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Final Project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements For the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English

by: Ade Rahma Indira 13420169




I certify that this final project is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this final project. Other researcher‘s opinions or findings included in the final project are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, ….. November 2016

Ade Rahma Indira 13420169



This Final Project entitled “Interpersonal Meaning in Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech and Its Contribution to Systemic Functional Grammar Class” written by: Name

: Ade Rahma Indira


: 13420169

Study Program

: English Education Study Program


: Language and Arts Education

was approved by the advisors of the English Education Study Program of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education of University of PGRI Semarang on:


: Monday


: 20th of November 2017

Advisor I,

Advisor II,

Dra. Maria Yosephin, M.Pd. NIP 19620531 198903 2 001

Entika Fani P., S.Pd., M.Pd. NPP 108601310



This final project has been ratified by the team of examiner of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education of University of PGRI Semarang: Dean of FPBS,

Head of English Education Study Program

Dr. Asropah, M.Pd.

Jafar Sodiq, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NPP 936601104

NPP 95671117

Examiner I/Advisor I,

Dra. Maria Yosephin, M.Pd. NIP 19620531 198903 2 001

Examiner II/Advisor II

Entika Fani Prastikawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. NPP 108601310

Examiner III/Advisor III

Dr. Nur Hidayat, M.Hum. NPP 936801106



“The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you've come.” - BTS “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!” - Audrey Herpburn -


This final project is dedicated to: 1. My beloved parents, Toyib and Shobiroh (almh) for the love, pray, supports, advice, and everything. Thank you for always believing that I am capable of anything that I do. 2. My kind-hearted step mom, Mulyaningsih for the love and supports.



First, I would like to thank Allah SWT who always gives blessing and guidance, so that I could finish this final project as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English at University of PGRI Semarang. Furthermore, I would like to express the gratitude and appreciation to a number of persons who helped me wrote this final project. Without their guidance, advice, and encouragement directly or indirectly, this final project would not have been completed. In this occasion, I would also like to express the deepest and sincerest thank to: 1. Dra. Asropah, M.Pd., the Dean of Faculty of Language and Arts Education of University of PGRI Semarang. 2. Jafar Sodiq, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head of English Department of University of PGRI Semarang. 3. Dra. Maria Yosephin, M.Pd., as the first advisor, for her patience, advice, and support in completing this final project. 4. Entika Fani, P., S.Pd., M.Pd., as the second advisor, for her continuous and valuable guidance and sincere help in completing this final project. 5. My beloved parents, and family for their supports and prayers in finishing this study.


6. My Hunny Bunny Gs Squad – my forever bestfriends – (Annisa Eka and Cindra Fajar) and Anida Mahani for the laughter and tears we share together while I was finishing this final project. 7. My friends (Dewi, Euriko, Puji, Angelina, Anin and Fais for the love, supports, and assistance in finishing this final project. 8. All of my friends of University of PGRI Semarang, thanks for your support. Last but not least, I would like to thank people who are not mentioned here. Without their helps, advices, and supports, this final project would not have been completed. I realize that there is nothing perfect in this final project. However, I hope this final project will be useful for all readers. Semarang, ….. November 2016

Ade Rahma Indira 13420169


Indira, Ade Rahma. 2017. Interpersonal Meaning In Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech and Its Contribution to Systemic Functional Grammar Class. Final Project, English Study Program, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, University of PGRI Semarang. Advisor 1: Dra. Maria Yosephin, M.Pd. Advisor 2: Entika Fani P., S.Pd., M.Pd.

Keywords: Interpersonal Meaning, Concession Speech, Systemic Functional Grammar, Final Project Proposal. This final project is conducted to analyze the interpersonal meaning of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech The objectives of this study were (1) to find out the dominant type of Mood found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech, (2) to find out the types of Modality used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech, and (3) to find out the Appraisal used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. The methodology of this research was descriptive qualitative research. The main source in this research was the script of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. The researcher used some steps in analyzing the data. (1) The writer searched the source for downloading the transcript of the speech, (2) the writer printed out the transcript to be the object of the research, and (3) the writer analyzed or identified the mood type, modality and appraisal of the interpersonal meaning in the realization of each type. The results of the analysis showed that the dominant mood type was declarative mood. Based on the analysis, Hillary Clinton’s concession speech script had 144 clauses. 123 clauses included declarative mood, 21 clauses included imperative mood, and there is no clauses included interrogative mood. In percentage, the declarative mood was 85.42%,the imperative mood was 14.58%, and the interrogative mood was 0%. Based on the dominant mood used in the speech, the writer concluded that the speaker, Hillary Clinton, was trying to give informations as much as possible. In which, she expresses those informations through the statemens that she says in her speech. Based on the results of this final project, the writer hopes that the reader would be able to get new information about interpersonal meaning and appraisal system. Through this final paper, the writer also hopes the reader would get the better comprehension about the interpersonal meaning of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. For the future researcher, the writer hopes that the future researcher can analyze the other kind of speech in other occassions, so that they can uncover the real meaning that the speakers wants to convey in their speech.


COVER ................................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ................................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ......................................................................................................... iii RATIFICATION .................................................................................................. iv MOTTO ................................................................................................................. v DEDICATIONS ................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ vii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES .................................................................. xii LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................... xiii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1 A.

Background of the Study............................................................................. 1


Reason for Choosing the Topic ................................................................... 4


Statements of the Problem .......................................................................... 4


Objectives of the Study ............................................................................... 5


Significance of the Study ............................................................................ 5


Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................. 6


Outline of the Research ............................................................................... 7

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................ 8 A.

Related Literature ........................................................................................ 8

1. Systemic Functional Linguistics ........................................................... 8 2. Interpersonal Meaning ........................................................................ 10 3. Mood System ...................................................................................... 11 4. Modality .............................................................................................. 17 5. Appraisal ............................................................................................. 21 6. Speech ................................................................................................. 25 B.

Previous Studies ........................................................................................ 26

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH ........................... 29 A.

Research Design ........................................................................................ 29


Object of The Study .................................................................................. 29


Source of Data ........................................................................................... 30


Role of The Writer .................................................................................... 30


Method of Data Collection ........................................................................ 30


Method of Data Analysis .......................................................................... 31

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 34 A.

Research Findings ..................................................................................... 34


Discussion ................................................................................................. 38

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 52 A.

Conclusion ................................................................................................ 52


Suggestion ................................................................................................. 53

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 54 APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 55


Table 2. 1 - Table of Finite Modal Operator ......................................................... 19 Table 2. 2 - Table of Mood Adjunct of modality .................................................. 19 Table 4. 1 - The result of mood types analysis ..................................................... 35 Table 4. 2 - Frequency of Modality ...................................................................... 36 Table 4. 3 - Appraisal Analysis Table................................................................... 37 Figure 2. 1 – Mood Structure ................................................................................ 11 Figure 2. 2 – Mood Types ..................................................................................... 14 Figure 2. 3 – Interrogative mood – Polar .............................................................. 15 Figure 2. 4 – Interrogative mood - WH-interrogative ........................................... 16 Figure 2. 5 - Interrogative mood - WH-interrogative ........................................... 16 Figure 2. 6 - Interrogative mood - WH-interrogative ........................................... 16 Figure 2. 7 – Modality Types ................................................................................ 18 Figure 2. 8 – Types of affect ................................................................................. 22 Figure 2. 9 – Example of judgment of character................................................... 23 Figure 2. 10 – Example of appreciation ................................................................ 24



1. Appendix 1 – The script of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech 2. Appendix 2 – Analysis of Mood types 3. Appendix 3 – Analysis of Mood Structure 4. Appendix 4 – Analysis of Modality 5. Appendix 5 – Analysis of Appraisal 6. Appendix 6 – Kartu bimbingan skripsi 7. Appendix 7 – Usulan tema dan judul skripsi


This chapter discusses background of the study, reasons for choosing topic, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significances of the study, definition of key terms, and outline of the study. A. Background of the Study Language is a tool used by human to communicate to each other. RiceJohnston (2008) states that language is the process or set of processes used to ensure there is agreement between the sender and receiver for meanings assigned to the symbols and the schema for combining them used for each communication. In the proccess of communicating, humans use language as a tool. Communication is a way for human to deliver and receive messages. Rice-Johnston (2008) suggests that communication exists only when the sender and receiver agree on the meanings assigned to the symbols used. Thus, language is very important in communication. Speech is categorized as a public communication. Adler and Rodman (2006:8) state that public communication is a communication which “occurs when a group becomes too large for all members to contribute,” and that is when “one or more people are likely to deliver their remarks to the remaining members, who acts as an audience.” This means that the speaker has greater chance











Concession speech is one kind of public speaking which given publicly by the losing candidate to show the support for the winning candidate after the result of an election is clear. As the object of this study, the writer choses the concession speech by Hillary Clinton in USA presidential election 2016. USA presidential election 2016 was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The election with ten nominees was held to choose the 45th president of USA. The first nominee was Donald Trump from Republican Party, the second nominee was Hillary Clinton from Democratic Party and six other nominees from other parties and independent nominees. It turned out that Trump won the presidential election. As the losing candidate, Hillary Clinton had to give her concession speech. In this study, the writer wants to analyze the interpersonal meaning found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. This study is based on a theory that was introduced by M.A.K Halliday named Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). SFL is a language theory which the language function becomes its main concept. Butt (2003:7) states that Systemic Functional Linguistics is a way of describing lexical and grammatical choices from the system wording that we are always aware of how language is being used to realise meaning. It was stated by Halliday (2004:29-30) that language has three metafunctions, they are (1) textual, (2) ideational and (3) interpersonal. As a function of a language, interpesonal metafunction also has interpersonal meaning. Nur (2015) states that function of the interpersonal meaning is to enact human’s diverse and complex social relations which


relates to a text’s aspects of tenor or interactivity. Interpersonal meanings are meanings which express a speaker’s attitude and judgement (Gerot-Wignel: 1994). As an example of the interpersonal meaning analysis, one of the lines in Barrack Obama’s speech at University of Indonesia said “She would’ve been so proud,”. The clause can be broken down into ‘She would’ve’ as a mood and ‘been so proud’ as the residue. Moreover, through the appraisal system, “She would’ve been so proud,” is classified into attitude of judgement and has a positive judgment. By analyzing the interpersonal meaning in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech, the writer tries to find out how is Hillary Clinton’s attitude and judgement towards the result of the election. In which, it will be realized in wording through what is called mood and modality. The appraisal system is also applied to gain the further understanding about Hillary Clinton’s attitude and judgement towards the result of the election. Thus, we can know the meaning behind the speech of Hillary Clinton. Systemic Functional Grammar is a subject in English Education Department at University of PGRI Semarang. Based on the personal experience of the writer, Systemic Functional Grammar is a subject which has a really complex and compact material. Analyzing clause of a certain language part is the main activity of the class. Students are given clauses to be analyzed. But the students do not have the opportunity to analyze things like speech, poetry or song using Systemic Functional Grammar as the basis


of the analysis. Whereas, the writer thinks that it will be more interesting for the students to analyze the latest issue like speeches, newspaper commentary, transcript of an interview, etc. And or the things related to them personally like poetry or song. Therefore, this study is conducted. Based on the phenomenon above, the writer is carried out to analyze the interpersonal meaning realized in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech under the title of Interpersonal Meaning in Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech and Its Contribution to Systemic Functional Grammar Class. B. Reason for Choosing the Topic The reason why the writer chooses ―Interpersonal Meaning in Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech and Its Contribution to Systemic Functional Grammar Class is to know the interpersonal meaning realized on Hillary Clinton’s concession speech and its contribution to SFG subject. Hopefully, after the analysis is found it will be more helpful for the students of SFG class. C.

Statements of the Problem The statements of the problem are formulated into these following questions: 1. What is the dominant type of Mood found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech? 2. What types of Modality are used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech? 3. What is the Appraisal used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech?


D. Objectives of the Study The objectives of the study are: 1. To find out the dominant type of Mood found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. 2. To find out the types of Modality used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. 3. To find out the Appraisal used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech.

E. Significance of the Study This study is expected to be useful for: 1. The Students of Systemic Functional Grammar Class This study is expected to be useful for students of Systemic Functional Grammar Class and help them to study Systemic Functional Grammar by analyzing speech. This study is also expected to help students to decrease the misundertanding of a speech by knowing its interpersonal meaning. Thus, this study can be taken as a reference. 2. The lecturer The lecturer is expected to broaden the knowledge of the students in Systemic Functional Grammar by giving the real example to be analyzed like speech. Thus, this study can be taken as a reference. 3. The readers The writer expects that the readers get more information about interpersonal meaning in a speech through this study.



Definition of Key Terms 1. Interpersonal meanings Interpersonal meanings are meanings which express a speaker’s attitude and judgement (Gerot-Wignel: 1994). 2. Concession speech Concession speech is the act of a losing candidate publicly yielding to a winning candidate after an election when the outcome of the overall result of the vote has become clear (Anurudu and Oduola: 2017) 3. Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is one of the subjects in English Education Department at University of PGRI Semarang which has quality of 2 credits. Unlike the other grammar subject in University of PGRI Semarang, Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) subject mainly talks about function of language. 4. Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton is an American politician who was the 67th United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013, U.S. Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001, and the Democratic Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2016 election.


G. Outline of the Research Chapter I presented the introduction that consists of background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significant of the study and definitions of the key terms. Chapter II discusses the review of related theories. It consists of Systemic Functional Linguistics, interpersonal meaning, mood system, modality, appraisal, speech and previous study. Chapter III presented methodology of the research. The writer discusses about research design, object of the research, source of the data, role of the research, method of data collection, and method of the data analysis. Chapter IV presented the research findings and discussion. Chapter V presented conclusion and suggestion.


This chapter discusses about Systemic Functional Linguistics, interpersonal meaning, mood system, modality, appraisal, and speech. This chapter also shows some previous studies to support this research. A. Related Literature 1. Systemic Functional Linguistics Halliday introduced an approach to grammar study called Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), which is different from how grammar is viewed in traditional way. In Systemic Functional Literature, language is viewed as a social phenomenon and it is functional, i.e. SFL is concerned with the mechanism of text structure, function and meaning of languange. Butt (2003) states that Systemic Functional Linguistics is a way of describing lexical and grammatical choices from the system wording that we are always aware of how language is being used to realise meaning. Language is used in expressing meaning in a context. Meanwhile, the study of how people exchange the meanings using language is called linguistics. Meaning is achieved through the linguistics choices in paradigmatic and the syntagmatic levels of discourse where the words are arranged in a clause or text. (Haratyan: 2011). He also states that in SFL, people convey their intended meaning through the metafunction that can



relate language to the outside world where interactant and their social roles matter. a.

Metafunction Metafunctions of language concern with the way speakers deliver utterance and/or text with their intended message. In SFL, metafunctions are classified into three broad categories. Those three broad categories of metafunction in SFL are: 1) Ideational Metafunction Ideational






experience (Butt, 2003:5). Ideational metafunction can be broken down into two subfunctions; experential function and logical function. It has functions to construe the model of experience through the experential function and to construe the logical relationship using the logical function. Ideational metafunction uses clause as its representation through the system of transitivity. 2) Interpersonal Metafunction Language









communicative acts with other people, to take on roles, and to express and understand feelings, attitude and judgments. This metafunction is known as the interpersonal metafunction (Bloor, 2004:11). Interpersonal metafunction has a function to enacting social relationship. According to Haratyan (2011), he explaines that the interpersonal metafunction concentrates on social roles and


relations through formality degree, pronouns, clausal mood (whether declarative, imperative or interrogative), etc. 3) Textual Meaning According to Halliday and Matthiessen, they said that textual meaning is organizing the discursive flow and creating cohesion and continuity as it moves along. Textual meaning is realized throgh theme and cohesion. It express the relation of language to its environment. 2. Interpersonal Meaning One of the categories in metafunctions is interpersonal metafunction. As a function, interpersonal metafunction also has meaning called interpersonal meaning. According to Gerrot-Wignel (1994), interpersonal meanings are meanings which express a speaker’s attitude and judgment. Interpersonal meaning covers two main areas: one concerns the type of interaction taking place and the kind of commodity being exchanged and the other concerns the way speakers take a position in their messages (Butt: 2003). The type of interaction taking place is whether demanding or giving, and the commodity being exchanged is information which is used to exchange goods and services. To make it simple, people can demand or give information and also people can demand or give goods and services. Interpersonal meaning is realized through mood system. Mood system consists of Subject and Finite. It plays a role on what type of interactions is used. Whether it is declarative, interrogative, or imperative.


3. Mood System Bloor (2004:46) states that SFG divides the clause into two parts, the Mood and the Residue. The Mood is made up of the Subject and the Finite: the Residue is the rest of the functions in the clause (Predicator, Complements, and Adjuncts). a. Structure of Mood 1) The Subject The first part of Mood structure is the Subject. According to Butt (2003:90), the Subject is the nominal group which interacts most closely with the Finite. The Subject and the Finite has strong relationship in English grammar. The change of the Subject may affect the Finite. Figure 2. 1 – Mood Structure I

am Subject

Finite (present)

you/we/they Subject

are Finite (present)

he/she/it Subject

is Finite (present)

Butt (2003:90-91)


2) The Finite Butt (2003:90) states that the Finite is that part of the verbal groups which encodes primary tense or the speakers opinion. For example: She



Finite (past) He




Finite (modal)

b. Structure of Residue According to Halliday, the Residue consists of functional elements of three kinds: Predicator, Complement, and Adjunct (2004:121). This statement is also supported by Butt (2003:93) “the Predicator, Complement(s) and Adjunct(s) make up the Residue of the clause,”. For example: We






on Friday









the smoothie





1) Predicator The Predicator is the lexical or content part of the verbal group (Eggins, 2004:155) For example: He


gone Predicator

2) Complement Bloor (2004:48) cites the definition of Complement by Berry (1975:64), ‘A Complement is the part of a sentence which answers the question “Who or what?” (or, if one wishes to be pedantic, “Whom or what?”) after the verb.’ For example: Alice bought

the book Complement

3) Adjunct According to Butt (2003:92), Adjunct is adverbial groups, nominal groups and prepositional phrases that acted as Circumstances for the experiental meaning of a clause.


For example: See


there Adjunct

c. Mood types There are two types of mood; indicative mood and imperative mood. Indicative mood can be broken down into declarative mood and interrogative mood. The type of the Mood is determined by the sequence of the Subject and the Finite. Figure 2. 2 – Mood Types Declarative Indicative Mood

Interrogative Imperative Bloor (2004:47)

1) Declarative mood Declarative mood is used to make a statement. Eggins (2003:148) says that statements are usually expressed by declaratives. This statement is strengthened by Mehwish Noor (2015), “Subject followed by Finite, for instance, shows Declarative Mood.” She








2) Interrogerative mood a) Polar (Yes/No Question) The structure of the polar interrogative involves the position of the finite before the subject. The example of polar interrogative clause is given in the figure below: Figure 2. 3 – Interrogative mood – Polar Is Simon reading Henry James?





Complement Residue

Eggins (2004:167)

b) WH-interrogative The WH-element is a distinct element in the interpersonal structure of the clause. Its function is to specify the entity that questioner wishes to have supplied. The WH-element is always conflacted with one or another of three functions Subject, Complement, or Adjunct. If it is conflacted with the Subject, it is part of the Mood element, and the order within the Mood element must therefore be Subject followed by Finite. On the other hand, if the WH-element is


conflacted with a Complement or Adjunct, it is part of the Residue. Figure 2. 4 – Interrogative mood - WH-interrogative Who Killed Cock Robin Suject/WH





Residue Halliday (2004:136)

Figure 2. 5 - Interrogative mood - WH-interrogative Whose little boy are You Complement/WH



Subject Mood

Halliday (2004:136) Figure 2. 6 - Interrogative mood - WH-interrogative where have all the flowers Gone Adjunct/WH




Mood Residue Halliday (2004:136) 3) Imperative mood Imperative is mood for exchanging goods-&-services, its Subject is ‘you’ or ‘me’ or ‘you and me’ (Halliday 2004:138). In imperative mood, the unmarked positive does not have Mood element with verb form only consists of the Predicator without the Finite. The other forms have a Mood element which consists of the Subject only, the Finite only, or the Finite followed by the Subject. These figures below are the example of imperative clause:



the rice


Complement Residue





Subject Predicator Complement Finite Mood




we Subject

Mood Tag



Complement Adjunct







Mood Tag











4. Modality According to Gerot-Wignell (1994:24), Modality indicates the speaker’s judgment of the probabilities or the obligations involved in what he or she saying. There are two types of modality; modalization and modulation. Eggins (2004:172) says that, “when modality is used to argue about the probability or the frequency of propositions, it is referred to as


modalization. When modality is used to argue about the obligation or inclanation of proposals, it is referred to as modulation.

Figure 2. 7 – Modality Types

(1) modalization (indicative type) Modality types (1) modulation (imperative type)

(i) probability (“may be”) (ii) usuality (“sometimes”) (i) obligation (“is wanted to”) (ii) inclination (“wants to”) Halliday (2004:618)

1) Modalization Eggins (2004:172) defines Modalization as “one half of the general grammar area of modality” and it “has to do with the different ways in which a language user can intrude on her message, expressing attitudes and judgments of various kinds,”. Modalization can be broken down into two types: probability and usuality. Posibility and usuality can be expressed by Finite category of modal operation and Mood Adjuncts. The degrees of modal operation and Mood Adjuncts can be classified into three: high, median and low based on the certainty and usuality they express.


Table 2. 1 - Table of Finite Modal Operator






Can, may,


could, might,

should, is/was need, has/had



would, Must, ought to,


Doesn’t/didn’t, Won’t,


need to, have





can’t, couldn’t,



wasn’t (mayn’t, mightn’t,


hasn’t, hadn’t to) Halliday (2004:116)

Table 2. 2 - Table of Mood Adjunct of modality









definitely, no


way (now

maybe, hardly

how) Negative


Always, never

Sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely

Halliday (2004:128)


2) Modulation Besides modalization, another type of modality is what they call it modulation. The speaker express their judgment and attitude about action and events through modulation. If modalization expresses the degrees of probabibility and usuality, modulation expresses the degrees of obligation and inclanation (Eggins, 2004:181). According to Lock and Jones (2011:17), obligation is “judgments about how desirable or neccesary something is”. They also stated that in understanding expression of obligation, it uses two variables: strength and involvement. There are three levels of strength in expressing obligation: high, medium, and low. The strength of an expression of obligation is not only defined by the modal verb (e.g. must, should, may) but also can be affected by prepositional phrase (e.g. certainly, possibly). Lock and Jones (2011:17) suggest that involvement is related to how much the speaker takes responsibility for what he or she is saying. Involvement can be understood in terms of three orientations: impersonal, personal and neutral. a) Impersonal: the speaker explicitly avoids taking responsibility for the obigation b) Personal: the speaker explicitly takes responsibility for the obligation.


c) Neutral: the speaker neither explicitly avoids responsibility nor explicitly takes responsibility for the obligation. 5. Appraisal Appraisal is an act of assessing or judging something. According to Butt (2003:120), he says that the resource of Appraisal is one of the ways speakers position their audience. In written text, the lexicogrammatical patterns influence the audience’s reaction to the meaning of the text. Meanwhile, in spoken text, the speakers use such phonological system as voice quality to position themselves. a. Attitude Attitude, in the system of meaning, is referred as a map of feelings which are construed in English text (Martin and White 2005:42). The system of meaning covered three semantic region: emotion or affect, ethics or judgement and aesthetics or appreciation. 1) Affect Affect is resource of expressing feelings. It can be good feelings or bad feelings. People also can feeling directly or indirectly.


Figure 2. 8 – Types of affect Positive

The captain was happy


The captain was sad


Behavioral surge

The captain wept

Mental state

The captain disliked leaving / the captain felt sad


Reaction to others The captain disliked leaving Undirected mood

The captain was sad

(Based on Martin and White (2005: 46-47))

2) Judgement Arunsirot (2012) cites the function of judgment by Droga and Humphrey (2002:79) that judgment is used to evaluate what people do, say or believe according to institutionalized values. Judgement can be divided into two: social esteem and social sanction. It is same with affect, judgement can be postive or negative judgment.


Figure 2. 9 – Example of judgment of character Social esteem Positive (admire) Negative (criticise) lucky,celebrated,

unlucky, obscure,


unpredictable, slow,


incompetent, timid,

successful, brave,


heroic Social sanction

Positive (praise)

Negative (condemn)

truthful, polite,

Lying, blunt, bad,

modest, humble,

immoral, corrupt,

direct, honest,

unfair, manipulative

respectful (Based on Martin and White (2005:53)) 3) Appreciation Appreciation shows how we give a value about someone or something.







Appreciation “reworks feelings as propositions about value of things-what they are worth or not...”. It is like affect and judgement, people also can appreciate someone or something positively or negatively.


Figure 2. 10 – Example of appreciation Positive

A deep thought A lovely dress


Her boring daily life An unclear explanation (Based on Martin and White (2005:56))

It is also explained by Martin and White (2005:56) that appreciation is divided into reaction, composition, and valuation. Reaction is related to affection or how something or someone catches our attention. Composition is related to the perception or our view of order. Valuation is related to ideational worth. In sum, the types of appreciation are presented with the example in the following table. Table 2.3 – Types of appreciation Types of appreciation Positive Negative Reaction : impact


dull, boring,

“did it grab me?”




dry, ascetic,

lively, dramatic,


intense...; Reaction : quality

okay, fine,


“did I like it?”




plain, ugly,




splendid... Composition : balance



“did it hang together?”









willowly... Composition :

simple, pure,





“was it hard to follow?”

lucid, clear,



arcane, unclear, woolly...




“was it worthwhile?






fake, bogus,



creative... (Based on Martin and White (2005:56)) 6. Speech This study uses speech as a text to be analyzed. Speech as a text has a function to deliver the meaning. Speech is a kind of public speaking. Ezeanya (2013) states that “public speaking is when you stand before an audience and deliver a speech at a formal or an informal occasion,”. When people do public speaking, it also means that they do public communication. According to Adler and Rodman (2006:8), public


communication occurs when a group becomes too large for all members to communicate. In public communication, one or more people deliver their remarks, while the others act as audience. The audience is not able to talk back in two-way communication the way they in a dyadic or small group setting (Adler and Rodman 2006:8). From the explanation above, it is concluded that speech is a spoken text since the speech deliver communicate to the audience orally. This study tries to analyze Hillary Clinton’s speech which is a spoken text and realized in a written text form. B. Previous Studies Recently there have been many studies about interpersonal meaning. Some of the studies can be a reference for the writer to complete this study. First, this study is conducted by Kun-Zhen Huang from School of Foreign Languages, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, China. It is an article from International Journal of English Linguistics which was released on October 1, 2014 entitled “Snip-Snap: An Analysis of Interpersonal Meanings in a Political TV” (International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 4, No. 5, 2014. ISSN 1923-869X E-ISSN 1923-8703) published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. In this study, he uses Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar theory to make an analysis on an episode in Feng Yun Dui Hua, a television program from Phoenix TV. The data which was analyzed is from the interview between TV host Ruan Cishan and the contemporary US Secretary of State Colin Luther Powell. Through the


anlysis of interpersonal meanings in the interview, it is revealed that Mood, modality, person pronouns and Appraisal system are all important devices to reveal the features of the political TV interview. Second, this study is conducted by Hanafi, a Sarjana Degree at English Education Department of PGRI University Semarang in 2016 entitled “An Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning of The Characters on The Fading Charm of Cleopatra Drama Script”. He uses Systemic Functional Linguistics and appraisal technique as the basis of the analysis. In his research, he analyzes the drama script and how the characters express their meanings and feeling to persuade the audience feel likes the characters happened. The result of analysis shows from 270 clauses, 68.9% of them are identified as declarative mood, 22.2% as interrogative mood and 8.9% as the imperative mood. Another study is conducted by Rowiatun Amri Marhamah, a Sarjana Degree at English Language Education Department of Yogyakarta State University 2014 entitled “Interpersonal Meaning Analysis of Muse Song Lyrics in Black Holes and Revelations’ Album”. She uses Mood and Modality to analyze the song lyrics. In her study, she finds variative Mood Types and modality in the song lyrics. The result of data analysis shows that the types of interpersonal meaning in the lyrics of Muse’s album Black Holes and Revelations realized in the wordings of the clause if analyzed based on the elements of interpersonal meaning, the most dominant Mood Types is Declarative, the Modality realized through the use of modal finite and mood adjunct. Based on the Mood Types analysis, the song writer or singer wants


to declare something and give information to the readers or listener through these songs and according to the analysis of Modality through the use of Finite Modal and Mood Adjunct, the result of analysis found only few modalities, and all of them are in the form of modals finite. The difference of this study with other studies is the object which is analyzed. This study is analyzing the concession speech of Hillary Clinton in USA 2016 presidential election. The fact that she lost the election makes writer is decided to analyze her attitude and judgement towards the result using her concession speech.


This chapter represents research design, object of the research, source of data, role of the researcher, method of data collection, method of data analysis. A. Research Design Commonly, there are two kinds of research. They are quantitative research and qualitative research. To make this research, the writer chooses qualitative research as the design of research. According to Cresswell (1994), he said that a qualitative study is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting. The reason that made this study to be a qualitative research because this study explored the interpersonal meaning found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech and this study served the explanation of the subject more than calculation of the data.

Qualitative research presents the data and

research in the form of description. B. Object of The Study The object of this study is Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. In this research, the writer used the result of the research into one of material in Systemic Functional Grammar class. In this research, the data of this study are the transcript of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. So the unit of



analysis of this research is the transcript of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. C. Source of Data This study contains two source data. The first is called primary data. The primary data of the study is the transcript of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. The second is called secondary data. Secondary data of this study are the references such as book, journal, article, archives, and some information from website in the internet related to the study. D. Role of The Writer In this research, the role of the writer is being the analyst that being the main point to collect the data. During the analysis, the writer collected the necessary data from the object that would be analyzed. The writer analyzed the interpersonal meaning in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech to answer the research problem. In the last, the writer made the conclusion and suggestion related to the result of the analysis. E. Method of Data Collection To make this research works systematically,the writer made some ways for collecting data into some steps as follows: 1. The writer searched the source for downloading the transcript of the speech. 2. The writer printed out the transcript to be the object of the research.


3. The writer analyzed or identified the mood type, modality and appraisal of the interpersonal meaning in the realization of each type. F. Method of Data Analysis For analyzing the data, the writer conducted the following steps: 1. Segmenting the sentences into clauses For example: No Clause 1

The flight was supposed to take-off at 5


This is the first time


The world tour concert of BTS will start on Saturday

2. Identifying the linguistic features of the clauses a. Identifying the mood system of the clause This step was done to identify whether the clause belongs to declarative, imperative or interrogative mood by identifying the subject and finite. For example: Clause No



Mood Type


The flight









The world tour concert of BTS



b. Identifying the modality of the clause This step was done to identify whether the clause has positive or negative judgement and in which degree is that clause belong to (low, median, high) For example: Positive Clause


The event will be


Negative Median







U.S. red carpet. They will attend


the BBMAs The fans should just




ignore any BTS related article c. Identifying the appraisal of the clause This step is done to identify in which appraisal category (affect, judgement, appreciation) is a clause belong to.


For example: Appraisal category



The captain was happy


BTS celebrates 4th anniverary with three new songs


A lovely dress

3. Drawing conclusion This research showed a systemic functional analysis of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech and how was Hillary Clinton’s judgement and attitude towards the result of USA election. It was done by the interpersonal metafunction through mood system, modality, and appraisal system.


In this chapter, the writer presents findings of the research. Findings are some empirical research based on reliable data which have been collected from many sources to complete the final paper, and for the discussion, the writer discusses findings result which are supported by another theory about interpersonal meaning. A. Research Findings In these findings of the research, the analysis is broken within the interpersonal metafunction through mood system, modality, and appraisal. 1. The dominant type of Mood found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech Here are the findings of analysis of mood types found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. The writers do some steps to analyzing the speech. First the writer broke down the sentence into clauses. Then the clauses were analyzed by the structure. By analyzing the structure the writer got the result. The writer broke down the sentences into clauses, and the result is there are 144 clauses. The table 4.1 below is showed to present the mood types found in the speech.



Table 4. 1 - The result of mood types analysis No

Mood Type




Declarative Mood




Imperative Mood




Interrogative Mood






Based on the result above, the writer found that declarative mood was found in 123 clauses with percentage are 85.42%, imperative mood was found in 21 clauses with percentage 14.58%, and interrogative mood was not found in clause with percentage 0%. It appears that declarative mood is the dominant mood type found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech.

2. The modality used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech Modality shows the speaker’s judgement about something. As Jones and Lock (2011: 17) said “the system of modality provides us with resources for indicating our judgment and evaluations”. The table below shows the frequency of modality found in the speech:


Table 4. 2 - Frequency of Modality No.

Modal or Mood Adjunct


















Is to







1 Total 23

Based on the table above, there are some Modality used in the speech. They are will, must, can, need, might, is to, never, and always. The modality that mostly used in the speech is will.

3. The Appraisal used in the speech Appraisal is an act of assessing or judging something. According to Butt (2003:120), he says that the resource of Appraisal is one of the ways speakers position their audience. Through the analysis of Appraisal


system, the writer tried to understand Hillary Clinton’s attitude and judgement towards the result of the election. There are 72 expressions found in the speech. The writer analyzed the expressions using Appraisal system that is broken down into three categories. They are Affect, Judgment, and Appreciation. Then those three categories are broken down again into positive and negative. The writer categorized the expressions in the speech into those categories. The table below shows the result of Appraisal analysis: Table 4. 3 - Appraisal Analysis Table Affect Judgement Appreciation Categories


Number of











expression Total


Based on the result above, Affect positive and Judgement positive are the two that got the highest number. Out of 72 expressions, Affect positive got 30 expressions and Judgement positive got 30 expressions.


B. Discussion After analyzing the Hillary Clinton’s concession speech, the writer discussed and explained the result of interpersonal analysis its self using mood system analysis and theory of Halliday. The writer used mood system to examine interpersonal meaning realized in the Hillary Clinton’s concession speech script. 1. The dominant type of Mood found in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech There are three types of mood. They are Declarative Mood, Imperative Mood, and Interrogative Mood. By analizing the clauses, the writer found there are two types of mood that are used. They are Declarative Mood and Imperative Mood. Meanwhile, the Interrogative Mood is not found in the speech. a. Declarative Mood The first mood type which the writer found is Declarative mood. According to M.A.K Halliday and Christian Matthiessen (2004:23) an indicative clause is either declarative or interrogative (still mood). Declarative mood is typically as making statement. Mehwish Noor (2015) says that Subject followed by Finite, for instance, shows Declarative Mood. The characteristics of this type are the clause has mood and residue structure, and contains of an exchange information or proposition. The result of the study presented that most clauses are declarative.


In the following is 10 examples of Hillary Clinton’s idea realized in declarative clauses: 1) Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. Last nigh t

I Congr atulat ed

Donald Trump


S F P Mo-


a n d

offer ed

F -od Residue

to with work him



2) I hope I hope S F P Mood Residue

3) That he will be a successful president for all Americans That


will be

S F Mood


a successful for all president Americans C CA Residue

4) That we did not win this election That

We S Mood

did not F

win this election P C Residue

on behalf of our countr y CA


5) But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign But I






and Gratitude

C Residue


for this wonderful campaign CA

6) For the values we share For the values C Residue

We S Mood

share F P Residue

7) and the vision we hold for our country And

the vision C Residue

We hold our country S F P C Mood Residue

8) and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort and so

do F

tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort S Mood

9) but I want you to remember this but I want you S F P C Mood

to remember P Residue

This C


10) Our campaign was never about one person or even one election Our was campaign S F Mood

never Mood Ad.

about one person or even one election Circ. Ad Residue

From the result of the analysis, that the dominant mood types found in the Hillary Clinton’s concession speech is declarative mood, the writer concluded that

the speaker, Hillary Clinton, was trying to give

informations as much as possible. In which, she expresses those informations through the statemens that she says in her speech. It is similar to what Eggins (2003:148) says, that statements are usually expressed by declaratives. In this case, she was trying to convey her idea to the audience through her statements.

b. Imperative Mood Imperative mood is also found in the speech. Imperative mood is command sentence and also as an exchange of goods and service. The feature of imperative mood can be Subject + Finite, Subject only, Finite only and they may have Residue element only. The imperative clause found in the speech can be seen in the following examples: 1) Thank you from all of us thank you from all of us F P C Circ. Ad Mood Residue


2) Let us not grow weary let F Mood

us not P C Residue

grow P

weary C

3) Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season Let

us not grow weary in doing good F P C P C Mood Residue

for in due season

4) Let us have faith in each other let

us have faith

F P C P Mood Residue

in each other


5) May God bless you May God bless F C P Mood Residue

you C

Although in this speech Imperative Mood is less dominant than Declarative Mood, still, it has a function. Imperative mood may be used to convey a command. Imperative mood also reflects the domination of the speaker to the audience. In the other words, it shows that the speaker has greater power than the listener or the audience.


Thus, the speaker can give command, orders, invitations, instructions or requests to the audience through imperative sentence. From the result above, the writer found that the speaker used the imperative mood through imperative sentences to thank her supporters, ask the audience to not giving up on their dreams and keep looking to the better future despite the unwanted result that they got.

c. Interrogative Mood Interrogative mood is a clause as asking question. The characteristic of interrogative mood are the clause as mood and residue structure and WH or Yes/No question. As M.A.K Halliday and Christian Matthiessen (2004:23) stated that an interrogative clause is either yes/no question type or WH question. According to the analysis result, the writer did not find any interrogative clauses in the speech.

2. The modality used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech In using the modality, the speaker mostly use finite modal operators in medium category. The dominancy of will in the speech means that the speaker wants to show her intention of personal opinion about an event. The examples of Modality are presented as follow: 1) That he will be successful president for all American 2) Then we must accept this result


3) Donald Trump is going to be our president 4) Than I can ever express 5) We need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives 6) And hopefully sooner than we might think right now 7) Our campaign was never about one person or even one election 8) I will always be grateful to the creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in Brooklyn and across our country From the table 4.2, it can be seen that the most modality used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech is Will. Out of 39 modality which were found in the speech, Will is used for 10 times. Will represents the strong determination of something. Meanwhile, Will belongs to modal operator. The different level or degree of modal operator shows that it also has different meaning. Will which is categorized as the medium degree of modal operator signs that it has medium degree of probability. The writer was not too sure about something but still has strong determination about the better future. The use of Will also means that the speaker wants to show their intention of personal opinion about a subjective view of an event.


3. The Appraisal used in the speech a. Affect Affect is resource of expressing feelings. It can be good feelings or bad feelings. 1) Positive Affect The high number of positive Affect found in the analysis shows that the speaker had a good feeling about the result of the election. Besides, the writer also found that the speaker had a good feeling towards her supporters during her campaign. The example of the good feelings which are said by the speaker can be seen as follows: a) Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. 

Congratulate is a word to show a respect to someone’s good event.

b) I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. 

Hope that he will be a successful president is an expression that shows the speaker expects that the chosen president will be the successful one.

c) I am so grateful to stand with all of you. 

Grateful is a word that shows the speaker is expressing her thankfulness towards the supporters and family.


d) And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love for you means more than I can ever express. 

My love for you means more than I can ever express shows that the speaker is grateful towards her family for having them.

e) We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them. 

Respect and cherish are the words the speaker used to show her appreciation towards the result.

From the example of positive Affect above, the writer concluded that the speaker has good feeling about the issue. Beside the fact that the speaker is losing the election, she conveys her good feeling to the audience, to her supporters who are really supportive towards her. She is hoping that the new president will be a successful president for all Americans. She also is expressing her love and gratitude towards her family and supporter who support her during the campaign and election and she asks her supporters to respect the result of election.

b. Judgement Arunsirot (2012) cites the function of judgment by Droga and Humphrey (2002:79) that judgment is used to evaluate what people do, say or believe according to institutionalized values.


1) Positive Judgement According to the result of the analysis, positive Judgemnet has high number. Positive Judgement can be admire or praise. The examples of positive Judgement that the writer found in the analysis are written below: a) But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together, this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. 

The phrase “this wonderful campaign” is categorized as an admiration.

b) You represent the best of America and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life. 

The clauses “You represent the best of America” and “being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life” are both an admiration and a praise.

c) I want each of you to know that you were the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted. 

The clause “you were the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted” is a praise.

d) We -- we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has meant so much to so many Americans and people across the world.


The phrase “your graceful, determined leadership” is an admiration.

e) And -- and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. 

The clause “you are valueable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity” is a praise.

Based on the result of the analysis, it can be concluded that the speaker has positive judgement towards the issue. Positive judgement can be admire or praise.

2) Negative Judgement Negative Judgment can be a critic or condemn. Beside the positive judgement, the writer also found one expression which is a negative judgement. It can be seen in her “And you should never, ever regret fighting for that”. The speaker criticized the audience that the audience should never ever regret fighting for what’s right. c. Appreciation Appreciation shows how we give a value about someone or something. According to Martin and White (2005:45), Appreciation “reworks feelings as propositions about value of things-what they are worth or not...”. It is


like affect and judgement, people also can appreciate someone or something positively or negatively. 1) Positive Appreciation Positive Appreciation is the speaker’s way to value something positively. The writer found six expressions which are said by the speaker categorized as positive appreciation. The examples of positive appreciation which are found in the speech can be seen below: a) But I still believe in America and I always will. b) It has been a joy getting to know them better, and it gives me great hope and comfort to know that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate. c) It is -- it is worth it. Based on the example above, the writer concluded that the speaker is valuing things positively. It can be seen in “But I still believe in America and I always will”. The writer analyzed that according the speaker, America is trustful. So that it makes her always believe in America. Another example of positive appreciation is “It has been a joy getting to know them better, and it gives me great hope and comfort to know that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate”. This shows that the speaker


values the event – Tim will represent Virginia in the Senate – is a good thing and something joyful and hopeful to her depite her losing. The next positive appreciation is “It is -- it is worth it”. This shows that the speaker said to her audience that although she is losing, but fighting for what is right is something worthy. The speaker said that fighting in the election is worth it.

2) Negative Appreciation If positive appreciation is the way of speaker valuing something positively, negative appreciation works in the opposite way. The speaker used negative appreciation to value something negatively. In the analysis, the writer found there are five negative appreciation which are said by the speaker. The example of negative appreciation can be seen as follows: a) This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. b) This is painful and it will be for a long time, but I want you to remember this. c) This loss hurts Based on the example above, the speaker used negative appreciation to mainly talked about the unwanted result of election. In her “This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard


for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country”, the speaker clearly declared to the audience that the result is not the result they wanted or they worked so hard for. The speaker also said that the result of the election which she is losing to her rival is something painful. This idea can be seen in “This is painful and it will be for a long time...” and also in “This loss hurts”.


This chapter consists of two subchapters which are conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions are derived from the result of analyses and also discussions done in the previous chapter of this study. This chapter also mentions some suggestions. A. Conclusion After analyzing Hillary Clinton’s concession speech, the writer draws the conclusion based on the findings of the study. 1. The dominant mood type which is used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech is declarative mood. It shows that the speaker, Hillary Clinton, is mainly giving her opinion about the result of the election or stating a fact. 2. The types of Modality which are used in Hillary Clinton’s concession speech are Finite modal operator and Mood Adjunct. The dominant Modality that is used is Will. This shows that the speaker wants to show their intention of personal opinion about a subjective view of an event. In the other words, the speaker has personal judgement about the event.

3. There are 72 expressions that are categorized in appraisal system. The use of appraisal shows the speaker’s thought about something, whether it is good or bad. The appraisal system is divided into Affect, Judgement, and



Appreciation. Those three then divided again into positive and negative. In this study, the writer found 30 expressions in positive Affect, 30 expressions in positive Judgement, 1 expression in negative Judgement, 6 expressions in positive Appreciation, and 5 expressions in negative Appreciation.

B. Suggestion After finishing the final paper, the writer gives suggestions, as follows: 1. For the readers After reading this final paper, the writer hopes that the reader would be able to get new information about interpersonal meaning and appraisal system. Through this final paper, the writer also hopes the reader would get the better comprehension about the interpersonal meaning of Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. 2. For the students The writer hopes that this final paper can be used as a reference for the students, especially students in Systemic Functional Grammar class. The students can use this final paper to help them understand more about Systemic Functional Grammar especially interpersonal meaning. 3. For future researcher The future researcher can analyze the other kind of speech in other occassions, so that they can uncover the real meaning that the speakers wants to convey in their speech. In that case, this final paper can be used as a reference to do the analysis.

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CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you.

(APPLAUSE) Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. (APPLAUSE) Very rowdy group. Thank you, my friends. Thank you. Thank you, thank you so very much for being here and I love you all, too. Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together, this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of America and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life.

(APPLAUSE) I know how disappointed you feel because I feel it too, and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful and it will be for a long time, but I want you to remember this. Our campaign was never about one person or even one election, it was about the country we love and about building an America that's hopeful, inclusive and big-hearted. We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this


result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don't just respect that, we cherish it. It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them.

(APPLAUSE) Now -- and let me add, our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years but all the time. So let's do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear; making our economy work for everyone not just those at the top, protecting our country and protecting our planet and breaking down all the barriers that hold any American back from achieving their dreams. CLINTON: We've spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone -- for people of all races and religions, for men and women, for immigrants, for LGBT people, and people with disabilities. For everyone.

(APPLAUSE) So now, our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part to build that better, stronger, fairer America we seek. And I know you will.


I am so grateful to stand with all of you. I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for being our partners on this journey.

(APPLAUSE) It has been a joy getting to know them better, and it gives me great hope and comfort to know that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate. (APPLAUSE) To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude.

(APPLAUSE) We -- we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has meant so much to so many Americans and people across the world. And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love for you means more than I can ever express. You crisscrossed this country on our behalf and lifted me up when I needed it most -- even four-monthold Aidan who traveled with his mom. I will always be grateful to the creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in Brooklyn and across our country.



You poured your hearts into this campaign. For some of you who are veterans, it was a campaign after you had done other campaigns. Some of you, it was your first campaign. I want each of you to know that you were the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted.

(APPLAUSE) And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to neighbors, posted on Facebook, even in secret, private Facebook sites...

(LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) ... I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going forward.

(APPLAUSE) To everyone who sent in contributions as small at $5 and kept us going, thank you. Thank you from all of us. And to the young people in particular, I hope you will hear this. I have, as Tim said, spent my entire adult life fighting for what I believe in. I've had successes and I've had setbacks. Sometimes, really painful ones. Many of you are at the beginning of your professional public and political careers. You will have successes and setbacks, too.


This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it.

(APPLAUSE) CLINTON: It is -- it is worth it.

(APPLAUSE) And so we need -- we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives. And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me, I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion.

(APPLAUSE) Now, I -- I know -- I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but some day someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now.

(APPLAUSE) And -- and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.



(APPLAUSE) Finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me. I count my blessings every single day that I am an American. And I still believe as deeply as I ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us.

(APPLAUSE) Because, you know -- you know, I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that. You know, scripture tells us, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart." So my friends, let us have faith in each other, let us not grow weary, let us not lose heart, for there are more seasons to come. And there is more work to do. I am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.




Analysis of Mood Type Clause Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 45 57 91 92 103 117

134 137 138 139 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Mood Type Clause Thank you Thank you all Thank you Thank you all very much Thank you Thank you Thank you so much Thank you, my friends Thank you Thank you Thank you so very much for being here and then look to the future So let's do all thank you Thank you from all of us but never stop believing never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season let us have faith in each other let us not grow weary let us not lose heart I love you all, too Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope That he will be a successful president for all Americans This is not the outcome We wanted We worked so hard for And I’m sorry That we did not win this election For the values we share and the vision we hold for our country But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together, this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign

Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood

Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Imperative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood


25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

58 59

You represent the best of America and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life I know How disappointed you feel Because I feel it too and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful and it will be for a long time but I want you to remember this Our campaign was never about one person or even one election It was about the country We love That’s hopeful, inclusive and big hearted We have seen That our nation is more deeply divided than we thought But I still believe in America and I always will And if you do then we must accept this result Donald Trump is going to be our president We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don't just respect that we cherish it It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them let me add our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years but all the time we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear; making our economy work for everyone not just those at the top, protecting our country and protecting our planet and breaking down all the barriers that hold any

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood



61 62


64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84

American back from achieving their dreams We've spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone -- for people of all races and religions, for men and women, for immigrants, for LGBT people, and people with disabilities So now, our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part to build that better, stronger, fairer America we seek and I know you will I am so grateful to stand with all of you I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for being our partners on this journey It has been a joy getting to know them better and it gives me great hope and comfort to know that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has meant so much to so many Americans and people across the world And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love for you means more than I can ever express You crisscrossed this country on our behalf and lifted me up when I needed it most even four-month-old Aidan who traveled with his mom I will always be grateful to the creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in Brooklyn and across our country You poured your hearts into this campaign For some of you who are veterans it was a campaign after you had done other campaigns

Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood


85 86 87 88 89

90 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 108

109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 120 121

Some of you, it was your first campaign. I want each of you to know that you were the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to neighbors, posted on Facebook, even in secret, private Facebook sites... your voices are heard going forward I hope you will hear this I have spent my entire adult life fighting for as Tim said what I believe in I've had successes and I've had setbacks Many of you are at the beginning of your professional public and political careers You will have successes and setbacks, too. this loss hurts that fighting for what's right is worth it it is worth it And so we need we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion Now, I know I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling but some day someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now and to all the little girls who are watching this Finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me I count my blessings every single day that I am an American

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood


122 123 124

125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 135 136 140 141 142

143 144

And I still believe as deeply as I ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation our best days are still ahead of us Because, you know you know I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together And you should never, ever regret fighting for that You know scripture tells us we shall reap if we do not lose heart for there are more seasons to come And there is more work to do I am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood Declarative Mood

Declarative Mood Declarative Mood




Analysis of Mood Structure 

Clause 1: Thank you Thank you F P C Mood Residue

Clause 2: Thank you all Thank you all F P C Mood Residue

Clause 3: Thank you Thank you F P C Mood Residue

Clause 4: Thank you all very much Thank you all very much F P C Mood Residue

Clause 5: Thank you Thank You F P C Mood Residue

Clause 6: Thank you Thank You F P C Mood Residue

Clause 7: Thank you so much Thank you so much F P C Mood Residue

Clause 8: Thank you, my friends Thank you my friends F P C Mood Residue


Clause 9: Thank you Thank you F P C Mood Residue

Clause 10: Thank you Thank you F P C Mood Residue

Clause 11: Thank you so very much for being here Thank you so very much for being here F P C CA Mood Residue

Clause 12: I love you all, too I love you all too S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 13: Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. Last I Congr Donald a offered to with on behalf nigh atulat Trump n work him of our t ed d country CA S F P C F P CA CA Mo-od Residue

Clause 14: I hope I hope S F P Mood Residue

Clause 15: That he will be a successful president for all Americans That he will be a successful for all president Americans S F P C CA Mood Residue


Clause 16: This is not the outcome This is not the outcome S F C Mood Residue Clause 17: We wanted We wanted S F P Mood Residue

Clause 18: We worked so hard for We worked so hard for S F P Mood Residue

Clause 19: And I’m sorry And I am sorry S F C Mood


Clause 20: That we did not win this election That We did not win this election S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 21: For the values we share For the values We share C S F P Residue Mood Residue

Clause 22: and the vision we hold for our country And the vision We hold our country C S F P C Residue Mood Residue

Clause 23: But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign S F P C C CA Mood Residue

Clause 24: that we built together, this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign.


That we built

together this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign.

S F P Mood

C Residue

Clause 25: You represent the best of America You represent the best of American S F P C Mood


Clause 26: and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life. and being your has been one of the greatest honors of my life candidate S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 27: I know I know S F P Mood Residue

Clause 28: How disappointed you feel How disappointed you feel S F P Mood Residue

Clause 29: Because I feel it too Because I feel it too S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 30: and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort F S Mood

Clause 31: This is painful


This is S F Mood

painful C Residue

Clause 32: and it will be for a long time and it will be for a long time S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 33: but I want you to remember this but I want you to remember this S F P C P C Mood


Clause 34: Our campaign was never about one person or even one election Our was never about one person or even one campaign election S F Mood Ad. Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 35: It was about the country It was about the country and about building an America S F C Mood Residue

Clause 36: We love We love S F P Mood Residue

Clause 37: That’s hopeful, inclusive and big hearted That is hopeful, inclusive and big hearted S F C Mood Residue

Clause 38: We have seen We have seen S F P Mood Residue


Clause 39: That our nation is more deeply divided That our nation is more deeply divided S F Mood Ad. P Mood Residue

Clause 40: than we thought Than we thought S F P Mood

Clause 41: But I still believe in America But I still believe in America S Mood Ad F P Circ. Ad Mo- Residue -od Residue

Clause 42: and I always will. and I always will S Mood Ad F Mo- Residue -od

Clause 43: And if you do and if you do S F Mood

Clause 44: then we must accept this result then we must accept this result S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 45: and then look to the future and then look to the future P C Re-sidue

Clause 46: Donald Trump is going to be our president Donald Trump is going to be our president S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 47: We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead


S F P C C Mood Residue Clause 48: Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power Our constitutional enrishes the peaceful transfer of power democracy S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 49: and we don't just respect that and we don’t just respect that S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 50: we cherish it We cherish it S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 51: It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle It also enshrines other things the rule of law, the principle S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 52: that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression S F C Mood Residue

Clause 53: We respect and cherish these values too We respect and cherish these values too S F P F P C Mo- Re-od -sidue

Clause 54: and we must defend them and we must defend them S F P C Mood Predicator


Clause 55: let me add let me add P S P Re- Mood -sidue

Clause 56: our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years but all the time our demands our not just every four years constitutional participation but all the time democracy S F P C Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 57: So let's do all So let’s do all S P C Mood Residue

Clause 58: we can to keep advancing the causes and values we can to keep advancing the causes and values S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 59: we all hold dear; making our economy work for everyone not just those at the top, protecting our country and protecting our planet and breaking down all the barriers that hold any American back from achieving their dreams. we all hold dear making our economy work for everyone S F P C P C P C Mood Residue not just those at the top C Residue our planet


protecting our country P C

breaking down all the barriers


and protecting P


any Americans


C Residue back from





achieving their dreams P C Residue

Clause 60: We've spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice We’ve spent a bringing together millions from to with year of every say one and people corner voice a of our half country S F P Circ. P C Circ. P Ad. Ad Ad Mood Residue

Clause 61: that we believe that We believe S F P Mood Residue

Clause 62: that the American dream is big enough for everyone -- for people of all races and religions, for men and women, for immigrants, for LGBT people, and people with disabilities that the is big enough for everyone -- for people of all American races and religions, for men and dream women, for immigrants, for LGBT people, and people with disabilities S Mood



Circ. Ad Residue

Clause 63: So now, our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part to build that better, stronger, fairer America so now our is to keep our part to build that better, responsibility doing stonger, fairer America as citizens Circ. S F P C


Ad Re-



Clause 64: we seek we Seek S F P Mood Residue

Clause 65: and I know and I know S F P Mood Residue

Clause 66: you will you will S F Mood

Clause 67: I am so grateful to stand with all of you I am so grateful to stand with all of you S F C P Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 68: I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for being our partners on this journey. I want to Tim Kaine and for being our on this thank Anne Holton partners journey S F P C P C Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 69: It has been a joy getting to know them better It has been a joy getting to know them S F P C P C Mood Residue


Clause 70: and it gives me great hope and comfort to know and it gives me great hope and comfort to know S F P C C P




Clause 71: that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate. that Tim will remain on the front represent Virginia in the lines of our ing Senate democracy S F P C P C Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 72: To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude. To Barack and Michelle Obama

our country

Circ. Ad




owes you


an enormous debt of gratitude


C -sidue

Clause 73: we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership S F P C C Mood Residue

Clause 74: that has meant so much to so many Americans and people across the world that has meant so much to so many Americans and people across the world S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 75: And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love for you means more And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, my love means more Aidan, our brothers and our entire family for you Circ. Ad S F P C ReMood -sidue


Clause 76: than I can ever express than I can ever express S F C P Mood Residue

Clause 77: You crisscrossed this country on our behalf and lifted me up you crisscrossed this on our and lifted me up country behalf S F P C Circ. Ad F P C MoResi-od -due

Clause 78: when I needed it most when I needed it most S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 79: even four-month-old Aidan who traveled with his mom. even four-month-old Aidan who traveled with his mom S F P Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 80: I will always be grateful to the creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in Brooklyn and across our country. I will always be grateful to the creative, at our headquarters talented, in Brooklyn and dedicated men across our country and women S F Mood P C Circ. Ad Circ. Ad Ad Mood Residue

Clause 81: You poured your hearts into this campaign. you poured your hearts into this campaign S F P C C Mood Residue

Clause 82: For some of you who are veterans For some of you who are veterans S F C




Clause 83: it was a campaign it was a campaign S F C Mood Residue

Clause 84: after you had done other campaigns after you had done other campaigns S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 85: Some of you, it was your first campaign. some of you it was your first campaign Circ. Ad S F C ReMood -sidue

Clause 86: I want each of you to know I want each of you to know S F P C P Mood Residue

Clause 87: that you were the best campaign that you were the best campaign S F C Mood Residue

Clause 88: anybody could have ever expected or wanted. anybody could have ever expected or wanted S F F P P Mood Residue

Clause 89: And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to neighbors, posted on Facebook, even in secret, private Facebook sites...


on Facebook


in secret, private Facebook sites

Circ. Ad

Mood Ad

Circ. Ad




talked to


Circ. Ad

Circ. Ad


on doors



And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers Re-





o Re-



Clause 90: your voices are heard going forward your voice are heard going forward S F P P Mood Residue

Clause 91: thank you thank you F P C Mood Residue

Clause 92: Thank you from all of us thank you from all of us F P C Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 93: I hope I hope S F P Mood Residue

Clause 94: you will hear this


you will hear this S F P C Mood Residue 

Clause 95: I have spent my entire adult life fighting for I have spent my entire life fighting for S F P C P Mood Residue

Clause 96: as Tim said as Tim said S F P Mood Residue

Clause 97: what I believe in what I believe In S F P Mood Residue

Clause 98: I've had successes I’ve had Successes S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 99: and I've had setbacks and I’ve had setbacks S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 100: Many of you are at the beginning of your professional public and political careers. many of you are at the beginning of your professional public and political careers S F Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 101: You will have successes and setbacks, too. you will have success and setbacks too S F P C




Clause 102: this loss hurts this loss hurts S F P Mood Residue

Clause 103: but never stop believing but never stop believing Mood Ad P P Residue

Clause 104: that fighting for what's right is worth it. that fighting for what’s right is worth it S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 105: it is worth it. it is worth it S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 106: And so we need and so we need S F P Mood Residue

Clause 107: we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives we need you to keep up these now and for the rest of your fights lives S F P C P C Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 108: And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me. And to all and especially the who put their in this the young faith campai women women gn and


Circ. Ad





in me Circ. Ad


Clause 109: I want you to know I want you to know S F P C P Mood Residue

Clause 110: that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 111: Now, I know now I know Circ. Ad S F P Residue Mood Residue

Clause 112: I know I know S F P Mood Residue

Clause 113: we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling S F Mood P C Ad Mood Residue

Clause 114: but some day someone will but some day someone will Circ. Ad S F Residue Mood

Clause 115: and hopefully sooner than we might think right now.


and hopefully sooner than we might Comment Adjunct S F Ad ReMood

think P

right now Circ. Ad


Clause 116: and to all the little girls who are watching this, and to all the little girls who are watching this Circ. Ad S F P C ReMood -sidue

Clause 117: never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. your own dreams



and to pursue


Circ. Ad


in the world






Re- Mood


every chance of deserving



and powerful

that doubt

Mood. Ad


and valueable






Clause 118: Finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all Finally I am so grateful for our country and for all Mood. S F P P P Ad Re- Mood -sidue

Clause 119: it has given to me. It has given to me S F P Circ. Ad Mood Residue

Clause 120: I count my blessings every single day I count my blessings every single day


S F Mood



Circ. Ad Residue

Clause 121: that I am an American That I am an American S F C Mood Residue

Clause 122: And I still believe And I still S Mood Ad Mood Residue

believe F P Mood Residue

Clause 123: as deeply as I ever have as deeply as I ever have S F Mood

Clause 124: that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation


for this nation


Circ. Ad





Clause 125: our best days are still ahead of us our best days are still ahead of us S F Mood Ad C

Circ. Ad


in our convictions


Circ. Ad


for our differences









stand F P









Clause126: Because, you know Because you know S F P Mood Residue

Clause 127: you know you know S F P Mood Residue

Clause 128: I believe I believe S F P Mood Residue

Clause 129: we are stronger together we are stronger together S F C Mood Residue

Clause 130: and we will go forward together and we will go forward together S F P C Mood Residue

Clause 131: And you should never, ever regret fighting for that and you should never ever regret fighting for that S F Moo P P C d Ad Mood Residue

Clause 132: You know You know S F P Mood Residue

Clause 133: scripture tells us


scripture S Mood

tells F

us P


Clause 134: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season Let us not grow weary in for in doing due good season F P C P C Mood Residue

Clause 135: we shall reap We shall reap S F P Mood Residue

Clause 136: if we do not lose heart if we do not lose heart S F P P C Mood Residue

Clause 137: let us have faith in each other let us have faith in each other F P C P C Mood Residue

Clause 138: let us not grow weary let us not grow weary F P C P C Mood Residue

Clause 139: let us not lose heart let us not lose heart F P C P C Mood Residue

Clause 140: for there are more seasons to come for there are more reasons to come


S F Mood

C Residue


Clause 141: And there is more work to do and there is more work to do S F C P Mood Residue

Clause 142: I am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election

Comment Ad



this in consequenti al election


all of you



to represent

honore d

this chance


to have had









Circ. Ad


Clause 143: May God bless you May God bless you F C P C Mood Residue

Clause 144: and may God bless the United States of America and may God bless the United States of America F C P C Mood Residue




Clause That he will be successful president for all American And it will be for a long time And I always will Then we must accept this result Donald Trump is going to be our president And we must defend them And I know you will That Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate Than I can ever express When I needed it most I will always be grateful to the creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in Brooklyn and across our country You will hear this You will have successes and setbacks, too And so we need We need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives But some day someone will And hopefully sooner than we might think right now And we will go forward together

Positive Low Median High Will Will Will Must Is to Must Will Will

Can Need Will

Will Will Need Need

Will Might Will


Negative Median High




Clause Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15





Expressions Thank you Thank you all Thank you Thank you all very much Thank you Thank you Thank you so much Thank you, my friends Thank you Thank you Thank you so very much for being here I love you all, too Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we wanted or we worked so hard for and I'm sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vision we hold for our country. But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together, this vast, diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of America and being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I know how disappointed you feel because I feel it too, and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful and it will be for a

Appraisal Category Affect Judgeme Apprecia nt tion + + + √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √




22 23

24 25 26





long time, but I want you to remember this. Our campaign was never about one person or even one election, it was about the country we love and about building an America that's hopeful, inclusive and bighearted. We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don't just respect that, we cherish it. It also enshrines other things; the rule of law, the principle that we are all equal in rights and dignity, freedom of worship and expression. We respect and cherish these values too and we must defend them. Now -- and let me add, our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four years but all the time. So let's do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear; making our economy work for everyone not just those at the top, protecting our country and protecting our planet and breaking down all the barriers that hold any American back from achieving their dreams.

√ √ √ √ √ √

√ √




33 34 35







We've spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone -- for people of all races and religions, for men and women, for immigrants, for LGBT people, and people with disabilities. For everyone. So now, our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part to build that better, stronger, fairer America we seek. And I know you will. I am so grateful to stand with all of you. I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for being our partners on this journey. It has been a joy getting to know them better, and it gives me great hope and comfort to know that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the Senate. To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude. We -- we thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has meant so much to so many Americans and people across the world. And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte, Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love for you means more than I can ever express. You crisscrossed this country on our behalf and lifted me up when I needed it most -- even fourmonth-old Aidan who traveled with his mom. I will always be grateful to the

√ √ √ √

√ √


42 43

44 45




49 50


52 53 54

55 56 57

creative, talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in Brooklyn and across our country. You poured your hearts into this campaign. For some of you who are veterans, it was a campaign after you had done other campaigns. Some of you, it was your first campaign. I want each of you to know that you were the best campaign anybody could have ever expected or wanted. And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who knocked on doors, talked to neighbors, posted on Facebook, even in secret, private Facebook sites... I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard going To everyone who sent in contributions as small at $5 and kept us going, thank you. Thank you from all of us. And to the young people in particular, I hope you will hear this. I have, as Tim said, spent my entire adult life fighting for what I believe in. I've had successes and I've had setbacks. Sometimes, really painful ones. Many of you are at the beginning of your professional public and political careers. You will have successes and setbacks, too. This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it.

√ √ √ √

√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


58 59





64 65


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It is -- it is worth it. And so we need -- we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives. And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this campaign and in me, I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. Now, I -- I know -- I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but some day someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. And -- and to all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams. Finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me. I count my blessings every single day that I am an American. And I still believe as deeply as I ever have that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions and love for this nation, our best days are still ahead of us. Because, you know -- you know, I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together. And you should never, ever regret fighting for that. You know, scripture tells us, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart." So my friends, let us have faith in each other, let us not grow weary,

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let us not lose heart, for there are more seasons to come. And there is more work to do. √ I am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election. May God bless you and may God √ bless the United States of America. 30

















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