want to pass the language on.

4.5% of Canadians outside Quebec are Francophones.

Page 2

Coalition to Take Over Government?

Canada Helps Out Automakers

Canada’s opposing parties joined to-

Canada will follow the U.S. and give

gether to bring down the government.

loans to automakers. Roughly $4 bil-

They say Harper’s government has

lion is meant to help out the industry.

failed to deal with the economic crisis.

The money will help both suppliers

In response, Harper will present a new

and buyers. Prime Minister Harper

budget in late January. If the coali-

expects the money to be returned,

tion is not pleased, the government

but admits “there is obviously some

may then fall.

money at risk”.


Page 3

Quebec News Charest Wins in Quebec Election

Montreal Cop Cleared of Charges

The Quebec Election turned out as

A Montreal cop, who fatally shot a

polls had predicted. Charest won a

teen last summer, was cleared of










Québécois finished second with 51

sparked riots in a Montreal suburb.

seats. The ADQ did not win enough

The officer’s actions were found to

seats to keep official party status.

be justified. A public inquiry will still


take place.





spending on health care and education.

On the Right Track with New Snow Tire Law A new law requires Quebec drivers to have snow tires. Drivers could get a $300.00 fine for driving without them between December 15th and April 15th. Some think that other provinces should follow suit.

Deadly Fire An 85-year old Montreal woman died after falling asleep with a cigarette in her hand. Three others from her senior’s residence were taken to hospital. Winter is a dangerous time for fires because of dry homes and wood heat. Fire officials are warning people to be extra careful.

Page 4

Top Ten Goals for

Tips to Reach Your Goals for the New Year

the New Year 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Spend more time with family Lose weight Manage debt Save money Get a better job Get fit Eat right Laugh More Drink less Quit smoking

Many of us set new goals each year. Here are some tips to help you reach your goals for 2009. 1.

Set a realistic goal. Keep it small and simple.


Write down your New Year’s goals and keep this reminder where you can see it.


Make a plan to reach your goal.

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” ~Oprah Winfrey

Games and Trivia Sudoku


Fill in the missing numbers so every row,

What kind of coat can only be put on when

column, and quadrant has the numbers 1


through 9.

Trivia 1. Find the link: rain – cap – curtain. 2. What relation is your sister’s son to your daughter? 3. Complete with the correct color: Oil is sometimes called “______________ gold”.

Check answers below. Trivia: 1. shower

2. her cousin

3. black

Riddle: a coat of paint

To find out more about QELA, go to www.qela.qc.ca

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