Week 1- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 1 JSOL SS 2.1 Character of Americans R/LA: The teacher will read Russell the Sheep. LI/SS: The teacher will lead a discussion on why Russell in the story can be seen as a good citizen; pointing out that he is self-reliant and self-disciplined. She will teach students that others throughout history have been good citizens by exhibiting the same qualities. She will teach on Susan B. Anthony. L/W: Students must write about how they think Susan B. Anthony exhibited the qualities of a good citizen. DA: Students having trouble writing down their ideas will be given additional time.
Tuesday Day 2 JSOL SS 2.1 Character of Americans LI/SS: The teacher will teach students about Martin Luther King Jr. She will lead a discussion on how he proved he had more than diligence and good citizenship because he had character. The teacher will explain what character means. GA/W: The students will brainstorm about ways they can be good citizens and a class of character in their own community. The groups will choose one representative to read their ideas aloud. The teacher will write the best ideas on the board and students will vote on the idea they think is the best and put into action.
Wednesday Day 5 JSSOL SS 2.1 Character of Americans
Thursday Day 4 JSOL SS 2.1 Character of Americans
LI/SS: Students will learn about Benjamin Franklin. Students will learn about his successes along with how character played an important role in his personal and professional life.
CI/FT: The students will be taken to the park they have chosen to help clean up by picking up trash and helping to plant flowers.
HW/W: Students will reflect on how GA/W: Students it felt to help keep will be put into the their community a same groups to better and safer brainstorm about place. Students ways they can put will write a short their plan into action paragraph on their to help the local park experience. in their area.
Friday Day 5 JSOL SS 2.1 Character of Americans OL/LI: The students will read their paragraphs aloud and the teacher will make a list on the board of all the words she heard in the students paragraphs that dealt with character. LI/SS: The teacher will lead a discussion on how the students exhibited character just like some of the historians they had learned about during the week. She will point out that you don’t have to be famous to have character but as long as you are a person of character you will be important.
Week 2- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 6 JSSOL SS 2.6 Past and Present
Tuesday Day 7 JSSOL SS 2.6 Past and Present
Wednesday Day 8 JSSOL SS 2.6 Past and Present
Thursday Day 9 JSSOL SS 2.6 Past and Present
Friday Day 10 JSSOL SS 2.6 Past and Present
GA/SS/W: The teacher will tell the students that they will look through the pictures their group members have brought in and write down any visual differences they see between these pictures of the LI/OL: The teacher past and now. will lead a discussion on how SS/OL: The students think teacher will draw things have a Venn diagram changed since then. on the board. Do they see any Students will help similarities between the teacher then and now? complete the Differences? diagram by contributing HW/HS: The differences they teacher will send a saw in the letter home with pictures. parents instructing them to send with HW/HS: their child to school Students will the next day interview an pictures of their elderly person family, others and they know and the community in ask them ten the past. questions about the past of the Learning to Give community.
GA/W: Students will compile the information they learned from their interviews and create a list.
R/LI: The teacher will read Maggie the Mink. She will lead a discussion on how her friends helped her despite how she treated them.
SS/MO/CC: Students will role play with group as if some of the members are from the past and some are from the present. They must show how life was different in the past and present and incorporate the change of the community. Students can do this as and interview or presentation. The students from another second grade social studies class will join the class and share their presentations as well.
LI/SS: The students will learn about the lives work and the peoples of the past that lived in their community. The teacher will teach students about what their community and what it was like at the turn of the century.
Learning to Give
SS/OL: The groups will read their lists to the teacher. She will add their findings to the Venn diagram.
SS/LI: The teacher will teach students that many humanitarian aid efforts have existed for a long time in this country to help W: The class will others. The students use the facts they will learn about the have learned American Red Cross throughout the and the importance of week and those its establishment and on the Venn how it impacted the diagram to write a lives, community and short historical work of those in the story as if they past. lived in the same town one hundred T/W/GA: Students years ago. will be taken to the computer lab to Learning to Give research information about the history of DA: Students the red cross and find having trouble a chapter located near will be given a them. They must find copy of the Venn out the year it was Diagram to refer established, who to. started it and where the closest chapter house is.
Week 3- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 11 JSSOL SS 2.7 China and Egypt
Tuesday Day 12 JSSOL SS 2.7 China and Egypt
LI/OL: The teacher will write these words on the board: wheelbarrow, compass, gun powder, kite, abacus, umbrella, paper, and dominoes. She will ask students to think about what these words have in common. She will call on students to tell her what these words have in common and why.
GA/SS/CC: Groups will be assigned one of the inventions discussed in the previous class to research and present to the class. Students will go to the Library where the Librarian will have already pulled books that deal with the inventions.
LI/SS: The teacher will tell students that these are all ancient Chinese inventions. She will teach them about these inventions, when they were created and how they have influenced our lives. Teacher Tips Training
Wednesday Day 13 JSSOL SS 2.7 China and Egypt
Thursday Day 14 JSSOL SS 2.7 China and Egypt
SS/GA/A: Students will be given time to complete their poster.
SS/LI: Students will learn how the Egyptian calendar was originally based on moon phases and how the Egyptian calendar developed. GA/OL: Students Students will learn will present their how the Egyptian posters to the calendar influenced class. The posters the Christian calendar will then be hung we use today. around the room. GA/SS: Students will be given a recent Christian calendar and an Egyptian SS/GA/A: calendar. Groups will Students must compare and contrast make a poster that the two types of includes both calendars. words and pictures educating DA: Groups having the class about the trouble will be given invention and a list of helpful hits to how it is used in look for in spotting our society today. similarities and differences between the two calendars. Teacher Tips Training
Friday Day 15 JSSOL SS 2.7 China and Egypt SS/LI: Students will then learn about the Chinese calendar and how their new year changes every year while ours is consistent to January 1st. T/GA: Groups will be given a date from this year’s Christian calendar. Students will look up the corresponding date for the Chinese calendar. Groups must write down the Christian calendar date and the Chinese calendar date. Groups will share their dates with the class. SS/LI: The teacher will conclude by pointing out how different calendars can be but how they have influenced one another. Teacher Tips Training Web Exhibits
Week 4- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 16 JSOL SS 2.8 American Indians
Tuesday Day 17 JSOL SS 2.8 American Indians
Wednesday Day 18 JSOL SS 2.8 American Indians
Thursday Day 19 JSOL SS 2.8 American Indians
Friday Day 20 TEST
LI/SS: The students will learn about the American Indians. Students will learn that the American Indians were the first Americans. Students will learn that many of the American Indian words have become a part of our language such as the names of states.
A: Students will draw a picture of a Native American child in their home surroundings.
LI/SS: The students will learn about the types of foods American Indians eat.
LI/SS: The students will learn the beliefs of American Indians and how dance and music played an important role in their lives.
E: Students will be tested on all material covered up till this point. The test will cover great Americans, their community, China and Egypt and American Indians.
GA/SS: Students will work together to find the origin of the state’s names. Students are to write down those they find that have an American Indian Influence. A representative will read their states to the class.
LI/SS: The teacher will use the student’s drawings to break down stereotypes about American Indians. She will point out which pictures are true to life while others are generalizations that the public and even Hollywood has created. The teacher will teach students about where and how most American Indians live today, many just like us.
LI/SS: The teacher will read the correct names of states that Education World derived their names from Native Americans and explain the origin of each word. Education World
SS/CC/HS: The teacher will work with the Home Economics teacher to help her cook some American Indian recipes for children to try. Students will make a journey cake, a common American Indian recipe with the help of group members and parents.
T: The students will watch a video of American Indians dancing and singing. GA/MO/MU: Students will create a song and dance with their group that represents. Students must set a purpose for dancing; such as, celebration, ritual or fun. Students will present their song and dance to the class. DA: Groups having trouble creating a dance will be given a list of movements and steps commonly used by American Indians.
Week 5- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 21 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/LI: The students will learn that America is made up of a diverse group of people and just as America is, so is the classroom of students they are in. R/LI/OL: The teacher will read Louanne Pig in the Perfect Family. The teacher will lead a discussion on how differences in our families make use unique. HW/HS: The students will talk with parents about their family background. The teacher will send the student home with a worksheet asking basic questions about the family’s history and background. The worksheet will instruct parents to assist their child in completing the answers to the questions.
Tuesday Day 22 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/A/CC: Students will use the information they gathered from their parents to complete a family tree. Students can refer to their worksheet to complete the tree. The teacher will have informed the art teacher on what the students have been learning. The art teacher will have students fill in their information in an oversized tree and draw pictures of their family members under their names. DA: Students having difficulty completing their tree will be given additional time.
Wednesday Day 23 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/LI: The teacher will teach students that it is important to know more about their family background. Students will be taken to the library to research their family’s surname and heritage based on the information collected from their parents earlier in the week. The librarian will have already set out books on heritage and surnames. W/SS: Students will write down their research onto note cards.
Thursday Day 24 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/W: Students will continue to research their family’s background and take notes on note cards. HW: Students will share their findings with their families and are allowed to add any additional information the family knows about their background to their notes.
Friday Day 25 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/W: Students will continue to research their family’s background and take notes on note cards.
Week 6- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 26 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/W: Students will compile the information they have gathered on their family’s heritage and surname into an outline.
Tuesday Day 27 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/W: Students will use their outline to create short paragraphs including main ideas.
Wednesday Day 28 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background SS/W: Students will use their short paragraphs to write a rough draft for their paper.
Thursday Day 29 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background
Friday Day 30 JSSOL SS 2.3 Family Background
SS/W: Students will swap rough drafts with another student and the student will peer edit their paper will red ink. The students will get their own paper back and begin to make revisions, writing a final draft.
OL/SS: Students must role play as if they are a different member of their family and read their research information they have learned about their family background to the class.
DA: Students having trouble will be given an additional amount of time. HW: Students are to finish their rough draft and get together any props necessary to role play as a member of their family for tomorrow.
Week 7- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 31 JSSOL SS 2.12 JSSOL SS 2.13 Goods and Services LI/SS: The teacher will ask students if they have ever been told a sentence like, if you do your homework, you may watch TV. The teacher will explain that the first part of each sentence tells something that might happen. It is called the "cause." The second part of the sentence tells what might happen because the first thing happened. It is called the "effect."
Tuesday Day 32 JSSOL SS 2.12 JSSOL SS 2.13 Goods and Services
Wednesday Day 33 JSSOL SS 2.12 JSSOL SS 2.13 Goods and Services
Thursday Day 34 JSSOL SS 2.12 JSSOL SS 2.13 Goods and Services LI/SS/R: The teacher LI/SS/OL: The GA/A: Students will show students the teacher will ask will be instructed book If You Give a students to recall to create a story Mouse a Cookie. She some of the goods board for the will read the first line of and services from If book they created the book and ask You Give a Mouse the day before. students what they a Cookie. The Each student will believe the effect might teacher will lead a be assigned two be of this cause. The discussion asking sentences. teacher will finish students: what are Students must reading the book. some goods and write the sentence services you would at the bottom of LI/OL: The teacher will like to have?, Do the page and draw ask students to recall the you have all the a picture above. events of the story. She goods and services Students will then will explain that the you would like? display their mouse had many wants. The teacher will storyboards and Some of the things the explain that people the teacher will mouse wanted were have unlimited have several sets goods. Goods are things wants for goods and of complete story the mouse could touch services. This boards. and use. For example, a means that the list cookie. The teacher will of things they want LI/W/OL: explain that not all the never ends. DA: Students Students will be things the mouse wanted finding this given sample were goods. One thing OL/SS: Students activity difficult sentences; students was a service. A service will create its own will be paper with must identify the is something someone unlimited wants their sentences cause and effect. does for you. The mouse story; If you give a already written at The teacher will wanted the boy to read a teacher a dog… the bottom. call on students to story. This was a Students must fill in identify the causes service. Students will be the blanks in the EcEdWeb and effects of the asked to identify other story. sentences. examples of services. EcEdWeb EcEdWeb
Friday Day 35 JSSOL SS 2.12 JSSOL SS 2.13 Goods and Services LI/SS: The students will learn that people’s choices about goods and services are dependent upon how resources are used. The teacher will teach students the definition of resource. She will then ask students to identify other resources. MU/SS: To more easily remember what a good and service is, students will sing a song titled Goods and Services to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb. Kid’s Econ Posters
Week 8- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 36 JSSOL SS 2.11 Resources
Tuesday Day 37 JSSOL SS 2.11 Resources
Wednesday Day 38 JSSOL SS 2.11 Resources
Thursday Day 39 JSSOL SS 2.11 Resources
Friday Day 40 JSSOL SS 2.11 Resources
LI/SS: The students will learn that productive resources are the natural resources, human resources, and capital resources available to make goods and services. Students will learn a definition for each term: natural, human and capital resource.
SS/LI: Students will learn that while some items are called productive resources, others are called intermediate goods. The teacher will define intermediate goods as things that are made by people and used up in the production of other goods and services.
LI/SS: The teacher will tell give the class a pretend scenario about the region of the country they live in and the resources readily available to them and those that are not.
OL/SS: Students will elect one representative from their group to present their companies slogan and the five reasons they should be chosen by the community.
SS: Students will be given a map with symbols and a key representing where certain resources are located throughout the country.
SS/GA/MO: Students will be split into groups. OL/SS: The teacher Each group will SS/GA: Students will lead a be a company will be given a discussion on who is ‘production box.’ intermediate good specializing in a Inside the box will by asking students natural, human or be a number of if they have ever capital resource different items. made cookies. She specified to them Students must will explain the by the teacher. identify whether the flour used in the The company item is a natural, making of cookies must come up human or capital is an intermediate with a slogan and resource. Students good. five reasons why will put their their resource can answers into the W/SS: Students be valuable for appropriate must complete a the rest of the columns written on worksheet that asks class or in this the board. The students to case, community. teacher will discuss indentify the the correct answers. intermediate good used in each NCEE process. NCEE
SS: Students will individually vote for the company they believe would be the most useful to their community. The teacher will tally up the votes and declare the winner. LI/OL/SS: The teacher will lead a discussion on why this company would be most useful in their area and hwy it was voted the winner.
LI/SS: The students will learn about the resources listed on the map. SS/W: Students will use the map to identify which of the goods is capital, human or a natural resource. DA: Students having trouble will be given definitions of each type of resource to refer to. NCEE
Week 9- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 41 JSSOL SS 2.4 Maps
Tuesday Day 42 JSSOL SS 2.4 Maps
Wednesday Day 43 JSSOL SS 2.4 Maps
Thursday Day 44 JSSOL SS 2.4 Maps
Friday Day 45 JSSOL SS 2.4 Maps
SS/LI: The students will learn about the usefulness of maps for a variety of different purposes. Students will learn that it is important that maps have a title, key and compass rose to aid its viewers.
SS/LI: The students will learn that maps can be used to determine where animals live. The teacher will tell the students that today they are going to learn where bears live and then make a map to teach others.
SS/MO: The students will role play as if they are explorers. Students will be assigned to explore the playground and backyard of the school.
SS: The teacher will show students a map of the United States. She will point out the representations for capitals, bodies of water and mountain ranges in the map. The teacher will teach the students that not all maps use the same symbols. She will tell students that this is why a key is an important part of a map and makes a map useful for others to read.
SS/W/E: The teacher will give students a map of their city that has included some of the cities major land marks, buildings and distinguishing features. Students must read the map and answer ten questions given to them by the teacher concerning the map.
SS/W: The teacher will hand out to the students a simple map of the class room. Students must create for the map a title, key and compass rose. The teacher will help students create the compass rose by teaching students which was is north, south, east, and west depending on where their class room is. Teaching Ideas
SS/W/A: Students will take notes of what they discover SS/W: The students outside. Students will be given a map will then be of North America. responsible for The students will be creating a map that responsible for includes a title, key creating a map that and compass rose. show where bears Students will be live in North responsible to America by coming include what they up with their own feel to be major symbols to land markers and represent each type other significant of bear. Students items. must include a title, key and compass rose on their map. DA: Students having trouble creating their own map will be given a map outlined with the parameters of the schools backyard.
GA/W: Students will be given the same map shown to them by the teacher but this time they must choose different symbols to represent the same areas. Students must include a key so their map is legible. They will trade maps with a partner to see if it can be read their partners map.
Week 10- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 46 JSSOL SS 2.2 Timeline
Tuesday Day 47 JSSOL SS 2.2 Timeline
SS/LI: The students will learn what a timeline is and how it can be useful to put events in chronological order. She will explain what this means and then the teacher will show students a variety of ways timelines have been used.
SS/LI: The teacher will tell students that they are going to create a class timeline of national holidays, classroom birthdays and school events.
Wednesday Day 48 JSSOL SS 2.2 Timeline
GA/A: The students will use the information they gathered from the previous day to create pieces of the timeline. Students will be given construction paper and markers. Groups GA/W: The must create one students will be construction LI/H: The teacher assigned one of paper flap to put will tell students the groupings for on the time to that it is important the timeline. The represent each that they eat will be aloud to event they have healthy to keep use the internet, found. Students themselves strong encyclopedias, the will put their and smart. She will school newspaper pictures with the inform students that and even each dates written o they are going to other students to them, in make a timeline for find their chronological the food they have information. order. eaten that day. Students will compile their SS/H/W: Students information. will create a Education World timeline that uses the time throughout the day to put in order the food they have eaten. Students will share their timelines.
Thursday Day 49 JSSOL SS 2.2 Timeline
Friday Day 50 JSSOL SS 2.2 Timeline
SS/OL: The groups will work together to put all the students events in chronological order by placing them on the chalkboard. The teacher will move and shuffle events until students feel as if they have come to the correct order. The teacher will check the students work and if they are correct the events will be close pinned to the timeline strong hanging around the top of the room.
SS/GA: Students will be put into groups. Each group will be assigned a different prominent character from out history. Students must research their group’s historical figure via the internet. Students are responsible for finding when the person was born died and any other significant events in his life.
LI/SS: Students will quiz the students on the classroom’s timeline by allowing students to refer to the timeline. For example, when is Mary’s birthday? Students must raise their hand to answer the question.
SS/W: The groups then must make a short timeline of their historical figures life. DA: Students having trouble finding information will be given a list of useful sites to look at to find more information on their historical figure.
Week 11- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 51 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Tuesday Day 52 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Wednesday Day 53 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Thursday Day 54 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
LI/SS: The students will learn that climate, land and plant life can vary from region to region and all play an important role in the make-up of an area. Climate, land and plant life are dependant upon one another.
SS/LI/OL: The teacher will again discuss the muskrats. She will ask the students if they saw any differences between the region the muskrats live in and their own.
LI/SS: The students will learn about the climate, land and plant life in Alaska. Students will then learn about the climate, land and plant life in California.
GA/SS: The students will work in groups to research a region beside their own.
SS/T/OL: Students will watch a clip from Animal Planet’s ‘Meerkat Manor.’ After having watched the clip the teacher will ask students what they think the climate, land and plant life are like in this area?
GA/SS/T: Students will research our areas climate, land and plant life. They will then compare our region to the region in which the meerkats life and point out any similarities and differences.
SS/W/T: The students will be given a list of distinctive climate, land and plant life features for two areas. Students must research these types of features via the internet. Students will then match the features to the region of the country they describe.
GA: Students will vote on which place based on their travel brochure seemed most enjoyable to visit.
SS: The teacher will show the students where the meerkats from the show are being filmed and explain they need the climate, land and plant life all to survive.
SS/OL: The teacher will lead a discussion on based on the information they found. Asking students could the meerkats live in our region of the world? Why or why not?
LI/OL/SS: The teacher will put the same worksheet on an overhead and ask the students to help her fill it in with their answers. She will then discuss why these answers are correct or incorrect.
SS/GA/W: Students will be split into three groups. One group will be assigned climate comparisons. The other land comparisons and the last will be assigned plant life comparisons. Each group must compare the two areas and note and differences or similarities. GA/A: Each group must create a poster board that clearly displays their comparisons. A representative will be chosen from each group to present their poster.
DA: Students having trouble distinguishing which region of the country the characteristics describe will be given additional time.
Friday Day 55 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
GA/A: Students will create a travel brochure for this region; enticing tourists to come visit their area based on climate, land and plant life of that region.
Week 12- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 56 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Tuesday Day 57 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Wednesday Day 58 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Thursday Day 59 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
Friday Day 60 JSSOL SS 2.9 Comparisons
SS/W: The students will use the travel brochures they made in the previous class to compare and contrast the different regions researched. The teacher will write each region on the board and under the heading climate, land and plant life, each group must come to the board and fill in their group’s regional information.
SS/LI: The teacher will have books in the classroom on the regions the students have researched.
SS/OL/A: Students will use their notes to create a presentation that compares the two regions. Students must create one prop and speak for two minutes comparing the regions they researched.
LI/SS/S: The teacher will review with the students how regions can be different or similar despite their proximity. She will teach students that with time, climate and land can change causing a regions plant life and animals to make adaptations.
SS/LI: The students will discuss the climate, land and plant life in the region that polar bear’s live in.
LI/SS/W: The teacher will then ask students to pick one region beside the one they researched and compare this region with the one they did research. They must write a small paragraph noting any similarities and differences that were found and any additional information they would like to learn.
SS/LI: The teacher will tell students that based on the paragraph they wrote the day before; they will use the books on the two regions they compared to find additional information they would like to learn about concerning the areas.
SS/OL/LI: The teacher will lead a discussion by asking students how these regions were different or similar to their own. She will write a ‘t chart’ on the board so students can more easily SS/R/W: Students comprehend the will read the comparisons. books and take notes on any additional information they did not previously have about the two regions.
S/LI: Students will learn about the polar bear and how it had to make adaptations to survive in its region which is cold and plant life is scarce. SS/T: Students will play Animal Adaptations online. EcoKids
SS/W: Students will complete a worksheet that asks students to match up which region each animal came from. DA: Students having difficulty completing the worksheet will be given some of the blanks already filled in.
Week 13- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 61 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills SS/LI: The students will learn about the seven continents, the four oceans and the equator. The teacher will teach students where they are located and identify them on a map.
Tuesday Day 62 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills SS/R: The teacher will read Leo the Lion.
SS/LI: The teacher will lead a discussion on how Leo in the story lived in a forest. The teacher will tell students that it is SS/A: The students important that we will be given a take responsibility blank map. They in knowing about will color the our world, not only continents and label where we live but the continents, also where others equator and four live. She will teach oceans on the map students that the in their neatest continent we live handwriting. The on North America class will do this has forest and so do activity together, other continents. the teacher will She will show instruct which students a map of continent to color continents and point and what color and out what other then label. She will continents also have do this until all forests. continents, four major oceans and SS/W: Students equator are labeled. will label their map, adding a forest TeacherLink symbol to their key and add the symbol to the appropriate continents.
Wednesday Day 63 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
Thursday Day 64 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
Friday Day 65 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
SS/A: Students will cut out small continents, and the words for the four major oceans.
SS/MU: The students will learn a song about the seven continents to help them memorize the continents.
SS/W: The students will be given a blank map of the United States. Students will label the five great lakes.
SS/A: The teacher will give each student a Styrofoam ball that is painted blue and a piece of string. Students will use the continents they cut out to glue onto the correct place on the ball. Students will then glue on the words of the oceans onto the correct place. Lastly students will place the string around the globe to represent the equator.
Teacher Link
SS/LI: The students will learn about SS/LI: Students lakes located near will learn that each their area. They will continent has be shown an areal defining land view of their county features and bodies and the surrounding of water that make areas. Students will it unique. Students be able to see and will learn that identify the local within the United lakes around their States on the area. continent of North America we have five lakes we call SS/W: Students the Great Lakes. will be given an The teacher will areal view map of teach students the their state, they names of the great must color in all the lakes. She will E: The students lakes blue. teach students an will show their completed globe to acronym to remember the the teacher for great lakes; evaluation. HOMES- Huron, DA: Students who O-Ontario, Michigan, E-Erie are having and S-Superior. difficulty will be She will point the given a flat world lakes out on the map to refer to. map. TeacherLink
Week 14- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 66 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
Tuesday Day 67 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
Wednesday Day 68 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
Thursday Day 69 JSSOL SS 2.10 Map Skills
Friday Day 70 TEST
SS/LI: Students will learn about major mountain ranges throughout the world. They will learn that some of the highest mountain peaks are in mountain ranges in other countries.
SS/LI: The teacher will teach the students that though the United States does not have the highest mountain peak in its mountain ranges. The mountain ranges of the United States are very high.
SS/W: The students will again use their map of United States mountain ranges. This time students will label all the mountain ranges and located the mountain range that is closest to them. Students will put a red star on this mountain range.
SS/LI: The students will learn about major rivers located throughout the world. The teacher will show the students an oversized map and point out the rivers to the students. The teacher will show the students what bodies of water these rivers flow in and out of and the continent the river is located on.
E: Students will be tested on all material covered up till this point. The test will cover goods and services, resources, map skills and comparison of climates, land and plant life.
SS/LI/M: The teacher will teach students about the mountain range closest to them. Students will learn the height of these mountains. Students will compare the height of these mountains with the height of the highest peaks in the world. Students will subtract the height of their range from the height of the range.
SS/W: The students will be given a map of the United States. Students must locate the major rivers on the map and write down which body of water the river flows in and out of.
SS/T: Students will look on infoplease.com for the highest mountain peaks in the world. Students must answer questions on a worksheet identifying the mountain peak, range, location and height in feet. DA: Students having trouble completing the assignment on time will be given additional time.
SS/T: Students will visit infoplease.com to learn the highest mountain peaks in the United States. Students will write down the five highest peaks, the name, the state it is located and the height in feet. SS/W: Students will be given a map of the United States that includes the mountain ranges. The students will put a yellow star where the highest peaks are located.
SS/GA: Students will play a quick review game for tomorrow’s test.
Week 15- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 71 Standardized Test
Tuesday Day 72 Standardized Test
Wednesday Day 73 Standardized Test
Thursday Day 74 Standardized Test
Friday Day 75 Standardized Test
Week 16- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 76 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
Tuesday Day 77 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
SS/LI: The students will learn about the first settlers who came to the United States. Students will learn about the tyrannical rule the colonists were under and reasons why they chose to move to America.
SS/LI: The students will learn that later in our nation’s history many Americans displayed a great amount of courage by moving across the nation to look for a better life.
Wednesday Day 78 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
SS/LI/H: The students will learn about how health was important to the early settlers. The teacher will explain that just as they experienced in the game the Oregon Trail many people lost their lives or other SS/OL/LI: The SS/T: Students friends or family. teacher will lead a will play Oregon She will teach discussion on how trail. students that if the bravery of the settlers did not stay very first settlers to SS/OL/LI: The healthy they could America helped to teacher will lead a loose their lives. make this nation discussion on great. what kind of SS/W: Students diseases and will write a SS/W: Students adversaries these newspaper article will brainstorm settlers must have during the 1800s to about what it might faced. their townspeople have been like on instructing them coming to America, SS/W: Students how to keep not knowing what will be shown a themselves and to expect. They will map of the their families write a journal Oregon trail. healthy. entry as if they Students will were a child aboard create their own one of the boats map of the trail coming to America. and include their Including some of experiences from their fears and the game on their hopes. map.
Thursday Day 79 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
Friday Day 80 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
SS/LI: The students will learn how immigration has created America. The teacher will teach students about the influx of immigration later in America’s history and how many immigrants saw America as a place of hope.
SS/LI: The students will learn what kind of jobs most Americans got once they came here.
SS/T/W: The students will watch a video on Ellis Island. Students will fill in a worksheet while watching the video. SS/OL/LI: The teacher will lead a discussion on the immigration process to come to America.
SS/GA/A: The students will work together to create an advertisement for America. The purpose of the advertisement will be to entice immigrants to come to America. SS/OL: Students will present their advertisements to the class and explain their thinking.
HW/HS: Parents will help students figure out their heritage. Students must write down DA: The answers to their nationalities the blanks for the and bring it to video will be school on Monday. written on the board.
Week 17- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 81 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
Tuesday Day 82 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
Wednesday Day 83 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
SS/LI: The teacher will teach the students that every person in America is a descendent of some form of immigrant. This makes America very unique and one of the most diverse nations. This diversity helps the United States to flourish.
SS/LI: The teacher will point to the diversities of all the students she had written on the board the day before. She will teach students that their classroom is diverse and this is beneficial for them; so America is diverse as well and this is beneficial for our nation.
LI/SS/OL: The teacher will teach students that not only is the United States diverse ethnically but it is also diverse in other ways. She will ask students if they can think of nay other ways our nation is diverse.
OL: The students will read their nationalities aloud to the class. The teacher will write each child’s heritage on the board. SS/OL/LI: The teacher will lead a discussion on why all the different diversities of the students in their classroom is beneficial for the classroom and the school?
GA/SS: The students will look up the nationalities of their groups and the types of jobs and contributions their people gave to their communities and the nation. OL: A representative will share the group’s findings with the class.
SS/LI: The teacher will point out that in America the opportunity for her people to do and be whatever they want to be is vast. Americans have the freedom to choose higher education, a job or many other choices that all lead to diversity. SS/T: Students will look up other countries educational opportunities. They will compare those with the United States’ opportunities.
Thursday Day 84 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
Friday Day 85 JSSOL SS 2.14 United States
LI/SS/OL: The teacher will teach students that many Americans have different customs and traditions than other Americans have. The teacher will ask the students if their family has any traditions for the holidays.
SS/LI: The teacher will teach students that Americans are united by common principles despite their diversities. She will ask the students if with what they have learned, dothey think diversity in America is a good or bad thing.
SS/W: The teacher students will pick a holiday, event or day that their family practices traditions and customs that are unique to their family. Students will write about their family’s traditions.
SS/GA: The students will work together with a group to create a PowerPoint on diversity in America.
SS/OL: Students will share their short essay with the class.
DA: For students who work at a slow pace a PowerPoint outline with headings will already be set up for them.
Week 18- Social Science Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 86 JSSOL SS 2.5 Citizenship and Voting SS/LI: The students will learn the definition of citizenship. The teacher will teach students about what it means to be a good citizen.
Tuesday Day 87 JSSOL SS 2.5 Citizenship and Voting SS/LI: The teacher will teach students that as a citizen of the United States you have rights declared in the U.S. Bill of Rights. The teacher will read SS/LI/OL: some of the right Students will be listed in the U.S. asked to share a Bill of Rights. time when they One of these were a good citizen. rights is the right to vote. SS/W/A: Students will create a story, poem or play about being a good citizen of the United States of America. Students will share their creations with the class. Kelly Bear
SS/OL/GA: Students will work together with a group to create a campaign for one of their group members to be voted ‘President’ of the class. Students must create a campaign slogan, poster board and commercial promoting their presidential candidate. Students will then vote for their class President. Kelly Bear
Wednesday Day 88 JSSOL SS 2.5 Citizenship and Voting SS/LI: Students will learn that it is a right to be a citizen and along with the rights of citizenship come privileges and responsibilities. The teacher will teach students that member of their own community have shown themselves to be exemplary citizens and held to their responsibility as such. SS/W: Students will search the local newspaper for articles on exemplary citizens. Students will cut out the article and then summarize its contents. Kelly Bear
Thursday Day 89 JSSOL SS 2.5 Citizenship and Voting SS/OL: Students will develop ideas for ways they can be model students and good citizens next year as they go to third grade.
Friday Day 90 JSSOL SS 2.5 Citizenship and Voting SS/MO: Students will play a game created by the teacher called ‘Are you smarter than a 2nd grader.’ Students will be asked questions that have to do with SS/W: Students will second grade write for themselves a curriculum. The code of conduct. In class will be the code of conduct divided into two students must include teams. A ten ways they plan to representative from be model students each team will and citizens in the come to the front third grade. and buzz if they know the answer tot the question. Each SS/OL: Students will child will get a read their code of chance to play. All conducts aloud and students will be take a vow as a class given a prize when to be model third the game is over for grade students. doing so well in the second grade. DA: Students having trouble writing a code of conduct will be given a list of qualities are good citizen possess to help them think of ideas. Kelly Bear
Resources: Carlson, Nancy L. (1985). Louanne Pig in the Perfect Family. Minneapolis: Lerner Publishing Group. Davies, Leah. (2007). 20 Ideas for Teaching Citizenship to Children. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.kellybear.com/TeacherArticles/TeacherTip27.html Goldsmith, Howard. (1984). Maggie the Mink. Chicago: Children’s Press. Numeroff, Laura Joffe. (1996). If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. New York: HarperTrophy. Pfister, Marcus. (1998). How Leo Learned to Be King. New York: Scholastic Inc. Scotton, Rob. (2005). Russell the Sheep. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Unknown. (2007). Calendars Through the Ages. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://webexhibits.org/calendars/index.html Unknown. (2007). EcoKids. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/topics/climate/adaptations/index.cfm Unknown. (2007). Economic Education Web. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://ecedweb.unomaha.edu/ Unknown. (2007). Education World. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.educationworld.com Unknown. (2007) Free Spirit Gallery. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.freespiritgallery.ca/nativevideohuronstick.htm Unknown. (2006). Goods and Services. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.kidseconposters.com/songs/goods_services.html Unknown. (2007). Learning to Give. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.learningtogive.org/lessons/ Unknown. (2007). Maps and Globes. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://teacherlink.ed.usu.edu/tlresources/units/monsonunits/marbos/index.html Unknown. (2007). National Council on Economic Education. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.ncee.net/ei/lessons/resourcesAtoZ/ Unknown. (2007). Suite 101. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://teachertipstraining.suite101.com/
Unknown. (2007). Teaching About Maps. Retrieved December 6, 2007 from http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/geography/contents.htm