Nuevas Tecnologías Educativas aplicadas a
la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés y
al Desarrollo Profesional del Docente Prof. Aurelia García –2009
What is digital literacy?
What is digital literacy?
The ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and create information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented through computers.
Are you digitally literate? I have five or more friends who I met on the Net I check my email first thing in the morning I share my digital photos online for friends and family I often use my credit card to pay online I often download or buy music online I read at least five blogs a day I post comments on other people’s blogs
I have my own blog that I update regularly I am a member of at least one social networking site I often chat with friends / colleagues via instant messaging software I often share amusing websites / videos with friends and colleagues I’ve edited a Wikipedia entry I use my mobile phone primarily for texting I get my news online, not from a newspaper I met my partner online
as we move further into the 21st century … the distinction between digital natives and digital immigrants will become less relevant. Clearly, … we need to imagine a new set of distinctions. I suggest we think in terms of digital wisdom. Prensky, M., “H. Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom”
What is Web 2.0?
Once you’ve decided what tool to apply…
basic concept personal experience pedagogical application
Our students are expecting a change
Let’s NETVIBES Netvibes is a personalized start page or personal web portal. It is organized into tabs, with each tab containing user-defined modules. Built-in Netvibes modules include local weather forecasts, a calendar, bookmarks, notes, to-do lists. Several webmail providers including Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc. can also be fed. Your page can be personalized further through the use of existing themes or by creating your own theme.
Le t’ s BLOG ! The word "Blog" comes from "Web log“ It is basically an online journal or diary, whose posts are displayed in reverse-chronological order. The greatest difference between a regular journal and a blog is the fact that visitors can leave comments NN2I1pWXjXI
Let’s TW ITTER TWITTER IN PLAIN eNGLISH YouTube - Twitter in Plain English