1.2. Kelapa Sawit

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  • Words: 2,229
  • Pages: 40
KELAPA SAWIT • Sifat-sifat botani • Ekologi dan pengaruh sekitaran • Pembiakan dan pengeluaran benih • Kepentingan ekonomi



TAKSONOMI Division: Magnoliophyta Class : Liliopsida Order : Arecales Family : Arecaceae Genus : Elaeis Species : Elaeis guineensis, Elaeis oleifera Arecaceae atau famili palma adalah besar, mengandungi lebih 4000 spesis dan merangkumi lebih 200 genera. kelapasawit








SEJARAH • Kelapa sawit – adalah spesis palm tropika yang minyaknya adalah makanan asal yang telah digunakan lebih 5,000 tahun. • Kelapa sawit diperkenalkan dibhg lain Africa, South East Asia dan Latin America pada abad 15th, telah diperkenalkan tahun 1870 sebagai ‘ornamental plant’. • Terdapat 2 spesis oil palm, yang biasa dikenali berasal dari Guinea Africa dan telah digambarkan oleh Nicholaas Jacquin tahun 1763, dengan menamakannya, Elaeis guinnesis Jacq. kelapasawit


– The African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis) – hidup di Africa barat. – The American Oil Palm (Elaeis oleifera) – hidup antara Central America dan South America • Elaeis guineensis Jacq., ianya terletak dalam subfamily yang sama dengan coconut palm, (Cocosoideae) • Kelapa sawit berasal dari West Africa dan telah ditanam dengan baiknya dikawasan tropika antara 200 garis khatulistiwa. • Empat benih kelapa sawit telah dibawa dari Java ‘botanical garden’ tahun 1848, dan hasilnya menjadi kawasan ini pengeluar terbesar didunia. kelapasawit


• Benih ‘Deli’ ditanam berhampiran Deli, di Pulau Sumatra dan tinggi hasil minyak dan mempunyai mesokap yang tebal. • Penanaman secara ladang diperkenalkan pertama kali di Sumatra tahun 1977, dan pada tahun 1917 di Malaysia. • Banyak kawasan ladang kelapa sawit telah dibangunkan di mana Malaysia menanam lebih million hektar. • Pengeluar dan pengekspot terbesar hasil sawit sekarang; – Malaysia, hasilkan 50% pengeluaran dunia minyak sawit. – Indonesia, hasilkan 30% jumlah pengeluaran minyak sawit dunia. – Kedua-dua negara sedang mengembangkan 8 keperluan minyakkelapasawit sawit dan keperluan terus bertambah.



Cultivars • Secara umumnya terdapat tiga jenis buah kelapa sawit iaitu dura, pisefera dan tenera. • Buah/biji dikalskan kepada tiga jenis, berdasarkan ketebalan tempurungnya; – dura (3 to 8 mm tebal), mesokap hanya 3565% drp buah.endokap tebal.‘Deli‘ selalunya induk betina. – pisefera (tiada tempurung) tiada endokap tetapi mesokap tebal dan boleh menjadi bunga betina mandul (tiada biji didalamnya). – tenera (lebih 3 mm tebal) endokap nipis (<1/8”) dan 55-96% mesokap. Merupakan generasi pertama (F1) hibrid kacukan dura x pisifera. • Dura- hasil dan berat buah tinggi tetapi rendah bagi tenera. • Tenera- hasilkan buah tinggi kandungan minyak. kelapasawit


Plant • Sawit adalah pokok tegak, monoecious, dan mencapai tinggi 30 kaki dengan diameter batang 12 inchi atau lebih. • Kelapa sawit boleh mencapai 60-80 kaki tinggi secara semulajadi tetapi hanya antara 20 ke 30 kaki apabila ditanam. • Pokok matang terdiri daripada satu batang tunggal yang tegak lurus menegak antara 1-2 kaki diameter, dan membesar 1.5 ke 3 kaki per tahun. • Kelapa Sawit liar boleh mencecah umur 20 tahun, tetapi kelapa sawit ladang ditanam semula selepas berumur 25 tahun, bila mencecah 30 kaki tinggi kerana sukar untuki dituai. kelapasawit


Flowers • Kelapa sawit adalah monoecious, hasilkan jambak jantan dan betina dalam axil pelepah. • The inflorescence of both sexes is a compound spadix with 100-200 branches, initially enclosed in a spathe or bract that splits 2 weeks prior to anthesis. • Each branch of the male inflorescence contains hundreds of tiny flowers, yielding about 100,000 flowers in total. – The staminate inflorescence may consist of 200 spikelets, with each spikelet bearing 700 to 1,200 florets. It may produce 3 ounces of pollen kelapasawit






• The pollen is released over a 5-day period, and most of it on the third day after flowering starts; the pistillate inflorescence may have as many spikelets but only five to 30 florets on each. • The female inflorescence contains hundreds of flowers, larger than males, borne in triads with two abortive males flanking one female, all enclosed in a spiny bract. • The pistillate floret is larger than the staminate one and bears an ovoid or nearly cylindrical three-celled ovary.





• Females have off-white, tri-lobed stigmas visible among the bracts. • The flowers are produced in dense clustes; each individual flower is small, with three sepals and three petals • The florets take about a week to open, the individual floret being receptive 36 to 48 hours. Pollen must be transferred from the staminate clusters to the pistillate ones. • The oil palm male and female inflorescences open at different times on the plant; thus, rarely is the plant self-fertilized



• The fruit takes six months to mature from polliation to maturity; it comprises an oily, fleshy outer layer (the pericarp), with a single seed (kernel), also rich in oil. Unlike its relative, the coconut plam, the oil palm does not produce offshoots; propagation is by sowing the seeds. • Oil palm fruit also fall into 2 categories based on fruit color, with a – virescens form lacking anthocyanin and being orange at maturity, and – nigrescens form with brown or black on the light-exposed portion of the fruit. kelapasawit


Pollination • Oil palms were originally thought to be wind pollinated, but more recent evidence suggests that they are primarily insect pollinated. • In Africa, weevils (Elaeidobius spp) are the pollinators, which had to be introduced to southeast Asia since Thrips hawaiiensis, a native species was not an efficient pollinator. • In Latin America, a native beetle Mystrops costaricensis, along with introduced Elaeidobius spp are the pollinators. • The insects are attracted to the male inflorescences where they forage for pollen and lay eggs, and move to female flowers by accident since they produce the same scent as male flowers. kelapasawit


Elaeidobius spp kelapasawit




Fruit • Fruits are drupes. • The mesocarp and endocarp vary in thickness, – dura types having thick endocarps and less mesocarp, – tenera types the opposite. • The exocarp color is green changing to orange at maturity in virescens types, and orange with brown or black cheek colors in the nigrescens types. • Fruit range in size from <1" to 2", and are obovoid in shape. kelapasawit


• The mesocarp, from which palm oil is derived, is fibrous and oily, and the seed is opaque white, encased in a brown endocarp; palm kernel oil is derived from seeds. • The female infructescence contains 200-300 fruit, and fruit set is 50-70%. Fruit ripen about 5-6 months after pollination.





GENERAL CULTURE Soils and Climate • Oil palms are grown on a wide range of soil types, provided good drainage and pH between 4 and 7. • They do poorly on heavily leached sands or heavy clays that do not drain well, • The species is riparian in nature, and can tolerate periodic flooding or a high water table, as most of the roots form in the upper few feet of soil. • Irrigation is generally not practiced, as sites are selected that lack an extended dry season. kelapasawit


• Oil palm thrives in hot, wet tropical lowlands receive at least 6 ft of rain per year, evenly distributed, with at least 4" per month if a short dry season exists. • Areas with a strong dry season and less than 6 ft of rain have yields of 25-75% of their potential. • Optimal temperatures are in the 80s-90s °F, with temperatures below 75°F slowing growth. • Oil palm is generally grown within a few hundred ft of sea level, • High humidity and cloudiness prevail in most regions, but 5-7 hr of direct sunlight per day is beneficial. kelapasawit


Propagation • Oil palm is propagated by seed, using F1 hybrid seed from controlled crosses that produce tenera types (dura x pisifera). • Seed is produced by companies specializing in oil palm breeding. • Pre-germinated hybrid seed are as much as US 50 cents/each. Seed are sown in plastic bags and grown in nurseries for one year prior to field planting. • Pretreatment of seed involves – drying to 17-18% water content, bagging in plastic, and storing at about 100°F for several weeks. – After heat treatment, seed are soaked in water for a few days, then germinated in bags at 75-85°F. – When germination reaches the desired level, in 15-30 days, seed are sorted based on radicle length, packed, and shipped. – Seed are sown in black plastic bags and grown in a nursery for 12-16 months before transplanting to the field. kelapasawit




• Tissue culture of oil palm is carried out on a commercial scale, producing clones of superior types. • Efficient tissue culture regeneration of plants opens the door to genetic modification, which is currently being applied to other oil crops to produce higher quality oils.





Planting Design, Training, Pruning Optimal plant density is about 58 trees/acre, and trees are planted in triangular patterns about 30 ft apart. • During the first 3 years, little or no fruit is obtained and plantations are often intercropped with staples such as maize or yams (Dioscorea spp). • In later years, palm plantations are too densely shaded to allow successful intercropping or staples, grasses for grazing, or other crops. • Ground covers are sometimes sown at planting to prevent soil erosion and reduce competition from problem weeds. The leguminous, creeping ground cover Pueraria, itself a noxious weed in the southeastern USA, is often used as a cover crop for oil palm kelapasawit


• Virtually no pruning or training is required of oil palm. • Trees grow straight up, and do not sucker or branch. • Old leaves are pruned off to facilitate access to the bunch at harvest. • When palms reach heights of 20-30 ft, they become difficult to harvest, and are often injected with an herbicide to kill them or bulldozed down. • New trees are planted among the dead and rotting trunks.



HARVEST, POSTHARVEST HANDLING Maturity • As fruit ripen, they change from black (or green in virescens types) to orange, but have varying degrees of black cheek color depending on light exposure and cultivar. Thus, color is not specific enough to determine time of harvest. • Fruit begin to abscise from bunches at maturity, and the number of loose fruit per bunch is used as a field criterion for harvest. When just a few fruits are detached, the entire bunch is harvested, since more oil is potentially lost by fruit abscission than by harvesting some of the fruit not fully ripe. kelapasawit


Harvest Method • Fruit bunches are harvested using chisels or hooked knives attached to long poles. • The leaf or leaves below the bunch are first removed to gain access to the peduncle. • Loose fruit must be collected by hand beneath the tree and when bunches fall, so the area around trees is kept free of vegetation and debris. • In Africa, wild palms are still harvested by climbing. • Each tree must be visited every 10-15 days as bunches ripen throughout the year. kelapasawit




Postharvest Handling • Harvested bunches are heavy, and several implements have been developed to transport them to the oil mills. • In primitive areas, animals are used to haul fruit on their backs or by carts, but hydraulic cranes lift fruit bunches into trucks or railcars in most plantations.



Production and Uses • Oil palms are grown for their clusters of fruit which can weigh 40-50 kg. • Upon harvest, the drupe, pericarp and seeds are used for production of soap and edible vegetable oil different grades of oil quality are obtained from the pericarp and the kernel, with the pericarp oil used mainly for cooking oil, and the kernel oil used in processed foods. • For each hectare of oil palm, which is harvested yearround, the annual production averages 10 tonnes of fruit, which yields 3,000 kg of pericarp oil, and 750 kg of seed kernes which yield 250 kg of high quality palm kernel oil as well as 500 kg of kernel meal. The meal is used to feed livesstock. • Palm oil is high in vitamin K and dietary Magnesium. • Palm oil contains 43% saturated fats, 43% monounsaturated fats and 13% polyunsaturated fats. kelapasawit


Oil palm fruit 26

Palm oil 0.5




Protein (%)



Fat (%)



Carbohydrates (%)





Water (%)

Crude Fiber (%)

% of US RDA* Vitamin A





Riboflavin, B2






Vitamin C


















Thiamin, B1





Stages of processing Sterilisation This is the first operation in the processing line of palm oil. This involves the steaming of the harvested fresh fruit bunch (FFB) to loosing the fruit from the bunch and burst open the oil cell. Stripping This is the next stage after sterilisation and it involves the removal of the fruit from the bunches using a stripper. Digestion This process is the next stage after stripping and this involves the pounding of the fruits which have been removed from the bunch. Clarification Final stage in the processing of palm oil. Dirt, moisture and other impurities is removed from the crude palm oil by this process. kelapasawit


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