2012 And The Galactic Centre, Disaster And Return

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21 December 2012 and the Galactic Centre: the Great Year Cycle, Disaster, Kundalini, Volcano Meru, Ascension and Return – a Short Review Susan Seymour Hedke

21 June 2009

With such an enormous and newly re-membered theme as that inspired by the Galactic Centre and 2012, there is no hope of my covering or proving everything to you in these few pages. However today, at the summer solstice of the year, I would like to ask you some questions that I asked myself and give some of my own answers that may lead you a step further in your own adventure of discovery. th

What caused the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami on 26 December 2004? Here is a clue: the Full Moon was close to the Summer Solstice and the Sun close to the Winter Solstice. What caused the earthquake in Bam, Iran with fatalities of over 33,000? Another clue, it th

occurred on the same day as the Tsunami, but a year before: the 26 December 2003, as the Sun was in the same position. What caused the two earthquakes in Taiwan on 26


December 2006 that brought

emergency shut down of three atomic plants and caused a crisis in the stock market? Are you getting it? th

What caused the historic earthquake in Alaska on 26 December 2007 and the swarm of th

earthquakes that began at Yellowstone National Park on 26 December 2008? What could be the key to all these earthquakes occurring on the same date: 26


December? Why do a great number of the worst disasters in history show the Moon in the opposite

position to where the Sun was placed in these December disasters, close to the Summer 1

Solstice ? This was the case with the eruption of Krakatau in August 1883, the Moon was at the end of Gemini, the disaster of the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001 showed also the Moon at the end of Gemini and I could list over a thousand more worst ever disasters with Sun or Moon close to the solstice angles... why? Is it possible there is some force influencing our Earth and of course us, that we have not been considering, not been conscious of? Might it be an invisible force close to the Winter or Summer Solstice position that is influencing the Sun and Moon, making them react more strongly than usual? What could it be? The Mayan Prophecy predicted a disastrous end to this age involving earthquakes at the Winter Solstice of 2012. Do I dare to say it out loud- („Voldemort“): Will there be a great earthquake on 21


December 2012? Do not tell me that the Maya never predicted anything disastrous at the end to their age – that it was just their calendar that ended in 2012, something to throw in the bin when it is outdated. Disaster and the end of an age were synonymous for the Maya and the Aztecs and many other cultures who based their calendars on astronomical/astrological considerations. Many of them, from observations or a shared source forgotten by us, could agree as to what ruled and what caused the end of an age. 2

For instance, the last age before the one beginning in 3113 BC was called 4 Rain and it ended in a Great Flood. Both Maya and Aztec traditions have left records similarly describing the end date before us as coming in a December and this seems to be almost everywhere translated as 2011 or 2012. Both cultures saw this age as ruled by earth. The Maya called this age 4 Earth or 4 Caban 1 In astrology the signs Gemini and Cancer are up at the Summer Solstice and Sagittarius and Capricorn down at the Winter Solstice 2 There has been some uncertainty as to whether 3113 BC or 3114 is the correct year for the beginning.

– what ruled the age destroyed it. In other words the earth element will be involved in destroying it. The Aztec name of the age was Sun of Earthquake – Nahui-Olin means Sun of earthquake, movement, shift. How did I discover that it was the Galactic Centre that was the missing body? Well there I am very endebted to Google, to John Major Jenkins and the work of Linda Schele, to the Mayans and of course at root to the Galactic Centre who made me curious enough to ask and provided me with all the answers. For the Mayan knew about the Galactic Centre but they were not the only ones who knew about Her. It seems there were many ancient cultures that knew a lot more in many ways than we do now, but here I will leave alien intervention out of the story. Certainly all ancient cultures seem to have known about Her, She was the Milky Way Mare or Cow in Her peaceful aspect – She was Hera in Greece- the cow-eyed one, in Egypt She was Nut or Hathor (associated with the Scorpio area close to the position of the Galactic Centre, as also Neith, and in Her destructive moments She was truly fearful, then she had no milk for Her children, but fire came out of Her darkest womb of earth, She transformed into the lion-headed Sekhmet, wife of Ptah ( Brahma-Hephaestus-Vulcan) with the Shining Eye of Ra, also called the Left Eye of Horus: the Eye of Destruction. In India She was Shakti, wife of Shiva: she was the Kundalini snake whose rising in fire was Durga dressed in red like the whore of Babylon, riding a lion or tiger - the fiery beast of an enraged volcanic earth – struggling to give birth while engaged in war and who at the peak of the volcanic battle releases the most terrible Kali from her third eye. Durga has come to destroy a raging Bull in past history, sometimes the Goddess comes to sacrifice the Bull son of the Celestial Mother Cow. Hera-cles hero son of the Death Mother was sacrificed on an oak tree (tree of the Sun) at the Summer Solstice. Taurus the Bull is the Lord-God of the Goddess Cow: the Bull represents the Sun - the sacrificial King - son of the Goddess- the Bull was sacrificed as Attis bull son of Cybele, as Mithras sacrificed a Bull,

Orion and the Bull Taurus at the Galactic Anti-Centre peak of heaven with the Scorpion below at the base as Gilgamesh fought and killed Gut-anna the Bull of Heaven - the God-Gud in heaven. He could be the stallion to Her mare too, and She could be the fiery mare Badavagni Vadavamukha breathing doom when the End Time comes around again. The Biblical Tribulation , thought to come at the end of the age or „end of the world“ is described in Matthew as worse if it will come in the winter, and warns us to beware of the thief in the night, and of the coming of the Bridegroom at midnight. Who is this Bridegroom? What comes or begins his return to us just after the darkest time of midnight and breaks into our house just after the darkest time of the year, after the Winter Solstice when the Sun stands still- after it has died crucified on Her altar- returning to be reborn? Are we talking about the Sun? It is the conjunction of the Sun with the Galactic Centre at the Winter Solstice, now at this 3

time, a special alignment only occurring once in every c. 25,000 years to end the Great Year cycle, to place us on the Holy Cross of the alignment between galactic plane and solar plane and after three days- three years or three hundred, perhaps of utter darkness we will see the Return of the Light. 3 25,920 years is the usual length given to the Great Year, yet they seem to vary in length, and even from great month to great month precession changes- some see a half Great Year as 12,000 years, while others are close to 13,000 years. I favour the date 10,468 BC or c 12,500 BP for the First Great Catastrophe- Conflagration and Fall of the Earth, which means one Great Year is likely closer to 25,000 years. This also fits better to the pattern of mega volcanic eruptions that I believe occur at the end of each Great Year, with Toba now placed about 75,000 BP.

The key held, is held by the Underworld aspect of the solar principle. The Sun has his helpers, his Underworld aspects – these are Ori-on who up with the Bull of Heaven is placed at the high point of the heavens - the male hero who represents the peak of the mountain of the Sun- of Yang – at the Galactic Anti-Centre. For Heaven was no wide expanse, it drew to a peak- the highest heaven was the peak of the holy volcanic mountain and its holy eye of fire – as shown on the dollar note. The Galactic Centre is the base and root in the Underworld - home of the Goddess- so the Bridegroom comes in the night to unlock Her door- before which the virgins are waiting for Christ. The coming together of Bride and Bridegroom is the Rapture. Babyl-on, Abadd-on, Apolly-on and a host of others with not such obvious names - all names to unlock that Underworld door- the womb of the Goddess- the muladhara: Babylon what mystery if you read the name - Gate of the Underworld Sun God through which he will come.

Here the Mystery is revealed by the angel in the pit at the base with the key- with a cube

behind symbolizing the muladhara and Meru the holy mountain at the centre of the Earth

The son of perdition will return from here, but the falling away must come first. We are at the base of the Great Year cycle at the Winter Solstice and at the root – mula - of the Great Year. A Great Tree which was once cut down will soon return.

Here the stump- the remnant of the tree that cannot be fully destroyed that once grew so high that is also the Muladhara chakra and represented by constellation Ophiucus above i

the Galactic Centre struggling with Serpentarius . This is about opening the gate so that the fire root of spirit can return from beneath the Earth from the Underworld as also from within our own dying bodies to be reborn. The Return - the Great Return - has been prophecied in many deeply rooted stories: the Return of the Phoenix, the Return of Jesus in his second Coming, the Coming of the Son of Man, the Return of Osiris, of Mithras, of Vishnu as Kalki, Rudra Cakrin or DumuziTammuz, even King Arthur was given the same birthday as most of our greatest heroes, born three days after the winter solstice when the Sun begins its return – on 25


December of each year. Do you see the connection between the excitement about the Return (and a time of spiritual ascent) with the earthquakes occurring each year in December?

Do you see from where the most disastrous and most important event will come? Not from the heavens but out of Mother Earth and the blue blue seas- out of the Mare- Mar, Mer, Mère, Mary and as I believe close to the sunken land dedicated to Her – Kumari Kandam. The Sun at this time, after the Winter Solstice is in a cardinal earth sign known in western astrology as Capricorn, cardinal means it brings a new beginning through the Earth. Its symbol is like Oannes a man-goat with a serpent-fish tail. He may be seen rising out of the underworld on a mountain side- in a sense he represents evolution- the beginning of a climb up the mountain after a time of descent. This is where the Galactic Centre will soon be placed in the Sun sign of Capricorn ruled by Saturn. We are near the beginning of an age ruled by Saturn instead of Jupiter as the Galactic Centre's helper. He is Satan or Tezcatlipoca and ironically as omega transforms to alpha he is the Father of the Golden Age Jesus – Quetzalcoatl and father creator of the holy mountain. He - Saturn-Brahma-Ptah sits in the muladhara from where he will bring the rise - and the katun of our fathers will ascend on high... these valleys of the Earth will come to 4

an end...

Chinese understanding and other myths and world pictures support that this dark time of the Great Year is ruled by earth – which also of course explains the materialism. We are at the end of a time however in which the Earth, and its sacred places: its giants and angels have fallen- Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when

the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children... volcanic children- volcanoes are fathered by the spirit of heaven and out of the mother earth just as Jesus was – all the demi gods and super heroes represented this elemental marriage- the fall of spirit to the earth and from there to hell – thats what the descending half of the Great Year brought. As the Yang energy diminished they sank below the seas and became the Fallen Angels and we have lived without them in the sorrowful valleys of Kun. It is the Sun rising in the Earth that causes what the Chinese I Ching describes in the hexagram Fu – Return - this is their name for the Winter Solstice- Yang rises as „Thunder

in the Earth“.This rising energy is a fire energy- a fire that rises from below in the Earth: and the dragon gave him his power- the fire breathing dragon is Yang rising serpent like out of the earth: this is also the real riddle that the volcanic Sphinx has hidden better 4 Tizimin p.16.

remembered in the Greek islands where the name sphinx came from to strangle and where the vapours of the volcanic sphinx often killed people on the road to Rhodes. The Galactic Centre's present alignment with the Winter Solstice is the base cause and root of all the disasters, climate warming, pole melting, spoon bending and earth changes occurring now. This is the reason why we can expect great earthquakes, thunder in the earth. 5

But as Jesus said, earthquakes and wars are just the beginnings of the birth pains in the future they will lead to the volcanic birthing and raising of a new Earth described in the Whore of Babylon and the end of Revelation. In the heavens the GC is aligned with what Indian Hindus knew as Mula - the root or tail they also associated with Ketu the dragons tail, between Scorpio (whose head contains a star that in the chinese constellation is called Yin and marks Yin's strongest position) and Sagittarius constellations making it the place of disaster. In China it is associated with K'un

(the month of Nov-December) and made up of all Yin lines, and from which originate so many sacred words ( just as some that have been desacrated- from hollow place- Kunt has become cunt- the word for female sex organs. K'un is the most extreme yin position. It is the root- it is the womb. The Galactic Centre is the source and root of the tree of Knowledge and Life, she is Life's womb. She is where the Kundalini snake is at home, wher Ida and Pingala meet, where the Yoni caresses the Linga. It is from the base, the Muladhara that the serpent of Her Kundalini rises.

Muladhara home of the Kundalini and representing the Galactic Centre as also the Yin 5 Sometimes interpreted from the Greek as sorrows.

womb containing the phallus and the fiery snake, its four petals/corners suggest its quality- 4 is the earth.The OM symbol is also a symbol of Yoni and Linga united – fire within the earth- earth is yellow- fire is red. Kundalini rises up to the Galactic Anti-centre along the true axis at the ancients worshipped - to become the winged serpent - rises from the Earth's body as the Phoenix and the Indian Garuda were born from volcanic flames. It is not the polar axis that the ancients worshipped, not the celestial north pole was the tip of the axis mundi of the tree in which the bird of paradise sat but the Galactic Anti-Centre- that was heaven.

That was what we lost half a Great Year ago after a terrible war. At the top of this axis is Orion dancing as Nataraja-Shiva. Yet he caused our fall as Lucifer-Satan-Phaethon, as he fell - the Great World Mountain fell flaming that had reached to Heaven in a chariot created by Ptah-Brahma-Saturn-Satan- son of God and risen too high he fell - having erupted and made war with the heavens – pieces of his body reached to America and exploded over the snow having dropped back down from the stratosphere- that was no comet that was our holy mountain going to pot- its destruction – Satan Phaethon - covered the earth in a thin layer of gold dust - for as it was the mountain of the Sun and the Golden Age it was largely composed of this.

Orion is the mighty warrior or hunter before the Lord (El) and he stood before the Solar Bull of Heaven. When a volcano erupted the Bull would snort and thunder and Orion would raise his club of war. Orion has the most influence on when volcanoes erupt. He is the bright giant constellation whose two almost triangular upper and lower body parts meet at the belt, a belt many do not dare to loosen- with which he is enchained- for who would „loose the bands of Orion“ he, now Satan, fallen in the Underworld is also the Son of God as Jesus, but Satan

represents the Fall though once good – how art thou fallen son of the morning - and Jesus Christ the Messiah is his face as the returning mountain and ascending phase, forever good - Jesus-Osiris good because they are the fire- immortal- the pure element that washes out all sins on its rising – yet in his underworld aspect he was called the thief. Orion was told of and drawn in nearly all the countries of the world back to cave times and his significance as the Peak of Heaven the Most Yang and eternal solar area was 6

understood. He represented the middle of the heavens - the centre- as his mountain once was the central axel of the world.

The volcanic mountain associated with the wheel of the Sun, it was the axle and centre connecting heaven and earth, it was the wheeled chariot of the sun god

Orion is Quetzalcoatl, he is Mithras, he was what all heroes were modelled on and their plight as we all fell. He was Gilgamesh, his belt was (as his been discovered recentlyBauvall) reflected on Earth in the three pyramids at Giza in Egypt and encorporated into the City of the Gods in Mexico, and to temples in Varanesi - Benares on the sacred Ganges in India. This may be a terrible time in many ways but the strange aligning of all the heavenly 7

bodies to significant places on Earth has been approaching for thousands of years, and has been the hope of so many generations, a door will close but a new door will open to a new beginning – as the door I suspect closes on many lands of the North- a long winter's sleep - the Golden Age will return at the equator and to the South, as Orion's belt on the celestial equator aligns with the equatorial belt of Earth, close to where the Tsunami occurred. The southern hemisphere now under water and the equatorial lands were the home of the Golden Age we lost 12,500 years ago. Yet there at the equator the mountain of the Sun - of paradise-Meru- symbol of the Golden Age, will begin to rise again.

6 The word al-jauza apparently comes from the Arabic jwz meaning 'middle', http://www.ianridpath.com/startales/orion2.htm 7 Read „The Star Mirror“ by Mark Vidler

We are at the base- the root-muladhara ,where the volcanic mountain Meru returns that was lost at the top of the circle half a Great Year back. This may be a terrible time but also a joyous one, for the serpent of life's energy is beginning to rise from its deep slumber in the Earth and out of the end, of Omega, (symbol also of the Goddess) the Bull's head of Alpha will rise from the seas, the Son of ManBeast 666 returning as the world mountain, the holy mountain of God we lost, as the Golden Age ended, as the World fell, as Paradise sank below the waters

Mount Meru was also visualized as the golden stamen at the centre of the world lotos

Meru was also the axle (mountain) of the chariot, around which the wheel of the Sun and the ecliptic revolved, it was the axle and the phallus and the tree - Yggdrasil- that connected Earth to Heaven - that stabilized it (Osiris was called the stabilizer- it was his fall broken- the loss of his phallus as Set- Satan- Typhon the volcanic side erupted that broke him and caused his phallus to fall into the Indian Ocean


This part of the world was where the phallus of Shiva-Osiris-Orion, also Mount Meru, fell into the Indian ocean. The Ganges once originated on Meru's peak. It was a triple mountain (see right side like Angkor Wat) but was known to have had an enormous tree like extension reaching far up into the heavens- described in ancient texts as a great tree or the tail of a bull - because of its supposed mythical height- it was assumed it could 8 This I am still working on and it could take a few ceturies, which I may not have, to prove it adequately!

never have existed – yet the Ninety East Ridge is the longest straight line ridge on the earth's surface and looking at the way it is broken and the parallel faulting of the ground it would be worth examining more closely. After it fell, as the Summer Solstice crossed the Galactic Centre and the snake entered Eden, its foundation was continually recreated, as in the Temple of Shiva at Chidambaram, S. India (which reminds of many names in history including the high priests of the Maya - the Chilam Balam) and which also awaits an end time to the south where the sphinx creatures face south looking into the Indian Ocean to see the return of the volcanic mountain of God- of Shiva as Nataraja performing his fiery dance, but of course the tallest part of the mountain could never be recreated in its full height, though the Tower of Babylon was an attempt. It was called Etemenanki.

Its Sumerian name was E-temen-an-ki means "House of the foundation of Heaven on Earth“, it was a copy of an even earlier temple by the same name in Uruk-Akkad. All these places attempted to recreate the mountain of the centre of the world – yet they were left incomplete without a benben stone at their peaks- without the living tree, left as a stump that reminds of the muladhara. In memory of this mount the Shiva Linga is worshipped and the Ben Ben column and other pillars were erected. An Omphalos was erected at holy centres that seek to copy and represent the centre of the world - their Djed column, the staff of Jacob, the iron pillar, Delphi and Delhi and Akkad, Uruk, and Babylon, many have tried to replace it but none could. This centre that was there, that was felled like a great tree, whose fall caused the angle of the ecliptic to tilt to 23.5 and the Earth to reel like a drunkard is returning.

Now the Bridegroom and the Bride will meet and Shiva will turn back to Shakti who will sinuously embrace him again. Now paradise is being reborn, like a phoenix it will come

flying in the clouds from the Isle of Fire, from Indonesia, as the rainbow spirit of the Earth awakes and the cry of creation is heard again.

OM © Susan Seymour Hedke

21 June 2009

i http://www.bible-codes.org/merry_bel-mas_code.htm

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