The Galactic Centre As Cause Of Disaster

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  • Pages: 11


INTRODUCTION The following article is a small early section of a large book about the Galactic Centre, observed from many angles: astronomical, mythological and astrological. The journey began with the discovery that the centre of our galaxy, 26,000 light years away, was th

involved in causing the Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami on 26 December 2004. On the day of the earthquake, the Moon was full and opposite the Galactic Centre, and the Sun and Pluto were on each side of, and in conjunction with, the Galactic Centre. Similar patterns of heavenly bodies being conjunct, opposite, square or in particular aspects pointing often like an arrow to the Galactic Centre, occurred repeatedly by the many thousands of disasters looked at. In the following pages I show the first few disasters where I noticed this association. A number of disasters on Earth found further support in astronomical observations. In the case of the Indian Ocean Earthquake through actual events in the heavens at “about the

same time” as the earthly tsunami occurred, in which an unprecedented gamma-ray burst from an area close to the Galactic Centre was caused by a star quake in the constellation 1

of Sagittarius where the Galactic Centre is placed. This actually led to a kind of galactic tsunami that was monitored on Earth a few hours after the Indian Ocean tsunami. However, as Dr. Paul LaViolette notes, the gravitational waves that could have triggered the earth event would very likely have travelled at the forefront of the wave and have arrived before it occurred. It is time to reconnect the beads on the necklace, to realize that all specialized areas of study are children of one Mother, and the study of that Mother, our Milky Way Galaxy, was once both a science and a religion, when the eyes still saw the truth that the heart felt, before life fell under the dissecting knife of objectivity. The Galactic Centre proves to be the missing piece in astrological wisdom, a piece that is more significant, powerful and ancient than any other and that seeps through all others, like blood through all tissues in one body. This was once known. I discovered the essential piece of my puzzle not through a look at 2

modern science but through an article on the Mayan people, whose precursers passed down the knowledge of this centre for probably thousands of years, though we are only discovering this centre in the last few decades. Its rediscovery shifts our attention from the Sun to a much more massive centre - the Galactic Core - a probable black hole. This is an enormous shift, from a solar to a galactic consciousness. One might call the Galactic Centre the queen in a game of chess, or the crown jewel in a crown that, when reset in astrological charts, proves the truth of astrology and gives it back its sceptre of power. For, once upon a time, astrology was the greatest science, its study area was our whole galaxy and even beyond. Yet how can one understand a galaxy as a living being if its very core has been ripped out of our consciousness? Our galaxy is indeed such a living being, and my discoveries suggest with seeming certainty that there is a plan and that heaven and earth are about to be made new, our rediscovery of the core of our galactic being is the sign of our immanent transformation. Knowledge of the Galactic Centre was the MYSTERY hinted at in sacred texts and monuments that only those with wisdom might find their way to –

as they struggled

through the briars to the Grail. 1 This was noted by the Max Planck Institute of Germany, details in my book. 2 The article was by John Major Jenkins : „ THE HOW AND WHY OF THE MAYAN END DATE IN 2012“ in which information about the Galactic Centre had been interpreted by Linda Schele.

I find it strange that few people seem able to see the truth anymore when it is placed in front of their hearts. I find it sad that they cannot draw on the blood of wisdom in their own ancient cells to recollect - how far we have sunk, how hard our skin has become. We have hacked away some of the jungle covering laying bare a once great civilization and we are discovering that here the Mayan keepers of time have kept alive in monuments and ancient codexes, against great odds, some knowledge of the Great Year cycle, which is in a sense the galactic grail, wishing well of all possibility, feeding the root of the tree of life and knowledge, and out of which some are now drawing prophecies of doom and others drinking the soma of eternal life. st


On 21 December 2012 according to the supposed Mayan Prophecy , this age of the Fifth Sun, and with it this Great Year, will end. Yet as all is cyclic in astrology as also in the Mayan Calendars, the meeting of the Galactic Centre with the winter solstice Sun in December marks the end and the beginning, omega and alpha, death and rebirth. This transition we are now in between the two is what is causing the climate changes and the increasing disasters, particularly the unprecedented earthquakes of the last seven years. The Galactic Centre is the Milky Way Mother, a Galactic Goddess birthing Suns and Great New Years out of her dark womb. We have forgotten her, and it is amazing how many things become meaningful with her rediscovery, for she is the root of all that is sacred. If you prefer a more abstract way of viewing the Galaxy then she is the force of Yin, associated with the elements of earth and water. The earth and water disasters, which we see occurring now and which will increase in the coming years, are best expressed as her labour pains. This disastrous time is the time of Yin maximum in the Great Year cycle when Kuan Yin's belly is fully distended to give birth, and what she will birth is the Yang Son: Quetzalcoatl, Osiris, Jesus: the phoenix will rise, all will be made new through volcanic fire at this midnight of the Great Year, at the time of the Great Return. This birthing of the light force will turn the “Mother of Disaster”, Black Kali, into the “Blessed Mother”: Isis-Mary or Kuan Yin the Compassionate One. 3 An actual exact prophecy of what will happen on this date seems not to be given. Just that it seems to be the end of their calendar and age which began in August 3114 BC and ends in 2012. There are a number of prophecies that may refer to this date.

So with this background, here are the first disasters I connected to the Galactic Centre, which were later followed up by many more.


by Susan Seymour Hedke -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 2 The Missing Piece of the Puzzle Found

The alarm had indeed been ringing in the heavens. The Galactic Centre was the missing piece in my astrological puzzle and proved to have been the major cause of all those disasters of recent times we noted in Chapter 1. Let us take another look to find out how the Galactic Centre has been influencing us, so we may deduce how it may influence us in the near future. If you look at the charts I mentioned earlier, the charts of the Sumatran-Andaman earthquake and tsunami of 2004, the eruption of Krakatau, the sinking of the Titanic and the attack on the World Trade Center, you will see that in all cases the heavenly bodies at the end of the sign Gemini, which I had noticed and which had made me question, were on the opposite side of the Earth to the Galactic Centre. This had put them in a position to trigger the Galactic Centre, as they neared the summer solstice and opposed the Galactic Centre. The Galactic Centre is at the end of the tropical sign Sagittarius [1], which in turn is nearing the winter solstice and the sign of Capricorn. th

The Sun is at present exactly conjunct the Galactic Centre on the 19 December each year. From the 15° Sagittarius on 7


December, to the 9° Capricorn on 31



one could definitely say that the Sun is in conjunction with the Galactic Centre[2]. The Galactic Centre was conjunct the Sun in Saturn's earth sign of Capricorn (which it enters at the winter solstice), when the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami occurred on th

26 December 2004, and it was also in this sign as the Bam, Iran earthquake occurred on th

26 December 2003. Since then, to the time of writing, each conjunction of the Sun to the Galactic Centre in December has produced a number of historically significant and often deadly earthquakes. At the present time the seemingly disastrous and transformative affect of the Galactic

Centre approaching the winter solstice[i] is intensified by Pluto, which began to conjunct the GC in 2001 and will continue to do so until 2013[3]. th

A century ago, the GC was conjunct the Sun on 18 December, as the Galactic Centre was then around the °

25 Sagittarius. In 2010 it will reach the 27° Sagittarius and so will be







Capricorn. Figure 2.4. Chart of the Tsunami on 26


December 2004 for 7.58 a.m. local time Banda Aceh, Sumatra.

In disasters






made me seek the missing piece and that are again listed here, there were bodies opposing, squaring, and conjunct the Galactic Centre. These aspects are considered by astrologers to be the strongest and most difficult of all, therefore the ones most likely to cause disasters. In the case of the tsunami on 26


December 2004, the Galactic Centre sat between

the Sun and Pluto, close to the winter solstice, conjuncting their powers and opposing the full Moon at the end of Gemini.

Uranus in the water sign of Pisces and the Nodes of the Moon also played significant roles creating as well that grand cross involving Saturn and Chiron. Figure 2.5. Chart of the worst eruption of Krakatau, 10 am on 26th August 1883

Here is the chart of the tsunami








Moon is also near the end of Gemini, as it was by the Tsunami in 2004. Here it is with Mars in the water sign of







Centre and in a T-square to Mercury and Uranus in the sign of Virgo.




struck an iceberg 14

Titanic th






Pluto are again strongly involved. They are conjunct the Ascendant. Saturn was opposite the Ascendant for the Tsunami of 2004, but in both cases they aspect Chiron, which was also on the ascendant in 2004.

In 1883 a number of other aspects to the GC, like a sextile (c. 60°) aspect to Lilith with the North Node, and a trine (c.120°) to Venus with the Sun, were formed. The Titanic catastrophe was caused by Pluto in Gemini with Mars in the water sign Cancer opposite the Galactic Centre on the ascendant with Jupiter. This opposition formed a T-square to the Moon in the water sign Pisces with the planet Venus. The last opposition of Pluto to the Galactic Centre at the turn to the 20



caused a number of disasters as I show in later chapters, most memorably a spate of earthquakes (like the one in San Francisco in 1906) as also WW I. The Titanic disaster shows the Galactic aspecting

Centre the


also North

Node, and Mercury in Aries. They are also involved in a grand cross with Neptune in the water sign Cancer. Figure 2.7. Attack on the World th

Trade Center, 11 September 2001.

The Moon, the North Node of the

Moon, and Saturn


Gemini all played their roles in the 9/11 Twin Tower tragedy. They opposed the Galactic Centre, while bordered on each side by the two giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. This was also the case for the eruption of Krakatau.

Perhaps most significant, the Sun, which by the Tsunami disaster had been conjunct the Galactic Centre and by the Titanic disaster had been in a trine aspect, was here involved in a T square from Virgo to Pluto, conjunct the Galactic Centre and Saturn in Gemini.



Lilith and Uranus are also involved by aspect to the group of bodies close to the Galactic Centre. Figure 2.8. Iraq War th

began March 20 2003

The Iraq War (Figure 2.8) began as Saturn came into more direct opposition to the Galactic Centre. The Moon and Sun were again both involved by aspect. Here the Sun T squared both Saturn as also Pluto with the Galactic Centre as it had done by the World Trade Centre disaster, but from the opposite side of the zodiac, in Pisces. Again Mars, the planet most associated




conjunct the Galactic Centre. It had returned to the place it had been when the World Trade Centre disaster occurred. Figure. 2.9. Iraq Republic f. 14


July 1958[5]

Iraq itself[4] has the Moon and Venus in Gemini opposite Saturn conjunct the Galactic

Centre, suggesting oppression, suffering imprisonment and other Saturnian effects. The worst of these effects were triggered about the time of the World Trade Centre disaster and Iraq War begin, as Pluto moved to conjunct their Saturn and Saturn also transited to opposite his founding position in Gemini.


Not just the lands involved in the tsunami but all the nations of the world have an umbilical cord to the Galactic Centre formed by some strong aspect to it. This implies that when the Galactic Centre goes through a bad phase, as it may be doing while Pluto is in conjunction till the year 2013, then all the lands of the Earth will be affected in some way. If the Galactic Centre was involved in causing the two worst tsunamis in recent times, the sinking of our greatest ship, and the outbreak of an ugly war in Iraq, which may still lead to a World War III, then the Mayans, who knew about this centre, were possibly right to predict a disastrous time at the end of this Great Year.

Through understanding the disaster of the tsunami and its galactic connection, I will hope to discover what December holds in store for us in the coming years.

© Susan Seymour Hedke 2009-04-02

4As I show in a later chapter, wars are caused by aspects between Saturn, Pluto and the Galactic Centre.

[1] At the time of writing the Galactic Centre was at 26° 55’ Sagittarius. [2] In broader terms, from the end of November and into early January there is some effect. [3] This same conjunction of Pluto to the GC was also, incidentally, the reason behind the terrible dark period for the Mesoamericans back in the early 1500s, as the Spanish arrived. th

[4] This is calculated for the founding date 14 July 1958. st

[5] My editor checked this date and gave me 1 October 1919 as another founding date, I looked that up too and discovered that the Moon was conjunct the GC. However, the date I give in July is celebrated as Republic Day. It is interesting that the war brought to light the issue of the repressed Iraqi women hidden behind their black veils.

[i] It would actually be more correct to say that the winter solstice is approaching the Galactic centre as the winter solstice is a marker created by the solar rhythm which moves a lot faster than the Galactic Centre around which we revolve, still in apparent terms we talk of bodies moving, just as we talk oft he Sun moving through the signs around the Earth even though we know that we are moving more around the Sun.

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