Wbs - Dmd - Rev 111307

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 756
  • Pages: 12
Create High-Level Budget: Construction, IT, Food Services, Furnishings, Marketing, PM, Contingency, etc..

Sign-Off By Steering Committee

Secure Funding



Study Other Colleges Cyber Cafes

Architects to Submit Bid w Proposed Preliminary Designs. (designs to include construction budget estimates)

Commission Architect

Architectural Complete Design

Verify Architectural Design Meets Budget & Design Specifications

Interiror Designer to Submit Bid w Proposed Preliminary Designs. (designs to include budget estimates)

Food Services to Submit List of Required Equipment.

IT Dept to Submit List of Required Hardware, Software, & Services .

Commission Interior Desinger

Obtain Quotes for Food Service Equipment

Obtain Quotes for Hardware, Software, & Services

Complete Interior Design

Verify Interiro Design Meets Budget & Design Specifications

Select/Price Furniture & Decor

Locate Storage Location for Furnishings.

Select/Price Furniture & Decor

Verify that Storage Costs are Within Budget.

Create Plan for Consolidating Library Resources Into Remaining Space


Obtain Supplies

Obtain Quotes from Moving Companies

Obtain Bids from Construction Firms

Food Services to Create List Including Costs of Initial Inventory & Supplies

Sign Off on Design & Budget by Steering Committee

Award Contract tom Construction Firm

Obtain Quotes for Food Service Inventory & Supplies

Relocate Existing Library Resources

Construction Started

Construction Inspections as Required

Construction Complete

Construction Complete


Contracts Signed

Obtain Necessary Building Permits



Install Food Services Equipment

IT Installation

IT Department to Create Budget for Cyber Café Support

Food Services to Locate, Hire, & Train Employees

Marketing to Create List of Potential Advertisers within Defined Budget

???????????Complete Lessons Learned/CloseOut???????????

Create High-Level Budget: Construction, IT, Food Services, Furnishings, Marketing, PM, Contingency, etc..

Sign-Off By Steering Committee

Secure Funding


Study Other Colleges Cyber Cafes


Architects to Submit Bid w Proposed Preliminary Designs. (designs to include construction budget estimates)

Interior Designer to Submit Bid w Proposed Preliminary Designs. (designs to include budget estimates)

Food Services to Submit List of Required Equipment.

IT Dept to Submit List of Required Hardware, Software, & Services .

Commission Architect

Commission Interior Designer

Obtain Quotes for Food Service Equipment

Obtain Quotes for Hardware, Software, & Services

Architectural Complete Design

Complete Interior Design

Verify Food Services Equipment Meets Budget Requirements

Verify Hardware, Software, and Services Meet Budget Requirements

Verify Architectural Design Meets Budget & Design Specifications

Verify Interior Design Meets Budget & Design Specifications

Cyber Café Project




Obtain Bids from Construction Firms

Obtain Permits as Required

Locate Temporary Storage.

Award Contract to Construction Firm

Schedule Local Inspector During Construction

Locate Temporary Storage for Furnishings and Décor

Locate Temporary Storage for Food Services Equipment

Locate Temporary Storage for Food Services Supplies

Locate Temporary Storage for IT Equipment & Supplies

Construction Started

Deficiencies Rectified by Contractor(s)

Verify that Furnishing/Décor Temporary Storage is Adequate and within Budget

Verify that Food Services Equipment Temporary Storage is Adequate and within Budget

Verify that Food Services Supplies Temporary Storage is Adequate and within Budget

Verify that IT Equipment & Supplies Temporary Storage is Adequate and within Budget

If Necessary Sign Contract for Furnishing/Décor Storage that fits within Schedule Constraints

If Necessary Sign Contract for Food Services Equipment Storage that fits within Schedule Constraints

If Necessary Sign Contract for Food Services Supplies Storage that fits within Schedule Constraints

If Necessary Sign Contract for IT Equipment and Supplies Storage that fits within Schedule Constraints

Construction Inspections as Required

Construction Complete

Verify Construction Meet Required Specifications

Sign-Off On Construction

IT Support Planning


Library Modification

IT Department to Create Budget and Schedule Resources for Cyber Café Support

Obtain Equipment & Supplies

Create Plan for Consolidating Library Resources Into Remaining Space

Purchase Furnishings & Décor

Purchase Food Services Equipment

Food Services to Create List Including Costs of Initial Inventory & Supplies

IT Purchase Hardware, Software, and Services

Obtain Quotes from Moving Companies

Obtain Quotes for Food Service Inventory & Supplies

Sign Contract with Moving Company

Purchase Food Services Supplies

Relocate Existing Library Resources

Setup Furniture & Décor


Food Services Staffing


Clean-Up After Construction is Complete

Food Services to Advertise for New Employees

Marketing to Create List of Potential Advertisers within Defined Budget

Food Services to Interview Candidates

Marketing & PM Team to Select Advertisers Including Scope and Timing of Advertising Campaign

Food Services to Offer PartTime Jobs to Students or Other Candidates

Sign Contract(s) with Advertiser(s)

Install Food Services Equipment

Stock Food Service Inventory & Supplies

Install IT Equipment & Software

Food Services to Train New Employees

Close Out

Review Contract Fulfillment

Ensure All Contractors Are Paid

Complete Lessons Learned Listing

Set Schedule for Construction & Equipment Warranty Review for (1) Month Prior to Warranty Expiration

Complete Warranty Review

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