Ch. 3, Section 1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 273
  • Pages: 17

Ch. 3, Section 1

1. Social Groups • • • •

Rich, poor, and middle class people Treatment of young and old Roles of men and women Ethnic groups

Ethnic Groups • People who share a common history, language, religion and some physical characteristics. – Majority – Minority

2. Language • Dialect - local form of language that differs from the same language in different areas – Ex. Pronunciation or meaning

Dialect • Bless his/her soul • Soda vs. pop vs. “Coke” • Yous guys vs. ya’ll

3. Religion • Helps people answer basic questions about life’s meaning – 5 Major Religions • • • • •

Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Judaism

4. Daily Life • Food • Clothes • Homes

5. History • People remember successes and disasters of the past • Holidays may honor heroes and unite people

6. Arts • People express themselves through art. • Art shows what people think are important and beautiful. – What are some examples of art?

7. Government • Governments create laws to help people live together with less conflict

Democracy • Gives power to the people of the nation • The U.S. is a “representative democracy” – What do you think that means?

Dictatorship • Leader usually takes power by force • Rely on military and police to keep power • Leaders limit the freedoms of their people

Monarchy • Kings or queens are born into power – The U.K. is a “constitutional monarchy” • The Queen is symbolic head, but elected leaders hold the power of rule.

Economy • How people earn a living – Farming – Manufacturing – Service Industries

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