Why Digital Marketing Is The Future Of Marketing 11.docx

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  • Words: 960
  • Pages: 4
Why Digital marketing is the future of Marketing???

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(I think in place of “your” and “you” it should be “our” and “we”) Digital marketing is changing youwerour way of work, travel, buying groceries, shopping etc. In short Digital Marketing is changing youwerour lives and youwe are not even able to even recognize it, but youwe are dependent and thankful for it.

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Earlier you we used to see products as showed to us by used by the sales-personemployeesand obviously only which use to tell us all the pros, no cons of a product and not a single con but thanks to digitalization, now you we can see honest reviews with all pros and cons. Earlier we used to see products from the respective Sales-person’s eyes, only the pros no cons. Thanks to digitalization, now we can see honest reviews with every pro and con. Formatted: Justified

YouWe used to watch an advertisement on tv TV and decide whether to buy the product or not and after buying if youwe don’t like the product youwe cannot change it. But now everything being digital youwe can buy a product online review and check it that it works accordingly and if youwe don’t like it youwe can return it back because of the easy return policy of online companies like Amazon, Flipkart etc. . Infact, we can check the reviews of the product before buying it. Formatted: Justified

You can also check reviews of the people who used it before buying. Does the that product satisfy yourour need? Does the product description match the product? And many other questions that helps youus to understand the product better and so you can take the right decision and spend your hard money wisely us to make the correct buying decision. In today's world, youwe compare, buy and sell everything online from our groceries to home furniture to car (youwe test drive yourour car even before buying it). YouWe see everything online compare it and buy it. This has reduced the number of frauds because everything is transparent if you are buying online. The product descriptions are more accurate and companies are obliged by law to provide correct information.Everything related to the product is written in the product description. Methods of Traditional marketing:

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Radio Hoardings


TV Ads

Traditional Marketing Flyers and Brochures



Earlier every company use to depend on these methodsthings for sales. However, Tthe major problem was to with this is companies can’t measure the exact amount of traffic generated by these mediums. They always have to guess where they are getting traffic or generating sales. So, they money was spent on have to spend money on every campaign. But with Digital Marketing the most efficient sales strategy can be tracked and monitoredone can measure from where traffic or sales are coming. Where to invest money?, which medium is the most successful, ? etcAnd many more questions can be answered. It is simple and free by using tools such as to find out this thing by using Google Analytics tool. Here, In Google Analytic Tool, youwe can check multiple parameters like time, demographic region, gender, source and many more. other things.

Tools for Digital Marketing:

Adwords Search Engine optimisation

Youtube Marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Facebook Marketing

Digital Marketing

Landing page conversion

Email Marketing

Pay Per Click

Data Mining

These are some of the most famous and most successful Digital Marketing tools and youwe can measure their performance by putting a conversion link in the HTML code of yourour website or in the particular campaign. You can see the result in Google Analyticals The results of which can easily be tracked with Google Analytics. Interesing fact, Eevery second on Google 63,000 searches are made on Google. Sso youwe can imagine the size of customers one can derive from Digital Marketing. So, iIt is not wrong to say that Digital Marketing is reshaping this industry the future and this future is here. The amount of human resource or potential customers you one can find online is beyond imagination. This is the only reason why many companies are using digital mediums for customer acquisition and retention. The companies which have still not landed into this battle ground are busy hiring talents that can help them align with the new change and compete with the big sharks. This is the only reason that many companies using the digital medium to get customers and the companies who neglected this platform earlier is now hiring experts to help them to make their digital presence and try to compete with the companies which are already well established in the online world. Comments:

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You need to work on the story telling. It has to be direct but the language and words used must be more businesslike or formal. Like “Customer acquisition” in place of get customers, etc. The comparison diagram between conventional marketing and digital marketing should be side by side. (This is what I feel). You can end the article by writing some futuristic methods companies have adopted in this field which is still not very popular. Or you can write something about the new data protection law, or may be a suggestion to the companies who have not gne digital as to what are the easy steps they can follow to go digital.

Overall, I liked the flow of the article and the idea, just some changes on the line of the language, formatting and the framing of sentences.

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