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29 November 2005

NYGD 1305.1


NYGD 1305.1


XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX General, New York Guard Commander 1. Purpose. This directive prescribes policy and procedures used in the selection and conduct of promotion boards within the New York Guard. It provides insight to commanders and guidance to administrative personnel on the correct procedure in preparing requests for promotion of unit personnel. 2. Application. This publication is directive in nature. These formats and procedures will be followed, except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise. 3. Scope. This directive provides policies and procedures for the selection and promotion of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the New York Guard. This directive also covers promotion and brevet promotion eligibility and qualification requirements. 4. Basis. This directive incorporates policy and procedures extracted from New York Guard (Army) Regulation 6241 dated 1 February 1993. Forms implemented within this directive: NYGF 1301-1c, Promotion Evaluation Form


TAG-NY Approval. Reviewed and approved by The Adjutant General – New York on ______________.


NYGD 1305.1

29 November 2005


NYGD 1305.1



I PROMOTION AUTHORITY................................................................................................................................... 1. Promotion Board Convening Authority....................................................................................................... 2. Enlisted Personnel........................................................................................................................................... 3. Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel......................................................................................................... 4. General Officer Personnel .............................................................................................................................. 5. Brevet Promotions, Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel .....................................................................

I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1 I-1

II ADMINISTRATION OF PROMOTION BOARDS.............................................................................................. 1. Composition of Promotion Boards................................................................................................................ 2. Instructions to the Promotion Board ............................................................................................................ 3. Individual Communication with the Board .................................................................................................. 4. Promotion Boards ........................................................................................................................................... 5. Administrative Procedures.............................................................................................................................

II-1 II-1 II-1 II-1 II-1 II-1


A-1 A-2 B-1


Sample minutes of promotion selection board............................................................................ Sample Endorsement to Minutes of Promotion Selection Board ............................................. NYGF 1301-1c, Promotion Evaluation Form................................................................................


29 November 2005

NYGD 1305.1

CHAPTER I PROMOTION AUTHORITY 1. Promotion Board Convening Authority. Promotion boards will be convened according to the schedule printed in this section. a. MACOMs will publish appropriate orders convening and conduct Promotion Boards for NYG members to be considered for promotion to the following grades: E-5 to E-7, W-3 to W-4 and O-3. Commanders are to insure that appropriate notice is given to potential board members. b. HQ NYG will publish appropriate orders convening and conduct Promotion Boards for NYG members to be considered for promotion to the following grades: E-8, E-9, W-5 and O-4 to O-7. The J-1 will announce the Promotion Board date a minimum of four months in advance. MACOM Commanders are expected to be cognizant of the high level of professionalism expected and the specific requirements identified in Chapter II, Section 1c below in fulfilling the request for board membership.

Table I-1 Promotion Board Schedule Promotion to: E-5* E-6* E-7* E-8* E-9* W-2 to W-5 O-3 O-4 to O-7

Month Mar and Sep May Jun July Oct Apr and Oct Apr and Oct May and Nov

*At the discretion of the MACOM Commander, the promotion board dates may be changed for enlisted personnel under their jurisdiction. 2.

Enlisted Personnel

a. E5 - E7: MACOM Commanders will approve all promotion recommendations for personnel to the grades of E-5 through E-7 under their jurisdiction in accordance with NYGD 1305. MACOM Headquarters will process required promotion documents for submission to the selection board. Approved promotion documents will be submitted to HQ NYG for placement in the individuals Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) in accordance with NYGD 1336, Military Personnel Records. b. E8 - E9: Commander, New York Guard, (NYG), will approve promotion recommendations to grades E-8 through E-9 in accordance with with NYGD 1305. Promotion recommendations will be submitted through channels to Commander, New York Guard, (NYG), Attn: J1, or as otherwise directed by the J-1, for final processing before being placed before the HQ NYG Promotion Board. 3.

Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel. .

a. W2 – W4 and O3. MACOM Commanders will approve all promotion recommendations for personnel to the grades of W-2 through W-4 and O-3, under their jurisdiction in accordance NYGD 1305. MACOM Headquarters will process required promotion documents for submission to the selection board. Approved promotion documents will be submitted to HQ NYG for placement in the individuals Military Personnel Records Jacket (MPRJ) in accordance with NYGD 1336, Military Personnel Records


NYGD 1305.1

29 November 2005

b. W5, O4 and O5. Commander, New York Guard, (NYG), will approve promotion recommendations to grades E-8 through E-9 in accordance with NYGD 1305. Promotion recommendations will be submitted through channels to Commander, New York Guard, (NYG), Attn: J1, or as otherwise directed by the J-1, for final processing before being placed before the HQ NYG Promotion Board. c. O6. The Adjutant General, State of New York, will approve all promotion recommendations to Colonel (O-6). Promotion recommendations will be submitted through channels to Commander, New York Guard, (NYG), Attn: J1, or as otherwise directed by the J-1, for final processing before being placed before the HQ NYG Promotion Board. 4. General Officer Personnel. The Adjutant General, State of New York, will approve all promotion recommendations to Brigadier General (O-7), or Major General (O-8), of New York Guard Personnel. Submissions will be in accordance with NYGD 1305. 5.

Brevet Promotions, Officer and Warrant Officer Personnel.

a. Under the provisions of New York State Military Law paragraph 21, upon the recommendation of The Adjutant General, any commissioned or warrant officer eligible to be transferred to the retired list who has served at least 25 years in the New York State Organized Militia or in the New York State Organized Militia and the Armed Forces of the United States, combined, may be transferred to the State Retired List by the Governor in a grade one grade higher than the highest grade previously held by him or her in the New York State Organized Militia. Any person who has received a brevet promotion at the time he or she was placed upon the State Reserve List shall not be eligible for an additional promotion under this provision. b. Brevet promotion recommendations to the rank of Brigadier or Major General will be submitted thru Commander, New York Guard, (NYG), Attn: J1, to The Adjutant General in accordance with NYGD 1305. The Adjutant General of the State of New York will approve all requests for Brevet promotion to general officer grades. c. Commander, New York Guard (NYG), will approve all brevet promotion recommendations through O-6 (Colonel) in the New York Guard in accordance with NYGD 1305.


29 November 2005

NYGD 1305.1


Composition of Promotion Boards .

a. NYG promotion boards will be composed of at least three (3) members each senior in grade to the individual being considered for promotion. Exceptions - promotion to E-9 and O-6. Enlisted promotion board membership is at the discretion of MACOM commanders. Enlisted board members must be E-7 to E-9. Officer board members must be O-4 or above. (1) The president of each promotion board will be the most senior member. The president must be an active NYG member serving in a NYG unit and must hold the rank of E-9 for enlisted, O-6 or higher for officer. (2) HQ, NYG will task MACOM Commanders to nominate members to serve on promotion boards for which HQ, NYG, has responsibility. Names of nominees will be forwarded to the J-1 not later than 30 days prior to the board’s scheduled convening date. (3) General officer promotion boards are comprised of three officers. Board members, except for the recorder, will be General Officers and will be approved by the Commander, New York Guard. The Recorder will be in the rank of 0-5 or 0-6. The General Officer promotion selection board will be convened at the discretion of The Adjutant General and DMNA. b.

General qualifications for selection board membership are as follows:

(1) Member selected for board duty must be from among the finest available. A broad base of experience on which sound decisions are made should be the primary criterion used in making selections. (2) NYG officers who have failed a selection for promotion will not be permitted to serve again until being successfully selected for promotion. (3) c.

Individuals serving on a selection board must be active members of a NYG unit.

Board membership must conform to the following additional requirements:

(1) Each promotion board will have at least one minority voting member. When females are being considered for promotion, a minimum of one female officer will be appointed as a voting board member. (2) CH, MED, or JAG corps personnel being considered for promotion will be represented on the promotion board by an member of the same branch or corps whenever possible. 2.

Instructions to the Promotion Board. a.

The President will call the board to order.


The Recorder will read the order appointing members to the board.


The following oaths will be administered to the members of the board: (1) Recorder administers the following oath to the board members: “Do you (state your name and grade) solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will, without prejudice or partiality, and have in view the special fitness of officers, the efficiency of the New York Guard, perform the duties imposed on you, and further, that you will not divulge the proceedings or results thereof pertaining to the selection or nonselection of any individual except to proper authority.” To which, each member of the board will respond, “I do.”


NYGD 1305.1

29 November 2005

(2) Board president will administer the following oath to the recorder: “Do you (state your name and grade) solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will keep a true record of the proceedings of this board, and that you will not divulge the proceedings or results thereof pertaining to the selection or nonselection of any individual except to proper authority.” To which, the recorder will respond, “I do.” d. No member of the promotion/selection board will discuss or divulge the results of any such board to any person, military or civilian. The Commander, NYG or Commander of a NYG MACOM or their designee are the only officials who may release information regarding the promotion/selection board. 3.

Individual Communication with the Board. a.

No person may appear on the behalf of another person under consideration for promotion.

b. A NYG member under consideration may write to the selection board inviting attention to any matter of recode in the NYG deemed vital to his/her consideration. Any written communication considered by a promotion board will become a matter of record. It will be maintained with the records of the board for one (1) year. Written communications to a promotion board, including enclosures, are privileged communications and will not be filed in the member’s MPRJ. (1) Any additional written communication to the board will be accepted only from the member under consideration. (2) Examples of proper enclosures to a letter from an officer to the board include newly acquired diplomas, degrees, professional education, or length of supervisory responsibility (from – to) pertaining to civilian occupation. Additionally, an enlisted member may provide any other relevant information pertaining to the civilian occupation. (3) Communications containing criticism or reflecting adversely on the character, conduct, or motives of any NYG member are inappropriate and can not be presented to the board. Individuals jeopardize their opportunity to communicate appropriate items in subparagraph (2) above by including any inappropriate material. (4) Communications addressed to a promotion board convened under authority of HQ NYG will be considered if received ten (10) days before the convening date of the board. Communications should be mailed to the convening authority; such as the Commander, NYG; HQ NYG, Attn: J-1; or MACOM Commander; Attn: G-1. MACOM Commanders may reduce this time period for promotion boards conducted under their authority. (5) returned.

Documents to be submitted should be photo static or certified true copies, as documents will not be

(6) Appeals to efficiency or evaluation reports will not be included in letters directed to promotion boards. Instead, appeals are to be prepared in accordance with NYGD 1321, Evaluation Reports, and be submitted with the promotion recommendation packet. 4. Method of Selection. The selection board will base their recommendations for promotion on impartial consideration of all personnel being evaluated. The board will use a method of selection as prescribed below: a. Letter of recommendation. Letter of recommendation will indicate individual’s job knowledge, job performance, military background, military bearing, recruiting effort (if applicable), etc.) b. Active Duty Assignment. Applicant must be in an active duty status in a New York Guard Unit and have the required level of attendance for promotion according to NYGD 1379 a.

Officer Evaluation Report (OER)/Enlisted Evaluation Report (EER), as applicable.


Annual training (AT) attendance. Applicant must have attended two of the last three.


29 November 2005

NYGD 1305.1

c. Physical qualification. Applicant must meet height/weight standards according to NYGD 1308. A partial or temporary physical disability resulting from a disease, wound, or injury should not disqualify a person for promotion. (1) Officers must include a note or letter dated not more that six (6) months prior to the board from a qualified medical practitioner certifying that applicant is medically fit to serve in the New York Guard, unless a physical examination has been accomplished and documented within the previous year. (2) Enlisted soldiers/airmen selected for promotion who have not been examined within the required time, must certify that there has been no change in their medical fitness since the last complete medical examination. However, soldiers/airmen will provide an updated physical within 60 days after the promotion board has convened. f. Ability to perform at the appropriate level. Documentation of the applicant’s ability to perform the duties of the next higher grade under mobilization conditions will be included in the promotion packet. In the case of an officer, specific reference to command and staff capability at the next grade is mandatory. 5.

Administrative Procedures.

a. Selection board appointment orders. HQ NYG will publish the promotion/selection board orders for field grade and chief warrant officer and E-8 and E-9 promotions. NYG MACOMs will publish promotion board orders for personnel promoted under their authority. Orders shall be effective for a maximum of one year. Upon expiration, a new board will be appointed. The published orders will specifically identify the appointed President and Recorder of the promotion boards. b. Duties of the selection board. Board members will review each individual’s promotion recommendation package, as provided. Board members will consider the following factors in the examination of an individual’s promotion recommendation: (1) Letter of recommendation. (2) Officer’s evaluation report (OER). (3) Certification of Drill attendance. (4) Physical qualifications (certification individual meets height and weight requirements). (5) TDA Position (rank required). (6) Certification of Awards and Decorations. (7) Military and civilian education requirements (Copies of official (raised seal) transcripts for civilian education must be on file at NYG HQ). (8) Time in grade. (9) Verify names and numbers of individuals recruited by candidate. (10) Civilian or community service recognition. c. The Promotion Board will convene in two sessions: (1) Session I - Review of Packets and conduct internal discussion (NYG Form 1301-1c is to be used as a guide). (2) Session II - Interview with applicant. d. Upon conclusion of the interview, board members will accomplish NYGF 1301-1c, Promotion Evaluation Form, for that applicant. Board members are to accomplish the identification section, to indicate acknowledgement of GO/NO-GO items and to rate each specific area by circling the appropriate score. The board member will fill in his/her board member position number, but will not calculate the total number of points. The board member will then provide the evaluation form to the recorder. (See Appendix E - NYGF 1301-1c, Promotion Evaluation Form) (1) Recorder will tabulate the Promotion Evaluation Forms and the Personnel Staff Officer shall verify the results for correctness. The final result for each individual will be recorded in the minutes, indicating “Promote” or “Do not promote.”


NYGD 1305.1

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e. Minutes of the promotion selection board. At the conclusion of the promotion selection board proceedings, minutes with the results of the selection board, with all recommendations, shall be signed by the Recorder, endorsed by the President of the board and submitted to the Commander, NYG, or MACOM Commander, as appropriate, for approval. (Example of Minutes and Endorsements - Appendix A.)


29 November 2005

NYGD 1305.1

APPENDIX A (Sample Minutes of Promotion Selection Board)

STATE OF NEW YORK Division of Military and Naval Affairs ________unit____________, NEW YORK GUARD ___________street______________ ___city_____, NY _zip_- +4 NYSG- (Office Symbol) (1305)


MEMORANDUM FOR Commander New York Guard THRU: Commander _________________, New York Guard

SUBJECT: Minutes of Promotion Selection Board. 1.

The Promotion Selection Board for Headquarters, was convened and sworn in at 200X at as scheduled. The following Board Members were present. Rank



hours, on


Remarks: a. b. c. 2.

(Reference should be made if assigned President and/or Recorder was replaced by other board members due to non-attendance.) (Reference should be made to minority representation on the board.) (Reference should be made as to the promotion documents.)

The following individual names were placed before the promotion selections board and achieved the following scoring results. Rank

3. 4.




The following personnel are recommended for promotion. The following personnel are not recommended for promotion at this time.

5. The Board concluded at

hours, Date:

(Name) (Rank & Org.) Recorder of the Board 1 - Encl: Board appointment order


NYGD 1305.1

29 November 2005 (Sample Endorsement to Minutes of Promotion Selection Board) 1st End


Date: (Same as date of board)

SUBJECT: Promotion board minutes. President of the Promotion Board. FOR: CG NYG, Latham, NY. (or to CG NYG MACOM, as appropriate) 1.

Enclosed minutes have been checked and certified. Recommend approval.

(Name) (Rank & Org.) President of the Board 1 - Encl: a/s NYSG-CG (or as appropriate)

2nd End


SUBJECT: Promotion board minutes. CG, NYG, Latham, NY. (or CG NYG Army or Air, as appropriate) FOR: J-1, HQ NYG. (or Personnel Staff Officer of NYG Army or Admin. Officer of NYG Air, as appropriate) 1.

Promotion board minutes of (Date) have been approved. Effective date of promotion(s) is the date of this endorsement. Proceed with the publishing of the promotion orders.

NAME OF INDIVIDUAL Rank, NYG Commanding 1 - Encl: a/s


29 November 2005

NYGD 1305.1

APPENDIX B (NYGF 1301-1c, Promotion Evaluation Form)


NYGD 1305.1



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