World History Ch. 1, Section 2 Pp

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  • Words: 673
  • Pages: 11
The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

The Beginning of Agriculture Preview •

Main Idea / Reading Focus

The New Stone Age

Development of Agriculture

Map: Growth of Agriculture

Agriculture Changes Society

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

The Beginning of Agriculture Main Idea The development of agriculture was a major turning point in human history and significantly changed the way in which many people lived.

Reading Focus • What new tools and technologies did early humans develop during the New Stone Age? • How did early agriculture develop and spread? • In what ways did the development of agriculture change Stone Age society?

Section 2

The Beginnings of Civilization

The New Stone Age As prehistoric people developed more sophisticated tools, the Paleolithic Era gave way to the Neolithic Era. Paleolithic Tools • Stones chipped to make points

Neolithic Tools • Polished stones to make points

• Wood and bone tools

• More specialized tools:

• Nets from plant fibers and animal sinew

– chisels – drills – saws

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

Contrast How did toolmaking in the New Stone Age differ from toolmaking in the Old Stone Age? Answer(s): Old Stone Age—chipped stones to produce sharp edges; New Stone Age—polished and ground stones to shape tools

Section 2

The Beginnings of Civilization

Development of Agriculture The development of agriculture, about 10,000 years ago, radically changed how people lived. This shift to farming is referred to as the Neolithic Revolution. Plants • End of Ice Age • New plants • New food source • People learned to farm • Domestication • Larger food supply

• • • •

Animals Domesticating animals Careful selection and breeding 10,000 BC – dogs Larger and more stable supply of meat, milk, skins, wool

Growth of Agriculture • Available plants, domesticated animals • Spread to regions: – – – –

Asia: rice Africa: cattle Mexico: corn South America: potatoes

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

Identify Cause and Effect How did people benefit from farming and the domestication of plants and animals? Answer(s): more reliable food supply; people could pool labor and resources

Section 2

The Beginnings of Civilization

Agriculture Changes Society • Agriculture dramatically changed Stone Age societies by providing a larger and more reliable food supply. • Some people began to live as nomadic pastoralists. • Others gave up the nomadic lifestyle and formed settlements, pooling their resources.

Early Farming Societies • • • • • • •

Small settlements Villages and towns Increase in trade Societies became more complex Social status, authority Religion, megaliths Warfare, disease increased

New Technologies • • • • • •

New tools and methods Animals working in fields Grindstones, pestles, pottery Wool from sheep for yarn Spinning and weaving Copper, bronze, tin

• As people began to make items from bronze, the Stone Age gave way to the Bronze Age, which began as early as 3000 BC in some areas.

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

Çatal Hüyuk A Neolithic settlement in what is now Turkey • Largest Neolithic site found – – –

Home to 5,000–6,000 people in 6000 BC Covered more than 30 acres People raised barley, wheat, sheep, goats

• Houses – –

One main room with areas for sleeping and domestic tasks like cooking Religious shrines

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

Ötzi the Iceman Discoveries added to our knowledge of Neolithic societies • 1991- hikers discover frozen male body • Scientific tests performed • 5,300 years old, from Neolithic Era

Ötzi and belongings well preserved • Clothes: three types of animal skins stitched together • Leather shoes, woven grass cape, fur hat, backpack • Quiver with arrows, dagger, ax with copper blade

Scientists’ theories • Diet included coarse grains • Did not live in location where found • Might have been murdered

The Beginnings of Civilization

Section 2

Summarize How did the development of agriculture affect Neolithic societies? Answer(s): revolutionary changes; men and women assumed different roles; led to towns, government, religion, trade

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