Neptune, The Galactic Centre, Floods, Storms And Tsunami

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Neptune, the galactic Centre and this years' Flood, Storm and Tsunami ? th

26 May 2009 S. Seymour Hedke


he little country village where I live in the heart of Germany is very peaceful. It

is far from the dangers of the wide world and the shifting oceans, rather like the Shire where the hobbits lived in the film Lord of the Rings. But today the dark clouds from Mordor have reached my green and pleasant land and the winds are lashing at the trees that are roaring, like mighty waves rolling up a beach. I thought I was going to be safe here, at least I hoped so. After discovering that the Galactic Centre was responsible for the increasing climate and other disasters occurring now, and connecting it to the Mayan Prophecy of a disastrous end to our age coming on st

21 December 2012, I had been writing away about all the disasters in the world, past, present and future, but no winds of change or waters of dissolution had reached me. 1

The first time I felt the galactic force myself was when I poked my head out of the window of my haven in the middle of the night, as the hurricane like winds of the storm th

Kyrill raced by. That was on January 18 2007. The little backroad between the houses was transformed into an alien abode, the grey wind moved through it, sleek and even and unrelenting, carrying its victims with it as if through the pipe of some huge dark vaccuum cleaner. The second time I met these powers of doomsday, we were all just coming out of the theatre: a friend had got me out of my little office and taken me to town to free my head from disasters. After the show we laughingly walked to the top of the descending stone stairs outside and paused. The sky in front of us was an azure blue and the sun shone, inviting to a nice little chat about the show, when a man next to us looked up and said:

„Looks like the end of the world“. We all looked. From behind the theatre a huge black cloud had approached. It stretched straight across the wide sky from one far horizon to the other as if about to cover the whole world. Looking to the west from where it came one sought for a hold in the black nothingness, it was as if the world ended in this complete and utter darkness. It might be likened to the „Nothing“ approaching inThe Never Ending

Story to bring the end of Phantasialand. The cloud was certainly drawing the final curtain 2

and mankind would strutt and fret upon the stage no more . It was moving fast to swallow us and was nearly over our heads already: “Out, out brief candle, life's but a walking 1 Mars was conjunct the Galactic centre and Pluto at this time, and Uranus in Pisces was involved conjunct the north node. There was also a conjunction and opposition involving Neptune and a bow to Jupiter conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. 2 Macbeth solilique, Shakespeare


shadow... “ We all started running for our cars. I was really scared. We drove for forty minutes racing at the rim of its mouth, always driving towards the light: on the horizon was still la glimmer of hope. I thought of my daughter who was camping out. I even prayed. Behind us the lightning was a lurid red like blood, the thunder deep and menacing. Well I will cut the story short, the horror continued for a night but we survived. Again this storm was quite unlike anything I had experienced in my earlier life. As I was a child I asked my mother about the possibility of a war in my life time, for I thought war was the greatest thing to fear in this world. She said it was extremely likely. I had nightmares about it, fed further by the war films on TV and the stories of my East Prussian father who had come to England as a German prisoner of war. But no one ever told me about the likelihood that we would soon be at war with a force that could be much more terrifying than humanity, with Nature! No even that word conjures up too many comforts, more we seem to be at the beginning of a struggle with the raw powers of a monster cosmos. Since that time at the theatre, another storm, with terrible, deadly hail stones caused many flower pots in the „shire“ to break. There was more serious damage too. Large numbers of trees were thrown across the road that was buried in a jungle of green leaves. What with this danger of falling or fallen trees, a hail which smashed window panes and even the blinds supposed to protect them, general flying objects and great floods of suddenly appearing water, it would not have been possible to go anywhere to escape if things got worse- not with a car, a plane, a horse or anything. In this little village there hasnt been much to talk about since World War II and before that I think nothing had changed since the time the Brothers Grimm collected their stories here, so people talked about the last storm for many months. A few people who knew what I was writing about rang me up with voices humbled by the magnitude of their shock and admitted I might be right with all that humbug I'd been writing. That last storm occurred as Jupiter conjunct the Galactic Centre and sextiled


Neptune. The earthly cause may have been a sand storm carried from the overheated Sahara. But what will this year bring? I am thinking that the conjunction of Jupiter with Neptune and Chiron aspecting the Galactic Centre this year, is going to bring some very bad storms and floods and possibly 3


4 The sextile is a c. 60° aspect.

other water disasters to the world before the year is out. This conjunction will last more or th

less all year, but today on 26 May all three bodies are in 26° Aquarius and sextiling the Galactic Centre in c. 26° 59' of the sign Sagittarius. Also today these three bodies are further aspected by the Moon moving from Gemini (air sign) into Cancer (water sign) and so opposite the Galactic Centre with Pluto close to the winter solstice, these all aspect those three bodies in Aquarius. The transit of the Moon into Cancer I have followed on its monthly circuits with some curiosity, since the full Moon close to the summer solstice in December 2004 set off the tsunami in which so many died and it has regularly brought floods and other water disasters. Increasingly the Moon can move into watery Cancer and remain in contact with watery Neptune that is also nearing its own water sign Pisces: the heavens may soon look like the flood serpent of ancient myths shown by Aztec and Mayan illustrations; like the dragon-crocodile creature pouring the floods out of its mouth at the end of the world as shown in the Dresden Codex. The possibility that 2009 could be a more disastrous year than 2008, which was the worst in terms of costly water disasters since the 2004-5 period, and that it might even affect hobbit land, was fully apparent before today. Already the neighbour had been over to visit, wringing her hands and telling how her truck-driving son had witnessed terrible things on his journeys through Germany; crops of bright yellow rapeseed flattened in the mud and flooded fields. How would the farmers survive it? 5

In 2004 it had been the trine between Jupiter and Neptune that had been largely to blame for that unexpected tsunami.

Fig.1.The Indian Ocean



Tsunami on 26th December 2004 occurred as 6

a bow between Jupiter and Neptune pointed at Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic Centre, part of a larger bow and arrow between the full Moon, Sun, Pluto, Uranus, South Node and the GC.

5 A trine is a c. 120° aspect, usually allowing an 8° orb. 6 A bow is an aspect I have invented after noticing the bow and arrow formation of the aspects at the Tsunami.

After the Tsunami I did some research and discovered that these bodies, Jupiter aspecting Neptune, and usually also aspecting the Moon, were involved in 14 out of 15 of the worst tsunamis in history. On this point of „other water disasters“ it is interesting that „freak waves“ are increasingly rushing around our ocean. They are sometimes 30 meters or 100 feet high. Hundreds of ships have been lost. One of them was the S.S. München on th

12 December 1978

Fig. 2. Ship München hit by freak wave in December 1978, all on board lost Fig. 2. shows Neptune, Mars and Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre. An early example of Neptune's involvement in causing water disasters, especially those of the mysterious kind, where in this case the ship just disappeared. The South Node being in Pisces in T square was certainly no help. At 3 am a garbled S.O.S. was received as Pluto was on the ascendant. Later the ocean regurgitated some twisted screws of the ship i

suggesting it had been demolished by enormous forces. Such waves as those in 1978 are being recorded with increasingly frequency. But back to December 2004, the two planetary rulers of our Piscean Age slid apart soon after the Tsunami and peace returned to Middle Earth. It was not until August 2005 that they trined each other again for Hurricane Katrina.

Fig. 3. Hurricane Katrina August 29 2005, shows a bow to Jupiter conjunct South Node conjunct Venus and a bow to Neptune, as well as a bow to Pluto and the Galactic Centre. Just look at that perfect chart above. It couldnt describe better, what it created. As the levees collapsed Saturn was up on the midheaven in a T square in Leo ( sign of the big city) and the walls came a tumbling down. When air disasters occur, like hurricanes and tornadoes, the air signs or planets are involved. In the case of Hurricane Katrina Neptune was in Aquarius, an air sign. The South 7

Node with Venus and Jupiter also in the air sign Libra. Uranus, ruler of an air sign and 8

therefore taking the quality of air , is strongly involved in hurricanes and tormadoes, and was opposite the Sun in the water sign of Pisces, and airy Mercury (too close to Lilith and Saturn for comfort) and ruler of the air sign Gemini was rising opposite Neptune and shooting the arrow in the windy bow that sent the flood. The other body to look for by such disturbances of the air, was afflicted by its nearness to Lilith and Saturn in a T square and opposition to Neptune. Both Neptune and Jupiter were emphasized by a bow and arrow. The opposition of Jupiter and Neptune before that date, in mid August 2002, caused the „Flood of the Century“ in Europe and quite a few rain-drenching storms. th

Today, 26 May, the opposition of the Moon moving over the summer solstice point 7 The Nodes and particularly the South Node is most significant in explaining the kind of disaster, one can usually say that if the South Node in an air sign is pointed at by a bow it will mean that the disaster has something to do with air! 8 I first learned of him from H. Sasportas as the higher octave of Mercury, also in myth Hermes, who travels through the air.

and into Cancer, brought a reversal from record heat for many places in Germany to cold and rain, or even hail the size of golf balls. This had happened once before I remember, on th

28 June 2006, as the Sun was just over the summer solstice point in Cancer and still opposite the Galactic Centre, when hail in the Black Forest area had also been the size of large golf balls. A similar hailstorm in Tokyo shown in the film The Day After Tomorrow was the forewarning of a superstorm created by the Gulf Stream breaking down that triggered a sudden ice age in the northern hemisphere. th

On the 26 May huge tornadoes were shown on the news whirling over Berlin in the darkened skies, where shortly before people had been sitting out at the cafés in the sunshine. Spain too had record hail today. In Bangladesh and India a cyclone was ripping off the roofs, soon after I heard from a friend that the cyclonic winds had swept through ii

Thailand as well. In North East Australia flooding also came on the news, 20,000 people had left their homes, but this had been going on for a longer time. In South China a river had flooded just in the last day or two with 1000s of homes destroyed and 15 people dead. Everywhere one heard, flooded houses, rains and storm damages. I know from my research that Neptune, water, in Aquarius, an air sign, (so equally suggestive of air and water disasters,) aspecting the Galactic Centre and in aspect to Jupiter has caused a great number of airborne water disasters, sometimes connected to El Nino. Neptune can certainly be shown to have been involved: in 500 AD the El Pital culture in Mexico collapsed as flooding occurred. Jupiter and Neptune were both conjunct the Galactic Centre at the end of that year, Saturn was opposite, and Uranus in Pisces. El Pital were replaced by the El Tajin culture until 1100 AD when another flood 9

occurred that wiped them out. El Nino floods had occurred particularly in 1995 over parts of the American continent, but the deposit resulting was 10-15 cm thick. The layers for the floods in 500 AD and 1100 AD were in contrast ten times as thick being each over 100 cm or 40 inches thick. Evidence for these flood events appears in sediment cores taken from from the seabed off the Gulf coast. The author comments that it appears there have been iii

historic megafloods . In 1100 AD the North Node was conjunct the Galactic Centre. They trined Neptune and Pluto and were opposite Jupiter and South Node in Gemini. Probably the most famous flood inthe last few thousand years was The Great Flood of 1332 in China. It began a rather unfortunate period in history. And is considered the 9 El Nino it was noticed tended to arise out of the ocean to the west of South America just befor Christmas, so the description El Nino refers to the baby born at Christmas: the baby Jesus.

probable origin of the Bubonic Plague, better known as the Black Death, the worst ever remembered disaster for humanity.

Fig. 4: 1332 The Great Flood in China The exact date for the Great Flood of 1332 is uncertain, but was probably in the summer, which I have given. Yet the flood seems to have remained there for a while, as millions of people and animals were forced to migrate. By the Autumn of the year Saturn had moved forward to oppose Pluto in Pisces as well, in a grand cross with Neptune in early Capricorn.

Fig: 5. The Black Death reached Europe in June 1348, Neptune in Aquarius

The Black Death reached its peak from 1348 to 1350. In 1348 a bow formed pointing at Neptune conjunct the South Node made by Pluto and the Galactic Centre. Sometimes in the year a Star of David could form, as shown above in Fig. 5 for June 1348 when the Sun opposed the Galactic Centre and the Plague arrived in Europe. Also at this time there was another terrible flood in Peru, again an El Nino event. The Chiribaya lived on the Peruvian coastal plains. Many of their fields were on high ground to protect them from flooding. But in 1350 AD a major El Nino event caused such massive rains and flooding that the towns were all but destroyed and field and irrigation systems devastated. Archaeologists estimate that 80% of the population died from the iv

flooding and the starvation that followed . A documentary in German TV told that this terrible flooding caused the demise of the Lambayeque culture, known as the Sican, who also lived near the coast in Peru. Until recently it had been thought that this not too long ago discovered culture of great pyramid builders and workers in metals had been defeated in battle by the Chimú in 1350, but it seems to have been more the terrible El Nino effects that destroyed them.

Fig. 6. Lambayeque (Sican) culture destroyed by a Flood in 1350 as Neptune in Aquarius sextiled the Galactic Centre conjunct the South Node.

Looking back at other worst ever periods in history involving earthquakes with tsunamis, floods, famines and plagues, one of those years was obviously 365 AD when two tsunamis occurred in the Meditteranean area within a month of each other. This shows a similar pattern to 1350 AD with Neptune in Aquarius sextile the Galactic centre, but for that matter this is a similar pattern to now, and is also a similar pattern to an even earlier disastrous period I uncovered: the crucifixion date according to the research of Bernd Metz rd

and my own, with its earthquake and three hours of darkness occurred on April 3 33 AD. This was the only date when all factors necessary agree, an eclipse of the Moon, a Friday, a preparation for Passover which started at sundown on the Friday. Jewish, Greek and Roman historians wrote of the earthquake and dated it. Here Neptune was moving for the first time in this Great Year through Aquarius in sextile to the Galactic Centre in the tropical sign of Sagittarius.


Fig. 7. The Crucifixion 3 April 33 AD, first Neptune sextile Galactic Centre/ Pluto The nodes were involved and Neptune was in a bow to the GC again, and also in a Star of David aspect - as I call it. This disaster, as I show in my book, may have been much larger than we realize for the Mormon's tell that at the crucifixion time the most terrible disaster with the sinking of whole cities into the city, occurred and there was darkness for three years.Evidence of volcanic eruption around this time has also been found. On July 21

st v

and August


21 365 AD tsunamis are documented that hit the

Mediterranean coast, the first demolished Crete the second certainly destroyed much of Alexandria for which there were eye witness accounts. Again a Star of David formed with Neptune in Aquarius. (see fig. 8.)


Fig. 8. August 21 365 AD Tsunami Alexandria, Neptune sextile Galactic Centre Neptune sextiling the Galactic centre from Aquarius, when other planets also were involved turned out to be a pattern for disasters all down through the centuries! The worst series of disasters began in the early 6


century as Neptune again

sextiled the Galactic Centre. This was the time King Arthur was supposed to have been alive. It could have been associated with the story of the land going to waste. This would 10

have made it necessary to go out to seek the grail to heal both land and king. The disasters coincided with the start of, or certainly deepening of the Dark Ages, and may be an explanation for the collapse of flourishing empires at this time. It appears to mark a turning point in human history. The sun reportly became dim in 535 AD and the darkness lasted for 18 months. The grapes did not ripen and using sugar of lead in Britain as a sweetener caused lead poisoning. Meteors were sighted, earthquakes occurred and volcanoes apparently erupted. Possibly Krakatau ( April 535 AD?) was the major culprit but as little record is found in the Greenland ice, a heavenly component may have caused the terrible plagues and halving of the population in Europe. Crops failed all over the world, from the British Isles through Europe and Italy, into the Middle East of Mesopotamia,and the Far East of China. In some parts of China, 70-80 per cent of the population died. 10 The grail was once I believe consciously associated with the female forces, or Yin forces: the Goddess Mary, and she with the Galaxy itself and partcularly the Milky Way, the goddess was Nut the starry heavens the Milky Way her breast and the Galactic Centre her womb, she might cause disastres but only she knew how to heal them and contained the waters of immortality in her life bringing womb.



A major earthquake occurred on November 23 533 AD at that time this was when the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre.


Fig. 9. Earthquake November 23 533 AD, Neptune Aquarius Neptune was not just in ancient times associated with the oceans but was also Poseidon the Earth Shaker thought to be the cause of earthquakes. Of course these things are connected and a Mr Browning has had some success in predicting when and where vii

earthquakes will occur through studying tidal changes. . Looking at merely the last 2000 years of difficult periods one can see that it is never one kind of disaster alone that occurs, but that when catastrophe occurs they occur in groups. An earthquake may lead to a volcanic eruption and they may have been triggered by some gamma ray explosion or galactic wave or meteor. The disturbances cause sickness and as Mother Earth attempts to redress the problems, other kinds may be created, as flooding and cooling may result from solar flares, over-heating and the turning on of the volcanic sprinklers. Of course all these natural and human disasters on Earth are connected to phases when the Galactic Centre is being aspected by the outer heavenly bodies. Where Neptune is involved we can be certain that water will also cause some of the disasters


However let us look at some recent storms and similar events connected to the Galactic Centre and Neptune.


In the 19 century the period 1810 to 1822, as Pluto in Pisces squared the Galactic Centre and Uranus and Neptune were conjunct it, produced a great number of disasters. Particularly memorable to the world were shipwrecks like the french ship Medusa that ran nd

aground on 2 July 1816 and reached news headlines when the crew were discovered on a

raft having been reduced to cannibalism. The scene was painted on a huge canvas by Eugene Delacroix. Then there was the whale ship Essex on 22


November 1820 which was

abandoned, this was fuel for Melville's book

Moby Dick. A few major earthquakes also occurred, like the New Madrid Earthquake in America that th


began on the night of the 15 to 16 December 1811. New Madrid Earthquake December 1811 The Christmas Eve Storm of 1811 was also memorable to the Brits. Ships were also important for the war with France and on this night seven ships were lost. Shortly after midnight on Christmas Eve 1811,ships named St. George and Defence went aground at Jutland, Denmark. Within three hours both of the ancient ships were beaten to bits by the surging waves. Of the 865 men on St. George, 12 survived. On Defence

only six men of the 560

aboard were left.

At 3 am on the 24


Hero struck ground and of the 550 on board only 8 survived. Four other ships and their crew could be added to these numbers and 1,900 + lost their lives. Fig. 10. Christmas Eve Gale 1811 Neptune conjunct Galactic Centre

Tambora erupted in 1815 and great tsunami waves rolled in over the islanders, bringing the boats into the houses that were at the same time collapsing from the ash, as also from the hurricane force winds that occurred as Uranus and Neptune moved over the ascendant later in the evening. The natives hoped the gods had come to their aid against the British invaders, but no, it was just another disaster for those who already were suffering most. I suppose being spiritual is the only way to survive such defeats for the mortal body.

Fig. 11. The Volcano Tambora in Indonesia erupted April 1815 and over 90,000 died. The Tambora eruption was the most deadly volcanic eruption in recent times, Uranus, Neptune and the disastrous South Node were conjunct the Galactic Centre. Also in these years Napoleon finally met his Waterloo after a series of near scrapes, like his journey to Russia where he lost most of his men. Waterloo occurred on th

18 June 1815 as both Neptune (appropriate name Water-loo for a Neptune disaster) and the South Node were conjunct the GC. He was banished to a lonely island in the sea. Exile and suffering is often associated to Neptune and Pisces. 1816 saw snow in June in America and storms because of Tambora's eruption. It was a tragic time, many writers and artists were living miserable lives struggling with the poverty and sickness that we remember as the Romantic Movement.

Most of them, like John Keats, Shelley and Byron, as also the Bronte sisters in their cold home on the Yorkshire moors, died young. For one whole week it stormed and poured with rain in the Summer of 1816 and terrifying lightning flashes occurred as the young group of Romantic poets stayed with Byron near lake Geneva. Forced to stay in Mary Shelley began writing her famous novel Frankenstein. Already January of the year 1816 had caused a bad storm. Fig. 12. Tramore Bay Storm 30th January 1816 and Neptune, S. Node conjunct Galactic Centre By this Tramore Bay Storm of 1816 four ships were wrecked with the loss of 612 lives. Another not quite so bad time in history was around 1846 as Neptune last went through Aquarius and also conjunct Saturn. (This time around it will trine Saturn in a bow pointing at the GC in 2011- 12) . In October 1846 it resulted in a probable category 5 hurricane. This was also the exact time of the Irish Potatoe Famine in Ireland and I believe famine was experienced in much of Europe too at this time. The death toll from the Great Havanna Hurricane may have been up to 600 but was officially 214. It also sank 20 boats and ships in the Florida Keys as well The Great Havanna Hurricane 10


October 1846 The Great Galveston Hurricane on th

8 September 1900 is by the far the most deadly disaster ever to have struck America. The cost in human lives may be aywhere from 6 to 12,000 and is usually

given as 8000 but it is still a lot more than the second most deadly hurricane, the Okeechobee, with its 2,500 fatalities or the third most deadly hurricane, Katrina with 1,800 fatalities. The storm surge was what made it so deadly and caused also the great damage ix

to property . The reason for the Great Galveston Hurricane was a grand cross in the heavens with the Nodes of the Moon aligned with the galactic axis. This will occur again from 2010 to 2011. But this is not enough in itself, further Jupiter was conjunct the GC with the North Node, Uranus, Chiron and Saturn, while Pluto and Neptune were opposite the Galactic centre conjunct the South Node. Squaring this opposition to make the grand cross was the Sun in Virgo with air planet Mercury and they in turn, opposite the full Moon in Pisces squaring the bodies in Gemini and Sagittarius. th


Another worst hurricanes of the 20 century was on 14 September 1919: the Atlantic Gulf Hurricane, or Florida Keys Hurricane caused 600 deaths. Jupiter was conjunct Neptune and Mars in Leo and there was a grand cross involving the Nodes and the Galactic Centre. th

A storm surge in the Netherlands on 26 December 838 AD also had a grand cross of bodies involving GC, Neptune, Jupiter and Nodes. Cyclone Tracy demolished Darwin, Australia on Christmas Day 1974 as Neptune conjunct the Galactic Centre with the Sun, the North Node and Mars, square to Jupiter in Pisces. 66,000 lost the roof over their heads and 66-200 lost their lives. Incidentally it was also a transit of Neptune over the Galactic centre that set off the Sweating Sickness in th

Europe in the 15 century. A more recent storm with damages occurred in 2007 and showed a similar involvement of Neptune and Jupiter and the Galactic Centre. Here the Sun was opposite instead of conjunct the Galactic Centre in a Star of David.

Fig. 13. June 2007, Worst Storm in 30 years, New South Wales, Australia The New Richmond Tornado that occurred just over a year before the Great Galveston Hurricane showed an involvement of GC, c N Node opposite Neptune, South Node and other bodies also aspecting Jupiter. By the Super Outbreak of Tornadoes on April 3


1974, 148 tornadoes moved through 13 states.

One of these occurred in Xenia, Ohio at 16:30 EDT. Neptune and the North Node was conjunct the GC., Jupiter in Pisces. There were 32 fatalities.

Fig. 14. Xenia was part of the Super Tornado Outbreak of April 1974. Neptune and North Node conjunct the GC

The 1973 to 1976 period, as Uranus in Libra sextiled the Galactic Centre, saw the worst tornadoes. However the T square of Uranus to the GC right now and for the rest of the year in a water sign could cause some very watery storms with deadly tornadoes. Recently the Jupiter Neptune trine, as the Sun moved to conjunct Jupiter also created the most intense category 5 hurricane ever to cover the Atlantic basin: Hurricane Wilma. It left 60 million people without power. It was certainly similar looking to The Day

After Tomorrow film pictures of the Super Cell Storms.


Fig. 15. Hurricane Wilma October 19 2005 Most Intense Hurricane. As Hurricane Katrina occurred Mercury was with Lilith and Saturn opposite Neptune. Here Mercury has moved to T square them all. The Sun conjunct Jupiter suggests the immense size of Wilma. Before Wilma, the most intense hurricane had been Hurricane Gilbert in 1988. He wreaked havoc in the Caribbean Islands and Gulf of Mexico, killing 341 th

people and causing over 9 million US dollars (2006) damages. On the 14 September, he reached category 5.


Fig. 16. Hurricane Gilbert reaches Category 5 on 14 September 1988 At the time of day given in the chart a Star of David forms, involving Neptune in Capricorn conjunct the Galactic Centre, Uranus and Saturn.This involvement of the three planets lasted quite a while. Here a bow also forms to Jupiter in the air sign Gemini. 1988 was quite a disastrous year which reached





German Wikipedia dubbed December 1988 Katastrophen Dezember. With st

the Lockerbie disaster on the 21 and the Spitak earthquake on the 7


December killing 25,000 people. In 1993 America suffered its „Storm of the Century“ Fig. 17. Storm of the Century America 1993 Here a dark line of cloud stretched over the whole length of the USA from Canada to Middle America and brought sudden freezing ice, snow, hurricane force winds and even tornadoes. Saturn and his sign Capricorn, as associated with the

most wintry month of the year, are of course most responsible for the wintry nature of the storm, which was called also a cyclonic blizzard and even a hurricane. There were 300 fatalities. We see a bow to Neptune pretty exactly conjunct Uranus in Saturn's sign with a bow pointing at them. The bow is made by Sun with Lilith and the Moon, not better off with his choice of companion in deadly Scorpio being Pluto. th

A super-typhoon occurred in Japan on 26 September 1959 killing c. 5000 people.


Fig. 18. Super typhoon Vera, Japan, on 26 September 1959 , 5000 dead. Bow to Neptune in Scorpio and T square to Scorpio. Saturn c. GC A T square involves Jupiter in deadly Scorpio and a bow points at Neptune also in Scorpio. The Galactic Centre with Saturn and Pluto create the bow. One might think that such a time was not the luckiest to be born in either. I was born a month later as the bow pointed at Neptune in Scorpio conjunct Sun and Mars. On the night of my birthday five trawlers sank in a storm off the British coast, I'm glad I could use that piece of information somewhere. Christmas TV in 2006 was quite good viewing for someone baptised in disaster. It showed a film about the Tsunami and then a documentary called Perfect Disaster:

Supertyphoon, in which it was imagined what would happen if Hong Kong would be hit by a super typhoon. The scenario was scary as the huge glass skyscrapers offered no real protection against the strength of such winds. The winds would break the glass and suck


the inhabitants out. They fantasized this event occurring on a 13 September. Just out of th

curiosity, I looked up the next few years and decided that September 13 2009 could indeed be a date for a perfect disaster, quite possibly a storm, maybe even a super typhoon. Look at the aspects on 12


September 2009 (fig. 19) and the heavenly bodies


remains much the same till 13 September except the Moon moves to conjunct Mars which could bring violent winds and rains. This was another fear of the film makers that the heavy rains brought by the typhoon could cause severe landslides.



Fig. 19: the 12 to 13 September 2009 could produce a very wet storm th


There would be times on the 12 and 13 September when a bow and arrow would shoot at Neptune, as also at the Galactic Centre and Pluto, as the ascendant and midheaven points change. These arrows could be as deadly as those by the Tsunami 2004. The basic danger is there, with Uranus opposite the Sun conjunct Saturn near th

Mercury squared by Mars and on the 13 also by the Moon, and opposite Pluto and the Galactic Centre. The only saving is to notice that the Nodes are minimally involved. Having said that I notice that they do aspect Saturn which could cause a landslide or earthquake. However, pretty much the whole period between mid August and October is

extremely wet, windy and disastrous on a number of levels. Just look at the picture of this coming August, its not really any better from here on, especially when the Moon adds its powers. Mars will create a grand cross with Uranus and Saturn.


Fig. 20. 16 August 2009 a stormy day in some places going over into drenching th

rains to the 17 . Here we see the period of the last Moon transit over the summer solstice in mid August opposite the Galactic Centre. Hold on to your umbrellas if you dont want to do a th

Mary Poppins on this day, could be a blusterous one, and on the 17 the galloshes may be useful. th

October is the most likely month for a tsunami, if not on the 26 December 2009. There are a number of possibilities where an earthquake could trigger a tsunami in October.

Fig. 21: a tsunami? Will it be in October 2009? In October the Sun will create a bow with Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron pointing at th

the Galactic Centre, it is not activated on the 7 but the Galactic Centre aspects tend to produce large sums of water, making a larger water disaster an inevitability.


Uranus is also in a water sign and square the Galactic centre in a powerful T square. The question is will it create a tsunami? Or a storm surge? Perhaps both. Mercury opposite Uranus does suggest hurricane force winds. However, the nodal axis is not on the galactic axis, which tends to make things worse, nor is it even in aspect to the Galactic Centre, as it had been by the 2004 Tsunami. The Nodes wer however afflicted by Lilith and Mars in earth and water signs with bows here pointing at both. Because of the number of bows to earth and water signs generally, I would suggest that an earthquake with tsunami danger is not unreasonable. Yet there are many possible dates in the month.

A bow and a T square point at the Galactic Centre on 22


October 2009. A T

square to the Sun bodes no good. The aspect occurs at a sensitive point for volcanic activity, so don't sit down just anywhere.


6 November 2009 Moon strengthens collapsing aspects, earthquakes possible. Although in November the aspects do weaken a little in some respects, as Uranus

and Saturn are no longer opposite and Neptune and Jupiter not quite conjunct, the seas will not be quiet. One last punch to the year may come in December. Since Pluto moved to conjunct the Galactic Centre the earthquakes have increased in this month and especially close to th

the Christmas dates, and most of all they favour the 26 December on which date four historical earthquakes occurred in the last 7 years in 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2007. I will th

place my bets on 26 December 2009. A bow pointing at Neptune and Jupiter suggests a possible water disaster and it may be a landslide instead of a true earthquake and tsunami, but I'll risk it. Elsewhere I have written about the connection of this date to the time of return, which I will not go into here.


26 December 2009. Will there be another historical earthquake on this date in this year?

Before placing this in Scribd I thought I'd check if anyone else had made any kind of similar connections. In my book I have a chapter title The Galactic Tsunami connecting the earthly tsunami in 2004 directly to a wave coming from our galactic core that caused both a

starquake and a brilliant explosion of light in space as it bounced off our Moon and our own ionosphere. So I thought to give in: „galactic tsunami“ and came up with a lovely picture pf a wave with stars in it and a silly blog and then another website in Germany written




http://heidi-,. Many people seem to have found her message completely unbelievable, as they obviously do my own discovery. Heidi suggests that we are due for a tsunami wave from space whose impact can only be compared to a nuclear war, and tells us to prepare. Of course such a wave would knock over more than a few flower pots and would lame all communications. The idea that such waves are coming at us and come at regular intervals connected to a c. 26.000 year great cycle is further supported by an avante garde scientist who has researched this and taken ice core probes: Dr. Paul La Violette calls these waves superwaves. Another warning also came from Germany again from the little read, highly respected but reclusive astrophycist, Gerhard Löbert and his book

„Die Erde: Spielball der Galaxis“

(Aurum Verlag 1987) or in English „The Earth: Playing-

Ball of the Galaxy. He too warns that such waves are on the way to Earth from the Galactic Centre and connects it to an Apocalypse. But for some reason he has withdrawn and claims to have little interest in this area now, being more concerned with his family. Perhaps he had a difficult time with his discoveries? Certainly there have been warnings and prophecies given to the world, many of which seem to have been somehow muffled. Those sent to the heads of the religious world in Rome, passed on through visions like the third part of the Fatima Prophecy, have been swallowed by the Vatican Library and deemed unfit for our consumption. Strangely here again the message took a brief gulp of air in Germany, 1980, at a talk between Pope John Paul and some German Catholics:

„It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth; that from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish... there is no longer any point in really wanting to publish this secret message“

Perhaps this is a wise approach. I certainly do not know how I could afford to build a fortress strong enough to protect me against such a galactic tsunami, which term I believe Löbert also uses. It does seem that there are periods in the Great Year cycle where enormous floods and tsunami waves are caused, and climate shifts rapidly as well and that these are caused by galactic conditions. The last time it occurred with the same danger as now was half a Great Year back and there is evidence I believe I can trust in the

Chronicles of Akakor ,(first published 1976). Again it is a message that came through a German, a journalist called Karl Brugger, who was soon after mysteriously shot to death (1985 in Rio de Janeiro), and many claimed it was murder. His book, which was about the history of the Ugha Mongulala tribe, the survivors of a once great empire in Meso-South America, going back some 15,000 years and recording the First Catastrophe at 10,468 BC, explains many things that we are now only beginning to be aware of, for instance Posnansky's theory that Tiahuanaco was destroyed about 12,000 years ago and that it had been a sea port, is here perfectly explained, as are many other myths, such as the story of Phaethon and the conflagration on Earth. For in both stories extreme climate swings and earth shifts are noticed and similarly described. The original German version of Akakor has I believe been practically demolished. I met a man who showed me his treasured, copied pages. When I found an English version in internet I ordered it, but some of the pages were missing or changed. It is now back on the German market but I do not know if it is the original. Particularly a detailed map of the coastline of Meso-South America before the catastrophe hit with continents to each side, in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, was missing in the English version I received. A concluding remark. Apart from fear of what disasters may lie shortly before us, is it not quite amazing to consider that everything is really working according to a plan, a plan that one can plot on paper, that one can in principle work out thousands of years in advance? If you look at the charts you see that there is an order in our galaxy, and therewith in all likelihood the whole universe. Astrology is the science of understanding how the galaxy functions, which it can now do. The Star of David pattern and the grand cross and the bow and arrow to the Galactic Centre are repeating patterns by disasters, especially when the Nodes of the Moon are involved in bad aspects. By refining our understanding of this plan we are perhaps empowered. It is a sign perhaps that our galaxy is ready for us to discover it and wishes us to work together. In myths I discovered that the area of the heavens where the Galactic Centre is found had a potentially disastrous

poisonous or beastly face, but also a healing and good face. I hope that knowledge of the Galactic Centre will allow us to survive the disasters until the time of a renaissance in galactic consciousness and consequent healing.

Susan Seymour Hedke May 2009

comments welcome ;-) [email protected]

i iiThousands flee Australia floods.Torrential rains and strong winds left at least two people dead and forced thousands from their homes on Australia's east coast. Large areas of New South Wales and Queensland have been declared disaster zones. As many as 20,000 people have been cut off by the floodwaters. Worst in thirty years. iii iv v 21 July AD 365 earthquake destroyed nearly all the towns in Crete and was followed by a tsunami which devastated the Nile Delta. The AD 365 event was thought responsible for reported destruction in ancient towns of west Cyprus and Libya. This earthquake is identified with a subduction-zone event of ‘great’ (M>8) magnitude, as testified by up to 9 m of uplift in western Crete dated to around this time The AD 365 Crete earthquake and possible seismic clustering during the fourth to sixth centuries AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: a review of historical and archaeological data vi I believe the earthquake occurred in present day Iran and caused 200,000 deaths but have lost the details. vii Article in Internet: Earthquake Rattles Missouri, Reminding Residents of a Prediction

viii I suspect that the white horses of Neptune may also be the meaning of the white horse ridden by Jesus and his eastern counterpart Kalki: that the end will come riding tsunami waves. ix A memorable hurricane back on the 22nd September 1565 in Florida showed a similar line up of Jupiter and Neptune and the GC and the nodes all in a grand cross.

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