2- Cyphers, Francis - Science Charts

  • November 2019
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Week 1- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 1 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles R/LA/S: The class will read “Stories for All Seasons” by Eric Carle.

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles LI/FT/S: The teacher will tell the students about Fall. The class will take a trip outside to view S/W/A: The student the environmental will complete a changes that are handout by writing occurring. The the name of the months and season and coloring holidays of Fall the picture that was will be discussed. given. A/S: The students T/W: The class will will draw, cut, watch a video on and color leaves. the four seasons. They will draw The students will leaves like the take notes of the ones that they say video. outside and color them red, orange, yellow, or brown. MU: The class will since the song “Winter, Spring, GA/A: The Summer, Fall” to student’s leaves the tune of ‘This will be made into Old Man’. a bulletin board for the Fall CanTeach season. DA: For students who have trouble cutting, a precut leaf will be given to them to decorate.

Wednesday Day 5 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles S/LI/W: The teacher will tell the students about Winter. The students will take notes on the characteristics of Winter, including the environmental changes. The months and holidays of Winter will be discussed. GA/S: The students will get in their groups and make a list of things that they have observed during Winter. W/A/S: The students will write a paragraph on their favorite things about Winter. A picture of their favorite things should also be included. OL: The students will present their reports to the class.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles W/S/LI: The teacher will tell the students about Spring. The students will take notes on the characteristics of Spring, including the environmental changes. The months and holidays of Spring will be discussed. A/S: The students will make a landscape that includes the environmental characteristics of Spring along with animals. S/LA/OL: The students will have a spelling bee using the vocabulary words that they learned about Spring.

Friday Day 5 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles LI/W/S: The teacher will tell the students about Summer. The students will take notes on the characteristics of Summer, including the environmental changes. The months and holidays of Summer will be discussed. OL/W/R/A/S: The students will give a presentation about their Summer. Students will have a paragraph and a picture of their Summer adventures. E/W: Students will complete a worksheet about Summer. It will include information about the climate changes and environment as well as activity changes and holidays.

Week 2- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 6 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles GA/S: The students will play a board game, made by the class, about the four seasons. The game will include the months of each season and the changes that occur during the seasons along with activities that can be done in the seasons.

Tuesday Day 7 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles T/LI/S/W: The teacher will tell the students about life cycles. Examples that are given are the cycle of metamorphosis, the food web, and the water cycle. The students will watch a video on life cycles.

LI/W: The cycle of metamorphosis E: The students will is introduced. The have a quiz on the students learn four seasons. about the development of a butterfly. The students are given a handout of the stages to complete. A: Each student will make a mobile of the cycle of the butterfly. DA: For students with difficulty the mobile will be made for them. They will just have to color.

Wednesday Day 8 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles S/W/LI: The teacher will discuss the food web with the class. The teacher will give the class an example of a food web on the board. GA/S/W/A: The students will get in their groups and make a group food web. The web should be neat and colorful. GA/LI/A: The teacher will discuss food chains with the class. The class will make a large food chain as a group.

Thursday Day 9 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles W/LI/S: The teacher will discuss the water cycle with the class. The teacher will go over a diagram showing each stage of the cycle. A/W/S: The students will draw their own water cycle and label each stage correctly. DA: Students who are having difficulty will be given the pictures of the cycle and must only label the stages.

FT: The class will take a field trip to Amazement Square to look at the display about water cycles. The students will go LA/R: The class through the water will read the book cycle at the log “The Food station and see each Chain” by Lynn stage occur. M. Stone.

Friday Day 10 JSSOL S 2.1 Seasonal Changes and Life Cycles W/A/S/OL: Each student will draw a picture and write a few sentences about their favorite part of Amazement Square. The students will share this with the class.

GA/OL: The class will review the life cycles that were discussed this unit. The class will play a game of Jeopardy as review. E: The students will be given a quiz on all three of the life cycles discussed in class. The quiz will be multiple choice, matching, and true/false.

Week 3- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 11 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

Tuesday Day 12 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

R/S/PS: The teacher will read a short essay to the students about a palm tree. The students will learn that a palm tree grows coconuts and inside the coconuts are the seeds that the tree grew from.

LA: The students will learn four vocabulary words. The vocabulary words are seed plants, seed coat, parent plant, and seeding.

Wednesday Day 13 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

A/MA/W: Each student will draw a picture of a seed plant. The students will then glue that seed on their picture in the shape of the plant that the seed would grow into. S: The students For example, will be given a pumpkin seeds handout with can be glued in GA/CC/MA/S: The pictures of the shape of a students will meet different seed pumpkin. After in their groups and plants. The the seeds are sort different types students will learn glued on the of seeds by their that seed plants picture the size and color. After are plants that are students will the students sort the grown from write two seeds by size and seeds. The sentences about color they will students will learn their seed plant. come up with their that all seeds do own ways of not look the same. Addison-Wesley Science Teacher’s grouping the seeds. Edition 2.

W: The students will journal about the discoveries they made while sorting seeds.

GA/MA: The students will meet in their groups to plant their seed plant. Each group will water their seed daily and record its growth.

DA: For students who have difficulty drawing a handout with a picture of a seed plant will be given to them.

Thursday Day 14 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants GA/LI/CM/SS: The class will make a list of seed plants that grow in our area. The class will review the characteristics of seed plants. GA/W/A: The students will learn about seed coats. A seed coat is the tough outside part of a seed. The students will meet in their groups to examine the seed coat of a bean, peanut, and walnut. Each member of the group will draw a picture of one of the seeds labeling the seed coat and writing a few sentences about the seed.

Friday Day 15 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants R/LI: The teacher will read the students the book The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. FT: The class will take a trip to an apple orchard. The students will pick apple and the teacher will slice them in half so that the students can see the seeds inside of the apple. W/A: The students will write a short essay about the trip to the apple orchard and what they have learned about seeds and plants. The students will make a cover page for their essay which will include a title and picture.

Week 4- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 16 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

Tuesday Day 17 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

Wednesday Day 18 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

A/W: The students will learn about what seeds need in order to grow. The students will learn that a seed needs three things before it can grow. A seed needs air, water, and the sun or warmth. The students will make a chart showing the three things that a seed needs in order to grow.

W: The students will learn the definition of a seedling and the process of a plants growth. The students will write a paper on the process of plant growth.

T: The students will review all that they have learned about seeds and ask any questions that they may have about seeds. The students will then watch a video on seeds and plant growth. The students will take notes while watching the video.

E/PS: The students will complete a handout about seeds. The students will be MU: The students expected to know will sing the song the parts of a “I’m a Little Seed” seed, be able to to the tune of “I’m put pictures of a Little Teapot”. plant growth in the correct order, CanTeach and be able to list the three things LA/A: The students that all seeds need will read the poem in order to grow. “My Garden” and draw a picture to go with the poem. CanTeach

DA: For the students who have difficulty keeping their attention focused and staying on task a worksheet will be given to them to be completed while watching the video.

Thursday Day 19 JSSOL S 2.3 Plants

Friday Day 20 JSSOL S 2.12 Living things are part of a system OL/E/W/A: The S/LI: The teacher students will give will discuss the oral presentations on concept of living the seed plant of their and non living choice. They should things. The students have a picture of their will learn about seed and seed plant cells. along with a short report. W/S/A: The students will learn GA: The students what a cell looks will have a packet of like and the worksheets to characteristics of a complete as a group. cell. The students will label the nucleus on a cell GA/S/W: The diagram. The students will check students will then the growth of their color their cells. plants and document their changes to finish out the plant A/S: The students unit. will get to look at cells through a microscope. The students will draw a picture of what they see when looking through the microscope.

Week 5- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 21 JSSOL S 2.12 Living things are part of a system S/LI: The teacher will introduce the concept of movement. The students will learn about the movement of living things.

Tuesday Day 22 JSSOL S 2.12 Living things are part of a system S/LI: The teacher will introduce the concept of respiration. All living things have a respiratory system in order to breathe and stay alive.

T/S: The students will watch a video on living things as part of a system and the concept of movement.

MA/LI/CM: The teacher will blow up a balloon. The teacher will ask the class if they have an idea what organ might be similar to the balloon and the way it was inflated. The students should arrive at the answer: the lungs. The teacher will present information on the Respiratory system.

W: The students will turn in notes from the video. DA: Students who have difficulty taking notes will be given a handout. The students will have to fill in the blanks to complete the notes.

S: The students will learn about the part of the respiratory system, including the nose and lungs.

Wednesday Day 23 JSSOL S 2.12 Living things are part of a system S/LI: The teacher will introduce the concept of growth to the classroom. The students will learn that all living things grow and need certain things in order to continue to grow. A/W/S: The students will review plant growth and learn about the growth of other living things. The students will make a diagram of the growth process of any living thing. The students must be sure to label each stage of growth. DA: Students with difficulties will have their living thing selected for them. They will be given a handout that is partially completed. They will finish the growth process.

Thursday Day 24 JSSOL S 2.12 Living things are part of a system S/LI: The teacher will introduce the concept of reproduction to the classroom. The students will learn that all living things have the ability to reproduce. Humans, birds, fish, and all other living things are able to reproduce. T/S: The students will watch a video on the reproduction of flowers. A: The students will draw a diagram of how a flower reproduces.

Friday Day 25 JSSOL S 2.12 Living things are part of a system GA/LI/S: The students will review all of the concepts that they learned in the unit about living things as part of a system. The students will review the different parts of the system and how they work together. In order to review the students will get into their groups and play a game of Jeopardy. S/W: As the final part of the review the students will complete a worksheet covering the material covered in the unit.

Week 6- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 26 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms LI/S: The teacher will introduce the concept of vertebrate and invertebrate. Vertebrate means that the animal has a backbone. Invertebrate means that the animal does not have a backbone. Macomb

A/S: The students will draw a makebelieve animal. The animal will be draw with either a backbone or without a backbone. OL/S/LI: The students will present their animals to the class and describe them as either vertebrate or invertebrate. The students must tell the class why they made their animal with or without a backbone.

Tuesday Day 27 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms LI/S: The teacher will tell the students about vertebrate animals. The most common thing with a backbone is humans. The students will learn about humans, horses, and other vertebrate animals.

Wednesday Day 28 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms LI/S: The teacher will tell the students about invertebrate animals. The most common invertebrate animal is the jellyfish.

Thursday Day 29 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms FT: The class will take a field trip to the local zoo. The students will have to identify the animals as either vertebrate or invertebrate.

W/S/OL/SS: The students will write a paper on their T: The students favorite animal at the will watch a zoo. The paper video on should include Jellyfish. characteristics of the T: The students animal, whether it is will watch a video vertebrate or about horses. W/A/S: The invertebrate, and students will draw what type of a jellyfish and environment the S/W/A: The write a few animal lives in. students will write sentences about a report of horses. it. They must M/W/S: The class They can use to include whether it will keep a record of write about any is vertebrate or all of the students type of horse but invertebrate. favorite animals. The they must be sure students will turn the to include its record into a tally characteristics DA: For students chart and then make a and well as who have graph. This will show whether it is difficulty writing the students which vertebrate or the teacher will animal was liked by invertebrate. The give them a few the most students. students must be sentences with a sure to include a blank in each picture of the sentence to be horse. filled in.

Friday Day 30 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms S/LI/W: The students learn that most invertebrate animals are underwater animals. The students will learn about fish and other underwater animals. The class will make a list of underwater animals. R/S: The students will read the book “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister. A/S: The students will make their own rainbow fish. They will trace and cut out a fish. Then they will decorate the fish with paint and sequins. GA: The student’s rainbow fish will be posted on this month’s new bulletin board.

Week 7- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 31 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms A/S: The students will have a big project on fish. Each student takes a shoe box and makes a habitat for fish. The students can make it a sea, an ocean, or even a fish tank. OL: The students will share their habitats with the rest of the class and describe the environment that they created. DA: The students who have difficulty cutting and gluing will use stickers to make their habitat.

Tuesday Day 32 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms FT: The students will take a field trip to an aquarium. While at the aquarium the students will observe many different invertebrate animals and their environments.

Wednesday Day 33 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms T: The students will watch a video on vertebrate and invertebrate animals. S/R: The students will take notes on the video on vertebrate and invertebrate animals.

S/W: The students will write a paper about their trip to the D/S: The students aquarium. will draw a picture of a vertebrate animal A/S: The students and an will make a poster invertebrate of thing that they animal that they observed at the learned about. aquarium. Students should be sure to include their favorite part of the trip.

Thursday Day 34 JSSOL S 2.2 Vertebrate and Invertebrate organisms GA/S/MO/PS: The students will play a game about vertebrate and invertebrate animals. All of the students will stand in a circle with the teacher standing in the middle. The teacher will call out the name of an animal and the students will either stand up straight, if it is a vertebrate animal, or slouch, if it is an invertebrate animal. S/GA: The students will review of the test tomorrow. The review will cover seasonal changes and life cycles, living things as part of a living system, and vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. For review the class will play games such as Jeopardy and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.

Friday Day 35 TEST

E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover seasonal changes and life cycles, seeds and plants, living things as part of a living system, and vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The test will be multiple choice and matching.

Week 8- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 36 JSSOL S 2.4 Earth’s orbit R: The students will read a short story titles “The World goes ‘Round”

Tuesday Day 37 JSSOL S 2.4 Earth’s orbit

S/A/MA: The students will learn that the Earth is a sphere rotates on an axis. The students will Addison-Wesley make their own Science Teachers globe. The Edition 2 students will S: The teacher will decorate their Styrofoam sphere discuss the Earth’s to look like the rotation with the Earth. They will students. The then stick it on a students will learn that it takes 365 day popsicle stick to create the axis. (one year) for the The students will Earth to go around now have their the sun. own globe.

Wednesday Day 38 JSSOL S 2.4 Earth’s orbit

Thursday Day 39 JSSOL S 2.4 Earth’s orbit

Friday Day 40 JSSOL S 2.4 Earth’s orbit

S/W/LI/GA: The students will think of words that describe a sunset. The teacher will compile a list of the student’s words on the board. After the list has been completed the class will write a paragraph about a sunset.

S/MO: The students will learn that the Earth moves in two ways at the same time. The Earth rotates on its axis and moves in a circle around the sun. The students will be split up into pairs. One of the students will stand still and be the sun while the other student is the Earth. The student who is the Earth will spin in circles while also circling around the sun.

E: The students will be expected to complete a handout that covers all of the material that was covered during the unit. The students will be expected to be able to tell the difference from night and day and the Earth’s position for each and how many days it takes for the Earth to rotate around the sun.

W: While the teacher writes the paragraph about a HW: The students S/MA/MO: The sunset on the will draw three students will learn board the students pictures of their that at any given will also write the house. When they time the sun is paragraph in their go home they will only shining on journals. look at the sun in half of the Earth. the morning, at The students will noon, and in the get their globes DA: Students afternoon. The and flashlights. who have trouble students will draw With the lights writing legibly the sun in their off, the students will be given a picture and include will shine their printed copy of the time that they flashlights on the class observed the sun. their globes and paragraph to glue see that while one into their journal Addison-Wesley next to their Science Teacher Edition side has light the 2 other side does attempt at writing not. the paragraph.

Addison-Wesley Science Teachers Edition 2

S/A: The students will learn the terms day and night. They will learn that a day consists of 24 hours. The students will look at a picture of the Earth and tell which side is having day and night. The students will then draw a picture and label half of the Earth as day and the other half as night.

R/W/S: The students will complete a crossword and word search puzzle of the terms that they have learned with the unit.

Week 9- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 41 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon S/W: The students will learn about the characteristics of the moon. They will learn that the moon is rocky and barren, covered with dust, and scarred with craters. The students will write a paragraph about the moon and its features.

Tuesday Day 42 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon A: The students will make four boxes on their paper and draw the different shapes of the moon that they have seen.

A/M/HW: The students will be given a calendar. The students are to look at the moon every night for a month and R/LA: The students cut out the shape will learn the of the moon that vocabulary for the they observed and unit. The glue it on the vocabulary is plain, calendar for that crater, astronaut, day. The calendar and space. will be turned in at the end of the Addison-Wesley month. At least 7 Science Teachers days must be Edition 2 completed for the A/W: The students student to get credit. If the will write each whole month in vocabulary word completed, extra three times and credit will be draw a picture. awarded. Addison-Wesley Science Teachers Edition 2

Wednesday Day 43 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon

Thursday Day 44 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon

Friday Day 45 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon

A/MA/S: The students will be given clay to make a model of the moon. The model should include plains and craters.

PS: The teacher will ask the students to look at a picture showing the astronaut’s footprints in the dust. The teacher will tell the students that the moon does not have any air or water, so there is no rain, snow, or wind. The teacher will ask the students how long they think the footprints will stay on the moon.

W/A: The students will learn the four different shapes of the phases of the moon. Each student will fold their paper so that it makes four boxes. In each box the students will draw a picture of the moon and write the phase.

S/SS/R/W: The students will learn about astronauts. The teacher will read “The U.S. Space Camp Book of Astronauts” by Anne Baird. The students will write a biography on one of MA: The teacher the first astronauts. will create a model for the question. In DA: Students who a pan the teacher are unable to read will put sand and well will be given then put a information on an handprint, rather astronaut in a than a footprint, in reading level that is the sand. The easier for them. students will watch and nothing will OL: The students happen. Without air will present their or water the biographies to the footprints would class and tell the last for a long time. class their favorite Addison-Wesley thing that they learned either about Science Teachers Edition 2 the astronaut or the moon.

FT: The students will take a field trip to the closest planetarium to view the moon and the stars.

Week 10- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 46 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon S/W: The students will learn about the things that are on the moon and things that cannot live on the moon. Each student will make a chart. The chart will have two columns, one will say ‘on the moon’ and the other will say ‘not on the moon’. The students will complete the chart as items are discussed in class. DA: Students who have trouble listening and writing at the same time will be given a handout with a list of the items that are being discussed in class.

Tuesday Day 47 JSSOL S 2.5 Effects of the moon E: The students will be given a worksheet to complete about the moon. It will be a true and false worksheet. The questions will cover the material that has already been presented to the class. A: The students will be given construction paper to cut out the four phases of the moon and match them correctly with the name of the phase.

Wednesday Day 48 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Thursday Day 49 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

LI/S: The teacher will introduce the concept of force to the students.

LI/S: The teacher will introduce the concept of motion to the students.

The students will continue to experiment with force and motion.

T/S: The students will watch a video on forces and motion.

GA/S: The students will get into their groups and make a ramp using a books and a rule. The students can put more books under the ruler to make the ramp steeper. They will run a toy car down the ramp. The car is in motion.

Tell students that they will be conducting an experiment with motion and forces. Demonstrate making a ramp by placing one or more books under one end of the plywood. Show students how to gently push the toy car down the ramp and then measure the speed and distance it traveled with a meter stick and stopwatch. Discuss the forces at work on the car. What makes it move toward the bottom of the ramp? What keeps it from moving faster?

S/GA: The students will do an experiment to understand force and that the amount of energy used to move an Discovery Education object is force. The students will get into their groups and see how much force it takes to move certain objects. The students will record their data an later compare it to the data collected by the rest of the class. The class will learn which object took the most force in order to move it.

Friday Day 50 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Discovery Education

Week 11- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 51 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion LI/S: The teacher will introduce the concept of gravity to the students. MA/S/GA: The students will do an experiment to test gravity. The students will get into their groups. Each group will be given two balls. One of the balls will be heavy and the other ball will be light. If the balls are dropped at the same time the force of gravity will be the same on both objects.

Tuesday Day 52 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion S/LI: The students will continue to experiment with gravity GA/MA/S: When students try dropping a feather or a sheet of paper from the same height from which they dropped the other objects, they will discover that the feather and the paper fall more slowly. Suggest that they bunch the sheet of paper up into a ball and drop it from the same height. They will find that the ball of paper reaches the floor in less time than the sheet of paper. Discovery Education

Wednesday Day 53 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Thursday Day 54 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Friday Day 55 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

LI/S: The teacher will introduce the concept of speed to the students.

LI/S: The students will continue to experiment with speed.

LI/S: The teacher will introduce the concept of friction to the students.

GA/S: Each group will be given ruler, a toy car, and a few books to make the ramp steeper. The students will experiment by added more books or taking away books to see which causes the car to go the fastest and what causes the car to go the furthest.

S/GA/W: The students will get into their groups and be given six pennies. The students will discuss the weight of the pennies. Then, have them tape three pennies on top of their toy car. Tell students to roll the car down the ramp three times, recording the speed and distance for each separately. Did the car move faster or slower with the added weight? Why do you think this is? Talk about mass and how it affects speed.

Discovery Education

DA: Students who have trouble behaving in this kind of activity will be given alternative work to complete while the rest of the class works on the experiment.

Discovery Education

GA/S: The teacher will need to obtain boards or thick cardboard and cover each with different materials. Also needed are two small identical plastic or tin containers for each group, connected by a piece of string, and washers. On these boards should be a start and finish line of equal distance. Place tub with the block on the start line. The students then add washers until the tub with the block moves to the finish line. The students will record the number of washers it took to move the tub. LessonsPlanPage

Week 12- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 56 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Tuesday Day 57 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Wednesday Day 58 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Thursday Day 59 JSSOL S 2.7 Forces of motion

Friday Day 60 TEST

LI/CM/S: The teacher will ask the students provide examples of friction. How does rain affect the roads? How does the traction on different tires change how a car moves?

MA/S/W: The students will give a presentation on what they have learned about force, motion, speed, gravity, and friction. Students will be assigned their area to present.

FT: The students will take a field trip to the Science Museum to learn more about the forces of motion.

GA/LI/S: The students will review for tomorrows test. The review will include games such as Jeopardy and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. The review will cover all of the material discussed since the last test.

E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover the Earth’s orbit, the effects of the moon, and forces of motion. The test will be multiple choice, matching, and True/False.

W/S: The students will write a paper on friction. The paper will include the definition of friction and example so friction.

OL/PS/S/W/CM: The presentations will be done in front of the class. This will help refresh the student’s memories of the things that they have learned in the past couple of weeks.

DA: Students who have trouble writing papers will get additional assistance.

Week 13- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 61 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases S/LI: The students will learn the three groups of matter. The three groups of matter are liquid, solid, and gas. The teacher will read the definition of each state to the class. W/LI/MO/S: The first state that the teacher will address is solids. Solids have their own shape and do not change when moved from place to place. The teacher will show the students examples of solids, such as people, desks, and books. The students will them write a list of as many solids as they can think of in five minutes. The students will share their lists with the class.

Tuesday Day 62 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases S/LI: The teacher will teach the students about the state of liquids. A liquid does not have its own shape but it takes the shape of its container meaning that a liquid can change shapes.

Wednesday Day 63 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases S/LI: The teacher will teach the students about the state of a gas. Gas is similar to liquid in the fact that it also changes shape. Most gasses are invisible and air is made up of most of those gases.

Thursday Day 64 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases MA/S/LI/A: The students will be given a blank bingo sheet and a list of items that they can draw on their sheet. Each student will make their own bingo sheet and then the teacher will start the game. As an item is called out the student must place a chip on the square. When a A/S: The teacher MA: The students student gets five in a will show the will be given row they must shout students examples balloons. Each Bingo. The student of a liquid. The student will blow will then tell the teacher will put up their balloon. teacher what items water in one The reason that were called out and in container and then the balloon grows order to win the game pour it into bigger is because the student must be another container the air that we able to tell the state of of a different blew into is made each shape. The shape to show the up of mostly gas winners will receive a students that so it made the small prize. liquids can balloon inflate. change shapes. The students will DA: For students draw pictures of who are unable to as many different blow up a balloon examples of will be given a liquids as they balloon that has can in five already been minutes. The inflated so that teacher will they can follow collect their work. along with the activity.

Friday Day 65 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases W/A/S: The students will be given a worksheet. The worksheet will have ten pictures on it. The students must classify each picture as solid, liquid, or gas. The students will also color the pictures. FT: The teacher will take the students outside and around school grounds looking for solids, liquids, and gases. Each time the teacher sees one of the three states of matter she will stop the class and ask the students what they see and how they would classify what they are looking at.

Week 14- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 66 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases W/A/LI/OL/MO/GA: The teacher will have the students design monsters that are composed of one type of matter- solid, liquid, or gas. The teacher will ask them to imagine how the monster might look, sound, and move. The teacher will then have the students write short sentences describing the monsters. Volunteers may act out their monster while their classmates are trying to guess the type of matter that each monster is made of. Addison-Wesley Science Teacher’s Edition 2

Tuesday Day 67 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases GA/LI/MA: The teacher will have the students play around the world. The students will be matched up with two students playing at one time. The students will be shown a flashcard or told an item and they must classify it as one of the three states of matter. The goal is for a student to make it all the way around the room by answering first and correctly when matched up against every student in the class. DA: Students who have trouble hearing will be shown flashcards rather than just being told an item.

Wednesday Day 68 JSSOL S 2.11 Solids, Liquids, and Gases E: The students will be given a handout. The handout will have pictures of items that are either a solid, liquid, or gas. The students will have to circle the correct answers. The questions will cover all of the characteristics of the three types of matter. LA/S: The students will complete a crossword puzzle and a word search puzzle using the terms that they learned for this unit.

Thursday Day 69 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

Friday Day 70 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

MA/S/GA/W: The students will get in their groups and test a magnet. The students will slide the magnet around their desk and over various items to see which items the magnet picks up. Each group will compile a list of the items that were picked up by the magnet and of the items that were not picked up by the magnet.

S/W/PS: The students will learn the definition of a magnet and its characteristics. After learning the definition each student will write a list of a few items that they now think will be picked up by a magnet.

LI/W/S/GA: The students will share their results with the teacher and the rest of the class to make a class list. By observing the items that were and were not picked up by the magnet each group will come up with their own definition of what a magnet is and how it works.

MA/PS/S: The students will get into their groups for an activity. Each group will be given a bag of miscellaneous items. The group will look at all of the items to see what they have in common and whether they believe they are magnetic or nonmagnetic. After the group has made their hypothesis they will be given magnet to see which items are magnetic and with are non-magnetic.

Week 15- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 71 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

Tuesday Day 72 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

MA/LI/S: The students learn about the magnetic poles. The teacher shows the students have to pole react to each other by using a model. Different poles attract and like pole push each other away.

S/W/MA: The students will be given a worksheet about the strength of magnets. The students will each have three magnet and paperclips. The students will test the magnets strength by seeing how many paperclips the magnet can hold.

Wednesday Day 73 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

GA/S/MA: The teacher will tell the students that she has discovered a new way to fish by using magnets. Make a fishing pole by tying one end of a piece of string to a magnet and the GA: The students other end to a will get into groups stick. Prepare a of two. Each student pond by putting will have a magnet. blue tissue paper The students will test in a box. Fasten a Addison-Wesley the pole to see when paper clip to each Science Teachers they attract and when of several paper Edition 2 they repel each other. fish and put them in the box. Drop GA/LI/W/A: The GA/S/MO/A/W/MA: the magnet into class will talk The students will the box and begin about the many draw a picture and fishing. Discuss items that are write a sentence to go with the students magnetic and with the picture about how the magnet make a list of what happened in “caught” the fish some of the their experiment. and why the magnetic things They should either magnet actually that are located in draw two like poles attracted the the classroom. being attracted to paper. Once list is made each other or two the students will Addison-Wesley different poles draw pictures of Science Teachers repelling each other. items that are Edition 2 magnetic and items that are not magnetic.

Thursday Day 74 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

Friday Day 75 JSSOL S 2.6 Magnets

W/A/S/LA: The students will write a paper on magnets and how the poles attract and repel each other and other objects. The paper will be written in the student’s best handwriting. Along with the paper there will be a title page and artwork.

E: The students will have a quiz on magnets and the poles. The students will have to know which poles attract and repel and why some objects are magnetic and some objects are not magnetic.

GA/MA/S: The students will pair DA: For students up and create a who have trouble maze. The students writing complete will then place a sentences the teacher paperclip at the will give them a start of the maze. booklet. The booklet The other student will have a title page will take a magnet and a few pages with and drag the sentences for them to paperclip through fill in the blanks and the maze. create their own artwork.

Week 16- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 76 JSSOL S 2.9 Magnetic Compasses LI/S: The students will learn about compasses. Compasses are tiny magnets that help determine direction by pointing north and south. GA/MA/S: The students will get in their groups and explore the room using a compass. The students will start at any place in the room. The teacher will tell the students to take three steps to the north, two steps to the east, etc.

Tuesday Day 77 JSSOL S 2.9 Magnetic Compasses A/S: The students will draw a picture of a compass. Each student will cut out and color their compass. They will us a bobby as the needle on the compass so that they came move the needed to read a different direction.

Wednesday Day 78 JSSOL S 2.9 Magnetic Compasses S/LI: The students will learn about early explorers and their use of compasses.

LA/SS: The students will read the book “Christopher Columbus” by Stephen Krensky. By reading this book the students will learn the DA: For those importance of a students who are compass and the not good at importance of cutting out objects knowing the will be given a cut direction in which out of a circle to one is traveling. make into their own compass. W/SS/S: The students will write a report on the importance of a compass and historians who either used a compass or found another way to determine direction.

Thursday Day 79 JSSOL S 2.9 Magnetic Compasses SS/S/W/OL: The students will each present their report on compasses and historians. The students will find a way to dress like their historian or era. S/W: The students will complete a handout. The handout will have multiple pictures of compasses labeled in order to allow the students to see what direction it is pointed. The students will correctly identify the direction that the compass is pointing.

Friday Day 80 JSSOL S 2.9 Magnetic Compasses W/S/LA: The students will write their vocabulary words three times each and draw a picture or write a sentence for the word. E: The students will have a quiz. The students will need to understand a compass and the purpose of a compass. The students will also need to correctly draw a picture of a compass.

Week 17- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 81 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines S/LI: The teacher will teach the students about machines. The inside of a machine is the most important part. In the inside there are many different gadgets that keep the machine working.

Tuesday Day 82 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines S/LI/MA: The teacher will tell the students about levers. Various objects that could be used as a lever such as a ruler, plastic serving spoons, meter sticks, paint sticks, plastic knives or forks, etc. The teacher will show LI/S/T: The students an teacher will show example of a the students a lever and how it picture of the inside works. The of a machine. The students will inside of the make a lever machine is labeled using their ruler. lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, screw, A/S/MA: The wedge, and pulley. teacher will The students will discuss the wheel start to learn the and axle with the importance of class. The wheel simple machines. and axle is used everywhere from the clock to a car. Students will make their own clock using a bobby as the wheel and axle.

Wednesday Day 83 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines LI/S/MA: The teacher will tell the students about inclined planes. Incline planes are found in all kinds of places. A ramp for someone in a wheel chair is one of the most common ramps seen everywhere today. An inclined plane makes it easier on people when having to relocate a heavy object. The students will make an inclined plane using their ruler and book. S/LI: The teacher will discuss the screw with the class. A good example of a screw is the bottom of a light bulb. The teacher will pass around a light bulb for the students to get a closer look at the example of a screw.

Thursday Day 84 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines LI/S/A: The teacher will tell the students about wedges. A wedge is used to spread things apart or to raise an object. The most common wedge in a school is probably the door stopper. The teacher will show the class the door stopper and show them that it is a wedge because it spreads the door apart from the wall. The students will create their own wedge. Thelessonplanspage.co m

S/LI/GA: The teacher will tell the students about pulleys. The students will get in their groups of two and be given a piece of string. One student will place the string over their finger while the other students pull the strings on both sides of the partner’s finger.

Friday Day 85 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines S/T: The students will watch a short video on simple machines and their different uses. MA/S/A: The students will be given a blank bingo card to fill out. They will also be given a list of possible answers to put on their card. The teacher will call out the items. When a student gets five in a row they must recall the objects and tell what type of simple machine the object is. DA: For students who work at a slow pace the bingo card will be given to them already filled in. They will color their bingo card while the other students fill out their cards.

Week 18- Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 86 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines GA/S/A: The students will get in groups and identify all six types of simple machines. The students will label and color the handout. After each simple machine is labeled and colored the students will cut the machines out. The group will then get together and use their simple machines to make their own machine or robot.

Tuesday Day 87 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines SS/LI/S: The teacher will discuss what an inventor is to the class. The teacher will give the students examples of inventors such as, Alexander Graham Bell and Benjamin Franklin.

Wednesday Day 88 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines S/SS/A: The teacher will read the students a book about Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone. Each student will draw a picture of a telephone making it look like they think the original telephone A/S/SS: The looked like or students will draw how they would a picture of have made it if something that they have they wish that invented it. they could invent. E: The students will It can be anything be given a from a new toy to SS/S/LA/OL: worksheet to something that The students will complete on all of may cause a big play the game the different simple change in ‘Telephone’. The machines. America if it were teacher will start really made. Now with a sentence all of the students and it will be have become passed to each inventors. student. The telephone allowed people a way to communicate to people close or far away.

Thursday Day 89 JSSOL S 2.8 Inventors and Simple Machines S/SS/A: The teacher will read the students a book at Benjamin Franklin and his invention of the bifocals. Each student will make a pair of bifocals from construction paper and decorate them. The students will wear their glasses for the rest of the lesson.

Friday Day 90 TEST

E: The students will be tested on all of the material that has been presented since the last test. The test will cover solids, liquids, and gases, magnets, magnetic compasses, and inventors and simple machines. The test will be matching, multiple choice, and S/SS/W: The students true/false. will write a paragraph about Benjamin Franklin and the bifocals and how they would have made them look if they had been the inventors. DA: The students who struggle in writing will be given many sentences that they can use to write about Franklin. The students will have to arrange the sentences in the order that they think is best.

Resources: Addison-Wesley. (1989). Addison-Wesley Science Teacher’s Edition 2. New York, NY: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Burris, Tumar. 2007. Discovery Education. Retrieved October 15, 2007 from http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/rulesforces/. Carle, Eric. (1998). Stories for All Seasons. New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc. Carle, Eric. (2001). The Tiny Seed. New York, NY: Scholastic, Inc. Iram and James. Songs and Poems. CanTeach. Retrieved October 15, 2007 from http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems22.html Unknown. 2007. The Lesson Plan Page. Retrieved October 15, 2007 from http://www.lessonplanpage.com. Unknown. 2004. UCS Science Curriculum. Retrieved October 15, 2007 from http://www.macomb.k12.mi.us/utica/science/2/2sciweb2.html.

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