Vol 27 - July 09

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FirePlan Update Vol. 27 – July 2009

Milestones in Integrated Fire Management Planning

State level outcomes On Tuesday, 18 June leaders from a range of agencies and organisations met for the State Fire Management Planning Committee. Following the recent Regional Chair Forum, the state committee approved additional funding for regional committees to undertake an environmental scan before the fire danger period. The results of the Victorian Fire Risk Register (VFRR) trial in Mansfield were presented to the committee and it was decided to adopt the VFRR as a tool for IFMP. An implementation plan was approved which aims to produce a wildfire risk register for the first phase implementation municipal areas and alpine resorts where a Municipal Fire Management Committee or working group is established. The committee also noted the establishment of the IFMP Risk Tool Working Group, to oversight the development and integration of risk tools and approved two community engagement trials to go ahead in Cardinia and Hepburn.

These objectives were to build and share a common understanding of IFMP, build partnerships between committees and create a collaborative environment to foster the development of the project. Discussion later in the day focused on what could be achieved by regional committees. It was agreed that committees would undertake an environmental scan to identify existing fire management plans, how they link and identify gaps in planning for improvement before the fire danger period. After sharing their experiences, participants at the meeting also felt it was important that learnings from individual trials and each committee are shared with the rest of the state. Brian Parry, Chair of the State Fire Management Committee closed the forum, noting that the day had been “an important step towards ensuring the success of IFMP.”

Leaders in IFMP commit to next steps at Regional Chair Forum With eight regional committees established and a number of municipal trials underway, Integrated Fire Management Planning (IFMP) is building momentum, instigating a forum between regional committee chairs, deputy chairs, state committee members and the support team. After travelling from around the state to meet at MFB’s Burnley Complex, leaders in IFMP listened with anticipation as Tony Murphy, state committee member for the MFB, outlined objectives for the day.

Chairs, state committee members and the support team at the Regional Chairs Forum.

For further information: Email [email protected] Phone: (03) 9262 8469 Produced by Sophie Jackson

Agencies in profile – Department of Primary Industries

Urban Risk Profiling Tool The recently established IFMP Risk Tools Working Group will hit the ground running, with the trial of the Urban Area Risk Profiling Tool to be undertaken in Maribyrnong, Cardinia and Manningham. The tool is being adapted from the Small Area Risk Profiling Tool, which is used by the MFB to understand fire risk in the urban environment. The tool is a map based tool that provides information around property value, demographics and fire history, allowing the user to make a risk assessment based on the information. The IFMP Risk Tools Working Group will be looking at how the tool can work with other risk tools, including the Victorian Fire Risk Register and in which areas the tool should be used. Agencies align boundaries Victoria Police will be complying with the Victorian Government Boundaries, the same ones used by IFMP, on December 1, 2009. “Although Victoria Police will manage the regions slightly differently, they will comply with the Victorian Government Boundaries,“ said Superintendent Rod Collins, state committee member for Victoria Police. The decision follows a mandate to all government organisations to align with the regions. “Having consistent boundaries and regions across agencies will make joint response and planning a much easier process,” said Norm Free, Manager of the State Fire Management Planning Support Team.

The Department of Primary Industries’ mission is to enable transformation in Victoria’s primary and energy industries to sustainably increase wealth and well-being while protecting and enhancing safety, community, animal welfare and the environment. It has various obligations for emergency preparedness, response and recovery as well as being a key support agency for fire response. Some of the activities that DPI are involved with during and after fires include the assessment of loss and damage to agriculture, mining energy and aquaculture assets, the assessment and advice on the treatment of injured livestock, assessment and advice on the distribution of donated fodder and advice to government about the needs of individuals, communities and industries affected by the fire. “Through IFMP, DPI hopes to ensure the important contribution the agriculture, mining, fishing and energy sectors make to Victoria is recognised in planning outcomes. It’s important that these sectors are considered when planning for fire as the impacts of fire can be very severe, not only financially but also on the social fabric of rural communities." Greg Hayes, state committee representative for DPI said. Mr Hayes was also confident that the IFMP process would provide valuable opportunities to strengthen relationships with other agencies involved in recovery after fire and other emergencies.

DPCD, RDV and DHS already operate within the boundaries.

“Most have signed on with their heads, but it’s important now that they sign on with their hearts.” – Brian Parry, Chair of the State Fire Management Planning Committee. For further information: Email [email protected] Phone: (03) 9262 8469 Produced by Sophie Jackson

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