2009 March Qela Student Newsletter

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QELA’s Student Newsletter

The Informer Volume 2, Issue 7

March 2009 INSIDE THIS World News


National News


Quebec News Earth Day Facts

World News


Peak of Brain Power

Obama Extends Hand to Iran


A U.S. study

U.S. president Barack Obama



proposed ending 30 years of

brain function

hostility between the U.S. and

peaks at age

Iran. Iran does not think

22. People in

Obama’s words are enough to

their early twenties showed

fix their troubled relations.

more skill with quick thinking

Iran has agreed to join in

and reasoning. Happily, word

talks about Afghanistan.

Eat Well & Save






Do You Have News to Share? Send it to Vicki Hugli

Newsletter Editor

skills and general knowledge improve as we age.

Spear Taken from Man’s Head After 5 hours of surgery, Brazilian doctors removed a 15-cm spear from a man’s


head. The man was shot by a

[email protected]

friend while diving near Rio de Janeiro. The man is doing

This project made possible through funding from a joint IFPCA funding initiative of the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills and the Direction de l’éducation des

adultes et de l’action communautaire.

well and should fully recover.

Exxon Valdez, 20 Years Later It has been 20 years since the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. The spill was the worst in US history. Damage to wildlife is still seen 20 years later.

National News Forget the Gym, Use Public Transit!

Never too Old to Win the Lottery

A survey found that public transit

After 25 years of playing the lot-

users can stay fit by walking to and

tery, 90-year-old Maurice Ducharme

from stops. Canadians who use cars

won big in the 6/49 lottery. The On-

are less likely to get their 30 min-

tario war vet says he will split his

utes of daily exercise. More public

$4.4 million with his four children.

transit use could mean a healthier

He will use the rest to live a good



59% of adult Canadians are overweight or obese.

4 Canadian Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

Page 2

Four more Canadian soldiers were

17 Dead in Nfld. Helicopter Crash

killed in Afghanistan. The men were

Newfoundland is mourning the loss

only days away from returning home.

of 17 people who were killed in a

Comrades are calling the four men

helicopter crash. The helicopter was

“unsung heroes”. 116 Canadian soldiers

ferrying offshore oil workers when

have lost their lives since the first

it crashed into the ocean. One pas-

troops were deployed in Afghanistan.

senger survived.


Page 3

Quebec News Quebec Sees Deficits

Police Ordered to Turn in Stun Guns

Quebec’s government says the prov-

Quebec police have to turn in their

ince will run deficits for the next

Taser stun guns for testing. Some ar-

four years. Their new budget is

gue that Tasers are too dangerous.

meant to boost the economy. Sales

Others argue that they are safer than

tax will be raised by 1% in 2011. An

guns. Tasers are used across Canada,

extra $15 billion will be spent on so-

but Quebec is the first to order test-

cial services and infrastructure.


Quebec says its jobless rate will jump to 8.9% in 2009

No Greater Effort for Earth Hour On March 28th, people

Actress Dies after Fall on Quebec Ski Hill Natasha Richardson died after a fall on a Quebec ski hill. The British actress wasn’t wearing a ski helmet. She said she was fine and turned away an ambulance. She died later from a brain injury. The accident has fueled debate about helmet laws in Quebec.


from the

world shut off their lights for Earth


While the event was a global success, Quebec’s support was not impressive. The province made no greater effort in 2009 than in 2008.

Earth Hour asks people to take action on climate change. To find out more, go to: www.earthhour.org/home

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Get Ready for Earth Day! April 22nd is Earth Day. Keep these facts in mind to get ready for the day. •

A cigarette butt takes one to 12 years to decay.

Recycling a pop can saves enough energy to watch TV for three hours.

Every ton of recycled paper

Tips to Eat Well on a Budget

Follow these tips to make the most of food dollars.

1. Plan meals around in-season fruit and


2. Eat before you shop. People buy more

when hungry.

3. Clip coupons and use them.

4. Look at upper and lower shelves at the

store. Items at eye level cost more.

5. Avoid ready-made meals.

saves 17 trees. •

84% of household waste can be recycled.

Games and Trivia Sudoku


Fill in the missing numbers so every row,

I arrive once in every second, once in every

column, and quadrant has the numbers 1

minute, and once in every year. What am I?

through 9.

Trivia 1. English grammar: make an adverb from the adjective “careful”. 2. Find the link: card - board - video. 3. What is the largest land animal on Earth? 4. What is the capital of Kenya?

Check answers below. Trivia: 1. carefully

2. game

3. African elephant

4. Nairobi

Riddle: The letter "e" (sEcond, minutE, yEar).

To find out more about QELA, go to www.qela.qc.ca

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