Wine Making Part 1

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 233
  • Pages: 11

酿制酒的方法 及 出产酒的地区

• Wine –

Basic Glossary Terms

An alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation of unmodified grape juice. 酒 一项带有酒精的饮品,由维经过处置的葡 萄和酵母混合而成。 • Winery A building, property, or company that is involved in the production of wine 酿酒厂 一栋楼,一块物产,或一家公司,专门包 含酿制酒。 • Chateau – Generally a winery in Bordeaux 酒庄 通常指波尔多的酿酒厂 • Vintage - The year in which a particular wine's grapes were harvested. When a vintage year is indicated on a label, it signifies that all the grapes used to make the wine in the bottle were harvested in that year. 年份 代表某瓶红酒或白酒所用的葡萄是在那一年收割 的。 • Vineyards - Plantation of grape bearing vines. 葡萄园 栽种葡萄藤的果园

Basic Glossary Terms • Vines – Plant on which grapes are grown 葡萄藤 - 增长葡萄的植物 • Harvest – Picking up grapes from the vineyards as per its suitable time. 收割 入秋之前是丰收的季节,到时酒厂里的每一个 人会集体合作,到葡萄园采撷 • Fermentation- Action of yeast and sugar producing ethyl alcohol and carbon di oxide under controlled temperature. 发酵过程 酵母与糖份在受控制的气温下和拼 即发出 酒精和二氧化碳 • Wine Cellar - A cool, dark location in which wine is stored, often for the purpose of ageing 葡萄酒库 一个清凉黑暗的地方,在那里,一 瓶一瓶 的红酒会横着放,使他们老化。

What happens in a Winery? 葡萄收割 压榨过程 加入酵母

葡萄果肉,皮和种籽混合 发酵过程 发酵过程能选择使用的技术

Lets take a Deeper Look…. • Harvest – Grapes are picked from the vineyards 收割:葡萄园所有已适合采撷的葡萄都会收采回来

• Crushing – Grapes are put inside the crusher, where they are first crushed and then de-stemmed. 收成后葡萄会进行第一道压榨 ,再去梗 。

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