Narration Dhapai Amritsar

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  • Words: 1,439
  • Pages: 27

Jaspreet Kaur

NARRATION  The act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events. 

It is the study of the techniques and rules for using language effectively.

The words of a speaker can be reported in two different ways. 1). DIRECT SPEECH 2). INDIRECT SPEECH

Topics of Discussion  

My brother said,” I am staying here for a week.” My brother said that he was staying there for a week. These two are the examples of the two ways in which we may report or relate what a speaker said. In (a) the speaker’s exact words are given. This is called


In (b) only the substance of what he said is given, and not the exact words he used. This is called INDIRECT


Direct Speech Three points in the form of a sentence are:  The exact words of the speaker are put in

inverted commas ( “ “ ).  There is a comma before these words , separating them from the first part of the sentence.  The quoted words begin with a capital letter.

Indirect Speech Five points in the form of sentence are: 

   

The reported words are not in inverted commas, but are introduced by the conjunction “that”. There is no comma after “said” The pronoun is changed in person. The tense of the verb is changed. The adverb is changed.

Indirect Speech Changes In Verb Tenses :Special rules for changes in tenses when the reporting verb (i.e. the verb in the

Third Person and Past Tense. principal clause) is in the

 A simple present becomes a simple past i.e. ( V1 – V2 ) Example : o

Direct : She said ,” I am busy.”

2) A Present Continuous becomes

a Past Continuous. ( is / am / are + V1+ ing)


(was / were + V1+ ing )

Examples : o Direct : He said,“ My father is lying down.”  Indirect: He said that his father was lying down. o Direct : He said,” I am going home.”  Indirect : He said that he was going home.

3) A Present Perfect becomes a Past Perfect. ( has, have +V3)


(had + V3)

Examples: o Direct : They said,” We have finished our work”.  Indirect : They said that they had finished their work. o Direct : The farmer said ,“I have ploughed all the fields”.  Indirect : The farmer said that he had ploughed all the fields.

4 ) “Shall “ (Future) is Changed to Should ; “Will “ (Future ) is changed to Would or Should .

Examples: o Direct : They said ,” We shall write.”  Indirect : They said that they should write. o Direct : He said,” John will play.”  Indirect : He said that John would play.

Unchanged Example: o Direct : He said ,” I lived I Delhi for four years.”  Indirect : He said that he lived in Delhi for four years. But sometimes the “Simple Past “ in the Direct becomes the “Past Perfect” in the indirect speech. ( V2 – did ) to ( had + V3 done) Example: o Direct : He said ,” I went there last night.”  Indirect : He said that he had gone there the night before.

6) Past Continuous Becomes Past Perfect Continuous (was ,were +V1 + ing) to ( had been + V1+ ing )

Examples: o Direct: She said, “Anu was going to market.”  Indirect: She said that Anu had been going to market. o Direct : He said,” I was playing in the park.”  Indirect : He said that he had been playing in the park.

7) Past perfect change (had+V3)

No (had+V3)

Examples:o Direct : He said,” I had played hockey.”  Indirect : He said that he had played hockey. o Direct : Rita said,” I had read my lesson.”  Indirect : Rita said that she had read her lesson.

8) Changes in Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives: When these are in the First and Second Persons in Direct speech, they are changed into the third Person in Indirect Speech.

Examples: o Direct : He said ,” I am ill.”  Indirect: He said that he was ill. o Direct: I said ,” You are a good girl.”  Indirect: I said that she was a good girl.


I, my ,me ,we ,our ,us.

Second Person

You, your.

Third Person

He ,she ,they ,them , their.

“Nearness” in Time and Place are generally changed into words expressing “Distance”.          

Now becomes This “ These “ Here “ Ago “ Thus “ To- day “ To- morrow “ Yesterday “ Last night “

Then That Those There Before So that day the next day the day before the night before

Examples : o Direct : He said ,” Father is here.”  Indirect : He said that father was there. o Direct : He said ,” I came two days ago.”  Indirect : He said that he had come two days before.

10) Questions To report Questions in Indirect Speech, you must change the reporting verb into – asked, inquired , etc. When the question begins with a helping verb is ,are, do , has , have, will, shall , the “joining word” will be – if, whether, what, where, when, why,etc.

Examples: o Direct : He said to him ,” Are you going to school ?”  Indirect : He asked him if he was going to school. o Direct : He said to me , “What is your name ?” o Indirect : He asked me what my name was.


Commands and Requests

To report a Command or a Request, you must change the reporting verb to – told, ordered, commanded, requested ,etc and the Order or Request into the infinitive mood (e.g. “Stand up !” into “to stand up”) .

Examples: o Direct : The teacher said to the class,” Look at the map.”  Indirect : The teacher told the class to look at the map. o Direct: He said,” Please lend me your pen.”  Indirect : He requested me to lend him my pen.

12) Exclamations and Wishes

To report an Exclamation or a Wish, you must change the reporting verb into such verbs as – exclaimed, praised, called to

witness, blamed, wished,desired, etc.

Examples: o Direct : She cried ,” O that I were dead.”  Indirect : She wished that she were dead.”  Direct : The fox said ,” How clever I am!”  Indirect : The fox exclaimed that he was very clever.

Habitual Fact If the reported speech expresses a Universal Truth or a Habitual fact ,its tenses remain unchanged.

Examples: o Direct : The beggar said, “Poverty is a great curse.”  Indirect : The beggar said that poverty is a great curse. o Direct : She said, “Young children are very restless.”  Indirect : She said that young children are very restless.


Time Clause

If the reported speech contains a time clause, its tense remains unchanged.

Examples : o Direct : She said, “When Anu was living in Mumbai, she often saw Hari.”  Indirect : She said that when Anu was living in Mumbai ,she often saw Hari.

15) Persons Are Changed According To Formula

First person is changed with Second person is changed with Third person


Any Query ?

o  o  o  o  o  o 


Direct: He said,” I am very hungry.” Indirect: He said that he was very hungry. Direct: She said,” I am going home.” Indirect : She said that she was going home. Direct: He said,” I will be away tomorrow.” Indirect: He said that he should be away the next day. Direct : He said,” I am busy now.” Indirect: He said that he was busy then. Direct : He said,” Where is the palace.” Indirect : He inquired where the palace was. Direct: “Do forgive me,” said Joshi to Sunny. Indirect: Joshi begged Sunny to forgive him .

o Direct: He said,” Honesty is the best policy.”  Indirect: He said that honesty is the best policy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY  H.Martin ; A Junior English Course; Formerly Principal, Islamia College, Peshawar; Seventeenth Edition 1989.  P.S.E.B ; English Grammer; Seventh Edition.


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