2 - Cyphers, Francis - Math Charts

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A – art CI – community involvement – collaboration with the community CC – collaboration with colleagues CL – cultural literacy and diversity CM – communication CZ – citizenship DA – differentiation / accommodation E – evaluation GA – group activity L – literacy LA – Language Arts LI – listening LS – life skills H – health HS – home / school connection – collaboration with families HW – homework M – math MA – manipulative activity MO – movement / physical education MU – music OL – oral language / public speaking PS – problem solving / critical thinking R – reading S – science SS – social studies FT– field trip T – technology TX – text W – writing

Week 1- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 1 JSSOL M 2.16 Calendar language M/LI: The students will learn the 12 months of the year in the correct order. M/MU: To help the students remember the 12 months of the year and their correct order the class will learn the song The Months of the Year. CanTeach

M/W: The students will be given a handout. The handout will have a calendar on the top half and questions about the calendar. The questions will ask what the first month is, what the last month is, what month comes after march, what is the 5 month, etc. Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2

Tuesday Day 2 JSSOL M 2.16 Calendar language M/W: The students will be given a word bank on the board that includes all 12 months. The students must but the months in the correct order. M/W: The students will complete a worksheet. The students will read a question, such as Anna’s birthday is in November. Paul’s birthday is four months later. In what month is Paul’s birthday? Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2

M/MO: Learn the number of days in each month. The teacher will teach the students the knuckle method to remember which months have 30 days and which have 31 days.

Wednesday Day 3 JSSOL M 2.16 Calendar language M/LI: Learn the 4 seasons and the months that are in each season.

Thursday Day 4 JSSOL M 2.16 Calendar language M/W: The students will be given blank calendars to fill out. The students will label the calendar M/A/W: The students with the correct will study each season. month, and the They will make a book seven days of the of season to put their week. work in. Each month the students will have to draw a picture of M/W: The students the season and then will complete a write a paragraph about the season along handout. The with the months in the handout will have the students answer season. a small word problem. The M/W/A: Learn the 7 days of the week. The problem will tell the students that a students will have to person went on a paste the correct day trip for 2 weeks. of the week in the This is the same as correct position on 14 days. The their individual calendars. students will have to fill in the number M/MU: The students of days, weeks, and will sing the song months that are Every Week. equal to the amount of time that is told CanTeach in the problem. DA: Students will be given the words to the song.

Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2

Friday Day 5 JSSOL M 2.17 Analog and digital clocks M/LI: The students will learn how many hours are in a day, how many minutes are in an hour, and how many seconds are in a minute. M/LI: The students learn how to read a digital clock. M/W: The students will be given the time and be expected to write the time in digital form. M/LI: Review how many hours are in a day, how many minutes are in an hour, and how many seconds are in a minute.

Week 2- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 6 JSSOL M 2.17 Analog and digital clocks M/LI: The students will learn how to read an analog clock.

Tuesday Day 7 JSSOL M 2.17 Analog and digital clocks M/LI: The students will read both a digital and an analog clock M: The students will correctly. earn about the hour hand and the minute M/PS: The hand. They will students must recognize hour as the correctly identify shorter word so the hour hand and therefore it is the the minute hand. shorter hand. They will recognize minute M/PS: The as the longer word so students will be therefore it is the able to tell time to longer hand. the hour, halfhour, 15 minutes, M/MA: The students 5 minutes, and 1 will make their own minute. analog clocks to work with in class. The M/W: The clocks will be used students will for group work, correctly answer worksheets, and questions about homework. the number of hours in a day, the M/MA: The students number of will be given the time minutes in an digitally and be hour, and the expected to show the number of time on the analog seconds in a clock. minute. Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2

DA: Students having trouble will be given a chart of the information.

Wednesday Day 8 JSSOL M 2.21 Temperature M/LI: Students learn Fahrenheit.

Thursday Day 9 JSSOL M 2.21 Temperature M/LI: Students learn Celsius

Friday Day 10 JSSOL M 2.21 Temperature

M/S: The students will compare Fahrenheit and M/S: The students M/S: The students Celsius. The will experiment will experiment students will look with temperature. with temperature. at the freezing They will use a They will use a point and the thermometer. The thermometer. The boiling point in students will put the students will put the both Fahrenheit thermometer into thermometer into and Celsius. The cold water, ice cold water, ice students will water, warm water, water, warm water, determine the and hot water. The and hot water. The difference in will record their will record their degrees for the data using data using Celsius. boiling point and Fahrenheit. freezing point in M/A: The students both degrees. M/A: The students will draw a picture will draw a picture of hot and cold of hot and cold items. Beside the M/S/W/LI: The items. Beside the picture the students students will picture the students will include a review facts about will include a picture of a Fahrenheit and picture of a thermometer and Celsius. They will thermometer and show on the complete a show on the thermometer worksheet. thermometer whether the item is whether the item is hot or cold using hot or cold using Celsius. Fahrenheit. M/S: The students M/S: The students will learn the will learn the degree of freezing degree of freezing point and boiling point and boiling point in Celsius. point in Fahrenheit.

Week 3- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 11 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts

Tuesday Day 12 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts

M/LI: Students learn addition.

M/W/A: The students will be given a handout to complete. The handout will be a color by number. In order for the students to find out what color to us for each section they must answer the addition problem correctly.

M/GA/MA: The students get into their groups to complete a group assignment. Each group will be given a handout and skittles. The students are to use the skittles to set up the addition problems and then solve them. When the worksheet is finished and has been looked at by the teacher the students may eat their skittles. M/L/R: The class will read the book The Very Hungary Caterpillar by Eric Carle. M/L/W: The students will complete book work on simple addition.

M/MA: The students will be given poker chips to assist them in their addition. M: The students will start to memorize simple addition problems, such as 2+2=4. M/LI: The students will learn the carrying method for addition. DA: Students struggling will be given a handout showing the method of carrying.

Wednesday Thursday Day 13 Day 14 JSSOL M 2. 3 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and Master addition and subtraction facts subtraction facts

Friday Day 15 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts M/MA: The M/GA: The M/MA: The students will make students will be students will play a bingo grid. In split into groups. around the world each box the Each member of the using addition students will write a group will represent facts. number. The 1. The group will teacher will then be rearranged to call out a math form addition M/MA: The problem. If the problems. The students will student has the group must write throw two correct answer in a down their beanbags through box they will mark problems along the holes in the it. In order to win with the correct wooden block. the game each of answers. The students will the marked boxes then add up the must contain the numbers that they correct answer to M/OL: The threw the the addition students will share beanbags through problems. some of their and complete the problems with the addition problem. class. M/MA: The students will continue to play bingo but this time the grids will contain addition problems without the answers. The teacher will call out an answer and the student must do the addition.

Week 4- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 16 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts

Tuesday Wednesday Day 17 Day 18 JSSOL M 2. 3 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition Master addition and subtraction and subtraction facts facts M/PS/MA: The M/LI: The M/W/A: The students will make students will learn students will be up their own subtraction facts. given a handout addition problems. to complete. The They may use M/GA/MA: The handout will be a different materials, students get into color by number. such as wooden their groups to In order for the blocks, skittles, or complete a group students to find other people to assignment. Each out what color to make their addition group will be us for each problems. given a handout section they must and m&ms. The answer the students are to use subtraction M/W: The students the skittles to set problem correctly. will be given the up the subtraction change to show the problems and then M/MA: The rest of the class the solve them. When students will be addition problem the worksheet is given poker chips that they have finished and has to assist them in created. The class been looked at by their subtraction. will write down the the teacher the problems and students may eat M: The students answer them. When their m&m’s. will start to it is time for the test memorize simple the teacher will use subtraction some of the M/W: The problems, such as problems made by students will 6-2=4. the students on the complete book test. work on simple DA: Students subtraction. struggling to memorize subtraction facts will be given flashcards.

Thursday Day 19 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts

Friday Day 20 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts

M/MA: The students will make a bingo grid. In each box the students will write a number. The teacher will then call out a math problem. If the student has the correct answer in a box they will mark it. In order to win the game each of the marked boxes must contain the correct answer to the subtraction problems.

M/GA: The students will be split into groups. Each member of the group will represent 1. The group will be rearranged to form subtraction problems. The group must write down their problems along with the correct answers.

M/MA: The students will continue to play bingo but this time the grids will contain subtraction problems without the answers. The teacher will call out an answer and the student must do the subtraction.

M/OL: The students will share some of their problems with the class.

Week 5- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 21 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts M/W: The students will be given a worksheet of math problems. On the worksheet each problem will be missing the operation sign. The students must decide whether it is an addition or a subtraction problem. DA: Students who are struggling will be given chips to use to complete addition and subtraction problems.

Tuesday Day 22 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts M/MA: The students will play around the world using subtraction facts. M/MA: The students will throw two beanbags through the holes in the wooden block. The students will then subtract the numbers that they threw the beanbags through and complete the subtraction problem.

Wednesday Day 23 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts M/W: The students will learn to complete math problems that include both addition and subtraction. For example, 5+21=6.

Thursday Day 24 JSSOL M 2. 3 Master addition and subtraction facts

Friday Day 25 TEST

M: The students will review all the materials that they have learned about addition and subtraction facts.

E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover calendar language, telling time using a digital and analog clock, temperature, and addition and subtraction facts.

M/GA: The students will be split into groups. Each group M/W: The will be given a board students will game, made by the complete a teacher, to play. Each worksheet in space on the board which math game will have either problems are an addition or given without the subtraction problem, operations. The or both. In order to students must move more spaces the properly fill in the equation must be operations to answered correctly. meet the outcome As the students of the problem. advance through the game the equations get harder.

Week 6- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 26 JSSOL M 2.14 Counting

Tuesday Day 27 JSSOL M 2.14 Counting

M/LI: The students will learn counting.

M/LI: The students will learn to count to one hundred.

M/LI: The M/LI: The students students will learn will learn to count to count by fives. by tens.

M/GA/MA: The class will get together on the carpet and learn how to count to one hundred. First the teacher will count to one hundred and then the class will try it together. The teacher will show the students that once you get to ten you keep the one in the tens place and then start over.

M/MA: The students will start with twenty items on their desks. They will be told to rearrange the items by putting them in groups of five. Once the items are in groups of five the students will count them. Five in the first group plus five in the second group equals ten. So when counting by fives it goes 5, 10, 15, etc.

M/MA: The students will be given a number of items. They must first count their items and then arrange them in an addition or subtraction problem and show the answer. M/LI: The students will learn to count to twenty. M/MA: The class will use popsicle sticks to learn counting. The teacher and the class will count out twenty popsicle sticks together. M/MA: The students will be given a bag of candy. Each student must count out twenty pieces of candy and then put the rest away.

M/OL: The students will stand in front of the class and count to one hundred. M/W: The students will complete a handout on counting to one hundred. The handout will just count from 0-100 leaving blanks for the students to fill in the other numbers.

Wednesday Day 28 JSSOL M 2.14 Counting

M/W: The students will be given a handout. The handout will be counting by fives. The problems on the handout will look like this: 0, 5, __, 15, 20, __.

Thursday Day 29 JSSOL M 2.14 Counting

M/MO/MA: The students will use their hands and toes to learn to count by tens. People have ten fingers and ten toes so the students will start with ten and then count all of their fingers to get twenty. Then the students will move to their toes. Twenty plus ten equals thirty and so on. M/W: The students will be given a handout. The handout will be counting by tens. The problems on the handout will look like this: 10, 20, __, 40. DA: Students will be given a number line to look at.

Friday Day 30 JSSOL M 2.14 Counting M/LI: The students will review counting by ones, fives, and tens up to one hundred. M/MA: The students will bring in an item to work with, such as miniature cars and dolls. The students will count out a specified number of the item. The students will then use the items that they counted out to make a picture on paper. M/OL: The students will share their work with the class. Each student will stand in front of the class and discuss their picture and the class will count the number of items used by the student.

Week 7 Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 31 JSSOL M 2.7 Counting Money

Tuesday Day 32 JSSOL M 2.7 Counting Money

Wednesday Day 33 JSSOL M 2.7 Counting Money

Thursday Day 34 JSSOL M 2.7 Counting Money

Friday Day 35 JSSOL M 2.7 Counting Money

M/MA: The students will compare all of the coins. The students will get into their groups. Each group will be given multiple pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. The task for the students is to take a nickel and determine how many M/LI/W: The class pennies equal a will go over each nickel. Then the coin; penny, nickel, students will take dime, and quarter. a dime and The students will determine how complete a handout many pennies and buy putting the nickels equal a correct amount with dime. The the correct coins. students will do this for each of the coins. The DA: Students who students will draw are having trouble pictures of the remembering how coins and show much each coin is what other coins worth will receive a can be combined handout showing to equal the the worth of each original coin. coin.

M/LI/W/GA: The class will learn how to combine coins to meet a certain price. The students will receive a handout in which they must add coins together to get a total.

M/GA/MA: The students will get into their groups and see how many different combinations that they can come up with to equal, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, and 75 cents.

M/LI: The students will review what they have learned about counting money. The teacher will ask the students to bring in a dollar. The students will take a trip to the local candy store. The students will have to determine how many pieces of candy they can buy for their dollar.

M/LI: The teacher will talk to the students about money. The students will learn the difference between coins and paper money. The students will also learn that coins can be put together to be the same as paper money.

M/MA: The students will have a chance to go to the school/room store. The store will contain simple things like pencil, erasers, crayons, etc. The students will be told that they have a certain amount of money to spend. Each item in the store will be marked with a price. The students must go into the store and select as much as they can without going over their budget.

M/W/MA: The students will be given a worksheet. The worksheet will contain items marked with price tags. There is an arrangement of coins next to the item. The students will mark off each coin as they spend it and tell how much change they would have after buying the item. Math 2 for Christian Schools, Edition 2

M/W: The students will return to class and write a math problem for what they learned at the candy store. The students will write a problem such as, 4 gummies + 6 tootsie rolls = 1.00.

Week 8- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 36 JSSOL M 2.1 Place Value

Tuesday Day 37 JSSOL M 2.1 Place Value

Wednesday Day 38 JSSOL M 2.1 Place Value

Thursday Day 39 JSSOL M 2.1 Place Value

M/LI: The students will learn place value. The teacher will show the students how to determine place value. The teacher will draw a chart on the board. The chart will have three columns for ones, tens, and hundreds. The teacher will give examples and show the students how to determine place value.

M/MA: The students will play the game A-TenTion. The students will be split up into groups of two. Each student will draw two cards and then arrange their two cards to make a two digit number. The students will roll the dice. If the dice land on a even number the player who created the higher two digit number gets ten points. If the dice lands on an odd number the player who created the smaller number gets ten points. The first player to reach 100 points wins the game.

M/MA: The students will play place value war. The students will split the deck of cards evenly. The players will each flip over two cards. The first card that is flipped represents the tens place and the second card that is flipped represents the ones place. The players will then say 6 tens and 5 ones equals 65. The player with the largest number gets all four cards.

M/MA: The teacher will take the students to the computer lab to work on place value. The students will play a game.

M/W: The students will complete a handout on place value. The handout will have numbers from 1-100 and one of the numbers will be underlined. The students will have to identify the place value of the underlined number. For example: 36 the Education World 3 is in the tens place.

Education World

M/W: The students will complete a handout on place value. The handout will have questions, such as 4 tens but 6 ones equal ____.

Friday Day 40 JSSOL M 2.1 Place Value

M/MA/GA: The students will learn place value by adding. The students will complete a group activity. The group will be given M/MA/A: The skittles. The teacher students will pick will tell the students their favorite object to make a group of to draw. The student 10 and a group of 5. will draw an object The students will multiple times. The then write on a students will then piece of paper 10 + show how many 5 = ___. The objects they drew by students must then writing how many finish the problem. tens and ones to show The students will place value. continue this until the concept is learned. DA: Students having difficulties with place value will be given M/W: The students chips to use to will then complete complete the a worksheet just problems. like the activity that they just completed. The problems will be like 700+50+4=__.

students if four is more or less than 5. The students will learn less than.

the students are able to identify the larger number the teacher will teach them the correct symbols.

students will have to fill in the correct symbol for the math problem.

alligator poster on for the teacher to check their desk it. showing which Really Good Stuff direction the mouth should go.

Week 10- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 46 JSSOL M 2.11 Greater than, Less than, or Equal to M/MA/GA: The teacher will make life-size greater than, less than, and equal to symbols. The students will split up into groups and each group will have the three signs. The students will arrange themselves to make a problem and the person holding the symbols must choose the correct symbol and stand in the middle of the problem. The teacher will check to make sure the students are doing this correctly. The students will continue doing this and taking turns with the symbols. Really Good Stuff

Tuesday Day 47 JSSOL M 2.11 Greater than, Less than, or Equal to M/A: The students will be given the chance to be creative. The students will create their own ‘Greater than, less than” poster board. The students will be given the chance to show the class what silly or scary animals they decided to use when creating their posters. DA: Student having difficulty will get an alligator poster on their desk showing which direction the mouth should go.

Wednesday Day 48 JSSOL M 2.11 Greater than, Less than, or Equal to M/W: The students will be given a handout to practice greater than, less than and equal to. The handout will have problems that are missing the symbols. The problems will be pictures, numbers, and number words. M/MA: Students will use money to practice greater than, less than, or equal to. The students will act as thought they are shopping and getting change back from a cashier. The students want to make sure that they get the right amount of money back and not more or less.

Thursday Day 49 JSSOL M 2.11 Greater than, Less than, or Equal to M/MA: The teacher will take the students to the computer lab. The students will play a game about greater than, less than, or equal to. The students will have to pull the lever on the computer game and two numbers and a symbol will appear. The students must tell if the problem makes sense and if the symbol is correct. M/LI: The teacher will review what the students have learned about place value as well as the other topics for the test tomorrow.

Friday Day 50 TEST E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover counting, counting money, place value, and greater than, less than, or equal to.

Week 11- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 51 JSSOL M 2.2 Rounding

Tuesday Day 52 JSSOL M 2.2 Rounding

Wednesday Day 53 JSSOL M 2.2 Rounding

Thursday Day 54 JSSOL M 2.2 Rounding

Friday Day 55 JSSOL M 2.2 Rounding

M/LI: The teacher will teach that students that rounding is an easier way to get the main idea. When a number ends in a 5 or higher you must round the number up. If a number ends in any number lower than 5 you must round down. For example the number 86 would be rounded up to 90 and the number 33 would be rounded down to 30.

M/MA/GA: The teacher will teach the students the activity called ‘In the Neighborhood’. In the activity there are then houses on a number line with a fence dividing the houses. The houses are named 0, 10, 20, 30, etc. One day a kid, named 21, comes along and wants to go to the house that he is closer to. He knows that he is more than 20 but less than 30. The students will have to round the number to determine what house the kid should go into.

M/GA/MA: The students will be split up into groups. Each group will be given index cards with a number on each card. The students must decide how to round the numbers on the cards. The students must write down the number on the card and then how they rounded it.

M/MA/GA: The class will take a poll. The students will tell their age along with the age of their siblings. The class will write all of the ages down and round them. Once the ages are rounded the students will group all of the fives together and all of the tens together, etc. The class will learn which age group is the most popular within the class.

M/W/LI: The students will review rounding and be given the chance to ask the teacher any questions that they have about rounding.

Georgia Department of Education

M/A: The students will draw a picture of themselves and their siblings. Under each person should be there actual age and then their rounded age.

M/W: The students will complete a worksheet on rounding. The students must correctly round two digit numbers.

Math Cats

DA: Students having trouble rounding will get a number line taped on their desk so that they can find the number and see what it is closest to.

M/W: The students will complete a worksheet on rounding. The students should round to the nearest five in one section and to the nearest ten in the other section.

Week 12- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 56 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions M/LI/MA: The students will learn fractions. The teacher will start by teaching the student’s one half. The teacher will take a circle and cut it in half. The students will each cut out their own circle. The students will then have to cut their circles in half.

Tuesday Day 57 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

M/MA/A: The students will draw a picture on a sheet of computer paper. After the students draw the picture they will fold the paper in half and make sure to crease it. Then the students will cut the paper on the crease which will cut their picture in half. The students will then give M/W: The students another classmate will be given a half of their worksheet. On the picture. The other worksheet the student will have students must color to complete the the shapes that have picture by been split into two drawing the other equal halves. half. M/W: The students will complete a worksheet about fractions. The students will have to draw a line to cut the shapes in half.

Wednesday Day 58 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions M/MA/A: The students will each cut out their own circle. The students will then have to cut their circles into fourths.

Thursday Day 59 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

M/MA/A: The students will create a shape. They will cut the shape out of paper. The teacher will ask the students to fold the shape in half. The students will then open their paper and see that M/A: The there are two parts. students will draw The teacher will a picture. After explain that they have they complete the folded the object in picture the half. The students students will cut will refold their the picture in half. shapes on the crease Then the student that they made when will cut each half they folded the object into fourths. The in half. The student students will then will fold the object in have eight pieces. half again and make The eight pieces it into four equal will make a pieces. The teacher puzzle. will tell the student that they have just folded their object into fourths.

Friday Day 60 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions M/MA: The teacher will have the students use fraction circles. The students will use halves and fourths. The students will learn that two fourths is equal to one half and that two halves are equal to a whole. DA: Students have trouble with fractions will be able to use fraction circles on the worksheets.

Week 13- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 61 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

Tuesday Day 62 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

Wednesday Day 63 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

Thursday Day 64 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

Friday Day 65 JSSOL M 2.6 Fractions

M/LI/MA: The teacher will use the overhead fraction circles to reinforce the concept of equal pieces. The teacher will have a whole circle and then place two halve on the circle. The students will see that two halves are equal to one whole. The teacher will ask the student to remove one half of the circle. How much is left? ½. The teacher will then do the same thing with fourths. The students will learn that two fourths is equal to one half.

M/W/MA: The students will begin learning how to write fractions. The teacher will give the students a worksheet. The worksheet will have different shapes cut in half or into fourths with different sections colored in. The students will write the number of colored parts and then underneath that they will write the total number of parts that the shape was split up into.

M/A: The students will have to match up the picture of fractions with the actual written fraction.

M/MA: The class will have a pizza party. The teacher will use the pizza to show the students fractions and then they can eat the pizza.

M/A: The students will draw pictures of what they observe on the overhead by coloring the sections that they take away.

M/MA: The teacher will take the student to the computer lab to play ‘Whale of the tale fractions’.

M/W/MA: After students learn to write fractions the teacher will introduce equivalence. The students will be given two fractions, such as ½ and ¾. The students must draw a picture for both fractions. The questions are asking if both of the fractions are equal and if not which one is greater. The students will color in their drawings to show the correct fractions. Then the students will write if they are equal and if not which fraction is bigger.

Math 2 for Christian Schools, Edition 2


M/MA: The students will play a game of bingo. The bingo cards will have either a picture representing a fraction or a written out fraction. The teacher will either call out a fraction or draw a picture that represents a fraction on the board. The students will then look on their board and see if they have either the written fraction or a picture representing that fraction. DA: Students have trouble with fractions will be able to use fraction circles on the worksheets.

Week 14- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 66 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Tuesday Day 67 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Wednesday Day 68 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Thursday Day 69 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

M/W/LI: The students will learn word problems. Before the students get into word problems the teacher will teach them the different words that are in word problems. The words that will be taught are words such as sum, more, less, etc.

M: The students will practice addition word problems. The students will read addition word problems and solve them.

M: The students will practice subtraction word problems.

M/W: The students will practice a combination of addition and subtraction word problems. Students will have to look for clues in the problem to tell them whether they need to add or subtract.

M/W: The students will complete a worksheet of the terms that were learned before they start word problems.

M/W: The students will be given a handout of multiple addition word problems about marbles. The students will also be given a cup of marbles. The students will use the marbles to show the word problem and addition.

M/W: The students will be given a handout of multiple subtraction word problems about marbles. The students will also be given a cup of marbles. The students will use the marbles to show the word problem and subtraction. DA: Student having trouble will be given simpler word problems to start with.

M/W/MA: The students will be given a handout of multiple addition and subtraction word problems about marbles. The students will also be given a cup of marbles. The students will use the marbles to show the word problem and addition or subtraction.

Friday Day 70 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems M/W: Have the students make up their own word problems. Use those problems on the test. M/W/MA: The students will be given a handout of multiple addition and subtraction word problems about marbles. The students will also be given a cup of marbles. The students will use the marbles to show the word problem and addition or subtraction. This time the students will not be told whether the problem is addition of subtraction. The students must look for the clues in the word problem and determine whether they should add or subtract to come to the correct answer.

Week 15- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 71 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Tuesday Day 72 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Wednesday Day 73 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Thursday Day 74 JSSOL M 2.5 Word Problems

Friday Day 75 TEST

M/MA: The teacher will have the student’s pictures of a few objects that are in two groups. For example a group of 5 toothbrushes and a group of 3 toothbrushes. The students must make a word problem using those groups. After the student makes either an addition of subtraction problem the student must show their work and solve the problem.

M/W: The students will be given a worksheet. The students must answer the ten word problems on the worksheet.

M/L/R: The teacher will read the students the book ‘A Dozen Ducklings Lost and Found by Harriet Ziefert.

M/W: The students will make up their own word problems using people and objects in the classroom. The teacher will also make up a few of her own word problems using the names of some of the students.

E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover rounding, fractions, and word problems.

M/A: The students must choose one word problem from the worksheet and draw a picture to represent the problem. DA: Student having trouble will be given simpler word problems to start with.

M/MA: Throughout the story the mother duck looses and finds her ducklings. When the ducklings are lost the students will make a subtraction problem and solve it. When the ducklings are found the students will make an addition problem and solve it. Once a word problem has been made for the entire book the students will make their problems into a book. The students will rewrite their problems and solve them each on a separate sheet of paper and then draw a picture to go along with it. The teacher will then make them into a book.

M/OL: The class will read their word problems and work some of them out. The teacher will collect all of the problems. The problems will be used on the test.

Week 16- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 76 JSSOL M 2.25 Patterns M/W: The teacher will give the students a worksheet on patterns to check their knowledge prior to teaching patterns. M/MA: The teacher will show the students an example of a pattern. For the example the students will be arranged in a pattern. The pattern can be by gender or by the student’s position, such as sitting and standing. This will allow the students to see a pattern and be a part of a pattern. M/MA: The teacher will use pattern blocks to show the students other examples of patterns.

Tuesday Day 77 JSSOL M 2.25 Patterns M/MA: The students will be given the chance to make their own patterns using pattern blocks. The students must make sure that the pattern is repeated at least three times for it to be considered a pattern.

Wednesday Day 78 JSSOL M 2.25 Patterns

M/W: The teacher will teach the students about patterns involving numbers. These patterns are just like the picture patterns but they involve numbers. Sometimes in order to figure out M/A/W: The students the pattern you will complete patterns must add a that use shapes and number or pictures. subtract a number to get to the next M/W/A: The students number. The will make their own teacher will show patterns. The students the students an can use pattern blocks example by and then copy it onto placing them in paper or they can just groups and put it down on paper. allowing them to The students should not finish the pattern. complete their pattern. There should be blank M/W: The spaces left for other students will students to complete complete a the pattern. worksheet on number and DA: Student having picture patterns. trouble will be given a pattern to color rather than make.

Thursday Day 79 JSSOL M 2.25 Patterns

Friday Day 80 JSSOL M 2.25 Patterns

M/W: The students will make up their own number patterns. The patterns can be using even numbers, odd numbers, adding, or subtracting. The students will leave blanks in their patterns for other students to complete.

M/W: The students will be given a handout. The handout will have students identifying arrangements are either a pattern or not a pattern.

M/MA/GA: The students will be given a M/A: The students picture of a will make their own room full of patterns. The patterns. The patterns will be class will then done on a piece of play I Spy. The computer paper and teacher will tell they will use the the students that entire sheet of she spies paper. The students something with are to use patterns a pattern of to create a picture wide stripe, thin of design. Students stripe, and thin should use stripe. The creativity when students will doing this project. look at their The pattern designs picture and find should be done the object with neatly and colorful. that pattern.

will go back to the original prices and add them up. The actual price and the estimate should be pretty close.

handout. The handout will have pictures of jars full of candy and the students will estimate how much candy is in each jar.

number of students in each grade the students will add all of their estimates together to get an estimate of the number of students in the whole school.

Week 18- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 86 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/MA: The students will learn to measure items, to the closest inch, using a ruler. The students will be given a straw to measure. Each student should take their ruler and measure the straw and record their findings. The teacher will walk around the room to make sure that everyone is measuring correctly. M/W: The students will have a chance to go around the classroom and measure any item of their choosing. The students must write down the item that they are measuring and then write the measurement.

Tuesday Day 87 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/MA/GA: The students will learn to estimate the length of an object in inches. The students will be given a straw. The teacher will ask the students to estimate how many inches long they believe the straw to be. The students will record their estimates and then measure the straw to get the actual length. The students will check to see if their estimates were close to the actual length of the straw. M/A: The students will draw a picture of any object and then estimate the length of their drawing. The students must then measure the drawing to get its actual length.

Wednesday Day 88 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/GA: The students will take turns coming to the board and drawing lines. The teacher will have a few students at the board. The students will be asked to draw three lines. The teacher will tell the students to draw a line that they estimate to be three inches long, five inches long, and eight inches long. Once each student has drawn their estimates have them measure the length of their lines with a ruler. M/LI: The teacher will explain to the students that a standard unit of measure is important.

Thursday Day 89 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/W: The students will be given a worksheet to complete. The worksheet will have pictures of items for the students to estimate the length of and then measure. The students will record their estimate and the actual length. M/W/A: The students will learn to measure the distance between two objects. The teacher will draw a picture of a pencil and a piece of paper. The teacher will show the students that they need to place the ruler at the end of the first object and measure until they reach the front of the second object.

Friday Day 90 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M: The students will estimate and then measure the distance between two desks. M/GA/S: The students will get into groups. Each group will be given many items to measure. The students will place two objects on the desk or floor and measure the distance between the two items. Each student will measure the distance and then the group will collaborate to make sure that everyone got the same measurement. DA: Students having trouble with a ruler will get a special ruler with extra markers to make reading it easier.

Week 19- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 91 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/R/L: The teacher will read the students the story of Jack and the Beanstalk by Carol Ottolenghi. M/MA: The students will each receive a ‘magic’ bean. The students will be flick the bean across their desk and estimating and measuring the distance. The students will each have a piece of masking tape on their desk to mark the starting point. The students will flick the bean and then estimate the length between the tape and where the bean landed. The students must record their estimate and measurement. The Educator’s Reference Desk

Tuesday Day 92 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/MA: The students will repeat the bean activity but this time they only want to flick the bean across their paper. The students must start with their beans behind the starting line. When the bean is flicked the students will draw a dot in the stop where it stopped. The bean will then be glue at its starting point. The students will take a piece of yarn and glue it from the bean to the dot where the bean landed. The students should be creative and draw a background. For example, the students can draw leaves and make it into a plant. The Educator’s Reference Desk

Wednesday Day 93 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/L/R: The teacher will read the students the book Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni. M/MA: The teacher will give the students cutouts of an inch worm. The students will use the inch worms to measure objects. Before measuring the objects the students must estimate how many inch worms they think it takes to equal the length of the object. The students are to record their estimations as well as their actual measurements.

Thursday Day 94 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/MA: The teacher will give the students a long piece of yarn. The students are to cut the yarn into 20 pieces that are one inch long. First the students are to estimate and then measure their pieces. One the students have cut out twenty piece of yarn measuring one inch they are to use the yarn in a picture. The students are to create a picture used the twenty pieces of yarn. The students are making a picture out of inches. The Educator’s Reference Desk

DA: Students having trouble with a ruler will get a special ruler with extra markers to make reading it easier.

Friday Day 95 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/GA/MA: The teacher will have two students choose an object and measure it. The teacher will write the measurements on the board and make them into an addition or subtraction problem. The students will write down the problem and solve it. M/MA: The students will go to the computer lab and play Measure It! Inches.

Week 20- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 96 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/MA: The students will learn to add and subtract inches. The teacher will have the students compare two items. The students will measure the items and then do either an addition or subtraction problem to tell how much longer or shorter the other object is compared to the first object. DA: Students having trouble with a ruler will get a special ruler with extra markers to make reading it easier.

Tuesday Day 97 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/W/S: The students will plant seeds and keep a record of the plant growth. The students will have a chart to record their information in. Each day the students will estimate and then measure the height of their plant.

Wednesday Day 98 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/GA/MA: The students will play a game about measurement. The students will get into groups and each group will be given a game board and game pieces. The students are to draw a card from the top of the deck and complete the measurement M/W/A: The problem. The students will draw answer is on the a picture of their back of the card plant at the end of as well as the each week and number of spaces label the plants the person is to height on their move if the picture. question is answered correctly. The first student to reach finish wins.

Thursday Day 99 JSSOL M 2.13 Estimate and Measure using a Ruler M/MA: The students will bring in a bag of 100 items of their choosing. Their items can be popsicle sticks, crackers, skittles, etc. The students will each make a 100 day project. The students will use their 100 objects to make something on a piece of paper. The students can do something as simple as writing out the number 100 using the items or they can create a picture. M: The students’ projects will be presented to the class and hung on the wall outside of the classroom for everyone to see their creative work.

Friday Day 100 TEST

E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover patterns, estimating, and estimating and measuring using a ruler.

the items weigh. The students can then weigh the items until they get the correct weight.

to draw the pictures in order from the heaviest item to the lightest item.

Once the students have made their estimate they are to place the balls on the scale, one at a time, to get their actual weight.

weigh themselves will do the same as the other students except they will be choosing an object in the classroom to weigh.

toothbrush weighs less than the book but more than the paperclip.

Week 22- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 106 JSSOL M 2.18 Estimate using a scale M/MA/S: The students will use the scale to weigh all of their textbooks. The students should write down what book they are weighing and then its weight. When all of the books have been weighed the students should construct a chart. At the top of the chart will be the lightest book and at the bottom of the chart will be the heaviest book.

Tuesday Day 107 JSSOL M 2.18 Estimate using a scale M/MA: The students will pretend that they are going shopping. The teacher will give each student a budget. The students must select what they want and how much of it they want. The students need to make sure that they weigh the items correctly so that when they get to the cash register, the teacher, they will have enough money to buy what they need and what they have picked up.

Wednesday Day 108 JSSOL M 2.18 Estimate using a scale FT: The students will take a trip to the local science museum. The students will learn about the weight of the earth and other things.

Thursday Day 109 JSSOL M 2.18 Estimate using a scale

Friday Day 110 JSSOL M 2.18 Estimate using a scale M/W/S: The students M/LI: The class will write about the will review field trip. The estimating using a students must include scale. The students what their favorite will be given a part was and what chance to ask the weighed more than teacher any they thought it would. questions that they The students should have about include what they estimating and remember to be the using a scale. heaviest and the lightest thing at the museum. M/MA: The teacher will do one more experiment for the DA: Students who students using the are having trouble scale. The students remembering what will bring in one of they saw on the trip their favorite things will be given a list to for the teacher to refresh their memory. weigh. The student must draw a picture of their item and M/A: The students write how much it should draw a picture weighs. of their favorite part of the trip.

Week 23- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 111 JSSOL M 2.19 Estimate and Determine Volume M/W/LI/S: The students will learn that volume is the about of space that something occupies. The teacher will show the students pictures of different shapes and ask them which shape that they have a bigger volume or more space. The students will say that the bigger object has a bigger volume. M/LI: The teacher will introduce the volume of rectangle. The students will learn the formula, length times width times height. The students will use the formula to find the volume of rectangles.

Tuesday Day 112 JSSOL M 2.19 Estimate and Determine Volume M/W/S: The students will complete a worksheet on the volume of a rectangle. The students will show all of their work. M/MA: The students will bring in an empty cereal box. The students will measure the rectangular box with a ruler to get the length, height, and width. The students will then fill their numbers into the formula to determine the volume of their box.

Wednesday Day 113 JSSOL M 2.19 Estimate and Determine Volume M/MA/A: The students will use their cereal box to make a project. The students will cut out many different rectangles or different sizes and colors. The students will estimate the volume of their rectangles and then measure them. The students will figure out the volume of each rectangle and write the volume in the center of the rectangle. The students will arrange the rectangles in any way that they want in order to make a design. For example, they can be arranged to make a smiley face.

Thursday Day 114 JSSOL M 2.19 Estimate and Determine Volume

Friday Day 115 JSSOL M 2.19 Estimate and Determine Volume

M/T: The students will watch a science video on volume. The video will discuss the formulas for volume as well as how it can be used in the real world.

M/MA/GA: The class will do an experiment. The teacher will have many containers of different shapes and different volumes. The students must estimate which containers they thing are a gallon, cup, pint, and quart. The teacher will then select a container that has the volume of a quart and fill it with water. The teacher will then try to fill the other containers that were estimated to have the same volume. Some of the containers will be too small, some will be too big, and others will have the same volume. This allows the students to start telling volume just by knowing approximately how much is in a quart and other volumes and looking at a container.

M/W: The students will take notes on the video to be turned in after class. DA: For students having difficulty, fill in the blank notes will be provided for them to complete.

Week 24- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 116 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/LI/S: The students will learn liquid volume. The students will learn the terms gallon, cup, pint, and quart. The students will be shown an example of a container of each size. M/S/A: The students will make a gallon man. This allows the students to see how many quarts are in a gallon, how many pints are in a quart, etc. M/A: The students will complete a worksheet. The students will fill in the correct number to make the sentence correct. For example, There are ___ quartz in a gallon.

Tuesday Day 117 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M: The students will learn to compare the volume of different objects. The students will compare the volume of an eight ounce glass of water and a sixteen ounce glass of sprite. The students should come to the conclusion that the sixteen ounces would have double the volume. M/W: The students will complete a worksheet on liquid volume. The worksheet will have students estimating volume.

Wednesday Day 118 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/MA/S: The students will complete a project. The students should have chosen two items at home to compare their volumes. The students will finish comparing the volumes and write a report on their findings. The students should draw a picture of both items and write their volume. M/OL: The students will share their findings with the class and then turn in their reports.

Thursday Day 119 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/S: The students will determine the volume of the water in the beaker. Then the students will drop a paper clip and a small rock into the water. The students will measure the volume of the water with the paper clip in it and then take out the paper clip and put the rock in. The students should predict which item will make the volume change the most. DA: Students having difficulty will be given a partner for this experiment.

Friday Day 120 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/W/S: The students will complete a worksheet on liquid volume. The worksheet will have a picture of a beaker and the students will have to determine the volume. There will be another picture with an object in the water and the students must determine the volume. The students must also determine the change in volume.

Week 25- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 121 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/LI/S/MA: The class will do an experiment. The teacher will have many containers of different shapes and different volumes. The students must estimate which containers they thing are a gallon, cup, pint, and quart. The teacher will then select a container that has the volume of a quart and fill it with water. The teacher will then try to fill the other containers that were estimated to have the same volume. Some of the containers will be too small, some will be too big, and others will have the same volume. This allows the students to start telling volume just by knowing approximately how much is in a quart and other volumes and looking at a container.

Tuesday Day 122 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/S/T: The students will research and write a report of liquid volume. M/OL: The students will present their reports to the class and then turn in their reports. The reports should be written in their best handwriting with a title page and a colored picture. DA: Students with difficulty will be given a premade report booklet to fill out.

Wednesday Day 123 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/S/MA: The students will learn to measure volume by using a beaker. The students will complete a science experiment measuring volume and the changes in volume. M/S/W: The students will fill out the lab report. The lab report will consist of the volumes of different objects and pictures of what was observed.

Thursday Day 124 JSSOL M 2.20 Measure and Compare Liquid Volume M/LI: The students will review what they have learned on volume. This includes volume using a scale and liquid volume. The teacher will answer any questions and do experiments to clear up any problems. M/W/S: The students will complete a worksheet. The worksheet will cover measuring volume and liquid volume. The students may work with partners on this worksheet because it is being used as a review.

Friday Day 125 TEST

E: The students will be tested on all material that has been presented up to this point. The test will cover estimating using a scale, estimating and determining volume, and measuring and comparing liquid volume.

Week 26- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 126 JSSOL M 2.9 Plane Figures and Solid Figures M/LI: The students will learn the plane shapes circle, square, triangle, rectangle, trapezoid, hexagon, and parallelogram. M: The students will learn to recognize plane shapes. The students will draw a picture of each shape and label it. M/MA: The students will look around the classroom for items that are plane shapes. The students will make a list of the items and what shape they represent. M/MA: The students will use Geo-boards to construct plane figures.

Tuesday Day 127 JSSOL M 2.9 Plane Figures and Solid Figures M: The students will learn to recognize sides and angles. The teacher will tell the students that sides are the lines that make up the shape. Angles are formed where the sides connect.

Wednesday Day 128 JSSOL M 2.9 Plane Figures and Solid Figures M: The students will learn solid figures like cube, rectangular prism, pyramid, etc. The students will be able to recognize and name the shapes.

M/MA: The M/W: The students students will learn will complete a about faces, edges, worksheet. The and corners. The worksheet will have students will be students count the given a solid figure. number of sides and The student must angles of each of count and record the plane shapes. the number of faces, edges, and corners or each M/GA: The class shape. will be split up into two teams. One player from each DA: The students team will be at the who are having board. The teacher difficulty may work will tell the students with a partner. to draw a shape that has 4 sides and 4 angles. The first student to draw a shape with 4 sides and 4 angles wins a point for team.

Thursday Day 129 JSSOL M 2.9 Plane Figures and Solid Figures M/MA/GA: The teacher will split the students into three groups. Each group will line up at the back of the room. The teacher will be standing at the front of the room. There will be three boxes at the front of the room filled with solid figures. The teacher will tell the student at the front of the line to go find a shape that has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 corners. The first person to pick up the correct shape gets a point for their team. M/W: The students will complete a worksheet. The worksheet will be on counting edges, faces, and corners of solid figures.

Friday Day 130 JSSOL M 2.9 Plane Figures and Solid Figures M/MA: The students will close their eyes and reach their hand into a basket. In the basket are plane shapes and solid shapes. The students must pick up one shape. Keeping their eyes closed they must try to figure out if the shape is a plane or solid shape. Then they must feel the shape and count the faces, edges, and corners to determine what type of shape they have chosen.

Week 27- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 131 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes The students will watch the AIT video Mathematics Is Elementary, program 8, “What Shape Is It In? – Geometry and Spatial Sense”. Getting into Shapes

The students will take notes on the video and draw pictures of some of the shape that are shown and talked about on the video. The teacher will read Shapes, Shapes, Shapes, by Tana Hoban. Then the students will look around the room and see what shapes they find.

Tuesday Day 132 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes The students will write down the different shapes that they see around the classroom. The students will use those shapes to make a book. The students will draw and describe the shapes. The students will draw a picture. It can be a picture of the classroom, their house, outside etc. The only thing is that every item draw must be a shape.

Wednesday Day 133 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes FT: The class will take a trip to a local science museum. At the museum the students will look for shapes and how they are around them everyday.

Thursday Day 134 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes The students will write a paragraph about the museum and the different shapes that they saw while there. The students should also include a drawing of their favorite exhibit and be sure to label the shapes that were in that exhibit. The teacher will read the students the book The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns. After reading the book the student will make up their own story about a shape. Getting into Shapes

DA: Students having difficulty recognizing shapes will be given a note card with a picture and description of each of the shapes.

Friday Day 135 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes The students will go to the computer lab and play the game Buzzing with Shapes. The students will partner up for the game. It is like bingo using shapes. The students click the spinner and then have to find a shape with that number of sides.

Week 28- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 136 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes M/LI/MA: The teacher will show the students different shapes. The first time the shapes are shown the students are to identify them. The second time the shapes are shown the students are supposed to try to picture something that can be made out of that shape. Getting into Shapes

M/W/A/MA: The students will be given a bag of shapes. The students are to make a picture using those shapes. The shapes can be glued onto the paper in any direction as long as they are not torn or cut.

Tuesday Day 137 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes M/LI: The students will learn to classify triangles. The teacher will teach the students about the three different types of triangles. Triangles can be equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. M/W: The students will complete a worksheet on triangles. The students will have to label triangles as either equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.

Wednesday Day 138 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes M/MA: The students will be given a bag of cut-out shapes. The students will have to classify all of the shapes as a triangle, square, rectangle, or circle. Not all of the triangles will look the same.

Thursday Day 139 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes M/A: The students will be given a chart. The chart will have four columns. The columns are triangle, square, rectangle, and circle. The students are to glue the shapes that they classified in the correct column.

M/MU: The students will sing songs to remember how to DA: Students that recognize or draw are having trouble each of the four classifying will be shapes. The students given a bag of will learn Ricky shapes that have Rectangle, Tommy all triangles, Triangle, Sammy squares, Square, and Suzy rectangles, and Circle. circles that are CanTeach exactly alike. There will be no variation in size.

Friday Day 140 JSSOL M 2.8 Two and ThreeDimensional Shapes M/MU: The students will sing The Shape Song to the tune of ‘The Farmer in the Dell’. As the students sing the song they will be drawing the shapes in the air with their fingers. CanTeach

M/A: The students will sort three dimensional shapes. The shapes that they will sort are sphere (ball), cone, cylinder (can), pyramid, prism (box), and cube. Once the shapes have been sorted the students are to glue them in the correct columns on the chart.

Week 29- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 141 JSSOL M 2.10 Three-Dimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners) M/LI: The students will learn three dimensional figures like cube, rectangular prism, pyramid, etc. The students will be able to recognize and name the shapes. M/MA: The students will be sent on a scavenger hunt around the classroom to find objects that are three dimensional shapes, such as a tissue box. M/W: The students will complete a worksheet on identifying three dimensional shapes. The students must either right the name of the shape shown or draw the picture of the shape described.

Tuesday Day 142 JSSOL M 2.10 ThreeDimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners) M/LI: The students will learn about faces. The students will be given a three dimensional figure. The student must count and record the number of faces on each figure.

Wednesday Day 143 JSSOL M 2.10 ThreeDimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners) M/LI: The students will learn about edges. The students will be given a three dimensional figure. The student must count and record the number of edges on each figure.

Thursday Day 144 JSSOL M 2.10 Three-Dimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners)

Friday Day 145 JSSOL M 2.10 ThreeDimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners)

M/MA/GA: The teacher will split the students into three groups. Each group will line up at the back of the room. The teacher will be standing at the front of the room. There will be three boxes at the front of the room filled with three dimensional figures. M/MA: The The teacher will tell M/MA/A: The M/A: The students will view the student at the students will learn students will find the room as a large front of the line to go to make their own three dimensional rectangular prism. find a shape that has three dimensional shapes throughout The students will 6 faces, 12 edges, and shapes. The the classroom. count the number of 8 corners. The first students will cut, The students must corners in the person to pick up the color, and tape draw a picture of classroom. correct three together their each item and dimensional figures shapes. count the number gets a point for their of edges. team. DA: The students who are having difficulty may work with a partner.

M/LI/MA: The students will learn about corners. The students will be given a three dimensional figure. The student must count and record the number of corners on each figure.

M/W: The students will complete a worksheet. The worksheet will be on counting edges, faces, and corners of solid figures.

Week 30- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 146 JSSOL M 2.10 Three-Dimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners)

Tuesday Day 147 JSSOL M 2.10 ThreeDimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners) M/W: The students will complete a worksheet. The worksheet will be on counting edges, faces, and corners of solid figures.

Wednesday Day 148 JSSOL M 2.10 ThreeDimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners) M/MA/GA: The M/GA: The teacher will split students will play the students into a board game. three groups. Each The students will group will line up be split up into at the back of the groups. Each room. The teacher student will draw will be standing at a card from the the front of the top of the deck. room. There will be The card with three boxes at the either have a front of the room M/A/MA: Each picture of a shape filled with three student will create for the students to dimensional their own name or count figures. The teacher miniature three faces, edges, will tell the student dimensional corners, or the at the front of the shape. The shape number of faces, line to go find a will be used as edges, or corners shape that has 6 their game piece. of a shape. In that faces, 12 edges, and case the student 8 corners. The first must name a person to pick up shape that fits the the correct three criteria on the dimensional figures cards. The gets a point for possible answers their team. will be on the back of the cards along with the number of spaces to move.

Thursday Day 149 JSSOL M 2.10 ThreeDimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners)

Friday Day 150 JSSOL M 2.10 Three-Dimensional Figures (Faces, Edges, and Corners)

M/A: The students will each bring in a shoe box. The students will make a diorama in the box on three dimensional shapes. The students can do random figures or they can choose to do only figures with four edges, etc. The students can glue the shapes or have them hanging by a string. The students should be very creative in this activity.

M/LI: The student will review what they have learned about three dimensional shapes. The students will take turns coming to the front of the classroom and choosing a figure. The student must describe that figure in every way possible using what they have just learned in the unit.

DA: Students with difficulty will be given cut out figures to place in their box. M/OL: The students will show their finished product to the class. Each student will tell something about their project.

Week 31- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 151 STANDARDIZED TESTS




Week 32- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 156 JSSOL M 2.22 TwoDimensional Figures with Line Symmetry

Tuesday Day 157 JSSOL M 2.22 TwoDimensional Figures with Line Symmetry M/LI/MA: The M/MA/A: The teacher tells the students will be students that many given a bag of shapes can be divided cut-out shapes. into two equal parts. The students The teacher places a must fold the piece of string down shape in half the middle of the and decide desk. The teacher will whether the ask the students if the sides are two parts are equal. If congruent. If the two parts are the sides are equal that means that congruent then they are congruent. the fold is The string is what acting as the breaks the item into line of two equal parts. That symmetry. The line is called the line students will of symmetry. make a list of the shapes that M/MA: The teacher are and are not will give each student divided by a a piece of string. The line of students are to go symmetry. around the classroom and try to find as many things as they M/A: The can that are students will congruent. The draw a picture students will share using shapes with the class some that are able to of the things that they be divided by a found to be line of congruent. symmetry.

Wednesday Day 158 JSSOL M 2.22 Two-Dimensional Figures with Line Symmetry

Thursday Day 159 JSSOL M 2.22 Two-Dimensional Figures with Line Symmetry

Friday Day 160 JSSOL M 2.22 TwoDimensional Figures with Line Symmetry

M/MA: The students will be given a bag of cut-out shapes that have been cut in half. The students are to match up the two congruent sides to find the line of symmetry.

M/GA: The students will get into groups. The teacher will give each group a few index cards. On those index cards are pictures of different shapes. The group must decide if a line of symmetry can be drawn on the shape.

M/MA: The students will be given geoboards. The teacher will make a shape on her geo-board and have the students make the same shape. The students will then have to decide if the shape can be split into two equal parts by a line of symmetry. If the shape can be split by a line of symmetry the students must show how it is done.

M/W: The students will be given a worksheet on the line of symmetry. The worksheet will ask students if the line drawn divides the shape into two equal parts and is the line of symmetry.

DA: Students and groups who are having trouble deciding if there is a line of symmetry will be allowed to cut out their shape and fold it to see if there is a line of symmetry.

M/W: The students will be given a handout. The handout will have each letter of the alphabet on it. The students must decide which letters can be split by a line M/OL: The groups of symmetry. If the will share their note letter can be divided cards and the students are to discoveries with the draw the line of rest of the class symmetry. If the letter because each group cannot be divided the was given different students will not shapes to study. mark on it.

Week 33- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 161 JSSOL M 2.12 Relative and Ordinal Positions M/LI: The students will learn that ordinal position means order is important. M/LI/MA: The teacher will go through the class list and give each student a number according to the first letter of their last name. The person with the last name starting with an A with being number one and the person with the last name starting with a Z will be last. If the teacher was looking for someone in the bottom half of the alphabet she would not call on number one. This shows the students that order is important.

Tuesday Day 162 JSSOL M 2.12 Relative and Ordinal Positions M/LI: The students will learn the ordinal positions on the numbers. Number one has the ordinal position of first. Number ten has the ordinal position of tenth. M/W: The students will write a story about numbers or something that needs to be in a certain order. The stories are supposed to be on something that needs ordinal position. M/R/OL: The students will read their stories to the class and explain why ordinal position was important in their story. DA: Students with difficulty will get a special book to write their story.

Wednesday Day 163 JSSOL M 2.12 Relative and Ordinal Positions M/W: The students will be given a worksheet. The worksheet will tell the students a number, for example 8, and ask the students to write its ordinal position, which would be eighth. M: The students will learn ordinal positions for number 1-100. M/W/MA: The students will complete a worksheet. The worksheet tells a story about a race and who was first, second, third, fourth, and fifth to finish the race. The students must use the ordinal clues and write the racers in the correct order from first to fifth.

Thursday Day 164 JSSOL M 2.12 Relative and Ordinal Positions M/GA/MA: The students will get in groups. The teacher will give each group a race track and skittles. The students must each pick a color to start on. The colors each correspond with a number. For example red=1, blue=2, green=3, etc. The students will be given a dice. The students will take turns rolling the dice. Each time the dice is rolled the student who is on that number gets to move up a space. The first person to finish the race wins. M/GA/W/MA: The students stay in their groups. The students must now right each group members name and what place they finished in. The students must include the ordinal position. For example, Ashlee finished first, Emilee finished second, etc.

Friday Day 165 JSSOL M 2.12 Relative and Ordinal Positions M/MA/OL/MO: The students will go outside and run a race. The teacher will give each student a number when they cross the finish line. When they return to class the students will line up in the order of their numbers. The teacher will go down the line and the students must tell their ordinal position.

Week 34- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 166 JSSOL M 2.23 Picture and Bar Graphs M/LI: The teacher will teach the students about two types of graphs, the picture graph and the bar graph. M/MA: The teacher will show the students an example of a picture graph. The teacher will ask the students what their favorite color is out of five choices. The teacher will tally each color and total them. The teacher will then make a picture graph for the students to see. The picture graph shows the class what color most people like the most.

Tuesday Day 167 JSSOL M 2.23 Picture and Bar Graphs M/MA: The class will take another poll. Once the votes have been tallied the class will make a picture graph together. M/MA/GA: The students will be put into groups. Each group will come up with a question and a few answers to choose from. The students will then poll their classmates. The students will make a picture graph of their findings. The picture graph should be done neatly.

Wednesday Day 168 JSSOL M 2.23 Picture and Bar Graphs M/LI: The teacher will show the students an example of a bar graph. The teacher will put data on the board and then complete a bar graph. M/GA/MA: The teacher will write data on the board and then the class will make a bar graph together, with students volunteering to draw the graph. DA: Students who are having difficulties with graphs will get a pre-drawn axis so that all they have to do is draw the graph.

Thursday Day 169 JSSOL M 2.23 Picture and Bar Graphs M/GA/MA: The students will be put back into their groups. The groups will be given a sheet of data. Each group must organize their data and then construct a neat bar graph. M/MA/PS: The students will work individually to make up a story and data. The student will use their story and data to construct a bar graph. M/MA/PS: The students will work individually to make up a story and data. The student will use their story and data to construct a picture graph.

Friday Day 170 JSSOL M 2.23 Picture and Bar Graphs M/MA/W/A: The class will gather the data together to make a bar graph and a picture graph. The students will be polled on the month of their birthday. After the data is collected each student will work individually to construct a bar graph and a picture graph. Each graph is to be done neatly and colorful. The students may choose to use a candle or birthday cake to represent a person on the picture graph. The students should be creative.

is that she would draw a blue marble. There is a 0% chance of drawing a blue marble because there are no blue marbles in the bag.

will get a small prize. Mrs. Goodwin

certain outcome.

Week 36- Math Charts Jordan Cyphers & Samantha Francis Monday Day 176 JSSOL M 2.24 Probability

Tuesday Day 177 JSSOL M 2.24 Probability

M/W: The students will be given a handout. The handout will have the picture of a spinner on it and a chart of the outcomes. The students must answer question based on the outcomes given. This will test the students reading of charts.

M/LI/MA/A: The students are put into groups of four. The students will make spinners. The students must color the spinners. The students may color the spinners any color but yellow. The students will have four spinners. They must now color two spinners nothing but yellow. The teacher will ask the students questions like, which spinners would have a certain/impossible outcome for yellow? The students will have to find the spinner that matching the criteria given by the teacher.

M/LI: The teacher will teach the students about certain and impossible outcomes. If there is only one color on the spinner the outcome is certain. If there is only one color on the spinner and the question is about another color then the outcome is impossible.

Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2

Wednesday Day 178 JSSOL M 2.24 Probability DA: The teacher will offer extra help to the students who are having difficulty understand probability.

Thursday Day 179 JSSOL M 2.24 Probability

Friday Day 180 JSSOL M 2.24 Probability

M/LI: The students will learn likely and unlikely. The teacher will give the students an example.

M/LI: The teacher will review all of the aspects of probability that they students have learned.

M/W: The students will complete a M/W: The worksheet. The students will be worksheet has given a pictures of bags full worksheet. The of shapes. The worksheet will students must have different determine how many pictures of of each shape are in colored spinners. the bag and which The students must shape they are likely answer whether to pull out and which green is a certain shape they are or impossible unlikely to pull out. outcome. The students will record their information on the chart provided. Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2

M/GA/MA: The students will get into groups and be given spinners and a bag full of marbles. The students must use the spinners and the marbles to determine probability. The students must determine what is certain and what is impossible as well as what is likely and what is unlikey.

Resources: Dell, Diana. (2007). Gamequarium. Fraction Games. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.gamequarium.com/fractions.html. Iram and James. Songs and Poems. CanTeach. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.canteach.ca/elementary/songspoems22.html Unknown. (2007). Education World. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.educationworld.com Unknown. (2005). Georgia Department of Education. Sequenced Lesson Plans. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.glc.k12.ga.us/ Unknown. Getting into Shapes: Identifying and Describing Two-Dimensional Shapes. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.ait.net/lessons/Math%203.pdf. Unknown. (2004). Hartcourt North Carolina Edition, Volume 2. Orlando, Florida: Hartcourt, Inc. Unknown. (1993). Math 2 for Christian Schools, Edition 2. Greenville, South Carolina: Bob Jones University Press. Unknown (2000.) Math Cats. Rounding Idea Bank. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.mathcats.com/grownupcats/ideabankrounding.html. Unknown. Really Good Stuff. Greater and Less Than Alligators. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://www.reallygoodstuff.com Unknown. (1998). The Educator’s Reference Desk. Retrieved November 1, 2007 from http://eduref.org

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