When Did The Savior Walk The Earth

  • Uploaded by: Ralph Nathanial Wells
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  • November 2019
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Hello Ralph, Just sending a line or two to see how you weekend was. Hope it was a good one and the Eternal Ones smiled on you. I have some questions to ask you because they crossed my mind over the weekend. During the bible study I began to look back at some information and wondered when was the Savior actually born. I now know that Jesus was not the savior so the information concerning his birth was made up. But it would be of a great help to know when and how the Savior was born. Ralph, come to think of it that would be a very interesting subject for all of us to discuss with you. If everything that we were taught about Jesus is not correct, I would really like to know the truth. If that information was covered already then I will need to go back and read it again. Another thing that crossed my mind was about the three things you mentioned that would happen before the end of time. There is information that says after Barrack Obama takes office there will be some event that will happen and cause him to ask the help of all nations to regain peace. But what I am really concerned about is the Father of Fathers. To me this suggests that a black man will become pope, which would be the third and final thing before the tribulation starts. If I have it wrong please do not hesitate to set me straight.... WHEN DID THE SAVIOR ACTUALLY WALK THE EARTH? Hey Richard, it is good to hear from you. I hope you received the fifth part to the bible study, "Who Was The Son Of Man," I sent you today. To answer your question on what was the actual time of the Savior’s birth and life; believe it or not, there is actually still a great deal of information in this very altered and corrupt bible we have today that can be used to help to determined the actual era in which the True Savior lived. Although, I did cover, in very general terms, this subject in the bible study, "What Is The Real Jesus?” In that study, using the Book Of Enoch, I recounted the different "Ages Of Man." If Enoch is to be taken at his word, which I believe he is, then we can calculate the time mankind has lived on the earth. In doing so, we can also determine the true time the Savior walked the earth. In fact, Enoch does this for us: As I stated in that bible study, Enoch says that in the middle of the sixth week: A Man shall ascend! This Man is a reference to the Savior’s ascent to the Father. Well Richard, If each of these weeks are seven thousands years, and we are now at the end of the seventh week - because Enoch says that the truth of the heavens will be revealed at the end of the seventh week - this would mean that if we began our count from the middle of the sixth week, which would be three thousand five hundred years, and then add the seven thousand years of this seventh week we are now about to end: Then that would make the time during which the True Savior walked the earth - Ten Thousand Five Hundred Years Ago! Now, what nation on earth was at its apex ten thousand years ago? The only empire that had reached its zenith, and was then beginning to experience its fall, was the ancient Nubian Empire with Egypt as its capitol. So – can we use this altered bible that was altered by the Europeans so they could lay claims to this very old and ancient document – to validate the information in the Book Of Enoch? Yes We Can!

When the True Savior was on the stake (Strong’s Gk. # 4716, cross = a stake or post) in the ground; (Even here we see that a change was made to describe his death. If you read the bible study “What Is The Real Jesus,” then you know why a stake in the ground was changed to a cross in the ground.) He was given a mixture of sour wine by soaking it in a sponge, and raising it to his mouth with the use of a stalk of the – hyssop plant (John 19:29). Here is the first clue I’m going to use to help answer your question Richard. There are many such clues that still remain in this corrupted version of the bible given to the world by those who would use it to conquer the nations of the earth: But I’ve decided to use the clues that I feel will go straight to the heart of this matter. So, the very first time the mentioning of this hyssop plant occurs in the bible is when the people of the bible are living in ancient Egypt. Ex. 12:22: Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. Not one of you shall go out the door of his house until morning.

So here we learn that whatever the biblical hyssop plant was; it was indigenous to ancient Egypt. In any investigation, it should always be remember that you must learn to deduce from the information you have to work with, to come up with a logical and reasonable conclusion. So the first thing we need to keep in mind is that the bible we have today has been translated several times from it original language. The first European language the bible was translated into was the Greek language, and it continued to be translated until we have this English version of today. So, just the word hyssop (Strong’s Heb. # 231, hyssop = probably of foreign determination) alone will not help to determine what exactly was the biblical plant that is being describe in these verses of the bible. The word itself is foreign to the bible, and was not apart of the original language that was used to write these very ancient texts. So, we will have to look to other clues given in the scriptures about this plant to help us deduce what is the identity of this biblical plant. First, we know that this plant had to be indigenous to the region of Egypt. Secondly, we know that this plant had to be a plant that grew to an exceedingly long height, because it was used to reach all the way up to the Savior’s mouth while he was on the Stake. What plant that is grown in Egypt would fit this description? Our English word "paper", is derived from the word "papyrus", an Egyptian word that originally meant "that which belongs to the house" (the bureaucracy of ancient Egypt). At about the same time as the ancient Egyptians moved from prehistory to history by developing a written language, they discovered the need for a medium other than stone to transcribe upon... Besides its use for producing a medium for writing purposes, papyrus was also used for mattresses on beds, for building chairs, tables, and other furniture as well as for mats, baskets, boxes, sandals, utensils, rope and boats. Furthermore, the papyrus root was a source of food, medicine and perfume. Papyrus was, and continues today to be made from the papyrus reed that grows in freshwater marshes along the river Nile, though today this growth is rare and controlled. Technically, it is Cyperus papyrus, a part of the sedge family. The plant grows to a height of about ten feet. HYSTORICAL PAPYRUS, By Jimmy Dunn

With this information, it can be reasonably deduced that the plant used to give a drink to the True Savior was the papyrus, which grows in the marshes along the river Nile, and can reach a height of ten feet. And using this same information, it can also be deduced that the death of the True

Savior took place in ancient Egypt, and not in the Middle East, as the bible the European’s are responsible for bringing on the earth would lead you to believe. We can also deduce that the True Savior would have had to have been – A Black Man! Grant you; this fact alone does not prove that the Savior lived during the time of the Nubian Empire’s rule over Egypt. But the one thing this information does strongly suggest is the fact that the True Savior died in ancient Egypt, and if this information is credible; then that would mean that he live at a much earlier time in history then the so-called Jesus! But! This is not the only clue that still remains in this corrupt version of this bible fostered on the world by the Europeans. John 19:40: Taking the Savior’s body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in stripes of linen. This was in accordance with – EGYPTIAN – burial customs. (Changes and emphasis mine)

During the lifetime of the so-called Jesus, there has never been any evidence to support this claim that the Roman Empire itself, or any of its conquered territories, used mummification to bury the dead. In fact, it was the custom of most pagan nations, including the Romans, during this time in history to use cremation as a means to send off the deceased to the other life, as they believed. Its not just the fact that the verses in the bible (Mtt. 27:57-61, Mk. 15: 42-47; Lk. 23:50-56), which describes the Savior’s burial, are describing mummification: Its the type of mummification that is being describe that makes it so telling as to where this burial is taking place. The wrapping took 15 days. The Egyptians used yards of linen to neatly wrap the body until all of the body mass that was lost in the previous steps was regained. Sometimes they wrapped up balls of linen to represent each organ and they put it in that organ's place. Occasionally they would put golden leafs over the eyes. The strips of linen were normally painted or decorated before they were used for wrapping. HOW THE EGYPTIANS MUMMIFIED THEIR DEAD.

Although, the circumstances may have dictated a hurried up procedure: we can clearly see that what is being described of the burial of the True Savior is the ancient Egyptian mummification rite: Which this style of wrapping the body in strips of linen was only practiced in ancient Egypt. So Richard, with the evidence of the papyrus plant growing only on the Nile River, and with the fact that the True Savior’s body was mummified in such a way that it was customary with that of the ancient Egyptians; we can now go to any court of law and state that we have evidence that goes beyond a reasonable doubt that when Enoch wrote in the Book of Enoch that the Savior ascended to his father over ten thousand years ago: HE WAS SPEAKING THE TRUTH! I hope this information will suffice as an answer to your question until I have the bible study, “What Is The Name Of The True Savior” ready to give to the members. As you know this bible study will only be for those who have completed, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman,” and completed all the other bible studies. Richard, I have taken so much time to

answer your question, that I have not had time to make the post to my blog, www.willean21.blogspot.com. I promised would come today. Well, it seems only fitting, now, that I make this the blog for today. I will do the other blog I promised at a latter date. I think I will also send this answer, to your question, as an email to the other members, and groups on the Internet.

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