Voice Dhapai Amritsar

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  • Words: 811
  • Pages: 56
Govt Sen Sec School Dhapai Project name :VOICE Teacher name : Salwinder Singh


voice There are two types of voice: 1. Active voice 2. passive voice  Active voice : The verb is said to be in the active voice when the subject acts : as,  He sing a song.  She wrote a story. 6. Passive voice : the verb is said to be in the passive voice when the object acts : as,  A song is sung by him.  A story was written by her. 

The verb is changed according to the following rules :

Present indefinite past indefinite Future indefinite

Present continuous

Past perfect

Present perfect

Past perfect Future perfect

(sings) = is,am,are+third form(sung). (sang) = was,were+third form(sung). (sing) = shall be,will be + third form(sung) (singing) = is ,am,are +being +third form(sung) (singing) =was, were +being +third form (sung). (sung)= has been +have been+third form. (sung)= had been + third form. (sung)=shall have been, will have been +third form

Rules : for changing a verb from the Active voice to Passive voice.

The object of the verb in the Active Voice is made the subject in the passive voice.  If a transitive verb has two objects, either of them become the subject of the passive voice and the other remains unchanged.  The subject of the verb becomes the object of some proposition :as, Have gave me a book. 

Present indefinite tense

I read a letter.

 A letter is read by me.

I write a letter.

 A

letter is written by me.

What do you want.



is wanted by

We expect good news.


news expected is by us.

He buys a book.


book is bought by him

Present continuous tense

I respected her father.


father was respected by me.

I am driving a car.


car is being driven by me.

What Shashi is doing.


is being done by shashi.

Why are you wasting your time.


your time is being wasted by you.

Boys are playing football.


is being played by boys.

The carpenter is making a table.


table is being made by a carpenter.

present perfect tense

Suruchi has read a book.


book is being read by suruchi.

Sunil has sung a song.


song is sung by sunil.

Have you seen a loin.


A loin been seen by you.

They have posted all the letters.


the letters have been posted by them.

Why have you broken my pencil.

 Why

has my pencil been broken by you.

Past indefinite tense

I wrote a letter.

 A

letter was written by me.

Did Suman obey her parents.


her parents obeyed by suman.

Why did your brother punish you.


were you punished by your brother.

Which picture did you see last night.


picture was been seen by you last night.

Who stole my pen?

 By

whom my pen was stolen?

Past continuous tense

Madhu was driving a car.


car was being driven by madhu.

Why were you wasting your time?


was your time being wasted by you?

Was she knocking at the door?


the door being knocked by her?

Who was making a noise?


whom was a noise being made?

Past perfect tense

The teacher had called the roll.

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 The

roll had been called by the teacher.

Why had he sold his horse?


had his horse sold by her?

Why did you insulted your uncle?


had your uncle been insulted by you?

They had missed the train.


train had been missed by them.

Suman had written a story.


story had been written by suman.

Future indefinite tense

She will help us.


shall be helped by her.

He will never deceive us.


shall never be deceived by him.

Will you give up drinking?


drinking be given up by you?

I shall teach him a lesson.


lesson will be taught to him by me.

You will write a letter.

 A

letter will be written by you.

Future perfect tense

He will have bought a book.


book will have been bought by him.

We shall have finished over work.


work will have been finished by us.

I shall have written a letter.

 A

letter shall have been written by me.

He will have posted the letter.


letter will have been posted by him.

She will have changed the clothes.


clothes will have been changed by her.

We shall have solved the sum. 15+15=30-10=20 The

sum will have been solved by us.

I will have see Ashwariya.


will have been seen by me.

The boys will have learnt their lessons.


lessons will have been learnt by the boys.

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