July 09

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St Neots and Huntingdon Methodist Circuit NEWSROUND JULY 2009 Please note that August’s NEWSROUND will be a week late in delivery. Do give me time to get home and go through all those lovely emails of your news and future events. Keep sending them in … it might help if you always put “NEWSROUND item” in the subject box of your email please to save Meryl wondering what it is whilst I’m in Uganda. Thanks. Adrian

Welcome to this month's electronic news bulletin of the St Neots and Huntingdon Methodist Circuit Please feel free to circulate these stories by email or by cutting and pasting into your church newsletter or magazine or printing them out and pinning them on your noticeboard. .........................Not a great deal of material sent in this month. The main news is the departure of the Project Uganda team............. BUCKDEN

Buckden Methodist Church Chapel Anniversary Service will be held on Sunday July 12th at 10.30 am. The preacher will be Pauline Zarner. The service will be followed by a Bring and Share Lunch

Cycle ride from London to Paris Between 22nd and 25th July, Phil Sheppard, from Buckden Methodist Church, will be participating in a sponsored event for Christian Aid by cycling from London to Paris, a distance of approximately 300 miles. He will be in a group of 140 cyclists from all parts of the country taking on this demanding challenge to raise funds to help people in desperately impoverished parts of the world. To date, he has succeeded in raising the required minimum sponsorship of £1,100 but has set himself a personal target of £2,000. If you would like to support him in achieving this target, Phil can be contacted on 01480-431185, or, alternatively, you can donate by visiting his justgiving web page at www.justgiving.com/philsheppard . If people prefer to pay by cheque, payment should be made to Christian Aid and forwarded to him at the following address: 11 Budge Close Brampton Huntingdon Cambs PE28 4PL For those wishing to gift aid their donation, they would need to include their name, first line of address and post code. I can then include this information on my sponsorship form.

"Christian Aid believes in Life before Death".


Free Coffee and Cakes on 4 July 09 10:30 - 12:00 Book Van at Betty and Dennis's on Tues 7 July 09 10:30 12:00 (9 Crecy Court). PROJECT UGANDA 2009 The team sets off on 11th July to spend 3 weeks in Teso. We have cases bulging with New Testaments, medicines, gifts, school resources and tools. We want to express our thanks to everyone for their support and to ask for your prayers for the success of the mission and for good health and protection for each team member.

RELAX • EAT • SHARE • THINK After a hard day, you deserve some rest...

relax in an informal atmosphere where you can eat a tasty meal, share with friends and find space to think Thursday 16 July · 7.00pm until 9.30pm Sawtry Methodist Church “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” --

METHODIST CONFERENCE COMES TO WOLVERHAMPTON The Methodist Conference meets in Wolverhampton this year. The Conference is the governing body of the Methodist Church and is also a festival of celebration, worship and friendship. More than 300 representatives from across British Methodism will gather at the Civic Hall from 2 to 9 July, as well as hundreds of visitors. The Conference is the time when the new President The Revd David Gamble and

Vice-President Dr Richard Vautrey begin their year in office. Their induction will open the main Conference on the afternoon of 4 July. For more information about David and Richard go to http://methodistconference.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=conference.content&cmid=7 . You can follow the main debates of Conference through Methodist Web Radio in conjunction with Premier Christian Radio at http://methodistconference.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=conference.content&cmid=2 1. There is a comprehensive Conference website at http://methodistconference.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.content&cmid=1 complete with a Twitter feed (http://methodistconference.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=conference.content&cmid= 32) and a daily blog update (http://methodistconference.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=conference.content&cmid= 26). ............................... DETAILS OF SOME CONFERENCE REPORTS HOPE IN GOD'S FUTURE (CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE) - a comprehensive report which tackles one of the great issues of our age. It includes scientific and biblical material to provide a theological response, before making recommendations of responses by churches and individuals. To read the whole report go to http://methodistconference.org.uk/downloads/10-hope-in-gods-future210509.pdf. SINGING THE FAITH - Hymns are close to Methodists' hearts as they express doctrine and theology through words and music. The Music Resource Group has chosen hymns for a new authorised collection. This list was opened for consultation at the beginning of the year. This report gives results of the consultation, with costings for the project and publications. To read the whole report go to http://methodistconference.org.uk/downloads/35singing-the-faith-110609.pdf THE USE OF INTERNET BANKING FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF CHURCH ACCOUNTS - With internet banking becoming increasingly popular and easier, this report considers how churches can use this facility. It includes guidelines for good practice following advice from the Charity Commission, preserves the need for authorisation of payments by two individuals and makes use of the experience of bodies in the Methodist Church already using internet banking. To read the whole report go to http://methodistconference.org.uk/downloads/44-internet-banking-110609.pdf The complete text of all the Conference reports can be found on the Conference

website at http://methodistconference.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=conference.content&cmid=2 0. ............................... SRI LANKA UPDATE The Methodist Church has so far sent £35,000 in grants to the Methodist Church, Sri Lanka. The joint appeal by the Methodist Fund for World Mission and MRDF has already met with great generosity, and a further grant will be sent very shortly. The president of the Methodist Church, Sri Lanka has sent a summary of what is already being undertaken thanks to the support received, and work that is proposed which your generosity will make possible. You can read it at http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/wc-sri-lanka-update-100609.doc. As you read it you will see the real dilemmas and hardships facing people in Sri Lanka and the vision and commitment of Sri Lankan Methodists who are responding with their time, money and love. Please continue to pray for the country and the work of the Methodist Church there. You can continue to support the Sri Lanka Appeal by making a donation to the Fund for World Mission. You can send a cheque to The Fundraising Coordinator, The Fund for World Mission, Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5JR (quoting the reference SR59) or donate online at http://www.justgiving.com/methodistchurchfundforworldmissionsrilankaappeal. ............................... CHURCHES' STEADFAST MESSAGE: GOD LOVES ALL, RACISM IS A 'SIN' Disappointment and concern have been expressed by Churches following gains made by the British National Party (BNP) in this month's European Parliament Elections. In the elections held on 4 June, the BNP won two seats in the European Parliament and three seats in local councils around the UK. Rachel Lampard, Public Issues Policy Adviser for the Methodist Church, said, "The limited success of the BNP does not change our steadfast message: God loves all. Racism is a sin. The campaigning work of the churches and other grass-roots organisations has helped to highlight the need for people to vote positively, especially at a time when public confidence in politics has been shaken." You can read more at http://www.methodist.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=opentogod.newsDetail&newsid=3

51 ............................... CHURCH DEDICATES RESOURCES TO CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE The Methodist Church continues its commitment to empowering young people with the appointment of a Youth Participation Development Officer. Jude Levermore will dedicate her time in the newly-created post to enabling young people engage in the life of the Church and their communities. Jude, whose previous job involved working with socially excluded young people at The Witney Ecumenical Youth Trust in West Oxfordshire, said she was really excited about the challenge. "The Methodist Church has recognised that without the involvement of young people, there is not much hope for the Church," said Jude. "The vision is to renew the Church through young people. Participation is all about getting young people involved at every level. As a society, we have lost the ability to hear what young people say. That is part of the breakdown in society. We have become frightened of young people and actually they have so much energy and potential. As a society, we have stifled their ability to change the world." Jude will coordinate a regional participation network as well as making sure that the annual Youth Assembly works as planned and that young people?s voices are listened to. For more information about the Youth Assembly go to http://www.methodist.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=churchlife.content&cmid=2735. There is more information about the Methodist Church?s Youth Participation Strategy at http://www.methodist.org.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=churchlife.content&cmid=2196.

............................... WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING? - NEWS FROM THE METHODIST CHURCH'S MISSION PARTNERS In Bangladesh, James Pender has been looking at how climate change will affect the poor people that the Church of Bangladesh seeks to serve through its development programme. A group of Bangladeshi women were asked what message they would like to give the British people. They responded clearly and concisely, "People there should stop pollution, look after the environment and stop emitting greenhouse gases; for Western countries are increasing greenhouse gases but it is we in Bangladesh that are suffering!" To read more go to http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/wc-

pender-200509.pdf. In Honduras, Janet Corlett struggles with the impact of gun and knife crime, drugs trafficking, but still manages to baptize seven people in a local river. To discover more go to http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/wc-honduras-corlett-020609.pdf. In Barbados, Les and Alison Judd help local churches' mission initiatives, responding to the challenges of teenage pregnancy, cleaning and recycling in neighbourhood streets, and developing a food and finance programme for the elderly and vulnerable. To read more go to http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/wc-barbados-judd020609.pdf. In Sri Lanka, Dr Jenny Bywaters begins her work to support the provision of mental health services in the Jaffna region. You read her first newsletter at http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/wc-sri-lanka-jenny-bywaters-100609.doc

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