July 09

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JULY 1, 2009

Music Notes

Bright Ideas “This is your brain on Bach.”

“Weary of A" Trumpeting” Hugo Distler (UMH #442)

Musicians really do think differently than the rest of us. Vanderbilt Distler was a major composer in psychologists have found that professionally trained musicians more effectively use Germany during the Second World a creative technique called divergent thinking, and use both the left and right sides War. “[After the Nazis] invaded Austria in of their frontal cortex more heavily than the average person. Previous studies of creativity have focused on divergent thinking, the ability to come up with new solutions to open-ended, multifaceted problems. Highly creative individuals often display more divergent thinking than their less creative counterparts.…”We studied musicians because creative thinking is part of their daily experience, and we found that there were qualitative differences in the type of answers they gave to problems and in their associated brain activity.…” Overall, researchers found that the musicians had higher IQ scores than the non-musicians, supporting recent studies that intensive musical training is associated with an elevated IQ score.… One possible explanation for the musicians’ elevated use of both brain hemispheres is that many musicians must be able to use both hands independently to play their instruments. “Musicians may be particularly good at efficiently accessing and integrating competing information from both hemispheres. Instrumental musicians often integrate different melodic lines with both hands into a single musical piece, and they have to be very good at simultaneously reading the musical symbols, which are like left-hemisphere-based language, and integrating the written music with their own interpretation, which has been linked to the right hemispheres.” (The information presented above is excerpted $om the Spring 2009 edition of Vanderbilt Magazine. Vanderbilt researchers Crystal Gibson, Bradley Fo&ey and Sohee Park wi& appear in the journal “Brain and Cognition.” Their research was partia&y supported by a Vanderbilt University Discovery Grant.)

1939 [sic]…poets enough lauded the annexation.…[The] Nazis looked for a composer and found the young, gifted Distler [who composed the setting]. The words [penned by Marin Franzmann, 1971] were printed on a postcard and distributed for sale.” (Routley 1982, 180) Distler was born in Nuremberg and is known mostly for his church choral m u s i c . He a t t e n d e d L e i p z i g Conservatory studying composition & organ. He became organist at St. Jacobi in Lübeck in 1931. Distler also taught at the School for Church Music in Spandau, and became a professor of c h u r c h m u s i c i n B e r l i n i n 1 9 4 0. Becoming increasingly depressed from the death of friends, aerial attacks, job pressures, and the constant threat of conscription into the German army, he committed suicide in Berlin at the age of 34. He chose to end his life by his own hand (with fumes from his own gas oven) rather than be conscripted into the Wehrmacht. This tune “Trumpets” was the last known melody he wrote.

Hugo Distler as he appeared on a German stamp.





the next 6 months, in the Yale (If you have information to share about University hospital system. yo u o r yo u r fa m i l y, p l e a s e s e n d information in email [email protected]. If Melissa (Mel) Hight (soprano) we inadvertently omit your name $om passed her two boards and is now the birthday list or omit information you a certified massage therapist. have submitted, contact Jim. ) Congratulations!

Happy June Birthdays Danny Fleming ( 7 / 5 ) , Ti p C l o u d (7/9), Bonnie Wi l l a r d ( 7 / 1 0 ) , Kennie Ebert (7/21), Tom Seay (7/30) Celebrating Graduates Barbara Y o s t , daughter of M a r k (tenor) and Susan (alto) P a v l i n , graduated on Ma y 2 8 t h f r o m Gateway Community College, New Haven, CT, with an Associates Degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology, which is pretty impressive when you consider (as Dad does) that it opens up real career job opportunities even in a down e c o n o m y. It i s e v e n m o r e impressive in that (1) she already had a BA degree in Illustration from Savannah College of Art and Design, (2) she is raising two children, (3) the commencement was held at Yale University, guest speaker being Edward Kennedy (son of Ted), (4) she promptly passed her second board certification tests and (5) praise God, got a job, if temporarily, for

Nick Jackson, son of Dick (bass) and Connie Jackson, recently graduated from the University of Tennessee School of Law and will be taking the BAR exams in July. Ni c k w a s a m e m b e r o f o u r Children’s Choir Ministry. Way to go Nick! Musician in Demand For several years Martha Egan (s0prano) has provided pre-show music at Sycamore Shoals and for “Liberty” the drama presented at Sycamore Shoals State Historic Area on the last three weekends in July. Once again she is playing flute at the pre-show this year and will also participate in the drama as one of the frontier lady residents at the fort. The dates for these performances are still up in the air at this time. Martha’s preshow music is Celtic and period music played on flute, fife and penny whistle. Thank you for representing CHUMC’s Music Ministry in our community and for sharing your talents with us. Up and Coming Chef Clay Holt placed 3rd in the State Culinary Arts competition this year representing Sullivan South High School. Clay is a computer/ lighting/audio technician for the Front Porch Worship. Do you think we could get him to cook for us?

JULY 1, 2009

July Anthems July 5 (Strength for Service Sunday & Holy Communion) Peach on Earth/America (arr. Purifoy) July 12 Amazing Grace (arr. Coates, Jr.) July 19 As the Deer (arr. Wilson) July 26 Clap Your Hands (McDonald))

Remember When?

Homecoming Celebration

Mark Twain: “Always do right. This wi& gratify some people and astonish the rest.”



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