06 03 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting Palm Springs Annual Meeting Sunday June 3, 2007 3:00 PM Local UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Chairman Pat McGowan David Zavattero Steve Dellenback Neil Schuster Bill Gouse Mike Noblett Brendon Hemily Steve Vaughn

Mickey Bunn

Jan Urbahn

Suzanne Murtha Dan Murray Chris Lane Larry Schulman Rob Jaffe Manny Puentes Bill Anderson

Faiza Azmi Lester Yoshida Heather Young David St. Amant Tom Lambert Mike Doyle

Chairman, Pat McGowan called the meeting of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 3 PM Sunday June 3, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Pat reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy. Pat welcomed and thanked everyone for coming to the Coordinating Council meeting. He stated that it had been a very good year and a very interesting year. A lot of this has to do with Tom Lambert who challenged the Coordinating Council to develop and implement a 3 year Strategic Plan. Pat then introduced Tom Lambert and Mike Doyle. Chairman of the Board – Tom Lambert Tom thanked Pat for allowing them to participate in the meeting. Tom continued in saying to the Council, it has been very important to us to make sure we know where the rubber meets the road and to get involved in setting policy for ITS America. This is where the Coordinating Council, Business Leadership Council, and the State Chapters get involved. This is where the real rubber meets the road when we are trying to get things accomplished. So when you hear us talk about strategic planning, business planning, and you hear what Pat is saying, it is very important that we all have the same vision, energy, and focus to make sure we accomplish what is good for the use of this organization and that is what we have tried to do. You need to continue to challenge staff and the Board of Directors to make sure they are delivering for you in setting policy, strategies, and the tactics for a business plan each year. There are a couple of things that we said we would accomplish this year and that was making sure that every member of this organization got value back. We want to make

sure we continue to do so. This organization only exists for the people who are part of it and who pay their membership dues. You will hear the Vice Chair talk about the importance of that as he continues to expand and build upon this partnership from a business planning standpoint. I would like to compliment Mike Doyle, it takes a focused staff in which we have been working with, so I would like to compliment the staff also. At this time Tom introduced the Vice Chair Mike Doyle. Vice Chairman of the Board – Mike Doyle Mike stated that he wanted to build on one of the things that Tom talked about and that is, we did adopt a multi year strategy for what we want to accomplish. We adopted a set of goals and objectives that are multi year and those will continue. One of the new things we are going to do this year is that every time the Board meets we are going to feature one project of the Coordinating Council. Pick a project that can be described to the board at each of its meetings throughout the coming years. We need to have better contact with what the Coordinating Council is doing and what the goals and objectives are for us as a Board and how we work that together. We have had three very strong chairs in the Councils this year, Pat McGowan, David St. Amant and Durga Panda. They work very well together; they have all supported each other. This is what we want for the next year and believe it or not we have the same three chairs for the Councils next year. One of the tasks that each of those Councils is going to have is picking successors and grooming them for each of these Councils. We are not going to ask these guys to do the same thing for year-after-year-after-year. But this is what makes ITS America stronger.

ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Neil Schuster Neil reported that we have some great items and sessions at Annual Meeting. One of the things that we looked at when the sessions were complete is how many sessions will have VII discussed in them. We hired someone to literally track all of those sessions. State Chapter is in the process of having a great workshop this year, so that Council is growing and state chapters are growing. Two more chapters merged; ITS Mid America and ITS Midwest regional chapters. And we are also looking at U.S. DOT congestion initiative. World Congress 08 – Mike Noblit Mike reported that we are hoping on having a very nice combined ITS America Annual meeting and World Congress meeting. We are estimating that our attendance should approach the 10,000 mark. We do have an extensive, integrated VII and an acting vehicle demonstration planned. There are a number of ITS applications that will be shown there. The implementation for VII specifically will be left behind. So we are going to build out a VII test in the streets of Manhattan and along the Long Island Expressway. The radios

that get installed are identical to the test beds that the U.S. DOT is building in Michigan, California and so on and will become part of that whole VII network. So it is not a smoke and mirrors demo this is really integrated into the streets of Manhattan and into the Long Island expressway. Mike stated that this is not a smoke and mirrors demo, that this will be integrated into the streets of Manhattan and into the Long Island Expressway. •

At this time Mike went over a Power Point presentation of the map layout for the demos.

Mike continued talking about the DARPA challenge. This is a fully autonomous vehicle challenge that was adopted a couple of years ago out in the desert and major companies working with universities came out and built vehicles that made their way through an obstacle course in the desert autonomously. The idea was to be able to create military vehicles of the future that they could send into combat that don’t risk soldier’s lives. They have extended that challenge now; we have a DARPA Urban challenge. Now they’re having these autonomous vehicles being built that go through a city and an urban environment. We are the major contenders. General Motors, Ford and Volkswagen have expressed interest in bringing their DARPA vehicles to the World Congress. So this November will be the actual challenge and one year later will be our World Congress, it would be kind of neat to have these types of vehicles doing a demo. A number of the vehicle manufacturers have expressed an interest in bringing additional demonstrations to the World Congress. I am not at liberty to talk about those because, of course, they want to have some surprise element to them, but in the future we will have a list of some other pretty cool things that we are hoping to be able to show there, including public vehicle communications. One of the car companies expressed interest in doing something with our buses that are going around those Manhattan loops and having a graphic driver demonstration that engages the bus and car.

DOT REPORT – Row No Representative from US DOT present. Forum Updates: – All

o HSPS: Michelle Bunn Micki reported that HSPS was having a Steering Committee Meeting on June 4, 2007. She also reported that the PSAG group was coming in on Tuesday and that those PSAG members are participating in the Showcase and are also participating in the round table discussions. We have ten moderators, we will be using index cards so people can right down what table they are at and what stake holder group they belong to. They will be writing ideas and we will capture these and create a white paper and hopefully projects from some of the things people are thinking about today. We had a lot of fun creating the titles, for example Mirror

mirror on the wall who is the customer after all. We thought by creating interesting titles it would stimulate some interest.

TSOP: Steve Dellenback Steve reported that the TSOP forum some leadership changes. The forum is doing a joint showcase with PT forum. Annual Meeting sessions are in place. The TSOP forum has no new projects to report at this time.

ATCE: Jan Urbahn Jan reported that there is preparation for the ATCE forum Meeting that is being held Wednesday June 06, 2007. Jan continued with saying that the FCC Project results will be available by next meeting. We are planning for a good Annual Meeting with a lot of good sessions and demos.

CVFM: Steve Vaughn Unfortunately CVFM has been in kind of a holding pattern. Our funding has been removed by U.S. DOT. So we have not had the opportunity to hold conference calls or hold meetings. Our hopes are to get something scheduled for this week why everyone is here at Annual Meeting and concentrate on how we are going to proceed on bringing this forum back. Heather reported that the CVFM primary project that we are working on funding and bringing to the Coordinating Council is The Smart Roadside Project. So in a nutshell everything that CVFM was doing was being funded by U.S. DOT. That‘s pretty much how it worked out. Updates, working group meetings and the bulk of all the work were Smart Roadside. With that said CVFM still put together a fine and exciting intermediate program. Great showcase, sessions and continues to work on putting together a forum meeting coinciding with the NRITS Conference in October.

PEA: David Zavattero David reported that the PEA forum has no new projects. The forum has two projects that have continued over the course of the year. •

The D-Day project, this particular project did motivate a session at AM07, which will have further discussion on data

ownership and data sharing. This project has some relevance with VII. The other project has some relevance to the ICM and it builds off of a workshop held earlier this year called the Multi Sate Transportation Operations Programs.

We have six sessions here at AM07. The Pea forum showcase is hosting two debates. •

One is on VISION and the Future 2020, what should we be dealing with in the future. Increase truck traffic, funding issues, Metropolitan congestion and so on. The other one is congestion and pricing. Congestion and pricing has become a hot topic. There will be partnership agreements and the emphasis will be placed on pricing in the future.

RITE: Robert Jaffe Rob reported that Bob Ferlis is the RITE forums new U.S. DOT liaison, that Tony has retired. We have a second Use of Maintenance conference scheduled for Boston, September 25-26 and the focus of these conferences is to collect participants who want to learn or present state of the art in how you maintain your regional architecture or more importantly how to use them in long range planning, short range planning, program budgeting and project development. It is a huge investment with about 600 plus regional architectures in the U.S. This conference is important. We have partners in the U.S. DOT who are working closely with us on these projects. We have a new project on the table which I would like the Coordinating Council to approve. Title of the project is, Jointly Developed Sessions on ITS Architecture and How They Impact MPO Processes. Basically I coordinate with Kuo-Ann Ehiao, the head of Technical Programs for the New York Metropolitan Transportation Commission. He is very involved in AMPO (The Association of Metropolitan Planning Organization). The purpose of this project is to jointly develop a session between AMPO and ITS America. So I am making a motion for this to become a project. The council voted and it was approved.

Larry reported that they are having a Systems Engineering Workshop Sunday June 3, 2007. The relationship to this particular project is that FHWA is very concerned about the process that they’ve come up with, the Systems Engineering and Architecture, what they are calling the straight line process, which is the old planning construction process.

INFO: Heather Young Heather reported that the INFO forum had no new projects to offer to the Council at this time. She stated that there are a lot of activities that the forum has been participating in. The National 511 Coalition and the Steering Committee through the INFO forum Are looking to put together a response to the FCC’s request for information and comment on the designation or re-designation of the 511 number, the Travelers Information Number. o The Weather Information Application Special Interest Group (WIASIG) that falls under the INFO forum, the largest initiative that those folks are involved in is the CLARUS initiative. The CLARUS initiative management team is getting ready for the biddings for the demos and implementation of various CLARUS business models and deployments or execution plans. We have three teams that won the bid that Federal Highway folks put out a few months ago.  Aurora States  Alaska, that includes the Yukon BC and other regions of Canada  Northwest Passage o

The CLARUS group also works with the maintenance decision software systems group and they are holding a meeting September 18-19 in Kansas City, MO at the new National Weather Service Headquarters. That meeting will be immediately followed by the 5th CLARUS Coordinating Committee meeting September 20-21. NRITS conference coming up October 7-10, 2007 in Traverses City, MI. We are having road weather sessions and we are hoping to get our relationship with the CVFM forum kicked off. Try to get the message out that road weather information is in fact important. We will reach out and possibly team with the CVFM forum on matters of road weather and commercial vehicles. o We have an exciting Annual Meeting ahead of us; our showcase involves two traveler information demonstrations. One from DASH and one from Square Loop. We will be hosting an hour long discussion with a series of o

representatives from the National Travelers Information Service providers. We also are having two road weather sessions, which has those folks really excited.

PT: Brendon Hemily Brendon reported that the PT forum was still in a transition period, but a lot of things are still going on. We have started our monthly Steering Committee conference calls again. At the AM07 we have two sessions and we are doing a joint PT forum and TSOP forum Showcase. The major focus is dissemination. For the Forum meeting we will have a fact sheet on U.S. DOT projects related to Public Transit and also talk about the Peer to Peer project.

Other Business: Pat McGowan TMC of the Future: Pat reported one of the reasons we wanted to talk about this is we want the forums to look at the ways that they can get involved, ways they can help. There’s a lot of work that has to be done. There are a lot of people that have dedicated a lot of time in this, but we need to also look at other ideas and thoughts that you have. If there are other people that want to get actively involved in these demos. One of the things that I wanted to talk about is the concept that we have come up with that has really taken off faster than I actually thought. Let me give you an idea of how the discussion actually got started. We were talking about how do you get a lot of the government people to the World Congress? Mike is talking about 10,000 people, but how do you get a 1,000 or 2,000 people to the World Congress. In order to do that you really need to provide something that is going to be focused on what they do. What is important in their business? At the same time we were talking about how do you take this VII data that is in the vehicles and actually show it to large numbers of people. Not everybody is going to be able to ride the bus, not everybody is going to be able to ride the vehicles. So one of the things that we talked about is building a control center within the convention center and actually bringing in this data and looking at displaying the information in this control center. One of the reasons we were doing this is that we wanted to demonstrate the benefits of the VII data to the operating agencies. If you’ve got vehicles running around and you pick up VII data, how does that change their lives? How does it change their jobs? How does it change their concept? To know that you have traveler information not on just the freeways that is monitored, but every single roadway within the metropolitan area or within their city or state. And then also, how does that change society? To know that you have very, very detailed micro level data on exactly where it is raining, anywhere in the nation. You talk about CLARUS, what does the VII data do to the weather? Does it change the outlook of the farmer to know that this amount of rain actually hit my land versus we got 2 inches of rain in DC. What does it do, how does it change? Also, the collision intersection, collision avoidance, it is one thing to do the 11th Avenue demo, but if we have video and are able to explain to people how this thing works and the fact that it saves jobs. And also we’re there to prepare the operating agencies on the possibility this is happening and it will happen someday, so they need to be prepared for this. It is not a place where anybody and everybody can

show their wares. What we’re doing is; we want to build this big massive control center, something that they equate as the future. And then we want to come in and show them the best of the best systems in the country. Really what you’re doing is, you’re trying to show them what their TMC will look like in the year 2020. We are going to show one solution for probe information and then you’re going to show a weather application. You’re going to show a lot of different things. Again, we’re demonstrating what the TMC is going to look like when you get VII data. Don’t believe that everything is going to be integrated real-time information. Some of it is going to be simulated, some of it is going to be real-time, but it is the best of the best systems. The idea is that you will have a single moderator up there; you are not going to have a bunch of salesmen up there talking about their system. You’re going to have a moderator up there talking about “let me show you what VII data does and how it is going to change your life, how it is going to change your operation.” The fact that now every vehicle can possible get real-time information so the route guidance systems that you have are going to be looking for the shortest route, and then the weather, it goes on and on. So it can consist of, the big TMC, you have the work stations, you have somebody down there on the computer. When it comes time for probe data you’ll put that up. You may have somebody helping assist with the curser to actually help the moderator describe what they are looking at. You may have a video, for instance, intersection collision avoidance is going to be a video. That is the only way you can convey that. That will be explained. And then it may even consist of just a presentation of a feature. We are also talking about, since this is the World Congress, we are also looking at doing these demonstrations in English, Spanish and Chinese. Whether those are the three languages we stick with … we’ll decide that, but the whole idea is that there are a lot of people that are coming that English isn’t the native language. What we’re going to do, there’ll be some time slots that will accommodate and show that this is more than just a United States issue this is a world issue. One of the things that I want to point out, what we’re doing this week is trying to identify what are the functions that we are going to show at this TMC of the Future? Congestion management, probe data, the weather data, accident notification, data archiving, the network management. Booz Allen has a big network management system for VII. Michigan DOT has the Do -Op project specifically designed to take the TMC or the VII information and put it into functions that serve the DOT’s purposes. What we want to do is tell people what we are doing and over the course of the next couple of months just try to get the collected information of what everybody thinks are the best systems out there that will actually convey what this TMC will look like as well as the functionality that the system has. Right now you are talking about a fairly big effort and a big impact. This would actually be sponsored by ITS America and U.S. DOT. Mike has had conversation with U.S.DOT, they’re very interested in it, which is kind of interesting because there are also a lot of systems that they fund millions of dollars for that they would actually like to see some of those systems brought forth. I don’t know of a single system today that you can pick up and show as the system in the year 2020. Once you identify the best system out there that you want to use as a baseline, then there’s going to have to be modifications. There’s going to be simulation of VII data. There’s going to be integration of data. We’ve talked to TransCom about that. There’s going to be a lot of work in order to get there, so as far as schedule, the most important thing right now is looking at what are those functionalities, what are those best systems, and if we can come up and identify within the next six weeks or so what we think those are, and this week is going to be really important as far as collecting data and then we need to start sitting down and looking at developing the scripts. What are the people going to be talking about? Once you start

developing the scripts, the points that people are going to make, then you are going to identify those holes that you are missing. If you come up and develop a script and you want to make a point of Multi-modal and there is nothing in your toolbox that addresses Multi-modal, then you need to go back and start adding the functionality or making modifications to the simulation. Right now we’re in the early stage, we’ve got some very interesting concepts, we’ve got some preliminary designs, but in the next two to three months there is a lot of work that has to be done in that area. Again, we are trying to identify the vendors, the consultants that are interested, try and identify the applications. We are going to be doing the final design of the stage and then the applications development and then the scripts as I indicated. I think this as well as the demonstrations that Mike was talking about, I think this group has a lot to contribute. What I want to do is get you guys thinking about how you can contribute in this. How you can really enhance this. Even if you identify what you view as the best systems out there, for instance commercial vehicle application, what is the best one out there, to be honest, I don’t know. We need your help. If you see something, you guys ought to be all over this. The interesting thing about it is there’s a lot of work here, there’s a lot of potential, there’s a lot of opportunity for the Coordinating Council to have a big opportunity. First of all, this is sponsored by ITS America and this is a technical issue. It is not business development; it’s not a State Chapter’s council. There’s no other council that can lead this other than this group. Work Plan: Pat McGowan/ Bill Gouse Bill Gouse reported that ITS America staff has been putting the 3 year Strategic Plan in MS Project. We have been working with Pat and we have explained these new strategies to our new employees. We are going to launch the Peer-to-Peer program at opening ceremonies, Neil will be announcing that. We are working to plan. We have identified actions and also identifying ways we can measure our performance to make quality improvements. I have had separate meetings with U.S.DOT. They have actually funded us to do our own work plan. For staff to deliver on this we are learning the tools and what the Coordinating Council wants us to deliver. Pat reported we need to concentrate on forums and members that are in forums. We are going to target members to get into these forums. We are going to develop information to send out to these new members. We also want to get old members engaged that are not engaged. We are going to look at other associations we have made alliances with. As far as technical work, we want to come up with a pursuit list, a forecast list of future projects that could possibly be. Technical articles, we do not spend enough time promoting this. We need to do this. I would like to see two Webinars this year, there should be a lot of good information here at Annual Meeting. We need to start getting the deliverables on the website. We need to start getting this done. I am going to put a check list together for performance monitoring. So we can see what can and will get done. Bill will go through the list and see what he can do with his resources. If some of the things can not get done, then I will go to the board and let them know and we will figure out whether to find resources or drop that certain item for the 2007-2008 years.

Peer-to-Peer- Larry Schulman Larry reported that the Peer-to-Peer would be launched at AM07. Pat and the Council went to U.S. DOT and convinced them that we could help them reinvigorate the program and make it a better resource for the ITS community. There were three things we agreed to do. • To develop a Marketing Plan to reinvigorate the understanding of the program and to also recruit a better set of Peers. • To develop a better pool of experts • As request are made we would work to patch that request up to our pools We have about a hundred peers right now. We are launching the marketing activity at AM07 and we have created a brochure that DOT has approved. Inside the brochure it has a form you can fill out and either asks for assistance or either volunteers to be a Peer. The other thing we have done is set up a website. A telephone inquiry and all ITS links. It will also connect them into the Peers. The program is now off and running. We will monitor the status of the performances and assistance given and take everything in and make the appropriate changes. VII Institutional Issues White Paper – Rob Jaffe Rob reported that the RITE Forum submitted RITE project 76 VII Institutional Issues WP. The project is doing a poster at poster session 1. That will be part of bringing this information to the public. Rob also made a motion to have this paper submitted to the Board just for them to read. The Council voted and it was approved, but not unanimous, to have it submitted to the Board. Jan Urbahn opposed.

Adjourned: 5:47 PM Local NEXT TELECONFERENCE: July 13, 2007, 11AM Eastern

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