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14 February 2007

NYGD 1305




Major General, New York Guard Commander

1. Purpose. This directive prescribes policy and procedures used in the selection and promotion of commissioned and warrant officers and enlisted personnel of the New York Guard. It provides guidance to commanders and administrative personnel on the correct procedure in preparing requests for promotion of unit personnel. 2.


a. Format and procedures established in this publication apply to all members of the New York Guard. Special provisions, which apply to reserve, retired and discharged personnel of the New York Guard are addressed in chapter VI. b. This publication is directive in nature. These formats and procedures will be followed, except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise. c. New York Guard commissioned officers on the State Reserve List (SResL) or State Retired List (SRetL) will be eligible for promotion if recalled to State active duty and meet all requirements as indicated in chapters III and IV of this directive. 2. Scope. This directive provides policies and procedures for the selection and promotion of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the New York Guard. This directive also covers promotion and brevet promotion eligibility and qualification requirements. 3. Basis in law. Officers and Warrant Officers of the New York Guard will be appointed, commissioned or warranted by the Governor, pursuant to Section 70 paragraph 1, of the Military Law of the State of New York. Enlisted personnel are promoted pursuant to Section 92of the Military Law of the State of New York. 4. This issue incorporates extensive revisions to New York Guard Directive 1305, dated 24 January 2006, which it supersedes. Changed portions have not been highlighted. Form implemented within this directive: NYG Form 1305-1a, New York Guard Request for Promotion NYG Form 1305-1d, New York Guard Promotion Packet List 5.

TAG-NY Approval. Reviewed and approved by The Adjutant General – New York on ______________.


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NYGD 1305




I PROMOTION APPROVAL POLICY.................................................................................................... 1. Enlisted Personnel........................................................................................................................... 2. Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel........................................................................................... 3. Senior Field Grade and General Officer Personnel ....................................................................... 4. Brevet Promotions, Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel .......................................................... 5. Military Abbreviations.................................................................................................................... 6. Rank Abbreviation and Titles ......................................................................................................... 7. Senior Enlisted Positional Titles .....................................................................................................

I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 I-2 I-2 I-3

II RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 1. Commander New York Guard ....................................................................................................... 2. G1, Headquarters, New York Guard .............................................................................................. 3. S-1 MSC Headquarters .................................................................................................................. 4. Commanders of MSC’s .................................................................................................................. 5. G-Staff Section Heads ....................................................................................................................

II-1 II-1 II-1 II-1 II-1 II-2

III PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 1. Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 2. Qualification requirements ............................................................................................................


IV PROMOTION APPLICATION PROCEDURES.................................................................................... 1. Promotion eligibility and qualification requirements..................................................................... 2. Promotion without promotion board action ................................................................................... 3. Promotion boards ........................................................................................................................... 4. Promotion packets.......................................................................................................................... 5. Personnel officer staff actions........................................................................................................ 6. Removal from a promotion board list (Officer) ............................................................................. 7. Promotion review boards (Officer) ................................................................................................ 8. Posthumous promotions ............................................................................................................................ 9. Selected for promotion .............................................................................................................................. 10. Medical examination ............................................................................................................................... 11. MRPJ screening.......................................................................................................................................

IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-1 IV-2 IV-2 IV-3 IV-3 IV-3 IV-4 IV-4 IV-4

V GENERAL OFFICER PROMOTIONS .................................................................................................. 1. Promotion authority.................................................................................................................................. 2. Publication of promotion orders............................................................................................................... 3. Promotion eligibility and qualification requirements.............................................................................. 4. Military and civilian educational requirements for promotion ............................................................... 5. Selected for promotion ............................................................................................................................. 6. Effective date of promotion...................................................................................................................... 7. Medical examination ................................................................................................................................ 8. Administrative procedures ....................................................................................................................... 9. Administrative requirements .....................................................................................................................

V-1 V-1 V-1 V-1 V-1 V-1 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2

VI BREVET PROMOTIONS - OFFICER AND WARRANT OFFICER PERSONNEL............................. 1. Applicability ............................................................................................................................................. 2. Legal status ............................................................................................................................................... 3. Promotion eligibility and qualification requirements.............................................................................. 4. Brevet promotion procedures................................................................................................................... 5. Publication of brevet promotion orders ...................................................................................................

VI-1 VI-1 VI-1 VI-1 VI-1 VI-2


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6. Composition of a brevet promotion board............................................................................................... 7. Other requirements ................................................................................................................................... 8. Appeals...................................................................................................................................................... TABLE I-1 TABLE I-2 TABLE III-1 TABLE III-2 TABLE III-3 TABLE III-4 TABLE IV-1

Military Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... Pay Grades, Rank Abbreviations and Titles.............................................................................. Time in Grade, Military and Civilian Education Requirements............................................... Officer Civilian Education Requirements Exception................................................................ Qualification Requirements for Prior Military Service Enlisted Personnel ............................. Qualification Requirements for Non-Prior Military Service Enlisted Personnel..................... Promotion Board Schedule ........................................................................................................

APPRNDIX A New York Guard Form 1305-1a ……………………………………………………..…….. APPENDIX B Sample Recommendation for Promotion- Officer ................................................................... Sample Promotion Certification Memo..................................................................................... APPENDIX C Sample Recommendation for Promotion- Enlisted E7 – E9 …………………………….…... Sample Recommendation for Promotion- Enlisted E2 – E6……………….………………… APPENDIX D Sample Recommendation for Promotion- General Officer …………………………………. APPENDIX E Sample Recommendation for Brevet Promotion……………………………………………. APPENDIX F Requirements for Promotion Summary ……………………………………………………. APPENDIX G Promotion Package Summary………………………………………….................…..…….. APPENDIX H Promotion Checklist NYG Form 1305-1d ...………………………………..…………….


VI-2 VI-2 VI-2 I-2 I-2 III-1 III-2 III-2 III-4 IV-1 A-1 B-1 B-2 C-1 C-2 D-1 E-1 F-1 G-1 H-1

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Enlisted Personnel a. E2 – E6: MSC Commanders or appropriate G-Staff Section heads will approve/disapprove promotions for personnel E-2 through E6 under their jurisdiction in accordance with Chapters III and IV of this Directive. S-1, MSC Headquarters or G-1 for HQNYG personnel will process required promotion documents for submission to the appropriate selection board. Approved promotion documents will be submitted to G-1, HQ NYG for final review, publication of promotion orders and placement in the individual’s Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) in accordance with NYG Directive 1336 Military Personnel Records. b. E7 - E9: Commanding General, New York Guard, (NYG), will approve/disapprove promotions to grades E-7 through E-9 in accordance with Chapters III and IV of this Directive. Promotion recommendations and completed promotion packets will be submitted from MSC’s or through channels to Commanding General, Headquarters, New York Guard, (HQ NYG), Attn: G1, for final review before being placed before the HQ NYG Senior NCO Promotion Board. 2.

Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel b. O2 - O3 and CW2 - CW3: MSC Commanders or appropriate G-Staff Section heads will approve/disapprove promotions of company grade officers O-2 through O-3 and CW2 – CW3 under their jurisdiction in accordance with Chapters III and IV of this Directive. Approved promotion documents will be submitted to G-1, HQ NYG for final review, publication of promotion orders and placement in the individual’s Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) in accordance with NYG Directive 1336 Military Personnel Records. b. O4 – O5 and CW4 -CW5: Commanding General, New York Guard, (NYG), will approve all field grade promotion recommendations to grades O-4 through O-5 and warrant officers CW4- CW5, in accordance with Chapters III and IV of this Directive. Promotion recommendations will be submitted, through channels to Commanding General, Headquarters, New York Guard, (HQ NYG), Attn: G-1, for final review before being placed before the HQ NYG Officer Promotion Selection Board. 3. Senior Field Grade and General Officer Personnel. : Commanding General, New York Guard, (NYG), will recommend all field grade promotion recommendations to O-6, in accordance with Chapters III and IV of this Directive. Promotion recommendations will be submitted, through channels to Commanding General, Headquarters, New York Guard, (HQ NYG), Attn: G-1, , for final review before being placed before the HQ NYG Promotion Selection Board. The Adjutant General, State of New York, will approve all promotion recommendations to Colonel (O-6), Brigadier General (O-7) or Major General (O-8), of New York Guard Personnel. Submissions for promotion to General (O-7) or Major General (O-8) will be in accordance with Chapter V of this Directive. 4.

Brevet Promotions, Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel. a. Under the provisions of New York State Military Law paragraph 21, upon the recommendation of The Adjutant General, any commissioned or warrant officer eligible to be transferred to the retired list who has served at least 25 years in the New York State Organized Militia or in the New York State Organized Militia and the Armed Forces of the United States, combined, may be transferred to the State Retired List by the Governor in a grade one grade higher than the highest grade previously held by him or her in the New York State Organized Militia. Any person who has received a brevet promotion at the time he or she was placed upon the State Reserve List shall not be eligible for an additional promotion under this provision. A request for a brevet promotion, must be generated by the individual’s MSC Commander or responsible G-Staff section head, then submitted through the chain-ofcommand to Commanding General, Headquarters, New York Guard, (HQ NYG), Attn: G-1 and must be submitted within six months before or one year after retirement from active New York Guard duty. Requests for brevet promotion must be in accordance with Chapter VI of this Directive.


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b. The Commander, New York Guard approves all Brevet promotions up to O-6. The Adjutant General of the State of New York approves Brevet promotions for O-7 and O-8. Brevet promotion recommendations to the rank of Brigadier or Major General (O-7, O-8) will be submitted to the Adjutant General through Commanding General, Headquarters, New York Guard, (HQ NYG), Attn: G-1 in accordance with Chapter VI of this Directive. c. Commander, New York Guard (NYG), will recommend brevet promotions per (b) above to The Adjutant General of the State of New York in accordance with Chapter VI of this Directive. 5.

Military Abbreviations used in this directive.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Air Military Education Airman Leadership School Advanced Non-Commissioned Officer Course Army Military Education Basic Non-Commissioned Officer Course Basic Officer Course Field Grade Officer Course Major Command Military Personnel Records Jacket Non-Commissioned Officer NCO Academy NCO Preparatory Course Not Applicable Not Required New York Guard Directive Primary Leadership Development Course Senior Non-Commission Officer Academy The Adjutant General Warrant Officer Advanced Course Warrant Officer Basic Course

6. Rank Abbreviation and Titles. In this directive, for the ease of uniformity, all ranks of New York Guard Army and Air personnel will be identified by pay grades. See Table I-2.

Table I-2 Pay Grades, Rank Abbreviations and Titles Pay Grades E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4 W-5 O-1

NYG - Army Rank PVT - Private PV2 - Private PFC - Private First Class SPC - Specialist SGT - Sergeant SSG - Staff Sergeant SFC - Sergeant First Class MSG - Master Sergeant SGM - Sergeant Major WO1 – Warrant Officer CW2 – Chief Warrant Officer 2 CW3 – Chief Warrant Officer 3 CW4 – Chief Warrant Officer 4 CW5 – Chief Warrant Officer 5 2LT – Second Lieutenant


NYG - Air Rank AB - Airman Basic AMN - Airman A1C - Airman First Class SrA - Senior Airman SSgt - Staff Sergeant TSgt - Technical Sergeant MSgt - Master Sergeant SMSgt - Senior Master Sergeant CMSgt - Chief Master Sergeant

2ndLt - Second Lieutenant

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1LT – First Lieutenant CPT – Captain MAJ – Major LTC – Lieutenant Colonel COL – Colonel BG – Brigadier General MG – Major General

1stLt - First Lieutenant Capt – Captain Maj – Major LtCol - Lieutenant Colonel Col – Colonel Brig Gen - Brigadier General Maj Gen – Major General

7. Senior Enlisted Positional Titles: a. NYG-Army. The position of 1SG - First Sergeant and CSM - Command Sergeant Major are leadership positions. The position of 1SG can be assigned to enlisted personnel in grades E-7 or above and CSM in grade E-9 only. This rank will only be worn by those of the appropriate pay grades, E-8 for First Sergeant and E-9 for Command Sergeant Major, and only while assigned to the TDA position requiring such rank. b. NYG-Air. The position of “First Sergeant” and “Command Chief Master Sergeant” are administrative positions. The “First Sergeant” position can be assigned to enlisted personnel in grades E-7 or above and the position of “Command Chief Master Sergeant” to those in grade E-9 only.


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Commander, New York Guard will; a.

Approve promotions O-4 through O-6, CW4 - CW5 and E-7 - E-9.


Recommend promotions O-7 and above to The Adjutant General.


Recommend brevet promotions O-7 and above to The Adjutant General.


Appoint Promotion Boards for O-4 through O-6, CW4 - CW5


Appoint Promotion Boards for E-7 through E-9, with NYG CSM recommendations.

G-1, Headquarters, New York Guard (HQ NYG): a. b. c.


Has overall general staff responsibility for promotion policy and procedures governing New York Guard promotions. Reviews and approves promotion packets for submission to the HQ NYG Promotion Board. Publishes all promotion orders for enlisted personnel (E-2 through E-9), officers (O-2 through O-6) and Chief Warrant Officers (W-2 to W-5) will be published by G-1, HQ NYG. The HQ NYG G-1 will provide copies to the individual, MSC and HQ NYG in accordance with NYGD 1336, Military Personnel Records

S-1, MSC Headquarters: a.

Is responsible for accurate and complete promotion packets for individuals from their respective MSC’s. (Appendix H – Promotion Check List)


Prepares orders for appointing officers to the MSC officer pre-screening board and Senior NCOs to the NCO prescreening board with the MSC Commander’s concurrence.


Has responsibility to insure that MSC Promotion Boards are held and are consistent with New York Guard policies and Directives.


For promotions O-4 through O-6, CW4 - CW5, and E-7 through E-9, forwards completed promotion packets to G-1 for consideration by New York Guard Promotion Board.

For promotions O-2 - O-3, CW2 - CW3, and E-2 through E-6 , forwards promotion documents approved by MSC Commander to G-1 New York Guard, NLT 6 weeks prior to the convening of a Promotion Board, for final review, publication of promotion orders and placement in the individual’s Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) in accordance with NYG Directive 1336 Military Personnel Records. 4.

Commanders of MSCs. a.

Approve all promotions and or promotion requests for personnel within their chain-of-command

b. Establish procedures within their MSCs for conduct of pre-screening boards for all packets to be sent forward to HQ NYG Promotion Board in accordance with this directive. c.

Appoint MSC Promotion Pre-Screening Boards for O-4 through O-6, CW4 – CW5, and reviews selections for MSC NCO Pre-Screening Board E-7 through E-9.


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Insures that promotion requests for O-4 through O-6, CW4 - CW5, and E-7 through E-9 are forwarded complete and in a timely manner for consideration by New York Guard Promotion Boards.


Appoint officers to the MSC Officer Promotion Board for O-2- O3, CW2- CW3 and Senior NCOs to the MSC NCO Promotion Board for E2- E6.


Approve promotions for O-2, CW2- CW3 after recommendation by MSC Promotion Board.


Approve promotions for E-2 to E-6 after MSC CSM reviews promotion requests.


G-Staff Section heads, HQ NYG will:


Approve promotion requests for personnel within their chain-of-command in accordance with the provisions of this Directive.


Insure that promotion requests and packets for subordinates are forwarded complete, NLT 6 weeks prior to the convening of a Promotion Board, to Commanding General, Headquarters, New York Guard, (HQ NYG), Attn: G-1 in accordance with Chapters III and IV of this Directive.


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NYGD 1305

CHAPTER III PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 1. Policy. A candidate must be in an active duty status to be qualified for promotion and must meet time in grade requirements as indicated in Table III-3 before submitting a promotion packet. No waiver will be given for time in grade. The candidate must have: a. Completed the required military and civilian education as indicated in the tables in this chapter. b. 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. c. Met all height/weight and medical fitness standards in accordance with NYGD 1308 and NYGD 6130. d. Have no grounds for removal from a NYG or NYG MSC, as appropriate, promotion list. (Examples include demonstrated substandard performance, unfitness or for security reasons, etc.) e. Officers must be assigned to a TDA or UMD grade level duty assignment commensurate with the grade sought in the promotion and with the exception of General Officers, must have served in this TDA/ UMD position or an equivalent position for at least one calendar year. f. All applicants for promotion must demonstrate performance in an assignment appropriate to the grade level sought. This must be documented in an annual NYG Evaluation Report, using NYG Form 1321, submitted in accordance with NYGD 1321. g. In addition to Chapter III 1 f, applicants for promotion to the grades of E-7 to E-9, CW-4 - CW-5, O-5 and O-6 must demonstrate a sustained increase in performance level by means of two NYG annual Evaluation Reports encompassing an elapsed period of not less than 24 months. 2.

Qualification Requirements.

a. A candidate must complete the required time in grade and military and civilian education as indicated in Table III-1 (exceptions noted below).

Table III-1 Time in Grade, Military and Civilian Education Requirements Special note: All college credits and degrees must be from an accredited institution. Promotion to: Time in grade: Civilian Education AR-MIL.ED. AI-MIL.ED N/R N/R E-2 9 Months 8th Grade N/R N/R E-3 9 Months 8th Grade N/R N/R E-4 12 Months 8th Grade N/R ALS E-5 18 Months 12th Grade BNOC NCOPC E-6 24 Months 12th Grade ANOC NCOA E-7 30 Months 12th Grade SNOC SNCOA E-8 36 Months 12th Grade SNOC SNCOA E-9 36 Months 12th Grade th 18 months 12 Grade or GED WOBC or BOC N/A W-2* WOAC or 4 W-3 3 years 12th Grade or GED CGOC N/A 4 15 College Credits WOAC or FGOC N/A W-4 3 years 4 30 College Credits WOAC or FGOC N/A W-5 3 years 3 1 year O-2* Baccalaureate Degree or Higher BOC 2 BOC 2 3 O-3 3 years Baccalaureate Degree or Higher BOC BOC 3 Baccalaureate Degree or Higher CGOC CGOC O-4 3 years O-5 3 years Baccalaureate Degree or Higher FGOC FGOC O-6 4 years Baccalaureate Degree or Higher FGOC FGOC NOTES * - Promotion to W-2 and O-2 also requires 1 year in unit. 2 - Not required for members with prior US military service 3 - See education exception for members with NYG service prior to August 2003 (Table III-2)


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NYGD 1305

4 - Warrant Officer applicant must show documentation in a higher level of expertise in their functional area for each promotion. b.

For officer members with NYG service prior to August 2003, civilian education as indicated in Table III-2 may be applied.

Table III-2 Officer Civilian Education Requirements Exception Special note: All college credits and degrees must be from an accredited institution. Promotion to: Education and Experience O-2 30 college credits plus 4 years *applicable professional experience O-3 45 college credits plus 6 years *applicable professional experience O-4 60 college credits plus 8 years *applicable professional experience * Supervisory or managerial position with responsibility for directing, training and evaluating two or more subordinates. c. Special promotion criteria for prior military service enlisted personnel. In accordance with established New York Guard (NYG) enlistment policy, NYGD 1304, enlisted personnel must meet the criteria listed in Table III-3 to be considered for this promotion. This special promotion eligibility is for one time only during an individual’s entire NYG service and must be so identified within the enlisted member’s pertinent promotion order. (1) Satisfactory performance of military duty. (2) 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. (3) Minimum active federal or national guard service. (4) Minimum years of civilian job experience. (5) Qualify in accordance with Table III-3.

Table III-3 Qualification Requirements for Prior Military Service Enlisted Personnel Present Years mil and Minimum civilian Eligible for Service job experience * promotion to AR-MIL.ED. AI-MIL.ED. grade E-3 1 to 2 years 7 years E-5 N/R NCOPC E-3 over 2 years 6 years E-6 PLDC NCOPC E-4 2 to 3 years 5 years E-6 PLDC NCOPC E-5 over 3 years 4 years E-6 PLDC NCOPC * Supervisory or managerial position with responsibility for directing and evaluating two or more subordinates. d. Special promotion criteria for non-prior military service enlisted personnel. In accordance with established New York Guard enlistment policy, NYGD 1304, enlisted personnel must meet the criteria listed in Table III-4 to be considered for this promotion. This special promotion eligibility is for one time only during an individual’s entire NYG service and must be so identified within the enlisted member’s pertinent promotion order. (1) Satisfactory performance of military duty.


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NYGD 1305

(2) 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. (3) Minimum years of civilian job experience, in a functional area, at least half the time as a supervisor/manager. (4) Qualify in accordance with Table III-4.

Table III-4 Qualification Requirements for Non-Prior Military Service Enlisted Personnel Present Years NYG. Grade Service E-2 1 E-2 1

Minimum civilian job experience* 8 years 10 years

Eligible for promotion to E-4 E-5



*Within NYG functional area and at least half the time in a supervisory/managerial position with responsibility for directing and evaluating two or more subordinates


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NYGD 1305

CHAPTER IV PROMOTION APPLICATION PROCEDURES 1. Promotion eligibility and qualification requirements. An officer must be in an active duty status to be qualified for promotion, have met the time in grade requirements as indicated in Table III-1 and with the exception of General Officers, be an active member of the New York Guard for one calendar year before they can be considered for promotion. No waiver will be given for time in grade or education. The candidate must have: a. Completed the required military and civilian education as indicated in Table III-1 b. 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. c. Met all height/weight and medical fitness standards in accordance with NYGD 1308 and NYGD 6130. d. Must have no grounds for removal from the New York Guard promotion list. (Examples include demonstrated substandard performance, unfitness, for security reasons, etc.) 2. Promotion without promotion board action. New York Guard enlisted personnel in the grade of E-3 or below and warrant officers/officers in the grades of W-1 or O-1 will be considered for promotion without review by a selection board. MSC’s will review the officer’s personnel records to determine eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade. Appropriate promotion documents, including the promotion packet and a memo from the MSC Commander or G-Section head, requesting the individual’s promotion will be submitted to G-1, NYG for action. 3. Promotion boards. Promotion boards will be convened according to the schedule in Table IV-1, unless there is a conflict with training or an activation. a. The G-1 will announce the HQ NYG Promotion Board dates a minimum of four months in advance. The HQ NYG Promotion Board will consider NYG enlisted personnel in an active status for promotion to E-7 to E-9, officers in an active status for promotion to O-4 through O-6, and warrant officers in an active status for promotion to W-5. Personnel considered for promotion must fulfill all requirements for promotion in accordance with Chapter III, before MSCs or G-Section heads submit promotion packets. b. MSCs and HQ, NYG will schedule promotion boards for personnel in according to Table IV below.

Table IV-1 Promotion Board Schedule* Promotion to: Month E-5 March and September E-6 May E-7- E-9** May and November W-2 to W-3 May and November W-4 to W-5 May and November O-2 to O-3 May and November O-4 to O-6 May and November *At the discretion of Commander, NYG or MSC Commander, where applicable, promotion board dates may be changed if there is a conflict with a drill or mission. ** Or as scheduled by NYG CSM


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NYGD 1305

4. Promotion Packets. To establish uniformity and insure equal consideration, the materials presented to a promotion board are to be prepared by the MSC S-1, or in the case of New York Guard Headquarters personnel, by the G-1 Section, according to the standards in this section. For enlisted promotions and special enlisted promotions refer to Appendices E and F for the list of required items. The packet submitted for each candidate must be bound in a loose-leaf binder not to exceed one inch in diameter. Loose papers in a folder will not be accepted. Documents that are smaller than 8 ½’ x 11” should be placed into plastic sheet protectors. Papers must be in the following sequence: a. Recommendation for Promotion (Appendix B or Appendix C-1 for E7 to E9 or Appendix C-2 for E2 to E6 as applicable), (Appendix A) Form NYG 1305.1a (NYG Request for Promotion - Check List - grades of E7 - E-9, W-2 - W-5, O-2 thru O-6), and Form NYG 640 (Proceedings of Examination Board – grades W2 – W4, O2 – O6). b. Promotion Certification Memo (Appendix B-2), signed by the MSC Commander or Primary Staff member for New York Guard Headquarters personnel. This document attests to the following: (1) The candidate for promotion meets New York Guard height and weight requirements (2) The candidate is currently serving in a TDA/UMD position in which he/she can be promoted to the higher grade. (3) The candidate for promotion meets minimum Time-in-Grade (TIG) requirements. (4) The candidate meets minimum attendance requirements. 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. (5) The candidate meets minimum civilian educational requirements in accordance with chapter III of this Directive. All college credits and degrees must have been completed in an accredited college or university. (6) The candidate meets all military education requirements in accordance with chapter III of this directive. (7) The candidate’s MRPJ has been reviewed to insure that he/she is a member in good standing in the New York Guard, without unfavorable personnel actions against them. c. Letter of recommendation, as a minimum, must address the following two items: (1) Candidate's military job knowledge and performance, military bearing, etc. (2) Candidate's demonstrated command and staff ability. Candidate must have demonstrated capability to perform the duties of the next higher grade under mobilization conditions. d. ** Current NYG Evaluation Report. Evaluation Reports must be submitted in accordance with NYGD 1321 and must be prepared using NYG Form 1321. ** Special Note-- applicants for promotion to the grades of E-8, E-9, W-4, W-5, O-5 and O-6 must demonstrate a sustained increase in performance level by means of two NYG annual Evaluation Reports encompassing an elapsed period of not less than 24 months. e.

Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319

f. Physical qualification. A memo from a New York Guard medical officer certifying that a current NYG Form 88 and 93 is on file in the candidate’s MRPJ and the person is medically fit for duty. g.

Biography. A biography must be prepared in accordance with NYGD 1312, Official Biographies.

h. Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for accredited civilian college/professional education. (if applicable) i.

Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training.


Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job.


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k. NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database 5. Personnel Staff Officer Actions. The S-1 or G-1, as appropriate, will: a. Review the promotion packet and military personnel records jacket to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications for promotion. b. Recommend qualified NYG members to the New York Guard promotion Board if their qualifications are in accordance with this Directive. c. Return any promotion packets to originating unit or staff section that is not in compliance with this Directive. d. Not submit any request for promotion if records show a lack of leadership, moral qualities or professional capabilities commensurate with their grade. Procedures for handling of unfavorable information are documented in Chapters IV-13 or V-8 of this Directive. 6. Removal from a Promotion Board List (Officer). The name of an officer recommended for promotion must be removed from consideration by the New York Guard Promotion Board under any of the following situations: a.

Insufficient time-in-grade.


Not on active status; i.e. voluntary or involuntary transfer to the state reserve or retired list.


Not in a TDA/UMD position that supports the grade the candidate is aspiring to.

d. Not participating satisfactorily in New York Guard training. (Less than 75% drill attendance and participation in two of the three most recent Annual Training (AT’s). e. Not demonstrating completion of the minimum military and or civilian educational requirements from an accredited institution. f.

Unfavorable results of an investigation or proceeding of a court-martial.

7. Promotion Review Boards (Officer). Promotion review boards will be convened to consider the promotion status of officers who are recommended for removal from a promotion list. The board’s recommendation for removal will be forwarded through the MSC Commander or G-Staff section head to the Commander, NYG. Commander, NYG will render a decision regarding the eligibility of any officer’s promotion recommendation to be placed before the next selection board based on information provided by the review board. 8.

Posthumous Promotion.

a. A NYG member may be considered for promotion posthumously. The member must have been an active member and officially recommended by his/her commanding officer for consideration of posthumous promotion. The approving authority for all posthumous promotions in the New York Guard is Commander, NYG, excepting those requests required by law, directive or regulation to be approved by The Adjutant General. In such cases, The Adjutant General of the State of New York is the approving authority. Requests will include: (1) Date and cause of death. (2) A statement that death was or was not in the line of duty. b. The effective date of promotion will be the date the promotion was approved by the convening authority. No bonus, gratuity, pay, or allowance shall be granted because of a posthumous promotion.


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NYGD 1305

Selected for Promotion.

a. A NYG member who has been recommended for promotion to the next higher grade must meet the requirements listed below before being promoted. The member must: (1) Be on active status. (2) Complete the civilian and military education requirements listed in Chapter III. (3) Be medically qualified. (4) Meet standards of the New York Guard Weight Control Program, (NYGD 1308) and standards of Medical Fitness (NYGD 6130). (5) Have undergone a favorable MRPJ screening. (6) The member must be in a TDA position that supports the new grade. b. The effective date of the promotion will be the date that the appropriate commander approves and signs the selection board’s recommendation (minutes.) 10. Medical examination. Each NYG member is required to undergo a medical examination (NYGD 6130) at least once every 2 years. Members over age 60 are required to undergo an annual medical examination. Members selected for promotion who have not been examined within the required time, must certify that there has been no change in their medical fitness since the last complete medical examination, however, the member must provide an updated physical within 60 days after the board has convened. A partial or temporary physical disability resulting from a disease, wound, or injury should not disqualify a member for promotion. 11. MRPJ screening. Promotion authorities will ensure that a favorable MRPJ screening is completed before announcing a promotion. a.


(1) The MPRJ will be screened to ensure that it contains no derogatory or unfavorable suitability information. If the results of this screening are favorable, final promotion action may proceed. (2) If the screening of the MPRJ reveals derogatory or unsuitability information, the promotion authority will initiate a review of the MRPJ by NYG Inspector General. Final action of the promotion will be withheld until the results of the review have been received. b.

Processing unfavorable information.

(1) The following procedures apply when suitability or unresolved derogatory information is in the MPRJ, or is received from any other reliable source. (a) Cases involving unresolved derogatory information of a security nature will be processed as prescribed per NYGD 1325. Action will be taken by the MSC Commander or G-Section Chief , who will submit such report to Headquarters, New York Guard. (b) Cases involving validity of information will be resolved by the Commander, New York Guard. (2) If the information bars promotion, decisions of the Commander, New York Guard, may be appealed to The Adjutant General of the State of New York through New York Guard channels.


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NYGD 1305


Promotion Authority. a.

Promotion to Brigadier General (O-7) requires approval of TAG.


Promotion to Major General (O-8) requires New York State Senate confirmation.

c. Commander, New York Guard, may recommend Colonels for promotion to Brigadier General, New York Guard. Promotion recommendations of individuals will be completed in accordance with this chapter. Completed promotion recommendation documents will be submitted to The Adjutant General for approval. d. Commander, New York Guard, may recommend Brigadier Generals for promotion to Major General, New York Guard. Promotion recommendations of individuals will be completed in accordance with this chapter. Completed promotion recommendation documents will be submitted to The Adjutant General for approval. e. With the approval of The Adjutant General, officers selected for promotion to Major General (O-8), will be submitted to the New York State Senate for confirmation. 2. Publication of promotion orders. All promotion orders to Brigadier/Major General, New York Guard, will be published by the Division of Military and Naval Affairs, Latham, New York 12110-2224. 3. Promotion eligibility and qualification requirements. An officer with the rank of Colonel (O-6) or Brigadier General (O-7) is qualified for promotion if in an active status, a TD/ UMD position authorizing a rank of O-6 or O7, respectively, participating satisfactorily in all scheduled drills, (administrative and training), including annual training, if he/she meets all height, weight and medical fitness standards in accordance with NYGD 1308 and NYGD 6130 and if there are no grounds for removal from the New York Guard promotion list. (Examples include demonstrated substandard performance, unfitness or for security reasons, etc.) Individual must have demonstrated command responsibilities, senior staff responsibilities and for having attributes of integrity, honor and trust. 4. Military and civilian educational requirements for promotion. Officer must have completed NYG Field Grade Officer course or equivalent and must have a Baccalaureate Degree or higher from an accredited institution. 5. Selected for Promotion. An officer who has been recommended for promotion to Brigadier General, NYG, must meet the requirements listed below before promotion recommendation will be indorsed and forwarded to The Adjutant General for approval. a.

Be in an active status.


Completed the military and civilian educational requirements.


Be medically qualified.


Meet standards of the New York Guard Weight Control Program - (NYGD 1308).


Have undergone a favorable MRPJ screening.

(1) The MPRJ will be screened to ensure that derogatory or unfavorable information is not contained therein. If the results of this screening are favorable, final promotion action may proceed.


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NYGD 1305

(2) If the screening of the MPRJ reveals derogatory information, the New York Guard Commander may require an investigation regarding this matter. Final action on the promotion recommendation will be withheld pending the result of the investigation and a determination of the Commander, New York Guard. b.

Processing unfavorable information.

(1) The following procedures apply to unresolved, derogatory information is in the MPRJ, or is received from any other reliable source. (a) Cases involving unresolved derogatory information of a security nature will be processed as prescribed per NYGD 1325 and will be submitted to, and resolved by the Commander, NYG. (b) Cases involving validity of information will be resolved by the Commander, NYG. (2) If the information bars promotion, decisions of the Commander, NYG may be appealed to the Adjutant General of the State of New York through NYG channels. 6. Effective date of promotion. The effective date of the promotion will be the date when The Adjutant General approves the recommendation. 7. Medical examination. Each NYG officer is required to undergo a medical examination (NYGD 6130) at least once every 2 years. Officers selected for promotion who have not been examined within the required time, must certify that there has been no change in their medical fitness since the last complete medical examination. A partial or temporary physical disability resulting from a disease, wound, or injury should not disqualify an officer for promotion. 8.

Administrative procedures.

a. The Adjutant General of New York approves all promotions to Brigadier General (O-7). All requests for promotion to this position must be approved by Commander, New York Guard, before submission to the TAG. 9.

Administrative requirements.

a. Promotion recommendations must be received by Commander, NYG, in a timely manner, prior to convening of the DMNA General Officer board. b.

The following documents must be received with the promotion request. The packet may be modified according to current DMNA policy, directives and regulations. Packets submitted will reflect DMNA requirements at the time of submission. The packet submitted for each candidate must be bound in a looseleaf binder not to exceed one inch in diameter. Loose papers in a folder will not be accepted. Documents that are smaller than 8 ½’ x 11” should be placed into plastic sheet protectors. Papers must be in the following sequence: (1)

Request for Promotion- General Officer (Appendix D-1)

(2) Promotion Certification Memo (Appendix B-2), signed by the New York Guard Commander or Commander’s designee (DC, COS or G-1). This document attests to the following: (a) The candidate for promotion meets New York Guard height and weight requirements (b) The candidate is currently serving in a TDA/UMD position in which he/she can be promoted to the higher grade. (c) The candidate meets minimum attendance requirements. 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. (d) The candidate meets minimum civilian educational requirements in accordance with chapter III of this Directive. All college credits and degrees must have been completed in an accredited college or university.


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NYGD 1305

(e) The candidate meets all military education requirements in accordance with chapter III of this directive. (f) The candidate’s MRPJ has been reviewed to insure that he/she is a member in good standing in the New York Guard, without unfavorable personnel actions against them. (3) Letter of recommendation, as a minimum, must address the following two items: (a) Candidate's military job knowledge and performance, military bearing, etc. (b) Candidate's demonstrated command and staff ability. Candidate must have demonstrated capability to perform the duties of the next higher grade under mobilization conditions. (4) Two NYG annual Evaluation Reports encompassing an elapsed period of not less than 24 months. (5) Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319 (6) Physical qualification. A memo from a New York Guard medical officer certifying that a current NYG Form 88 and 93 is on file in the candidate’s MRPJ and the person is medically fit for duty. (7) Biography. A biography must be prepared in accordance with NYGD 1312, Official Biographies. (8) Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for accredited civilian college/professional education. (9)

Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training.

(10) Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job. (11) NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database c. Promotion recommendations submitted with incomplete information or missing documents will disqualify that individual from being considered by the promotion selection board at that time. Recommendation may be resubmitted after six (6) months.


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NYGD 1305

CHAPTER VI BREVET PROMOTIONS - OFFICER AND WARRANT OFFICER PERSONNEL 1. Applicability. This directive shall apply to all brevet promotion of commissioned and warrant officers in the New York Guard. (Active, Reserve or Retired.) 2. Legal status. A brevet promotion is a state “award” that is honorary in nature and carries no military authority under either state or federal law. 3.

Promotion eligibility and qualification requirements.

a. Officers and Warrant Officers who have served at least 25 years in the United States Armed Forces or in the New York Military Forces and United States Armed Forces combined will be considered for brevet promotion to the next higher grade upon retirement. b. Active New York Guard officers in the grade of Colonel (O-6) who meet the 25 year service requirement and who have distinguished themselves, have given outstanding service in assignments of great responsibility will be considered for a brevet promotion to Brigadier General, New York Guard. Recommendations for a brevet promotion will be submitted, through Commander, New York Guard, att. G-1, with proper endorsements, to the Division of Military and Naval Affairs, (DMNA), 330 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110-2224, Attn: MNP, for further processing. Positions of great responsibility are listed below: (1) Chief of Staff, HQ NYG (2) Deputy Chief of Staff, HQ NYG (3) Chief of Staff, NYG (former) Army Division, Air Division or Civil Affairs Brigade (4) Commander, Brigade/Group/Regiment (O-6 Commands) (5) General Staff, O-6 TDA/UMD position on HQ NYG Staff c. Within one year of their retirement, reserve or retired NYG personnel in the grade of O-6 or O-7 who meet the 25 year service requirement and who have distinguished themselves, have given outstanding service in positions of great responsibility may be recommended request a brevet promotion to the next higher grade. Requests for brevet promotion to Brigadier or Major General must be generated by the individual’s MSC Commander or G-Staff section head and submitted through Commander, New York Guard, att: G-1 to the Division of Military and Naval Affairs (DMNA), 330 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110-2224, Attn: MNP, for further processing. Qualifications for consideration shall be the same as if said individual were on active duty with the New York Guard. 4. Brevet promotion procedures. Brevet promotion boards will be convened semi-annually. (May and November) These boards will consider and recommend NYG officers and warrant officers for a brevet promotion in accordance with the promotion eligibility as indicated in paragraph 3. a. Promotion recommendations must be received by Commander, NYG, in a timely manner, NLT 6 weeks prior to convening of the NYG Brevet Promotion Board. b.

The following documents must be received with the promotion request. The packet may be modified according to current DMNA policy, directives and regulations. Packets submitted for Brevet promotion to O7 or O8 will reflect DMNA requirements at the time of submission. The packet submitted for each candidate must be bound in a loose-leaf binder not to exceed one inch in diameter. Loose papers in a folder will not be accepted. Documents that are smaller than 8 ½’ x 11” should be placed into plastic sheet protectors. Papers must be in the following sequence:


14 February 2007 (1)

NYGD 1305

Request for Brevet Promotion (Appendix E-1)

(2) Promotion Certification Memo (Appendix B-2), signed by the MSC Commander or Primary Staff member for New York Guard Headquarters personnel. This document attests to the following: (a) The candidate for promotion meets New York Guard height and weight requirements (b) The candidate for promotion meets minimum Time-in-Grade (TIG) requirements. (c) The candidate meets minimum attendance requirements. 75% drill attendance, (administration and training) for the time-in grade period and must have attended two (2) of three (3) most recent Annual Training (AT’s), including the current year. (d) The candidate meets minimum civilian educational requirements in accordance with chapter III of this Directive. All college credits and degrees must have been completed in an accredited college or university. (e) The candidate meets all military education requirements in accordance with chapter III of this directive. (f) The candidate’s MRPJ has been reviewed to insure that he/she is a member in good standing in the New York Guard, without unfavorable personnel actions against them. (3) Letter of recommendation, as a minimum, must address the following two items: (a) Candidate's military job knowledge and performance, military bearing, etc. (b) Candidate's demonstrated command and staff ability. Candidate must have demonstrated capability to perform the duties of the next higher grade under mobilization conditions. (4) Two NYG annual Evaluation Reports encompassing an elapsed period of not less than 24 months, for the period immediately preceding the retirement date. (5) Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319 (6) Physical qualification. A memo from a New York Guard medical officer certifying that a current NYG Form 88 and 93 is on file in the candidate’s MRPJ and the person is medically fit for duty. (7) Biography. A biography must be prepared in accordance with NYGD 1312, Official Biographies. (8) Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for accredited civilian college/professional education. (9)

Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training.

(10) Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job. (11) NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database c. Promotion packets submitted with incomplete information or missing documents will disqualify an individual from being considered by the Brevet Promotion Board. If a packet is turned down, it may be resubmitted for the next board, provided it occurs within one year of New York Guard active duty 5. Publication of brevet promotion orders. Promotion orders to the rank of Brigadier or Major General, New York Guard will be published by the Division of Military and Naval Affairs, Latham, New York 12110-2224. Upon approval by the TAG, HQ NYG will publish brevet promotion orders for personnel up to O-6. 6. Composition of a brevet promotion board. NYG brevet promotion boards will be composed of a minimum of three (3) officers of rank equal to or higher than the individuals being considered for brevet promotion. General Officer Brevet Promotion Boards will consist of Officers who have held the rank of (O-7) or (O-8), while on active duty. Members of the Brevet Promotion Board will be approved by the Commander, NYG.


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NYGD 1305

7. Other requirements. The same promotion requirements for active duty promotions regarding time-in-grade, military and civilian education shall apply to brevet promotions as indicated in this directive, chapter III, IV and V, with the only exception that the person does not have to be in a promotable TDA/UMD position. Requests for brevet promotions must be made within six months before or one year after retirement from active New York Guard duty. Packets submitted after one year after retirement from active New York Guard service, will be returned without consideration. 8. Appeals. If the recommendation of the General Officer, brevet promotion board bars promotion of an officer, he/she may appeal directly to The Adjutant General, State of New York. Reversal of any recommendation of the promotion board will be at the sole and final discretion of The Adjutant General, State of New York.


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NYGD 1305

APPENDIX B (Sample New York Guard Recommendation for Promotion – Officer or Warrant Officer)

STATE OF NEW YORK Division of Military and Naval Affairs ________unit____________, NEW YORK GUARD ___________street______________ ___city_____, NY _zip_- +4 NYSG-(Office Symbol) (1305)


MEMORANDUM FOR Commander New York Guard THRU: Commander _________________, New York Guard

SUBJECT: Recommendation for promotion. Officer or Warrant Officer 1.

In accordance with established NYG promotion policy, New York Guard Directive 1305, the following documents and personnel information are submitted for consideration: .


(First, Middle Initial, Last Name)

for promotion to the rank of



TDA/UMD position 2. 3.

Address is Phone number 4. Date entered NYG

5. 6.

Date of Rank

Total years Federal and/or National Guard Service Required documents for candidate are: a. Request for Promotion (NYGD 1305 Appendix B-1) b. Promotion Certification Memo (NYGD 1305 Appendix B-2) c. Letter of recommendation (signed by MSC Commander or G-Staff Section Head) d. Current NYG Evaluation Report (OER). e. Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319 f. Physical qualification memo from a New York Guard Medical Officer. (NYGD 1305 Chapter IV-2) g. Biography. (NYGD 1312, Official Biographies.) h. Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for civilian college/professional education. (from an accredited institution) i. Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training. j. Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job. k. NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database.

Signature (Name) (Grade, Branch, NYG) Commanding


14 February 2007

NYGD 1305 SAMPLE Promotion Certification Memo HEADQUARTERS HQ ADDRESS Use your appropriate crests



MEMORANDUM FOR: MEMORANDUM FOR Commander, New York Guard SUBJECT: Certification of satisfaction of requirements for promotion,


1. Height/ Weight Standards: at XX”/XXX lbs. RANK, NAME meets MAW of XX”/XXX lbs. as per NYGD 1308 pp III-2. Official weigh-in for record was conducted at AT-20XX and is recorded in the NYG Database, copy of database header sheet, enclosed in promotion packet. 2. TDA Slot/ TIG: currently RANKGRADE position.

para XXX line XX, which is a/ an Date of Rank:

3. Drill Attendance Record: exceeded XX% attendance for the previous three years and has attended the following AT's: 4. Civilian Education Requirements: meets and/or exceeds the requirements for promotion to RANK. DEGREE

He/she holds the following degrees: DATE


5. Military Education Requirements: meets and/or exceeds the requirements for promotion to RANK. List course(s), date and place*

6. MRPJ Screening: I have reviewed


MRPJ and determined that

there is no derogatory or unfavorable information contained within. 7. CERTIFICATION: As per items listed above,



exceeds requirements for promotion to the rank of XX in the New York Guard. SIGNATURE BLOCK To be signed only by MSC COMMANDER or G-Staff Section Head or designee VER: 12/29/06


meets and or

14 February 2007

NYGD 1305

APPENDIX C-1 (Sample New York Guard Recommendation for Promotion – Enlisted E7 – E9)

STATE OF NEW YORK Division of Military and Naval Affairs ________unit____________, NEW YORK GUARD ___________street______________ ___city_____, NY _zip_- +4 NYSG-(Office Symbol) (1305)


New York Guard MEMORANDUM FOR Commander THRU: Commander _________________, New York Guard

SUBJECT: Recommendation for promotion for personnel E-7 through E-9. 1.

In accordance with established NYG promotion policy, New York Guard Directive 1305, the following documents and personnel information are submitted for consideration: . (Rank) (First, Middle Initial, Last Name) for promotion to the rank of


T/O or UMD position 2. 3. 4.

Home address is Phone number Total years Federal and/or National Guard Service 5. Date entered NYG


Date of Rank

Required documents are enclosed: a. Request for Promotion- E2 through E9 (NYGD 1305 Appendix C-1) b. Promotion Certification Memo (NYGD 1305 Appendix B-2) c. Letter of recommendation (signed by MSC Commander or G-Staff Section Head) d. Current NYG Evaluation Report (EER). e. Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319 (E7 through E9 only) f. Physical qualification memo from a New York Guard Medical Officer. (NYGD 1305 Chapter IV-2) g. Biography. (NYGD 1312, Official Biographies.) h. Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for civilian college/professional education (from and accredited institution) (if applicable). i. Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training. j. Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job. k. NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database.

Signature_________ (Name) (Grade, Branch, NYG) Commanding


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NYGD 1305

APPENDIX C-2 (Sample New York Guard Recommendation for Promotion – Enlisted E2 – E6) State of New York Division of Military and Naval Affairs HEADQUARTERS XX BRIGADE, NEW YORK GUARD ADDRESS CITY , New York ZIPCODE Telephone Number w/area code NYSG-xxBDE-ADJ (1305)




Signature Block S1

Signature Block CSM



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NYGD 1305

APPENDIX D (Sample New York Guard Recommendation for Promotion – General Officer) (UNIT LETTERHEAD) NYSG-(Office Symbol)


MEMORANDUM FOR The Adjutant General, State of New York, Division of Military and Naval Affairs, 330 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110-2224 THRU: (Through Channels)

SUBJECT: Recommendation for promotion. General Officer 1.

In accordance with established NYG promotion policy, New York Guard Directive 1305, the following documents and personnel information are submitted for consideration: .


(First, Middle Initial, Last Name)

for promotion to the rank of


TDA/UMD position 2. 3.

Address is Phone number 4. Date entered NYG

5. 6.

Date of Rank

Total years Federal and/or National Guard Service Required documents for candidate are:

a. Request for Promotion- General Officer (NYGD 1305 Appendix D-1) b. Promotion Certification Memo (NYGD 1305 Appendix B-2) c. Letter of recommendation (signed by MSC Commander or G-Staff Section Head) d. Current NYG Evaluation Report (OER). e. Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319 f. Physical qualification memo from a New York Guard Medical Officer. (NYGD 1305 Chapter IV-2) g. Biography. (NYGD 1312, Official Biographies.) h. Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for civilian college/professional education. (from an accredited institution) i. Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training. j. Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job. k. NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database. Signature (Name) (Grade, Branch, NYG) Commanding


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NYGD 1305

APPENDIX E (Sample New York Guard Recommendation for Brevet Promotion) (UNIT LETTERHEAD or INDIVIDUAL’S ADDRESS) NYSG-(Office Symbol, only if applicable)


MEMORANDUM FOR The Adjutant General, State of New York, Division of Military and Naval Affairs, 330 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham, New York 12110-2224 THRU: (Through NYG Channels)

SUBJECT: Request/ Recommendation for brevet promotion Officer and Warrant Officer, New York Guard. 1.

In accordance with established NYG promotion policy, New York Guard Directive 1305, the following documents and personnel information are submitted for consideration: .


(First, Middle Initial, Last Name)

for promotion to the rank of


Last TDA/UMD position: 2. 3.

Address: Phone number: 4. Date entered NYG

5. 6.

Date of Rank:

Total years Federal and/or National Guard Service: Required documents for candidate are: a. Request for Brevet Promotion (NYGD 1305 Appendix E-1) b. Promotion Certification Memo (NYGD 1305 Appendix B-2) c. Letter of recommendation (signed by MSC Commander or G-Staff Section Head) d. Current NYG Evaluation Report (OER). e. Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319 f. Physical qualification memo from a New York Guard Medical Officer. (NYGD 1305 Chapter IV-2) g. Biography. (NYGD 1312, Official Biographies.) h. Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for civilian college/professional education. (from an accredited institution) i. Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training. j. Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job. k. NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database.

Signature (Name) (Grade, Branch, NYG) Commanding


14 February 2007

NYGD 1305 APPENDIX F Requirements for Promotion Summary

For all Promotions, the following requirements must be met: 1. Meet height/ weight and medical fitness standards in accordance with NYGD 1308 and NYGD 6130 2. Have no grounds for removal from a NYG, or NYG MSC promotion list 3. Be assigned to a TDA or UMD grade level duty assignment commensurate with the grade level sought in the promotion and Officers, with the exception of General Officers, must have served in this TDA/ UMD position or an equivalent position for at least one calendar year. 4. Have demonstrated performance level by means of NYG OER or NCOER for TIG period 5. Officers must be active members of the New York Guard for at least one calendar year, before applying for a promotion

Section 1- Personnel Enlisted/ Appointed after August 2003 Promotion To

Time in Grade

Minimum Civilian Education

Minimum civilian job experience

E-2 9 mo 8th Grade N/A E-3 9 mo 8th Grade N/A E-4 12 mo 8th Grade N/A E-5 18 mo 12th Grade or GED N/A E-6 24 mo 12th Grade or GED N/A E-7 30 mo 12th Grade or GED N/A E-8 36 mo 12th Grade or GED N/A E-9 36 mo 12th Grade or GED N/A W-2 18 mo 12th Grade or GED N/A W-3 3 years 12th Grade or GED N/A W-4 3 years 15 college credits N/A W-5 3 years 30 college credits N/A O-2 1 year Bachelor Degree N/A O-3 3 years Bachelor Degree N/A O-4 3 years Bachelor Degree N/A O-5 3 years Bachelor Degree N/A O-6 4 years Bachelor Degree N/A O-7 N/A Bachelor Degree N/A * Not required of members with prior U.S. military service.

Army Branch AR-Mil.Ed.

Air Branch Personnel Air-Mil. Ed.



Attendance 75% drill/ admin. attendance for the time-ingrade period+ 2 of 3 most recent AT's, including the current year. E2 to E-4 and O-2 with less than 3 years service must have 75% drill/ admin. attendance + attendance at AT's for period of entire enlistment or appointment

Section 2- Officer Personnel Appointed prior to August 2003

Promotion To

Time in Grade

Minimum Civilian Education

Minimum civilian job experience **

Army Branch Personnel AR-Mil.Ed.

Air Branch Personnel Air-Mil. Ed.


O-2 O-3 O-4

1 year 3 years 3 years

30 College Credits 45 College Credits 60 College Credits

4 years 6 years 8 years




**Minimum civilian job experience in a supervisory or managerial position with responsibility for directing and evaluating two or more subordinates.


14 February 2007

NYGD 1305 APPENDIX G Promotion Package Summary All Officer Candidates E2-E6


O2- O8

Brevet Promotions

Request for Promotion (NYGD Appendix C-1 for E7 – E9 or Appendix C-2 for E2 – E6)





Promotion Certification Memo (NYGD Appendix B-2)





Letter of Recommendation (Signed by MSC Commander or G-Section head)





Current NYG Evaluation Report





Current Official Photograph (NYG Directive 1319)

X* BDU acceptable




Physical Qualification memo from a NYG Medical Officer





Official Biography (NYG Directive 1312)





Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for civilian college/ professional education, from an accredited institution

If applicable

if applicable



Copies of certificates of NYG or applicable military training





If applicable




Required Item

Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job.

Documents that are smaller than 8 ½” x 11” should be placed into plastic sheet protectors. The promotion packets should be bound in loose-leaf binders not to exceed one inch in diameter (no loose documents). A copy of the Request for Promotion should be on the cover of the loose-leaf binder, clearly identifying the packets. * E6 only unless requested by G-1.


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NYGD 1305

APPENDIX H Promotion Checklist

NAME: _______________________________ PROMOTION PACKAGE CHECKLIST ‰

Request for Promotion (NYGD 1305 Appendix A-1)


Promotion Certification Memo (NYGD 1305 Appendix A-2)


Letter of recommendation (signed by MSC Commander or G-Staff Section Head)


Current NYG Evaluation Report.


Current Official Photograph in compliance with NYGD 1319


Physical qualification memo from a New York Guard Medical Officer (NYGD 1305 Chapter IV-2)


Biography. A biography must be prepared in accordance with NYGD 1312, Official Biographies.


Copies of diplomas or official transcripts for civilian college/professional education.


Copies of certificates of NYG training or of other applicable military training.


Certificates of volunteer training, participation or awards that directly relate to the applicant’s military job.


NYG Database Header Sheet. Must show Service Points Report from 1379 Database.

Documents that are smaller than 8 ½” x 11” should be placed into plastic sheet protectors. The promotion packets should be bound in loose-leaf binders not to exceed one inch in diameter (no loose documents). A copy of the Request for Promotion should be on the cover of the looseleaf binder, clearly identifying the packets. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‰

______________________________ (Signature 1305-1d ver 011807


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