Week 8, Day 1: Monday, 23 February 2009 Leviticus 8, 9 What do you think is significant about placing blood on the ear, hand, and foot? (8:23) In what context are these body parts repeatedly mentioned in Proverbs? Aaron’s first sacrifice was a sin offering for himself. Do you find it ironic that it was a calf considering his major sin in Exodus of allowing the people to make a golden calf? (9:8) Proverbs 23 What is the best defense to prevent you from envying sinners? (23:17) Should you hang out with those who are getting drunk? (23:20) Acts 8 How have the Apostles changed since Jesus was arrested? (Matthew 26:56; Acts 8:1) Why do you think Simon wanted power, for God’s glory or for his own glory? (8:19) Can you buy a gift? (8:20) What was Simon’s concern? (8:24) How important is it to remain receptive to God’s voice and to be ready to give an answer to any man who asks? (8:26-35) Week 8, Day 2: Tuesday, 24 February 2009 Leviticus 10, 11 How serious is God about obedience and honoring His Holiness? (10:2) Why do you suppose God did not want to mourn the deaths of those He punished? (10:6) Did God want His priests to drink alcohol? (10:9) Why not? (10:10) Proverbs 24 Does God expect you to acquire knowledge on your own? (24:6) Do people eventually figure out what you are all about? (24:8)
How does 24:12 relate to Leviticus 5:1? Compare 24:16 with 24:10. Compare 24:19 with 24:1 Are we to respect the law? (24:21) Is the truth of God revealed all around you? (24:24:32) Why did the Founding Fathers say, “We hold these truths to be self evident….” Acts 9 Did Saul have honor, courage, and commitment? Was he zealous in his faith, desiring to do what was right at all costs? (9:1-2) What was to be Saul’s mission and calling? (9:15, 16) Does God’s plan to protect you include you taking action for your own welfare within the limits of obedience to Him? (9:25) Will God ever ask you to share his Truth with those who will violently oppose it? (9:29) Week 8, Day 3: Wednesday, 25 February 2009 Leviticus 12, 13 As a woman became a parent, what was the first thing God wanted her to consider? (12:7) Why do you suppose God appointed the Priests to fulfill the physician role? (13) Did they cure diseases? Proverbs 25 How does God feel about self-promotion? (25:6, 28) What is one quick way to develop a bad reputation? (25:9, 10) How important is tact in our dealings with others? (25:11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20) How important is it to be honest with others about your true capabilities? (25:14) How important is dependability to a Christian? (25:19) Acts 10
Both Tabitha and Cornelius were God-fearing people known for what? (10:2) If your life was summed up with one line, would it be the same? What did God notice about Cornelius? (10:4) Is it fitting to fellowship with your subordinates at work? (10:7, 8) Does God show favoritism? (10:34) Who is forgiven of their sins? (10:43) Is Baptism required to receive the Holy Spirit? (10:47) Is Baptism required as an obedient Christian? (10:48) Week 8, Day 4: Thursday, 26 February 2009 Leviticus 14, 15 What do you think freeing one bird after dipping it in the blood of a sacrificed bird along with wood, hyssop and scarlet yarn symbolizes? (14:4-7) Proverbs 26 Is tact important is dealing with others? (26:4, 5) Does your character drastically impact your witness? (26:7, 9) How does God view those who keep making the same mistakes over and over again? (26:11) Does the Bible have anything to say about laziness (26:13-16) How does God feel about deceivers? (26:23-28) Acts 11 Does God use terrible circumstances to accomplish His ends? (11:19-21) What was Barnabas’ charge to all believers? (11:23) Week 8, Day 5: Friday, 27 February 2009 Leviticus 16, 17 How did God symbolize the transfer of sin from the sinner to the sacrifice? (16:21) What
did this ceremony point to for the future of His people’s salvation? What was God’s punishment for those who sought redemption in ways other than what He offered? (17:4) How does God describe those who give other things higher priority in their lives than Him? (17:7) Proverbs 27 Can your friends speak the truth to you, and are you grateful when they do? (27:6) What is the best way to affair-proof a marriage? (27:7) Does God want to you build close, mutually supportive relationships with your neighbors? (27:10) Does God want you to protect your friends from themselves? (27:13) Must we continually keep our cravings in check? (27:20) Acts 12 Does God answer prayers far beyond our expectations? (12:15) Week 8, Day 6: Saturday, 28 February 2009 Leviticus 18, 19 How does God feel about homosexuality? (18:22) Is sexual sin a private matter? (18:24-29) Proverbs 28 Does faith change how you deal with challenges and adversity? (28:1) Who understands what justice really is? (28:5) What does God call us to do to receive mercy? (28:13) Who prospers? (28:25) Does God treat you the way you treat others? (28:27) Psalm 22
Compare 22:1 with Matthew 27:46 What happens to a person’s bones when they are hanging on a cross? (22:14) Compare 22:15 with John 19:28 Compare 22:18 with Matthew 27:34 Week 8, Day 7: Sunday, 1 March 2009 Leviticus 20, 21 How does God feel about the murder of a child? (20:2) How does God feel about those who do nothing when others sacrifice children? (20:4, 5) How does God feel about adultery? (20:10) Does the Bible ever use any other words for adultery like “affair” or “indiscretion?” How does God feel about homosexuality? (20:13) How does God feel about psychics? (20:27) Proverbs 1 Why should you read Proverbs? (1:1-6) Where does knowledge come from? (1:7) Compare 1:19 with Matthew 16:26 What do the ignorant refuse to do? (1:23) Are the ignorant usually surprised by their calamity though it should have been obvious? (1:27) Is there a point of no return? (1:28) Psalms 23, 24 Why does God guide you in the paths of righteousness? (23:3) How long did Jews believe that they would dwell in the house of the Lord? (23:6) Why was Moses able to ascend the hill to receive God’s word for the Israelites? (24:4)
Do these traits describe all who seek the Lord? (24:6)