Why The Galactic Centre Is The Cause Of Disaster

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Why the Galactic Centre is the Cause of Disaster Susan Seymour Hedke 12th May 2009

A long time ago there were people on the Earth who had some understanding of the nature of the Galactic Centre and the cycle that it ruled. This is evidenced in many ancient myths, Vedic Indian astrology and the Mayan Prophecy but particularly it shows through in the Chinese idea of Yin and Yang, which symbol is based on knowledge of the axis of our galaxy. The I Ching or Book of Changes1 shows a “Primal Arrangement”[1] in which the cycles of Moon and Sun around the Earth are perfectly integrated into a galactic plan. I can only sketch this here but hopefuly clearly enough to explain why we may experience disasters at this transition time around 2012 and what this has to do with the Galactic Centre. The Primal Arrangement of the I Ching gives us eight trigrams and places the Trigram K’un at the base of its picture. This trigram rules the month of December, although there is here no mention of the Galactic Centre, further study does reveal that there was a conscious knowledge 2. December is the month in which the Sun passes over the Galactic Centre, the darkest month of our solar year. So we have directly an association between the Galactic Centre and the darkest month which happens to be the most Yin month and K'un the most Yin trigram with its all broken lines signifying the pure Yin nature. The head of the Yin figure is also here, whose essence is most obviously its darkness. However, this is also where we may see the eye of the light force, of Yang[2], and wherethe “tail” of Yang also begins.

In the above figure the light Yang fire ascends on the east side to the left and the dark Yin water descends on the right, but the primary axis is unchangeable and that is the vertical marked by the two eyes of Yin and Yang, Heaven and Earth, Summer and Winter, as also the Mother and Father of all incarnated life. It is from K’un that the Yang fire takes its birth and is reincarnated to create a new Earth. This Primal arrangement shows the original galactic understanding in perfected form. 1 The Primal Arrangement can be found on p.266 of the Richard Wilhelm translation of the I Ching. 2 This becomes clear when we understand the images connected to the cycles of the Moon and Sun which are connected by one vertical beam, the beam of the house- the Milky Way axis that connected Mother and Father, Heaven and Earth and without it the house would collapse in ruin. (Frank Fiedeler's book on Yin und Yang is useful).

It reveals the MYSTERY. For at the time of K’un, which is pure Yin (shown by its three broken lines), the dark principle in nature, brings both the end: the end of the day, year or cycle in general and also the beginning. K’un is omega and alpha, squashed into being out of the earth element created by the maximizing of the water element on the right side of the figure (in some ancient texts K’un was still of a water nature, Yang fire is born. In China the head of the constellation Scorpio has a star called directly Yin, which I feel couldn’t be more to the point as the Scorpion is the dark creature most associated with the deadly end of the cycle and the end of the Yin cycle, its sting is right below the Galactic Centre. This transition from Yin to Yang and also Yang to Yin can be quite disastrous. At these two points in the cycle the direction of motion changes. At the top of the cycle the rising phase ends and a falling phase begins and at the base of the cycle a falling phase ends and a rising phase begins, while at the same time light changes to dark and Yang to Yin or dark changes to light and Yin to Yang. As the dark Yin is associated with negative characteristics and its three lines of Yin are also known as three 6s we might see a connection to the Biblical description of the Beast. Yet it is surely much better to be at a time of transition from dark to light as we are now than from light to dark. Yin is most basically represented by water which falls and collects in valleys and seas and Yang is associated with rising energy.

This principle of Yin and Yang and its basic nature explains many of the prophecies and sacred texts of the past and present which have even told stories of the cycle including them animated as creatures. We can see Yang as a bird and this would associate him with Egyptian texts about the Bennu bird who rose from the primordial mound at the beginning of creation, and there is a connection between Chinese culture and the Egyptian. Yang is the Sun bird, the fire bird, the phoenix, the Bennu of Egypt born out of the volcanic womb of K’un on the Isle of Fire that once existed in Indonesia who is thought of as the mare in some cultures, and remembered in ancient Indien texts as the fire breathing mare of doom, Badavagni, but also remembered as a milk-giving cow in Egypt as also also the destructive eye of Ra, created by the fire of Ra's eye, as Sekhmet terrifying and destructive lion wife of the volcano god Ptah[3], and in most primitive form She is also the seabeast Tiamat, a great whale like sea-serpent or fish goddess representing the lower elements of earth and water, still known today as the negative or female elements.

If there is any point in the solar cycle where the fire of the Sun might go out or die before being reborn it would be at the time of the winter solstice, the place where K’un and the Galactic Centre are at present placed. One might say that in December the sun god of the year is sacrificed at the altar of the goddess that contains all years and solar sons within the dark expanse of Her greater year, the heart is plucked out in a midnight ritual and dies and is three days still, (sol-stice means sun stands still). If we are not too afraid to admit it the place where we find the Galactic Centre at the point of maximum Yin and associated with the earth might not only be associated to matter, as mater, mother but also to death, which is similar to dearth and earth, as the say- earth to earth at the funeral, but let us trust to Jesus example for…. …when it seems to have sunk into the earth never to return, it begins to rise again and return miraculously through the Earth Mother, reborn! The fire is rekindled and life goes on. So we see in the years around 2012 the transition from this falling and rather disastrous looking state of affairs to a rising and much more positive energy in Great Year terms, though of course we should maybe not expect that the transition is completed in a few years. It could take a few hundred! This is the time of year and so also of the Great Year where we may celebrate the birth of the sons of God, who are earthy representatives of the Yang principle of fire and light. They may begin to rise about three days after the solstice, Jesus birthday is thought to be the night of 24 th to 25th December. We light candles and put an angel on a tree. Angels in heaven are Yang beings. The angels who fell and mated with the daughters of earth in the Biblical stories of the Old Testament also helped cause the Fall on Earth. I believe at this time the rotation of the Moon was knocked out of line with the ecliptic and the ecliptic itself moved offline with the celestial equator so that not only did we experience a “Fall” but the Earth also fell reeling like a drunkard. This was the time the demonic and disastrous Nodes of the Moon were created: Rahu and Ketu, the time that the Indians remember with the story of the Churning of the Ocean of Milk3. However let us return to pure Yang as God who imprisoned the Yang energy of the fallen angels, (related to the Watchers, Annanuki-Anunaki, Anak, Nephilim), within the Earth until Judgment Day when the energy will rise again, it is said that the human dead will also rise and maybe if one is already alive one will be able to levitate. This is shown in the Tibetan Wheel of 3 This is also a volcanic story in which a mountain is used to churn, but it is a volcanic mountain and its poisonous vapours could have destroyed the world, but Shiva as higher aspect of the volcano takes in the poisonous vapours from the snake and gets a blue volcanic neck.

Transmigration4 in which against a dark background we see the falling half of the cycle where people struggling fall downward. At the base of the cycle we have a volcano erupting and the womb of a tiger and then the ascending phase begins with people from here on seemingly levitating their way upwards again or even flying like angels. All prophetic myths in Norse, Indian, Mesoamerican, Greek and Egyptian stories tell of the unchaining of a fiery or rising or light energy from inside the earth and of the Great Return. The Return is about the return of the Yang power rising out of or through the chakras of the body of Yin. The serpent energy was thought to travel up the human body as it also travels through the Earth’s body from the volcanic pelvis of the mother goddess. As the Goddess was forgotten the volcano gods were still at first given a snaky lower body and a bird or lion head representing their upper solar Yang nature and lower Yin reptilian nature. Typhon the volcano god as also the other Titans and even Zeus-Jupiter were pictured as part snake. Even Yahweh, our later one and only God, was once a male-female volcano deity with snaky legs and phallus and a cock’s head and wings. In China the Return of Yang comes at the end of the K’un period in December, when pure Yin is entered by the first Yang line that pierces Her from below causing “thunder in the earth”. The 8 basic trigrams are transformed in the I Ching into 64 hexagrams of which the hexagram of Fu means Return. It is the time of the winter solstice.

Fu Return “Thunder in the Earth” The fallen angels and the Sons of God, later reduced to one son of God in the New Testament were all parts of one story, the story of Yin and Yang. The hero of the story is the Yang energy we have lost. His first return will seem evil and beastly- the Anti-Christ/or volcanic Beastbut will turn to good. The transition is the Apocalypse of a new beginning: it is the good returning that will cause the Earth to rise in some areas, bringing disastrous tsunamis in all likelihood. The Yang energy returns from below where it fell: the volcano gods and kings who were swallowed up as the waters rose, will rise from the Underworld soon, pushing up a new Earth near the Equator, particularly in Indonesia near where the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami occurred. Here already the ocean floor has risen. The first Great Flood half a Great Year ago destroyed most of the volcanic giants as the Earth sank, the great “kings” and “shepherds” on Earth, and with them the spirit of the Earth began to die too. At the base of the cycle Yin reaches its maximum and Yang grows weakest, the candle flickers. But at this point, where we are now in the Great Year cycle, Yin becomes the mother of the new Yang force- a new spirit that comes from inside Her belly. Half a Great Year ago we lost the Golden Age and the volcanic mountain around which it centred. Now a new Golden Age will soon have its first grey dawn. We are still at the end of a Great Year cycle and Yin is bringing the end, as the Yin-seas reach their highest flood levels, swallowing in a whale-like mouth the lands of the past to wipe the slate clean.


See wheel of Transmigration p 11.

“And the Earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea”[4] We are at the midnight of a Great Day or the winter solstice of a Great Year ruled by the Galactic Mother, who is both at the centre of our galaxy as also the Mother of Earth and Water on which we live. She is the Mare- Mère-Mer- she is the sea and earth, she is the blue clad-Mother Mar-y, she is the white mare[5] ridden by the avatar Kalki and Jesus when they return. Before the new Great Year can begin we must reach the end of this one. The last half of this Great Year has been a descent. Yin is water and earth, its nature is to fall down just as the nature of fire is to rise up to heaven, for about 12,500 years we and our Earth have been falling into darkness. Yin is female energy and she is responsible for the Fall, yet She is also our Great Mother who gave birth to us at the beginning of the last Great Year and will give birth to the new Great Year, who created with Her partner, the fiery Yang, the volcanic paradise we lived in on Earth, where the Milky Way touched the breast of Her golden body and the milk trickled down to Earth through the Ganges. She caused our loss of Paradise and brought decay and death into the world because She [6]is the ruler of the whole cycle. Black contains all colours within itself and light is her child who is born from her and returns to her like a bird to a tree. Below we see the volcano as the power that connects heaven and earth, as womb of the Galactic Centre-Mother Earth connected to the astrological signs of the zodiac with the tropical signs of Gemini Cancer marking the Galactic Anti-Centre in the heavens.

The Sun was earlier seen to travel in the day and summer through the heavens and in the night and winter through the Underworld. Often in its too aspects it had adifferent name. But as it travelled through the Underworld it could trigger with its fiery nature volcanic eruptions. This idea is used in Revelation as the solar God-angel goes down to unlock the pit. Shammash of the Sumerians was such a solar volcanic god. As what goes up as Yang fire comes down as Yin water volcanic eruptions can turn on a sprinkler- they may result from overheating but cool the earth with a flood. Wen the waters reach there greatest strength then the fire energy of Yang is reborn from the Earth’s womb. The Galactic Centre is Eve who brought pain and death, she is Pandora who brought sickness and evils, she is the one who has caused us to become mortal, or at least our lives have shortened as is also told in stories of the length of lives of ancient kings. For the Yang energy is eternal life and light of which we were a part, before God sent us from paradise. There really was a paradise on the primordial mountain remembered in all deeply-rooted cultures. To blame for its loss is the cycle of Yin and Yang. While Yin as K’un is the root of the whole cycle, in India this area of the heavens is called Mula, meaning even more clearly root. Muladhara is also the root chakra of the body and its symbolism connects it most closely to the Galactic Centre, with its black hole that births and eats all life: its abyss and womb. This is the home of the Mother Goddess of the whole Galactic Cycle, root of the whole galactic tree.

She is the source of the kundalini snake of fire in the root “shakra” of the body- she is Shakti: She who killed herself in sorrow, who sank below the seas half a Great Year ago at the time of the Conflagration[7]. She is the mother who must bear all blame from her hungry and unhappy children at the dark end of the Great Year cycle, wh find no more fruit upon Her tree. Yet from the image of an evil gorgon-like, snake haired monster, a devil-woman, which our Goddess Mother has received in some stories, She will transform again rejuvenated in the new Great Year and become again the loving Mother of Paradise on Earth, like the Chinese goddess Kuan Yin the Compassionate One, like the bride of Jesus at the end of Revelation who offers us water for free, after a time on Earth when ( as recently told in the news) even water may cost too much to buy, or be poisoned by the apocalyptic disasters. The Galactic Centre is the giver of the waters of life, the waters to which the soul goes in the Milky Way heavens.

She is the tree of life and the Yin crocodile of the river of heaven: the Milky Way her reptilian body and the Galactic Centre both root and mouth. The man holding the pole with the bird above is standing on the Galactic Centre, crocodile snout much like Ophiucus shown roughly in the picture on the right. Both images are associated with a great snake. The bird was often used to represent the Yang energy belonging to the heavens which as you see on the right is up near Mercurial and flighty Gemini. Between Gemini and Taurus, opposite the Galactic Centre at the heavenly Anti-Centre, is also a great warrior of the heavens, the giant Orion. His huge figure with bright stars against a dark background were clear to see from all parts of the planet at least at some time marked for many cultures the symbol of Yang, opposite of the Galactic Centre. Where the Galactic Centre was Yin yet containing Yang fire hidden within- in her womb and eye, so here we have Yang containing a dark eye of Yin.

Above we see how the Yin Yang symbol may be replaced by a Star of David whose upward pointing triangle or pyramid points to the macho figure of Orion at the place we associate with Heaven and the pure Yang image of Chien. A raised or upward pointing hand, finger or weapon is an additional symbol of Yang fire, a symbol also used in Leonardo da Vinci's paintings- just as in the tarot the ace of swords represents the Yang power and in Revelation we here of Jesus tongue as a flaming sword.

Orion was perhaps a good representative of male weaknesses too he raped and chased girls and drank and once started killing so many animals and bragging about it that he angered the goddess who had him bitten by the scorpion. The downward pointing triangle is the cup of Yin or the downward arrow pointing at the Earth and Galactic Centre and Ophiucus. There is an interesting parallel between Ophiucus below and Orion above, Orion has a belt and Ophiucus has a sort of snaky belt too, myths about the two suggest dangers connected to these belts- who would loose the bands of Orion? As if this axis has to be controlled and should not be loosed. Orion himself may be one of those volcanic powers that need to be held back and controlled. I suspect that the two of them together are connected to the polar-equatorial relationship on the Earth, which could be suddenly changed at this time in the Great Year, in all likelihood through a volcanic birth. However, the disasters occurring now are timely and the end being brought on, that we might short-sightedly see as disastrous, must occur in order that the new can begin. Now we are in the valley of Kun, the waters have risen over the memory of the past. Many disasters have occurred, many floods have covered Her sacred hills as the Earth Mother was sucked of her strength. Yet the fire of a new life will kindle in Her womb and we will love Her, our Mother Earth, once again. Here I show the elementary cycle of the two basic rising and falling forces of fire and water as also the upper and lower poles of air and earth and the association to male and female qualities.

The light risen to its brightest, greatest form is represented all over the world by the bright constellation between the constellations Taurus and Gemini at the Galactic Anti-Centre, called Orion. In China, Orion was once Chien. His number was three, the three lines of the head energy of Yang and Chien were also the three stars of the bright Belt of Orion, pictured in China as a crown on the head, which are also associated with the Indian trimurti of Shiva-Vishnu-Brahma, which were the three holy mountains that made up the holy mountain of Meru. Here Meru in its trpartite form is shown below the three volcanic eyes of Shiva. The one ruling the Great Galactic Year is the central third eye. Sometimes this figure is called Mara a demon and once a goddess. In the cycle above all three mountains are visible but one is about to be bitten off, below in the apart of the cycle of the Great Year where we are now, the one central mountain is missing but just beginning to return.

The three pyramids at Giza also represent the holy Mountain represented as Taurus the

earthy representative of Paradise on Earth; the Bull of Heaven.Osiris was the Bull of Egypt as well as identified with the pyramid. Mithras born of a rock was also Orion, who slayed the Heavenly Bull, who destroyed the volcanic mountain of God, Son and Lord Bull of the Mother Goddess. Many gods like Quetzalcoatl[8] and kings like Narmer, Nimrod and Osiris and great heroes like Gilgamesh[9] were at their greatest heights of achievment associated with this constellation of the three belt stars which so nicely fits to the trigram of three Yang lines which was reflected on Earth by the volcano and particularly the central volcanic mountain of paradise- Meru. In fact if we see Orion as at the peak of the mountain of Yang he is in a sense the representative of centre and he was also known of course as the middle or centre of the heavens, just as Meru was seen as the centre and middle point on Earth, the two are closely associated and at this time the rebirth of Yang which leads up to Orion will be paralleled by the return of the holy central volcanic mountain of Meru upon whose summit the new Jerusalem will one day once again be placed. This middle of the earth was the equator and as Orion is now at the celestial equator, most exactly in 2,555 AD I believe, his belt stars are vertically above the earthly equator or equatorial belt at the earth's middle, (this is at least a small part of the secret). His immanent return as a volcano was warned of by the Indian Ocean earthquake close to the equator in Indonesia. The volcano was an absolutely essential image in the world of myth, yet just as we have forgotten the gods and goddesses so we have forgotten them, yet we cannot understand the myths without reawakening these powers.

ORION as MITHRAS with the Galactic Centre and the Scorpion, Serpentarius and Sagittarius below Meru itself, rather like Shamballah, out of which Kalki the king is to rise, is supposed to represent the meeting of two forces, heaven and earth, yin and yang, and therewith be the centre or middle of the world and as mount Meru once did, being on the Galactic axis, it united the heavenly

power with the Earth/Galactic Centre and Heaven/Orion and could be represented not just by Yin and Yang but by a Star of David, which symbol was used in India to represent the meeting of male and female powers in the volcano, whereby the upward pointing triangle was of the nature of fire like Yang. Yin and Yang were combined in yantras, mantras and sand paintings, they memorized the central mountain Meru, which was also the primal Aum and the Galaxy reflected in both its Yin and Yang aspects on the Earth.

The pyramid represented the Yang power and therefore was also Osiris, king of kings and lord of lords, as Jesus has also been named. Similar association to the Yang power could be made for Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent of Mesoamerica. As the I Ching realizes, on Earth nothing is immortal, all is bound to the wheel of change. Nothing can remain forever in Heaven, even the strongest most brilliant and greatest son of God may fall if he has a taint of mortal blood, a part made of Earth, perhaps an earthly mother, and so it was that Orion became Phaethon the youth whose mother was an earthly woman and whose father the Sun of the heavens. He caused the Conflagration on Earth half a Great Year ago when he dared to drive his father’s solar chariot through the heavens and failed and fell, just like Icarus who flew too high and melted his wings, and of course quite similar to Lucifer. This Yin Yang “Primal Arrangement” picture from Chinese wisdom can be shared with western astrology when it too recognizes its “Primal Arrangement” picture, in which the summer heavens are above and the Galactic Centre and the winter signs below, as they actually were half a Great Year ago[10] The Galactic Anti-Centre can be represented by Mercury as ruler of Gemini also. In past times these two constellations were often joined as one, Mercury is often pictured flying through the heavens with his Caduceus wand of healing showing its kundalini energy rising and sometimes even the snakes are winged.

Also Shiva, Lord of the Dance husband of Shakti,who is associated with the number 64, the number of hexagrams in the I Ching under one of his 108 names can be also Orion and he too had a bull next to him call Nandi.

Above you see an adapted Mesoamerican picture of the sacred tree integrated within a pyramidal mount. So the trunk of the tree is also the volcanic spout for the fire energy of the volcano to rise. Pyramids also had fire altars at the top. The four roots of the tree below the earth are appropriate for four was associated with the Earth and its four directions, where three and other odd numbers were associated with the heavens. Also appropriately the turtle with his four legs one for each direction often represented the northern support or base on which all rested sometimes he had a hole in the centre of his peaked volcanic house that was a fiery eye, sometimes he was associated with a snake that had a tongue of fire, so that both energies were represented. galactic axis. At this the Galactic Centre is in labour to birth from a dark descending age the

child of a light, ascending one. I hope I have given some plan to our understanding of the galaxy at this uncertain transition time of 2012 and shown that it is connected to an ancient model used by our ancestors, for even if we may say in this age of free will and “anything goes” that it is OK to visualize a tree growing from the ceiling, it is still ridiculous to visualize the “world” supported by a tortoise hanging from the heavens above, or to talk about a descending and dark age of increasing materialism such as most ancient and especially eastern cultures recognized us to be in, if it does not descend and if it is not associated with increasing dark, or increasing earthy materialism. I feel there are so many references in ancient myths, so many signposts to follow that one must come to this conclusion about what is behind us and what lies before5. END

5 I hope to deepen this understanding in the book I am working on called „Meru“.

Susan Seymour Hedke [1] Perhaps this arrangement was first understood and passed down to us by the wise Emperor Fuxi nearly 5000 years ago, gleaned from the map on the back of the wise turtle in a river that reflected the Milky Way after a terrible flood in which much knowledge was lost, but perhaps it was even older. [2] The eyes of Yin and Yang represent the phases of the Moon as do the eight trigrams to a great extent. The pattern is perfectly organized so that the Moon becomes full at the time of K’un hence the image of a white mare. But the full Moon also has an aggressive violent quality rather like the centaurs representing Sagittarius and the archer Sagittarius was also in China the Moon archer who shot down the Sun copied in the art of Zhongri. Sometimes the full Moon area of Sag. was associated with a cat like a jaguar, tiger or leopard and associated with the Sun in its underworld aspect and also with volcanic activity. I cannot deal with the Moon further in this article. [3] Ptah was associated by the Greeks with Hephaestos in turn associated with Vulcan, all were creator gods working in the volcanic smithy. [4] Arthur C. Ainger „God is working his Purpose Out“ idea from similar early Old Testament texts. [5] It is totally appropriate that mar means not only a lake but also in its negative manifestation to disfigure, flaw, blemish and mutilate- just one of the disastrous messages also attributed to the Yin element. Further the white mare they ride could be a tsunami wave. [6] Of course to rule the whole cycle She must contain He, as I see Her to do though now He is containing or rather just rejecting She. She was once the Goddess of the whole cycle and her head was at the Galactic Anti-Centre. Isis was probably such a galactic axis goddess with her head in Sirius and her tail at the Galactic Centre. [7] This story is told in Plato’s Timaeus of Phaethon and the times of great heat on Earth which caused the Earth to swoon and sink below the place where she was wont to be. [8] http://www.philipcoppens.com/orionimage.html [9] Gilgamesh is also shown on the stone tablets of the epic killing a bull (volcano) 2.bp.blogspot.com/.../s320/gilgamesh.jpg and it is interesting that he had a goddess mother and mortal father. Mithras is born of a rock and has all the hall marks of a volcano god as does the story of Jesus and also the story of Zeus etc. [10] At present we are living upside down and what we see as above is below and the Galactic Tree is hanging from the ceiling, for in present day astrology the winter solstice where the Galactic Centre is placed in the natural chart is right at the zenith, quite opposite where it would be naturally.

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