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TE RM 1 18th Mar ch 20 09

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School. The New Zealand Star T imes cover story ran the headline, Radical Plan to tackle school bullies. Today (Monday) the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) and the Human Rights Commission (HRC) will present their findings to a school violence summit in Wellington. None of us wants to see children being bullied in any shape or form and I am sure we can all identify with the concerns their report expresses. We certainly take bullying very seriously in our school. We started out several years ago with a focus on bullying behaviour with slogans such as ‘zero tolerance’. We then moved to an anti-bully approach but soon decided that dealing with the horse once it has bolted was too hard. Since then we have worked on preventive strategies. Our key approaches have been to focus on recognition and two forms of modelling. Firstly our well known approach to recognising achievement shows children what we value, support and encourage. Secondly our programme of social skills shows children how to behave ‘properly’. Thirdly, our approach to ‘Catch them while they are being good’ recognises the kinds of behaviour we want children to demonstrate at all times. Don’t be mistaken, we do have some ‘heavy’ strategies as well ranging from time out to suspension. But we have found more success is achieved with modelling, encouragement and dialogue. Sometimes we need you to support us in those processes. This year we have added to current approaches by focussing on Human Rights in Education. This approach recognises that while we all have rights we all have responsibilities in relation to those rights. This approach has been very successful in two regions in Canada and the United Kingdom. If your child becomes the victim of bullying behaviour please tell us immediately so that we can deal with it before the problem becomes too big and children are scared for life. I have reprinted below some children’s writing on bullying. They come from Duggan school in Alberta, Canada : www.630ched.com/Other/PDF/BeCool/Duggan_08.pdf Bullying By Jezlaine, Grade 6 Everyone knows that bullying is bad, bullying is wrong, bullying is everything that is not right. Well, at least I know. People everyday watch victims being bullied by, for example, a bully. T hose people really need to do something to change that. The people who watch the victims are called bystanders. 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

Bystanders have power. They watch what happens. They know what happens, yet all they do is absolutely nothing, which is wrong. T hey should go to the bully and tell them to stop. Tell the bully that what you’re doing is the most uncoolest thing anyone can do, because in reality, it is very uncool. Bullies can become bullies they might have abusive parents. The bully could be mean because that is the only way they were shown to act. A bystander can show the bully that they can act differently. Show the bully they can be good people. On the outside, the victims look like little dweebs who can’t defend themselves. But in the inside, they’re hating to go to school because they’re afraid. Sure the victim can rebel against the bully, but how will that help? T he bystander can show the victim that the bully is sinking in to the lowest level they can be. In any bullying situation, if you’re a bystander, do something. Bystanders have a lot of power, they just don’t realize it. A teacher or any other adult can’t always stop a bullying situation, because they’re not here 24/7. A bystander is there most of the time so they can stop it. Type s of Bullying By Marley, Grade 5 These are the harmful and disrespectful types of bullying. Verbal bullying is when somebody called you a terrible name and is making fun of you. Physical bullying can be a serious problem to you and to other people it could hurt or majorly damage something or someone. Exclusion can harm your feelings or make you feel like you’re not wanted, also like shunning. Ever since that when people roll their eyes or makes a disgraceful expression at you that is expressive bullying. Last but not least the most dangerous of all cyber bullying, cyber bullying is mostly bullying on the computer. I hope reading this letter has taught you how all the types of bullying can be so foul. Bullying Around The World By Gariel, Grade 6 Have you always wondered about the effect bullying has on people? The great people in grade 6 at Duggan school are working together to put a message out to tell people that bullying is wrong!

SCHOOL COMMUNITY GROUP Next Meeting Thursday 26th March at 7.00pm in the Staff Room. Everyone welcome! Our weekly newslett er is kindly sponsored by –


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BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

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Citizenship is Everyone’s Business

Bullying has an effect on everyone. When bystanders are “Curves March Food Bank Appeal” around bullies they don’t tell! Why? That is a good In these increasingly tough economic t imes we question. They are scared that they are going to get bullie d also. So why sit around and see people suffer the welcome this opportunity to help out fellow Ne lsonians who are having difficulty putting food on the table. pain that that is going through their minds, take action! If you wish to participate please have your child bring There are three main people in bullying. T he bully, the something non perishable to contribute to their victim and the bystander. The bully picks on people for classes’ collection box. power. If the victim seems scared the bully will keep Collection will be over the month of March doing it, and if there is a person around and sees or hears This week we are collecting the bullying he is a bystander! CANNED FOOD Do you want to stop bullying and make the world a Check the tally sheet outside your child’s happier, safer and enjoyable place to live? Then follow classroom these rules; let the bully know you don’t want to be Next week gullie d, and if he refuses then stare him in the eyes, say BREAKFAST CEREALS, FLOUR, SUGAR, DRIED PASTA no and walk away. Eventually the bully will get tired and Thank you in anticipation for your support stop. If everyone would do this then bullies would be put down and happy kids will thrive! I’ve heard of a bullying act that bully bullied a kid for a really long time. That he took his dads gun and shot people!! How can Duggan Be a Cool School With No Bullying! By Alicia, Grade 4 No bullying in Duggan School! Some ideas for you! Learn how to be friends by playing with them or saying maybe hey, I’m bored this recess, and I saw you very lonely, maybe you might want to play with me this recess, and be friends with me! We can talk to a bully to tell them to stop bullying other people, and tell them some great ways to make a friend and never be a bully. Maybe the bully might just follow your suggestion! We can accept anyone that wants to play with you/being friends together, even though their skin colour is different, hair colour different, or maybe speak other languages (but knows how to speak English), or born in different countries, or maybe likes something that you hate, and you think is disgusting. I hope you could use these ideas to tell the bully to stop bullying, or to make more friends! Te rm Eve nts 24 Mar - Parent evening with Brenda Holloway 30 Mar - 2 Apr - Parent –T eacher Interviews 9 Apr - T erm 1 closes 24 Apr - Nelson City Schools ICT PD Conference/Workshops 27 Apr - T erm 2 opens Nelson Central Achie vers Abel McNabb, Lydia Gilbert (Ren 2) for a wonderful achievement in mathematics Aiden Stevenson (R14) A wonderful booklet about the seasons Spe cial Awards Sam Chapman – for recognising the Human Rights video Se bbie Henning – for winning two T ryathlons on one day Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL

Nelson Central Ukulele Orchestra Sponsored by Today I had g reat pleasure formally presen ting 12 Ukuleles to Nelson Cen tral School. Seeing 400 lovely young faces light up when Mr Po taka played a wee ballad, was a delight to see. My thoughts behind the donation come from a desire to see more kids involved in music, which in the case of playing a ukulele, is an individual or team recrea tion, to be played anywhere and anytime. My best wishes to Mr Macleod who will teach the players and I look forward to seeing the first performance and hope tha t children who can bring along their own ukulele will be able to join the Nelson Central Ukulele Orchestra. Best wishes from Sally Grant and Bodywise

Cre8 Speech and Drama Classes 4-18 yrs Do you want your child to build self esteem and self confidence? Group drama after school starti ng i n term 2 i n Nelson. Develop new ski lls such as; Listeni ng ski lls, Concentrati on and Group Cooperati on w hi lst havi ng fun? If you w ant more i nformati on or you w ant to enroll chi ld for Term 2 please call Ni kki e on 0273 46 88 92 / 5480 556.

Results: Totara Triathlon 2009 9 YR GIRLS Ella Middleton, room 2 Joey Vining, room 2 Lucy Davies, room 15 Evie Walker, room 2 Kezia Hughes, room 2 9YR Boys Devon Blackbourn, room 8 Brady Machen, room 1 Nick Clark, room 7 Max Hickling, room 7 Ben Watts, room 7 10 YR+ GIRLS Tayla Ha mpton, room 1 Rowan Ives, room 8 Juliette Perkins, room 7 Rachelle Blair, room 7 Dilara Yanik, room 8 10 YR+ BOY Callum Wilkie, room 2

Nelson Central School Community Group,

Invites You To Our… TRADITIONAL START OF THE YEAR PICNIC Monday 23rd March 5.30 – 7.00pm At Nelson Central School BYO picnic tea, rug etc. This is a great way to meet new parents and children at Nelson Central School. Old fashioned, free games will be organised for children and those parents willing to partake in some good old fashioned fun and laughs 3-legged races, egg and spoon races, and many more. Free Bouncy Castle and Juicies available for sale Hope To See You There! Willia m Wa llace, room 2 Sebbie Hennings, room 2 Karama Bennett, room 15 Shannon Saunders, room 7 Hamish Murray, room 2 OPEN EVENT Sebbie Hennings, room 1 Freya Sonneland, teacher room 8 Rick Manhart, teacher room7 Tayla Ha mpton Devon Blackbourn Callum Wilkie, room 2 Sean Rae, room 2 Willia m Wa llace, room 2

S SO OCI CIA AL L S SK KIILL LLS S Looking After Our School Environment Right Rights: s: It is our right to have a nice school environment Resp Responsibility: onsibility: It is our responsibility to help keep our environment tidy and safe

Kiwi Cricket draw for Saturday 21 March Ground Team Team INCREDIBALL GRADE 1 Birchwood Eagles v Nayland All Stars 2 Clifton Tce Cha mps v Enner Glynn Green Caps 3 Wakefield v Mapua Senior 4 Ranzau v Henley Black Caps 5 Tahuna Blackcaps v HSS Smashers 6 St Joes Super Stars v HSS Whackers 7 Central Stars v Enner Glynn Flyers 8 Nayland Super Stars v Appleby SENIOR GRADE 9 Birchwood Black Caps v Mapua Kiwi 10 HSS Jnr Black Caps v Tahuna Tigers 11 Ranzau v Central Sixers 12 Henley Magics v Stoke Gladiators Henley Stumpers v Bye JUNIOR GRADE 13 Wakefield 1 v Nayland Kiwi Caps 14 Tahuna Titans v Wakefield 2

WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTS Week ended 15th March Mini Soccer Central Stor mers. Central Strikers v Henley Rebels. Henley w on 2-1. Volleyball Central Smashers Central Spikers v Tin a Tuna. Central w on 58-57. Central Volleyers v CTS Spikers. CTS w on 2 sets to 1. Kiw i Cricket Central Sixers v Stoke. Central w on 54-7. Player of the day: Bailey Dixon. Incrediball Central Stars v Nayland. Central w on 45-20. Player of the day: Te Oi Singh. Hardball Cricket Nelson Central v Motueka. Central w on 132 runs. Motueka all out in 1st innings for 13 runs. Thomas Zohrab 6 w ickets. Felix Murray 21 runs. Great team effort. Fantastic results. Nelson Central/St Josephs v Ranzau. Ranzau w on 97/55. Wickets taken by Josh Dow and Neihana Broughton. Rippa Rugby Central Stor mers w on 10-5.

Nelson Central School M iniball 2009

Golden Edge Primary School Hardball Cricket Com petition

Are you interested in playing Miniball this year? Usually you need to be a year 5/6 studen t. If you Motueka v Henley Toi Toi at Memorial Park no. are year 4 and have attended the Junior 2, Motueka. Nelson Central School v Henley Waimea at Henley Development Programme or show a strong sporting School ability you can also participate. The season Nelson Central / St Josephs v Richmond at Botanics commences on Friday 1st May (Term 2) and continues Ranzau v Mapua at Jubilee Park North. Enner Glynn v Tahunanui Blue at Low er Ngaw hatu. on most Friday evenings during terms 2 & 3. Games are played at the Jack Robins Stadium in Stoke; Nayland v Wakefield at Brightw ater Domain. Birchw ood v Waimea Inter mediate Girls at Ben they last approx. 30 minutes and are scheduled to Cooper par k. take place between 3.40pm and 8pm. We need confirmed numbers of players to form the Nelson Future Ferns Netball Central teams.

Next term sees the start of the netball competition for years 4,5,6. Games are played at Saxton Field Stoke. Years 4 and 5 will play their games on Wednesdays with first round at around 3.40pm. Year 6 will play their games on Saturday mornings. The competition for year 4 & 5’s will commence on Wednesday 20th May and year 6’s on Saturday 16th May. We will need parents to coach the teams. Registrations forms will be available early next term when more information arrives.

The cost to play is $40 per player and covers both terms 2 and 3. We will need parents to help run the teams on Fridays at the games. Any extra assistance with coaching at school would be appreciated. Registration forms available from the sports noticeboard located in the hallway between rooms 2 and 3. Return registra tion and fees by FRIDAY 3R D APRIL.

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