10 Convention

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  • Pages: 12
WED. – SUN. ● JULY 29 – AUGUST 2, 2009

Convention Host: Bishop Evan Grant Th. D Senior Pastor/Overseer

Is A va ila ble To Al l B el ie ver s

4351 W. Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 954.394.7839 ● 954.733.7684 email: [email protected] ● www.ifcfchurch.com

10T H An n u a l Gen er a l Con ven tion Wed n esd a y, J u ly 29 – Su n d a y A u gu st 2, 2009


We have done it again! Not by ourselves but by the overwhelming power and grace of Almighty God. This, our 10th annual convention was only attainable through hard work and faith in God. As David rightfully said, I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth. I promise you that the Holy Ghost will work great miracles in your life throughout this convention, once you trust our theme, “the Holy Ghost power is available to all believers” (St. Luke 24:49). The Holy Ghost power was very evident within our church this year, allowing us to record numerous achievements. Our greatest accomplishment was the baptism of numerous persons for God’s Kingdom to continue His work here on earth. We also constructed a pool at the church which will make it more convenient for our baptisms. Our journey has brought us from a “store front” church in Brooklyn New York in 1992 to seven other ministries across the world. Our latest acquisition is a new IFCFC church located in May Pen Jamaica. The church was purchased in June 2009 with the help of God, as we work to expand our ministry to the four corners of the earth. We have also been very successful in spreading the gospel via the radio and internet. We have come this far by faith and the guidance of the Holy Ghost, but you must believe in the Holy Ghost to receive your breakthrough.

When the apostle Paul met the twelve believers in Ephesus (Acts 19:2), he asked them a question: "Did you receive the Holy Spirit...?" They answered, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit." Paul prayed together with them and "the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied." The same thing happened to the 120 people waiting on God's promise of His Holy Spirit in Jerusalem on the day we now call Pentecost. They also spoke with tongues and prophesied. (Acts 1,2) All this was spoken about by Jesus and should have been expected since Jesus was said to be the one who would baptize in the Holy Spirit and fire. WHAT IS THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT? Jesus said that we would "receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you" in Acts 1:8. Power to live holy lives, power to witness, power to pray, to understand scripture, to minister, and to lay our lives down. (Acts 9:17-20; John 16:14; Luke 24:24; Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit is to be received by all believers so that they can receive, with the power, certain "gifts" from God. Gifts of healing, power wisdom, power faith, power knowledge, power miracles, and power to speak the truth of God. In other words, the Holy Spirit is to be received to receive power to be the active "body of Christ" ministering in the earth today. The Apostle Paul said for us to "earnestly desire spiritual gifts" (1Corinthians 12:31; 14:1) WHAT IS THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR? Jesus said that "the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven," so the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not for the casual inquirer. (Matthew 12:31) It is for "born-again" Christians. It is not "dead religion"; it is a living relationship with God. And it is not for the unbelieving. (John 14:16-17) When you are sure you are a believer and also are willing to obey God in your life, then ask for the Holy Spirit to enter your life and to fill you and cleanse you with His fire. (Matthew 3:11) "Your heavenly father will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask of Him." (Luke 11:13) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for now and has always been available for any believer bold enough to trust God and obey Him. When the believers asked for advice of the apostles on the day of Pentecost "What should we do?", they were told to "repent", "be baptized", and "receive the Holy Spirit". (Acts 2:38) Jesus said in His sermon on the mount, "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6)

As Bishop and Overseer of the IFCFC I want to thank all our Associate Pastors, the deacons, the evangelists, the missionaries, the clerks/secretaries, my administrative staff, family and friends for their dedication, the many sacrifices and the overwhelming support within the last year. To each member of our fellowship, thank you for your faithful service, as we are poised for greatness out of the hands of God while we continue on the journey. I also want to thank God for the pastors and members of the other IFCFC branches that help us to spread the message across the world. The IFCFC family undoubtedly exemplifies what team work and faith in God can accomplish. On behalf of the IFCFC family, special thanks to our distinguished guest speaker Bishop Raymond Bryan, District Overseer of the Green Island District of Churches, Hanover, Jamaica, W. I., delegates and special friends and all the other visiting churches which continue to provide phenomenal support for the church throughout the year. We couldn’t have done this without your help! Welcome and let us worship together and be renewed with the power of the Holy Ghost. 4

P - Prayer: maintaining a prayerful life that brings results E - Evangelism: reaching the lost for Christ. G - Giving: giving time, money and talent to the glory of God S- Socializing : socializing by way of outreach programs in the communities and feeding the needy


1. Intheverbal inspirationof theBible. 2. InoneGodeternallyexistingin threepersons; namelytheFather, SonandHolyGhost 3. That Jesus Christis theonlybegottonSonof theFather, conceivedof theHolyGhostandbornof theVirgin Mary. That J esus wascrucified buriedandraisedfromthedead. ThatHe ascendedtoHeavenandis todayattheright handof theFather astheintercessor 4, That all havesinnedandcomeshort of thegloryof Godand repentancecommandedof Godfor all andnecessaryfor forgivenessof sin. 5.ThatJ ustification, regeneration, andtheNewBirth, are wrought by Faithinthebloodof JesusChrist 6. InSanctificationsubsequenttothenewbirth throughfaithinthe bloodof J esusChrist, throughtheword, andbytheHolyGhost.

9. Inspeakingwithother tongue asthespiritgivesutterance and that it is theinitial evidenceof thebaptismof theHolyGhost 10. InWater Baptismbyimmersion andall whorepent shouldbe baptized inthenameof theFather, and of theSon, andof theHoly Ghost. 11. Divinehealing isprovided for all in theatonement. 12. IntheLords supper andwashingof thesaints feet. 13. InthePre-Millennial, secondcomingof J esus, firsttoresurrect therighteous dead andtocatchaway thelivingsaints fromHimin theair, Second, toreign theearth a thousandyears 14. Inthebodily resurrection: eternal lifefor therighteous, and eternal punishmentfor thewicked.

7. HolinesstobeGod'sstandardof livingfor Hispeople 8. IntheBaptismwiththeHolyGhostsubsequenttoacleanheart

W ecommitourselvestothechallengeofbeingachurchthatgenuinelycaresfor oneanother andfor thosewhoare lost,hurtingandneedy. W ewill demonstrateour commitmentby Buildinglovingcaringrelationshipswithinfamilies,betweenmembers,andwithinthecommunitiesweserve ObeyingthecarecommissionofChrist.



IFCFC Headquarters Church 4351 W. Oakland Park Blvd, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 Tel: #’s (954) 394-7839 / (954) 733-7684 Fax: (954) 640-0565 Website: www.ifcfchurch.com

Email: [email protected]

Bishop/Overseer: Bishop Evan A. Grant, Th.d

AssociatePastors: Pastor LinfordGrant,Minister MerleFoster, Minister JoyBeaubrun&Pastor MalcolmMartin Brooklyn International Faith Christian Fellowship Church 341 East 52 nd Street Brooklyn, New York 11203 Senior Pastor: Pastor Willard Cummings Assistant Pastor: Lorna Evans

Faith City International Faith Christian Fellowship Church 476 NE 191 Street, North Miami, Miami, FL 33179 Senior Pastor: Bishop Shane Paisley

Lantana International Faith Christian Fellowship Hallelujah Deliverance Church Korean Brethren Pastor Grace Lee

Grace Mission Center International Faith Christian Fellowship Suwanee, Georgia

MayPenInternational FaithChristianFellowshipChurch 4ARectoryRoad, MayPen, Clarendon,JamaicaW.I. Pastor: Sylvia Greyson


Bishop Evan A. Grant, Th.D – Chairman Associate Pastor Linford Grant, Associate Pastor Minister Merle Foster Senior Deacon Cleveland Grant, Deacon Henlin Easmie, Deacon Vergil Simpson Missionary Audrey Grant, Missionary Lottie Steadman, Mother Tamar White Sis. Mitzie Banton – Youth Director/Clerk

Senior Pastor/ Bishop Evan Grant Th.d Bishop Evan Grant Th. Associate Pastor Linford Grant Associate Pastor- Minister Merle Foster Sister Pauline Sparrow-Palmer Missionary Lottie Steadman Missionary Audrey Grant Deacon Cleveland Grant

Chairman for all Auxillaries Radio Ministry Men’s Fellowship & Family Training Hour (FTH) Youth Minister & Sunday Sch. Superintendent Mission’s Dept. Evangelism Department & Prayer Band Ladies Ministry & Clerk/Secretary Senior Deacon

Sister Mitzie Banton

Youth Director, Clerk/Secretary & Audio Visual Dept

Sister Sylvia Sutherland Sister Iocenth Hurlock Sister Deloris Bowen Sister Angelisa Simpson Missionary Carrie Collier Pastor Linford Grant (Assistant) Praise Team Brother Stennett Tingling Brother Damian Headley Mother Tamar White Sister Thelma Gregory Mother Blanche Landell Missionary Kaylyn Smith

Usher Board Pastor’s Aide Caring Department Children’s Church Food Bank Outreach Ministry Choir Praise & Worship Music Department Transportation Planning Committee Single Parent Ministry Prayer Mother’s Warfare Prayer


4351W. Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 Tel. #’s: (954) 394-7839 Website: www.ifcfchurch.com

/ (954) 733-7684

Fax: (954) 640-0565 Email: [email protected]

Sunday Morning

• • • • • •

Sunday Evening Tuesday Evening Wednesday Evening Friday Evening 2nd Saturday Morning Saturday Evening

• • • •

Saturday 10:00AM – 12 Noon Food Distribution 2nd Thursday – Monthly Ladies’ Ministry Meeting at 7:30PM 4th Thursday – Monthly MissionsMeeting at 7:30PM 4th Sunday Night in each month – Family Training Hour (FTH) at 7:30PM

10:00AM 11:00AM 7:00AM 7:30PM 7:30PM 8:00PM 9AM-12 Noon 8:00PM

Sunday School – All Ages Divine Worship Deliverance/Testimony Service Prayer Meeting BibleStudy Youth Fellowship Prayer & Fasting Choir Practice/Men’sFellowship

New MembersAre Welcome!! We Look Forward to Having You Fellowship With Us!! Contact 954-484-8440 for Pick up to our Church Services

BishopEvanGrant,Th.D, Senior Pastor 27

Administ r a t ion Audio Visua l Ca r ing Chil dr en’s Chur ch Choir da nce Dea cons & Dea conesses Eva ngel ism Fa mil y Tr a ining Hour Food Ba nk Out r ea ch Men’s Fel l owship Missions La dies Nur ser y Pa st or ’s Aide Pl a nning Commit t ee Pr a ise & Wor ship Pr a yer Ba nd Pr a yer Mot her ’s Ra dio Singl e Pa r ent Sunda y School Tr a nspor t a t ion Usher Yout h WARFARE PRAYER 28

JANUARY 25, 2009 JANUARY 26 – 30, 2009 JANUARY 31, 2009

FTH Crowning (Family Training Hour) Week of Prayer Prayer Breakfast

FEBRUARY 14, 2009 FEBRUARY 28, 2009

Valentines Banquet (Caring Department) Barbeque (Men’s Fellowship)

MARCH 13, 2009 MARCH 29 – APRIL 3, 2009

Concert (Youth Department) Easter Bun Drive (Mother White)

APRIL 17 – 19, 2009

Youth Convention

MAY 23, 2009

Rally of the Members

JUNE 14, 2009

Men in Black, Ladies in Black & White (Men’s Department)

JULY 29 – 31, 2009

General Convention

AUGUST 1, 2009 AUGUST 1 – 2, 2009 AUGUST 15, 2009

Concert on the Saturday of Convention Week General Convention Continues Fun Day at the Park (All Ministries at IFCFC)

SEPTEMBER 20, 2009

Ladies in White, Men in Black (Ladies Ministry)

OCTOBER 25, 2009

Harvest (Evangelism Department)

NOVEMBER 14 - 15, 2009

Ladies Convention (Ladies Ministry Department)

DECEMBER 5, 2009 DECEMBER 20, 2009 DECEMBER 25, 2009 DECEMBER 31, 2009

Pre Christmas Banquet Christmas Program Christmas Morning Service Watch Night Service


4351W. Oakland Park Blvd. Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313 (One Block West of 441)


Tel: (954) 484-8440 Fax: (954) 640-0565 Websites: www.fcfti.org ? www.ifcfchurch.com ? Email: [email protected] WeOffer ClassesIn:  Nursing Assistant (N.A.) 120 Hours  Home Health Aide (H.H.A.) 75 Hours  Phlebotomy 180 Hours  Patient Care Assistant (P.C.A) 300 Hours (IncludesN.A., Phlebotomy &EKG)

Registration Fee = $40.00

- $ 600.00 - $ 350.00 - $ 700.00 - $1200.00

Text Book =$60.00

• N.A. Review classes

• First Aid

• CPR , BLS& AED Heath Care Provider ∼ Thursdays& Saturdays=$40.00

(Please ascertain CPR classtimewith the office)


Monday – Friday- 9:00AM ∼ 1:00PM Monday – Thursday- 6:00PM ∼ 10:00PM

Payment Plan Available!! Admission Office Open 9:00AM – 7:00PM REGISTRATION IS GOING ON NOW!!


Listentoyour RadioPastor Dr.BishopEvanGrant,Th.DonWAVS1170AMRADIO For “SOMETHING MORE” 12Midnight– 1:00AMEveryFridayMorning WethePastors,OfficersandMembersof International FaithChristianFellowshipChurchwouldliketosaluteall the Guest Speakers,our visitingPastorsandMembers,visitingChurches, visitingFriends, thosewhojust stoppedbyandour Memberswhohavejoinedforceswithusasweunitetogether inour 9thAnnual General Convention. MayGodcontinueto blessyouall aswepassionatelyseektoreceivetheHolyGhost Power whichisavailabletoall believers – Luke24:49. Onceagain, wethankyouall for your support.

Design by : Minister Merle Foster

Areyousickinyour body?; Areyougoingthroughdepression?; Areyougoingthrough financial crisis?; Are youhurtingwithrelationshippain?; Areyoustrugglingwithyour marriage?; Areyoulonely,depressand confuse?; Areyoulost,hopelessandfeel undone?

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