English 1301 Week Five Feb. 10: talk about the illustration essay; topic outline and sentence outline Feb. 12: in-class essay (illustration) Week Six Feb. 17 1. 2. 3. 4.
No class on Feb. 19 Announcement: 2nd GPE due Feb. 24; 3rd GPE due March 3. Type revision of essay one Homework: Read Chapter 9 “Comparison and Contrast” (p. 157-162; 163164). Prepare a topic outline showing the differences between Pappadeux and Joe’s Crab Shack. Save your outline on a flash drive or e-mail it to yourself. You will present your outline in class next Tuesday (Feb. 24). Refer to page 161 and 162 for sample outlines.
Week Seven Feb. 24, Tuesday 1 Announcement: 2nd GPE due Feb. 24; 3rd GPE due March 3. 2 Outline presentations 3. Lecture: the comparison and contrast essay 4. Assignment of the comparison and contrast essay (topics will be given) 5. Homework: write an outline for the comparison/contrast essay Feb. 26, Thursday 1. Outline check 2. Type comparison and contrast essay (due by end of class)
Week Eight March 3, Tuesday 1. 3rd GPE due March 3./announcement: Sam Houston U. Scholarship 2. Comment on comparison and contrast essay 3. Individual conferencing/mid-term evaluation 4. Type comparison and contrast essay revision March 5, Thursday Individual conferencing/mid-term evaluation (continued) 1. general comments on in-class essay 2. “house keeping” updates 3. mid-term evaluation: 4. individual conferencing Week Nine March 9-15, Spring Break