Writer's Club: Issue #3, July 2006

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Writer’s Beat

July 1, 2006 - Monthly Newsletter - www.writersbeat.com

A monthly newsletter for writer’s Showcase Publication of the Month JHarrison’s special showcase of the month. Interview with Hot Psychology. Page 2

Ian’s Review Various updates and things to shout out. Page 3

Issue 3, July - 2006 Writer’s Beat Workshop Our new addition to the staff and community, riverwriter and workshops. Page 4

A place for writer’s... Writer’s Beat aims to be the place for all writer’s to be a part of in unity. WB is the ideal writing community. Lately we have gone through a ton of changes and continuing to do so. All these changes are happening in a positive manner. The Staff are Writer’s Beat doesn’t take likely to anything negative, so we are always striving to bring changes that will affect everyone in a positive way. If there is a change that you notice and do not like, please be sure to contact the staff and let us know, we’ll be sure to take a survey and evaluate it to find a better solution.

Monthly Writing Contest Aprilrain explains how one can participate in the monthly writing contest. Page 4

Monthly Board Games Competition Aprilrain lays out some information about these competitions. Page 4

“Looking for that perfect detail to fill in your description? Need inspiring information? Check out the Daily Fun Facts thread in the Reference Room to discover that priceless piece of trivia to make your story complete.” - Icarus

Writer’s Beat is actively looking for staff members. What we are not looking for at the moment is moderators of any kind. We have EXCELLENT ones at the moment and they take care of everything I could ever think of. I’d love any unique talent on the staff though, so if you think you could bring something to the table that helps us in a different way than moderation, please contact us via PM (DFIscher) or use the contact form here. http://www.writersbeat.com/sendmessage.php If you’d like to see a random message here by you, please go ahead and submit one by contacting the staff.

Zoints Zoints is a growing system in itself. If you are not familiar with it please see our blog(http://blog.writersbeat.com) and or the Zoints website. The purpose for implementing Zoints in a writing community is to give everyone a dynamic community and become better connected to each member. Not only that, but such a system brings in interest driven traffic, which benefits everybody.

ReviewCave.com Reviewcave.com is a new addition to our “family” - Officially an affiliate, technically a sister site. It is owned by Writer’s Beat now. We’re looking for some staff on that site, and some regulars to post some reviews of various things. There really is no limit on what you can review. If it has something to talk about, just do it. As a plus, there is actually a special going on. If you are interested, check out this promotion.

http://www.writersbeat.com/great-offer-earn-quick-points-t4247.html Random Tidbits

Writer’s Beat, Simple Overview













write, though someday I hope to do it from the tropical confines of the great state of Hawaii. I’ve visited the state eight times and I can’t imagine a better place to let ones thoughts flow to the page. Jay (WB): What is the most bizarre submission that you received? Jim (HP): I think the most bizarre submission we’ve received was a wellwritten piece called, “Sponge Bob Gay Pants?” It was by a former editor who truly had a talent for writing and in this article, basically told the world that sometimes a cartoon is just a cartoon. We’ve also received a submission that tried very hard to push the buttons of the conflict in Ireland between the Catholics and Protestants. We didn’t accept it because though we don’t shy from controversy, the last thing we wanted was a call from the Queen of England telling us to keep our noses to ourselves.

Hot Psychology - July 2006 Showcase Publication of The Month This month’s show publication is Hot Psychology. Hot Psychology was introduced to Writer’s Beat by our member ~lacy~. She is the Our Culture department editor, and has been a Writer’s Beat member since mid-April. She had posted a thread that had an essay contest by Hot Psychology on the topic, “What it means to be human.” Hot Psychology has given Writer’s Beat a free advertising spot that normally would cost $80.00 per month. The publication has also allowed me to become a staff writer for the Our Culture department. Recently, they have offered me the positions of Sales & Marketing Director and Web Master to me, and I have accepted. It is one of the only magazines that I read from cover to cover. I have had the opportunity to interview the chief editor, Jim Idema:

Jay (WB): What else can you tell us about Hot Psychology Magazine? Jim (HP): We don’t take sides on issues. In fact, we are happy to publish opinions on both sides of an issue. I happen to personally believe that seeing things from one side of the fence tends to unfairly segregate the other side. If someone is interested in voicing an opinion, we’d be happy to publish it, but we think the other side should be heard from as well. We encourage beginning writers as well as writers of all experience levels to write for us. Yes, all articles go through editing by the appropriate section editors, but our editors are experienced writers and editors and as such, take the time to coach their writers, polishing up what can truly be a exquisite pearl of an article. I see great things for this magazine and given the talents of those who participate in our little family, it’s no surprise that others are starting to see it as well. I would like to thank Jim for taking the time to do the interview. Congratulations to Hot Psychology Magazine for being Writer’s Beat publication showcase of the month. They are currently looking for a News Editor and writers in all departments.

Jay Harrison (Writer’s Beat): When was the first of Hot Psychology published? Jim Idema (Hot Psychology): First issue of Hot Psychology Magazine was published January of 2005. We’ve gone through a lot of changes in the 19 months we’ve been around, but I really like what we’ve become and where we’re going. Jay (Writer’s Beat): What are the different departments of the magazine? Jim (Hot Psychology): The different departments are: Our Culture (a discussion of the varying cultural issues we are all privy to), The Sports Fan (dedicated to all things sports), Close Encounters (adult themes), My News, My Views (articles and opinions on the news of the day), Feature Presentation (features on practically anything you can imagine), Ask Dr. Charmaine (Dr. Charmaine Saunders answers questions sent in by readers from around the world), To Your Health (a section that focuses on health issues) and Tech Notes (technology and how it affects us). Jay (WB): What makes Hot Psychology unique? Jim (HP): The different departments are: Our Culture (a discussion of the varying cultural issues we are all privy to), The Sports Fan (dedicated to all things sports), Close Encounters (adult themes), My News, My Views (articles and opinions on the news of the day), Feature Presentation (features on practically anything you can imagine), Ask Dr. Charmaine (Dr. Charmaine Saunders answers questions sent in by readers from around the world), To Your Health (a section that focuses on health issues) and Tech Notes (technology and how it affects us). Jay (WB): What is your writing and editing experience? Jim (HP): I’ve been a freelance writer for over ten years, publishing in a variety of periodicals. In the works I have a novel which is nearly complete, a screenplay, and the opening pages for two other novels. I can’t imagine my life without the ability to express by way of the written word. I’ve also been an entrepreneur, an IT guy, a factory rat and a Navy man. These days I just








Reviewcave.com Sponsored Review By Ian

Boysetsfire - Equal Vision-Feb. 2006 Tracklisting: 1. Walk Astray 2. Requiem 3. Final Communiqué 4. The Misery Index 5. (10) And Counting 6. Falling Out Theme 7. Empire 8. So Long...And Thanks For The Crutches 9. With Cold Eyes 10. Deja Coup 11. Social Register Fanclub 12. Nostaligic For Guillotines 13. A Far Cry It’s rather ironic that of all bands, Boysetsfire isn’t very well known. Lately it has become popular of many bands to take a political stance and because of it they gain in popularity (a la Green Day). But while many of those bands have been together for a while and only recently started protesting the government Boysetsfire have been since they started out. They did have a chance however to be propelled to great heights when they had been signed to a major label, but it flopped and when they were writing for this new record they were dropped. Thankfully, they were picked up by Equal Vision and then finished up their latest record, “The Misery Index: notes from the plaque years”. What is on here is emotionally and politically charged music that is very post-hardcore influenced, but also easy to get into. “Walk Away” eloquently opens up the almost hour-long album. A lone acoustic guitar and the voice of singer Josh open things up. He croons about how he doesn’t, “want to sing about freedom anymore, I want to see it, I want to feel. I want to know that it still sits behind the lies we’ve been told, beyond the wars that keep our families from home”. Obviously this album is political, but it’s done in a very intelligent way and doesn’t ever try to say anything ridiculous. After a little over a minute of the soft acoustics everything speeds up into the older, hardcore side of Boysetsfire. The political element of the song continues though. “Our dreams are their worst nightmares, these songs a call to arms. We can dance on the graves that held us, we can change the course of time”. This is what is so great about Boysetsfire; they manage to be both inspirational and rebellious, but never get snot-nosed about it. The catchiness of the song is also a big factor too. While, for the most part, it is heavy, there are also some parts sung which gives the song a bit more of a refined taste to it. Which is how a lot of the record is. “Requiem” (a requiem is a funeral hymn, or chant) is the lead single off of “The Misery Index: notes from the plaque years” and it really is rather fitting, but not just because it’s one of the more catchier tunes from the album. As the chorus suggests, this is Boysetsfire saying that they are not dead and gone, but are here to stay and not leaving without a fight. “This is not our requiem, we’re wasting time as victims. Why spend our lives on bended knee, choosing not to be free?” This is one song that should be downloaded, or heard by those unfamiliar with Boysetsfire and not particularly into straight up (post) hardcore. It’s a song that works greatly as both a representation of the record and a song that should gain the band a larger following.

Reviewcave.com - Reviews from a to z.







While a lot of songs are catchy and open to a larger audience, there are a couple songs that many older fans of Boysetsfire who prefer their heavier material will enjoy. “Final Communiqué” is a short, two-minute song that never loses its pace. A rolling bass line and leering drum bit open the song before full on screaming roars on in. With lines such as, “You’ll never see us coming, striking from the shadows. Headfirst, fist raised to the sky. Pull the trigger released in anger. We’ll bite off the fingers that feed us your ****,” its plainly obvious Boysetsfire is staying by their political side. Then there is “So Long…And Thanks For The Crutches”. In a way the title could be a way of saying to the politicians in power, “Pack up your ****, you’ve doped us up long enough”. That’s how I like to think of it at least. Anyway, the song starts off in a weird way that wouldn’t suggest it’d be the mosher it really is. It starts out very jazzy with an upright bass and what seems to be a synthesized piano. After twenty-seconds though what is heard next is easily the hardest part of the whole album. The whole song is rather heavy and remains so during the chorus where the synthesized piano makes a second appearance. Not surprisingly, the lyrics to the song are meant to be motivating and encouraging. “Just enough freedom to forget you’re a slave, just enough anger to make sure we get paid” could refer to what Green Day’s song, “American Idiot”, did in talking about the media numbing the masses. “Empire” is one song that everyone should hear. It wouldn’t be surprising at all if this turned into a single, it certainly is catchy enough. Boysetsfire takes a perspective of the people running the affairs of the world. “I speak, you throw parades. Ignore the sense of rage welling inside. Pay no mind to what we do cause we’ll sell it all to you in modern luxuries. And we’ve made quite sure you believe you’re free.” It really hits home with this part. “Just believe, believe you’re free, cause you’re on your own. It doesn’t matter just be sure that this is our empire this is war. Forgotten heroes, chessboard roles to make you think you’re something more, but you’re on your own…” What is going to be talked about next is one of my personal favorites, “Falling Out Theme”. It’s not particularly a standout, but they way it is sung and the lyrics seem attractive to me. At first it seems to be much like, “So Long… And Thanks For The Crutches” and “Final Communiqué”, but that is not the case at all. It does start out heavy with some nice, fast paced riffs, but soon goes into almost inaudible crooning (the booklet calls it random bitching, haha) accompanied by a cello. It takes a while to get to the actual song, but it’s well worth the wait. Josh’s singing is absolutely impeccable and when he sings, “Love and weapons kill much the same way. With shaking hands we start again”, a feeling of raw energy encompasses me. The rolling drums are most noticeable during this part as well, and the jumping guitar riffs too. To add a little variety to this already superb album, there is a nice little ballad titled, “(10) And Counting”. It’s very soft and includes the use of an acoustic guitar at the start. The lyrics seem to call back to the days possibly of when they were facing tough times. The song also seems to say in a way that even though some may hate the band they will be the ones standing when everything falls apart. It’s a lot more emotional than some songs, but it doesn’t feel out of place at all. What Boysetsfire have created is nothing short of spectacular. They’ve taken older elements of (post) hardcore music, twisted it into something meaningful, and made it widely appealing to a broad audience. Politically standing, Boysetsfire hasn’t lost their edge that they started out with from the beginning. The music may be a bit softer compared to early demos and EP’s, but they still manage to assault the senses every once in a while. Even though some songs may stand out among some others, this album really must be listened to completely in order to fully grasp how great this album is. It wouldn’t be a surprise at all for bands five to ten years from now to cite this exact record as a major influence in their life. It sure has influenced mine. 5/5













WB’S Monthly Writing Contest Beginning this month, WB is hosting a writing contest that you may enter through the fiction, non-fiction, or poetry forum of the boards. All entries should not exceed 1000 words, and each must incorporate the common theme of “freedom.” Entries that go over the word count (and that includes the title) will be penalized. Check the appropriate forums for the thread that announces the contest and post your entry to that thread. Winners will be chosen for each of the three categories. You may submit an entry in all three categories, if you wish. The decision of the judges (currently WB staff members) is final.

Creating a village in a Writer’s Beat Workshop

Entries must be posted between July 1st and the end of the day (11:59 p.m., US Pacific Time) on July 16th. Winners will be announced on August 1st and will be “published” in the August newsletter. If the honor of being a WB contest winner isn’t enough, don’t worry. We have other prizes in mind, but you’ll just have to enter to find out what they are.

Please check out the Writer’s Workshop forum for more information and workshops themselves. - By riverstone

Good luck! - aprilrain

This is an easy way to prevent writer’s block. Take any situation or environment and describe the people present including their histories and their communities. Eventually, you will find someone who interests you enough to write about. A classic village is the one that develops around a car accident:

WB’s Monthly Board Games Competition

Six vehicles are involved in an accident. Your job is to answer the who, when, where and why’s of the people in the vehicles. Where does the accident happen? Why does it happen? Who is in each car? Draw a map of the accident from the air. What borders the area of the accident? Who witnessed the accident?

Think you are king or queen of the Board Games? Well, prove it by entering the monthly Board Games Competition! You will find the word game questions in a sticky thread of the Board Games forum on July 1st. DO NOT post your answers anywhere on the forum. Send them by PM to aprilrain anytime before the end of the day (11:59 p.m., Pacific Time) on July 25th. The winner and the correct answers will be posted on August 1st in both the forum and the August newsletter. Aside from bragging rights, other prizes will be given. Good luck! - aprilrain

Here is the beginning of an accident village to get you started: The vehicles are returning from the beach. A bird watcher sees the accident. The first car stops suddenly for an animal in the road. One of the vehicles has a family with kids. One vehicle carries musicians. One vehicle has at least one lawyer in it. There is a body in one of the trunks or boots. At least one person involved or watching is clinically insane. Some people have tickets to the same event on a later date. At least one person is a crook. At least one person is armed. Some people stayed in a bed & breakfast at the beach. Some know each other in other environments. One person may be contemplating suicide. One person has a terminal illness. More than one race and more than one culture are represented. That’s how it works. In the WritersBeat Workshops, I’ll be adding villages for you to explore. There will be cruise ships, trains, an island, a cottage, and so on. There may be villages that represent multiple generations of a family or several hundred years of history on one small piece of land. The potential villages are as endless as our imaginations. Please use the WritersBeat Workshops thread to let me know what workshops you want and I will do my best to create them.



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