btnEnkripsi.Click If txtPtext.Text = "" Or txtKey.Text = "" Then MsgBox("tidak boleh kosong!") Else aturKunci("enkrip") For i = 1 To pjgplain pi = Asc(Mid(txtPtext.Text, i)) - 97 k = Asc(Mid(kunci, i)) - 97 ci = (pi + k) Mod 26 d = ci + 97 hsl = hsl + Chr(d) Next i txtChipText.Text = hsl lblHasilEn.Text = hsl hsl = "" End If End Sub Private Sub aturKunci(jenis As String) Dim jns As Integer pjgkey = Len(txtKey.Text) If jenis = "enkrip" Then jns = Len(txtPtext.Text) pjgplain = Len(txtPtext.Text) Else jns = Len(txtChipText.Text) pjgchiper = Len(txtChipText.Text) End If If jns <= pjgkey Then 'kondisi bila inputan kurang dari kunci kunci = txtKey.Text.Substring(0, jns) 'mengambil key sesuai panjang inputan Else kunci = "" For i = 1 To Floor((jns / pjgkey)) kunci = kunci + txtKey.Text Next i i = jns Mod pjgkey If i > 0 Then kunci = kunci + (txtKey.Text.Substring(0, i)) End If End If End Sub Private Sub txtPtext_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtPtext.KeyPress e.KeyChar = LCase(e.KeyChar) 'lower abjad menjadi kecil Dim KeyAscii As Short = Asc(e.KeyChar) If (e.KeyChar Like "[A-Za-z]" _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Back _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Return _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Delete) Then KeyAscii = 0 End If e.Handled = CBool(KeyAscii) End Sub
Private Sub txtKey_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtKey.KeyPress e.KeyChar = LCase(e.KeyChar) Dim KeyAscii As Short = Asc(e.KeyChar) If (e.KeyChar Like "[A-Za-z]" _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Back _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Return _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Delete) Then KeyAscii = 0 End If e.Handled = CBool(KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub txtChipText_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtChipText.KeyPress e.KeyChar = LCase(e.KeyChar) Dim KeyAscii As Short = Asc(e.KeyChar) If (e.KeyChar Like "[A-Za-z]" _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Back _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Return _ OrElse KeyAscii = Keys.Delete) Then KeyAscii = 0 End If e.Handled = CBool(KeyAscii) End Sub End Class